#audiobook by author
wahlpaper · 2 years
Review of Two Boys Kissing
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
CW: Discussion of Death, Discussion of Suicide, Discussion of Homophobia, Discussion of Transphobia, Underage Drug Use, Drug Use, Violence, Racism, Homophobia, Unhelpful Cops, Serious Injury, Discussion of AIDS (both physically and socially), Swearing, Slurs, Described Hook-Up, Negative Body Image Thoughts, Fainting, Suicide, Suicide Attempt, Mob Mentality
When I put Two Boys Kissing on my TBR list way back in 2020, I never expected the book to be as intense as it is. I think I put it off so long because I thought it would be kind of boring. I was way off! I have never read a David Levithan book before, which is surprising considering that he is Jewish and gay. I have seen some of the movie adaptions of his books, but I had no basis for what his writing would be like. I was blown away by this book. I am so glad that I finally read it.
Two Boys Kissing centers around two gay teen boys that are trying to set the record for longest kiss. They have to remain standing and their lips have to remain touching. These boys, their family and friends, and the town they're in go through a lot during the time it takes them to kiss. Told in Greek-chorus style by the ghosts of the queer people who died from AIDS, we get a glimpse of some pivotal days in the characters' lives. We experience some heartwarming and some devastating moments. As the ghosts are talking to us, we are a part of the story.
As I mentioned above, I didn't expect Two Boys Kissing to be so intense. This really is the fault of the blurb, so I hope I have provided a more transparent one here. This is the kind of book to make the audience cry while trying to uplift the readers. As the collective of ghosts telling the story have intentions, preferences, and a personality, the story is told in an order that makes sense. It's told with a steady pace and poetically. However, it does not shy away from the hard stuff. Pain and suffering are explored thoroughly. One character is dealing with a violent father and an enveloping depression. Another is throwing himself into helping his friends kiss after he was attacked. A third is dealing with his emotions towards his bullies. The book covers topics like suicide, AIDS, transphobia, homophobia, systematic oppression, and more. I had to take breaks while reading, and it's okay if you do too. Always read with self care in mind.
Although the record for longest kiss has since been broken by a man/woman couple, Levithan was inspired by real events. There were two college boys that broke the record at a longer time than the two in this novel. It had never been broken/set by a same-gender pair before. Levithan wanted to write a multigenerational story for a queer audience. Anyone can read the story, but it's a conversation between the queer people of the past and the queer people of the future about the queer people of the present (or 2012, when the book was being written). I'm writing this a decade later, but it's still so important to have gay and queer representation. Some things have changed for the better, but there are new bad things too. Unfortunately, it's clear that it's not completely safe yet for the queer community to just exist. We must continue the work to make it safer for future generations. As Two Boys Kissing shows, representation can go a long way.
The next time you have the emotional energy to read a heavy book, consider Levithan's Two Boys Kissing. It's well written and has aged beautifully in the 10 years since it was published. Read carefully, but please give it a go!
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mourningmaybells · 11 months
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[pacing around the room like a grizzled, alcoholic detective] I think those two guys fucked
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not-poignant · 2 months
I was thinking back to the post I made about ebooks being so much more accessible for so many people compared to paperbacks/hardbacks and the other thing I wanted to add is the vast, vast majority of the time, the author gets so much more profit comparatively for an ebook than a paperback/hardback.
That's not a problem for huge huge huge authors either way, but for small-time authors, or authors with small publishing houses, the difference in profits can sometimes be $2.00 or $3.00 per ebook sold vs. $0.50c or $1.00 per paperback. Really. You pay more, but the author gets a lot less.
In the case of indie authors like myself, ebooks give the highest returns always.
This isn't necessarily something most readers think about, but I have had readers assume that because the book format cost them more, that automatically means more goes to the author. In fact it's often the opposite. There are very few exceptions (university texts come to mind). But in the case of your run-of-the-mill indie fiction, if you genuinely want the most profit to go to the author, get the ebook.
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fixing-bad-posts · 4 months
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about the Lore.Fm situation. If you haven't heard, pod fic is a GAMECHANGER
(ao3 podfics | audiofic archive)
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van-eazy · 1 year
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You can listen to the entire novel on YouTube
You can purchase the paperback edition here.
You can download the entire novel, completely for free in PDF or EPUB format.
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vyriadurav · 8 months
Catnip Audiobook is now available on Itch.io!
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My book Catnip is now available in Audiobook format! Please consider checking it out and there is also a free demo!
For all his life, Sol has believed he's only worthy of affection as long as he's useful--and he intends to prove his ultimate use by restoring a colony on Venus as a new home for his friends and lovers. But upon arriving, he realizes there's more here than he bargained for. For one, the resident artificial intelligence wants to make friends with him. For another, the nanites want to completely change his body... and in the process reveal her true self. Stuck (or perhaps blessed?) with a new form, she must find out what it means to live, to be loved for who she is rather than her work.
Catnip is a space exploration novel about a trans woman's journey to find herself and what it means to be loved for who she is, with the help of her polycule and a lesbian AI.
This is the audiobook edition which is narrated by Talia Carver. Please consider sending a tip to the narrator if you enjoyed the audiobook: https://ko-fi.com/taliacarver
Link to purchase: Audiobook
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drchucktingle · 2 years
what a great winter treat MY LESBIAN TWICE BAKED POTATO SKI INSTRUCTOR EATS MY ASS is out now in audiobook form please enjoy this loving encounter between human ladybuck and groovy sentient potato 
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aroaessidhe · 7 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
A Tempest of Tea
first in a YA fantasy duology
follows a young immigrant woman in a fantasy Victorian city who runs a tearoom that doubles as an illegal bloodhouse for vampires at night
when their business is threatened, she gets a chance to save it by teaming up with her best friend, a rich girl with a talent for forgery, a vampire artist, and a mysterious city guard to do a heist to infiltrate high society and collect a logbook that may reveal the extent of the corruption in the city
fantasy city with a masked ruler, arthurian elements, themes of colonialism
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kdmerchant · 3 months
Being a writer is wierd.
Being self-publushed even wierder.
It took me, like, 6 years to publish my one fully written book, and it's only around 200 pages. I'm more than positive there are still a few typos in the book.
I hired an editor. Their life must have been so hard cause I'm dyslexic and getting it back... so many corrections... I know more errors are there.
And I'm working on making the audiobook for it, but that whole "no one loves their own voice" thing is a struggle. And reading it out loud is scary.
And I think it's terrible 🤣
For so many reasons. I actually started to re-write it cause I dislike how it turned out so much after I bring it to voice . I finally got over it, and the big summer chores are over, so I should finish recording the audio-book.
I tried so hard to fit pieces together in that book. I wanted it to sound like Candide mixed with 1984 but on women's rights. Based off a terrible self-made question/ joke of Wisdom, Luck and Soul went go on an adventure. Soul dies along the way, which just leaves you with Wisdom and Luck. Where does that get you?
So Veda, Foust and Luck were born and a very simplistic version of a story that should have been waaaaayyyy more detailed rolled out.
I picked apart most of the emotion cause I wanted to let the reader see how the characters actions made them feel on a personal level. So I wrote it that simply on purpose, which was difficult.
Now I want to rewrite it with allllllllll the emotions packed inside.
Being a writer is wierd.
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Kitchensink callithump linkdump
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On July 14, I'm giving the closing keynote for the fifteenth HACKERS ON PLANET EARTH, in QUEENS, NY. Happy Bastille Day! On July 20, I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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With just days to go before my summer vacation, I find myself once again with a backlog of links that I didn't squeeze into the blog, and no hope of clearing them before I disappear into a hammock for two weeks, so it's time for my 21st linkdump – here's the other 20:
I'm going to start off this week's 'dump with a little bragging, because it's my newsletter, after all. First up: a book! Yes, I write a lot of books, but what I'm talking about here is a physical book, a limited edition of ten, that I commissioned from three brilliant craftspeople.
Back in March 2023, I launched a Kickstarter to pre-sell the audiobook of Red Team Blues, the first novel in my new Martin Hench series, about a forensic accountant who specializes in unwinding tech bros' finance frauds:
One of the rewards for that campaign was a very special hardcover: a handmade, leather-bound edition of Red Team Blues, typeset by the typography legend John D. Berry:
Bound by the legendary book-artist John DeMerritt:
And printed by the master printer JaVae Berry:
But this wasn't a merely beautiful, well made book – it had a gimmick. You see, I had already completed the first draft of The Bezzle, the second Hench novel, by the time I launched the Kickstarter for Red Team Blues. I had John Berry lay out a tiny edition of that early draft as a quarter-sized book, and then John DeMerritt hand-bound it in card.
The reason that edition of The Bezzle had to be so small was that it was designed to slip into a hollow cavity in the hardcover, a cavity that John Berry had designed the type around, so that both books could be read and enjoyed.
I offered three of these for sale through the Kickstarter, and the three backers were very patient as the team went back and forth on the book, getting everything perfect. Last month, I took delivery of the books: three for my backers, one each for John DeMerritt and John Berry's personal archives, one for me, and a few more that I'm going to surprise some very special people with this Christmas.
Look, I had high hopes for this book. I dote on beautiful books, my house is busting with them, and I used to work at a new/used science fiction store where we had a small but heartstoppingly great rare book selection. But these books are fucking astounding. Every time I handle mine, my heart races. These are beautiful things, and I just want to show them to everyone:
As it happens, the next thing I'm going to do (after I finish this newsletter) is turn in the copyedited manuscript for the third Hench novel, Picks and Shovels, which comes out in Feb 2025 (luckily, I had enough time to review the edits myself, then turn it over to my mom, who has proofed every book I've written and always catches typos that everyone else misses, including some real howlers – thanks Mom!):
Of course, the majority of people who enjoy my books do not end up with one of these beautiful hardcovers – indeed, many of you consume my work exclusively as electronic media: ebooks and (of course) audiobooks. I love audiobooks and the audio editions of my books are very good, with narrators like Amber Benson, Wil Wheaton, and Neil Gaiman.
But here's the thing: Audible refuses to carry my books, because they are DRM-free (which means that they aren't locked to Audible's approved players – you can play my audiobooks with any audiobook player). Audible has a no-exceptions, iron-clad rule that every book they sell must be permanently locked into their platform, which means that Audible customers can't ditch their Audible software without losing their libraries – all the books they purchased:
Being excluded from Audible takes a huge bite out of my income – after all, they're a monopolist with a 90% market share. That's why I'm so grateful for indie audiobook stores that carry my books on equitable terms that Audible denies – stores like Libro.fm, Downpour and even Google Books.
This week, I discovered a new, amazing indie audiobook store called Storyfair, where the books are DRM-free and the authors get a 75% royalty on every sale:
Storyfair is a labor of love created by a married couple who were sickened and furious by the way that Audible screws authors and listeners and decided to do something about it. Naturally, I uploaded my whole catalog to the site so they could sell it:
These books are DRM-free, which means that no matter who you buy them from, you can play them in the same player as your other DRM-free audiobooks. You know how you can read all your books under the same lamp, sitting in the same chair, and then put them in the same bookcase when you're done with them? It's weird – outrageous even! – that tech companies think that buying a book from them means that they should have the legal right to force you to read or listen to it using their technology exclusively.
If you let your Storyfair audiobooks touch your Libro.fm audiobooks, they won't get cooties! Audible is like a toddler that won't let their broccoli touch their peas – only that toddler is also a rapacious monopolist that keeps 75% of every sale.
The fight for fair audiobooks is one of those places where the different parts of my professional life cross over: activism, digital media, art, writing the web, and breaking down complex technical subjects for a mass audience. I've just signed up to a six-year project to combine all those facets in a structured way, in collaboration with Cornell University.
Cornell just named me as their latest AD White Professor-at-Large. This is a six-year appointment that involves a series of week-long visits to Ithaca to lecture, run seminars, meet with colleagues, collaborate on research, and do community performances:
We've tentatively scheduled my first visit for early September 2025, to coincide with the Ithaca Book Festival, and we've got big plans, roping in multiple departments at Cornell, the local alternative school and local colleges, doing talks at the fair as well as at the university, and (we hope!) squeezing in a stop in NYC on the way home for a day at Cornell Tech. I'm so excited (and honored) to be working with Cornell (and getting a chance to visit Moosewood Restaurant, whose cookbooks taught me how to cook!). Watch this space.
Authorship has always been a political act, but never moreso than today, with waves of book-bans sweeping the country. One of the heroes of those bans is Maggie Tokuda-Hall, who made headlines when she publicly excoriated Scholastic for demanding that she remove references to racism from her kids' books in order to make them more palatable to reactionaries:
Tokuda-Hall has stepped up the fight, co-founding Authors Against Book Bans, an org that provides training and support for author/activists so they can fight back against book bans at library board and city council meetings:
Authors Against Book bans is looking for members! I signed up last week, within seconds of having Tokuda-Hall give me the pitch when we ran into each other in Oakland at the Locus Awards. Are you an author? Sign up too! They're especially interested in branching out beyond YA and kids' authors (though they want those kinds of writers, too!).
Book bans affect us all. Even if you personally are never stymied when you visit your library and discover the book that you want to read has been removed by a swivel-eyed loon with terminal groomer-panic. The bans sweeping our country mean that our neighbors and loved ones are being denied literature by these cranks. There are people in your life who are losing out on the possibility of a life-changing literary adventure (which is why the far right hates these books – they want to be sure no one encounters the ideas between their covers).
The realization that you have to live in a society with people who are harmed by injustice, even if you personally escape that justice? It's the whole basis for solidarity.
Americans are living through a multigenerational project of stamping out solidarity and insisting that we only ever view ourselves as individuals, with no stake in the plights of our neighbors. That's how the US got the most expensive, least effective health care system in the world. And even if you are in the vanishingly tiny minority of Americans who are happy with their health care, you live amongst people who are being killed by the system around you.
The health system is a perfect example of how monopolization drives more monopolization, and how that comes to harm the public and workers. Health consolidation began with pharma mergers, that led to pharma companies gouging hospitals. Hospitals, in turn, engaged in a nonstop orgy of mergers, which created regional monopolies that could resist the pricing power of monopoly pharma – and screw insurers. That kicked off consolidation in insurance, which is why most Americans have a "choice" of between one and three private insurers – and why health workers' monopoly employers have eroded their wages and working conditions.
A new study in American Economic Review: Insights puts some quantitative spine in this tale, tracking the relationship between hospital mergers and skyrocketed health-care prices:
The researchers investigated 1,164 acute-care hospital mergers, finding that while the FTC only challenged 1% of these, they could – and should – have challenged 20% of them, based on the agency's own criteria for merger scrutiny. The researchers blame the rising costs of hospital care directly on these mergers, and point out that Congress has historically starved the FTC of the budget it needed to investigate these mergers. The annual additional costs to the American people from these mergers exceed the entire annual budget of the FTC.
It's not just hospitals: the entire investor class is hell-bent on spending their way to monopoly. Nowhere is that more true than in AI, where hundreds of billions are being poured into bids to attain permanent dominance through scale. Writing for their excellent AI Snake Oil newsletter, Arvind Narayanan and Sayash Kapoor inject some realism into the AI scale hype:
Narayanan and Kapoor challenge the idea that throwing more data at large language models will make the better: "With LLMs, we may have a couple of orders of magnitude of scaling left, or we may already be done." They are skeptical that this can be fixed with synthetic data (whose use is limited to "fixing specific gaps and making domain-specific improvements"). They also point out that if returns from data slow, then returns from adding more compute or making bigger models might also be throttled.
They reserve their most skeptical take for "AGI" – the idea that LLMs are going to achieve consciousness. This is a fundamentally unserious idea, one that they unpack in detail in their forthcoming book:
One thing I'm hoping for from the book is some analysis of the material usefulness of AI hype – what purpose does the hype serve? I mean, obviously, hype is useful if you're looking to suck up investor capital, or flip an investment to a greater fool. But there's a specific character to AI hype: namely, the claim that AI will displace labor, which is really a claim that a bet on AI is a bet on the increasing wealth of capital at labor's expense.
In other words, AI is a bet on oligarchy. In America, that's a pretty safe bet, and the odds just got even better, thanks to a string of brutal Supreme Court decisions that legalized bribery, banned most regulatory enforcement, and made being alive and unhoused into a crime (Poor Laws 2.0):
But amidst all those gimmes to the rich and powerful, there was one notable exception: the SCOTUS ruling on the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy. Purdue was the family business of the Sacklers, a multigenerational dope-peddling dynasty that went from super-rich to stratospherically rich by kickstarting the opioid epidemic with their blockbuster drug Oxycontin.
The Sacklers sold mountains of Oxy the old fashioned way: by lying. The lied about its efficacy and they lied about its safety, and they helped kill hundreds of thousands of Americans. Eventually, this caught up with them, and Purdue lost a bunch of court cases and was forced into bankruptcy.
That's where things get gnarly: the Sacklers took the already-sleazy world of elite bankruptcy to a whole new level, with a set of breathtakingly sleazy maneuvers that ensured that their case would be heard by the one judge in America who would let them off the hook:
That judge was Robert Drain and the Sacklers were the blow-off to a long and shameful career in public "service." The Sacklers incorporated a subsidiary in White Plains, NY (in Drain's turf) precisely 181 days before filing for bankruptcy, then claimed that this empty small-town office had been the company HQ for more than six months. Then they hid machine-readable metadata in their filing that tricked the court's database into assigning the case to Drain:
The reason the Sacklers were so horny for Drain? He was a notoriously generous source of "nonconsensual third-party releases." These would allow the Sacklers to permanently end every lawsuit against them without having to declare bankruptcy. Instead, they could take their (ruined, hollow) company through bankruptcy, throw a small fraction of their personal fortunes into the pot, representing fractional pennies on the dollar of what they owed to their victims, and walk away with tens of billions and eternal protection from any future suits.
In other words, they could stiff their creditors and keep the loot. Which is exactly what Robert Drain gave them – before retiring from the bench to get a two-orders-of-magnitude pay raise at a white-shoe firm that specializes in representing corporate mass-murderers like the Sacklers.
That's where it would have ended, but for a surprising ruling from the Supreme Court, which threw out the nonconsensual third-party release deal and put the Sacklers back on the hook to pay the victims of their many, many crimes.
As ever, the best source of analysis and explanation for elite bankruptcy shenanigans is Adam Levitin of the Credit Slips blog:
Levitin has a prediction for what's going to happen next. He rejects the predictions of Sackler apologists, who say that this is going to add years or decades to the already too-long wait for compensation that the Sacklers' victims have endured. Instead, Levitin says that the Sacklers will almost certainly transfer billions more from their personal fortunes to the settlement pot and beg for consensual releases from their victims. In other words, they'll go from dictating terms to asking for them.
So the settlement will stand, but it will be larger, and victims who don't want to take it won't have to – they'll be able to sue. In other words, this ruling "does not prevent deals in bankruptcy. It just changes the terms of what those deals."
This has implications for other mass-murderers and corporate criminals, like Johnson and Johnson (who tricked women into dusting their vulvas with asbestos):
And the Boy Scouts of America, who let pedophiles abuse children for decades:
Both J&J and BSA carved out nonconsensual third-party releases in the mold of the Sacklers' deal, and both briefed the Supreme Court, warning that if the Sacklers were forced to pay what they owed, J&J and BSA's victims would also be entitled to far larger sums. Go ahead and threaten us with a good time, why doncha?
The Sackler decision is a real bright spot at a dark time for corporate impunity. It's always nice to see big corporate bullies getting a bit of a comeuppance. Another one of those comeuppances was just delivered thanks to a classic fatfinger error.
A Microsoft engineer accidentally released the sourcecode to Playready, the company's flagship DRM product:
Microsoft's DRM doesn't do anything to protect the interests of creative workers or even the companies that employ them. As a Microsoft rep admitted on stage at a presentation in 2006, the purpose of Microsoft DRM is to prevent small startups from entering the market, ensuring that Microsoft and its "rivals" can safely divide up the world without worrying about disruptive competitors:
I was there that day and reported on the remarks, prompting both Microsoft and its rep to furiously deny that they'd ever said this, despite multiple witnesses who heard it. This was just a couple years after I gave a viral talk at Microsoft about why the company shouldn't use DRM:
By 2006, it was clear that the company was all in on DRM, and today, DRM is the centerpiece of Microsoft's anticompetitive strategy, and Playready is the centerpiece of Microsoft's DRM. The source-code leak is doubtless going to give rise to lots of grey-market tools for stripping DRM from all kinds of media:
You love to see it! Now I'm doubly looking forward to this summer's security conferences, including Defcon, where, for the first time, I'll be emceeing the charity poker tournament to benefit EFF:
This should be very fun – and funny – especially given how little I know about poker (I have been specifically selected on that basis, for the comedy value). Every player gets a custom EFF poker-deck, and the winner gets a treasure chest filled by EFF board member Tarah Wheeler, including "emeralds, black pearls, amethysts, diamonds, and more."
I like to close these linkdumps with something fun and uplifting, and I'd planned to end things with the poker-tournament, but then my pal Raph Koster announced that his game studio Playable Worlds had dropped its first announcement of Stars Reach, an open-world MMO like no other:
Raph is a legend in MMO design circles, whose credits include Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies. He wrote the definitive text on how games work, A Theory of Fun, that's does for games what Understanding Comics did for comics:
Stars Reach is stupidly ambitious. It consists of truly open worlds, modeled to an absurd degree of fidelity:
We know the temperature, the humidity, the materials, for every cubic meter of every planet. Our water actually flows downhill and puddles. It freezes overnight or during the winter. It evaporates and turns to steam when heated up. And not just our water — everything does this. Catch a tree on fire with a stray blaster bolt. Melt your way through a glacier to find a hidden alien laboratory embedded in the ice. Stomp too hard on a rock bridge, and watch out, it might collapse under your feet. Dam up a river to irrigate your farm. Or float in space above an asteroid, and mine crystals from its depths.
The game is fundamentally a climate story, whose lore has humanity seeded around the galaxy by a powerful alien race called the Old Ones, only to have humans bust through the planetary limits of every world they were given. Now the Old Ones are giving humans another chance to try smarter ways of sustaining ourselves on new worlds, with the aid of powerful robots call "Servitors."
Because this is a Raph Koster game, it's got a bunch of extremely satisfying play dynamics:
A classless skill tree advancement system, where peaceful play matters just as much as combat
An intricate player-driven economy where players can craft their way to fame and fortune
An accessible yet deep combat system, where you can choose whether to play using action aiming or more forgiving homing shots or lock-on targeting
In-world player housing that lets you build and customize your home and form towns… and enough room for everyone to have a house
A single shardless galaxy, with both space and ground gameplay… in fact, you can build that house on an asteroid, if you want
The ability for a group to govern a planet, and define its laws, whether you want a peaceful home or a PvP free for all
Stars Reach is not playable yet, but the company's looking for gamers to give them feedback and steer the development:
OK, that wraps up the week's links. I'm gonna get one more edition out on Monday, god willin' and the crick don't rise, and then I'll be off for a couple weeks. Enjoy your summer!
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: James St John https://flickr.com/photos/47445767@N05/40894047123
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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Redoing this poll with more options based on the tags
Had a lot of people talking about donating their books in the tags of the previous version of this post, and I cannot go back and edit it, so I’m dropping a new poll
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inkcurlsandknives · 1 month
Is that author having a laugh with THE DANTE BASCO???
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Please revel with me in the crowning achievement of my California Book Tour, a live event with my Audiobook Narrators Dante Basco and Danice Cabanela at Belcanto Books/ Kubo LB an indie Filipino bookstore in Long Beach CA
It was an absolutely amazing night Dante and Danice both did live readings of Saints of Storm and Sorrow, we had a really cool conversation about the book and making audiobooks happen and had so many laughs check out the Instagram live recording if you missed it! I'm @GabriellaBuba on Instagram
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Found out I got to be Dante's first audiobook AND Danice's first 🌶️🌶️ spicy 🌶️🔥 audiobook #winning
If you missed out on this event head to Gabriellabuba.com/#events to catch my next events on my California book tour, I'll be at @bnmarinadelrey Friday at 6pm (I'll be wearing my Lunurin cosplay for the first time!) and on Saturday at 10am I'll be at @makecollectives hosting an edge painting class! Only $12 if you already have a copy of Saints come out it will be so fun!
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morbethgames · 7 months
Update March 5th, 2024 - A Small Snippet + Next Week on Patreon!
Hey everyone, sorry I didn't do this last week! It was a bit of a rough week for me, and to be honest, I was focusing on just having enough energy to get up and focus on the story and on the stuff for Patreon. Speaking of those two things, let's go over some stuff!
First off, the story! The first half of the next chapter for The Bureau is ALMOST DONE! That's super exciting because I know how different these paths can be, and how much variation they have, and will have, on the extra scenes that come after them. I'm so excited, in fact, that I decided to share a snippet of one of the extra scenes with you this time over on Patreon! Aside from that, I also added on more extra scene to work on for Chapter 4.5 as well. 
I'm at the point where I'm not going to add anymore unless I view them as super important to the feel and story of the game, because 13 extra scenes is more than enough in my opinion. That being said, I'm not going to worry about getting every single one of those done before releasing the update, because I hate the idea of keeping people waiting. Besides, having extra scenes to unlock in the full game that weren't in the beta will be part of the fun I think!
Now, as for the Patreon, this week we have Parts 4 and 5 of The Bureau Audiobook for you guys. Next week, however, will be the first part of a three or four part short story series about an original character, Guinevere Heartstead! It will obviously be taking place in a more fantasy based setting and there are a bunch of characters and moments I'd love to hear your opinions on. I love writing this stuff for you guys, so please be sure to check it out. It's going to be 3.5k words of brand new content you won't be getting anywhere else! As for the other day next week, I'm undecided at the moment! It's either going to be Part 2 of the short story, or possibly an extra part of The Bureau Audiobook. Either way, you guys will be getting the regular scheduled content. 
With all that being said, thank you to new and old patrons that have started/continue to support me, it really means a lot!
If you are interested in supporting me, my Patreon link can be found HERE!
The link to the game's forum page can be found HERE!
The link to the demo of the game itself can be found HERE!
Stay Brilliant,
- Vi
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aroaessidhe · 2 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Our Lady Of Mysterious Ailments & The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle
books 2 & 3 in the Edinburgh Nights series
paranormal mystery set in a climate-ravaged future Scotland, plagued by ghosts and magic
follows a 15yo Black girl who’s finally gotten an in to learn scientific magic properly - but it turns out to be an unpaid internship, so she has to take more jobs delivering ghost messages and investigating mysteries to take care of her gran and little sister
in book 2 she’s investigating a strange illness centred on a magic school for boys
and in book 3 she’s attending a global magician conference held in a creepy castle - when someone’s murdered, and they’re locked in until she figures out the culprit
Zimbabwean magic, friendship, disabled characters, no romance (so far)
#The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle#Our Lady Of Mysterious Ailments#Edinburgh Nights#T.L. Huchu#The Library of the Dead#really enjoy this series!#the worldbuilding is very interesting - kinda combo climate-ravaged future but also in some aspects societally it feels kinda 1800s#(especially with the vibe of the mystery/paranormal elements)#I saw that the author (who is from Zimbabwe) describe it as ‘if edinburgh was a third world city’ which actually makes a lot of sense#Also I have to make the wendell & wild x lockwood & co comp again#I felt like book 2 was a little all over the place? I slightly lost track of the other-realms stuff lol#I really loved book 3 though - definitely more direct plot-wise#I like how it explores her journey through learning that the magic society is just as corrupt and shitty as anything else and maybe she#doesn't want it after all. as well as how the stress of everything is getting to her is causing panic attacks#love the scottish accent in the audiobooks!#so many interesting different supernatural elements. yay for sidhe in book 3 (tho only briefly)#hold on. do the book covers reflect the colour of her locs. (ok not quite for book one which is usually blue but there is a green variant)#ok I did say no romance but also I can’t tell if I’m just imagining Something between ropa & priya bc in book 3……they had some moments.#I mean I enjoy them as platonic moments also but just noting here in case it DOES turn out to be intentional and something that happen??#also fair warning the promo for book four seems to spoil somehting that's not even in the blurb??#aroaessidhe 2024 reads
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beauttifullife · 1 day
The Finale
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Hi! I was wondering, what is your opinion on libraries?
what is a capybara's opinion on rivers? what is an astronaut's opinion on the stars? what is a SAD-haver's opinion on the sun? what is a gothic romance's opinion on old castles?
could they exist without it? maybe. but why should they? and at what cost?
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