#audhd po
punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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It's giving
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bijouzen · 2 years
genuinely i cannot verbalize the fucking joy i get from wizard tumblr. like. sometimes i just scroll through silly little wizard content and it makes me so fucking stimmy that i feel like im gonna fucking explode
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youdontlookautistic · 2 months
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thatonegaybrit · 2 months
; a new chapter !! from my fav fic !! I'm now going to be on my phone for a considerable amount of unspecified time doing no one knows what even though I was supposed to be doing smth else !!
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rainbowcorepixelations · 11 months
so im getting into the qsmp now and JESUS there is so much lore my god welp at least i have experience from dsmp LMAO anyways new hyperfix unlocked i love this smp omfg im so sad i didnt get into earlier damn neurodivergency and other hyperfixes at the timeee 💀
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praublem-child · 1 year
For multiple years I've told my mom that she's "not people", in a very kind way. People stress me out and drain my energy and just generally lead to me having a not good time. Three of my friends have made the list of "not people" too, and this list has probably been around since I was 13 or 14 which comes out to 4-5 years.
It has just now occurred to me that everyone on that list is people I feel safe/comfortable enough to unmask around. The people that don't constantly tell me to smile or ask me if I'm ok when I don't feel like talking for whatever reason. Idk why I never realized this, but I don't think I'm gonna stop calling them "not people", purely because it's funny and if I feel safe enough to unmask around them they understand it's not an insult.
Also. I just got a new person to add to my list of not people, and I didn't even realize it until he asked to spend time with me and the only thing that made me hesitate is the fact that other people would be there. Now we're going to sensory friendly hours at Walmart tomorrow and then hanging out just the two of us. I fucking love having people that understand me and who are willing to work around my needs without making me feel like a burden.
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barcodeboy · 2 years
So almost a year ago, I got in a huge falling out with two friends. It was a huge ordeal and ended up with the friendship ending. Mind you one of the two people I've been friends with since I was in preschool.
Well, earlier this week I sucked it up and wrote them both letters explaining how sorry I am and how much I fucked up. I honestly didn't expect anything to come of it. And neither of them has said anything to me about it.
But just last night, the boy who had been my best friend for so many years showed up at my play.
It was two different one acts in one night. And he only stayed for the first one, the one I was in. I'm pretty sure he's not friends with anyone else in the cast. I think he came there for me. And that means so so much to me.
I don't know if our friendship will ever be fixed. But maybe one day it will be. I don't know if this is the start of our friendship rekindling, but either way I'm so happy to have him in my life even if it's just a little bit.
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notvv0ltz · 2 years
Thoughts on cringe culture
No, but cringe culture roots in ableism targeted against autistic people
Like, NTs just want to shit on us for just having "too specific", "abnormal" interests and for having coping mechanisms (simply because of how cruel the world against us is) we found in fiction
And the most ridiculous part is that having special interests doesn't hurt your social life or at least doesn't make it worse even if they're in the most "cringy" forms possible (self insert ships as example). Autistics keep getting called as "manchildren" for these while most of us can be even more mature and mentally healthier than NTs
I also think that when (mostly) NT adults are saying smth like "man, my interests are so childish" it's also related to cringe culture. Because bro no you're not childish for playing video games or collecting action figures. Heck, you aren't childish even for watching cartoons meant for children because those funny white middle aged men are already making money on youtube from it cOUGH-COUGH
And sooo because of this the cringe culture is also hurting NTs themselves because they simply cannot accept that fully enjoying non-harmful things and building communities around it is okay and great for your mental health
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
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signanothername · 2 months
I’m now convinced the reason why Dream finds out he’s autistic is because of either blue or ink
Both of which is where they assume he knows he’s autistic and just say to someone else or in a conversation with mentioning they are both autistic
I feel like blue is more likely because I hc that blue knows he’s autistic, either from diagnosis or from extensive study and self diagnosis
And it’s worse because Blue had clocked Dream as autistic really early on, either subconsciously or consciously, this is the entire reason they get along as well as they do and it’s why Dream feels better around blue not just from the whole autism sense thing but also because BLUE HAS BEEN ACCOMMODATING HIM THE WHOLE TIME
My very dear follower Tatogender, tell me how does it feel to have the biggest brain on earth?
Cause I completely agree! Blue does know about his own Autism! (I like to believe he’s self diagnosed after extensive research) And he almost immediately realized that Dream’s Autistic and therefore kept accommodating Dream’s needs! And he’s the one that ends up bringing the concept of Autism up, and you have zero idea how Dream experiences the relief of finally understanding himself and that he’s not alone in his Autism, but also the frustration of years of internalized ablesim and shame he felt for things he shouldn’t have felt ashamed about (the boi is gonna experience a shutdown over it)
To me, Ink doesn’t really know about his own Autism (at first) he only knows about his Adhd, but he does know that Dream’s Autistic! Ink just never brought it up cause he assumed Dream already knew about it and cause his memory doesn’t really help (but imma leave it at that here cause I have an ask in my inbox asking about Ink’s Audhd so imma ramble about it there)
(Dream being besties with the Swap bros will be the end of me guys they make me so soft /pos)
Apple twins autism post
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angelpuns · 1 year
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I digitized the sketches cause I have been thinking about these guys literally all day-
Also idk what type of turtle Donnie is yet??? Idk I haven't decided. Since Raph and Mikey are both Map turtles maybe he could be a slider of some kind.
also Leo really likes star motifs cause he's sweet and he gave them all a little star keychain so they could all match ( sobbing actually I'm crying over this rn )
Anyway I have lots and lots of comics planned, but they're primarily sad. I'll work on getting some /pos ideas down but we'll see. This IS all about examining my own childhood after all lmao
Anyway here's some things about these guys to start off with ( I will happily ramble about them later as well )
-Blunt, but has trained himself to be less so ( its the heavily masked autism )
-love Galaxy Adventures and secretly writes fanfic for it.
-transmasc! Also likes neopronouns but unsure about them
-likes plants, does not have a green thumb
( there is a lot more about him cause he's just me, but uhhh I'm trying to only put the /pos things for now )
-art!!! He's very good at it!!! really likes horror art!!
-favorite brother of all the brothers.
-very messy, Leo gets onto him for it a LOT
-new hobby every week
-undiagnosed audhd baby
-also an artist, but hates that he's not as good as Mikey ( :( )
-likes plants even more than Leo, but actually has a green thumb
-L O U D
-somehow a morning person???
-Will wear anything. Not really into any particular style, but likes to wear things that piss Leo off ( ripped jeans mostly )
-likes to piss Leo off
( he's the least figured out tbh)
-IT guy fr fr
-love Galaxy Adventures just as much as Leo, but they fight over who likes it more
-also v blunt but does not hide it.
-v good at tech stuff!
-he cooks for everyone!!
So yeah those are the bare bones of this iteration , I'm not gonna start posting comics for it til after Kid Leo Au but just know that I will be thinking about them <33
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thatonegaybrit · 3 months
; Vampire Empire by Big Thief gives me autism vibes. And maybe I'm just autistic but like. I love the song. Especially the " You turn me inside out, and then you want the outside in. You spin me all around, then you ask me not to spin. You say you wanna be alone and you want children. " and honestly js the whole song .. It has other meanings ik which also relatable .. But also autism. ✨
; link for anyone that wants it !!
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samanthastarss · 11 months
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@afreakingdork chapter 40 has me in shambles!! /pos
I roughed out a stupidly quick sketch, the proportions and size difference are super janky, and not what i had in mind (i wanted to make donnie much bigger whilst still having him all 'small', vulnerable & wrapped around Darling </3 but i kinda forgot when I was drawing until it was too late🧍‍♀️), I was just too excited and wanted to post it so i didnt fix those tid-bits in my hurry!!! :,) ahfsgugjd!!
Also, I think I accidentally took some creative liberty with the pose they're in... The audhd hyperfixation brain totally took over, I was on excitement autopilot when drawing, sorry...🙇‍♀️🧎‍♀️
That aside, I think I'll have another chance to make smth better because im still riding that emotional & creative high after reading the chapter!! So much happened!! I rambled on and on about it all on Ao3 like a freakazoid, so my apologies for the essay, Miss Dork 🙇‍♀️🙏🏻
Ok, i think that's all?? I shall return with more sketches... probably!!??
Kisses! Xx
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dralione · 3 months
5 times Draco used Legilimency on Hermione +1 time she used it on him
Summary: Hermione has ADHD/AuDHD and Draco finds the way her mind works compared to others so fascinating he can't stay out.
Rating: T (non-graphic torture, a couple suggestive lines) ♡ WC: ~5k ♡ Ao3
A/N: my first published Dramione! (Looks at longfics languishing in drafts) Hope you enjoy! No beta; if you see any plot holes wither in the story or from Canon compliancy no you don't. Also I realise the summary sounds a little weird but I'm simply projecting as I write this Hermione and would like to find my own Draco who will find the way my brain is wired interesting/pos and not interesting/neg.
1. Wednesday, 10 January, 1996 (5th Year)
Draco shifted in his chair, glaring up from his parchment as the loud sound of a page turning interrupted his previously quiet study session. He was mildly surprised to find that the perpetrator was none other than the studious swot herself, Hermione Granger. He’d thought she had more respect for the sanctity of a library and its quietude.
A hint of colour crawled up her cheeks as she caught his stare, but she didn’t look away. 
A thought popped into Draco’s head as he held her gaze. Over the winter hols, his mother had begun teaching him Legilimency. He was still getting the hang of it, but practice made perfect, did it not? His target was already making eye contact with him, and he was suddenly overwhelmingly curious about the witch’s thoughts. Was she as boring as she came across on the outside?
Ooo, maybe he could get a sneak peek into Potter’s plans, if she let him that far into her mind. Well, it was worth a try. Despite being a ridiculously well-read witch, surely she hadn’t learned about Legilimency or Occlumency?
Moving his wand under the table, so she couldn’t see, he whispered “Legilimens,” instantly transporting to his rival’s innermost being. Stubborn swot had practically invited him in, with those gleaming amber eyes holding his and absolutely no mental resistance to his entry at all. 
He smirked to himself and looked around. 
Draco turned slowly in place in Granger’s mind, jaw dropped as he took in the thoughts absolutely sprinting around, too fast for him to possibly pin down and read. 
Merlin’s beard, had the witch actually become an Occlumens?!
This was not what he expected, compared to his mother’s neatly organised thoughts and carefully constructed walls and paths that held her memories. How was he supposed to delve into her mind and find what he wanted if there was no way to find what he was looking for? 
Granger’s mind was a veritable rabbit warren of thoughts and memories, all haphazardly rolling around in her head like stray Bertie Bott’s Beans on the Hogwarts Express. 
He had to give it to her, she had excellent defences that even a more skilled Legilimens than himself would have trouble wading through. 
And the volume, Salazar’s staff…he was getting a headache just from the decibels of those thoughts running amuck. He exited her mind and broke eye contact, silently letting her win the unspoken staring contest, too overwhelmed to look at her any longer. How did the witch manage to get anything done with that organisational system, nevermind be top of their classes? Sure, it was a great defence against Legilimens, but they were few and far between, surely she didn’t need them at Hogwarts (his prying experiment aside). That mental energy would be better spent retaining and organising their class information. 
Draco felt a sliver of grudging respect at Granger’s beyond-magical handling of Occlumency and schoolwork. He shivered in his seat. He wouldn’t be going in her brain again if he could help it.
2. Monday, 15 January, 1996 (5th Year)
Draco glared at the bronze curls ahead of him, willing Granger to quiet her thoughts. Since he’d first jumped into her brain last week, he couldn’t stop listening in, even when he wasn’t trying. 
Sweet Salazar, the witch was loud. Practically screaming her thoughts at anyone listening in. 
He really couldn’t make heads or tails of her behaviour. There was absolutely no reason for her to be broadcasting her thoughts like that – only a few students would even have heard of Legilimency. Surely she wasn’t playing bait, trying to lure him and/or his godfather into admitting something?
Somehow, Granger had become more interesting to him than Potter over the last week. It was only partly due to her annoyingly distracting thoughts that kept following him around. He found himself searching out her curls like a beacon for him to watch her, instead of to locate one of the two limpets usually by her side. He was, admittedly, curious about her organisational standards after his jaunt through her head. 
The more he heard her thoughts, the more he found himself able to make sense of the rapid-fire trails they’d blaze, often diverting from one topic to another quicker than he would have done. 
Looking back once he was out of her mental broadcasting range, he was able to follow her logic steps, but by Merlin, the convoluted ways she arrived at her destination! Draco wasn’t sure if he was impressed by her ability to arrive at the same conclusion by very different throughways or not. 
Ahead of him, Granger shifted, perhaps finally sensing his displeasure and quieting her thoughts. They slowed down, gathering in one easy-to-follow stream of consciousness as she mentally narrated the notes she was writing.
Thankful for the reprieve, Draco bent over his own parchment, able to block out one uninterrupted thought flow better than a scattered bombardment of singular thoughts. Still, the applications she pulled out of whatever mental filing system she had –however confusing it was–
were always apt and several times provided a new angle for Draco to mull over.
He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He relegated it to the back of his mind, where most of his thoughts about Granger went these days, never to be seen or felt again.
3. Sunday, 15 September, 1996 (6th Year)
The form of one Hermione Granger slumped over her books in the library made Draco pause on his way past her table to the shelf he wanted. 
He’d missed her mental chatter over the summer as he learned Occlumency from his aunt and improved his Legilimency. However, with his new and improved mental shields firmly up since his return to Hogwarts, he hadn’t cared to attempt to breach hers again. He had better things to do with his brain than listen to her mental ramblings. 
Honestly, he felt a bit bad for her after he’d eavesdropped on her when she was with the limpets one study session. She certainly possessed a surplus of patience dealing with those two, considering the filter her thoughts passed through before they made their way to the limpets’ ears.
Cautiously, he attempted to listen in on her thoughts as he made his way behind her, out of sight and out of mind (well, in one sense). Nothing. 
Draco frowned. His Legilimency had only improved over the summer, and he couldn’t feel any Occlumency walls or shields. Her mind was simply…not producing thoughts. It was such a deviation from the norm that he began to grow worried that something had happened to Granger. 
He sent a small stinging jinx at her leg. She jerked, slapping at her leg as thoughts began to form, to his relief (he simply tossed that feeling in the pile of galleons holding his true emotions that were stored in his very well guarded mental horde, never to be considered further).
Ouch, what was that? She glanced around, but he was safely hidden behind the shelves. Oh well. You’ve got Charms homework to crack on, Hermione. She pulled a piece of parchment forward and dipped her quill in the ink bottle, tapping the excess ink off on the side absentmindedly as she began figuring out the wording of her essay. 
Two students walked by, whispering about the Quidditch tryouts the day before. Granger snickered as an image of Cormac McLaggen flying off in the wrong direction flitted through her mind like the Snitch taunting the Seekers. 
Confundusing McLaggen was too easy. I’m glad Ron got the spot. She flipped through the Charms textbook. Focus, ‘Mione, Charms!
Draco left her mind, humming thoughtfully. So the little swot had sabotaged the tryouts for her incompetent boyfriend’s favour, huh. How positively Slytherin of her.
4. Monday, 30 March, 1998 (7th Year)
The shaking form of Hermione Granger on his drawing room floor kept Draco frozen in his spot, unable to look away. Her expression was screwed up in pain as she bit her lip, trying not to let a scream escape. Suddenly her eyes flew open, meeting his and pinning him in place. 
His wandless Legilimency was weak at best, but with eye contact…
Draco slipped into her brain easily, almost staggering as the pain of the Cruciatus curse spread to him. Granger, it will be okay. Hold on. You have to hold on, Granger. Please.
Some of the pain in her eyes was replaced with confusion. He barely moved a muscle to nod reassuringly at her.
Yes, it’s me, Granger. Keep fighting. You have to, for all the others. You will survive this, I swear it. Just hold on a little longer, please, Granger.
Why are you doing this? A drop of blood trickled down her lip as she bit down harder.
I can’t stop my aunt, but I can take some of your torture. It’s nothing new. Just hold on, Granger, you’re not alone here. They’re coming for you. They’ll get you out of this.
But you hate me. You’re on his side.
Not anymore; I have to. For my mother and my sake. Just like you have to for Potter and Weasley and your sakes. 
Bellatrix cast another Cruciatus, determined to make Potter’s Mudblood scream. Draco took more of the pain from Granger, determined to give her that one minuscule victory of staying quiet. 
Granger squeezed her eyes shut again at the renewed assault, temporarily cutting off their connection. Draco took a large, un-Slytherin risk and lowered a little of his Occlumency defences, reaching out to Granger’s loud mental screams. 
Hush, Granger, I’m still here. Can you feel me through the mental link?
I thought Legilimency needed eye contact? She gasped. 
I’ve improved my Legilimency over the summer. I don’t need eye contact if your mental defences are down and you’re practically screaming in my head. 
Granger’s reply was cut off as she noticed something above her, her eyes opening in another convulsion. Dobby was unscrewing the chandelier in the drawing room above the gathered crowd. 
Come with us, she said, a flicker of surprise flashing after the words. Leave the Manor and him behind.
I can’t, Granger. My mother–
A vague sense of sympathetic understanding echoed through her mind underneath the spasms of pain. 
Just say a nice word at my funeral, will you? 
He left her mind as Potter & Co appeared in front of the group, throwing them into chaos. At least his insane aunt was forced to stop cursing Granger and cast other spells instead. 
He half-heartedly wrestled with Potter over a couple wands, hoping the Death Eaters would be too distracted to notice the way he so easily let Potter wrestle them free. 
A flash of crystal as the chandelier dropped–
A flash of silver as Bellatrix threw her knife–
A flash and crack as the Order members apparated away–
And she was free. Draco closed his eyes. The Order would win the war, he was sure of it. What that meant for him, he no longer cared. 
5. Monday, 5 October, 1998 (1st Day of 8th Year)
Draco, from his vantage point at the top of the stairs to the dorms, looked around the common room at the combined houses mingling peaceably. He had an excellent view. 
The bronze curls and slow smile of one Hermione Granger, War Heroine, were warmly shaded by the light of the fireplace she sat beside, conversing with classmates. 
She had regained some colour to her skin over the summer, he noticed, and a handful of freckles besides. Her hair was more curl and less frizz, her eyes were livelier and less shadowed, though they showed her forced maturity no matter how much they sparkled (Draco didn’t think that those would ever disappear from any who had them), her body was curvier and less malnourished than when he’d last seen her months ago at his trial. 
He felt the edges of his lips curling up in a genuine smile as he sat and observed all the positive changes in her life and body. 
He’d thought he was well-hidden in the shadows (certainly everyone was treating him as though he were truly wrapped in Potter’s invisibility cloak), but suddenly her eyes snapped to his and she held his gaze, leaving no doubt that she had caught him staring. 
She quirked her eyebrow in silent question and invitation. He didn’t need Legilimency anymore to know how to read her, most of the time. 
He’d spent all his summer house arrest fixating on any scrap of news the papers published about her, of which there were plenty. Thousands of photos of the most famous and Brightest Witch of Her Age had been clipped and carefully transferred to his scrapbook. It was a little ridiculous at this point, just how thick it was. It was hidden the Muggle way, under the floorboard under his bed, along with a thick stack of letters they had exchanged in between her busy schedule of testifying, repairing battlegrounds and casualties, and healing herself, and his busy schedule of daydreaming as he scoured the papers
He shook his head slightly, making her brow drop and turn into a hint of a frown. He frowned back at her, motioning with a jerk of his head to continue her conversation, and got to his feet.
Draco, can you hear me?
He froze on the step.
I saw that and I’m taking it as a yes. Are you alright?
Peachy, Granger. I’m going to bed. Goodnight. 
…Goodnight, Draco. Sweet dreams.
He snorted. You take the sweetness for your own dreams. Ta.
He sat up with a gasp, uncomfortably sticky with sweat, his breathing fast and ragged. The nightmares had fallen off somewhat, but he supposed the first day back at Hogwarts had triggered their reemergence with full vigour. 
He settled back on his bed, turning his pillow over and resting his hands beneath it, the weight of his head grounding him. Once he’d slowed his breathing, he lay staring up at the shadowed ceiling. He reached out to Granger unconsciously, needing reassurance that she wasn’t still trapped in his drawing room with his aunt, unable to even have his mental support as he was held back with magical restraints. The dreams always ended up in his drawing room. 
Granger was asleep, seemingly undisturbed by night terrors. 
He flinched when he saw where Granger’s dreams had ended up. Surprisingly, it wasn’t like his nightmares at all. Bellatrix wasn’t there, or his mother. Only he and Granger were there, kneeling a hairsbreadth apart, his hand on her cheek, her hand on his knee. 
Feeling like he was intruding, Draco left her dream, returning fully to staring at the ceiling. Granger was safe and peaceful and that’s all that mattered. Whatever was happening in her dreams was none of his business. 
+1. Tuesday, 2 May, 2000 (2nd Anniversary of the Second Wizarding War’s End)
He placed his glass of firewhisky down, turning to face his visitor. “Hermione. How are you doing?”
“Never better,” he smirked, some grain of truth to his words. “You?”
Her pink lips turned up at that. “Good. I’m content with my present. It is a bit difficult with all the,” she waved at the fancy surroundings, “circumstances, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” The room was filled with decorations and the setup for hundreds of people to celebrate the second year of Voldemort’s defeat.
“I’m pleased to hear that. You look good. The Ministry treating their Golden Girl well at her new job?”
She rolled her eyes, playfully nudging his arm. “Not you too. And yes, I’ve finally managed to get the preferential treatment left off. It only took, what, eleven months?”
“You should keep some preferential treatment, Granger,” he said solemnly. “Remind them that none of them would be here if it weren’t for you. Don’t let them take you for granted.”
She considered him, nibbling on her lower lip for a second as she bit back something. He was about to urge her to say it anyway when they were joined by Potter and Weaslette. 
“Potter. Weaslette.”
“Malfoy. Hermione,” greeted the couple. 
“Hello, Harry, Ginny.”
“I must admit I’m a little surprised to see you here,” said Harry, pushing his glasses up as he took a swig of his drink. Draco assumed he was talking to Hermione, given the circumstances.
Hermione made an agreeing noise. “I felt I should, even if I didn’t want to. I’ll find you later, Malfoy was just about to take me to get a drink, alright?”
The couple nodded and waved them off as Hermione’s hand slipped into his, pulling him away.
He blinked at their joined hands, then the back of her head as she steered them towards the bar.
“You didn’t want to stay and talk with your friends? I could’ve left.”
“No, you were there first. Besides, I wanted to talk to you in private, and we see each other much less frequently than I see Harry and Ginny.”
“Oh? Consider my interest piqued, Granger. What on earth could you want to talk to me about? You can always owl me and arrange a meeting some other time. I’m sure you still know my address, even if we haven’t written each other in awhile.”
She ordered a cocktail and leaned against the bar, turning to face him. “Do you know any place around here where we might have an uninterrupted chat?”
He hummed, tapping his chin in thought. “I may have an idea or two.”
Hermione’s drink retrieved and his topped up, he extended his arm to her and led them across the room, through dark hallways dimly lit by candle sconces, until he opened a door, gesturing her through. 
“Welcome to the private sitting room of Lady Malfoy, where none are sure to disturb.”
“Won’t your mother–”
“My mother is busy overseeing the anniversary ball, doing her best to continue polishing our name to return it to its former shine. Besides, she is quite fond of you and will be most obliging and understanding. Unless, by ‘private chat’ you meant a quick shag, in which case I am more than happy to escort you to my private rooms,” he winked, settling in the corner of the settee mere handbreadths away from her.
She blushed and rolled her eyes. “That is not what I meant. This will be fine, thank you.”
“Alright. What is so secretive that you lured me to this dark, isolated room, Granger? Should I be in fear of my innocence being tainted?”
“It’s just us now, Malfoy, you can stop with the cavalier facade. I wanted to ask you if you would be willing to help me learn and practise Legilimency.”
Draco blinked. “You’re learning Legilimency?”
“I’ve been informed that my natural Occlumency is quite advanced already,” she smirked at him, “and I believe it would be useful to learn Legilimency. You know I can’t tell you everything about my work as an Unspeakable, but I work with Memories and Obliviators. I think Legilimency would be quite useful to know in my line of work, and…well, I can’t think of anyone I’d trust more with my mind to teach me.”
Draco swallowed. “I won’t insult you by asking if you’ve thought this through, but just for my peace of mind, Granger, you really want me in your mind again? Even after…”
She nodded firmly twice. “I asked you to help me improve my Occlumency and mental resistance, especially against you, because I thought we both needed space apart from each other. It wasn’t because I didn’t trust you or want you in my mind. You know I didn’t mind that, especially after the Incident. Now that I’m content with my Occlumency, I wish to learn Legilimency. I still trust you with my mind, Draco, we just needed some boundaries.”
He nodded, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees and run his fingers through his hair. “My mind healer told me our bond was becoming codependent and unhealthy. I’ve finally seen your points,” he sighed. “ I- you’re ready to do this again?”
“My mind healer cleared me a while ago, but I waited to be sure both of us were. But if you’re still not…maybe today wasn’t the best day to bring this up, after all. I’m sorry, I’ll leav-”
His fingers were wrapped gently around her wrist before he even knew what he was doing. “No, stay, Granger. I’m ready. I just wanted to clear some of my past reservations up first.”
Her answering smile was brilliant. “Good! When would you be free to start, then?”
Hermione smiled at the sight of Draco’s blonde head sticking above the back of her sofa. One arm was resting along the back, his long fingers tracing aimless designs in the blue floral pattern.
She paused, struck by an impulsive thought. Pulling out her wand, she whispered, “Legilimens,” under her breath, transporting to his mind. She fell in instantly, surprising her considering the challenge he had set her to get into his mind when he wasn’t expecting her. Surely it wasn’t this easy…but it didn’t feel like he was Occluding…
She wandered through his mind, as always astounded by his neat organising, so unlike her own mental filing system. Hers worked perfectly well for her, but she had long felt Other for her strange ways of remembering obscure topics and collecting scraps of random information. She had finally come to accept her strangeness and embrace it, even, but she still had a little pang of jealousy at seeing his easy organisation.
 She strolled through the cave that was his mental fortress, surprised to not be greeted by his defending dragon. What was he planning?
She continued on her way, pausing to observe his vaults of memory-gems and emotion-coins, locked up behind steel and iron. The locks on some had become simpler, less guarded, from when they’d parted ways at the end of Eighth Year, and she wondered if she was seeing proof of his mind healer’s influence.
The vault she’d always been most curious about, at the back, was cracked open.. Taking it as an invitation, she peered in. It looked like a Gringotts vault, full of artworks and artefacts and piles of wealth heaped in the corners. Looking closer, each object held something related to her. Memories, feelings, dreams… 
Feeling like an intruder, although she assumed he’d let her in for a reason, she stepped in cautiously. A memory met her full-force.
October, Sixth Year
Draco glanced across the table to hers, where she twirled a curl around her finger, deep in thought over a thick tome. 
He’d been getting the hang of wandless legilimency when he returned to Hogwarts, fresh from his aunt’s teaching. He’d practised on enough minds over the summer to know that hers was different, moreso than anyone else’s, and it intrigued him. 
At first, yes, it had annoyed him, all her loud, fast thoughts, but now he found it comforting to listen in. He enjoyed trying to figure out which Express her thoughts were going to take before she did, to try and follow her leaps of intellect and even beat her to her conclusions. 
And then there were her memories…the happy bustle of the Burrow (even if he was a little blinded by the sheer amount of gingers in one place), the summers out exploring with her Muggle parents, the interesting lives the Muggles lived and their strange inventions, the happy times she had with the limpets, she had so many happy memories. 
They all seemed tinged with a warm sepia glow, preserved by some force Draco wasn’t sure he wanted to know. It was a far cry from his own, cold grey and black shrouded in smokey vignette. Her memories simultaneously made him wish to turn them to ash and keep them in a Fiendfyre-proof vault. He left her head with a scoff and got up, leaving the library.
Hermione blinked, overcome with his emotions and the memory. He’d confessed in their letters before Eighth Year that he’d often slipped into her head, but she hadn’t fully understood it until now. Another memory flitted forward as the previous one slid back into Draco’s neat storage. 
March, Seventh Year
Draco was horrified to see her dragged into his drawing room by the Snatchers. His gaze flicked from her, to his aunt, to the Snatchers. He’d long since learned to temper his flight or fight response with freeze.
He’d stayed frozen until Bellatrix had cast the first Crucio and she’d met his eyes. 
It was strange seeing her memories through Draco’s eyes, especially once he’d jumped into her head and was seeing her thoughts. 
Granger, it will be okay.
She often recalled the first words he’d said to her when he entered her mind. And then she felt the phantom echoes of pain, and realised that Draco had absorbed some of the Cruciatus for her. 
Jerking out of the memory with a gasp, she panted for breath, hand on her heart, reminding herself that it was only a memory.
He strolled out of the shadows of the vault, hands in his pockets, eyebrow raised in silent question. 
“You absorbed the Cruciatus for me?” Blast it, she could feel the sting of tears fast approaching. Now was not the time to cry. She blinked hard.
He shrugged.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone? I’m sure that would have gone even farther to prove your case for acquittal at your trial!”
“Does it matter, Granger?” He sounded annoyed. “That’s not usually how this goes.”
She paused, confused. “How does it usually go, then?”
He rolled his eyes. “I have a nightmare about the Incident, you remind me it’s not real, we kiss, et cetera,” he waved his hand summarily. “Don’t know why I expected Dream-Hermione to be any less argumentative than Real-Hermione,” he muttered under his breath.
Hermione tilted her head, contemplating. So Draco dreamed about her. She’d thought nightmares about the Incident had decreased. But apparently he also dreamed about current-her comforting him. Interesting. She hadn’t been sure if he’d still be as fond of her as he’d been in Eighth Year, after they’d had some healing and time apart from their traumatic bonding experiences. Well, it was good to know her slightly-more-than-a-crush was reciprocated. 
“I’m going to ignore that, just this once. Draco, are you dreaming?”
He looked at her in puzzlement. “Obviously. I really don’t know why you had to change the dream from snogging me senseless to rehashing the Incident, though,” he frowned.
She raised her eyebrow. “Snogging you senseless, huh? That explains your absolute lack of Occlumency,” she snickered. “You were practically inviting me in. Guess your subconscious was tired of your lack of making a move and made it for you. Would you care to wake up so I can actually snog you senseless, then?”
Draco blinked, then his jaw dropped and a blush rose on his cheeks and eartips. 
She turned to leave, then remembered why she’d come in the first place. “Oh, by the way, since I was able to get into your head successfully, I’ll be claiming my prize of one wish from the loser. I’m sure you’ll quite like it, don’t worry!” With a wink, she left, leaving him gaping after her.
Hermione settled on the sofa beside him, smirking softly at his adorably flustered expression as he woke up and saw her.
“Er, Hermione–”
“Sh, Draco. You like me and I like you, that’s all that matters, isn’t it?”
“Well, I suppose–”
“Good, then. Based on the sheer volume of that vault about me, I assume we have many many snogs to make up for.”
He exhaled in defeat, a smile taking over his face. “You’re right, as always.” He winked at her, leaning in quite willingly to meet her in the first of many kisses.
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yippieitsarvensart · 1 year
Tweels hc doodles + notes!
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Goodness me, I've not been working on these for very long but here's all of what I've thought of within 2 days of thinking about them!! I basically started writing about them the moment I finished drawing "the fuck you brothers" post (9/24) (and today, 9/26) I totally have been thinking about them more after I wrote all this, so I will be continuing on with my hcs right here, under the cut :3 (keep in mind I have not yet played twst! If I get anything gravely wrong correct me!) (9/28, edit: I downloaded twst y'all...)
Both of the twins are autistic, just being on very different ends of er... intensity? Idk how to word that. I just mean that Floyd is someone who has trouble regulating his emotions and stims a lot. Jade doesn't stim as often, he probably would if he were infodumping about mushrooms/his terrariums or whatever else. I think I mean. That Jade suppressed his autistic tendencies by a lot to seem more like a gentleman, while Floyd doesn't really give much of a shit and probably doesn't even know he's autistic.
on that note they both have ADHD. AuDHD brothers.
Anyways as I way saying abt Floyd stimmies; He stims a LOT. Just, all the damn time. It gets so annoying for a lot of people and everyone knows he can't control it. His clingyness is also stimming, he's very touchy. A lot of stim toys don't actually help him but he does calm down significantly more when he's wearing headphones and listening to loud music. That's what stimulates him the most.
Jade only stims when excited, yeah I mentioned that. But did I mention he also stims a lot when stressed. In front of costumers, if he was stressed he might only fiddle with his fingers behind his back. But as soon as he gets away it's full body stimming time baby. Mans is not okay but he cannot let that mask slip!! (I forgot the word before, but I meant to say in my first dotpoint that jade is better at masking than Floyd!!)
Floyd mcr liker >_< (songs about depression and drugs to think about violence to!) Floyd also likes shit like "41 mins of roblox music" or any spongebob music. skull emoji.
Jade Laufey liker :33 (calm songs to think about violence to!)
Floyd likes dancing around in his room to music. Like really getting into it. Putting one song on loop and doing the same dance moves over and over again. (stimming) (oh my god I'm PROJECTING AGAIN stop....)
Jade likes drawing mushrooms. He's really good at drawing nature and when I say "good" I mean if you looked at it, you'd think it was a picture. Like abnormally good for someone who used to not even have paper available...
I saw this from a moot once on twitter I think, but they both (+ Azul) probably had a hard time adjusting to walking around everywhere instead of swimming when they first came onto land. And I think there was something about holding on to bars on stairs WAYY too tight because they feel so wobbly going up them. Same with like, escalators? and elevators? didn't fucking trust them. And they still don't sometimes... Adding onto this I think that they'd both get really frustrated at first with it. Like genuinely really upset; Floyd dramatically falling to the floor and flailing around on the verge of tears while Jade punches the ground over and over... They obviously got better at land things after a long while but for a bit they were just so. not okay LOL
I think for casual/home clothes they'd both be really into big fluffy jumpers. massive fucking huge fluffy shits. They'd be all over the texture and it would be so so texture /pos drooling emoji
I had a little thing that I thought of where I would give Floyd Heart shaped eye shines PLUS an extra smaller not heart eye shine. And giving Jade a square shaped shine with no extra shines. It just makes so much sense to me. Like I can't explain it very well but if you get it, you get me. Do you get me...
WHICH leads me to say then that when Floyd gets MAD he would have NO eye shines. Do you get me. I totally make sense right/. And Jade getting happy about anything even if it doesn't show on his face it would totally show in his eyes... Which also brings me back to something I wrote in my doodle notes with the pupils being like cats... OUGH I'M GOING INSANE DO I MAKE SENSE
another thing my twt moot said !! Floyd would hate necklaces/rings/other accessories and jewelry! It relates back to my point about Floyd hating the feeling of tight clothes, and things touching his skin too much. I feel like if he had say, a necklace on for like 0.1s he would rip it the fuck off, destroying the necklace in the process
Floyd: :3 (aggressive)
Floyd loving to squeeze people but hurting them is 90% of the time on purpose hurting and 10% accidental hurting and when it IS accidental he gets so upset about it. I like to think Floyd is the more emotional out of the two... just so many emotions in that boy. like he just !! wants to give you love !!! but he's so strong he breaks ur ribs !!!! many of ur ribs!! ur honestly surprised you haven't punctured a lung yet!!!
On that note they BOTH are extremely touch starved. Floyd would fucking LOVE it if someone were to lay down on top of him for hours he would feel so squished!! and warm and nice!! and comfy!
Jade on the other hand, LOVES holding hands. holding ONTO something holding onto someONE.
Jade is a gift giver (love language) I bet you can't guess what Floyd is
His love language is Physical touch. Yeah
Jade getting people way too many gifts when it's a special occasion for them because he thinks they might think it's weird if he gets them a gift on any other day.
Floyd hyperpop liker (just overall really likes loud thrashy music or whatever)
Floyd also really got into those games where you have to beat the shit out of a dummy. He doesn't like ones where you have to TIME a hit to make it work (makes him annoyed bc he can't do it) Games like Pou I think....
While Jade enjoys colour by number or those hue games? just doing it in his free time.
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preyduo · 7 months
headcannons for tommy perchance?
looks at u with my big audhd eyes /pos
- he loves gardening, and mud. he always plants alliums and other flowers everywhere
- he definitely paints. loved painting with techno. still paints, just not as often (he uses watercolors)
- aroace. im not projecting wym /s
- he still has braces because he never got the chance to get them removed, his mouth is kinda fucked up because of it
- has a lazy eye. again im totally not projecting haha /s
- he REALLY hates when people start counting down. reminds him of war, ghostburs death, exile, etc...
- hates being alone, however he self isolates himself as punishment (🙁)
- he keeps everything people gives him
- really bad hoarding issues (mainly due to exile)
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