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thehourfather · 4 years ago
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How fun was last Sunday? It was a jam-packed Easter bonanza at @audaciouschurchonline! If it was your first time at #AudaciousChurch, we hope to see you again this Sunday at the Manchester campus from 9:30am, 11:15am or the 1:00pm service. Get ready for some cracking worship and praise time! - - - - - - - - #audaciouschurch #thisaudaciouslife #seriouslyfun #itssunday #sundayservice #sundaychurch #sundayiscoming #responseteam #audaciousjae #audaciousadam #getreadyforchurch #christiansofinstagram #christiansofig #instachristian (at Audacious Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNgH2X-rKXt/?igshid=1rbb6ughii6kb
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thehourfather · 4 years ago
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Before lockdown got stricter, we had a lovely post-@AudaciousChurch meal with our lovely friends who we met via the first #AudaciousChurch @AlphaCourseUK! Thanks to @janetmorris69 and Andy for the lovely treat at @TheBusStopCafe and true fellowship in Christ 🙏🏻🥰 - - - - - - - #audaciousjae #audaciousadam #busstopcafe #thebusstopcafe #busstopcafeurmston #foodie #fellowship #burgersofinstagram #instaburgers #koreanchicken #koreanburger #breakfastburger #deliciousfood #lovelytime #foodstagram #instafood #sundaytreat #instaburger (at Bus Stop Café) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_Uc_RLErC/?igshid=1480dxst9lp4i
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thehourfather · 5 years ago
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On this rainy day, we’re reminded of the kindness shown by the car park team at @audaciouschurch! This is @audaciouscollege’s @david.anne.adams (Ps Dave Adams), who we believe celebrated a birthday recently! Congratulations 🥳🎂 - - - - - - - #audaciouschurch #audaciouscollege #thisaudaciouslife #daveadams #carparkteam #legends #kindhearted #wepraise #ourhouseisyourhome #audaciousjae #audaciousadam (at Audacious Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBkwz5cnn6L/?igshid=59rxnzv87r6o
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thehourfather · 5 years ago
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Even though yesterday was so rainy and there was even thunder and lightning, these colourful roses shone bright! Red, white, pink, yellow... and some purple flowers around, as well. Lovely and colourful! - - - - - - #roses #pinkroses #redroses #whiteroses #yellowroses #purpleflowers #greenery #brightcolours #stormyday #rainyday #thunderandlightning #stillhappy #thankyoujesus #mygarden #audaciousjae #audaciousadam (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBfPv1Nn4jN/?igshid=1vwvwn8b8wczw
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thehourfather · 5 years ago
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Audacious Jae is from South Korea, where they love to have many dishes to choose from. Audacious Adam is from the UK and isn’t a very good cook... but the heart was there, right?! 👨‍🍳😅 - - - - - - - #sausages #gravy #yorkshirepuddings #cauliflowercheese #skinnyfries #britishfood #koreanstyle #toadinthehole #bangers #chips #fries #audaciousadam #audaciousjae (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYCZnaHImJ/?igshid=1hcdxx9ef8caj
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thehourfather · 5 years ago
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Beautiful flowers. Truly our garden is a gift from God. The land was desolate, overgrown and thought to never be a place of death... never to be revived. Now, though, it flourished thanks to the life and blessing of Jesus Christ! - - - - - - #ukgardens #koreanflower #audaciousadam #british #audaciousjae #korean #praisejesus #lifeindeath #revival #resurrection #godsgift #holyspiritpower (at Manchester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAlMl2iHjCw/?igshid=11c686la2wb34
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thehourfather · 5 years ago
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Some people think Audacious Adam stands out in a crowd... can’t think why 😂 - - - - #audacious #audaciouschurch #thisaudaciouslife #seriouslyfun #audaciousadam #onlinechurch #lockdownlife #praiseandworship #raiseyourhands #jesus #holyspirit #godthefather #holytrinity (at Audacious Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgCfgEn6rb/?igshid=l405oddlx8t6
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thehourfather · 5 years ago
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The ladies of @audaciouschurch’s East area had a special #teaparty last night, with much #laughter, #banter, and #funnystories / #embarrassingmoments discussed! There was also a bit of #dressingup and some #cakegoodness... #AudaciousAdam made sure that he furnished #AudaciousJae with some tasty #cupcakes. #chocchip centre, with #fluffy #marshmallows and little #walnuts in the middle! - Here’s to the next event! - - - - #audaciouseast #ladiesonly #ladiesteaparty #bitoffun #teaandcake #fancydress #prizes #funstories #sharingtime #fellowship #thankyoujesus (at Audacious Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAeijxZHcjI/?igshid=79kbs01j1ihm
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thehourfather · 5 years ago
A concept audio advert promo for @audaciousworship’s new EP, There’s a Song to be Sung. - - - - #thisaudaciouslife #thisischurch #audaciousworship #theresasongtobesung #miracleworker #haveyourway #morethanenough #magnificentobsession #howiloveyou #newrelease #newmusic #christianmusic #singforjesus #wepraise #ourhouseisyourhome #audaciousadam (at Audacious Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCPTCwYniMw/?igshid=1sqi7jb07zklk
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