#auberon dusalle
megsdoodletag · 2 months
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Tseren and some fellow WoLs for ArtFight!
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unendingexhaustion · 4 years
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ehehehe time to talk about HIM (“him” being one mister auberon dusalle)
1.  What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about? Aub is just a shortened version of Auberon, but sometimes Tilly calls him “toothpick” when she’s being a little shit because of how incredibly tall and gaunt he is. 3.  How tall is your OC? VERY. He’s 6′7″! Started out as a still-very-tall-but-kinda-normal 6′4″, but prolonged exposure to magic from outside reality has started warping his body into something not-quite-human. The unnatural height is just one of the side effects. 20.  What kind of mother/father would your OC be? In his own opinion, a terrible one. He can’t even keep himself alive anymore, giving him a child would be a disaster! Objectively, he’d probably be somewhat overprotective and prone to smothering but in the end manage to raise a relatively well-adjusted person. He’d panic about it the whole time anyway though. 36.  What are your OC’s thoughts/opinions of his/her current profession? According to all official records he’s a tailor, and he’d really love to go back to being one! Unfortunately, the eldritch entity he accidentally-on-purpose sold his soul to isn’t likely to fire him any time soon. Being forged into a living weapon by something from outside reality is really fucking up his mental health and frankly the benefits Are Not Worth It. Please let him go home and take a nap.
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megsdoodletag · 1 year
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Major Arcana: Moon
first af attack of the year! for some buddies of mine
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