#au!will schofield
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4rrenstep Ā· 6 months ago
Inspired by this post:
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whaliiwatching Ā· 2 years ago
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unhurt and unhurried
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lazy309 Ā· 2 years ago
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1917 AUs CREATED BY ME AND MY SIS @jayvrontio šŸ’•
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thoughtsaboutshows Ā· 3 months ago
2024 Fic Writer End of Year Roundup āœØ
Answer and then tag three or more creators to keep the game going!
I was tagged by the lovely @overjoyedisland for this!! Thank you!!
1. How many words did you publish on AO3 in 2024?
2. How many fics did you complete this year?
I completed 6 Empyrean One-shots! Most of them are little ficlets or drabbles and then one Solstice Exchange fic! I just joined the Empyrean fandom in August and it's been so so wonderful. I'd taken a break from writing fanfiction and these characters were the perfect ones to get me back into it!!
3. How many in progress or ongoing fics did you start this year?
I started one, Let's Play Pretend, my Riorgail Fake/dating (also sort of second chance?) romance fic. It's my first long-fic for this fandom and it's been so so fun to write. I have some ideas for extending some of my drabbles/one shots that are marinating in my brain but we'll see if it actually happens! I'd love to do a canon world or canon compliant long fic depending on what Onyx Storm brings us. šŸ˜¬
4. What was your favourite thing you wrote?
all that you rely on, and all that you can save- was inspired by the Chapter 27 Xaden Bonus Chapter where he wants to do wickedly inappropriate things with Violet on an archives desk. I hadn't written smut in a while so it was to dip my toes back into that
Iā€™m Gonna Be- I've only really ever written for the main ship in fandoms so I absolutely LOVED writing something for Immrick. I love their dynamic and their potential. They are one that I plan to keep exploring!
5. What piece was your most experimental or different from your usual style?
I've never done any sort of exchange so participating in the Rider's Quadrant Solstice Exchange was super fun!! Writing something for someone else wasn't something I'd done and I really enjoyed it. Also writing for a non main ship (Immrick) was a blast.
6. Did any fics surprise you - either while writing or their reception?
I didn't expect Let's Play Pretend to be as popular as it has been! I kind of just started it because I love a premise of two idiots in love and I am a SUCKER for fake dating (especially when one person is CLEARLY besotted with the other šŸ‘€). I love stocking it up with tropes: one bed, second chance, enemies-ish to lovers....it's been fun! It seems others love those tropes too!
7. Do you have a fic you wrote and loved that went under the radar? (This is your sign to reblog/repost it!)
I think I'm Gonna Be (my Immrick one-shot) went sort of under the radar probably because it's not a main ship work. Though I will say that Xaden/Violet do make some appearances in it šŸ˜Š. But I'm really proud of that one, and Immrick can ALWAYS use more love.
8. Who is an artist that inspired you?
I don't think she is on tumblr but the artist Mads Schofield is INCREDIBLE. All her works are AMAZING. Here's her link to instagram: madschofield
Her throne of glass works specifically have inspired me. She'll always draw the characters authentically and with all their scars. It inspires me to allow the characters I write to lean into their imperfections.
She has some fourth wing art too that's amazing. Here's a Riorgail one.
And here's her website!
9. Who is an author that inspired you?
Oh my goodness there are SO many amazing fic writers out there. Everyone on the discord server has been so welcoming and supportive.
I'd say the writing of @skyfallscotland, especially In Too Deep, inspired me to dive into an AU. And @saranova and @tegantales are also incredible and inspiring.
@suebswrites's Just Ask inspires me to want to jump into canon compliant. And that fic (and everything she writes) is amazing!
10. Who is a new author you discovered?
All of the Empyrean writers! I didn't start reading Fourth Wing Fanfic until this Summer so I've basically always been able to read something new or by someone new. There's so many amazing fics out there.
@ubiquitouslyme @justallihere @lizardsrunfast @widebrimmedhatsblog @caeli0306 @overjoyedisland @yanny-77 @siobhanbooks @alexandia03 @hockeyspiral23 @sarcasticmothwrites @copperfirebird @serahadmoni are just a few more of the many very talented fic writers for this fandom.
11. Did you do any collaborations? How did it start?
I haven't collaborated or co-written anything but a huge shout out to @lovemedarkly29 for being a beta and a springboard for ideas. She's given the best feedback and has helped me organize my thoughts and helped me ensure things make sense and are reasonable (especially with the messy backstory of Let's Play Pretend).
12. What accomplishments are you proudest of?
I'm the proudest about getting back into fanfic. I was writing for the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina fandom but fell off of it in February. I absolutely love writing and it's been a lifesaving outlet for me, but I was just so uninspired and had not been able to do it. I was nervous about starting again but the fandom has been so welcoming.
13. What did you learn about writing or creating this year?
I've learned to put less pressure on myself and to write when I'm inspired but not to force it. When I try and force it it's usually not very good.
14. Any advice youā€™d like to share with new or aspiring writers?
Just start writing! Even if it's just a few lines of dialogue or a paragraph or only the first chapter of something. If it's something you want to try just get something on the page when you're inpsired.
On a practical note I suggest using googledocs fro writing. That's what I do and because I have it on my phone I can jot down any random thoughts or pieces of dialogue that comes to mind wherever I am. It leads to some pretty chaotic google drives, but at least all my thoughts are in one place.
15. What are your creative goals for 2025?
My goal is to finish Let's Play Pretend! I would also like to finish up this Immrick oneshot that's been bouncing around in my head. One thing I would also like to accomplish is writing ahead (at least a few chapters) before I start posting.
In a perfect world I would also finish Thicker Than Water, my Nabrina WIP, but that's currently on an indefinite pause. I just can't seem to write it. In truth, it's felt strange to write about the situation Sabrina is in at this point in the story after Chance's passing. I just can't get into the headspace to finish it. But maybe some day.
This was fun!!
Much Love.
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schofielded Ā· 2 days ago
šŸ›¼šŸ”Ŗā„ļø for the writer ask game!!
Thanks for asking!!
ļæ½ļæ½ ā‡¢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
ļæ½ļæ½ļ潚Ÿ¤•šŸ˜”šŸ“ššŸ«‚ :)
šŸ”Ŗ ā‡¢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Answered here!
ā„ļø ā‡¢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Why doesnā€™t anyone ever address the fact that Will Schofield 1917 got buried alive for a little bit. Like thatā€™s traumatizing, baby, letā€™s explore that more, Iā€™ve seen very few fics that do so. I tried writing it once, but it turned into something completely different (aka the fic series Iā€™m writing now) so I donā€™t know that Iā€™m the best person to do it, but that half of the question is worded weirdly to me anyway so Iā€™m just not gonna answer it ;)
Ideas that hit me as I was answering this ask that I probably wonā€™t ever write, but wanted to share because youā€™re you and Iā€™m me: 1917 Dead Poets Society au (Blake and Scho are Neil and Todd) and Dead Poets Society WWI/1917 au (Neil and Todd are Blake and Scho?). Put those guys through Situations in different ways!
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purecommemasolitude Ā· 5 months ago
Steve as Schofield and Sodapop as Kent in an outsiders 1917 AU can anyone hear me
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baylardo Ā· 1 year ago
would it be cringe if i rebranded this concept id started of making an alien au for 1917 a few years ago and slapped my star trek next gen oc in it as our schofield equivolent šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž
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schofieldshelmet Ā· 2 years ago
there were two of us
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Blake-magically-comes-back-to-life-but-doesnā€™t-remember-anything-that-happened AU
Chapter One: adrift | Next ~~
December 6, 1917.
It is bitterly cold in the French town they are sheltering in, icy snow blanketing the abandoned maze of streets and alleys, crumbling stone littering the earth like a scar. Scattered groups of soldiers dot the streets like ash, huddled together for warmth and whispering in hoarse voices, but Schofield sits alone, jammed against a wall with his legs tucked up to his chest. The frigid air leaks through cracks in his boots and stings his cheeks like ice, but he is too tired to care, nose buried in the collar of his coat and eyes half-shut.Ā 
Theyā€™ve been here for a handful of days awaiting further orders, half-hearted camps set up throughout the streets and alleys of the abandoned town, spirits lower than usual in the frosty weather. As usual the other men avoid Schofield, barely giving him so much as a side-glance, stepping out of the way when he approaches, clear discomfort on their faces.Ā 
But he doesnā€™t really mind, choosing to ignore the looks, the frequent whispers thatĀ that oneā€™s not quite right.Ā He used to be a loner from the day he enlisted, up until last year when Blake first laid eyes on him, propped alone against the wall of a trench, reading a letter from home for the thousandth time.Ā 
Oi there, mate, youā€™re looking a bit pasty,Ā Blake had said, and offered him a drink from his ration flask of rum, and from that day on they had begun a tentative friendship. Blake had other friends, certainly; he exuded a certain warmth and friendliness that no one could resist; but, not that Schofield quite knew the how or why of it himself, he was the one Blake chose to stick around, whether they were eating rations or cleaning their rifles or another of the endless mundane tasks they performed daily.Ā 
The tentative nature of their friendship had eventually morphed into something genuine, something soft, something gentle when the bombs were falling in the distant night and Blake, still so young and inexperienced, was afraid as the sky flashed white. And eventually they were nearly inseparable, always casually spoken of together by their fellow soldiers, comfortable enough with each other to discuss their families, their fears, their hopes and dreams.Ā 
I could be like an uncle to your girls,Ā Blake had said more than once, lopsided grin on his face.Ā Come on, you know theyā€™d love me.Ā 
Youā€™re too young to be an uncle,Ā Schofield had usually replied with a demure expression, but secretly he liked the notion, because he always took that to mean Blake thought of him as a brother.Ā 
But now Blake is dead, and Schofield is rumored to be the East Surreyā€™s own personal lunatic, gone stark raving mad after that one mission that no one can remember the particulars of, except for the fact that it was when he lost his only friend.Ā 
(Ā What was his name again?Ā the others always whisper when they donā€™t think he can hear).Ā 
(ā€œBlake,ā€ he always answers them, as shock and discomfort leaps onto their faces before they turn away. ā€œHis name was Blake.ā€)Ā 
Already the rumor of his mental state is spreading to a few new conscriptions who arrived a week ago on a couple of lorries. Most of them are stationed several streets down, still adjusting to life outside of their training, mostly young and fresh-faced and hopeful. But Schofieldā€™s seen the looks, heard the murmurs. He knows theyā€™ve heard things about him. Perhaps theyā€™ve even witnessed his often empty-stare, yet another factor in support of the lunacy claim.Ā 
That one over thereā€¦heā€™s not quite right.Ā 
Bit of shell-shock, then?Ā 
No one knows for sure. Someone died, thatā€™s all we know. But he was in the Somme.Ā 
Thatā€™s enough to do anybody in, I would think.Ā 
He swallows, huddling further into the collar of his coat, wind whistling through the cracks in his boots. Heā€™s tired, so tired of being ridiculed behind his back, of being whispered about, of having no one who understands. Sergeant Sanders is kinder and more sympathetic than most, but there is still a guarded wariness in his eyes as if he knows he is talking to a man who died long ago, a man whose will to live vanished along with his sanity.Ā 
Heā€™s tired of the rumors.Ā 
Heā€™sĀ tiredĀ .Ā 
In all honesty he canā€™t remember the last time he got a decent amount of rest because whenever he falls asleep it only takes him a few moments and then he is there, he is kneeling in the cold and muddy earth and Blake is lying dead in his lap and cherry blossoms are spilling from his eyes and mouth and turning to blood, crimson blood, and he can smell it in his sleep.
Of course he never mentions any of this in his letters home. He writes about the weather and the bird that landed on the toe of his boot one morning and the stale rations that donā€™t compare whatsoever to Winifredā€™s cooking. He writes about how he misses his two girls and how the other day it was sunny for once but he never mentions the nightmares, he never mentions the sweaty, gasping terror upon waking, the grief that grips him when he is alone. He doesnā€™t want them to worry. So he doesnā€™t mention it.Ā 
But right now Schofield is just too tired and even the nightmares arenā€™t enough to deter him from letting his eyes fall shut. He presses even closer to the bit of crumbling wall behind him, teeth clamped tight together to control the ever-present shivering, and blocks out the chatter of soldiers further down, the sound of wind howling through the alleyways, the rough shriek of a crow in the distance.Ā 
He is drifting, gloved hands stuffed deep inside the pockets of his coat as darkness swirls around him, when suddenly the sharpness of footsteps scraping through snow breaks into his subconscious.Ā 
A painful, rattling cough and a tongue clucking in sympathy and then a voice.Ā Ā 
ā€œā€“ergeant Sanders, have yā€“ā€
Familiar. There is something familiar about the voice and the tone and the accent but he canā€™t remember, he is tired, so tiredā€“
ā€œā€”ich way is medical bay? Chap hereā€™s got a touch of fever.ā€
And suddenly his entire body jolts, half-asleep, and then abruptly he is shaking all over and not just from the cold. Numbness has settled on his mind like a thick fog, but all at once it seems to dissipate and he is alert, rigid, eyes snapping open as he gasps in a breath.Ā 
ā€œā€”down this street and take a leftā€”ā€
ā€œā€“ank you, sirā€“ā€
Schofieldā€™s gaze hones in on a soldier just up ahead, standing talking to Sergeant Sanders with a coughing man by his side, and suddenly his heart is pounding becauseĀ it canā€™t be it canā€™t be itā€™s impossible itā€™s impossible but what if itā€™s notā€“
Heā€™s on his feet before he can register anything else, not even bothering to collect his rifle in his panic as he careens forward across the icy cobblestones. A few men pause their idle conversation and turn to look at him, skepticism flashing over their faces when they realize whoā€™s sprinting past, but he scarcely even realizes they are there.Ā 
And he doesnā€™t mean to call out, not yet at least, but it slips from his mouth and he canā€™t stop himself and itā€™s too late.Ā 
The soldier ahead of him stiffens slightly, and then he is turning and itĀ isĀ him, itā€™s Blake, standing there in the snow with frost-pale skin just like the day he died, dark eyes confused as he watches Schofield skid to a halt on the icy ground. Schofield can scarcely breathe, his lungs suddenly tight in his chest as he stands and tries to piece together words to say but canā€™t think of anything at all.Ā 
ā€œā€¦Iā€™m sorry, do I know you?ā€ Blake asks slowly after a minute. The man beside him steps away to spit into the snow before heā€™s seized by another fit of coughing. Blake fidgets, waiting for a response, knuckles white on the barrel of his rifle.Ā 
Schofield stammers softly, eyes stinging with a sudden flash of tears, and then presses the back of his hand to his mouth, still at a loss for words. ā€œBlakeā€“ youā€™reā€“ youā€™re back,ā€ he whispers finally, brokenly, and doesnā€™t know whether to laugh or cry.Ā  ā€œIā€“ why didnā€™t you comeā€¦how didā€“ā€ He pauses, swallows, cracked lips pressing briefly together, and suddenly he canā€™t stop himself and he is stumbling forward, wild, unhinged, grief and joy fighting within him, one arm reaching-
Blakeā€™s face darkens and he takes a step back, but not before Schofieldā€™s hand snags onto his sleeve. His voice snaps out like a bullet, colder than the snow lining the ragged streets, stabbing into Schofieldā€™s heart like a knife.Ā 
ā€œMate, I donā€™t know if you think this is funny or what, but I have no clue who the bloody hell you are, so clear out, all right? Iā€™ve got this sick chap to take to med bay.ā€ His scowl, so uncharacteristic of him, deepens as he jerks his arm free of Schofieldā€™s grasp and steps back.Ā 
ā€œAhā€”ā€ Sergeant Sanders appears suddenly at Schofieldā€™s elbow, one hand reaching to grip his upper arm as Schofieldā€™s face twists in distress. ā€œā€”Donā€™t mind him.ā€ Sanders coughs uncomfortably, then in an undertone adds with reluctance, ā€œHe lost a close mate on a mission a few years back. Hasnā€™t been the same ever since.ā€Ā 
Blakeā€™s face clears in swift understanding, combined pity and empathy filling his eyes, but the pain only stabs deeper into Schofieldā€™s heart. He has endured hell and back since Blakeā€™s death butĀ thisĀ , this is too much, not when Sergeant Sanders knows better, not when heā€™s already suffered constant remarks about his crumbling mental state andĀ just canā€™t take any moreĀ .Ā 
His throat is tight and he feels a hot stinging erupt in his eyes as he twists to stare at the sergeant in shocked disbelief. ā€œĀ YearsĀ ?ā€ he finally manages to spit, voice cracking with suppressed grief, his mouth sandpaper-dry. ā€œItā€™s not been years, itā€™s only been months! OnlyĀ nine monthsĀ , you summoned me to that mission yourself, what theĀ effingā€“Ā ā€Ā Ā 
ā€œLance Corporal, thatā€™s enough,ā€ Sanders interrupts with a sharpness he rarely uses, and Schofieldā€™s words stutter to a halt, his chest heaving, the cold burning in his lungs like a knife. The sergeant waves a dismissive hand at Blake, who has frozen in place before them, sympathy still evident on his face as he watches the emotion flickering in Schofieldā€™s eyes. ā€œGo on then, attend to your sick chap. Iā€™ll take care of our boy here.ā€Ā 
ā€œUmā€“ā€ Blake pauses, faltering, the tip of his nose red with the cold. ā€œYes, sarge.ā€ He swallows, pulling the collar of his overcoat closer to his chin and giving Schofield a final uncomfortable look. ā€œCome on, then,ā€ he mutters to the lad heā€™s brought with him, and then they move away down the street, where they are quickly swallowed by the mounds of rubble.Ā 
Schofield stares after them in shock, the hot stinging in his eyes growing fiercer now, Sergeant Sandersā€™ hand still firm on his arm. ā€œThat wasā€“ that wasĀ himĀ ,ā€ he chokes finally, scarcely feeling the cold as he turns a haunted gaze upon the sergeant. ā€œHow could you not recognize him? Thatā€“ that was Lance Corporal Thomas Blake and heĀ diedĀ on that mission in April, heĀ bled out in my arms,Ā and you have the bloody nerve to notā€“ you didnā€™t even recognizeā€“ā€ He grips his head in both palms and heaves for breath as the Sergeantā€™s hand moves uncertainly to his shoulder. ā€œHow could you say it was a few bloody years when itā€™s only been monthsā€“ā€
ā€œLad.ā€ Sergeant Sanders clears his throat. ā€œI donā€™t know what the ā€™ell youā€™re talking about, butā€¦for my part I thinkā€”ā€
ā€œYou think Iā€™m insane.ā€ Schofieldā€™s voice cracks. ā€œYou think Iā€™m insane just like everyone else does.ā€Ā 
The sergeant doesnā€™t respond, and that is confirmation enough. Schofield pulls free of his grip and takes a step backwards, boots unsteady on the icy cobbles as he draws a stinging breath. His fingers clench tightly against his palms as he turns away. Numbly he walks through scattered groups of men who eye him warily, who whisper amongst themselves once he has passed. Numbly he sits down again against his bit of crumbling wall and feels snow seep through his clothes. Numbly he draws his knees up to his chest and squeezes his eyes shut as tight as they will go.Ā 
And he thinks, as the impossibility of the situation finally begins to sink in, that maybe he really is insane.
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1917-ao3feed Ā· 11 months ago
Un mal dĆ­a para ser un perro
by Syantal
El cuento de la princesa y el sapo es real, aunque el tĆ­tulo correcto (aplica solo en esta historia) es el bohemio y el perro.
Ā o
Ā La familia Blake tiene una maldiciĆ³n dĆ³nde se convierten en perros despuĆ©s de besar a una persona. (Es una historia 100% de Joseph Blake/Lieutenant, aun no me decido si aƱadir el desarrollo de una relaciĆ³n entre Tom/Will o ponerlo en otro trabajo, pero al menos dejĆ© en claro que se gustan y Joe estĆ” harto de estos bastardos que no se dicen lo que sienten).
Words: 3358, Chapters: 1/2, Language: EspaƱol
Fandoms: 1917 (Movie 2019)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Joseph Blake (1917), Lieutenant Leslie (1917), Tom Blake, William Schofield, Private Kilgour (1917)
Relationships: Joseph Blake/Lieutenant Leslie (1917), Tom Blake/William Schofield
Additional Tags: Joseph Blake puede transformarse en un perro, Tom Blake puede transformarse en un perro, maldiciĆ³n familiar, EspĆ­ritus del Bosque que lanzan maldiciones, En realidad el Tom/Will estĆ” implļæ½ļæ½cito, Tom suspira por Will y viceversa pero son tontos, A Good Day to be a Dog K drama AU, Modern AU, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, True Love's Kiss, Con un beso de amor soƱƩ y un prĆ­ncipe que me lo dĆ©, Curse Breaking, Curses, AƱadirĆ© mĆ”s etiquetas conforme avance la serie
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adrianmata26 Ā· 1 year ago
The Sachairi & Peaches Show - S2E2 - The Curse upon Blithe Hollow: ParaNorman's Coming-of-Age Story
Continuing the podcast's 3 for Halloween series this month, Adrian and Emma take a virtual visit to Blithe Hollow and talk about ParaNormanā€”but not before divulging in a modern AU of the Laika Studios lead characters with Kubo running a coffeeshop (thanks to news of Kubo's voice actor Art Parkinson's assumption of ownership and operation of The Coffee Tree in Derry, Northern Ireland, UK). Once that discussion concludes, Adrian makes light of what's been going on at the sofa of ITV's This Morning programme, following the respective departures of its co-hosts, Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, and what might come next for the embattled UK daytime show.
Check out the Art of Nimona e-book/website at ā artofnimona.comā !
Question of the week:Ā What are your thoughts about ParaNorman? Reply now under this recap entry or reblog it with your answer, or if you listen via Spotify, through their Q&A feature!
Have an animated show or movie youā€™d like for us to review? Email us atĀ ā [email protected]ā Ā or reach out to us on the following social media handles to send your suggestion in!ā 
Follow The Sachairi & Peaches Show: Instagram: @ sachairiandpeaches Threads: @ sachairiandpeaches
Follow Adrian: DeviantArt: @ AdrianMata26 Instagram: @ adrianmata26 and @ sachlandhub Threads: @ adrianmata26 and @ sachlandhub YouTube: @ Sachland (Adrian Mata // Sachland)
Follow Emma: DeviantArt: @ LocalPeaches Instagram: @ localpeachesstudios YouTube: @ localpeachesstudios8124 (LocalPeaches Studios)
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multi-fandom-imagine Ā· 2 years ago
hey, 1917 anon is back
could you write something for being William Schofield's girlfriend and reuniting with him once he comes home. Blake is with him (au where he survives) and is surprised to see her because Will never mentioned having a girlfriend to him?
sorry if that's kinda specific, you don't have to write it if you don't want to (:
Noo I love this! Finally a happy ending for these two because they deserved it { and I cried when he died }
I also love it when you all get specific
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withhowsadsteps Ā· 4 years ago
the laptop stand / au!will scho
a/n: i'm back with something, hope you like it! this time it's au!will x reader, not tom. ps. i have NO clue if the term thesis is used in UK for bachelor's and master's degree or is it a dissertation?? Imma use thesis anyway because for me it's a more natural word choice
and i'm gonna apologize FOR ANY mistakes, it's late and i can't sleep so this is what i'm doing šŸ™ƒāœŒļø
The exhaustion of the past week was clearly evident on the faces of the people studying in the university's library. The smell of fresh coffee someone just bought from the little cafe inside the library filled slowly but surely filled the air and woke her up from her daydream. She had been staring at this tall, handsome guy for at least 15 minutes. Not just because of his looks, but because he was using the book she needed the most for her thesis as a freaking laptop stand. She did not know how she could ask the guy to give her the book in the nicest and least intrusive way possible. She had asked the librarian if they had another copy, but the answer was no.
She slowly made her way towards him. The golden afternoon light hit his face from such an angle that made him look like a literal angel. His blue eyes seemed to shine like the clearest sea under the sunlight. Fuck. Her heart almost skipped a beat. His looks definitely worsened the situation a lot. He had airpods in his ears, so she also had to literally briefly touch him to get his attention. And so, she tapped his shoulder lightly. He took one of his airpods out of his ear and turned to look at her. She did not know, but the way the setting sun hit her face made his heart skip a beat too. The first thing that filled his mind was her beauty. "I'm so sorry I had to disturb you, but are you using that book for something else too or is it just your laptop stand?" she managed to say under his wandering gaze. Reluctantly he shook his head. "You can definitely have it, if you need it" he said and immidiately slipped the book from under the laptop and offered it to her. "Thank you, you just saved my thesis", she sighed, relieved. She thanked him once more and left him looking after her. Neither of them new, that this was not the last time they were going to meet. Turned out, he was a regular at the library. She never used to study at the library before, but she realized that it was easier to work on some of the sources she used for her thesis there. Some of the books were for in-house borrowing only anyway. So, she saw him around a lot. And he saw her. She had occupied his mind since the first day, but he was unsure if it was ok for him to ask her out. He decided to take it slowly. Each time he saw her, he choce a seat nearer and nearer until he was sitting across the table. She smiled at him but quickly turned her face towards the pile of books she had spread around her laptop. She had thrown her hair in a messy bun, but she managed to look very good nevertheless. She looked stressed, no makeup covering up the darkened circles under her eyes. He opened his own laptop and felt kind of out of place, since he only needed his laptop and one simple book. If only he could help her. After an hour or so, he decided it was time to go get a coffee. "I'm going to grab a coffee, is it too much if I ask you to keep an eye on my laptop? I'll grab you a coffee, too." he said to hear. At first she wasn't sure if he talked to her, but after looking at him and seeing him smiling, she nodded. "It's like you read my mind, I really need some caffeine" she laughed. When she finally got up to leave, she introduced herself and he introduced himself, too. William Schofield. The name sounded just as beautiful as he looked. They even exchanged numbers and from then on, they were inseparable.
After she finished her thesis, she did not need the library as much, but she still went there. Just because of Will. Couple of months had passed and she had developed a huge crush on the man. He studied both English literature and philosophy. He was extremely smart and made the butterflies in her stomach flap their wings wildly every time he opened his mouth to speak. He looked at her admiringly whenever she talked about her studies enthusiastically. Her love for her studies and career choice was contagious and motivated him in his studies even more. They completed each other without realizing it. Late nights studying at each other's homes became a thing, too. Sometimes they would take breaks and just talk about everything from literature to movies to their favorite flowers or even their childhoods. It was not too long before they started hanging out more and more and introduced each other to their other friends. Everyone could see that they were meant to be, but them.
One summer weekend, their separate friend groups merged together and rented a cabin somewhere near a lake. They enjoyed the warm summer sun and the cool water of the lake. She was sitting outside late in the evening, with a book in her hands. He watched her from the other side of the patio, smiling. His best friend, Tom, noticed this. "You should ask her out", he told Will, "everyone else can see how much you both love each other but you." he continued. But Will was afraid of losing her. Having her in his life, even if she was just a friend, was all he wanted. She changed his life for the better, she made him feel good.
After everyone else went to sleep that night, he came out of the room he shared with Tom. He noticed a familiar silhouette on the sofa of the living room area, still reading. He chuckled, holding a book of his own in his hands. "Can I join you?" he asked, while sitting down at the sofa. She just smiled at him and nodded. Somehow she managed to gather up some courage, and decided to lay down, laying her head on his lap. His hand that was not holding the book found their way to her hair and he let his fingers run through her hair, soothingly. And that is how they managed to express wordlessly their feelings towards each other. Early the next morning, sitting on the pier while the sunrise painted the sky with its colors, they shared their first kiss.
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andromeddog Ā· 2 years ago
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k4zz0-s0l0 Ā· 3 years ago
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me n a friend have this joke au where will snuck into a hospital and i drew it
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jayvrontio Ā· 2 years ago
How about a ghost Blake AU, where Ghost Blake hounds Schofield or Ghost Blake playing Tricks with schofield like scaring him from behind>:>
Ooooooooooh thatā€™s an awsome idea for an AU >:3 I definitely wanted to draw something like this! Itā€™s such an awsome idea >w<
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I imagine that after Blake died his spirit remain around Scho guiding and protecting him. And I like to think that his ghost design will have blossoms floating around him. Also I did a lil comic of ghost Blake trying to scare Scho but he is not afraid of Blake beacuse Blake is too adorable to be scrary XD
Thank you so much for the request dear sissy <3 donā€™t be afraid to ask me more! šŸ’•
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eatmacherries Ā· 2 years ago
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Monster Scho doodlesiezzzz
Some doodles for @lazy309 of her monster Schofield version. Took me like forever to finish it šŸ˜­
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