#birb Blake
lazy309 · 1 year
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1917 AUs CREATED BY ME AND MY SIS @jayvrontio 💕
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eatmacherries · 2 years
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Just a shitpost guys
Birb Blake it’s in Haven
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Faunus RWBY Goes To Vacuo
Alligator Yang: This is nice. Lot's of great places to sunbathe.
Blake, just Blake: Yeah, it's almost like home.
Bird Ruby: *Flapping her wings* Weiss! Are you okay?
Snow Leopard Weiss: *Heat stroke*
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Bird Faunus Ruby?
But what kind of bird?
Jaune: Hey Ruby!
Ruby: (Looks at him) Yeah?
Jaune: ... First of all, please turn your body towards me when you talk to me. It's unsettling when you do that.
Ruby: (Head 180 Degrees to her body) I know! It's just fun to do.
An Owl's eye's are too large for it to turn in it's skull, so owls evolved to rotate their heads up to 270 degrees with remarkable speed, appearing to rotate in full circles.
Ruby: (Walks Up behind Weiss)
Weiss: Anyone Seen Ruby?
Ruby: I'm Right Behind you?
Weiss: AAH!
Owls are also as close to silent as possible when flying, however this comes at the cost of their feather not being water-proof, so they must wait until fully dry to fly again, unlike the majority of other bird families.
Blake: Ruby, Your Semblance is Speed, How are you always late to class?
Ruby: (Panting) Sorry, but ever since Prof. Goodwitch banned use of Semblances in the buildings, I've been playing catch up the whole time.
Owls are ALSO the Slowest Flying birds on the planet ...
Jaune: RUBY? RUBY?
Ruby: (On the Roof) Up Here Jaune!
Jaune: Oh! Hey Ruby, Wanna Grab a Bite for Lunch?
Ruby: Okay, just let me get down!
Jaune: Cool! I'll just wait -
Ruby: Thanks For Catching me Jaune!
Jaune: (in a Crater) Not a ... problem ...Rubes.
... As Opposed to the Peregrine Falcon, capable of reaching 240 MPH (~390 KPH) During a Dive-bomb, Making it the fastest Member of the Animal Kingdom!
Blake: That's a massive egg Yang! Where'd you get it?
Yang: Ruby Laid it this morning - It's why she was 'Sick'.
Yang: Yeah. It's not fun for her.
Kiwis, a bird species endemic to New Zealand, are Ratites, which contains Cassowarys, Ostriches, and Emus. Unlike their Relatives, they are rather small, but still lay similarly sized Eggs, which can be 15% - 20% of it's bodyweight, shifting if's internal organs to make room for it's eggs. They are considered Vulnerable in terms of extinction status, due to Humans introducing Canines, Felines, and Rodents into their natural Habitat.
Ruby: Hey Yang! We got a letter from Ilia!
Yang: Sweet!
Blake: Ilia?
Ruby: Ilia Amitola! She Our cous- Well. My Cousin. But she's Really sweet! I bet she'd love to meet you!
Blake: Ah.
Avians and Reptiles are closely related to each other based on ancestry (The Phylogenetic System) Which is different from the common teaching form, based on the Linnaean System, which follows Morphology, the Physical Traits an animal has.
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jayvrontio · 2 years
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So I had this idea for another 1917 AU where Blake after he dies in the movie he reincarnated into a bird who is already grown. Don’t ask me how it works I have no idea. And after Schofield finishes the mission relaxing againts the tree birb Blake appears out of nowhere and Schofield somehow recognize that the bird is Blake.
So yeah some doodles of this new AU:)
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raunchyremnant · 2 years
🚿 Leon to Blake
Blake turned her head when a stranger suddenly entered the shower. This was a unisex shower, so it wasn't THAT surprising, but she still felt the need to check. It didn't take long for Blake to return to her own business, though, and set about rinsing her hair.
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Funny thing about Pact’s ending is that I really didn’t like it at first.  Felt a lot like Worm’s ending in terms of ambiguity; felt that if Bow wasn’t going to kill Blake for the tragedy, he should at least explain how this alternate situation came to be.  We’ve established how Blake is letting himself get killed - what kind of fanservice is it to respawn him into this idyllic landscape with absolutely zero explanation how we got from point A to point B?  How is Evan still there, hanging out with the Others for multiple years, when he required regular energy transfusions over a month of post-familiarhood in canon?  The whole bit with drawing out the epilogue with uncertainty about whether or not we are following Blake is TOO soon after the abruptness of the ending and the lack of closure on any other major characters (I still hold this opinion).
And after rolling it around in my head a while, I was able to slot it into place with Otherverse metaphysics as I understand them - you see, Rose took Blake’s humanity-component, but he’s had the gaps filled by spirit-components since day one, and these have coalesced into birb - and themes - obviously Green Eyes threatened Rose into stabilizing him or secured help otherwise because she’s the opposite of self-sacrificing in a way Blake really needs in his proximity, and thus demonstrates that Blake’s brought good into the world despite all odds by forming this relationship.  And this flipped it to being satisfying and directly informing about how Otherverse works.  I really like the implication that Blake made enough of a dent in the world to be present spiritually even with 0% of his original Self in the picture.  There’s all this talk throughout the story of humans making and breaking the patterns that the spirits follow - here’s direct evidence even half a guy can make an impact!  And this lets the sacrifice be sufficiently all encompassing while letting the shape of our guy survive - we can elegantly have our Blake and eat him too!  It’s a key part of the story and my enjoyment thereof.  And it doesn’t ruin that to think about how Wildbow could have written it differently if he were in a different mental place, but it is interesting to consider.
Also Evan’s stayin’ alive, at least in part, through energy transfusions from Ty who comes out to visit the lake every month or three, and is also alive, and I won’t hear otherwise
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tiny-space-robot · 1 month
Every villain likes cats, apparently.
But fr, father martin totally like birds, since i think they can induce creativity (colorful and pretty, some have specific symbolisms)
Also, i wasn't expecting cat dad Loutermilch, but it's true, but personally i thought he would like birds bc there was canon dialogue of blake that he said that a "a priest told him that the sound of the birds were a proof god's existence." Plus, bird pretty and singy! But it might be a me thingy
- Apple vinaigrette/fritters
loutersnacc can be a dual wielding dad! he can be a cat dad AND have a special affinity towards pretty birbs <3
OMG- can you imagine loutermilch singing to himself during recess- (like sitting on a bench) and suddenly there's BIRDS flocking around him and sitting on his shoulders like?? ;;;u;;;
give me Disney prince loutermilch any day <3
and yee!! I also totes agree with you on martin there! ;3c
HHHHHHH I am just so weak for villains with fluffy companions <3 <3
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firebuug · 1 month
HELLOO!! waving really really fast :] 4, 9 and 26 for the oc ask game mmmaybe?
HII looks at u with giant boba eyes. sorry this gets really long because u asked me a music related question. this is unavoidable
4. How did you find the name for a certain character?
god so a lot of my ocs come pre-named, like my lobcorp ocs (all randomly generated ingame) and some of my town of salem ocs (buggy comes from the firebug skin, skuggy is just...sk (serial killer) buggy....) but i think i can list some (slightly more) interesting ones :3
will (my g corp housefly limbus oc) comes from the author of the poem he comes from, william blake
maggie (one of the names of julian's boss) comes from maggot lol
adànor (my dnd character based off...adam lobcorp) was difficult because i was stressin like "uhhhghh how do you name an elven characterrrrrr" but i found this fun website and used it to come up with a first and last name! i chose the prefix Adàn because it's literally jsut the spanish way to say adam lol....also bcuz im hispanic and it sounds better than just a d a m .... used the suffix -or because it sounded nicest and elfy lol, it also means flower (just according to this little site) which is fun. his last name is caldeth which sounds epic but also means eternal faith which...fits his character lol. i pulled up a bunch of name meanings for adàn and used the one i liked most LMFAO so in the early days of the campaign (when he was still innocent.......and very egotistical lol) he'd introduce himself like "i am adànor caldeth, which means earth flower of undying faith . . " or some pretentious shit like that. it was pretty funny while it lasted
bierrab kaluk (my aaracokra dnd character, which is a giant bird) is literally just mangled up "birb" and "cluck" LOL. my friend fuzz helped me come up w this one and it stuck
5. What is one of your character’s theme songs?
GIGGLES....so this is difficult bc i have whole playlists for ocs rather than single songs, but i can definitely go through and pick out the songs that fit the most for them?
julian is hard because you kind of need the Whole playlist to get a gist of all of the multitudes he is made up of. man stuck in a time loop. man who is exhausted but keeps running anyways. man who cant stop thinking he is full of bugs and worms. man who is deeply in love with someone who keeps dying. but my friend showed me a few songs that really clicked so i can say that as of rn the most julie themes are for the departed and rule 21: momento mori :3
eva. grabs him so hard squeezes him SHAKES HIM AROUND SO HARD. his are piedmont by destroy boys (the autism. the alienation of being raised on one track his whole life isolated from normality (he was a nestie raised solely to work at a wing) and having nothing in common with anyone because all he was allowed to be was a success story. nostalgia for memories he's never had (time loops erased except for little bits and pieces from past abnormalities. he woke up one day knowing how to play perfect piano from la luna). blue. dissociation. eva song fr) and usseewa by ado (if youve listened to this song you know. corporate slave anger and rage. u get it). as a bonus his distortion themes r machine gun poem doll by cosMo-P and abnormality dancin girl by guchiry
adanor's is 100% cannibal by tally hall im so fucking normal about this i can't explain it completely but it fits in line with how his plot went and its. grips . GRIPSSSSS GRIPS he's haunted by his dead wife. to the point where he will undergo horrors and get actually ripped apart for her if its what she wants. he ends up getting manipulated by an evil entity disguising herself as his dead wife into sevrving her by doing exactly that. and he just believed it was her because she loves him and would do him no wrong. hiding in the corners disguised....he's really idolizing the blood moonstone and not his dead wife and he had no idea....until he finally opens his eyes later on but it's too late he's been consumed by what's manipulated him and it's left a permanent scar onto him he doesn't think he'll be able to redeem himself from.....grins so hard my teeth fall out
narae has hall of fame by jeff rosenstock. he has a specific brainrot that causes him to think everyone is out to get him and he needs to constantly be proving himself. he needs to be the one on top at all times etc etc he needs to be competitive until he dies
ummm bonus but. julipede's theme song is bug by kairiki bear teehee. i love how frantic and energetic it is but also u can Feel the paranoia radiating off of it. i love the silly double meaning it has for julipede because bug as in "disease / glitch / illness" ya but also BUG BC HES A BUG.......also i. cant pick apart the lyrics rn but. um. he's . Yeah
26. What’s your favorite relationship/dynamic between a set of OCs?
IDK IF YOU CAN TELL BUT IM A BIG FAN OF DUBIOUSLY ONE-SIDED FRIENDSHIPS. i love it when some guy is so sure he is this other guy's best friend but that other guy wants him to die so so so badly. and the other guy refuses to admit that the only reason he hasnt beat the other guy into a pulp is because that guy genuinely makes his life a little better. this is the julian + eva dynamic and it is also the dynamic between buggy and skuggy the alternate universe besties / twins . also the dynamic between salamander and narae...i just really like it ok.
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ghiou-alter · 7 months
Finished chapter 7.9 so...
Blake and Rose are doing better than expected all things considered, not good mind you but better (especially considering recent revelations)
I get the feeling that every bit of Practice Blake's picking up is digging him deeper in the pit and I'm hoping Evan doesn't turn out to have that same effect (love that birb)
Rip Fell, there's place for only one down on his luck guy who's really attatched to his vehicle
On the same note, if the universe was a fair and just place Blake would get a magical bike of the kickass variety but this is not the case I'm afraid
God forbid women summon anything
Now Iike Ty, Tiff, Alexis and the others wich Is why I don't like that Blake invited them into this, even if I understand why he did and why that was a good thing
When will I get some of Rose's pov tho I need it to understand how screwed up the dinamic duo is
Blake seems less and less bothered about how his body is being affected and that's not the Best of Signs
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clarissa39 · 9 months
Pact Arc 1 (and Gathered Pages)
-Wow this is Canadian as fuck. Like damn Wildbow it feels like you're trying to compensate for making Miss Militia being a gun toting refugee woman with an American flag draped around her face.
-Tim Hortons mention! Toronto mention! Montreal mention! Wooooooooooo
-wow this whole ass family fucking sucks huh? Every thornburn besides Molly (RIP) seems to have forgotten how to be Canadian (polite)
-"Only my granddaughters can inherit my shit and also Blake." I now understand the trans-Blake posting
-this man is unflappable. "Hmmm weird mirror girl that claims to be my sister...guess I'll listen."
-spooky birbs, wonder what they really are
-wow this Behaim guy is just a fucking asshole...that can be said about many people so far
-very sad that Padraic wasn't a witch hunter, thus completing the Hellsing reference I wanted
-Blake you're really gonna let that pizza man not!die on a gut feeling? Just because you're right doesnt mean you're not also an asshole
-this magic seems complicated but really, really cool.
-Rose jr's spell didnt work but Blake's did? Surely this won't come up later.
-Rose senior. You're a bitch, but i kinda get it.
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notmaplemable · 2 years
Ruby: I have a really strong urge to sit down on a park bench with Jaune and have him feed me corn. Is that weird?
Blake: *Currently being spoon fed tuna by Yang* It's a little weird.
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wanou-dorm · 1 year
🍫 My ocs would like to give some chocolate to
Leory to Shu
Greg accidentally ate his for Blake but got a gift instead
Flynn had some start shaped chocolates
Finally I finished sorry for any ooc
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Leroy had dropped by Wanou dorm ,to deliver a gift to Shu this Valentine’s Day considering it was Valentine’s Day . The Chameleon knock on the Door of the main Dorm Building in Wanou .
The Door Slid open  but, instead of Seeing Shu , Leroy Look looked down to see  a small chibi sized Version Answering The Door. It looked Exactly like a Small  Doll . Leroy Seemed confused considering Shu’s  tendencies he suspected the oni  failed a Spell or Potion  again before seeing a purple mist gathered behind the Chibi Shu  before forming into a Humanoid shape .
“ There you  are Mini Shu.”  A voice Sang Happily as Shu  walked over to the Door picking up the mini Shu  before poofing in out of existence.  
“ What’s up , Onnazuichi ?”
“…. Um,What was that ? “.  Leroy said looking at Shu . 
Shu glanced “ that I just call ‘em Mini Shu’s , they're just Mini Clones of myself I can make with my unique Magic .”
“ … What I thought your unique Magic just allowed you to turn into mist and Change size !?” Leroy said baffled by what Shu said 
“My UM Manipulates Density ,down to the Density of Concepts ,the  mini shus are basically just made with my own “density”
I spilt off And make more dense . “ Shu explained “ Its not like your the only one who tried to Figure out  my Unique Magic , Onigashima has different ways of Teaching .”
Leroy Shook his Head Remembering what he came here For
“Anyways , I made Chocolate and I had a some Extra left .”
“Ah,‘sweet thanks”  Shu said ,” Come inside
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“ He Brought me ,  My own Merch. “ Blake thought to himself looking at the Figure of his own Vtuber Persona Onyx and Charoite Clashing that Greg Had Given him in the  box . 
“I was gonna to Give ya Chocolates but…”
“ You ate it …” Blake sighed 
“ How’d Ya Guess” Greg asked surprises that Blake even Figured it out
“ It’s You, Gregory  “Blake Said “ Normally I’d Get mad at someone who  did that but I guess People with Purple hair  are the Exception .”Blake kept in mind that Plutus  had Done a Similar thing  earlier.
“ Plus  this Charoite Guy  , Kinda looks like me,  .”’ Blake’s  Heart Stopped as he turned pale   , alot of Characters in Onyx ‘s Universe looked like People from the School but He hadn’t Really Noticed how much Charoite took form  Gregory even Though Lore Charoite is Someone Who was captured and experimented on by the Enemy along with Blood Ruby considering Greg’s Crystal it probably not Far from the Truth .
“Blakey , Blakey , Are okay ? “ Gregory Waved his hand in Front Blake’s Face before  he Grabbed it
“ Wash your Hands Gregory , I can Smell leftover Chocolate one then “
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“ Whoops!, Sorry Flynn “ Hoshi Said before the Smoke had cleared Rushing over to the birb
 “I was Testing out a potion that Would temporarily give people the Stars that Are naturally  seen in my Hair  . “
“That’s alright, Iolite “ Flynn Coughed “
I just Came to give you Chocolate’s I Requested from Leroy.”
“ that Explains Why he’s  at the  Dorm with Shu . “ Hoshi Said as he Took the Box of Chocolates from Flynn’s Hands and opened it  “ Aww How cute , thier Shaped like-“. 
Hoshi turned  around towards as the Smoke cleared as his Third eye  Became as Wide as a Saucer
“ …Well it Seems the Potion worked … Abit To well …” Hoshi Said nervously. 
“ Iolite What are you Talking about …” Flynn Then Looked To see that His Hair was Trailing the Floor in a pile and instead of the Red Tips he had before it was almost a Sunset Gradient ending it a Dark Violet with Aforementioned  stars in the Gradient , The Gradient even Got to his Feathers
“ Um , How long dose this Last , Iolite .” 
“… A Week…,the Potion wasn’t supposed  to. Lengthen your hair .” Hoshi Rubbed the Back of his head “ Though you look Pretty like that, “ Hoshi Shook his head” I’m Going to Make an antidote and -”
 Hoshi was Cut off by the Crow Bringing  his Head Up and bringing thier Lips Together a Kiss.
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angellayercake · 1 year
Tag Game!
Thank you for the tag @lurancyvenom, @copiousloverofcopia and @nocturnal-birb
Relationship status: Living in sin with my bf 
Favourite colour: Teal and mauve
Song stuck in my head: Plastic Jesus - Tia Blake 
Last song I listened to: Also Plastic Jesus - Tia Blake 
Three favourite foods: Greggs vegan sausage rolls, lasagne, mint dark chocolate
Last thing I googled: terzo veneration of relics 
Dream trip: There are so many places I want to travel to but the main two big trips I would love to do like a month trip traveling across America because I can’t decide on one place to go and me and bf want to take his mum back to the Philippines because she hasn’t been able to go back for years and I would love to meet more of his family. 
Anything I want: for the ministry to be real so me and all the ghesties can move there please and thank you 
tag people you want to know better: @ghostchems @xfilesinamajor @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @rabidghoul @ramblingoak @jennmakesitweird @littlegirlsdontplaynice @mustluvecho @jumpcauseimfroggy @kissingghouls (sorry if you have been tagged already) 
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hermitbug · 1 year
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i wish i could be this quentin blake birb
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jayvrontio · 2 years
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Just a random idea for an AU with the boys lol
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