#atleast nobody in my games can call me an idiot
prorevenge · 4 years
My boss was abusive and didn't care about staff so I cost him his store and his contracts
This story will include no real names and a location will not be given. I am obligated to inform you I wrote this on mobile and have no idea how long this will be.
Backstory: I was an idiot growing up and ended up in a rehabilitation program for people under 18 to avoid jail time and eventually got given a place at a large charity agency that sources workers for anything from retail to gardening. The person directly in control of my position at said charity was one of those "I'm too nice for anyone to notice me doing wrong" people and he put me, someone who literally couldn't (and still can't years later) talk to a stranger without panicking, into a job in retail speaking to upwards of 35+ customers a day. May not sound like a lot but I struggled to make it through a day without going into the back room and crying.
Story: So, I get assigned to work in a (unsure of the right word here but, privately owned?) retail place that sells "upcycled" furniture. I had previously worked at the site actually doing the upcycling and knew this stuff was a scam, barely had a thing changed and the people doing the work spent most of the day drinking coffee and smoking while playing games on their phone.
The boss of this site (Kevin) showed just what kind of person he was from day 1 by threatening to fire me for telling him I can't handle strangers and shouting in my face. God I wish he had fired me. This never got better and over the months of working there and I eventually started started recording it all without his knowledge. Among the things he did is this list:
Shouting at staff for not putting toilet paper on the holder (there was a pile of it on the back of the toilet)
Calling the person in charge of my placement and reporting me for "lack of workplace enthusiasm" in front of me while I was having a panic attack
Telling a 70+ year old woman who I worked with that she needs to "grow up and handle confrontation like a man" after having 2 large men shout and swear at her for refusing to sell an already sold item to them
Throwing his phone (told by another employee) after I called in sick for a day due to crippling stomach pains brought on by Crohns
After being told at 11am that I won't make it to my shift (due to being in hospital), proceeded to call me at 3am the next morning and yell at me (he seemed VERY drunk) demanding I have a doctor prove I was in the hospital because I didnt give 2 weeks notice
And back to the story. All of this was recorded in the space of only 3 weeks and I gave it all to my placement manager who proceeded to organise a meeting between himself, Kevin and me to try and put things right. During this meeting however, instead of calmly talking about the issue and what can be done to solve it, all the evidence was shown to Kevin who then yelled at me for recording him then throwing a full on tantrum that I would dare question his style of management while I sat there scared as hell and my placement manager just did nothing.
Back we go to work with a final warning strike issued to me for gross misconduct and told that I should do as stated in my contract and anything else that is asked of me or I would be fired. I do everything I can to follow my contract and anything else asked of me including cleaning a f**king toilet and see a broken window above it. Thats when I finally get a plan together.
The revenge: The plan I came up with meant I had to stay in everyones good books, deal with a-hole customers, go to work even in crippling pain and dose up on meds to control my panicking but in exchange my belief was I could get Kevin replaced or atleast get myself removed from the situation.
I should have clarified earlier, being fired from any site ALSO gets you taken off the charities payroll.
I started informing Kevin of every little safety violation the site managed to break from broken windows in the female toilets, loose light fixtures and broken locks on doors all the way up to a giant glass panel going across the front of the shop that was barely hanging in by a few bits of rubber and could easily kill a small child or less than strong adult if it were to fall out. I emailed him and texted him about each one individually and brought it up to other staff in hopes they would do the same, while also making sure to take photos of each of these issues so I could use them again later.
Another month and a half of working there and at this point I felt I may have a little too many minor details saved up but decided its best to go overkill than underkill and sent a huge email to the UK HSE (health and safety executive) detailing every risk and danger with photos attached to show what the place was doing wrong and requesting an inspection. Of course they obligued.
1 week later I get a phone call from Kevin. He tells me how the shop is closing down, how a safety inspection was carried out and how it had been failed so badly that he lost his contract with the charity and that nobody would be able to use the building for weeks while everything gets brought back up to code, but he couldn't run the place anymore due to money issues while it was closed because he had no savings for this. I never heard from him again.
A year later: After this happened I moved on and began working from home doing image editing for quick cash and around a year later I get a call from the placement manager who hadnt heard from me the whole time and I got asked in the coldest, most passive aggressive tone "why didnt you tell me the store closed?" turns out they had been apparently paying me £300 a DAY for a job I didnt have, hours I didnt work and this was all apparently being reported on the charities income as someone elses account. They got me confused with another person and reporting their hard work on my files and it took them a year to notice because of how badly they handled everything.
Another obligatory note: Rslash, if you are reading this; On behalf of every single subscriber, MORE PUPPY BLOOPERS PLEASE!
*: clearing the confusion- they had my name on another persons paperwork and though they paid the right person, they were using my name
(source) story by (/u/The-UK-Is-Mine)
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my-sea-of-stars · 6 years
There’s an enormous difference between infatuation and being in love with someone. Being infatuated is “an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.” but the truth is, I wouldn’t fight that hard for an infatuation because she’s worth so much more than an idiotic infatuation.
The fact that I had to get up early in the morning made me groan but I was more than excited to see my girl who ended up getting something new done with her hair, I was beyond excited.to see her. I got ready and ended up fixing my hair even though I thought it was too curly but I was in a rush anyhow. I brought a hairbrush with me and decided I’d brush the curls out of my hair on the Luas. I made my way to my Luas stop as I sat on beginning to quickly brush the thick curls out of my hair and leaving it looking quite wavy. I listened to her playlist that she secretly made for me as I relaxed up.
I checked the time before I realized that I would make her train station. I texted her and ended up getting off My Luas and cutting through the town so I could make it over to her Luas Stop. I quickly got on before I made it to Heuston station. I stood outside the first place that she had kissed me in Heuston. I leaned against the wall as I checked my phone. My eyes suddenly caught a glance of the redish shade of her hair that I had been enjoying ever since she got it done. She done the fuck boy ‘nod’ that she always does when she first sees me. I was taken back by her because she always had this glimmer about her that I couldn’t help but be lured in with.
We ended being hit with the long queues of people trying to line up to get a ticket as my girlfriend rolled her eyes at the sudden interaction. I sat down as I watched her get frustrated as we missed the Luas but I decided to put my middle finger up at her as she gave me a smile before she slowly shook her head at me in disapproval.
I waited until she came over to me as I gave her a smile because I was honestly pleased to see her. I was standing before I randomly stumbled over nothing and of course that got a laugh out of her. She made fun of my voice because it was all raspy considering I was up way too early. We ended up getting on the Luas before we got separated by the crowds of people but it was fine, we just waited until they left me before she gestured me to move over to her.
She smiled at me with the smile that every time I see, I fall in love with. We made our way among the streets as we linked before we decided to fuck it and just hold hands. She didn’t have the patience to get the luas and I enjoyed walking so we decided to walk to her college. We didn’t even really need to talk to enjoy each others company but when we were with one another, it was hard to get us to stop talking.
We watched as a man muttered something under his breath at us but we both automatically turned and gave him the ‘fuck off’ look because 1) It was too early in the morning and 2) He needed to shut his mouth. We didn’t really care because we were happy to be with one another. I kissed her cheek softly and she turned her head to grin to herself.
We enjoyed our walk as I stumbled again and she couldn’t help but laugh before we made our way towards the college before I was complaining as I got under the bridge before I watched as she turned around to press her lips against mine as I couldn’t help but feel myself smiling. We walked all the way to her college before we stopped at a local shop so she could get herself a coffee. She ended up running into a really rude man who called her ‘man’ because he was an absolute gobshite.  
We settled that he was the type of guy who you’d invite to your party and he’d end up kissing your girlfriend and would say ‘sorry man’. In response, he ended up stealing the coffee as he left the shop as we rolled our eyes as we made our way over to the college. We stood out in the cold before we noticed a number on the door. Nobody decided to call it before my girlfriend took the jump and rang. It took the man a good ten minutes to come downstairs as my girl decided to kiss me and I teased her for not being about to read out some Irish for me.
When we got in, I plugged my phone in and sat at the back as my girlfriend plopped down beside me as I shifted my chair as close as I could to her as I handed her a book that I bought her and wrote in the first page for her. We laughed and teased before she ended up going to do her workshop as I sat and sorted out the downloads of Sims on her laptop even though we both stated that ‘Supernatural was shit’ which was so true. I sorted it out before I noticed how my girlfriend had my doc with my book saved on her laptop for quick access.
I couldn’t help but feel my heart pound out of my chest when I seen how she kept all my things close for her to read.I’ve never really had someone that close to me actually care about my writing nevermind what’s actually in my head because most people just care for someone who agrees with everything.
I sat at the back of the class as I asked her to give me her phone so I could charge it and she done the clever thing of throwing it and missing completely. I sat on my chair as I listened to music and then paid attention to what was going even though my girlfriend kept turning around to smile at me before I couldn’t help but smile back. I wanted to roll my eyes but I had a softness with her and the truth was that I enjoyed being around with her, she made me feel grounded for once. I couldn’t help but laugh when they asked her to dance and she got embarrassed because the only form of dancing that my girlfriend can do is a head bob.
We ended up leaving as we decided to go to the play as lucky for her, I ended up falling again but lucky she caught me as she couldn’t help but laugh at my stumble. We walked along as we made our way to ‘The Abbey Theatre.’ I usually grow anxious when I’m in a building with many people because I feel like the longer I stand there, I feel like I’m nothing..it’s complicated to explain. I asked my girlfriend again if she was sure she didn’t want me to go and she looked at me like I had told her that I had murdered someone.
We ended up going into the room which was full of people before I sat beside my girlfriend who allowed me to hold my hand as we watched a play together which the plot line was pretty decent. It was a shifting battle of snuggling into one another and hold handing as we got into it together. After the show, she decided that she’d walk me home which I outright refused before she decided we’d get some nuggets.
My girlfriend immediately got impulsive as she decided she was going to buy a ton of crap but atleast it got her to smile. She sat opposite me with a crap ton of food as she was nothing beside happy with herself which was nice to see. She began to eat her chips as she then would swap between her salad. The thing was, she could be doing the most simple of things and I couldn’t help but love her for it. We ended up talking about something serious before her entire mood dropped at the thought of ‘losing’ me. Which I didn’t see the big deal in but she did because losing me did bother her.
She ended up leaving for a moment before she came back as we decided to put all our stuff in the bin as we held our melted coffee cups before we ended up arguing which this time, it was mainly me and by me saying mainly me, I mean it was me. She left me at my stop as she walked off but the thing was, I wasn’t going to let her just walk off like that so I obviously followed her and caught up with her.
She wasn’t having any of it and I didn’t blame her, I just wanted to make sure she got home safely. The girl with the fiery hair obviously had to have a fiery matching god-damn personality. It took me sometime before I finally told her what was up and I explained it in the best way I could because I had to explain to her in person how it actually felt.
She heard me out before we walked alongside each other before she reached her hand out for me to take as I swiftly took it. She told me she wanted to talk to me in private before we made our way over to the Liffey. She jumped the wall before I complained how I was wearing a dress and clearly couldn’t jump it but she thought otherwise and a random man decided to join in, in trying to get me over the wall.
I finally got over the wall even though I was wearing a dress. She tugged me over to the edge of the Liffey as she wrapped her arms around me and spoke to me and I don’t think I need to share what she said because that was our moment. Everything she told me made me melt.
We made our way over to the wall as we plopped down as we spoke quietly before she got frustrated how she hadn’t given me hickeys in forever which was true. She ended up being pleased when she got to give me a hickey but ended up hurting her knee in the process which made me laugh. We chuckled as I got her to stand up as she waddled in pain before I decided to make the rash choice to lean down and poke her obviously sore knee. She looked at me and screamed and I couldn’t help but break out laughing. We watched as some teenagers walked by as she told me how it was out of place and they looked at her in shock but we couldn’t help but fine it funny.
She made the stupid mistake of playing yellow reg game which made me get intense. We couldn’t stop laughing as we searched to see if a car with a yellow reg would pass by. We got annoyed before one finally went by and she called it which made her hit me. We ended up playing the intense game as we wandered down the road hitting each other everytime one of us called it.
I made the stupid choice of deciding because we were heading up the main road to change the yellow reg game to just yellow which means anything with the colour yellow gets a dead arm. We played it intense as we both yelled as we hit one another. It was living, it was innocent. We went into a shop before we decided that we’d get some cider along with pie.
The cider was obscenely sweet which was sickening. We ended up binning it as we decided we’d walk towards her station. We smiled and laughed before she decided to sit on the wall overlooking the water as I obviously freaked out as I always did. I begged her to get down before she smiled knowing it would get to me. I ended up getting her off the wall as we made our way to the Luas as we chuckled and I tugged at her when we got at the Luas before I froze when I heard my full name being said by someone.
I paused before I turned around to see a girl I knew, she came over to me as I made my way over to her and she asked was that my girlfriend which of course I say yes because I wasn’t ashamed, I never would be. She smiled at me and we ended up going our own way before I made my way to my girlfriend again before we climbed onto our Luas together.
I hated going to the station because I knew I’d have to say bye to her, the was literally the only thing I could ever do. Lucky me when we had more than enough time to sit and chill together. We made our way in to grab food before she sat down and I said I’d go get food. I was waiting to place my order before I watched as a elderly man came over to me and told me I was beautiful.
I just did what I always did and awkwardly smile even though I was clearly uncomfortable. He kept complimenting me before his friend got strangely too close and I tensed up at the entire encounter that was happening, I didn’t like it one bit. It knocked me down a bit. I ordered as I went back to re-join my girlfriend before he confirmed to me again that I was ‘beautiful’ and I just felt uneasy about it.
I sat down with my girlfriend as I explained what exactly happened before she gestured me to move closer to her which I think was just because she liked to have me close with her. I was uneasy for awhile but my girlfriend kept me close and safe even though I had to encourage her not to go over and say something which she didn’t. We ended up getting up after a while before I walked her down to her platform as she took the ring she gave me off and pretended to throw. Of course my gullible ass thought she threw it as she acted calm about it before I was upset and semi pissed but mostly upset.
She asked for a goodbye kiss which I done as she finally scanned her ticket and got in to catch her train before she called me back to the gate and told me that I didn’t give her a goodbye kiss which I rolled my eyes as I went over to her and leaned over the barrier before she responded with ‘Marry me’ as she handed the ring back to me. I kissed her lips and said yes because how couldn’t you say yes to a girl like that.
Why would I ever want to say anything beside yes?
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estellaira · 7 years
A/N:- Okay so this is actually based on the soulmate AU prompt of how people can't see the color of their soulmate’s hair until they actually touch their soulmate. In celebration for Jellal finally being pardoned for his sins. I hope you guys enjoy ^_^
Jellal had often heard about the color ‘red’ from his friends, with Natsu often saying that it was his favorite.
However Jellal had never seen the color with his own eyes. 
The warm liquid he felt whenever he received an injury while playing soccer with his friends.Gajeel’s eyes. The various shirts Natsu tended to wear, they were all the same dull shade of grey.
He wondered what the color actually looked like, and when the day would come when he would get to see it. To see them. The person who fate had decided would be by his side for life.
It was rather frustrating actually, to know absolutely nothing about the person who was considered as your other half except what the color of their hair was. Though he was glad he wasn't alone in this struggle.
Natsu for example was unable to see the color yellow, though he said it would definitely become one of his favorite color when he would actually see it. Gray and Gajeel both on the other hand were unable to see the color blue. 
Jellal sighed in exasperation as he watched his teammates arguing about where they would go for lunch while they waited for the girl's team to finish their training.
“Look, I'm telling you that place has the best barbecue in the entire town!” Natsu yelled as glared at Gray, pointing in the direction of a shop across the road.
“"Who in there right mind eat’s barbecue every single day?” Gray questioned just as hotly as he pointed at a small stand in the other direction “"Everybody knows that you eat something cold when it's this hot out! Well, anyone with a brain that is.”
“"What did you just say you ice-freak?”
“What? Are you that stupid that you can't even understand words you pyro?”
“"You're both wrong, the best place is definitely that punk cafe we passed a couple of blocks back.” Gajeel stated, a challenging look on his face. “"You shut up Iron head!” Both Natsu and Gray yelled in unison.
The constant yelling started to draw attention and people began to stop and stare at the bickering men. “"Instead of arguing and causing a ruckus, maybe we should decide it a more prudent way. One in which a police officer won't come to intervene.” Jellal reasoned calmly, remembering the last time their argument had gone a little out of hand.
“Jelly-bean’s got a point there.” Gajeel said, ignoring the annoyed look Jellal gave at the unwanted nickname. “Yeah, we need to settle this argument like men.” Gray said crossing his arms against his chest.
Natsu nodded in understanding “With a game of rock, paper, scissors.” he stated which resulted in the group winding up for the game.
Jellal looked at his hand in surprise as the others grumbled at their loss, “Knew I should have picked rock.” Natsu mumbled. “Well atleast it won't be barbecue.” Gray said scratching his neck.
“"So where are we headed?” Gajeel asked. Jellal took out his phone and went straight to Google Maps. “Hmmmm, apparently there's a good cafe a few blocks down.” he said shoving the device back in his sports bag as the group began walking.
“"Yeah? What's it called?” Gray asked, “ ‘Fairy Tail’ if I'm not mistaken.” Jellal answered. Natsu looked at the sky in thought “"I feel like I heard that name somewhere before.” he said. He pondered for a while before he turned to Gray “Could you remember for me?” 
“"How the hell am I suppose to remember something for you?” Gray yelled and Jellal chuckled at the exchange. “Oh wait I remember now!” the pink haired said  “"Didn't Mira say something about how she was working there as a part time job?” 
Gray scratched his chin “"I think I remember something like that.” 
The group stopped in front a large, two story building. A wooden sign with the words “Fairy Tail” carved into it, along with intricate floral designs. Jellal slowly pushed opened the glass door. The chime of the bell above the door was almost drowned out by the sound of laughter and chattering. “"Now this is my kind of place.” Natsu grinned as he looked around.
The group walked in and found an open bench. The moment the sat down they were greeted by a white haired woman. “Welcome to Fairy Tail, what would you all- Oh my.” the woman smiled as she she looked at the group “"Well what brings you bunch here? Didn't you have training today?” 
Natsu pouted at the question “Porlyusica said that the girl's needed another hour of training, and Gramps was too much of a chicken to question her.” 
Mira chuckled at the remark “That does sound like him.” she mused as she took out a pen and a pad of paper “"So what can I get you boys?” 
“Iced coffee for me.”
“"Give me this, super king burger, Make it flamin hot!”
“Guess I'll take some fries.”
“"I'll have some tea please.” Jellal said as he put down the menu, Natsu snorted “"Tea? You sound like an old man like that Jellal.” “"I'd rather have that than drink a bottle of tobasco sauce, thank you.” Jellal said as he got up. 
“Not my fault that nobody else can handle the burn.” “Where you going Jellal?” Gray asked, giving him a face that looked like ‘please, don't leave me alone with these idiots’.
“"I need to tell Mystogan that I'll be running a little late.” Jellal said as he made his way to a secluded corner of the shop.
Pressing the phone against his ear, he leaned against the wooden wall. Closing his eyes, he waited for his twin to pick up.
“Hello, youve reached Mystogan. I'm currently in the middle of a council meeting and am unable to reach my phone. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you.”
“"Of course you're busy.” Jellal mused as he waited for the beep, “Hey Mystogan, its me Jellal. My soccer practice is going to run later than I thought, so I need you to pick up Meredy from Ultears place.” 
As he placed the phone back in his pocket he made his way back to the table. He turned a corner when he felt someone collide with him, causing him to fall back on the ground.
Rubbing his chest where he was hit, he slowly looked up at the person. A girl around his age, who was rubbing her forehead. “"My apologies, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.” the girl apologized as she looked at him.
“No, it wasn't your fault. I should have paid attention as well.” he apologized as he stared at the girl. Her hair was the same dull gray he had grown accustomed to over the years.
His brows knitted together in confusion as a strange feeling began to bubble in his chest. A small warmth began to spread, moving upwards. The girl also raised a hand and placed it over her chest as her eyes began to grow wider.
Slowly the strange warmth made his way to his eyes. The moment it did his eyes widened as he looked at the girl's hair. The roots of her hair began to take on color. A color he had never seen before.
The rich color began to spread, making its way downwards, slowly. Almost like a moving stream, until all of the grey color her hair had been replaced.
Red. He finally saw it.
The duo stared at each other for the longest time. “I... I see it.” the girl whispered, breaking him out of his trance. “"You're hair, it has color. I can se it.” A small smile crossed his face at the girl's tranced look. “So can I.” he said softly, enough for the girl to hear him. He reached out his hand and took a lock of her hair. “"It's beautiful.”
The girl blushed at the comment, looking away and trying to find a remark. Jellal  slowly got up and extended his hand to the girl. “I'm Jellal, Jellal Fernandez.” The girl looked at his hand and smiled as she pulled herself up.
“"I'm Erza. Erza Scarlet.” she tilted her head slightly, “and I think I've found my favorite color.” 
Jellal laughed, “"So have I.” he agreed  “Well then soulmate, would you care for some cake?”
“"I'd be honored.”
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Weird crack story of Osomatsu san and Hetalia
Read on your own risk! This is a joke story! Special tribute for @ask-karamemetsu-memetsuno @thefruitdragon @hetaliatime @aquamoon33
One day there is huge incident in Hetalia world, it is like alien invasion but the the alien is replaced with matsunos with abrupt quantity of hesokuri wars sets of Matsuno family that want to conquer the earth.
The world ahold a meeting and make agreement about to use everything in order to avoid all of them have same faces which means identity mixed up and have hard time to regain identity.
“Beside! We don’t want to have noppera incident happen again!” Italy waved his hand and smiled.
Aph England stood up then called all of his eyebrows brothers to make good combos attack with their ~curses~.
Germany sighed and tell further plan, it is the NA bros twins and Italian triplets(Romano, Italy and Seborga!) must be evacuated because those twins sets are a bit fragile to fight against sextuplets (yea i make twin joke right there). Who knows if they will gladly embraced the sextuplets anyway.
Italy shook head and feeling scared of economy collaps due too much neets in this world, he wanted to fight. “Germany…I want to fight with you!”
Germany shook head and ruffled his hair, “they are too dangerous”. Italy hugged him and let go while hoping for the best.
Aph England, Australia, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland kinda make emergency team to protect some land from Karamatsu aka the thick eyebrows brother. So their fight is an intense fight between eyebrows dudes. “Excuse! It is because I want to protect myself. ~England~ we are brothers but I will kick your ass later” Scotland pouted and arrowed enemies. England sighed, “alright” he casted curses everywhere. Karamatsu squads who is already immune to death because he got killed a lot in season 1 just ressurected himself lots of time and fight back.
“No way” Australia whom came from nowhere backed off. “Big brother England~ Can I hit them? I bring sheeps~” New zealand smiled and run with so much sheeps. “Guh! That cat-mouth! A bit remind me of Todomatsu!” Spy Karamatsu retreated because he just remember he got burned by todomatsu. New Zealand sighed and shook head, “who is Todomatsu”
“No! I want to fight!” America yelled to England, “Idiot!! What about Canada?” England frowned and felt a bit worried, he held America’s shoulder and looked straight to his eyes. “I am the hero! I trust him to protect himself” He whined and took out big ass gun from his pocket from Hetalia fantasia game. Everyone stunned and confused at him. “It is Anime! We can do what we want!” He pouted and waved his gun.
“Yo! I am okay mm yeah?? England I am here dude!” Canada wear all flashy outfit with his flag on and styled his hair like America. “Don’t forget power of twin look alike!”
“Idiot!! Don’t make joke like that now!!” England nearly fainted if India did not sneaked in and shoved his mouth with herbs then gone like a ninja. “Namaste and goodbye!” He danced his way out.
Greece and Estonia come with hot cats and distract half of Ichimatsu troops. His mochis was too fluffy to be avoided and too weird to be unseen, it bring some guard down from the opposition team.
Now move to Asia, China took Panda!oso and give the most intense scold to Chinese New year Matsunos set about manners and how increasing NEETS population will destroy nation economy a bit. They feel guilty and go back home.
Panda!oso whined and insisted to stay, “Why I should leave with them, altho they left me alone and I have to turned my back away to avoid my pain when they leave me? My otaku idol brother leave me first” He teared up and held China’s hand and somewhat loosened a bit, they are big brother with red color of fate. China got a bit sad and remembered about Japan leave him and grow into closet otaku that suggest England to satisfied himself with 2D girls.
“I know. It is sad..” China replied and carried him on his back like how he carried his panda. “Look. A big moon.”
Oso remembered the big moon when he saw it alone with nobody else and sulked slightly, China remember his memories about Japan under big beautiful moon and just sighed and smile.
China will take care of him for a while. Atleast until he is willing to leave. Everyone eventually leave, That is the way it should be.
In high class casino, Macau and Monaco teamed up together to have intense fight in casinos against Matsunos Casino Set with their unique skills.
“Weak!” Monaco chuckled and beat them with jackpots together with Macau. They looked stunningly well together. Queen and King of Casinos. Both of them use maximum strength of economy.
“We are not lose yet! We will be back! It is because I am the oldest who give orders!” Osomatsu who got his clothes ripped due attack give order to retreat.(Why ripped clothes? Because the game draw it like that.)
Japan looked rather calm and seemed unbothered.
Japan smiled with a maliceful intent and whispered before leave the battle area
“You have no idea what is up on my sleeve. Multiple AUs and copyright breaker…”
“Where is France and Russia anyway? Is Italy and Romano okay?” Germany squinted his eyes, “i am so tired. They are all too much”.
“Ve~ Big brother France is with a man named Karamatsu. He dressed naked in a moving glass filled with dessert!” Feliciano ate ice cream. France and Karamatsu chilling with floating roses on air also sparkles. Mafia!Ichimatsu sleep next to him after eating. Germany could not help but let a sheepishly smile. “Italy. You are actually strong”
“Somewhat looking at them makes me feels so irritated” England and Ichimatsu sucessfully get up like zombie after cat fight, they are just too tired. They looked at each other a bit suprised.
“Do you hate a man that overly ‘fashionable’ and somewhat has sparkles around him?” Ichimatsu looked at England, expecting good answer. “Uh Yeah. He is my neighborhood and somewhat his presence disturb me a lot” England shrugged off.
“Want to beat them? I will beat the blue cape guy named France. This is slapstick comedy, people will understand it” England massaged his shoulder and hold two rocket. “Let us make a short Alliance. It will be okay. We all stressed anyway” England handed one to him. Ichimatsu grinned and hold the rocket. “To think make alliance with a trash like me. Am I going to die soon?” Ichimatsu make a sheepish smile.
“EHHH WHY MEE??? NON NON!!!” Karamatsu and France yelled together and blown up so high they reached end of rainbow. Roses grown on path until they fall down. Burnt naked. Just the way it should be.
“What a fantastic weather! The sky feels so clear!” England laughed like there is tomorrow. “Don’t feel like trash! I feel like wanting to die too after I drunk and complained a lot” England held Ichimatsu’s shoulder. “You are mortal and won’t live forever. Cheer up okay? I live forever with my negative nature” England gave a reassuring smile. Ichimatsu just gave a silent nod and slowly smile. ESP nyan jumped on Ichimatsu’s arm.
“I feel like this because I have no friends” the cat talked, England suprised and ruffled Ichimatsu. They have melanchonic moments due suffer of felt being isolationed by their own difficulties.
“I-I have to find Todomatsu! It is night soon and he will get scared!” Ichimatsu broke the negativity. “I can find him by myself” he nodded and runned away.
“Actually nevermind. I see something scary” Ichimatsu runned back. Todomatsu and Russia walked together and make bloody path while smiling and showing unexplainable brutality and duality of cutest men alive.
“This cold aura….Russia?” America dropped his weapon. “So scary..and General Winter is here too” he cold sweated. “Dude. This is so dangerous”
“This undying thirst feeling of dry heart. Must be totty” Choromatsu gasped and hugged Oso, Oso hug others to make chain hug.
“Osomatsu nii san~ why so scared?~” Todomatsu smiled and held a similar looking pipe with Russia’s. “I just learned a lot of things! I met a man whose heart oftenly fall off! Maybe dry heart is not that bad?~” Todomatsu faced Osomatsu closer and moved backward. “Choromatsu nii san is horrible tho” he sighed. The sky start snowing, it is nearly June.
“Todomatsu who is that old gramp on the sky?” Choromatsu looked up. “It is General winter!” Todomatsu sat on the snow and sighed. “I am still mad about kerosene. You hate cold, so I bring you cold ”. He pouted and make heart shaped drawing on snow then stomp on it.
“Russia. What do you teach to him?” America put some distance due heavy tensed atmosphere. Russia smiled, “Nothing. Just retell how I failed gained friends because of you. Amerika. He have same problem, altho it is caused by his brothers. We share similarities too. Like being called heartless or monster” Russia’s scarf drag America away from the place.
“Kol kol kol. Want me to make your gum bleed if you still talking?”
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scottkalwei · 7 years
7 Reasons It Sucks To Work For Yourself
Listen, I love working for myself.  I really wouldn’t change it for the world.  But it’s not all rainbows and unicorns all the time.  Allot of the time it can really suck.  I get tired of reading all of these articles about how awesome it is to be an entrepreneur working for yourself.  Yeah everybody has an asshole boss at some point in their life.  Nobody likes to get bossed around all the time.  Well I’m here to bust your bubble, sometimes the grass isn’t as green as it looks on the other side.  Here’s some good examples why:
You know you get pissed off when you have a boss breathing down your neck to get something done on time.  It’ll be some stupid report that no one is going to read, yet your boss will email you 15 times to make sure your doing it.  Seriously dude?  It’s like bosses have too much time on their hands so they just fill the void with annoying the living shit out of people.
Well I’m sorry to bring you down, but you’re probably a really lazy person.  No I don’t actually know you, but in general people are really lazy.  I’m not saying that that’s necessarily a bad thing so don’t go getting all offended about it.  I still remember my engineering professor telling us in his old timely voice, “Laziness is the mother of invention.”  Everyone knew that the real quote was about necessity but as engineers we agreed with the slight modification to fit our context, aka laziness.
The only reason I bring up the laziness is because you have to be highly motivated to work for yourself.  Having that annoying boss might bug the hell out of you but they are making you get your work done in time.  There’s something to say about that!  What do you do when you have free time?  Watch television?  Kiss your free time away if you work for yourself.  You better be working or networking and you better be doing it without anyone there telling you to do it.
Time Management
I wake up at 5am every single day.  Why?  Because after trying all kinds of different “life hacks” and waking up at different times, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m the most efficient when I wake up at exactly 5am.  I don’t wake up that early just because I want to.  I don’t wake up that early because I need to be to work.  I wake up that early because I’ve told myself that it’s important, so that I can better myself.
Have you ever woke up early just so you can make oatmeal and go for a jog before reading a book at the coffee shop before going into work?  Have you ever went into work when you didn’t have to?  I wake up every day with nothing on my schedule that I absolutely have to do.  Yeah, there’s usually stuff that I SHOULD do but never anything that I have to.
That means I have to fill out my entire day, everyday!  That probably sounds like it would be awesome, but if you’re trying to improve yourself and your business every single day for years on end, then you can see how at times it can be difficult.  That’s a whole lot of time to fill!  If you don’t stay on task you can quickly fall into the quicksand of stupid cat videos and meme hunting.  You don’t have reports, bosses, deadlines, or any of that to keep you focused.  Staying disciplined when managing your time is a never ending battle!
Being Lost
Ever go to your boss with a question about how to do something?  Maybe you’re just feeling a little lost and need some direction, what do you do?  You go to your boss.  This is such an overlooked responsibility of the boss that people tend to overlook it.  People can explain in great detail everything their boss has done wrong over the years.  But to be fair there were probably allot of things that they did for you that you never took notice of!
Having a superior above you that can help to guide you in the right direction can be a godsend at times.  But if you’re lost and you don’t have a boss you can be in real trouble.  I think this is probably the reason that entrepreneurs work so much more than those with normal careers.  Because we don’t have anyone that we report to that can help to guide us, we have to work twice as hard to figure it out.
Just about every entrepreneur I know has a rolodex of contacts that they would consider to be mentors to them.  If you work for yourself and you run into a problem you start with Google and then you go to your rolodex of contacts.  But allot of times what you have questions about is so specific to your particular situation that no one really knows how to help you.  So you’ll be out on your own with no guidance.  Figure it out!
Noone to blame
At my last corporate gig they had turned passing blame into a freaking art form.  I’d never seen anything like it.  Grown men out on the manufacturing floor acting like a bunch of children in front of their angry parents.  Everyone had an excuse and a scapegoat.  Anything to keep them out of trouble.  Allot of times they even believed the crap that they were selling to upper management.
Well guess what, that shit don’t fly with entrepreneurs.  You can pass the blame to someone else if you like but at the end of the day it’ll only affect your pocket book.  So you can live your life in denial, always blaming other people for your problems, but you’ll end up broke while bragging about how awesome you are.  Nobody wants to be that person, bragging incessantly when it’s abundantly obvious that they’ve screwed up just as much if not more so than you have.  Don’t be that person!
It’s easy to look at braggadocious idiots and laugh about how out of touch they are.  But think about it, have you ever bitched about a co-worker not doing their job?  Someone else screwing something up and making your life more difficult?  I always hear this from people working 9-5’s.  That’s the same thing!  You’re blaming other people any time you sit and bitch about what they do at work.  Working for yourself, people don’t care who screwed up your product/service, it’s ultimately your fault and you have to fix it.  No one is going to do it for you and blaming others won’t help the situation.
I can’t convey in words how important I think inspiration is.  I attribute everything I have in my life to different inspirational moments I’ve had along the way.  I thrive off of having big goals, I live with my head in the clouds, and I find most of the joy in my life comes from figuring out how to achieve those goals.  I’ll have a spark of an idea from the most obscure situations, leading me to want to change some major part of my life.
For me, working for myself actually helps me find those inspirational moments.  I’m a wanderer and explorer though.  I crave new experiences and constantly go out of my way to find them.  I can’t say that that’s true for most people.  From my experiences, most people don’t want to go outside of their bubbles to really explore foreign ideas.
If you’re an entrepreneur you make a living by seeing the world in a different light.  You’ll constantly be looking for inspiration.  This honestly takes away some of the fun of those wandering moments.  You aren’t living in the moment and letting life come to you.  Your actively seeking inspiration instead of letting it come to you which adds an element to the equation that can really screw it up.  So as you search for more inspiration it becomes harder and harder to find.  Can be a blessing or it can become a curse depending on your personality.
Working for a big company gives you a built in social structure from which you can build relationships.  Working for yourself isn’t like that at all.  Making friends and being around people is no longer a passive activity.  You have to actively go out and seek new friends and relationships in the form of “networking”.
Networking can be extremely fun but allot of times it becomes a part of the job that you have to force yourself to do.  So making friends and building relationships isn’t something that you just have built into your job.  The fact that it goes from something that is passive and fun to something that is active and a chore, makes it hard to keep your networking game strong.
While your hammering away on your computer for hours away in a lonely frenzy you can sit back and be assured that your friends our out there having a great time without you.  Then when you have free time you’ll have to go to a networking event where you rub shoulders with a bunch of old men in stuffy suits.  So although it’s possible to have a great social life, you will definitely have to work allot harder to maintain it.
More Bosses
Everybody I talk to thinks it so awesome that I don’t have a boss.  They’d just love to not have a boss breathing down their neck all the time!  Technically they’re right, as an entrepreneur you don’t have a boss.  But, every single customer that you want to have becomes your boss and they will be way less understanding than your boss.
Not only will they be less understanding, but they can destroy your livelihood.  So you better treat them right!  You’ll have to deal with all types of people too.  So don’t expect to always be dealing with smart reasonable people.  You will get the worst of the worst wanting to just tear you apart.
These people will write bad reviews, demand their money back, call BBB, file lawsuits, and steal from you to try and make their point.  I just recently had an employee that I had to let go for poor performance write atleast 10 bad reviews about my business on different websites.  So ya you trade one boss, who probably worked their way into that position, for a bunch of random crazy people that would love to ruin your life.
Now that I got all of that off my chest, I gotta say that I still love working for myself.  I just think it’s important to see the good with the bad.  I wouldn’t change my lifestyle for anything in the world.  But I don’t think it’s for everyone.
So if you’re considering going out on your own.  Take a look at this list and ask yourself if you can handle all that.  Because, although this is a fairly negative article, the real world can be a very harsh place and this list isn’t all inclusive.  So you gotta be tough and you’ve got to be prepared for what you’re getting into!  If you can jump those hurdles you’ll be that much better for it.
7 Reasons It Sucks To Work For Yourself was originally published on ScottKalwei
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Most Recent: Drink: blood Phone Call: my dad i think Text: my mom Song you listened to: Re: zero ost 24 takt of heroes (if anime music counts)
Have You Ever: Dated Someone Twice: no Been Cheated on: no Kissed someone and regretted it: my cat, he kissed back
Lost Someone special: yep Been depressed: lowkey always Been drunk and thrown up: i don’t drink, never will List 3 favorite colors: rainbow (i’m sorry i don’t have a favorite colour. Why have one when you can have them all?)
In The Last Year, Have You: Made a new friend: I guess? Fallen out of love: no (both asexual and aromantic so thankfully never gonna happen) Laughed until you cried: so so many
Met someone who changed you: lol nobody changes me I change others. No but forreal, i havn’t. Found out who your true friends are: wtf everytime i see this it sounds more soapy (gonna keep this quote here from the one i got this from, mirrors my feelings exacly) Found out someone was talking about you: no Kissed anyone on your fb list: my what list? (also no)
Extras: How many people from your fb list do you know irl: (once again what’s an “fb” list?) Do you have any pets: yes two cats, a little cuddly pussy and a her royal majesty the queen Do you want to change your name: yes, you can’t write my name in for example japanese so i kinda want a name that works world wide? What did you do for your birthday: eat (same)
What time did you wake up today: 10:15 am What were you doing last night at midnight: playing computer games Name something you can’t wait for: lowkey wishing for the sweet embrace of death highkey waiting for a possible Re:zero season 2 Last time you saw your mom: 3 hours ago What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I just want to be fuckin happy Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes in third grade What’s getting on your nerves right now: nothing at this precise moment but it’s usually my family, which lack braincells and live with a crippling inability to learn new things (like the simple fact that dry hair gets fat and can’t be solved with more frequent showers) Blood Type: AB Nickname: sadly nicknames doesn’t work with my name Relationship Status: in a relationship with the world (like not including the human society we can die out for all i care, the one i love is the planet earth) Pronouns: what?? Favourite TV Show: i don’t watch TV but maybe castle? i think that’s whats it called) Long or short hair: medium hair and growing Height: i don’t know over 170 cm? maybe 180 cm? it was a long time since i last checked. Do you have a crush on someone: no but i might CRUSH someone if they pick a fight with me
What do you like about yourself: my blood, thank you for always being there and healing my wounds making sure i don’t die when i get injured all the fuckin time Right or left handed: right First surgery: never had one, super healing skills.  First Best Friend: a girl i met in third grade First sport you joined: football First Vacation: Grand Canaria. (atleast that i can remember)
Right Now: Eating: yes (cheez doodles) Drinking: Coca Cola I’m about to: post this thing Listening to: nothing Kids: you mean all my friends that i gotta keep a close watch on so they don’t do anything stupid? Get Married: probably not Career: can i aim for Satans seat? like maybe vice satan if that’s a thing? I mean, it would be kinda sweet when your dead.
Which Is Better: Lips or eyes: If you mean body parts i wanna keep then the eyes. Means i don’t have to speak to all the idiots out there. Favorite body part on another person? Idk both are important body parts of a human being it doesn’t matter
Hugs or Kisses: hugs (but both is fine) Taller or shorter: maybe taller? Really don’t care tho Older or Younger: don’t care Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous, but like height i really don’t care which. Sensitive or loud: sensitive Hookup or relationship: i literally don’t understand this one??
Have You Ever: Kissed a stranger: no Glasses/contacts: glasses Had sex on a first date: no Broke someone’s heart: oh yes (i’m a fuckin idiot when it comes to realizing someone has romantic feelings for me) Turned someone down: yes (by accident didn’t realize what i did until months later)
Cried when someone died: yes (tho only couse my family pressured me to. I don’t really feel sadness or grief when someone dies? I mean we all die at somepoint life is only borrowed, it’s a natural cycle. Idk maybe i’m just an ass?) Fallen for a friend: no
Do You Believe In: Yourself: I have super shitty memory i would not trust myself with anything. If my brain can forget it it will.  Miracles: no miracle is a human concept, something we made up to feel happy about some unexpected luck. Love at first sight: sure, tho it’s a little more complicated than that. Aparantly smell has a huge part in who we fall in love with? Heaven: I don’t really think about what happens after death, i mean it’s not like we gonna figure anything out by thinking about it anyway. What happens happens i guess? Would be pretty swell with reincarnation tho don’t you think? Kissing on the first date: idk
taging: whoever wants to do it
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