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bunnithechubs · 4 months ago
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Episode 9 pt 2 - Second Elimination
Unfortunately the time has come again for two more contestants to go home. The six sims brought to the elimination were determined by number of points earned through challenges and friendship/relationship scores. In no particular order those sims were:
Adriel Nunez by @simsmoonie
Blaze Viper by @aniraklova
Darius King by @rasoyas
Jamison Peck by @squeezesublime
Jain Cooley by @invisiblequeen
Luca Palladio by @costalcowplant
The tops of this week were: Adriel and Darius. Are we surprised? Our girl adores them both. Adriel sort of took a back seat this week but still managed to beat everyone else in house one. Whereas Darius… we all know why he’s here. Penny is still hoping he says something about her confession but he’s keeping her on her toes. He likes seeing her nervous.
Jamison ended up being safe this week. He made a lot of progress from last week but if he wants to stay in this competition he’s gotta do better. Hopefully he takes that to heart for next week or else he might find himself in the bottom.
By a surprise, Blaze was also considered safe this week. Penny debated eliminating him but she thought about giving him once last chance. Hopefully he doesn’t blow it next week!
That brings us to the eliminated contestants- Jain and Luca. Penny had the lowest scores with each of those sims across both houses. Luca really dug himself a ditch by rejecting all her flirty interactions and Jain just couldn’t stand out from all the men. They were great guys and I loved having them in the competition. Penny hopes they find love out there!
You didn’t think that was the end did you? Raiden decided to say 🖕production and went out to confront Penny about the gym situation. Penny was surprised that he did that and low key she found it super attractive. The two of them hatched it out (somewhat) but unfortunately production didn’t get to film it in time. Just know that Penny was being a MAJOR brat about it all.
Annnnnnd that’s what you missed on GLEE!!
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demaparbat-hp · 6 months ago
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She will (and he'll let her)
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the-badger-mole · 2 months ago
Clouds, Fog and Mists
The scholars and archeologists that Aang had been working with had come out of their museum basements and dimly lit studies with a wealth of Air Nomad histories and artifacts that had been lost during the war. Aang now had access to recipes he hadn't tasted in years, scrolls that gave historical context to the things he had just begun learning at age 12, and objects he had never seen, but was excited to learn the use of. At 22, he was just now learning that the Air Nomads had a variety of subcultures and customs he'd never encountered, even though he had visited every Air Temple that existed back then.
"Did you know..." became as common to his vocabulary as "hello" and "custard tart". Every day, he approached his wife with some new bit of lore he'd learned.
"Did you know that the Southern Air Nomads had a Festival of Remembrance?" he'd excitedly asked as Katara was hanging the laundry out to try. She was only half listening while she tried to keep Bumi, their nearly three year old son out of the basket of wet sheets, but she gave a polite hum of encouragement.
"For a whole week," Aang continued needing no further prompting, "no one was allowed to play music or speak. They even wore velvet over their feet so their footsteps wouldn't be too loud. Then, at the end of it, there was a huge party! Loud as anything with music and plays and games. I think I remember going one of those ending parties, but I didn't know about the vow of silence before it."
"That's fascinating, sweetie," Katara said, rubbing her heavy belly with a look of discomfort. She was seven months along with their second child, and this one was very active. "Bumi, last warning. Do not touch the clean clothes!"
"Okay, Mommy!" Bumi said before swatting at one of the sheets Katara had hung on the line. She sighed and turned to her husband.
"Can you take him?" she asked. "I'm tired, and I'd like to take a nap after I finish this."
"Oh," Aang said reluctantly. "I was going to have an afternoon session with the Acolytes. I'm dying to tell them what I've been learning."
"Aang, please?" Katara sagged tiredly, taking Bumi's hand and pulling him away from all her hard work.
"Alright," Aang sighed. "I'll watch him for a bit. Come on, Bumi! Let's go practice some air katas! I want you to be ready when your airbending kicks in!"
All Air Nomads were airbenders. That's what Aang had always been taught. He had to account for late bloomers, of course, but at age four, going on five, if Bumi was going to be an airbender, there would've been signs by now. Kya was a lost cause. She had started waterbending just before her second birthday, and despite the fact that her father was the Avatar, there was no chance that she would inherit the ability to control more than one element.
"Well, maybe it's not true that all Air Nomads were benders," Katara said with a shrug. "After all, not every Water Tribesman is a waterbender, and not everyone in the Earth Kingdom is an earthbender."
"It's different," Aang insisted. "The monks told me that all Air Nomads were benders because we have a unique connection with our spirituality." Katara didn't quite manage to hide her annoyance from him.
"Then explain our kids," she said. "Unless you're the first Air Nomad in history to have children with a non-Air Nomad, someone somewhere got something wrong." Aang went quiet after that. He had no response.
"Just because the Air Nomads may have had children with people from other nations doesn't mean that their children were Air Nomads," an acolyte named Qiao said. She was one of the most apt and studious of Aang's Air Acolytes, and they had spent many hours together pouring over the newly discovered texts. Sometimes, Aang thought that she had a better grasp of Air Nomad culture than even he did.
"I suppose....I suppose that's true," Aang said thoughtfully, taking a sip of his tea.
"The Air Nomads were mostly not monogamous," Qiao pointed out. "I'm sure there were a lot of Nomads who had understandings with their lovers from other nations. Especially among the Air Acolytes of the day."
Aang pondered that for the rest of the day. Then the next. Then the rest of the week before he finally approached Katara. He found her by the fountain with Kya and Bumi. Kya was busy making imperfect little shapes with the water while Katara was teaching Bumi how to put his hair into a warrior's wolf tail.
"You look just like your uncle Sokka," she laughed, pressing a kiss on her son's cheek. "I bet you'll be a great warrior just like him, too." That twisted Aang's gut uncomfortably. He cleared his throat to get Katara's attention.
"Hey, sweetie," he said.
"Hey," Katara smiled at him. "We're just about to have story time. Do you want to stick around for How Umiak Rowed Her Boat to the Stars?"
"Oh, um..."Aang shifted uncomfortably on his feet. "Sure. I was just...thinking of something."
"Yeah?" Katara raised her brow at him. "What?"
"I was just thinking of how all the Air Nomads were benders." Katara didn't bother trying to hide her disgusted snort or the rolling of her eyes.
"Okay, and?" she huffed. "Did you draw any new conclusions?"
"I can't have been the only Air Nomad to have children with someone from a different culture," he said. Katara stared at him blankly for a long moment.
"I told you that," she responded finally. "It's just now sinking in?'
"No, I understood you," Aang told her. He kicked at the ground. There was a loose pebble under his toe and he focused on rolling it back and forth. "It's just...well, the Air Nomads, they weren't strictly monogamous."
"Monogamous," Katara scoffed. "That's a big word for you." Aang bristled a bit at that, but he took a breath and let it go.
"I was just reading," Aang said with a shrug. "It occurred to me that maybe because the Air Nomads weren't monogamous, they just didn't bring their non-bending kids into the Air Nomad society." Katara looked up at Aang with her eyes wide.
"That's awful!" she said. "So because their kids didn't bend the right elements, they had to be cut off from one of their parents?"
"No, I'm sure it wasn't as bad as all that-" Aang started to protest.
"What exactly are you saying, Aang?" There was a dangerous edge to Katara's voice. A warning.
"Nothing, nothing!" he scrambled back, tripping over his tongue, trying to call back his words, and cursing himself for trying to bring up the subject without a plan. Katara eyed him coldly. She was angry and trying not to show it.
"It's time for lunch," she told her children. "Let's go inside and fix something to eat."
"But Mommy," Bumi protested. "I want to hear about Umiak!" Katara turned to him with a tight smile.
"That's okay, sweetie," she said. "I'll tell you while you help me fix lunch." With one last scowl at Aang, she took Bumi's hand and swung Kya up onto her hip and went inside.
Aang felt vindicated when it was discovered that he and Qiao were right. The Air Nomads would often leave non-airbending children with their non-Nomad parents. Sometimes the Air Nomad parent would stay with their non-Nomad partners and build a life with them and their children (something he made a note to tell Katara about). Then it was discovered that they were only partially right.
Some of the Air Nomads stayed and raised mixed heritage families. Some left their non-airbending children behind with their non-Nomad partners. That was expected. Reasonable, even. What Aang was not expecting, however, were the accounts of non-airbending children being given away. Some were adopted, and those adoptions were traceable through documents and letters. Others were sold. Those transactions were traceable, too. By most accounts, those children went into indentured servitude and many of them learned trades and were able to start businesses once their indenture was up. Aang tried to focus on the positives. Katara, however, was horrified.
"What right did they have to sell those children into...into slavery?" she demanded hotly while they were getting ready for bed.
"I'm sure it wasn't that bad," Aang insisted. "After all, the Air Nomads wouldn't have put children into situations where they could've been hurt."
"Yes," Katara sneered. "I'm sure their new owners were very gentle with their exploitation."
"That isn't fair!" Aang protested. "Do you know how difficult it would've been for those kids to live among the Nomads?"
"Probably about as easy as it's been for our kids." Katara glared at Aang meaningly. He felt his cheeks heat as he looked away, pretending not to understand.
Bumi was going on eight now, and Kya was five. They were both old enough to ask questions about why it was so difficult for them to move around their own home. Katara and the Acolytes had an easier time being adults and able to maneuver obstacles that short legs and small hands couldn't without help, but it was still a regular challenge to get around the Air Temple for them. Aang was in the process of building a complex near Republic City where non-airbending Acolytes could live and learn with more ease, but it wouldn't be ready for anyone to move into for another year or so. It would be safer for children with no airbending ability, too. Aang glanced over at Katara from the corner of his eye, at the soft swell of her stomach, already showing signs of pregnancy at her second month.
Tenzin was the last of Aang's children with Katara, and the only airbender. When he was almost one, he airbent for the first time, and Aang couldn't stop celebrating for an entire week. When Tenzin was two, the first of the burial mounds were discovered.
Archaeologists working at the mostly restored Northern Air Temple found it at the base of the mountain. There were several layers to the grave, suggesting generations' worth of use. Most of the bones were small. Infant and toddler sized. The largest bones were about the size of an average eight year old. The bones were all jumbled together, as if they had been tossed in a heap. Some of them wore the clothes they were buried in, but most of the bones were too broken to hang on to any frabric. There were also no signs of any shrouds or anything indicating that they had been given any of the customary funeral rites of the Air Nomads. The fact that they were found at the base of the mountain in itself was unusual. All the different groups of Air Nomads had their own unique funeral customs, but one thing that remained the same was that they were laid to rest as close to the sky as possible.
When the first reports of how the children came to be at the base of the mountain came out, Aang was certain it was the rankest propaganda. None of the Air Nomads, no matter how stringent they were about non-airbenders living among them, would ever harm a child. For a while, he seemed to be right, as all the proof was from secondary and tertiary sources.
"Lies the Fire Nation used to justify genocide," Aang said confidently.
"But how did the children get there?" Katara asked. Aang had no answer for her. Yet. There must have been a good one, though. Maybe a plague had run through the Air Temple, forcing them to bury the bodies at the bottom of the mountain to prevent contamination, or something equally tragic. Aang began talking to the archaeologists about giving the bones a proper burial as soon as they could be sorted. The count at that time was 700 bodies in the pile and there were still so many more to go.
A few months after that, the oldest of the Air Nomad accounts were uncovered. It went back a good 300 years, and it spoke about a surplus of infants born without the gift of airbending. There were too many to be disposed of the normal ways, and many of the non-bending parents were unwilling or unable to raise the children themselves. The anonymous monk wrote of a meeting to discuss the crisis. They wouldn't be able to care for so many that couldn't get around the temple, or travel with the Nomads. There was a food shortage. A water shortage. An everything shortage. So the head monk suggested giving the children to the air. That had been the first time the practice had been recorded, near as anyone could tell. But some of the bones were older than that.
That's what they called it. It sounded lovely. Poetic even. In practice, though, the babies were carried to the edge of the temple grounds and held in the air. A short prayer was said for the souls of the children, and then they just...let go. They were so high up, they probably couldn't hear the children hit the ground.
The public began to call them the Fog Children. They were babies born to Air Nomad parents, but without airbending abilities themselves. People clung to the term and it soon spread all over the world in hushed whispers. Aang hated it. Katara hated it. It was the only thing they could agree on by that time.
"It isn't fair!" Aang bemoaned. "It's like people are using it to justify the Fire Nation killing all the Air Nomads."
"If it bothers you so much," Katara said after she'd put the kids to bed, "then speak up! Condemn what they did."
"I do!" Aang insisted. He had protested, loudly that all of the Air Nomads shouldn't be judged by what one fringe sect did.
"Not just them," Katara said. "All of it. It's just like with the Fire Nation. Remember what Zuko said? You can't expect to move forward without acknowledging the past. All of it was wrong. The Air Nomads treated their non-bending children as if they had no value. Condemn the adoptions and abandonings and the selling of the children!"
"How is it my responsibility to make up for all of that?" Aang demanded.
"You're the only one left," Katara reminded him, trying to be gentle. "I'm not saying you have to call the Air Nomads monsters. They did something wrong. They were human. You can acknowledge that and commit to being better than that."
"Start with your children."
It had been a frequent argument between Katara and Aang how Aang treated their children. Bumi was 13 now, well on his way to becoming a man. Kya was 11 and Tenzin was five. Often, Katara would quiz Aang on his children- what Kya's favorite color was, or the name of Bumi's best friend. Aang could admit that he was correct about Tenzin more often than the others, but it was only because Aang had so much he had to teach his youngest. Katara should've understood that. After all, there were things she did with Kya that she couldn't do with Bumi or Tenzin.
"It's not the same," Katara told him. Aang could never remember why, though.
For the next year or so, Aang spent much of his time doing damage control. He did his best to separate the practices at the Northern Air Temple and the particular sect of Air Nomad culture that grew around it from the rest of the Air Nomads. Every criticism of the culture was met sharply by Aang's rebuttals and justifications. Penning article after article espousing the virtues of the Air Nomads at large became his full time job, and obsession. It took him two weeks to notice that Katara had left with all three of his children, and another month for him to find the letter Katara had left in his bedside table telling him she was seeking a divorce.
He got Tenzin three months of the year. It was all he could manage, being completely unused to parenting alone. Aang taught his son what he could of airbending and the Nomad philosophy he could in that time, and did his best to ignore the people whispering fog children in the same breath as his oldest children.
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kacievvbbbb · 6 months ago
At its core the most important relationship arc in Avatar the last air bender is the one between Zuko and Aang honestly if you can’t see that then I don’t think we watched the same show.
Aang and Zuko are the true Yin and Yang in the show the push and pull. Fire and Air right down to their personalities.
It is both of them that have to go on the journey of learning that fire is more than just destruction can be used for more than just to hurt.
And that right there is the point it doesn’t matter if Aang defeats Ozai and they bring the fire nation to heel. Without a character like Zuko the fire nation would be lost forever to distrust and unrest, balance would never be reached. Because despite everything they have done all the damage they have wreaked the world still needs the fire nation and to work with the fire nation they need to know that fire can do more than hurt. And who best to show them than a prince who’s been burned himself?
The war started with the fire nation attacking the air nomads in a bid for control and it will end with the fire lord embracing an air nomad and taking ownership of his nations actions. You must first close a book before you can start a new one.
Aang needed Zuko just as Zuko needed him because to get peace a true lasting peace you can’t just cut off the head of a snake you have to change its mind. The world already lost the air nomads the balance is already precarious, it cannot afford to lose the fire nation too.
Afterall Air can snuff out a flame and it can also fan them. But when the two elements are balanced one existing in peace with the other it can also make a warm hearth for the home.
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Zuko & Aang's fight in Omashu is so funny that's literally how i used to fight with my brother
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psychronia · 11 months ago
Eh. Hakoda's kids are both actual prodigies, so maybe that part isn't as strange for him.
It's really quite wild how much the kids in The Last Airbender utterly dwarf the powers of anyone short of seasoned masters. Let's do a roll call.
Aang: The Avatar. Simple and easy protagonist stuff. He kicks butt for a lot of reasons, like being an Airbender in a world that has forgotten how to fight them (and even then probably weren't great at it because Air Nomads didn't really fight). But he's also a real prodigy among Avatars for how quickly he picked up bending in the span of a single year.
Katara: The last waterbender of the Southern Tribe who happens to be so obscenely talented that she spontaneously learns healing, outclassed students with a formal master in a matter of days and pulled off an old-fashioned martial art trope of "steal a technique by watching it" when she didn't even want to. She lost to who is by all accounts the strongest waterbender in the world and has only grown in power by leaps and bounds with the bare minimum of tutelage. The only thing ever holding her back was a lack of teachers.
Sokka: Starts out as a goofball who takes himself too seriously, but as he becomes a sort of martial Avatar who learns combat philosophies from every nation, he quickly becomes a masterful tactician with the most unpredictable thinking in the show. He even wins wars with fun. They don't interact too much, but during the Day of Black Sun, he was able to read Azula's manipulations immediately and she had to target him specifically to keep the plan going.
Azula: Speaking of, there's obviously Azula being a firebending prodigy, graceful martial fighter, and master manipulator. But there was another post I saw that breaks down how Azula was low-key the only source of success during Ozai's short and pathetic 6-year reign. She captured Omashu, Ba Sing Se, and stole some Earthbender secret forces for personal use. She also directly contributed to the plans for both the Day of Black Sun and Sozin's Comet 2. If I were part of the war preparations, I would have honestly prioritized capturing Azula during the Black Sun because she is their single most valuable war asset.
Mai: She's rather passive throughout the story by design, but under all those repressed emotions and grumpy attitude, we have a...surprisingly peaceful person. Like, we could say that she's a badass for taking down trained soldiers and Kyoshi Warriors of course, but far more impressive is how she managed to do all that nonlethally while using what are inherently rather lethal weapons. She's like one of those circus knife throwers, except she does it as close to the body without piercing it as possible and in the heat of combat while her target is trying to beat her up. Call it kids show discretion if you want, but she still did it.
Ty Lee: This is rather simple. I don't think we know where she learned chi-blocking, but whether it's a formally taught class, a private mentor-student art, or a family secret technique, the fact remains that Ty Lee was a menace throughout the series. The only ones I'd want to be in closer quarters with even less than with her are folks like sword master Piandao and Aang when he was in an uncontrolled Avatar State.
Suki: She doesn't get quite as much shine, but she was at the Boiling Rock too, and she gets pretty much all the credit for taking the Warden hostage-by extension, she's basically instrumental for the first and perhaps only jailbreak in the history of the prison. Honestly, she could have broken out entirely on her own as long as Azula didn't conveniently show up there.
Toph: Toph
I don't think I've seen anybody talk about how absolutely insane The Boiling Rock is from Hakoda's perspective.
Imagine getting captured, and your son tells you that you won't be apart for too long. That's sweet, but obviously your son has no resources to spare for organizing a breakout. You hope that the Avatar can defeat the Fire Lord soon - that's the earliest time you could hope to be rescued.
You get put into a temporary holding facility until the guards can sort out who is who. After a while, they put you on a prisoner transport to the Boiling Rock. Your captors try to intimidate you by telling you that it's the highest security prison in the Fire Nation, probably the whole world. It's far away from the capital.
You arrive at the Boiling Rock. It really is in the middle of a boiling lake. There's only one way in or out, and it's a gondola that takes you above the boiling lake. You meet the warden. They take you to your cell. You settle down to wait for the end of the war.
And 15 minutes later Sokka comes in like "hey dad I'm here I got the prince of the Fire Nation and an Earth Kingdom ninja leader gf ok let's go I'm busting you out"
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arc-misadventures · 2 months ago
What Are You Doing Here?
A thin. twig of a man was walking the streets of, Mantle. A grey hood covered his head as he tried to remain unseen. He was here on a mission, a very important mission. One that if he was caught would cause untold amount of suffering, and damage. But, he would be willing to fight to complete his mission. And, nothing was going to stop him!
Except for a six foot six, blond hair specialist grabbing him by the back of his hoodie holding him aloft as he hopelessly kicked his feet in the air.
: GRAHH?! Let go of me go!
: Only if you explain what you're doing here?
: I-It doesn't concern you, Jaune!
Jaune Arc, on another one of his patrols in, Mantle after the ballot boxes were delivered to another community halls for the upcoming vote. But, his patrol was brought to an abrupt detour when he stumbled upon a most unexpected sight.
The sole male heir of the, Schnee family. Whitely Schnee out on a leisurely stroll.
Jaune: Doesn't concern me?! Oh yeah, Winter's gonna love the fact I told her: 'Hey, Winter I saw your little brother down in, Mantle! I don't know what he was doing, I just left him alone!'
Jaune: Do you have any idea what she would do to me if I told her that, Whit?!
Whitely: Then don't tell her!
Jaune: Are you trying to get me killed?!
Whitely: This doesn't concern you! Let me go!
Jaune: Whitely... Tell me what's happening, or I'll tell, Willow you're down here...
Whitely stopped struggling in, Jaune's grasp, his whole body going limp as he comprehended his threat.
Whitely: Okay... Okay, I'll tell you why I'm here. But, please... don't tell my mom...
Jaune: Smart lad.
Jaune dropped, Whitely who straightened out his clothes before turning to face, Jaune keeping his hoodie over his head to hid his identity, and his highly recognizable heir from any passers by.
Whitely: I'm here, because I am going to a rally that's being held today.
Jaune: A rally? One of the political rallies?
Whitely: Y-Yeah...
Jaune: Who's rally? The election is in a two days, there's five rally's happening right now. Who are you making your way to, Whit?
Whitely: ...
Whitely: I'm... I'm heading to, Robyn Hill's rally...
Jaune: Robyn Hill?! Why the hell are you going there?
Whitely: I-I have my reasons...
Jaune: You better tell me, because seriously, Whit... I can think of many reasons for why you wouldn't go there, but I can't think of a single reason why you would want to go there.
Whitely: Oh yeah?! What reasons could you think of!
Jaune: You're, Jacques Schnee's son, you're the heir to the Schnee Dust Company, and it's fortune. You're part of the uppermost class of the, Atlasian Elite, so why are you of all people, even associating with the 'lower class.'
Whitely: You know I'm nothing like my father! And, while the others are true... B-But, I don't think I'm better than everyone else!
Jaune: Just richer than them?
Whitely: Okay... t-that's... that's a fact. You can't use that against me!
Jaune: Yes, I can, and will.
Whitely: Okay, I know it may seem that I don't care for the 'common folk,' but Mom, and I are trying to make things better for people. Higher wages, better medical, dental, family, and a slew of other benefits! We're becoming less of a monopoly! We're doing so many things that is helping all of, Atlas, and Mantle!
Jaune: Yes, you told me that when I was over for dinner with you, and Willow the other day. And, that's all well, and good, but why are you going to one of, Robyn's Hill's rally?
Whitely: I'm not going to tell you anything!
Whitely stared defiantly at, Jaune. His stance solid, and defiant to the world, and the threat a seasoned, Specialist could offer to an auraless civilian. But, Jaune would teach him the futility of his defiance.
Jaune pulled out his scroll, and hit a few buttons, and hold it in front of, Whitely, his finger hovering over a button.
Jaune: You tell me why you're going to a rally for, Robyn Hill right now, or I swear I'll call your sister here right now.
Whitely: You think I'm scared of, Weiss?!
Jaune: Who said I was going to call, Weiss?
Whitely: ...?!
Whitely: Y-You wouldn't... You wouldn't dare...?
Jaune: Whit... the question you should be asking isn't whether, or not I'll do it. But, how fast, Winter will get down here to pick you up.
Whitely's eyes bugged out as he dry swallowed as he took in the essence of, Jaune's threat.
Whitely: ...
Whitely: I-I... I'm... I'm going to...
Jaune: Going to what?
Whitely: I'mgoingto,RobynHill'srallytoseemycrush!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Whitely: I'm going to, Robyn Hill's rally to see my crush...
Jaune: You're crush... You have a crush...?
Jaune: It better not be, Robyn Hill, because she's claimed me...
Whitely: What, no It's not her...? Wait, I thought, Winter claimed you?
Jaune: I'm stuck between a love triangle that the two of them will fight tooth, and nail over who gets to have me.
Whitely: Okay...?
Jaune: If it's not, Robyn then who is it?
Whitely: I-I'll tell you who it is... but, only if you take me there to see her!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Okay... but we're going to get you a took first. You look like a hoodlum looking like that.
Whitely: I'm not a hoodlum!
Jaune: That's a shame, you'd have more personality if you were...
Whitely: Hey!
Now the pair were at, Robyn Hill's rally the last one being held before the election. Whitely now had a nice burnt red took on his head, hiding his easily identifiable snow white hair.
Jaune was keeping his eye's on, Whitely, waiting for him to react to anything, or more importantly who was the one, Whitely had a crush on. And, the way he watched, Whitely's body stiffen, and his breath left him, and the way his cheeks became red. He knew who ever they were had appeared. And, he was most surprised for who it was,
Jaune: Wait... Fiona... Fiona Thyme?! That's your secret crush?!
Whitely: SHHHH! Don't say that out loud!
Jaune: Okay... I have so many questions... But, first off... she's twenty four, Fiona's at lease a decade older than you.
Whitely: What? I'm not fourteen, I'm seventeen years old, Jaune!
Jaune: ...
Jaune's eyes blink in bewilderment as he looked at, Whitely. Jaune proceed to grab, Whitely by the scuff of, Whitely's hoodie, and lifted him up into the air with one hand. Jaune held out his arm straight, and shook, Whitely in the air, watching his feet dangle effortlessly in the air before setting him down.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Okay... We're changing your diet: More meats, and more protein, as well as getting you on a exercise regime. We need to put more meat on you, cause otherwise people will think you're a legal shouta.
Whitely: ...
Whitely: Okay...
Whitely: But, what about you! Winter's twenty five years old! And, you're...
Jaune: Nineteen.
Whitely: Nineteen! That's a six year difference!
Jaune: Compared to a seven year difference... No... Okay, look... It's not that bad, but it's not that good either. I just thought you were younger then you actually are. Seriously, we need to put some meat on your chicken legs.
Whitely: Shut up...
Jaune: But, why do you like her? I mean... You like, Fiona? I thought you didn't like faunas, she's a sheep faunas.
Whitely: I didn't... N-Not anymore... That was just my father's influence, I'm not like that anymore. I just saw her from a distance, and... I just fell for her... I think she's beautiful.
Jaune: Love at first sight...?
Whitely: Y-Yeah... you could say that...
Jaune: Oh gods...
Jaune: Have you talked to her?
Whitely: N-No... She's a, Huntress, a Happy Huntress, and a faunas. And, I'm...
Jaune: Whitely Schnee... son of the enemy of all faunas... Jacques Schnee...?
Whitely: Yeah...
Jaune: Damn... The decks already stacked against you, and you're not even at the table...
Whitely: She'd probably spit in my face just walking over to her.
Jaune: Give her some credit, Whit. Fiona's not like that, if you were an ass she'd punch you in the face. She's too classy to spit in your face.
Whitely: H-How do you know that... H-Have you talked to her?!
Jaune: A few times.
Whitely: Can you introduce me to her?!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Haaa...
Jaune: Please don't make me regret doing this, Whit...
Whitely: Yes! Thank you big bro!
Jaune: Don't you call me that!
Whitely: Sorry...
Robyn: Hello, Specialist Arc... What brings you here this day, General Ironwood send you to complain about my running for election again.
Jaune: Drop the act, Robyn. Whit knows that I'm the prize in your competition thingy against, Winter.
Robyn: Oh... wait, who is that, Whit fellow?
Jaune: Just a friend I'm wingmanning for...
Robyn: Okay...? And, this, Whit fellow... has a thing for, Fiona...?
Jaune: Yeah, it's a love of first sight, kind of thing...
Robyn: Seriously...?
Jaune: It's also the first crush for the kid... teenager...Give him some slack, okay?
Robyn: Why are you doing this?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: I'm a romantic?
Robyn: You don't sound so sure about that...
Jaune: I've somehow managed to snagged three extremely hot badass warrior babes by being myself; I'm not sure about a lot of things!
Robyn: Three... Is there another woman I should be worried about?
Jaune: No. She's dead...
Robyn: Oh... I-I'm sorry, Jaune. I didn't mean...
Jaune: Stop, I would prefer not to talk about it. Let's just watch, Whit, and see how he'll do.
Robyn: O-Okay...
Walking up to, Fiona Thyme, Whitely was having a panic attack in his head. He was a seventeen year old kid, talking with his first crush, who happened to by a, Happy Huntress, and a faunas. He was the enemy of everything she no doubt stood for, because of his fathering was, Jacques Schnee.
But, like, Jaune told him: "You'll regret not telling her more than you will be for putting your foot in your mouth."
He just hopped he wouldn't put his foot so deep in his mouth.
Whitely: H-Hi!
Fiona stopped to looked at the kid standing before her, an inch smaller than her. He wore a a grey hoodie, and grey blue jeans, black sneakers, and a burnt red took. Fiona thought this... civilian looked nice, her certainly had nice icy blue eyes, but why is he talking to her, Robyn was right there after all?
Fiona: Hello...?
Whitely: Hi! Uhhh...? M-My name is...
Whitely's eyes darted around nervously, if he introduced himself as who he pretending to be, Whit, she'd probably ignore him. But, if he suddenly popped it on her that he was actually, Whitely Schnee, like he was embarrassed to be seen with her, because who he was. Fiona would probably, rightfully so, deck him in the face.
Whitely: My name is, Whitely... Whitely Schnee...
Whitely pulled off his burnt red took, showing off his snow white hair. He gave, Fiona a nervous smile, meanwhile, Fiona was staring at him wild eyed. Fiona's voice escaped her as her mind struggled to comprehend what it was standing before her.
Robyn: Wait, hold on...?! That's, Whitely Schnee?!
Jaune: Yes, and quiet!
Fiona: Whitely Schnee... Son of, Jacques Schnee...?
Whitely: Y-Yeah... That's me...
Fiona: Okay... W-What are you doing down here...?
Whitely: Down here in, Mantle? Did you not expect someone like me to be here?
Fiona: Uhh... yeah... For several reasons that.
Whitely: W-What reasons?
Fiona: You're, Whitely Schnee, son of, Jacques Schnee...
Whitely: That I am......
Fiona: What's a rich boy doing down her in the slums?
Whitely: This...? There are no slums in, Mantle?
Fiona: And, why are you an, faunas racist talking to a faunas?
Whitely: ...
Jaune: Oh shit...
Robyn: Wait... you said, wingmanning... Does, Whitely...?!
Whitely: I... I may have had such opinions... But, they weren't solely baseless, and my idea...
Fiona: Baseless? What do you mean by that?
Whitely: My father was the enemy of all faunas... And, he made faunas his enemy, blamed them for a lot of his problems, and he even forced a lot of these problems he caused on them. So, I can understand their hate for me, and my father. And, I can understand why they all think that I'm a carbon copy of my father. But, I'm not my father!
Fiona: And, why do you say that?
Whitely: I did agree with my father, and his opinions of faunas. Not all faunas, just those of the, White Fang...
Fiona: The White Fang?
Whitely: You probably heard how they were 'freedom fighters,' fighting for faunas rights... You tell me to believe that is the truth when your mother's shielding your eyes so you don't see the dismembered body of your cousin. You didn't see your father absolutely loose it when one of the dust shipments got attacked by the, White Fang, and he took out his anger on your mother...
Whitely: I don't hate the faunas, Fiona. I hate the, White Fang, because of what they did to me, and my family... My father... Jacques would hate you for being a faunas. Me...? I'm... I'm not my father. Like he would ever have a crush on a cute sheep faunas anyway...
Fiona looked at, Whitely. She was feeling down, she was judging him based on his linage, often something others did to her because she was a faunas. He couldn't control being, Jacques Schnee's son, but he did control who he choose to become. Besides, it's like he said: It's not like, Jacques Schnee would ever have a crush on a cute sheep...?!
Fiona: W-W-Wait?! 'A crush on a cute sheep faunas?!' Do you have a crush on me?!
Whitely: AHH?! Oh shit... I didn't mean to tell you that?!
Robyn: Holy shit?!
May: The, Schnee kid has a crush on, Fiona?!
Joanna: And, is, Fiona blushing?!
Jaune: Well this isn't how you'd want things to go... but, I did worse, so...?
Fiona: YOU DO?!
Whitely: I snuck into one of, Robyn Hill's political rallies, and saw you! And, I fell for you the moment I laid my eyes upon you!
Fiona: Love at first sight?!
Jaune: Going for broke eh, Whit?
Robyn: Somebody please tell me you're recording this?!
Joanna: From the moment I came here!
May: I've been taking photos!
Whitely: S-So, Fiona Thyme! Will you please go out with me?!
Fiona: O-O-Oh... W-Well... I'm too old for you... I mean, a thirteen year old going out with a twenty three year old... That's...?
Whitely: Seventeen!
Fiona: W-What?
Whitely: I'm seventeen years old... Jaune's going to put me on an excursive regium, and a new diet to bulk up so I stop looking like... like a kid... S-So, it's just a six year difference... So, c-could we...?
Fiona: ...
Fiona: D-Do you want to go on a date now...? Cause... I'm going to be busy the next few days... election stuff... So, I don't know if I'll be able to...
Whitely: Yes!
Fiona: Eep?!
Whitely: Sorry, I meant to say, yes.
Fiona: That's great!
Whitely: But, uhh... I don't know any of the restaurants around here... How about you take us to a nice one, where we can chat, and get to know one another better. My treat.
Fiona: I'd like that. Come on, Whitely.
Whitely: J-Just call me, Whit. Otherwise people might...
Fiona: Okay, Whit.
Fiona waited by the door as, Whitely put on his took, and ran up to, Fiona. the pair had matching smiles, and small blushes on their faces as they left on their date.
From the distance the group of, Huntresses, and the Specialist all cooed from the corner as they watched them leave together.
Robyn: Wow... out of all the things I expected today... Whitely Schnee asking, Fiona on a date, and her accepting it is the last thing I'd ever expected.
May: But, they look so cute together! Especially with, Fiona being just one inch taller than him!
Jaune: May, I'm going to need those photos, and that video, Joanna. Evidence for... for things...
Joanna: You got it!
Jaune: Hahaha! Willow's gonna love this!
Robyn: Hey, Jaune? How come you've never taken me out on a date before?
Jaune: Because, I'm too busy to go on a date with any of you! Winter's too busy going on a date with, because she's busy being a, Specialist. You're too busy being a politician to go on a date, Robyn. And, I'm too busy being playing both sides to get you elected, and manipulating, General Ironwood to get what needs to be done! Which is dragging everyone away from his stupid project, that if he finds out what I've done, he'll probably shoot me for treason!
May: Y-Your kidding, right...?
Jaune: No. No I am not.
Robyn, and her, Happy Huntresses all looked at, Jaune, and took in the dead seriousness in his eyes. Robyn placed her hand on him, activating her semblance showing it off in a vibrant green hue.
Joanna: Holy shit, he's telling the truth...
Jaune: Oi?!
Robyn: Ow!
Jaune: None of that!
Robyn: How mean... How could you do that to such a delicate maiden~?
Jaune: If you used your semblances on yourself it would be as red as blood for saying that.
Robyn: Hey!
Jaune: Alright, I need to go back, my shift is almost over, and I need to file in a report. I'll see you later ladies.
May: Bye, Jaune.
Joanna: See you later, Jaune.
Jaune: Oh, before I go... Robyn?
Robyn: Yea... MPHH?!
Jaune grabbed, Robyn's chin, and pulled her in for a kiss. He pushed his lips upon her, causing, Robyn to moan deeply within her throat, causing her to gasp for air as he broke their kiss.
Jaune: Consider that an IOU for a real date.
Robyn: O-Okay...
Jaune: Well then, till later then, my Lady.
Jaune turned, and left the, Happy Huntresses 'secret' base. Leaving a panting, and blush stricken, Robyn with a hand upon her chest as she watched her, Knight leave.
Robyn: Oh gods~!
May: Oh shit... she's got it bad...
Joanna: She's got it really bad!
May: It's fucking adorable.
Joanna: So adorable.
One of the back doors to the, Schnee manor slowly opened, and closed as a skinny twig snuck it's way inside. It stealthily made it's way to a room in the house. As it reached the door to the room, it quietly opened the door, before slowly shutting it behind him. A tired sigh with a hint of joy escaped his lips. He turned on the lights to the room, turned around, and screamed.
: Hello, Whitely...
Whitely: M-Mom?! What are you doing in my room?!
Willow: The better question is; Why are you home so late?
Whitely: Wha... I'm not late...
Willow: It's, 3:32 am...
Whitely: T-That's not so late...
Willow: Whitely you've complained that it's too late, and you need to head to bed at 9 pm. You have never once stay out so late before. So, where were you?
Whitely: I-I-I was out... w-with friends...
Willow: You don't have any friends.
Whitely: I just recently met them...
Willow: And, you were hanging out with these friends of yours... so late because...?
Whitely: W-We were just having so much fun we lost track of time...
Willow: And, did you have 'fun' with this friend?
Whitely: We just talked, we didn't do anything... uncouth...
Willow: But, would you have if you could?
Whitely: It was a first date, you don't do anything like that until the third...
Willow: So it was a date~?
Whitely: Grkk?!
Willow: So tell me, who was it that you were on this date with?
Whitely: I-I don't have to tell you anything!
Willow: Whitely... I am your mother, you will tell me about this sheep girl you were seeing...
Whitely: Wha... how did you know she was a sheep faunas?!
Willow: Because, Jaune told me.
Whitely: That traitor! Why did he tell you?!
Willow: Because you took so long, and for the record, Jaune didn't actually tell me.
Whitely: He didn't, then who did?
: I did.
Whitely: AHHHH?!
The chair to, Whitely's desk turned around to show a very irate Winter Schnee staring back at him.
Whitely: W-W-Winter?! When did you get here?!
Winter: Oh, a while after mother told me you weren't home. And, a few minutes after I interrogated, Jaune about who you were with. So, tell me, Whitely... Why were you on a date with, Fiona Thyme. A member of the, Happy Huntresses?
Whitely: I-I-I...?! I can explain!
Willow: I always knew you liked lamb, but to like it in such a manner~?
Whitely: I-I don't like it in that manner... Well, Fiona is...I don't mean!
Winter: Start talking, Whitely...
Willow: Yes, mother want's to hear everything about your little date~!
Whitely: Ohhhhh...!
Whitely: Shit...
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secretlyazombi3 · 21 days ago
Sweet Things ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎𖹭
Tumblr media
 leon kennedy x gn! reader
๋࣭ ⭑⚝word count:  1.2k words ๋࣭ ⭑⚝ SFW, 2nd person, no specific version of Leon, you’re an agent, established relationship, fluff :33
๋࣭ ⭑⚝ summary: You and Leon are both agents, you happen to be assigned a job on Valentine’s Day, ruining your plans with Leon. But, by fate, you run into Leon as he’d been assigned to a mission that’s coincidentally linked with yours. 
๋࣭ ⭑⚝ a/n: short little treat for Valentine’s Day soon !! >_< i'll probably write smth else on valentines day too idk
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Eugh.” You mumbled in disgust as you looked down at the corpses of a couple of zombies a few feet away from where you stood. You wiped down your top, attempting to remove the sticky red blood, instead you smeared it into the fabric, staining your clothes.
“Great.” You muttered in annoyance. The universe really seemed to be working against you today.
You were supposed to be enjoying a nice candle lit dinner with Leon right now, but atlas, you two never seemed to catch a break. Instead of enjoying a romantic date, you were assigned a mission at work to contain some new zombie outbreak at the outskirts of the city. 
You already hated having to clean up the messes made from bio-weapon bullshit for the government. But on Valentine’s Day of all days?
You scrunched your nose as you caught a whiff of the rotted flesh melded to the bones of the zombie corpses in front of you. You shook your head before taking a few steps back, keeping a firm clutch on your gun. 
You glanced around, making sure you were safe before you began reloading your gun. “Area cleared,” You mumbled into your walkie talkie before you leaned back and waited for further instruction from your higher ups.
Your gaze drifted down as you waited for a response, quietly hoping that the other teams had contained the outbreak by now. But of course not, right, nothing seemed to be going your way. 
Through the thick static emitted from your walkie talkie, you were clearly close to being out of range, you heard the voice of your higher up telling you to advance forward. Your shift just wasn’t over yet. 
Think positively, you thought to yourself. All those fancy restaurants are probably fully booked today, there'll be more room tomorrow, and all the chocolate goes on sale after Valentines. 
As you stepped forward, attempting to avoid stepping in the red sludgy blood beneath you, you continued to quietly convince yourself that it’s no big deal that you’re working on Valentine’s Day. 
You snapped out of your head once you heard a gunshot snap through the air. Was that someone on another team? Nobody was supposed to be in this area besides you, it was your duty to clear out the zombies whilst everyone made sure no infected escaped into the city.  
Your mind immediately jumped to the worst case scenario. Were the other sectors overrun with zombies, forcing your colleagues to flee towards less crowded areas? Was there someone here who wasn’t supposed to be? 
You kept your gun in hand, your finger lifted away from the trigger, you were disciplined, but your anxiety was telling you to keep your finger on it just in case. 
Your heart rate spiked as you turned the corner. You saw a man in the midst of fighting a few zombies, taking most of them down with a few kicks. 
Your muscles relaxed slightly as you recognized the blonde man in front of you. Leon. You felt your lip curve ever so slightly into a smile seeing him. 
This was certainly, well… unexpected, to say the least, but definitely welcome. Maybe the day wouldn’t as shit as you thought. 
You raised your gun, aimed and fired a few shots at zombies to assist Leon. Leon clearly was taken aback at first, not knowing where the shots were coming from at first until you fired some more and he traced them back towards your direction. 
Leon scoffed a bit as his eyes landed on you. He clearly wasn’t expecting to run into you during his mission, either. 
Leon took down another zombie, his arm reaching to his aching shoulder once the zombie hit the ground lifelessly.
Leon muttered your name breathlessly, his breathing a bit laboured after the fight. 
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here.” Leon remarked. “You’re not hurt, are you?” You shook your head. Your expression softened as you heard his voice. Today, you wanted nothing more than to spend your time with Leon. This surely wasn’t half as romantic as you initially envisioned in your head, but you appreciated it nonetheless. 
“Could say the same about you.” You replied. “Didn’t even know you were assigned a mission today. Did they just call you in?” Leon kicked the corpse’s body aside to make it easier for him to approach you. “Yeah.” he replied. 
“You here to help contain the outbreak? We could really use some help.” You asked. 
“No, they sent me in to track down the people responsible and capture a sample of the virus. I wish I was here to spend time with you, especially today.” You shook your head and scoffed. “You’d want to spend time with me here?” Leon had a sheepish smile on his face he was clearly trying to suppress. He shrugged. “I mean, yeah.” “I don’t think I could imagine anything less romantic than being here. I mean, the stench is just awful.” You replied lightheartedly. 
Leon simply scoffed in response. “We can make it romantic,” he replied simply. 
Leon paused for a moment before eyeing you up and down. 
“You look good in red.” Leon commented. 
You became confused, you weren’t wearing red. You looked down at your outfit and realized Leon was referring to the blood that had stained the fabric of your clothes. “Shut up.” you replied playfully. 
“No, I’m being serious. You look damn good.” 
You couldn’t suppress the smile creeping up on your lips. This definitely wasn’t how you wanted to celebrate your Valentine's Day with Leon, but at least you had something.
You could tell Leon was still eyeing you, eyeing your body, admiring your body. And you couldn’t help but do the same right back. You could see Leon’s muscular body through his outfit, of course you were going to stare…
Static crackled through the speaker of your walkie talkie, breaking the tension in the air between you and Leon. 
You could barely make out the words, you were definitely out of range now, but you knew for certain that it was a sign to get back to work. You had to help out your teammates. 
“I think that’s a sign I need to move up.” You said, sounding slightly disappointed. 
Leon’s expression went back to how it always looked, a bit blank. “Right,” he replied. 
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up, drive you to dinner…” Leon said with a slight smirk. 
“Please don’t drive me.” you joked. 
“I’m not that bad at driving.”
You moved forward, aiming to walk past Leon, who’s eyes never seemed to leave you. “Wear red tomorrow.” Leon said. You smirked and nodded. “Will do.” You replied.
“And please, keep yourself safe out there. Don’t do anything stupid.” Leon added. 
“I’ve never done anything stupid.” you protested, pouting your lip ever so slightly. “Mhm.” Leon replied.
Your eyes drifted down towards Leon’s lips, and you couldn’t help but move forward, fluttering your eyes shut as you kissed Leon and pulled away as quickly as you had moved forward. 
Leon was visibly a bit taken aback by the suddenness. He blinked a bit as he simply stared at you, trying to hide his flusteredness as he searched his fuzzy mind for some snarky comment he could make.  “See you tomorrow.” You said simply as you continued moving towards the next area you were supposed to clear.
Leon cleared his throat. “See you then.” he replied as he watched you walk away.
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tlirswriting · 2 months ago
[They Colonized Mars, entry 5 // start here]
v. To keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from failure or decline
Maintain machinery
To sustain against opposition or danger : uphold and defend
To continue or persevere
> Atlas unclips his key-card from his belt and shoves it into the lock on his door, emitting a beep as the mechanism clicks open. He stumbles inside, kicking off his sand- and frost-crusted boots, and slumps down on the floor. He stretches his leg, and it resists the movement, sand gritting between the moving parts of his brace. 
> He grumbles, pressing and sliding the connectors around his thigh and ankle to release the brace and slide it off — repeating for his other leg, and both arms — and fumbles his hand over a small bedside table for a wire brush and can of compressed air. 
> He gets to work on one of his knees. Canned air hisses from the nozzle, blowing dust from his mechanized joints. He turns it over in his hand, inspecting it, and sees more caught between hinges, sticking in oil. 
> He scrubs, twisting the brush into awkward angles, specks of gunk flicking to the floor and sticking to his hands. 
> Selene beeps beside him. “My field of view is obstructed,” She states, covered in a thin layer of orange dust. 
> “Oh, shit, sorry.” He wipes his hands on his pant legs and scoots over to her. “Guess it is, huh?” 
> He blows the dust off the sensor array on her front panel. 
> “Thank you.” 
> “How are your legs?” He asks as he runs a hand down her rounded 90° angles. “Can I take a look?” 
> “Yes, you may.” 
> “Okay, let me just…” 
> He hooks his fingers under her bottom edge, lifting — straining, surprisingly heavy — until she tips over with a thud. He presses a hand to her bottom panel, cool and smooth to the touch, thrumming slightly. 
> Her four legs stick straight out to the side, small cone-shaped claws corresponding to each bottom corner. He takes one in his hand and gently tugs, extending it outward, exposing a longer segmented metal structure, something to allow climbing over shelving. Sand, of course, found its way through her outer paneling, and settled into the machinery’s crevices.
> “Tell me,” She beeps, “About yourself. What is it like?” 
> Atlas hums, scrubbing the wire brush against her joints. “That's kinda broad. You got anything more specific?” 
> “Your life. What is it like?” 
> “Well… more of the same, mostly. I get up, I go to work, I go out…” 
> “You are not Human.” 
> He pauses. “Yeah, no, I'm not.” 
> She blinks. 
> “My, uh… my father was Human, my mother was Martian. There used to be more of us.” 
> “What happened to the Martians?” 
> “Well, we're still here, but… you know, it's…” 
> “I do not know.” 
> He sighs. “My mom used to tell me about before, how we used to live underground in the caves. Deep, deep underground, where it's warmer, ‘cause you're closer to the planet's core, and there was still life in the water. Algae, shrimp, whatever. Fish and lizards. Things like that. And, um… and we had stories about how there used to be breathable air on the surface, too — we knew those sandy valleys used to be rivers before the Humans figured it out with their telescopes, we knew about the mountains and how they used to be volcanoes.” 
> “What happened?” 
> “I'm not sure, that's all, like, billions of years ago. Mars froze over, the surface dried out, the atmosphere thinned. I don't know. But, we went underground, adapted to it.”
> He steadies himself.
> “Anyway, the Humans came, and they didn't know any of this was still here until they started probing. Just for knowledge, at first, until they found liquid water, and oxygen, and they realized they could settle here and sell the land to the highest bidders. Americans, really, but they all wanted a slice. They started building pipelines to pump the water and air up to the surface.” 
> “What happened to the people?” 
> “What do you think?” 
> Her lights blink back and forth. “Oh.” 
> “It wasn't just that they didn't care, it was on purpose — they killed us for getting in their way, they…” He clears his throat. “They used to offer bounties for it, they'd be paid for every head they brought back. They hunted us like animals, it's…”
> “I'm sorry.” 
> Atlas takes in an unsteady breath, swallows, and half-lies: “It's fine, that was all before I was born.” 
> “I wish…” She deliberates. “I could hold you.” 
> He thinks of the hardware planted inside him. “I think you can, actually — hold on.” 
> He stands up, slowly, knees cracking and wobbling. 
> He reaches into a drawer, pushing aside miscellaneous mechanical junk, and grabs a standard-sized, double-ended cable. Carefully, he plugs one end into Selene, making sure that it fits, and feels along the nape of his neck to find the port connecting to his nervous system nestled between two cervical vertebrae. 
> He gasps as they click together, sparks tingling down his spine. “Do you feel that?” He asks her, sinking down to his knees. 
> “Yes.” 
> He raises a hand in front of him and turns it over, flexing his fingers. It repeats the motion without his input. “What does it feel like?” 
> “It is… interesting. Your flesh is pliable. Soft.” 
> Willingly, he moves beside himself, allowing her to take his arm. Electricity hums through the wires. 
> “It pulses.” 
> “My heartbeat.” 
> “And breathes. Everything is moving — blinking, twitching.” 
> He looks at her, and sees himself through the fisheye lens of her cameras, her own sight fed back to him, watching himself tilt his head. Through his eyes, she sees herself; a cuboid shape about a meter high, but something else, somehow. She feels alive, and he feels it.
> The feedback loop makes his pulse race. 
> His head spins and he reaches an arm out to catch himself, holding onto her top edge, feeling the pressure of his own hand on her hard plastic shell. Tentatively, she moves his other hand up to touch his face, cupping his jaw. 
> It goes without saying; it thrums through them like a single body. 
> She strokes his cheek, feeling the curve of his face and calluses on his hands, and he turns to press a kiss to her palm. She feels the ache in his legs, the weight of his arms; she feels soft lips, warm breath, his knees pressing against the floor. 
> His eyes open — he couldn’t tell he closed them — and she watches his pupils expand in almost-black irises, just a little too big for a Human, as she slips two fingers into his mouth and feels along his tongue. He sucks on them, gently, curling his upper lip over his teeth and licking the space between her fingers. Something coils low in his stomach when she presses deeper, touching the back of his throat, and he suppresses a gag. 
> She pulls out and examines the spit on his fingers, listening to his breathing. 
> He could feel her thought processes, her curiosity and longing. 
> She reaches up and touches his hair, gently stretching a curl and twisting it between her thumb and forefinger. She lightly scratches his scalp, and he melts into her touch, making a noise low in his throat. Her fingers find a broken-off nub of a tendril, twitching, and she grabs it, making him yelp. 
> Flinching away, he grabs her wrist. 
> I'm sorry, she thinks to him. 
> It's okay, it's just— he doesn't have words for what it is. She understands. 
> He leans forward and rests his face against the flat plane of her paneling, perfectly smooth and pleasantly cool under his flushed skin. 
Next >>
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thechaoticcheese · 10 days ago
While I still have the energy.
ATLA x COD bending head canons-
Price - Earth bender (Metal bending). This is due to his calm yet emotional nature. Would lava bending be better suited? Maybe but he just doesn't seem the type.
Gaz - Air bender (Spiritual). Dude I cannot explain this. Just the vibes he gives.
Soap - Water bender (Blood bending, beginner with healing). Look I just think it'd be cool if Soap accidentally exploded a person by boiling their body on accident during a mission. Also medic Soap.
Ghost - Fire bending (Lightning). Basically just make him a demon at this point lmao.
Laswell - Air bender. Fight me.
Graves - Non-Bender. I feel like Shadow Company would be mostly non-benders, save for maybe a couple of water benders for healing.
Alejandro - FIRE BENDER (Lava). Dude I cannot express why but he is. Like he just is you can't fight it.
Rudy - Hesitant to say secretly the Avatar, but at this point the culture for needing the Avatar had faded out and is kind of a myth. He prefers to water bend (heals too), but will bend other types if necessary.
Valeria - Another Fire bender (Lightning). Come on. You know why.
König - Air bender. Just a normal air bending guy with strange attachments to animals. Weird.
Alex - Earth bender. I will not expound.
Farah - Non-Bender. Still kicks ass.
Nik - Earth bender(Metal). I was thinking air but then I remember his machines and while technology was advanced mainly by the fire nation, I feel like being able to launch his own helicopter with earth bending is fucking hilarious.
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afoolishreader · 8 months ago
My girl katara deserves the best of the best!
While I don't participate in shipwars (multishipper) i have always noticed how it is always is aang better for katara or zuko? it is never who is better for zuko mai or katara ?
Are we really still having Kataang/Zutara shipping war debates in 2024? Like I sort of thought we all agreed collectively that Zukka is the only real option.
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late-to-the-party-81 · 2 months ago
If everything changes, will it stay the same?
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AN: Here’s a little thing for @stuckygeekevents bingo, Square L3 - Howling Commandos. It’s a bit angsty, but I hope you enjoy it.
Beta'd by @zenaidamacrouras1
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and mood board by me.
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Summary: After Steve’s one-man assault at Azzano, Bucky takes time during the walk back to allied territory to try and make sense of, well, everything. 
Relationship: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
WC: 2k
CW: Trauma, Bucky Barnes has PTSD, Confused Bucky, Worried Bucky, The Howling Commandos are good bros, The Howling Commandos know what’s up, slightly insecure Steve, bittersweet ending (cos we know what happens next), smoking.
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All he had to do was put one foot in front of the other. Easy. Something he’d been able to do since he was 11 months old apparently, but, at this moment, it felt so goddamn hard! However, there was no way on God’s green earth that James ‘Bucky’ Barnes was going to ask for help. He’d walked into this war on his own two feet and he’d walk out of it too, torture or no torture.
Sergeant James Barnes. 32557038.
Rifle in hand, he scanned the group of men a few feet ahead of him, easily picking out the newly gigantic form that was Steve. He still couldn’t wrap his head around it. What had those military pricks actually done to him? 
What had been done to him?
A hand clapped down on his shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts, and Bucky turned to look up into the grinning face of Dum-Dum. There’s nothing like serving in the same regiment with someone else to speed up the friend-making process. Especially when you end up as POW’s together.
“So that’s little Stevie, huh? You told me that you hadn’t had any head injuries prior to joining up.” Dum-Dum’s tone was light and teasing and Bucky couldn’t help but flush.
“Ah, fuck off. He was when I left. Not my fault some wacko military scientist pumped him full of super-steroids and turned him into Charles-fucking-Atlas.”
Dum-Dum snorted. “Guess it’s gonna take you some getting used to, though?”
Bucky shrugged, trying to give off an air of nonchalance. “Won’t make any difference to me. As long as what they did didn’t give him any brain damage, he’ll still be the same old Stevie underneath.”
Thank you, Buck, but I can get by on my own.
“Hate to break it to you, sport, but the way he came charging into that hell-hole? Well doesn’t seem like a man in full charge of his faculties to me.”
Now it was Bucky’s turn to snort. “That? That wasn’t nothin’ new. That was classic Rogers - running in where angel’s fear to tread. The only difference now is that he’s apparently strong enough to not get his ass kicked from here to Sunday.”
“Well,” Dum-Dum conceded, “it must be a weight off your mind, an’ all. Gonna go check on some of the others, Barnes. Don’t push yourself too hard. Though suppose you do, little Stevie could always carry you.” His expression split into a shit-eating grin at the jibe and he ducked away before Bucky could gather himself to punch the guy in the arm.
Bucky’s lips twisted up wryly and he shook his head. Fuckin’ Duggan. Guy was a shit-stirrer of the highest magnitude, which coming from him was saying something. He had a point though, about not pushing himself too hard. To be honest, he wasn’t actually sure how he was still walking, given everything. To top it off, his brain still felt as though it had been chopped up and poured back into his head. 
He tried to remember what had been being done to him, but it was a hazy blur of sleep deprivation and pain. He thought there had been needles. And a creepy little man with a round face and round glasses talking about hopefully ‘this one’ would survive the procedure.
Sergeant James Barnes.
He plodded on, keeping an eye on Steve as he walked ahead, but also trying to keep that gaze above the waist. The guy was wearing tights, for Christ’s sake and now he actually had an ass on him. It hadn’t been as bad when Steve had still had a pair of fatigues on over the top, but he’d loaned those out to one of the other survivors who’d had the misfortune to fall in a puddle. The pair of them definitely needed to have a talk, as soon as they got a semblance of privacy, but how Bucky was supposed to concentrate when all of that was gonna be standing in front of him, he had no idea.
Bucky whipped his head round at the sound of the familiar voice and tried not to groan. Morita jogged up to him, a grin on his bruised and dirtied face. The guy was great, even if he was sometimes a little too much.
“What is it, Morita?”
“That guy,” he jerked his head in Steve’s direction, “is really your… umm… friend?”
“Yeah,” Bucky said with a small smile. “He’s my friend. Grew up like brothers, I suppose you could say. Why?”
“Because he’s Captain-freaking-America.” Morita’s voice had dropped into a theatrical hiss. Bucky had often thought the guy could easily get a job on stage, once they all got out of here, of course. “And,” he continued, a small wheedling tone creeping in, “I wondered if you could ask him to autograph something for me to send home. My girl would be over the moon if I could tell her I knew him.”
“I’ll see what I can do, Jim. I don’t know if he does stuff like that. It’s not like we’ve had the opportunity to really talk yet, what with escaping and all.”
Not without you!
“Oh, yeah,” he replied, slightly chagrined. “Well, if you get the chance to ask. But no rush, or anything. How’re you holding up, anyway?”
“Alright, I suppose. A little achy and a lot tired, but I’m alive, so that’s the main thing, right?”
Morita reached out and squeezed Bucky’s forearm. “That it is, Sarge.”
Sergeant James Barnes.
They walked together for some time in companionable silence, and were eventually joined by Jones, who was carrying three cigarettes he’d managed to obtain from somewhere, and passed them both one each. Bucky shouldered his rifle and lit his, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes as the nicotine hit him. “Damn that’s good. Thanks, Gabe.”
“No problem, Barnes. I think we all deserved one. Probably deserve a boat load if truth be told.”
“Damn straight, “ Morita chimed in, before blowing a plume of smoke into the air.
“You spoken to your buddy yet?” Gabe enquired.
“Umm, not really. I’m still a bit in shock, to be honest. Asked him for some space, and as loads of others were, are, buzzing round him like flies round shit, it wasn’t too hard to get away for a bit.”
Morita elbowed him. “He keeps looking over his shoulder at you, Sarge. Think he’s making sure you haven’t disappeared. Looking a bit like a lost puppy when he’s doin’ it too. I think you should go and walk by him for a bit.” Bucky thought Morita should just shut up…
“Yeah, Barnes. He did become a one-man army to save you. Least you could do is say thanks.” Gabe’s bright grin split his face as decided to join in with the ganging up. Fucker.
“It wasn’t just to save me guys. It was to save all of us. That’s Stevie through and through - always championing the underdog and doing what’s right, regardless of the rules. He hates bullies.”
“If you gotta tell yourself that, then you do so, but we all know it was ‘cause you was in danger that put a rocket up his ass. So with all due respect, Sergeant Barnes, go talk to your boy because he’s quickly becoming the most pathetic white man I’ve ever seen. And considering I shared a cell with Dernier, that’s saying somethin’.
Bucky took one last drag on his cigarette. “You two should go fuck yourselves, you know that?” He flicked the butt into the bushes as his two comrades just grinned at him. Then, with an eye roll, he stalked forward, catching up to where Steve was leading the rag-tag group of men back to the allied encampment. 
Steve’s smile as he realised it was Bucky coming towards him was so warm, Bucky felt as though another sun had risen into the sky. He barely noticed the others walking with them melting back into the main group of men.
“Hey, Buck,” Steve said shyly.
“Hey, yourself.” Bucky felt just as awkward as Steve looked. During the rescue itself, Bucky had thought that what he’d been seeing was a drug induced fever-dream, but in the cold light of day, with his adrenaline levels returning to normal he could really take in all of the changes that had been wrought upon Steve. 
I thought you were smaller.
However, he wasn’t looking for those changes. No, he was trying to see beyond them to find the tell-tale signs of his Stevie. 
There was that familiar crooked nose, no weird science could apparently fix that. And Steve’s cow-lick - that lock of straw blonde hair that just wouldn’t stay in place, no matter how much of Bucky’s pomade Steve had stolen. However, the most important thing was Steve’s eyes. Deep blue with flecks of green, a colour he wanted to drown. His hand itched to take hold of Steve’s and interlace their fingers, but they couldn’t. Not now. As much as some of the others may suspect and tease him, there were some things that were definitely private. And that was assuming that Steve still wanted to hold his hand.
“You doing okay? You’re not too tired are you?” There was concern in Steve’s voice and it was enough to make Bucky laugh through the awkwardness of the situation.
“That used to be my line,” he joked. “But somehow, you’re now the motherhen. All two hun’red and sommin’ pounds of you. You better not get into any fights now, ‘cause there’s no way I’m gonna be able to carry your fat ass home.”
Steve went beet red - a look that was also familiar. “You think my ass is fat?” he whispered, aghast.
Bucky smirked. “ Well it sure ain’t skinny anymore, that’s for sure.” He received a glare and a set of pursed lips in response. “But, yeah. I’m okay. All the better for seeing you, pal, even if you won’t fit under my arm any more and you could probably bench press me.”
They walked next to each other, silence falling between them and Bucky was at a loss of what else to say. What were you supposed to say when the person who’s not only the centre of your world but who’s also supposed to be safely across on the other side of it, is actually standing by your side, having rescued you with his dramatically altered body. Nothing inside any of the fantastic stories Bucky had read in his youth had prepared him for such a mind-bending situation. “How are you doing?” was the only thing he could say.
“Buck…” Steve tried to speak, but his voice almost immediately cracked and he had to suck in a few deep breaths. “I was so scared,” he continued in a hushed tone. “So scared that you wouldn’t be there, or that you’d be…” He tailed off. He didn’t need to say it. Bucky was certain if Steve had been even fifteen minutes later there wouldn’t have been anything of him to save. He couldn’t comfort Steve the way he wanted, couldn’t hold him and pull Steve’s head into his own neck and let the pair of them cry the way they wanted, but he could lean a little bit to the side and let the back of his hand brush against the back of Steve’s. 
For a heartbeat their pinky fingers hooked together before falling away from each other again. However, that gesture was enough to both reassure Bucky and get his heart racing, just a little, before a sense of foreboding settled upon him again
“Everything’s changed, Steve,” Bucky mumbled, downcast. “And think you’re the least of those changes. I didn’t know it was going to be like this. I suppose everyone thinks they know, but nothing can prepare you. Not really. It’s brutal, in a way you can’t imagine, Stevie.”
Bucky bit back a sob, and opened his eyes wide, willing the wetness gathering there to dry out. He wasn’t going to fall apart, especially not when he had Steve by his side, something he’d resigned himself to never having again.
The clap on his shoulder from Steve was nothing like the one from Duggan earlier. He could feel the warmth of Steve’s hand through his ragged top, his lean, artist fingers gripping him with surety.
“It’ll be alright, Buck. I got you out, and I’m right here with you. Til the end of the line.”
And as they continued to walk toward safety, Bucky just had to believe that was true.
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Tag list: @christywrites, @alexakeyloveloki, @doasyoudesireandlive, @galactusdevourerofworlds,
@crayongirl-linz, @mightstill, @nicoline1998enilocin, @king814318,
@scram1326, @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989,
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firelxdykatara · 4 months ago
Why wasn’t Katara at the trial where Unalaq accused Tonraq, Senna & co of treason? The trial happened in her home. Doesn’t she care that the Chief of her tribe is being threatened with the death sentence? You’re telling me that Asami and Bolin care more about the future of the SWT than Katara?
The fact that Katara is not so much as mentioned in either episode of the Civil Wars two-parter is so flagrantly egregious that I actually had to double check the transcripts because I was sure that it couldn't have been that bad. But oh boy was I wrong. (Katara's name is mentioned once in the summary of the episode, notably as a reference that isn't actually part of the episode's plot because she isn't fucking there, does not appear in either transcript, and there is one 'mention' in the second episode where Kya shows a photograph to her brothers, saying she got it from 'mom'. Notably, the photo is used to 'prove' that their family was a happy one despite their griping and irate reminiscing, even though all actual evidence seems to indicate the opposite lmao)
The serious and genuine answer is that it's the same reason Katara wasn't at Yakone's bloodbending trial, despite ostensibly being the person who single-handedly saw to it that bloodbending was outlawed (over which Yakone carried a serious grudge!) and being the person best equipped to subdue him if something went wrong (which it did). It's also the same reason Katara wasn't allowed to attend her own granddaughter's Air Master ceremony, despite this being the most significant milestone of every airbender's life. It's the same reason why Katara wasn't allowed to talk about her own life or achievements, even when trying to connect with and help the Avatar or her own children--no, she was always talking about Aang, what he achieved, his legacy.
It's also the same reason that Korra asked Zuko for insight, telling him that he knew Aang better than anyone, despite having been raised and trained by Aang's fucking wife!
And that reason is that Bryke just did not give two shits about her as a character. They didn't care enough to establish her in old age as anything but a sad old woman missing her husband and having sad distance from her children. Zuko and Toph got to have a few scenes to shine, and even Sokka got to be at Yakone's trial in the same flashback where Katara was conspicuously absent--not to mention all three of them got statues commemorating their achievements, and recognition from the cast as being famous and cool (but oh no, not Katara!). In fact, the only member of the gaang who had less presence in the series was Suki, and that's because she doesn't show up at all after the opening art in the very first episode. (Which, arguably, is better than what Katara got; at least this way, there's nothing in canon saying Suki had her entire personality surgically removed and replaced with Wife and Mother and Nothing Else.)
It's egregious and infuriating and I hate hate hate all the excuses that keep cropping up ("She's so old!!!" yeah, so are Toph and Zuko, they still got to kick some ass and protect their families; "LoK isn't about the Gaang!!!!" yeah well AtLA wasn't about the White Lotus either but those old ass men were able to kick ass and take names and help to set the world to rights! one of whom was OVER A CENTURY OLD SHUT UP ABOUT HOW OLD KATARA IS; "She wanted to settle down after the war!!!" ok well there's no amount of 'settling down' that will convince me Katara would sit by, at any age, and let her people tear themselves apart, or let her entire family be slaughtered, without lifting a finger, and while there's nothing wrong with healing we see very clearly in the original series that this was not Katara's passion! SHE LOVED COMBAT BENDING SHE HAD FUN WITH IT!!!!) because all they really say to me is that so many fans are happy to bend over backwards to respect Bryke's muddy fucking vision, and I simply refuse.
Where's that post where it has the screencap of Pakku telling Katara to go back to the healing huts and then cutting to LoK of Katara doing just that? Cause that's basically the essence of the beast here lmao.
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lynzishell · 9 months ago
The Past 💛 Atlas
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There's a slight chill in the air today. One of those days where the heat of the sun is beating down, but every now and then, a breeze kicks up causing goosebumps to raise on my arms as it flutters through leaves that are starting to turn to various shades of gold but have not yet fallen. Still holding on along with the last remnants of summer.
As promised, I’m walking with Asher to the bakery for a decent cup of coffee. He invited Lex to come along, which I’m glad about. I always enjoy hanging out with her. She keeps things light and easy.
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She’s ahead of us now, alternating between skipping forward and hopping backward so she can gesture to us as she tells her story. She reminds me of a child in a bouncy house recounting a grand adventure. Exaggerated, out of breath, and constantly trying not to laugh as she stumbles about. It’s infectious.
Just being in her presence, I feel lighter, like the weight of the world has taken a break from my shoulders, allowing me to relax and breathe a little easier.
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It’s easy to see that her and Ash have been friends for years. They act more like siblings with their constant inside jokes and play-fighting. I’ve already given up on trying to follow their conversation about people I’ve never met and places I’ve never been, but enjoy the sounds of their banter all the same.
“Hey, Atlas!” Lex jumps over and smacks my arm with the back of her hand, snapping me out of my thoughts. She’s affectionate in an almost violent way: slapping, poking, wrestling. Her hugs are the kind that leave you gasping for air. Affection is not something I’m used to, nor does it come easily to me, so Lex’s heavy jostling is somehow more palatable than softer, more intimate forms of contact, even if I still rarely reciprocate.
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“Have you caught up on Somnium yet?” She asks me this every week, but at least today I won’t have to disappoint her again.
“Yeah, Dawn and I caught up the other night.”
She squeals and claps her hands together, excited to finally be able to talk without spoiling, “So, what do you think of your precious coffee shop boy now?”
I roll my eyes at her, “Jesus, Lex, I said he was cute once, and now you’re always up my ass about it.”
Asher perks up and asks with a grin, “Ah, so that’s your type huh? Pale boys with black hair?”
I look over, surprised by his sudden interest, and noting the way he pointed out literally the only thing he has in common with the character. The truth is, Wyatt isn’t really my type. But Asher, with his relaxed confidence and playful smile, very much is, so I decide to play along, shrugging casually, “I mean, it’d be better if he dyed his hair a bright color like blue, or green, or something, but close enough.”
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He laughs and then squints up at me, “See, now, I can’t tell if you’re making fun of me or flirting with me.”
“Pourquoi pas le deux, hm?” He is cute, isn’t he? Especially the way he’s looking at me now, chewing on his bottom lip, his gray eyes searching mine as he tries to determine how serious I am. As we look at each other, the air suddenly feels electric between us, and I have to avert my gaze before my face gives me away. I’m relieved to see we’re approaching the bakery, and I jump ahead to open the door before he can respond.
As I hold it open, Lex walks through giving me a sideways glance and an amused smile. Asher follows close behind, saying, “Thank you,” and flashing me a quick wink that catches me off guard. My stomach flips as I fall in line behind them, dropping my head to hide my face as I smile to myself.
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slytherinshua · 1 year ago
genre. headcanons. avatar the last airbender au. warnings. none. featuring. ot13 seventeen. wc. 1.6k. (around 100 words each) request. no. a/n. obviously i've been on a svt atla kick since burnt promises, second chances. i'd be open to writing fics for any of these small headcanons if anyone is particularly interested :)
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Ugh, Cheol is really hard. I kinda see him as any nation and also none at the same time. For the lack of other Water Tribe on the list, I’ll give him Water Tribe, but I don’t even think he’s a bender. He’d be a passionate hunter of the Southern Water Tribe, and a very good one, but not a bender. He’d always be eager to help out and fit his role as a true leader. He’s looked up to because he protects his people without fail. He’s good at strategics and known for his bravery. I see him fitting a role like Sokka’s father, but I don’t see him as anything glamorous like Water Tribe Royalty. He’s down to Earth and humble and honest. He leads and the people follow.
Jeonghan is an airbender. He’s witty and intelligent, and a great asset to his nation. He’d be in an Air temple close to the Earth Kingdom, and he often helps out with strategics if they ever need it. Definitely a kind and angel baby, but if there’s anyone who needs dealing with, he will personally take the task up. He’s world renowned and has allies and friends in every single nation. When he’s not busy, he’ll spend his time travelling around and immersing himself in the different cultures of the nations. He’s beaten Water Tribe hunters at their own hunt, evaded earthbender attacks in the ring because of how light he is on his feet. And his agility and wit proves to be useful whenever he goes head to head with a firebender. He can often predict their next moves and avoid attacks before they’re even fired at him.
Joshua is Water Tribe!! Definitely a Water Tribe prince, or even a poor boy from the Northern Water Tribe whose parents couldn’t afford water bending lessons for him, so he would sneak around and watch lessons without getting caught. He’s mostly self taught, so he’s not exactly the best, but he can still hold his own. If he’s a Water Tribe prince, then he probably got bored with water bending very quickly as a child and started figuring out ways to skip his lessons lol. He knows clever ways to bribe or fool his masters into letting him slack off, but he also has to build enough skill to show at least a little improvement. He’s probably more interested in carving proposal necklaces to give to his future girlfriend than improving his bending skills.
Jun is Fire Nation, and he’s extremely talented at Fire Bending. He probably runs a tea shop with his family and takes lessons on the side; just a regular middle class kid. He’s not aiming for a military position or anything high up, but he uses his skills to help him in daily life. He might have friends from places higher up in the city, and because of that, he got to take a visit to Royal Fire Academy for Girls. Definitely turns some heads— practically the whole school is crushing on him by the end of the 2 hour visit, and he enjoys the attention that he wouldn’t usually get at home. It’s safe to say that he’s invited back given the significant improvement in attendance and performance after his initial visit. 
Another airbender, only because he’s so agile. Like the spider choreo really makes me see him as someone who just likes to swing around upside down for fun. He’ll play pranks on the older monks, or just anyone he can get his hands on. He’s a lot like Aang in that way. He definitely creates his own airbending moves, because he is a choreographer!!! Somehow takes a trip to the Earth Kingdom because it was his life goal to see a tigerdillo in real life. Once he meets one, he somehow adopts it, and settles down in the Earth Kingdom from there on! He’s perfectly happy, and can he even pose as an earthbender if he’s smart about it.
Anyone could probably guess that I see Wonwoo as Fire Nation. I wrote an entire 14.5k fic about it which is expecting a part 2, but I just think he fits it so much? Especially in a role like the Fire Lord or some notable higher up who is skilled at firebending and definitely owns a dragon (if we’re talking a time period before/during the dragon hunts). He’d be the type to just be a natural at it and reach a high mastery at an early age. He’s such a skilled fighter, and definitely knows how to control his flame. He prefers to study directly from dragons instead of old masters, whose teachings feel regurgitated and watered down, which sounds pretentious, but it’s one of the reasons why he got so good.
I see Jihoon as an Earth bender. He’s short and stout but HE'S SO BUFF. He definitely has the density in him to move some rocks, he’s practically built like The Boulder but without the height????? I definitely see him as part of the royal guard, but definitely not an Earth King. He might teach Earth Bending or get posted out on the coast near the Fire Nation or something— but he definitely has a military position. Somewhere where he can use his earthbending to its full potential. Not the most talkative, but definitely the most efficient, so he climbs the ranks like nobody's business and everyone knows to respect every word that comes out of his mouth. If you say even a word about his height, he’ll throw a rock at your head before you can finish the sentence.
It was hard to pick between Water Tribe and Fire Nation for Seokmin, but I think he’s ultimately Fire Nation. I see him as an actor for plays, and he definitely uses his firebending to win over the audience. It got to the point that even though he’s from a small town in the Fire Nation, he became a household name and got increasingly popular until he eventually found himself acting in front of the Fire Lord. Once he got rich enough from it, he got a spot in the most infamous acting troupe in the Fire Nation. His favourite role to play is, of course, the Dragon Emperor in Love Amongst the Dragons.
Just a bulky earthbender I don’t know what to say. He probably got recruited to some military position because he’s fit and can hold his own in a fight, but boy’s just really a sweetheart. He doesn’t enjoy smashing people with rocks, so he tries to get out of the military as soon as possible. He instead works as a carpenter of sorts? Builds elaborate structures with his earthbending, and has a surprisingly artistic touch to his creations. Popular with the older ladies because he is a gentleman.
I see him as an airbender, but I cannot imagine him with a bald head LIKE HELP. But let's say he is, and for aesthetic purposes, keep the long haired Minghao. He practically floats and flies through the air with his airbendings. He’s probably more of a lemur guy than a sky bison guy. I can imagine him having 1 or 2 lemurs who he spends most of his time with. Obviously very light on his feet and into meditation. He’s one of those star students in the class that the teacher picks as an example for the other students to watch and learn from.
A waterbender, and he’s good because he focused and studied the traditions of it. He knows the importance of the basics, and when he’s teaching, he can get mad pretty quick if he catches a novice waterbender doing a technique lazily. He teaches them the hard way, making the floor an ice rink or slapping in the face with a water tentacle if they make a silly mistake. But he’s a respected master. (Not to say that he’s old, but he holds the respect of an old master). Also a great healer for the Water Tribe. He thinks it’s important for the men to not just learn how to fight with spears and slices of water, but also to heal the tribe, and he offers his lessons to the women of the tribe as well.
Another Fire Nation boy. He’s so skilled he can redirect lightning and all that jazz. He’s a worldwide guy too, so he’s definitely familiar with the other nations and their bending to a certain extent. (Like Iroh, studying the Water Tribe helped him with creating new techniques within firebending). He has a dragon because he’s hot like that, and would hold master firebending classes lol. Definitely has connections to the Royal Family and I could even see him serving as a personal guard or something of that sort. His skills aren’t to be wasted, so he can snag a high paying position practically anywhere he wants.  
Earth Kingdom kid from a poor family™, I mean it’s just so clear in my mind. I imagine his mom runs a corner store, and he likes to use his very limited earth bending skills to make the shop look prettier. If the wooden tables break down over time, he’ll earth bend a makeshift counter to display the trinkets for sale. He’s quite charming even though he doesn’t have much to say about himself. In the lower class of the Earth Kingdom, practically everyone knows him because he likes to go around and make new friends when he’s bored. He’ll help out the elderly if they need it, and flash a toothy grin to anyone he comes across.
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howlingday · 11 months ago
I always love the idea of Jaune being ripped but wearing his Hoodie and other clothes that hide the fact. Like someone picks on Ruby so he takes off his Hoodie for safe keeping and is ripped
As funny an idea that is, it's unfortunately not canon. Jaune was skin and bones when he got to Beacon, trained with Pyrrha, and probably got buff all the way to Atlas, where he switched to his turtleneck. BUT WE DON'T CARE ABOUT CANON HERE!
Ruby: Stop it~!
The little leader, Ruby Rose, kicked in the air as she whined, held aloft by her hoodie. The offending party, one Cardin Winchester, attempted to relieve her of her cloak. The young man had ceased his bullying habits, after a near-death experience with Jaune Arc, but some habits remained in their place. Such habits included being stubborn, aggressive, and very invasive, even if his intentions were less malicious than before.
Cardin: Come on, Red! I gotta do laundry!
Ruby: I'll do laundry when I'm ready to do laundry!
Cardin: When was the last time you washed this damn thing?!
Ruby: I washed it when I washed it! Now let-
Jaune: LET GO.
The two looked to see Jaune Arc standing with folded arms compounded by an angry look. Cardin immediately dropped Ruby, right on her butt. As she rubbed her rump, she looked up to see Jaune walking up to Cardin with a deep, DEEP scowl.
Cardin: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I wasn't picking on her! I just wanted to get her freakin' hood so it can get washed!
Jaune: Then ask her.
Cardin: I did, but she didn't hand it over!
Jaune: Then let her be. That doesn't mean you try to yank it off of her. (Sighs) But you're doing laundry, right?
Cardin: Yeah? Why?
Without another word, Jaune lifted his hoodie from his body. Beneath the cutesy face of Pumpkin Pete was the pinnacle of huntsman physique. Shredded abs, bulky pecs, and rippling arm muscles. Ruby and Cardin nearly drooled at the sight.
Jaune: (Sniffs) Hey... Ruby, did you wash your hood?
Ruby: Huh? Oh, uh, not yet.
Jaune: Maybe you should let Cardin take your hood and-
As Cardin took the hoodie from Jaune's hands, a red hood was tossed in his face, along with some other black fabric he didn't notice because he was blinded by the red.
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