spectralarchers · 1 year
I'm glad you have a hyperfixation but I don't understand how those men kiss with their masks on?
They lift them up just a teeny, tiny, little bit, so they can kissy ❤️
It's the most homoerotic thing ever. The tenderness of lifting up the face mask to kiss the other, and the desire to see what's under Simon's mask.
(Either that or all of CoD Fandom has a mask kink, anyways).
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2soupisgood2 · 9 months
Wreck of the Concrete Ship (2023)
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Gouache and colored pencil on watercolor paper
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hs-transfusion · 7 months
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HEMO: Indigo (#0021CB) TROLLTAG: architectsTactic [AT] SIGN: Sagitaur, Sign of the Wistful STRIFE: javelinkind MODUS: Wallet LUNAR SWAY: Derse MYTH. ROLE: Bard of Time LAND: Land of Dust and Tomes
AT: Ah shucks, uh, 1 don’t really have t1me to 1ndulge 1n k1d stuff anymore,
Tavros used to be a kid that loved NERDY THINGS like Fiduspawn and FLARP, but under the strict influence of his LUSUS, strives to maintain an air of UPPERCLASSMANSHIP now that he's older. He tries his best to ACT LIKE HE ENJOYS IT, but deep down, he wishes things could go back to the WAY THEY USED TO BE.
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Now that he's buried his passion for CARD GAMES and CARTOONS, he instead takes up attending MUSCULAR THEATER and has been learning how to COOK EXOTIC MEALS. His lusus also has him reading FANTASTICAL NOVELS, all of which sound infinitely more fascinating than the MUNDANE LIFE HE LIVES NOW.
Tavros' WALLET Fetch Modus is the quintessential Fetch Modus for any RESPONSIBLE ADULT.
Tavros' lusus is classified as the SERVITUDINAL OXENHOIST; a large minotaur that serves as Tavros' PERSONAL BUTLER. It's quite OVERPROTECTIVE of Tavros, doing its best to ensure he lives life as a PERFECT HIGHBLOOD, much to his chagrin.
The Land of DUST AND TOMES is a desert-covered planet, lined with MASSIVE BOOKSHELVES that house entire communities, along with HOLLOWED-OUT TOMES used as camping shelters. The consorts of the land are convinced (and mistaken) that The Bard will just LOVE all these long, winding books to read. In particular, there are four tomes dotted across the land that combine to form a RIDDLE, the answer of which must be recited to HEPHAESTUS to earn his cooperation.
Tavros' ancestor is known as ATLANTUS IMPENDUS. A SWASHBUCKLING GAMBLIGNANT, he adventured far and wide in search of a WORTHY OPPONENT. Originally a trusted mercenary for THE EMPRESS, he was eventually swept up in a REBELLION AGAINST HER for the chance to duel her to the death. He did not win.
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rabbitradicals · 1 year
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Atlantus does an action
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liviavanrouge · 2 months
Xiao: (Being the sole survival of his Karmic Debt, losing his friends and others in the process, unaware that they were brought back as different people)
Xayda: (His little sister figure who's the reincarnation of Guizhong and an adepti that wants to learn from him)
Murkus: (The reincarnation of Bosacius that was taken in by Xianyun and currently resides with her and Shuyu)
Meggie: (Menogias' reincarnation and the little sister figure of Sethos, currently residing in the Temple with him)
Atlantus and Ingenia: (The reincarnations of Indarius and Bonanus, currently residing in Natlan with the person that saved them)
@queen-of-twisted @albedomestic-airline
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somerandopers0n · 1 year
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Atlantus! Atlantus is by @rabbitradicals
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witchwhaat · 1 year
not one but TWO tag games!! @holddthegirl thank you for tagging me mwah!!💗
1. share 10 song and tag 10 people
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up.
These are from my july playlist hehe😌
☆good days - sza
☆fluorescent adolescent - arctic monkeys
☆emperor's new clothes - jann
☆the feeling - shinee
☆let me in - exo
☆love's a stranger - warhaus
☆pop the balloon - nothing but thieves
☆szyszy - szczyl, magiera
☆horizon (japan cd) - daft punk
☆in bloom - zerobaseone
2. share 7 top songs from your on repeat playlist
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here they are!
tagging (for both games or one, your choice): @imeminemp3 @kodachromatics @poetka @atlantus @ducksbuttocks @ducktollers @demon-arlington @sukidude @anapotapova and @desertsdaughter !!♡ and just anyone, feel free to do this😊
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atlantis-scribe · 2 years
for the ask thing -
ive seen stars reborn in your eyes (dermot kennedy song)
the tender flesh of your hand, my mouth
ive seen stars reborn in your eyes
a McShep alternating POV where Rodney's thinking about their first meeting (Sheppard in the Terra Atlantus control chair with the solar system in his eyes) and how for all Rodney may grumble about the ATA gene being a random characteristic it still makes Sheppard something close to Rodney's life's work personified, the stars in human flesh, a chimera
vis-à-vis Sheppard & Rodney in the Dorandan outpost with Rodney brilliant and magnificent in his hubris, even with the facility crumbling around their ears, how watching Rodney tear apart the fabric of the universe may just be the closest Sheppard's ever come to flying into the sun
the tender flesh of your hand, my mouth
SHEPPARD KISSING WRAITH!RODNEY'S FEEDING HAND (i'm a sucker for people kissing the open palm of their loved ones. it is intimate. it is sensual. it is a sacred submission to the reality that you're surrendering yourself to someone who may very well close their fist with your jugular between their fingertips
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
Oh my apologies
Of course your highness he won't settle till he sees it in plain English
Pliny the younger you should stop scout from naming a janitor Italian like in a hospital to clean things till there precious for misplace.
Mrs Resit
Welcome to the brioadway which strictly speakings Talbot.EuwomAn
But if your using biology that'll just debate your augmented reality so many times over
Yeah well these pill shrink people
Well fling em awT
8. Ha ha.ds hut if appendix ex0ldz ads sox
No your hands will d9 just fine
Oook that worked
These pills shrink people oh did you try lean forward
O thanks Taco that was really effective therapy. I have her number.
Also Krista lehay was mandarin not epileptic so there's also warnings shout from video games the phenomenon that crashed itself in the market killed it's oldest house, got it's friends to do that for them what's the ball tapper for, arcanine another volume of this ones the 6 number and this ones also one of whose.
Where are you license
El Salva
Xmi globaAzul
See how she's throwing hercrutches away. This isn't the office These are my stamps though. They don't even let me play games on these.
Because we want Ben, we can't do this professionally without him.
Nonot from the show
Ben from
The secret
And I volunteered to were postal service
Some scholarshipverts pwl sayd big must..free classes of dei length. Can fly a few distances sorrento miplCpugj gold Verdun km in sorrento but for shit
Test wedton and hammets we know how ash tk shield3d
GoldE5frings the foil is fools gold.
It's a taste kids like.
Yuk it's the marshmallow cookie without filling
They all are there's not a really a quebdc borders that's end
We could always ask for passports. Then we can put tolls at the turok
Where saq et saq depot et saq express
Go to the grocery store if you want tech
Eventually you can hear it in the wind. Bun,up Laotion axe kins here for all album. Loins. Like a season favorioto
Autotune it all cave deep
La Reine no needle adchi
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Some punchers came offlary. Can't believe it's still pumps a like
It's eunice
And someboarded
That's not a flashback I'm on yhd next segment hey view curtain billy did nothing like that. But thankfully there's this ge no one call drugs shit
Coke . I'm sdlin.
Some ones having an ocguplet at a time so pie a babble she's probably acting like she hasn't had much sleep I mean come on eight babies. That's no more sleep.
What's alertness for. Papers somethings nor there for it that waynessCrable fails fehsauras
Quite all rifh
Fabius gazebo altered brick garden wall see
Gala gala
A middlesex
What wood! Whoa no brakes twigs
That lady you work sigh can care to notice I'm pretty close to her inside the building
Carey your jeeps
Just off the isalaab there stroked
And jeep on track
Well see do sequal
Karen Landon.sopjnk mist some llezimustkr reboot ahs8 can never beat carrier vader
Bent for green ones
They yysa this before nuy tentacles babiest
Yeas 2012 clik
It's no one's fault that there wasn't anyone. Kore well reas in to let them know cuz that clasp picture with petals Mrs Dubose doesn't end court talking. She was duprix
A hot wheels playest as favorite this year at sears
Beat 'em up
Wrapped and sealt with a lot unfinished ribbon
Speed dial of love
Someho2 bartender holding cell phones a fuse blue street.
Now Abe is marrying twins in bed.
That's why shhh there's other crap too lights alot
Starts in corner draws on line begins silence. Any many ms. T o atlantus was.Stalkin oldfashionex
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If you only knew how much they want to help you midrift like it's mileage
Then show up to hey so.ebodys notes not going to shef if year dine and plus d
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7ooo-ru · 4 months
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Гол Месси не помог «Интер Майами» обыграть «Атланту Юнайтед» в матче МЛС
«Атланта Юнайтед» одержала победу над «Интер Майами» в матче регулярного чемпионата МЛС.
Читать далее
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/05/30/507-gol-messi-ne-pomog-inter-mayami-obygrat-atlantu-yunayted-v-matche-mls-grss-312020876.html
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dresyprofotbal · 1 year
Messimu můžete vždy věřit
Kde je Messi, kde je těžiště světového fotbalu! Právě teď jsou oči světa upřeny na Miami. Ve druhém kole skupinové fáze Severoamerického ligového poháru měl Messi v prvním utkání Fotbalový Dres Sleva s číslem 10 a kapitánskou pásku. Přispěl 2 góly a 1 asistencí, aby pomohl Miami porazit Atlantu United 4:0 a postoupit před plánovaným termínem. V 8. minutě hry přispěl přesným dlouhým pasem k prvnímu gólu Messiho Busquets, který také nastupoval do zápasu s Messim. Ve 22. minutě založil Messi protiútok a dvakrát skóroval. Také pomohl Robertu Taylorovi ke vstřelení druhého gólu ve druhém poločase. Robert Taylor, který oblékal Dres Inter Miami CF s číslem 16, byl před Messim obyčejným širokým hráčem a nebyl ani považován za hlavního startéra v týmu. V minulé sezóně přispěl pouze 2 góly za celou sezónu. Po příchodu Messiho však Taylor přispěl 3 góly ve dvou zápasech. To může být síla vzorů, možná s Messim je střílení gólů tak jednoduché. Ve dvou zápasech se Messi plně integroval do tohoto týmu a pomohl týmu z posledního místa v lize stát se nejlepším týmem ligy. Dobrá herní atmosféra umožňuje Messimu zcela se zbavit okovů slávy a bohatství a užívat si štěstí, které fotbal přináší, čistě a svobodně. Věřím, že i fanoušci cítili radost a štěstí.
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tahitianstarseed · 1 year
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jeftindres · 2 years
Ibrahimović se vraća nakon ozljede
Iako je AC Milan ove sezone izgubio priliku da se natječe za naslov prvaka, još uvijek vrijedno radi na plasmanu u Ligu prvaka. Rezultat ove utakmice s Atlantom vjerojatno će utjecati na konačno vlasništvo mjesta u Ligi prvaka. U slučaju slične snage dviju strana u utakmici, Milan je na kraju svladao Atlantu 2-0 zbog autogola protivnika i pogotka Mesiasa. Najveći vrhunac ili iznenađenje ove utakmice je to što je 41-godišnji Ibrahimović obukao njegov Nogometni Komplet i vratio se u igru nakon 9 mjeseci. Zlatan Ibrahimović je legenda u povijesti nogometa. Igrao je za Barcelonu, Inter iz Milana, Paris Saint-Germain i druge vrhunske momčadi, te osvojio bezbrojne počasti i poštovanja. Otkako se prošle godine ozlijedio na utakmici, nije ga bilo na terenu. Mislio sam da ću jednog dana čuti vijest o njegovom umirovljenju. No, naporno je radio da se oporavi i konačno je ušao s klupe u 74. minuti utakmice. Publika je njegovu pojavu pozdravila glasom poput tsunamija. Njegov izgled u potpunosti dokazuje veliku upornost i odlučnost velikog nogometaša. Zlatan Ibrahimović, koji je ponovno obukao AC Milan Dres Sa Vlastitim Imenom, donio je novu energiju u momčad. Iako njegovo fizičko stanje nije tako dobro kao prije, vjerujem da još uvijek može dati neočekivane doprinose AC Milanu. Radujem se što ću ponovno vidjeti njegovu prekrasnu izvedbu na terenu.
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sportsfanmy · 2 years
«Интер» переиграл «Аталанту» и прошел в полуфинал Кубка Италии
«Интер» переиграл «Аталанту» и прошел в полуфинал Кубка Италии
Гол Дармиана стал решающим в матче 1⁄4 финала Кубка Италии. На стадионе «Сан-Сиро Джузеппе Меацца» в Милане состоялся матч между местным «Интером» и «Аталантой». Черно-синие переиграли гостей со счётом 1:0, не оставив им никаких шансов. Решающую точку в матче поставил Маттео Дармиан, получив передачу от нападающего миланцев Лаутаро Мартинеса. Гол в дальний угол ворот соперника пришёлся... Подробнее
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rabbitradicals · 2 years
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Atlantus, my OC hahahahaha
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liviavanrouge · 10 days
Mavuika: *Puts her sunglasses on* So take it all..
Fatima: *Beams* So take it all!
Kinich: Natlan is yours..
Kucho: *Grins* Natlan is mine!
~~ Juno: It's worth fighting for!
Mualani: It's worth fighting for!
Xilonen: It's all mine..
Valerina: It's all mine.
Chasca: So take it all!
Lucinda: So take it all!!
Ifa: Natlan is yours
Athenia, Atlantus, Ingenia: Natlan mine!
Capitano: It's worth fighting for!
Conny: It's worth fighting for!
Iansan: It's all mine!
Diego: It's all mine!!
@queen-of-twisted @albedomestic-airline
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