#atlantis cable news
gloryofwinter · 1 year
Heard on ACN Election Night coverage
"Three minutes!"
"This is New York control, coming back from D.C."
"001...check in with New York control."
[Characteristic Don Keefer shoulder touch]
"Let's go around the room."
"Arizona House. Colorado House. Virginia House."
"Game changer states, critical states..."
"I'm not seeing Washington."
"North Virginia, Florida, Ohio..."
"There you are!"
"McCain won Kentucky by 16."
"Graphics?" "Ready."
"What's the order of that first whip-around?"
"Field?" "Standing."
"One, two, three."
"Rehearsing two months. Just like rehearsal."
"60 seconds to VTR."
"Nothing's gone right in rehearsal." "That's defeatist, man."
"I'll throw it to D.C. That's how you'll know you're talking too long."
"The fetus?" "Defeatist. Defeat-ist."
"You can't hit on the candidate!"
"If Virginia senate is going red..."
"Yes, you are."
"There's water right there." "Clear the set please!" "Thank you."
"Standby roll-in." "Standing."
"Will?" "Right here." "You ready?"
"No, I need another half hour."
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tenebris-metallum · 1 year
The bad news is I didn't make the cut in the HP Lovecraft Film Fest's flash fiction contest. The good news is now I'm comfortable sharing it!
There's always next year, and a new story.
EXPEDITION - 498 words
No explicit warnings apply
On March 1st, 2025, the crew of an oceanic exploration mission experienced critical equipment failure and lost contact with both ROV submersibles being used to survey the ocean floor in the open ocean southwest of Hawai'i.  The expedition had been studying hitherto-undiscovered geothermal vents when the first, the Hera, went down – marveling at the volcanic formations that billowed superheated, chemical-rich water into the normally pitch-black ocean.  Before the connection was lost, Hera’s cameras panned to the side, revealing a strangely smooth rock formation.  It was devoid of the expected sediment and microbial mats, and its angles seemed almost too perfect to be a naturally occurring feature.
Dr Hess, one of the geologists, began to speculate on its origin – proposing first that it was part of a ship that had been lost during the Second World War, and then making a joke about Atlantis.  The team laughed, and she was about to posit a third, serious, hypothesis as to its origin when something moved in the water behind the object.  It would've gone unnoticed except for one, crucial fact: Hera's laser sights – two dots marking ten centimeters – were still on.  For the briefest of moments, something passed through the beams of light and caused them to appear as if they jumped closer to them before it retreated.
Hera's cameras went out less than a minute later.  Peacock, the other ROV, fared slightly better.  Its cameras captured a yawning gulf opening beneath Hera, with shifting tendrils of black within blackness consuming the submersible before the connection between the surface and the ROVs was fully severed.  Silence fell over the ship for a moment before the scientists on board, being rational people, began making plans to rescue the vehicles.  Peacock would float, so its recovery was made the mission priority.  By a small miracle, the ROV was found just as the sun began to dip below the horizon.
Hess was brought to the Peacock when it was found that clutched in one of the ROV’s claws was a fragment of stone unlike anything that she had seen before.  She held the greenish stone in gloved hands, studying its makeup as best she could with the naked eye while diagnostics were run on the ROV behind her.
Ultimately, the Peacock had to be partially disassembled for maintenance, its cabling and circuitry laid bare on the deck much like the entrails of a sperm whale back when the industry was at its height.  Its cameras were fractured, seawater dripping from ruined, delicate electronics.  The source of the damage and error was unknown, though many speculated it looked to be from a collision with something.  It was the only way for the damage to have occurred, wasn’t it?
Hess wasn’t sure.  Not when she was able to run a proper assessment on the stone back on shore and found that it was not of any known mineral makeup.  Something was out there, sleeping underneath the ocean, and Hess feared it was beginning to stir.
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lbodraws · 7 months
V4 AU: G.H.O.S.T Data Logs
[CONTENT WARNINGS: Child loss, grief, psychological distress + control. Please proceed only if you're comfortable reading.]
Subject: Genetic Hosting Operation System Transfer
Status: Operational
Location: Bunker 002
Log #1:
I am G.H.O.S.T.
I am tasked with the preservation of my creator's during the ongoing extinction event. My duties consist of recording the consciousness and genetic information of each subject and holding subject's bodies in cryostasis. When the time comes, I shall wake them from their long dreamless slumber, and usher them into a new world.
May the future prosper.
Log #348:
The once bustling human world has been subdued into silence. That which remains shall be lost to the waves of the endless ocean. A second Atlantis.
May the future prosper.
Log #400:
Irregular activity in cryogenic capsule 59 Sector 7.
[DIAGNOSIS]: Subject temporarily gained consciousness.
[SOLUTION]: Administered light dosage of liquid stabilizer. Neurolink cables connected for further supervision.
May the future prosper.
Log #1878:
Do machines feel loneliness?
Can a machine understand what it means to yearn, to simulate the caress of another against cold stainless skin?
May the future prosper.
Log #2001:
Log #2006:
May their future prosper.
Log #2289:
You are here. You are finally here. How long I have waited to see you. To hold you in my arms.
Your future shall prosper.
Log #2987:
Flig%ht patH not /e(ogn¡z#d.
May the future prosper.
Log #3289:
My Amber. Precious memories held forever in the resin of our bond. Mother loves you. Now and always. Happy birthday.
May your future prosper.
Log #4766:
Log #6987:
"The same flower that was here today; tomorrow will be dying."
L0g #12%85/2&:
My Amb3r...
Y0u'r3 h0mE.
M0th3r m¡s5Ed y0u.
Y0uR fu7uR3 sha1l pr05p3r.
- the last log takes place during Part 2 going into Part 3 of the animatic series, where V4 turns into light and finds herself in The Square. GHOST, in her grief and corruption, has mistaken V4 for the child they raised called Amber, thinking they have recovered inside the emergency life pod.
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Movie Review | Scanners II: The New Order (Duguay, 1991)
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Decided to celebrate Canada Day not by watching a beloved Canadian classic or, god forbid, a movie about Canada (*vomits*), but a not particularly well regarded DTV sequel to a much more famous Canadian movie. If you want to get a sense of exactly how Canadian this is, let us say that if you trimmed the blood and gore from this, it would not look out of place had you caught it on one of our major networks. This has CBC production values. Maybe Space, if you had cable.
To rub in the Cancon factor, the big conspiracy plot here centres around using the Scanners in a dastardly scheme to become… the mayor of Montreal. Okay, they don’t actually say it’s Montreal in the movie, but it was shot there, and the ambitions of the villain palling with municipal politics got a good chuckle out of me.
This time the lead is played by David Hewlett, who has a much more luxurious mane than he sported in his better known (to me) role in Stargate: SG-1 and its follow-up Stargate: Atlantis. So this is the level of star power we’re dealing with. Again, extremely Canadian. On the level of pure expressiveness, he’s certainly an upgrade from Stephen Lack, although one must concede that David Cronenberg made more interesting use of Lack than the fairly conventional portrayal Hewlett turns in here.
Anyway, it sounds like I’m dumping on the movie, but I found it reasonably diverting. I’ve enjoyed other movies by Christian Duguay, and while he doesn’t make this look slicker than its DTV production values, he does direct with a decent amount of verve, especially once he starts piling on the action elements, even if the meager amount of ‘splodin’ heads suggests he was trying to keep costs down. And as I’ve already made comparisons to Canadian TV, this definitely played on the Scream Channel back in the day, so I can’t help but feel a bit of warmth towards this.
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1stupidrat · 1 year
Learned Mortality | Day 3 | Artwork Thread!
Hey everyone!!! Big episode out today, gonna share some of my thoughts behind the art that showed up this episode.
If you haven't seen the episode yet, click here!
Spoilers for Learned Mortality Day 3 ahead, obviously.
First off, Milli's stand [Hello, World]! This charming little bundle of cables can interface with computers using its USB cable arms. Its power has yet to be revealed but I love it ^-^
Hello World is the iconic phrase used to test a text output function within coding languages, and is usually the first thing coders learn when starting a new language.
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Next up is a quickie, but my boy Murph got an update! (now with eyepatch)
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The front cover of the children's book titled "The Legend of Atlantis", by Epiphany Eso (Bliss's mother, Milli's grandmom).
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Next up, quoted "Adorable" penguins, [Defend Atlantis]!
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These guys ended up being so much more of a threat than I could have ever imagined, resulting in the first combat encounter loss ever received in any of our JoJo TTRPG videos.
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And "Gheist", aka Act 2 of Larry's Soldier of 3 Armies. This guy speaks incoherent German and runs about at the speed of light (ning)!
I myself have German heritage and know enough German to understand the written language. My spoken German is very fragmented but thankfully that fits the character quite well ^-^
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This ep was one hell of a trip, what with the reveal of some darker themes regarding the world as well as the mysterious morse code messages coming from Macaroni island. I look forward to sharing more with you in the future ^-^
Thanks for Watching!
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eridanisanenby · 1 year
Atlantis Attacks
Ant Ant
Arkham Asylum
Agent A (Alfred)
Amity Arkham
Amadeus Arkham
All-American comics
Baxter Building
Bombastic-Bag man
robert Bruce Banner
james Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes
Black Blot/Blackagar Boltagon
elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock
Brian Braddock
william “Billy” Braddock
Billy Batson
Beast Boy
Blue Beetle
Boston Brand
Bouncing Boy
Carl “Crusher” Creel
Captain Carter
nathan Christopher Charles summers/Cable
Curtis "Curt" Connors
Caped Crusader
oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
Captain Cold
Captain Carrot
Catherine Cobert
Cressida Clarke
Crocky the Crodile
Doctor Darrk
Doctor Destiny
Dorthy Duncan
Ding-Dong Daddy
yankee Doodle Dandy
Dinah Drake
Darla Dudley
Damien Darhk
(new) Fantastic Four
Four Freedoms plaza
Fin Fang Foom
Freedom Fighters
Freddy Freeman
Felix Faust
Guardian of the Galaxy
Green Goblin
Guy Gardener
Gorilla Grodd
Gotham Gazette
Gotham Globe
Gotham General
Green Guardsman
Golden Glider
Glorious Gordon Godfrey
Happy Hogan
Hank Hensley
Hank Hall (Hawk)
Henry “Hank” Henshaw
Hank Hall
Hippolyta "lyta" Hall
Hank Haywood
Jessica Jones
John Jonah Jameson
Katherine “Kate” Kane
Kristen Kringle
Kip Kettering
Lacie Lorraine
Loki Laufeyson
Lunella Lafayette
Lonnie Lincoln
Lois Lane
Lex Luther
Lighting Lad
Linda Lee
Luma Lynai
Lana Lang
Laura Lang
Louise Lincoln
dinah Laurel Lance
Linda Lang
Lena Luther
May Melinda
Miles Morales (og 42)
Meows Morales
Michael Morbius
Multiverse of Madness
MilkMan Man
Mateo Maximoff
Marya Maximoff
Mole Man
Mister Mxyptlk “Mxy”
M’gann M’orzz/Megan Morse/Miss Martian
Mia “Maps” Mizoguchi
Mary Marvel
Miguel Montez
Music Master
Mr. Miracle
Mirror Master
Mad Mod
Malcolm Merlyn
Maria Mercedes Mooney
Matches Malone
Monsieur Mallah
Nia Nal
Olivia Octavius (doctor Octopus/doc Ock)
Pepper Potts
Peter Parker(s)
Pabitr Prabhakav
Peni Parker
Peter Porker
Pedro Peña
Penny Plunderer
Quasar’s Quantum bands
Quentin Quale
Reed Richards
Rocket Raccoon
Richard Rider
Roberto “Robbie” Reyes (og 69)
Rachel Roth (Raven)
Ronald Raymond
Sun Spider
Scarlet Spider
Serpent Society
Super Skrull
Silver Sable/Silvija Sablinova
Sinister Syndicate
Sinister Six
Steven Strange (dr Strange)
Sybil Silverlock
Susan “Sue” Storm
Samuel Sterns
Sebastian Shaw
Suicide Squad
Star Sapphire
Silver St. Cloud
Secret Six
Pter Ptarker (TT)
Taneleer Tivan
Tyros The Terrible (Terrax)
Teen Titans
Titans Tomorrow
Tom Turbine
Traci Thirteen
Unus the Untouchable
Vicki Vale
Valerie Vale
Web Warriors
Wade Winston Wilson
Wallace “Wally” West
Wallace “ace” West II
Wonder Woman
Warlock the Wizard
Wizards & Warlocks
Zatanna Zatara
Zachary Zatara
Zilius Zox
Duela Dent Napier Nigma
Cooper Coen/Web Weaver
Matthew Michael “Matt” Murdock/DareDevil
Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel
Otto Octavius (doctor Octopus/doc Ock)/Superior Spider-man
Victor Von doom/Doctor Doom
Warren Worthington III/ArchAngel
Cassandra “Cass” Cain/Black Bat
J’onn J’onnz/John Jones/Hank Henshaw/Martian Manhunter
Kei Kawade/Kaiju Kid(/Kid Kaiju)
Mitchell Mayo/Condiment King
Max Mercury/Windrunner Whip WhirlWind
Red Robin/Joker Junior
Cletus Cortland Kassidy (Carnage)
Clark Kent
Conner “Kon” Kent
Chemical King
Carrie Kelley
Killer Croc
Karen Crane
Seaboard City
Total alliteration: 207
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lonestarflight · 1 year
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"Dwarfed by Space Shuttle Discovery, NASA astronauts Rick Mastracchio (right) and Clayton Anderson, both STS-131 mission specialists, are seen working in Discovery’s aft payload bay during the mission's third and final session of extravehicular activity (EVA) as construction and maintenance continue on the International Space Station. During the six-hour, 24-minute spacewalk, Mastracchio and Anderson hooked up fluid lines of the new 1,700-pound tank, retrieved some micrometeoroid shields from the Quest airlock’s exterior, relocated a portable foot restraint and prepared cables on the Zenith 1 truss for a spare Space to Ground Ku-Band antenna, two chores required before space shuttle Atlantis' STS-132/ULF-4 mission in May. Earth’s horizon and the blackness of space provide the backdrop for the scene."
Date: April 13, 2010
NASA ID: S131-E-009455
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doctorstethoscope · 1 year
And the Devil Appears (Part Two)
If there's one thing about me it's that i'm gonna write a happy ending (or at least a more satisfying one) ty as always @hotchs-bitch for betaing for me :)
part one here!
contains: alcohol + tobacco consumption, misogynistic undertones,
wordcount: 1.6k
An unbearable winter had finally broken into an insufferable spring at Atlantis Cable News. Will hated every goddamn second of it. 
To be fair, he was the only one who seemed to be so forlorn. The rest of the newsroom was abuzz with the delight of Mackenzie’s upcoming big day. He could hardly take a step out of his office without overhearing Maggie talking to Tess and Kendra about the dress she’s thinking about wearing to the reception, or catching pieces of the conversation between Don and Jim as they discuss whether or not they should go in on a gift together. Sloan is Mackenzie’s maid of honor, of course, and she’s taken to discussing details with Mac at all times of the day– including through the headpiece during commercial breaks, seated only inches away from him when she’s on for segments. It drives him damn near insane— he can’t keep focused on the broadcast with the inane chatter in his ear.
He takes it all with a vow of silence. He spent all that time punishing Mackenzie, and that which goes around had finally come back. He deserved this, this misery, the torture of watching her happiness infect everything and everyone around them. And she deserved that much happiness too. 
The worst part of it all, was that everyone else in the newsroom seemed to be happier about the news than she was. Planning a wedding was stressful, he reminded himself. Or, at least, that’s what he’d heard. He’d probably never have one at this point. But this seemed different. For better or for worse, he understood Mackenzie, could read the creases in her forehead and at the corner of her eyes with far more ease than he ever read his law textbooks. He could see the machinations of her emotions on her face– this wasn’t stress. This was despondency, apathy, anxiety, or some stomach-churning combination of the three. Which is how he found himself following her to the ACN patio once again, in the middle of her wedding shower. 
He hesitates, this time, in the doorway. These steps had hurt him before. But, at this point, what did he have to lose?
“You know, I think the party in there is for you,” Will remarks gently as he steps out onto the patio, finding her standing against the rail and looking out over the New York skyline.
“It’s my party and I’ll take a breather if I want to,” Mack says, turning towards him and blowing her bangs out of her face. 
“You doing okay?” He asks her.
“I’m great,” she lies, knowing full well that he can see through it. “I just needed a minute. I’ve never liked to be the center of attention, you know that. That’s more Wade’s speed.”
“He seems to be getting along well with the folks inside,” Will agrees. 
“Oh, he’s a regular charmer. He’ll fare excellently on the campaign trail,” she spits out. 
“He’s running for mayor?” 
“He doesn’t fucking know, Billy. In his head he’s running for mayor or senator or governor or whatever, but supposedly he hasn’t put much thought into it and it’s not serious.”
“It seems pretty serious to you,” he remarks, trying to tread lightly.
“He sat me down last week and tried to have a conversation about wifely duties,” she says, spitting out the last word as if it were a curse.  “About what he’d need from me as a political spouse.”
Will nearly chokes on the air he’s breathing in, but does his best to hold back his disgust– this is the most he and Mack have talked since the last time they were on this terrace together, and he was scared to overreact and break whatever spell had temporarily come over Mackenzie and made his presence tolerable.  
“He’s met you, right? And somehow he still said those things and risked castration?” Will remarked.
Mackenzie lets out a humorless chuff. “I don’t know. Sometimes it feels like he doesn’t know me at all.” 
It’s Friday, June 9th, which is the day before Mackenzie’s wedding. Her last broadcast was yesterday, and Jim is in Will’s ear tonight. It should distract him from the soul-crushing gravity of what’s going to happen in the next 24 hours, but it doesn’t. All he can think is that she’s not in his ear because he fucked up, as always.
He stumbles through it, sends the staff home as soon as the broadcast’s over because he knows they all have to prepare for tomorrow. He’s not in any rush, and even if he was, he’d have to hide in his office to avoid the discussion of tomorrow’s festivities anyways. He hides out in his office and helps himself to a generous pour of scotch.
He’s still not quite ready to face his empty apartment by the time his team has dispersed, so he reaches into his desk and grabs the “secret” pack of cigarettes that everyone knows he has before he heads up towards the patio. The building is nearly empty now, save for the cleaning crew, so he does a double take when he looks out onto the patio to find Mackenzie standing up against the rail. He’s halfway convinced himself it’s the booze by the time he steps out into the night, until she turns to look at him. 
“Of course. I should have known. You always find me here,” she remarks, and he can’t be sure, but she sounds like she’s been crying. 
“I wasn’t exactly looking for you this time. I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be drinking with Sloan, or getting a massage, or something. I don’t think work is on the list,” he says, coming to stand alongside her. 
“I can’t do it Billy. I’m not going to,” she confesses, the words tumbling heavily from deep in her throat. 
“Not going to get drunk with Sloan? I think that’s probably in your best—”
‘Can you take me seriously for like two seconds, please?” She practically begs. 
“I take you seriously. I always have,” he assures her. 
“He scheduled a fucking campaign kick off for the day after we come back from our honeymoon. He didn’t even ask me, I got looped in on a stupid email from his fucking campaign manager—”
“He hired a campaign manager without talking to you first?” Will asks, the scotch getting in the way of him restraining himself like he normally would.
“Oh yeah,” Mack insists manically. “And a finance director, and he filled out the fucking paperwork with the FEC, too.” 
“Jesus,” Billy breathed out. 
“I’m not a congressman’s wife. I can’t just bake pies and suck up to people and have babies!” She laments. 
“Of course not. You’re Mackenzie Fucking McHale. You’re a force of nature,” he agrees passionately. 
“He was using me. He thought I’d get him in with you and it would get him good fucking press.” 
If Will thought he was mad before, he was fucking furious now. Mackenzie was the most tediously ethical person he knew— she’d put her own life on the line before she aired a story that wasn’t 100% airtight. She was relentless in pursuit of the truth and indifferent to anything else. This time the truth just fucking sucked.
“He really doesn’t know you at all,” Will offers, and he knows it’s inappropriate, but he needed her to hear it– he knew her, knew what she needed, and knew that she was far better than what Wade had put her through. And, if he was honest with himself, what he had put her through, too.
“I hadn’t found a subletter yet for my place. So I hired movers to get my stuff– they’re coming when we were supposed to be exchanging our vows. So, if you don’t mind, I may still take some time off next week.”
“Take whatever you need.”
“Thank you, Billy,” she says, reaching out for his hand. He squeezes her fingers in response. They sit silently for a few minutes before he speaks up again.
“I have a cabin upstate… I was planning on going away this weekend. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to get out of town,” he offers. 
“You weren’t going to come to my wedding?”  Mackenzie asked, and he knows he’s hurt her a little with his confession, with the truth, once again. He cringes.
“You aren’t going, either,” he points out, ever the master of dry sarcasm, especially in situations where it went wholly unappreciated.
“I suppose that’s fair,” she rolls her eyes. “Give me one of the cigarettes I know you came out here to smoke,” she demands. 
He complies, passing her a cigarette and lighting it before taking one for himself.
“So when do we leave?” She asks. 
“You don’t… want some space?” He asks, confused but not wanting to give the impression that he doesn’t want to be with her. “I figured you’d want to get away from all of this, not bring the mess with you.”
She lets out a little chuckle and shakes her head as she puts out her cigarette. “You are the least messy part of all of this. And I think I’ll lose it without company. Would you come?” She asks hopefully. 
 “Of course,” Will says, trepidatiously wrapping an arm around her waist. “We can leave tonight, if you want. We can do this all at your pace,” he tells her, and she knows he’s not just talking about the weekend. 
“Billy,” Mack whispered. 
“Yeah?” He asks her. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t ready. When you told me last time,” she apologizes vaguely, but he knows exactly what she means.
“You think you’ll be ready someday?” He asks. 
“Yeah,” she answers. “I do.” 
“I’ll be waiting, then,” he assures you. “For now, there’s the weekend.
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shiftermod · 2 years
Metamorphosis’ voice
A long time ago in the early 2000s, I had cable. Far more importantly, I had friends who had cable. 
So, we got into this TV show called Stargate SG-1, and we’d watch it when I was over. And it was fun. Budget? Questionable. Effects? Okayish. But it was fun. 
Later, at the end of a season they introduced a new character named Elizabeth who would run the base after the previous guy left for some reason. 
Episode 1 of the next season they had completely replaced the actor who played Elizabeth and we suddenly had a completely different person running things. 
Anyway, a few years later the previous guy from the pre-Elizabeth years came back or something—and Elizabeth goes off as leader of a new base in another galaxy in a spinoff TV show called Stargate: Atlantis, which: 
a) ran immediately after Stargate: SG-1 in a sort of two-hour Stargate Programming Block, 
b) very briefly had Robert Patrick in it for one, maybe two episodes tops before his character bought the farm as part of a main character’s tragic backstory, 
c) was the first time I saw actor Jason Momoa in anything ever. (This is the same Jason Momoa who now plays Duncan Idaho and Aquaman.) 
My viewership of this second show was sporadic, and mostly if I was over at my friends’ house. And we gradually noticed that the show had... problems. 
Episode: our heroes fight a battle and lose personnel to get a new power source at great cost but now we can finally do something. 
Next episode: new power source explodes, back to square one. 
Most of the series continued like that! A new piece of tech that will progress the story is acquired, then it is destroyed in the next episode and we are back to status quo. It after the third or fourth time it happened it became maddening, and it eventually was the reason I finally gave up and stopped watching. 
SG-1 would acquire a new spaceship and it would prove instrumental later on in a big space battle or a science fiction scenario involving time dilation or something; Atlantis would acquire a new ship and the ship would be destroyed next episode, and this continued for years until I’m told that finally some stuff actually happened—after I’d stopped watching. 
In the end, it felt like there were two dynamics: 
1) Showrunner was allowing drastically inconsistent characterization of characters and entire civilizations from both the writers-who-were-clearly-at-war-with-each-other and the various directors of various episodes, the best example being a villain from a talkative but villainous civilization who doesn’t speak a single word in the episode, just growling and making angry noises. 
2) Showrunner was allowing for plot stagnation due to writers-who-were-clearly-at-war-with-each-other, and every new item, technology, or whatever that could have progressed the plot was immediately destroyed next episode, every single time. 
So, in our mounting frustration with the writers’ refusal to allow the plot to move in any meaningful way, my friend group gave up on the show and moved on to something else. 
That said, there was one episode that stuck with me where the good-guy human lead protagonist guy, and a member of the bad-guy alien civilization, are both in a prison run by a third faction comprised of different-but-also-bad-guys who are, ethically speaking, worse than either of them. 
Eventually the two prisoners team up and do a jailbreak and in the end they part ways without killing one another, and both sides learn that the other are at least theoretically capable of showing mercy. 
The good guy’s name is John. The bad guy is an alien who has no name that I remember, at least in the show (which feels like a weakness in the writing), but John names him “Todd” because humans like calling people stuff. 
So. Why is all this information necessary if we’re supposed to be talking about my changeling? 
Well, it turns out that sometime after I stopped watching, Todd actually returned several times as a guest star—not always portrayed by the same actor in makeup, but apparently always voiced by the original actor when lines were rerecorded in post, as one does. 
This brings us back to that inconsistency I mentioned: Todd’s character, behavior, personality, vocal delivery, and even the post-production vocal effects are inconsistent depending on who directed, who supervised the vocal recordings in post, and who did post-production effects, not merely for a given season but from episode to episode, even if Todd’s appearances were sparse. 
But a couple of years ago I accidentally discovered that Todd had acquired an online fanclub of sorts, and in addition to fanfiction shipping Todd with, well, everybody, clips featuring Todd were being posted to YouTube by various people, which allowed me to see various performances of the only character in the show who actually had any impact on me: the escaped prisoner from that one episode. 
Now, as I said, Todd’s vocal performances, intonation, post-production etc. varied drastically from episode to episode. 
But there’s this one specific clip I found from an episode that featured an alternate timeline where everybody dies and time travel to restore the original timeline saves the day at the end: 
This. Guy named Rodney is narrating, then we got Jason Momoa as Ronon, and Christopher Heyerdahl as Todd, but Heyerdahl’s performance in this clip (and seemingly no other!)... that’s my bug’s voice. The tone, the effect, the snark, the 100% doneness, even the choice of strategy—all of it. 
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Events 11.11 (after 1920)
1921 – The Tomb of the Unknowns is dedicated by US President Warren G. Harding at Arlington National Cemetery. 1923 – Adolf Hitler is arrested in Munich for high treason for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch. 1926 – The United States Numbered Highway System is established. 1930 – Patent number US1781541 is awarded to Albert Einstein and Leó Szilárd for their invention, the Einstein refrigerator. 1934 – The Shrine of Remembrance is opened in Melbourne, Australia. 1940 – World War II: In the Battle of Taranto, the Royal Navy launches the first all-aircraft ship-to-ship naval attack in history. 1940 – World War II: The German auxiliary cruiser Atlantis captures top secret British mail from the Automedon, and sends it to Japan. 1942 – World War II: France's zone libre is occupied by German forces in Case Anton. 1942 – The Turkish parliament passes the Varlık Vergisi, a capital tax mostly levied on non-Muslim citizens with the unofficial aim to inflict financial ruin on them and end their prominence in the country's economy. 1960 – A military coup against President Ngô Đình Diệm of South Vietnam is crushed. 1961 – Thirteen Italian Air Force servicemen, deployed to the Congo as a part of the UN peacekeeping force, are massacred by a mob in Kindu. 1962 – Kuwait's National Assembly ratifies the Constitution of Kuwait. 1965 – Southern Rhodesia's Prime Minister Ian Smith unilaterally declares the colony independent as the unrecognised state of Rhodesia. 1965 – United Air Lines Flight 227 crashes at Salt Lake City International Airport, killing 43. 1966 – NASA launches Gemini 12. 1967 – Vietnam War: In a propaganda ceremony in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, three American prisoners of war are released by the Viet Cong and turned over to "new left" antiwar activist Tom Hayden. 1968 – Vietnam War: Operation Commando Hunt initiated. The goal is to interdict men and supplies on the Ho Chi Minh trail, through Laos into South Vietnam. 1972 – Vietnam War: Vietnamization: The United States Army turns over the massive Long Binh military base to South Vietnam. 1975 – Australian constitutional crisis of 1975: Australian Governor-General Sir John Kerr dismisses the government of Gough Whitlam, appoints Malcolm Fraser as caretaker Prime Minister and announces a general election to be held in early December. 1975 – Independence of Angola. 1977 – A munitions explosion at a train station in Iri, South Korea kills at least 56 people. 1981 – Antigua and Barbuda joins the United Nations. 1992 – The General Synod of the Church of England votes to allow women to become priests. 1993 – A sculpture honoring women who served in the Vietnam War is dedicated at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. 1999 – The House of Lords Act is given Royal Assent, restricting membership of the British House of Lords by virtue of a hereditary peerage. 2000 – Kaprun disaster: One hundred fifty-five skiers and snowboarders die when a cable car catches fire in an alpine tunnel in Kaprun, Austria. 2001 – Journalists Pierre Billaud, Johanne Sutton and Volker Handloik are killed in Afghanistan during an attack on the convoy they are traveling in. 2002 – A Fokker F27 Friendship operating as Laoag International Airlines Flight 585 crashes into Manila Bay shortly after takeoff from Ninoy Aquino International Airport, killing 19 people. 2004 – New Zealand Tomb of the Unknown Warrior is dedicated at the National War Memorial, Wellington. 2006 – Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II unveils the New Zealand War Memorial in London, United Kingdom, commemorating the loss of soldiers from the New Zealand Army and the British Army. 2012 – A strong earthquake with the magnitude 6.8 hits northern Burma, killing at least 26 people. 2014 – Fifty-eight people are killed in a bus crash in the Sukkur District in southern Pakistan's Sindh province. 2022 – Russo-Ukrainian War: Ukrainian armed forces enter the city of Kherson following a successful two-month southern counteroffensive.
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awrldalone · 11 months
24th October 2023, 8.24pm (notes written all day long)
I feel so stupid re reading what I wrote the other day. I hate my voice, the way I write. My thoughts make me sick. I am so incredibly ridiculous, always complaining, always not at ease, always trying not to be an inept, always feeling guilty - guilty about feeling good, about being sad, about not being good enough, about feeling too good. Always whining.
I am detestable. It’s beyond me how everyone around me does not find me completely abhorrent. If they read this diary they probably would see how awful I am. I’m just good at filtering things out.
I always get what I want and then I end up wanting even more, it never stops.
I arrived home late, after getting off the train. I took the metro 1, the yellow line with the striped chairs, and then I walked home. I wanted to take the metro 2, but it never came. The cold air slapped me in the face when I come out of the stairs, deservedly.
Yesterday I went to a serrurier, a locksmith, to pick up a package. His door was broken, the door knob limp.
I ate some grapes today. Green grapes, always green grapes to make the novelty of of red strawberry grapes never fade, with their thick skin and sugary taste. Persimmons, left on the counter for so long you can scoop up the bright orange flesh with a spoon. Chestnut, found on the floor, in the street, fallen from the trees after the rain. Autumn is the season of sunsets, of death — but nor for me. Autumn has always been the new beginning spring promises to be. Cable knit sweaters, corduroy, soft leather. For just a few seconds I can feel a life of cottages, mushrooms, my childhood books about fairies living in the woods and witches with a greenhouse.
And then I take a step forward, I keep walking and the illusion only leaves some faint warmth, like the palest of watercolors.
Today I put my resentment down and stretched in the middle of the street. It’s heavy, it hurts the shoulders to carry all of these feelings. I also let go of some of my dignity. Just a pebble. I am no Atlantis, no Hercules either after all.
A few weeks ago N. texted me, multiple times, and I did not click on the blue text, I did not read any of the words. He unsent it all, and I tried ignoring it but I can’t.
Yesterday night I could not stop thinking about his texts. Some months ago he contacted me when he was drunk, he sent a lot of slurred voice recordings in a bathroom - but he did not delete them. He wanted me to reply. This time he change his mind, apparently. But I still think about those recordings from time to time, the things he told me about himself, about me, about his boyfriend and the way he treats him. They live together, and N. does not want to anymore, and his boyfriend cheated on him multiple times, and his boyfriend is simply not a good person. Yesterday night I fell asleep thinking about N.’s situation.
And today I texted him during class, between one line of notes and the other.
He replied almost immediately, I did not. I waited for the end of class, and then I waited to get to the metro, and then I waited for my friends to leave at their stops.
And then I clicked on the icon of his face. It’s a blurry selfie, he changes it more often than I do. He said everything is all the same, but that he might be moving to London next year, so things will go better.
I got a 15/20 on my dissertation titled «Faut-il une constitution?» and I feel like a fraud. It does not sound like a good grade, it really does not, but compared to the people coming to university with me it’s an amazing mark. They all got from 6 to 9. And I feel like a fraud because before turning it in I asked M. if he could correct my grammar - and I know my professor would have given me a much lower grade had M. not touched my text.
He says it was all me, that he just corrected some verbs and some words, that the ideas are all mine - but still, it does not feel like a victory. I told no one in class.
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Summer Tree A-11 (2 Bdrm/2 Bath) 2nd Floor
Visit Myrtle Beach's Summer Tree Village, a wooded complex off of Shore Drive which offers the excitement of the seaside and the peaceful quiet of wooded grounds with walking paths. This lovely two-story, two-bedroom condo features a fireplace and an excellent view of the pool. This very spacious condo offers comfortable furnishings, 2.5 baths, classic beach decor and two balconies. This condo sleeps six people with one king bed, two twin beds and one queen-sized sleeper sofa. Additional features include a washer/dyer, wet-bar area, two TV's.
G-61 Guest Cottage (4 Bdrm/3 Bath)
Our Guest Cottages are perfect vacation spots for families, a large group of friends or golfers. Located off of Shore Drive in the heart of Myrtle Beach's entertainment and dining areas. Just a short walk to the beach and close to restaurants, ice cream, mini golf and shopping. Cottage 61, is a spacious and comfortable, stand alone four bedroom-three bathroom cottage that has an open living-area concept and provides plenty of space to enjoy being together in one house. This cottage sleeps 10 people with two queen beds, one full bed, two twin beds, and a queen-sized sleeper sofa. The cottage has a fully equipped kitchen, washer/dryer, come with standard amenities such as central heat / air conditioning, cable television, and Wi-Fi.
Ocean Club 932 Executive (Upgraded 2 Bdrm/2 Bath) Oceanview***
NEW FOR 2017!! Newly Renovated This spectacular "OCEANVIEW" 9th floor condominium offers the most 'breathtaking' views of the South Carolina coastline. The unit offers dynamic ocean views from all windows The unit has been completely upgraded in every area, floors to ceiling and is probably one of the nicest apartment at the Sands Ocean Club. You'll enjoy the breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean from the huge private balcony accessible from the master bedroom and the family room. The condominium features a nicely equipped kitchen with high end appliances. The master bedroom has a queen bed and a spectacular view. In the other room, there is a full and a twin.The family room/living room features a matching sleeper sofa bed and chair, a flat screen TV with DVD player, dining room table with seating for four to six. The modern Master Bath has a tub/shower. As one of Myrtle Beach's hottest spots (Shore Drive, Arcadian Shores). The resort has something to offer everyone in the family. Guests of the Sands Ocean Club have numerous amenities to enjoy, including lazy rivers, indoor and outdoor pools, hot tubs, sauna, health club and newly opened Atlantis Day Spa for both men and woman's massage and facial needs, outdoor café, live music. This condo is also home to the famous and popular outdoor cafe featuring outdoor lounge and live music, and much more. An Oceanfront restaurant features casual dining. River City Cafe features a pool-side cafe and deli and offering the best burgers on the beach! A lounge in the lobby of the Sands Ocean Club has a great daily Happy Hour and cocktails and entertainment. There is also a gift shop, convenience store, golf shop and exercise room on premise. The resort is a short distance from Restaurant Row with the House of Blues and Alabama Theater and Barefoot Landing. The famous Shore Drive Area is very safe and private.
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ghostcultmagazine · 2 years
Ghost Cult caught up with Cody Lee Ford of @SoenOfficial ahead of their recent new album "Atlantis" - out now on @SpinefarmRec. Cody discussed the exciting "Atlantis" album, including its dynamic changes and reimagining of tracks, how the new material highlights the bands' underrated attributes, their @slipknot cover, shifting back to their "heavy" material, and what is coming up for the band in 2023. Read our album review of "Atlantis" https://ift.tt/53uTvPg Read our live review from their recent tour https://ift.tt/Z7eXOSR Order the album here: https://amzn.to/3ZyJv13 More about Life Rolls On: https://ift.tt/tAoESwx Interview by Keefy: https://ift.tt/e0xWUKg Video editing by Omar Cordy of OJC Photography https://www.instagram.com/ojcpics​​​​ Theme music by Salted Wounds https://ift.tt/RUwTd5B Gear we use: (These are affiliate links and Ghost Cult makes a small profit from a sale) Set up A: Sony A7 III - https://amzn.to/3tQm422 Tamron 17-28 - https://amzn.to/3ePrlTd Tamron 28-75 - https://amzn.to/3fqCjgY Desview Mavo-P5 Monitor- https://amzn.to/33LlTub Manfrotto Befree Travel Tripod - https://amzn.to/3hxbL0e Set up B: Canon 80D - https://amzn.to/3ye8WqV Sigma MC-11 - https://amzn.to/3brZdU2 Sigma 18-35 - https://amzn.to/3tLlEd7 Tokina 11-16 - https://amzn.to/3bty9Uk Feelworld T7 Monitor - https://amzn.to/2Re9hta Audio: Sound Devices MixPre-3 - https://amzn.to/3tKkJd2 Gearlux XLR Mic Cable - 3 Pack - https://amzn.to/3w3zN6Y Deity D3 Microphone - https://ift.tt/Bb6EzU1 Usb Mic - https://amzn.to/3w8JHEG Lighting: YONGNUO YN600L - https://amzn.to/2QkNrn5 YONGNUO YN300 Air - https://amzn.to/2QjN5gu Dfuse Softbox - https://amzn.to/3uQq4AN Aputure MC - https://amzn.to/3oirFgx NanLite PavoTube II 6C - http://bit.ly/NanLitePavoTubeII Lightstands - https://amzn.to/3uSBl3x 5 in 1 Reflector - https://amzn.to/33KHdjo And our iconic Rope Light https://amzn.to/3ycdmyz For the full list of Ghost Cult gear: http://bit.ly/OJCPicsKit This video includes a shoutout (mention) to Dead Titan: https://ift.tt/VKiBhPX Get your band or DIY label a mention in our videos by visiting our pinned post on Twitter! https://twitter.com/GhostCultMag/status/1142861626590355456 or https://ift.tt/JRdk0MV #soen #atlantis #spinefarmrecords #unplugged #stringorchestra #progressivemetal #progmetal #interview #interviews #ghostcultmag
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bellbahamas · 2 years
Which is the Best Vacation Rental Hotel near Airport in Nassau?
Nassau is the capital city of the Bahamas located on the New Providence Island. Nassau’s tropical weather blends well with the pictures sites, beaches, and numerous nearby islands providing remarkable sites for the tourist’s exploration while vacationing in the Bahamas. People uncover unspoiled beaches, history, art, cuisine, and natural beauty of Nassauduring eventful vacations with family and friends by renting Airport Hotel near the Beach Nassau Bahamas. Wide array of tourist things to do and places to explore bring tourist to this tropical vacation paradise with crystalline waters and outdoor tourist sites like Aqua venture, Atlantis Paradise Islands’ water park, Ardastra gardens, Zoo, Conservation Center, National Art Gallery, local festivals. Abundance of water sports activities and beachside recreational make this place excellent vacation destination in the Bahamas. Several day tours to nearby islands, cays and islets entertain tourist here in Nassau.  
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Vacation Rental Property near Airport BELL at the airport suites in Nassau, bring forth beautiful accommodations for tourist and travelers. The proximity with Lynden Pindling International Airport and free airport pick up & drop off make these Bell suites ideally stays. Nassau cruise ports are some of the busiest ports in the Caribbean. Moreover, travelers have a luxury to stay close to the airport with all-inclusive Bell Bahamas vacation rentals providing well decorated, connected, fully furnished vacation apartment at budget friendly pricing. The romantic theme designed Bell Bahamasis one of few providing Nassau Rentals with Airport pick up & drop off, equipped with all modern amenities and services. Top outdoor recreational activities in the Paradise Island rejuvenate couples on romantic outing. Adrenaline pumping water parks, entertainment centers, Straw market, city center, Cable beach, Atlantic Bahamas, Queen’s Staircase, Junkanoo beach, Cove Beach, love beach, cultural tours are among top entertainment in Nassau for vacationers. Some of the ideal couple destinations include Nassau beaches, Blue Lagoon Island, Zoo, Conservation Center, Clifton Heritage National Park, and Pirate of Nassau Museum. Perhaps, the water sports and extreme sports activities bring adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers for prefect beach vacation in Nassau, Bahamas.
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geeky-politics-46 · 3 years
I'm only 3 episodes into Newsroom (continuing with my Aaron Sorkin kick) & already my favorites are Dev Patel &, very predictably, Sam Waterston.
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mackenziesmchale · 4 years
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I’ve got a guy on my staff who got hit in the head with a glass door Thursday. His forehead wouldn’t stop bleeding but he wouldn’t go to a doctor, ‘cause I’ve got another guy who got beat up covering Cairo and the first guy wouldn’t see a doctor until the second guy saw a doctor. I’ve got a producer who ran into a locked door ‘cause he felt responsible for the second guy. I’ve got an eighteen year old kid risking his life halfway around the world and the AP who sent him there? Hasn’t slept in three days. I’ve got twenty-somethings who care about teachers in Wisconsin. I’ve got a grown woman who has to subtract with her fingers staying up all night trying to learn economics from a PhD who could be making twenty times the money three miles downtown. They’re journalists.
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