#athena for the win
abandonedaccount1234 · 2 months
MY THOUGHTS ON 7x07 bc wtf
-the way i didn’t even consider devin would be a doppelganger, we all thought she’d an evil twin or something 😭
-not hen reading me to filth about being sad and lonely at night
-oooh bobby, amir is from your past isn’t he?
-eddie in his stalker era
-not him following her like he’s in an enchanted forest
-bro has always been a bad boyfriend
-Don’t date the doppelganger, don’t sleep with the doppelganger, please dear god no
-i swear he needs to try and ask her out and get rejected because nothing will mess you up like getting rejected by the mirror image of your dead wife, please let the ghost of shannon be gay
-i get shannon was your first love and your first wife, but this is wrong on so MANY levels
-(nevermind, just a daydream about his dead wife, b/c that's normal...🙃)
-Daydreaming about sleeping with your dead wife while with your girlfriend...I know grief is weird and complicated but what the actual fuck man.
-hurt people hurt people for real.
-not eddie having a fantasy about bringing his wife back from the dead. psych ward. immediately.
-all i want for eddie is for him to know he doesn’t have to keep looking for his dead wife in every woman he meets who reminds him of her. you don’t have to have a romantic connection with someone just because they’re the ideal catholic woman your parents ingrained in you in being the ideal woman.
-shannon and eddie would have been the toxic on/off again couple from high school if they didn't get married and have chris. that's what their relationship was. a first love. maybe even a true love in the lens of young love. but it was never gonna work.
-off topic, ryan looks real good in this episode
-get him BUCK
-He said you ain’t going anywhere
-Buck is Athena’s son fr
-eddie aint the only one seeing ghosts
-”but i’d like to” oh hell naw, run bobby run, preferably towards an AA meeting
-henren for the win, they’re amazing parents
-denny’s such a good brother
-”good cologne😏 ”? sure jan.
-love coparenting buddie 🥰
-”i was talking about you” they’re so married
-bro BRO NO 💀🙃
-I screamed “NO” at the tv when the doppelganger was there
-Please tell me bro has a tumor or something? Like what if this woman actually doesn’t look anything like Shannon and his brain has just convinced him he has
-Maddie and Chimney going strong as always. Chimney's a damn good husband.
-The call with Maddie had so many twists and turns, I honestly wasn't expecting that to be the ending.
-Jennifer Love Hewitt is an incredible actress
-i love how they show healing isn't linear
-also have buck and eddie switched places in regards to relationship drama...?
-for the color theory folks' eddie is clearly still in mourning, he was in black almost the whole episode. he's in a neutral outfit with chris. in white. and then marisol is in black and white, right? And then he's in black for the rest of the episode. i can't. the symbolism. i can't.
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sierice · 6 months
ep 4 of the show was actually craaaazy imagine athena getting downright embarrassed in at the weekly family mail opening meeting because your 12 year old daughter was an accomplice in playing the biggest screw you to the gods in forever and then there's poseidon whose son was the one who CAME UP w the idea and he's like my parenting MY parenting im so proud of him. im going to help him on his quest right now actually. why is he falling.
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seasicksilver · 4 months
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reading the Iliad is an experience
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mydairpercabeth · 5 months
Annabeth trusting Poseidon more than her own MOTHER to protect her. Oh this is sick.
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daddywright · 14 days
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u3pxx · 1 year
⚖️☀️🌻 we always hear about propaganda from the fans... but how about from the characters? luckily interviewer, anita knough, is here to ask our lovely ace attorney cast!
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little comic for this poll from @theyrebasicallycanonpoll !!! (no being toxic to em! we're here to just have fun oki!!)
you heard the aa cast!!!! now go vote nrmt go go go!!!
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unrealisticlea · 1 year
I think the biggest missed opportunity in 911 was not making the firefighter calendar a Thing™. It would have been so funny to have an episode each season where they have to deal with it. In season 3 they could have all joined forces to make it possible for Hen to win. They could have introduced Ravi as “the guy who was Mr. July last year”. There could have been a reversed “Under Pressure” episode where Eddie and Buck just keep submitting pictures of each other and arguing “You should win, have you seen yourself lately? You look like a fucking brick wall” “No, you should win, your thighs look like they could crush a human skull”. So many lost chances. I’m mourning them.
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demigods-posts · 10 months
headcanons of annabeth chase being an affectionate partner that live rent-free in my head:
Annabeth often asks Sally for recipes of Percy's favorite meals as a kid so she can surprise him with breakfast in bed, lunch, dinner, and dessert.
Annabeth makes his-and-hers flower crowns for her and Percy so she can post pictures of the two of them on her Instagram and rant about how adorable he is.
Annabeth races to open all of the doors and pulls out all of the chairs for Percy because she likes making him feel special.
Annabeth has a twenty-eight-step list outlining every detail of the day she'll get down on one knee and propose to Percy.
Annabeth has fourteen distinct designs (seven blueprints and seven digital) for her and Percy's future home.
Annabeth leaves encouraging/inspirational notes around the house for Percy to find when he's having a particularly hard week. ("You are deserving of everything good, Seaweed Brain :)" "Your self-worth is not defined by how other people treat you!" "Go easy on yourself. Whatever you do today, let it be enough <3")
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astraeajackson · 8 days
*apollo's anecdotes: game night with the olympians*
zeus, ONE point ahead of athena for the first time in a long-suffering game of scrabble: FINALLY
apollo: *starts singing 'for the first time in forever' alongside zeus's cheers*
the fellow olympians in question: *start partying and throwing around congratulation bouquets*
athena, sighing dramatically: so sorry to cut the celebrations short so soon, father
athena: but I believe playing 'abraxial' here
zeus: holy me
athena: ...on a triple
zeus: HOLY ME
athena: puts me ahead by... five hundred thousand points
athena: meaning... I WIN
athena: as they say...
athena: suck it, father
zeus: *proceeds to blast the top of a wholeass mountain off in his anger* WHY
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sarafangirlart · 4 months
Hephaestus making big beautiful palaces for the Olympians and for them to still laugh at his disability (and for Aphrodite to cheat on him in their own HOME AND BED) I would’ve turned into the joker if I were him.
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chaoticbug · 4 days
Rewatching 911 and keeping track of all the near death experiences:
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dootznbootz · 4 months
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hisbucky · 9 months
*The following day*
Athena: Let's make a bet. Eddie, instantly on guard: ...Yes? Athena: If you manage to close your case within the week, then I will distract Bobby from texting Buck on your next couple date nights with him. Eddie: Holy shit — Deal! Athena: I'm expecting that file on my desk by Friday, Diaz.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 10 months
I Said I Would Wait But I Can't, Soooo
Artemis Angst fic: based on this post by @worlds-oldest-teenager! Missing scene from The Secrets That Bind Us, aka What Was Artemis Doing in The Waiting Room While Hermes and Apollo Had Their Heart-To-Heart? Having a Breakdown That's What :)
Bloody Memories: who remembers my "Hyacinthus is Cabin 7's ghost" post a while back? Well here's the fic!
Branchus fic: fluuuuuffy. seriously. look up Branchus and read the story of him and apollo. it's so darn CUTE.
From Dusk to Dawn: Little more flesh out now this one! Apollo during TTC, from Phoebe getting poisoned to just how he knew Artemis was in danger
Swarms and Swears: Apollo & Athena time, ya'll
Triumvirate V Koios: yes he's back I lied hehe. Who will win: a power triad of god-emperors with lots of political and economic backing or one (1) grandpa who's grandkid they're targeting
A Titan's Demise: do I need to say anything else? HELIOS ANGST
Marsyas fic: hehe... @amiti-art here's your ask :) and I have a little twist prepared here...it'll make sense, trust me.
Leto & Asteria fic: Basically the prequel of the prequels. Leto's pre-curse days, her cursed days, Asteria running for her life, ect. the Delphic Family fic of all time. We have Koios name dropped. We have Phoebe. We have Lelantos. We have Perses. Aura is probably there too. The whole family's here to experience DRAMA
Koios Solo Fic: In mythology, Koios is driven mad and attempts to escape Tartarus - that is this fic :)
So yeah. Pick your fighter. Make propaganda for what you want to win. do whatever - we shall see who will win :)
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valewritessss · 9 days
Every time I see a post that is comparing Annabeth to someone else or is talking about Annabeth’s accomplishments I literally think nonononono because the antis always find those posts and feel safe enough in the comments to absolutely demolish her.
Like I’ve seen a video asking who would win Hermione or Annabeth and it was supposed to be a silly little comparison but the Annabeth hate in the comments was unwarranted.
They brought in Percy saying “Percy could beat them both” and that “annabeth deserves a wand up her ass” and it’s like??? They’ll be like “Hermione would end that blond bitch” why so much hate on that poor girl?? Also let’s be real they’d be friends!!
Or there will be a post saying how Annabeth held the sky up for so long and she doesn’t get much credit and I can sniff the comments from a mile away.
“Atlas held it up for eternity”
“Yeah well Percy was injured”
“Percy did it better though”
“She had Artemis’ blessing”
ATLAS ISN’T A DEMIGOD???? and no one even mentioned Percy if you hate seeing women succeed just say that. And where did this whole Artemis blessing bs come from because unless I remember wrong the only thing Artemis did was say she had the spirit of a huntress and take the weight off her shoulders after Annabeth held it up for hours.
They’ll find any reason to not credit her and take any opportunity to bash her and it’s kind of sad
But anyway that’s why I just scroll when I see those because I would like to maintain my peace
And there’s always some idiot that says “who is that I thought annabeth was blond” when the post has Leah’s Annabeth fan art and it’s like I know for a fact you’ve seen the casting stop being messy on purpose.
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makorragal-312 · 29 days
Remember when the Season 6 finale happened and we all jumped ship?
Now we're about to jump bridges.
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