#athena being an ass as usual
panzershrike-pretz · 10 months
Part 2
Disclaimer: If the timeline becomes confusing, remember my universe has time loops -> places where the time has been stopped. Tortuga is one of those places, it's stuck on the past behind a thin veil, while the present goes on as normal.
Summary: A Goddess who lost her faith, trying to get back to her senses so her family doesn't fall apart.
Warnings: ???nothing?? I think??
Taglist: @malarkgirlypop, @bucky32557038ww2 (if you want in or out, just tell me!)
-> Image below found here.
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The day after the storm was calm. If it wasn't for Blithe, peacefully floating along the current, no one would even know about the gale of last night. Pacing around the main deck, all the damage was now visible.
"The mizzen really is broken", the Captain sighed, his hand on his hip as he lookesd up, wondering what exactly happened to it. "Cheer up, boys, we'll be makin' way to port earlier."
Peggy marched along the bow, sniffing whatever was left of the things caught up in thes raging battle against the weather. She was more than happy to find a dead fish, looking around before gulping the thing down - it didn't try to escape, which means it was food.
"Whatcha got there, big girl?", one of the crewmates asked, but it was too late. Being caught, Peggy simply ran off with her prise, leaving him to wonder what the fuck was up with that dog.
"Hey, Rodion, c'mere." The Captains voice was rough and the man quickly went to his service, following his glance. "What'dya think? We make it to Tortuga or stop earlier?"
"Earlier. Our sails are all ragged and we'd need a couple days far from trouble to get it all fixed."
The Captain felt defeated. He wanted to make the trip as quickly as possible and make port back in Tortuga before the end of the year, to properly celebrate, but he knew his impatience was what got them all in truble in the first place.
The ship creacked along, tilted a bit to the side. They still had enough water and food for weeks, but old Blithe wouldn't be able to make it to Tortuga - specially if they ended up in the middle of another gale or, may the Gods forbide, ended up face to face with a Man O' War.
"CHEER UP, JEREMY!", the First Mate yelled, far above them, sitting in the main mast's crow nest. She didn't exactly show up yesterday, which fuelled even more the Captains rage. He needed a break (and would've gotten one in Tortuga, dammit!).
Her smile was wide as she pushed herself from the edge of the nest, free falling for most part before opening her wings wide to glide the rest of the way down. The woman had a flask of some good ol' whisky in hand as she opened her arms, maybe to try and hug Jeremy's angryness out.
"Don't", he simply said, putting his hand up to stop her. "Where exactly was you last night, Athena?"
"Hmmm... wanderin'..."
The way she didn't even flinch while flat out saying she abandoned her crew had Jeremy really missing his old days in the Royal Navy - keel hauling would be very welcomed sometimes. But he couldn't simply keelhaul Athena. She'd break free - and damn him once again.
"Lis'en, Cap'n, I ain't lyin' to ya. I flew off. BUT!" And she put two of her fingers up, one of each hand, to stop him from speaking. "Good news is we're not far from some whatever-the-fuck town. We all can rest, get the Mizzen and whate'er else fixed, spend some money....... Jeremy, why ye lookin' a' me like tha'?"
"You flew off 'n left us in the middle of a gale. A big one. Why wouldn't I look at ye like this?" he almost growled. Athena wasn't impresesed.
"Look, Jerry, mate... sometimes things are just... ehh" she was saying, as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders and gave him a squeeze. "I wasn't feelin' it, ya know?"
"Someone could've died, Athena."
"What would I do? Is Enoch's job to bury people! Gods, Cap'n, ye're as hard as a rock, aren't ya? E'ery last man is still standin'. No one died. We win!"
Jeremy was gathering all his strenght not to punch her right in the face with his iron hand; he knew that was just how Athena was. She was the Death Goddess, for Her sake, would she really care if a few peoples died?
He knew the answer: she loved her crew more than she loved booze, herself or flying. She'd give up both her wings for them. After all, she found a safe place for them to stay... but it didn't excuse the fact that she ran away without telling anyone. Again.
"Fiona, keep that mizzenmast in place, will ye?", he finally said, turning his attention away from Athena to look at the girl.
She was entertained in making little flower buds grow out of Peggy's fur, almost missing the order. She quickly got back on her feet, silent as always, while making her way to the mizzen. The plan was simple: make vines strong enough to keep it in place 'till they docked.
"Athy, wasn't 'cause of you flying away that your ol' crew did a mutiny? Wasn't it your daughter's orders?", Rodion asked, a playfull smirk on his face as the First Mate turned on her heels to look at him.
"Shut yer trap, bastard" she oushed him away, making the man laugh. "Get yer ass back in line, boy."
"As you wish, Mama Bird", he winked, then laughed his way towards one of the Captain's mates, Sirius, who didn't seem all that awake while steering the wheel.
The rain and storm may not have killed or seriosly injured anyone, but it still made some victims to a cold. Pangey, for one, couldn't stop running around the lower deck, trying to get at least somethings in place so she could find the medicine.
"Do a potion", a woman said, making her almost jump. "We got some herbs and stuff, it'll work better".
"Miss Serpens, ya almost scared me to death", the other, with one hand above her heart, took a deep breath trying to calm herself. "Besides, I don't know how to make 'em and the crew aren't really all that inclined to wait. I'm just a medic, not some witch."
"Lucky for you, I am." Hydra had a sweet smile on her face. Pangey stood still, watching while she gathered a cauldron and enough stuff to use.
Pan didn't know any of the ingredients, but she still stayed there, against the ships counter, paying attention while the Goddess hung up her stuff and, with a little snap of her fingers, made a small spark light the coal and wood below on fire.
It was ingrained in Hydra's memory. She grew up loving potions and always tried something new - well, at least when her mom would let her, anyway. She used to do some harmless pranks on her brother - Sirius' face when one day he drank some tea and immediately started coughing up moths never failled to make her laugh. Granted, he never again accepted anything she gave him to drink or eat.
The lower deck was badly lighted by some lanterns, attached to the ship by chains so they wouldn't fall and break - yet, yesterday some still did. Everything was a mess that needed cleaning, but with half the crew ill, it would need to wait.
Pangey couldn't for the life of her seem to figure out where was the medicine box, amidst all the chaos. She didn't even noticed the way Hydra looked at her, while making somewhat funny faces trying to catch any memory of how the box was. They were all the same.
"Don't beat yourself up, dear", Hydra said as she grabbed a knife to cut up some of the herbs. "We don't really need them now. I'll make them feel better, you can catch a break."
"Still, i was never like this, so careless with the essentials. I always had something on me... that little bag, you remember? I forgot where it was."
"Down below", a boy said, looking almost greenish as he sat close to them.
"Laying with Davy Jones", he pushed his glasses in place. His hair was neatly put, not a single strand out of place - even when feeling bad, Horace could not bear the thought of presenting himself badly or even close to messy. "Hydra, is it finished yet...? I am dying here."
"The water is just now boiling, boy, you'll have to wait."
"But my nose is all... stuffed. I can't breathe well! And my throat hurts. Badly."
"Then maybe you need to shut the fuck up, it'll hurt less", another boy said as he passed, going up the stairs before Horace could even think of an answer.
"Oh, dammit. Why don't we just toss him overboard?"
"Because..." Hydra stopped, knife in the air, playful. "Enoch's important. And you know how things are: kill one of his and you are dammned for the rest of your life."
"I hate curses... almost as much as i hate having my nose all closed up! Pangeyyyy, help a guy out! I'm dying over here!"
"I wish, darling. We have no meds for now, you'll have to drink her stuff."
Horace hated to admit that it worked in about half an hour. The potion acted quickly and he was feeling better in no time - which meant that everyone else was up too and the ship could finally be put in order again.
"Dammit, I found the meds", Pangey huffed, as soon as she began moving boxes. "Be real, Miss Serpens, you just put some spell on me so you could make a potion, right?"
"Not really", Hydra smiled. Pangey wasn't really sure if she could believe this one. "But now you know how to make a quick potion for colds, don't you? I see this as a win-win kind of situation".
"Gods do really love messin' around, don't they?"
"We do. But I wouldn't mess around with people's health. Believe me, if I knew where these meds were hiding, I'd use them."
She helped Pan push the box back to the infirmary, wich had it's door broken yesterday and sent all it's contents flying all over the room.
The two of them didn't really speak while working on puting stuff back in place - 'till Pangey turned to her and asked: "Miss Serpens, aren't you sad we'll not make it to Tortuga for yer Holiday?"
"Hum. Night of Libero Sanctis?", she shook her shoulders. "I wish we could celebrate it there, but Blithe needs to have a check up, right girl?" she pat the ship's wall, smiling as if it could understand the Goddess. Everyone had a slight feeling that Blithe did, almost like their own little surpestition. "At least we'll be together anyway, Panpan. That's what that night is about, not some silly trip to the beach."
"And definetely not about having to hear Miss Ezebel, 'ight?", Pangey raised her eyebrows, catching Hydra make a face.
"Yeah, definetely. Woudn't like sharing my special day with that harlot. Constance can have her island all to herself, I don't mind."
"Especially after this fucking storm."
Peggy poked her head around the corner, making sure no one was looking as she skipped around with a sword between her teeth, tail violently wagging again.
It would be a problem to however found the dog and her new toy.
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rose-pearls · 7 months
If you're still doing requests can you do one where clarisse has a really big crush on the reader who is the daughter of Aphrodite. Clarisse tries to talk to her and get to know her more but every interaction clarisse ends up hurting the reader somehow. Nothing super bad just like accidentally hits her or accidentally pushes her or something and she feels so bad everytime. Then capture the flag happens you and clarisse are on separate teams and clarisse was throwing her spear at someone but then it accidentally hits you, nothing life threatening just a bad cut on your arm of leg. She carries you to the infirmary and waits until she knows you're okay. When's she sees you she can't hold it in anymore and just starts saying how she's so sorry and that she just wanted to talk to you and that she really like you. And then it ends with fluff
The request is kind of long I'm sorry 😞
Hi! Thank you for your request, sorry it took so long! I hope you like it! Requests are open for every character I write for!
Main Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @kmc1989, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain (open)
Percy Jackson Taglist: @niktwazny303
Clarisse La Rue Taglist: @peanutbelley, @abbersreads
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Clarisse knew that she was being stupid but she just couldn’t help it or stop it when she came near you. Every positive thing she wanted to say to you turned into something less positive, which always made you frown, and she hated it. It was like you made her brain short-circuit and she couldn’t get the right words to get out of her mouth. 
It was also starting to become a problem at training, every single time she wanted to impress you she accidentally managed to nearly hit you or one of your friends. And yes, it was by mistake, she didn’t want to hurt you.
Her siblings had been making fun of her for it, she usually had the perfect aim but every time you came by, she was a mess, and she hated it. She was a daughter of Ares; she shouldn’t be so affected by you and yet here she was hating herself for telling you the color of your shirt didn’t look good on you. 
Capture the Flag could’ve maybe been her way to talk with you and maybe tell you that she didn’t mean any of it but of course Chiron decided that the Aphrodite cabin should be with the Athena cabin. So now she could only look at you from afar, trying to memorize every single thing about you as if she hadn’t done that already a million times. 
The conch was blown, and everyone started to get into places, she was trying to get her mind back into the game, but it was difficult to make it focus on something else then you. She didn’t have any time to think about you any longer before one of the Hermes kids started attacking one of her siblings and she knew that if there was one of them others would follow.
She had to admit, secretly, that Annabeth always managed to find a creative way to beat the red team, even at twelve the girl could figure out a better battle strategy then Ares himself. But as she fights one of the Hephaestus kids, she sees little Lucy, a new addition to the Demeter cabin, trying to get close to the flag. She doesn’t think about it and throws her spear towards the girl, making sure that it doesn’t hurt her but scares her. The problem was that Clarisse hadn’t been able to watch who was surrounding Lucy and before she knows it, she heard a grown that she knew all too well. 
“Oh, shit,” she says before taking one of her daggers and finishing off the Hephaestus kid that ended on his ass as she pushed him aside to get to you. 
Another Demeter daughter tried to get to her, but she quickly disarmed her, her eyes still focused on you and getting to you.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t see you there,” she says as she finally gets to you, her knees hitting the ground as she looks over the cut on your leg. It didn’t seem too serious, but she just wasn’t sure, maybe an Apollo kid should look at it.
“I’m sure you didn’t,” your words come out a little sarcastic and Clarisse can’t help but blush at them. She knew that she wasn’t the best person in your eyes, after everything she had said and done.
“I really didn’t but we should get this checked out, we never know,” you seem to try and say something but before you can she throws your arm over her shoulder and starts helping you walking towards the med bay.
“Follow the plan!”, she yells at one of her siblings but the only thing she gets in return is a smirk and a wink, making her blush.
“You know it is only a cut, right? I will be fine,” you say after a moment, but she shakes her head in response.
“Better safe than sorry,” she tells you and the both of you don’t speak until she gets you on one of the beds inside. 
An Apollo kid arrives and starts looking over the cut, it does seem small, but Clarisse can’t help but hate herself for hurting you.
“There you go, normally you shouldn’t feel any pain, any longer,” the boy says, and Clarisse can’t help in relief, the boy looks confused at her worries but as she glares at him, he quickly leaves, leaving the both of you alone. She doesn’t know what to say, after all everything she has ever said to you wasn’t really kind and she had just hurt you with her spear.
“You know, I’m starting to think you have it out for me,” your teasing tone falls flat as you seem to see the distress in her eyes. 
“I’m sorry, for everything,” she whispers, and you seem worried as you look at her.
“I’m a bit of an idiot when it comes to feelings, and I seem to put my feet in my mouth whenever I’m talking to you. Probably because you make me so nervous,” she says, unable not to hide it any longer. Deep down she thinks that it’s better that you reject her then that you think she hates you.
“Wait, are you saying-”, she doesn’t let you finish, before blurting out the words herself.
“I like you, like a lot and I know I haven’t handled this in the right way but could you just give me a chance to prove to you that I’m much more than what I’ve said to you and done to you?”, she feels scared, maybe for the first time in her life, because she has never laid out her emotions and let anyone be able to hurt her. You look in shock, before a short laugh leaves your lips.
“I can’t believe Silena was right,” you whisper, and Clarisse feels confused for a moment.
“Wait, Silena?”, she says, trying to figure out what your half-sibling had to do with any of this.
“She told me that what you were doing these past few weeks, weren’t because you hated me but because you liked me. I didn’t believe her at first, I mean you’re a gorgeous girl, why would you go for me?”, you seem shy at the revelation and Clarisse thinks to herself that she should thank Silena but first she had to focus on you.
“You’re kidding me, right? You are the kindest girl in this camp and the way you handle a dagger is seriously impressive and downright attractive. It also doesn’t help that you are the most beautiful girl here, not only on the outside but also on the inside,” the words spill out of her mouth before she can stop them, and she feels breathless for a moment as she looks into your glassy eyes.
“Gods Clarisse, you couldn’t have told me that a few weeks ago? We wouldn’t have wasted so much time,” Clarisse feels unsure for a moment, like she doesn’t believe you are actually saying what she thinks you are saying.
“Wait, so?”
“I like you too Clarisse, I have for a long time now,” you tell her, and she can’t help but let out a sigh of relief at the words. 
“Thank the gods,” she whispers, and you laugh softly at her whisper, making her blush.
“Are you going to kiss me now? Or do I have to wait a few weeks before that?”, the smirk on your lips makes her blush but the teasing edge to it makes her smile turn into a smirk. She doesn’t give you any time to say anything more before cupping your cheek and bringing you into a soft kiss. 
It starts soft and sweet but as you brush your hands into her curls and grip her hair, she starts to deepen the kiss, enjoying the soft sounds you make. You bring her closer to you, the both of you nearly falling down on the bed and she lets her hand wander to your hips, gripping them tightly.
“If you want to make out, please do it in one of your cabins!”, the boy from earlier screams and the both of you jump apart, cheeks red and out of breath but you can’t stop giggling as you leave the med back, leaving the poor boy behind. 
“Where do you want to go?”, you ask, and Clarisse takes your hand and starts bringing you to the familiar path towards the cabins.
“What do you say of visiting the Ares cabin?”, she asks, and you quickly nod in agreement.
“Lead the way,” you tell her with a bright smile.
She had maybe acted like a bit of an idiot but in the end, she had gotten the girl, and she couldn’t be happier, having you in her arms and smiling at her with sparkling eyes. Later on, she would see that she wasn’t the worst one, Percy Jackson was even worse with his obliviousness.  
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So you like my ideas, huh? Well, I hope I can continue to create some good ones for you! I shall try my best 🫡
Oh! I do have one request in mind, how about Percy being paired with reader who’s the child of Athena? Yes, yes, I know an amazing half-blood known as Annabeth exists but I had something in mind.
We all know how children of Athena are seen as wise, intellectual, clever, and combative people but what if the reader was different than that? There’s several types of intelligence after all, so what if they specialized in emotional intelligence and craft?
I can see them being insecure of their “abilities” since they know their siblings can do better, and even fear that Athena herself is disappointed in them, but, while Percy thought it was strange at first, he soon found himself enjoying those traits.
I mean, with their emotional intelligence, the reader knows when he’s upset no matter how hard he tries to hide it, and they tend to give him gifts like Melinoe!reader. They’re probably usually architectural models, weavings, mini sculptures of what he enjoys�� You know all that good stuff. They probably gifted him something as something to remember them by when he went on a quest… but I’ll leave that up to you.
Combat practice to bond/as dates 👀?
Also, I’m not sure if you saw, but I like long headcanons so stop apologizing and keep it up!/lh
Poor all of your thoughts into it if you have to or want, I like it!
Percy with a Child of Athena!Reader
I literally LOVE these detailed asks UGGHHH!! I love the idea of instead having a different form of intelligence as a child of athena like damn😍 I'm getting used to brain dumping on these, its a work in progress🙈
Sorry for answering so late😭
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Lowkey this reader sticks out like a sore thumb amongst their siblings😭
I like to think that most Athena kids are usually on the more serious sides, so it surprises a lot of campers outside of the Athena cabin to see Reader extremely expressive!
While the other Athena children spend their time devising tactical plans for big camp games, reader is just on the side doodling architectural designs and whatnot
They aren’t as involved in what their siblings do because it doesn’t interest them much
Like whenever they try and ask for readers opinions and start using big ass words, they just smile and nod cuz they had no idea what the others were saying
Athena's children are extremely intelligent so its difficult for reader to be on the same wave length as their siblings
It lowkey makes them feel like an outcast in their cabin because they cant really connect with their siblings like they do with each other while they talk about subjects beyond reader’s comprehension
Constantly being surrounded by books, scrolls and maps full of knowledge, reader often beats themselves over not being able to comprehend and show interest in wanting to learn about these types of things
They’re led to believing that they are a defect amongst their mothers children (crying)
They are always surrounded by reminders of their own inabilities to match their sibling’s intelligence which is why they spend little time in the Athena cabin, and even littler time with their siblings
Readers only saving grace is that they are always in tune with peoples emotions and feelings, no matter how well or little they know the people around them
Whether its feelings of anxiousness, sadness, quiet anger, or happiness, reader always seems to know how a person is feeling!
The first time Percy meets reader is when he spots them at the crafting hut
Being one of his first activities in the beginning of the day, he notices how reader is always there before anyone else
Percy probably thought you were apart of the Hephaestus cabin or something like that with how many times he’s seen you sculpting and carving away at a new project every other day
So he’s surprised when you reveal that you’re actually a child of Athena
He would definitely notice how you distance yourself from your siblings, especially during breakfast, lunch and dinner
He’s good friends with Annabeth so he sees the differences between you, her and your siblings
While she and her siblings are more closed off and have their noses stuck up a new book everyday, your always seen drawing or weaving a new tapestry for your cabin
You show your emotions more openly compared to their more dismissive nature as well!
He definitely sees you as the 'social butterfly' of the Athena cabin
The more time he spends with reader though, he notices just how in tune they are with his feelings
He could give the smallest, most insignificant indication that he's had a bad day and you'd be able to read him like an open book
It's easy talking to you about his conflicting emotions, your patience and thoughtful expression gives him more confidence to just let everything out
I think he would definitely fall for how empathetic you are in many situations
You've made many friends with campers from different cabins because of this quality trait! Always learning and understanding a situation/conflict that arises, you're always able to resolve the problems that makes it fair for all parties involved
Despite this, Percy is confused and a bit surprised to find out that you're actually insecure about this dominating trait of yours
"What?! It's literally the best thing about you though!"
"I know but its just! My siblings aren't the way I am. They're able to actually use their skills for something. All I can do is listen to people and make friends. That's nothing special. I'm useless."
It PAINS him to hear you say that because its obvious you don't understand the importance of being as emotionally intelligent as you are
He makes it his mission to show you just how many people you've helped, to show you that you have a reason to be proud of what you're able to do!
You slowly open yourself more after hearing all his reassurance, from him and other people around camp
It's definitely a positive change as you have a pep to your step now. You engage with you siblings more now that you have a confidence in your own abilities.
You make him many sculptures as thank you gifts! Even when he says that you don't need to, you cant help admit that enjoy giving him these gifts with a nervous smile
You've made him a mini version Riptide and even have given him a small owl pendant
You were hesitant to give him the pendant because it seemed more intimate compared to your other gifts, but he happily accepted it with a soft smile
I think reader would be pretty aware of Percy's feelings for them which makes them feel fuzzy
So imagine how you feel when Percy pulls up to you one late afternoon after not seeing him for the entire day to give you a small pendant of his own
The sculpting of the trident is definitely more crude and less detailed compared to the one you gave him, something Percy abashedly admits but you wave him off
"It's beautiful, thank you Percy."
"No problem, now we're matching!"
You're aware of your own feelings for him as you are aware of his feelings for you, so it doesn't take long for a confession to happen
I mean matching pendants? come on bro its so painfully obvious to everyone
Percy falls for who reader is, not because their a child of Athena
He doesn't care that you're different from your siblings because he understands everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses
You still represent Athena with pride and he'll happily support you till the end
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Soup or Salad
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: 6.6k
Notes: See I TOLD YOU GUYS I was still writing
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Edmundo Díaz is literally the stupidest, lamest, most annoying man you’ve ever met in your life, and that’s saying something because you know Evan Buckley. 
Right now Eddie’s made it his life’s mission to not be touching you. He stands way too close in the kitchen, he sits too close at the table and he always takes the seat on the couch next to you. He’s even resorted to holding his finger right above your arm and making little faces as he says “I’m not touching you” and you scream for Bobby to make him stop. 
Yeah, life at the firehouse is fun. 
Today’s prank consisted of leaving a toy snake in your locker. The high-pitched scream and sound of Buck and Eddie’s laughter from upstairs got all three of you called into Bobby’s office and those two got their asses chewed out while you sniffled in the chair next to them. 
Which- okay kinda made Eddie feel bad. He didn’t want you to cry, he just wanted to scare you a little. 
“Hey so-” he stops you outside Cap’s office, he holds your arm, his rough fingertips so different from your soft skin. 
“I know he made us apologize and all, but I really do want you to know- without the pressure of him being here, I really am sorry Y/N” 
He’s not even really sure why he wants you to know he’s sorry, but he just does. You give him a polite thank you and walk away, still wiping at your eyes. 
That’s the third time he’s felt his heart flutter at the sight of you. A feeling he ties down, chains up, and rams as far down into the teeniest tiniest corner of his heart as he can. 
You do the exact same thing when your heart flutters when you catch him working out with Buck later. The way his body moves as he kicks the bag… it’s something else that’s for sure. 
“I know you’re all ready to get some sleep, but it’s nice you’re all here anyway,” Bobby says as he serves up the plates of spaghetti. You purposely pass the plate to Hen instead of Eddie and he rolls his eyes and you stick your tongue out at him. 
“Listen, since you’re all here. Athena wants to have a nice dinner this weekend with everyone. She’s got a reservation at LaRue’s for all of us, including a plus one for you and Hen” he says as hands Chimney his plate. 
“What about us?” Buck huffs and Bobby chuckles 
“You three are as single as they come” 
“Especially Eddie,” you say as Bobby hands you your plate 
“Yeah, sure. When was the last time you got laid, Princess?” He throws a piece of garlic bread at you and you just barely catch it. 
“I don’t know, ask your mom” You wink at him and he kicks you under the table and you squeak before kicking him back. 
“I got laid last week,” Buck says nonchalantly, shoveling his spaghetti into his mouth. 
“Hold up what?!” Hen chokes on her apple juice and you turn to him, shaking his shoulders as Eddie pats her back, his mouth wide open
“Spill!! Now” 
“Can you hurry the fuck up?!” Eddie groans at you as you drag your feet back to the truck. 
A call had come in right around 4am, and you’d been curled up on the couch with a soft blanket you didn’t remember putting on but very much so welcomed. Everyone was up and ready to go in five minutes flat and they were off. 
Usually, everyone made sure you and Eddie were on opposite ends of the truck but it was too damn early to fuss with it and you ended up right next to him. It’s quieter than usual too, probably because it’s literally 4am and it’s slowly putting you to sleep. Your head falls over onto Eddie’s shoulder and he freezes for a second, looking over at you.
“Glad I could make a good pillow” He mumbles before turning his head to look out the window. He doesn’t exactly wake you up though, and he slouches down a little so your neck isn’t at a weird angle. 
The truck comes to a stop and everyone hops out, except you and Eddie. 
“Dude come on! This is-“ Buck comes back in, Eddie’s head is on yours with his hand in your lap and you’re cuddled into his side. Buck grins widely and pulls out his phone. 
“Oh I can’t wait to print this and plaster it all over the station”
He wakes you both up with an annoying little giggle and gently pokes at you two so you purposely wake up slowly and in each other's arms 
Which is how he ends up on the ground later while you and Eddie beat him up. 
“Do you always have to leave your clothes all over the place when you shower??” Eddie rolls his eyes at you 
You called dibs on the showers first when you got back to the station because the men’s showers had the best water pressure and that’s important okay. 
“I don’t know, ask your dad” You flick him off as you climb into the truck and plop down into the seat across from him. Everyone is already in, Buck is literally leaning on Hen completely asleep and she’s fading just as fast. 
“Do you ever shut up” He sighs as he pulls his knee to his chest and you pull off your gloves just to throw them at him.
“Do you ever stop whining?”
“Isn’t it a bit early for this?” Chim mumbles to Bobby who just shakes his head as he starts driving 
“Do you ever stop leaving your shit all over the floor?” He retorts, throwing your gloves back at you and you snatch them out of the air 
“You tripped over my shoe once!” 
“Three times actually. But who’s counting!” 
“Apparently you are, loser.”
“That’s the best you’ve got? Loser?” Eddie laughs at you cruelly 
“And you’ve got something better at 4am?!” You scoff and he grins widely 
“Oh, I’ve got plenty! Bitch? Useless? Human mattress?” 
Buck snorts and your head whips over to him as you slap his leg “Hey!”
“I’m sorry, the human mattress was funny. Okay okay I’m going back to sleep I’m sorry please continue” 
Eddie smiles smugly at you and your hands curl into fists. “You can call me whatever the fuck you want. You know? Maybe this is why your last girlfriend left you. Because you don’t know how to fucking respect women. Oh no, no it was the cheating, wasn’t it? She found someone with a better dick who actually knew how to use it!” 
“Oh shit” Chimney whispers from the front seat and Bobby nearly jumps from the truck just to get away from you two. 
“You little fucking-“ Eddie doesn’t even finish his sentence before Bobby is pulling over. 
“Are we home?” Buck mumbles sleepily looking around 
“Up front Diaz. Now” 
Bobby’s using his scary Captain voice and you both know you’re gonna get a talking to when you get back. Eddie throws his seatbelt off and slams the door open, switching seats with Chimney. 
As soon as Bobby pulls into the station Eddie is out of the truck and throwing his stuff into a pile in front of his shelf. 
“Eddie you can’t just-“ Bobby sighs as he goes storming into the back room and slamming the door shut. He turns to look over at you, and you walk quietly over to Eddie’s shelf and start to hang his stuff up neatly. 
“You two are constantly at each other’s throats,” He says, putting his hat up “This needs to stop or else I’m going to have to change one of your shifts. And I love you Y/N and the way you work with us but you were hired last” 
“I know, I know. He just. He’s so annoying! And he’s rude and pushy and- and-“
“Super hot” Buck walks past, to his shelf and you throw your hands in the air 
“Exactly!- wait- fuck” 
Everyone stops and you shake your head, waving your hands wildly “No. No, I did not fucking mean to agree with that absolutely heck no-“
“Oh my god, you like him” Chimney scoffs “And he likes you?!” 
Your mouth drops open, it’s moving but no words are coming out as you stare at him. 
“There- no- no fucking no-“ You splutter and Hen comes over now, putting her hands on your shoulders 
“It’s okay honey. We all know how you feel about each other”
“A-are you shitting me?!! I’d rather jump in a boiling lake of lava than sleep with Eddie!!” 
“I mean… no one said anything about sleeping with him” Bobby mumbles and Buck who’s been suspiciously quiet snorts and pushes Bobby’s shoulder. 
“You’re not supposed to be encouraging this!” You snap, stomping your foot “You guys freaking suck!” You storm away to the supply room to refill the truck with all fucking four of them singing “Eddie and Y/N sitting in a tree” behind you 
They leave you both alone for an hour at least as you angrily refill the truck, occasionally kicking the large tires and grumbling to yourself about how stupid they all are 
You do not like Eddie, and he’s definitely not super hot. He’s stupid, and pigheaded, and annoying. He’s tall, and smelly and- okay well that’s not true he actually smells really good. And well now that you’re thinking about it it’s not very nice to you know say he’s not at least cute. Because, yeah sure, you guess by, societal standards he may be slightly a teeny tiny bit attractive… 
“Fuck. No” You shake your head, pissed off. There’s absolutely no way you’re into that asshole or that he’s into you. This is the man who ruined your last four dates! He always had some stupid reason as to why you couldn’t make it, he even gave your last date the wrong directions to the firehouse to pick you up! 
No. No there’s no way you two could ever be interested in each other 
Eddie comes over to the truck and swings the door open before stepping inside. You look at the open door and sigh, okay, yeah it was a pretty low blow. 
You pull yourself up into the truck as Eddie sits down in his seat, going over his checklist. 
“Uh… hey” you stuff your hands in your back pockets 
He doesn’t look up, barely even acknowledging you at all. He just keeps looking at his stupid list. 
“Can- um. Can we talk?” 
“Go ahead” He shrugs and you take the clipboard from his hands 
“I’m being serious Eddie!” 
He yanks it back from you, standing up. He towers over you, especially in this tiny ass space. 
“Don’t touch my shit” 
“It’s a clipboard!” You slam it against his chest and he stumbles back a little 
“It’s my clipboard so don’t fucking touch it!” 
“You know what- fuck this! I’m here trying to apologize to your bitchass and you can’t-“
“You’re what?” He stops arguing and looks at you, blinking slowly 
“I’m trying to apologize” You draw the words out and he holds the clipboard in both hands in front of him, looking down 
You flinch a little because his tone is different now. It’s deeper, smoother maybe? There’s just this weird bass to it you’ve never really noticed before 
“Uh-“ you start, looking down at your hands “Well. It’s just-“ you fold them in front of you and take a deep breath before looking him in the eye. 
“The comment I made? About the whole girlfriend thing? That was low. I know how much that hurt you, the breakup- and like. That was so mean and-“
“I accept your apology,” He says quietly, a little smile on his face “I know how hard this is for you” 
You roll your eyes and push at his chest “Anddd you ruined it” he laughs and holds onto your hand and you gulp, blushing a little. Your fingers flex in his hand, feeling the hard chest underneath them and he looks at you, tightening the hold on your hand. 
“Do you have a ride to dinner? With the team? I uh- I know your cars in the shop. I’d like to offer a ride as an apology” 
This is the first time in your life Eddie Diaz has ever made you swoon. He bends down a little closer to your height, his cologne swirling in the closed air around you is starting to make you kinda dizzy. 
Dizzy??? Over Edmundo “The biggest fucking asshole” Diaz 
“I guess I accept your apology too…” you mumble, suddenly realizing just how close you’re both standing. You take a little step back, pulling your hand away. 
“Thanks. Six thirty work for you?” You clear your throat and go to leave the truck now, is it hot in here?? Why is it so freaking hot the AC is always blasting 
“Six thirty is fine,” He says as you hop out and turn back to him 
“Okay… uh- see ya??” You awkwardly salute him with two fingers and cringe inwardly as he snorts and does it back 
LaRue is a fancy-ass restaurant which is how you know Bobby and Athena definitely have something to announce and you’re hoping it’s good, this is more of a celebratory kind of place so you’re sure it is.
That just really leaves you with figuring out what to wear. 
You take your time in the shower, lathering yourself with your best soaps and making sure to avoid getting your hair wet. Once you’re out you put on your Spotify and start getting ready, laying out all your tools on the counter and lining up your hair products.
You’re just finishing straightening your hair and dramatically singing “Man! I feel like a woman!” (Buck's favorite song) when your doorbell rings. You click your phone to see it’s only 5:30, so it can’t be Eddie?? 
“What the-“ You unplug your straightener and bring it with you, a hot, blunt, instrument!! Perfect! And pad out to the front door, trying not to smudge your toenails. 
“Who is it?” You call through the door, raising your straightener 
“It’s me, Y/N” Eddie calls through the door and you blink blankly at the door 
“Why are you here??” You swing the door open and Eddie looks at your straightener, and then at you, standing in a silky red robe. His eyes roll over your figure as he bites his up, he’s shamelessly checking you out and you feel your body flush with a weird, needy, kind of heat. 
“Hello? Earth to Señor Pervert? You’re early. Like really early” You wave the straightener in front of his face and he looks back up at your face. 
“My power went out, nothin I can really do about it. So I didn’t think you’d mind if I got ready here. Didn’t you get my text?” 
Your mind flashes back to the little “ting!” noise you cursed out in your shower for interrupting “Let’s hear it for the boy” 
“Ohhh….. that- that was you…” you say and Eddie nods along with you as you step aside and let him in 
“Well I’m kind of in the middle of getting ready” you gesture to yourself as you lead him to the bathroom “But if you don’t mind sharing the space, I'm pretty sure I’ve got all the products, and tools you’ll need” 
“I brought some stuff… but yeah thanks” He follows you, watching the way your hips sway as you enter the bathroom. He smirks at your layout and you scoot some of it over to make room for him.
“Cute” He nods to your mostly pink setup up and you flick his arm before plugging in your curler. 
“You’re such a hoe” You roll your eyes as it heats up and turn your music back on. He snickers and sets out his stuff before turning on his razor. 
“I swear to god you better clean that up when you’re done” You point with your wand before starting to curl. 
“I’m a damn gentleman, of course, I’m going to clean up” He glares, before going back to concentrating on his face and you stick your tongue out. 
Things are starting to feel weirdly domestic, like incredibly domestic. You’re both humming along to the music, he curls the back of your hair that you can’t reach (he’d done it for his cousins a billion times) and you help make sure his sideburns are even. 
He grabs your mousse and sprays a little in his hand and you giggle as he runs it through his hair. 
“Oh shut. up.” He gives you a look and you stop putting on your eyeshadow, looking up from the mirror in your hand 
“It’s funny!!“ you whine and he turns to you, his hair perfectly in place. He’s so close to you, his face inches from yours. 
“There is absolutely nothing funny about using-“ 
One little piece of hair falls against his forehead, and you both look at it. You roll your eyes and go to push it back, your fingers card slowly through his hair and he leans into your touch, his eyelashes fluttering a little as he sighs quietly. 
“Mousse” he finishes his sentence, staring into your eyes and it’s like the air has been sucked right out of your lungs. 
When did Eddie Diaz become this… gorgeous 
“You’re blushing” He raises an eyebrow and you blink stupidly at him 
“I said” He whispers, you can feel his breath fanning across your face he’s so close “You’re blushing” 
“Of course I am” Your voice is so quiet, it shakes a little as you speak “I’m wearing blush” you explain. 
“Nuh huh” He taps the closed container on your counter “Didn’t put it on yet, haven’t even put on any highlighter” 
“You know a lot about makeup” 
“I have all female family members” 
His eyes flick down at your lips, and then back at your pretty doe eyes like he’s asking something, something that’s really… really starting to freak you out. 
When the fuck did you develop a crush on this testosterone tower 
Your phone starts ringing and the spell is broken, you jump back and Eddie stands tall again, reaching over to turn off your alarm. His gaze lingers on it for a moment before turning back to you 
“Apparently you’re supposed to be putting on your dress right about now” 
“Well since you’re here I guess I have a little extra time” You shrug and snatch your mirror from the counter and go back to your makeup. He tosses his stuff back in his bag and leans against the doorway 
“I’m gonna change then? If that’s cool with you” 
“Yeah no that’s- so cool. Way cool, ultra cool” You stumble over your words and Eddie laughs, letting his head fall back as he leaves the bathroom and shuts the door. 
What the hell is going on?! If it wasn’t so perfect you’d pull at your hair and like bash your head into the mirror you don’t know it’s just weird okay. It’s just weird to be feeling these super weird things okay, especially the ache between your thighs. That you’re painfully ignoring. 
After putting on the finishing touches and setting your makeup you turn to the bag hanging from your bathroom door and unzip it. You’d gotten the floor-length champagne-colored dress for your cousin's wedding, and it was definitely fancy enough to wear here. The dress has two high slits going up to the top of your hips and you’re actually incredibly grateful this place has tablecloths. You fix the spaghetti straps and adjust the top to cover up the tape you’d used instead of wearing a bra. With everything in position, you spray your perfume and crack open the door. 
“Hey, can I come out? I need my shoes” 
“Yeah, I need help with my tie anyway if you can” He calls out and you shut off the lights, leaving the bathroom. 
Neither of you is prepared to see each other and that’s very apparent by the way you both freeze up, he’s never seen you look so… breathtaking. His eyes widen as he takes your dress in, those high slits making the front of his pants tighten. Which  just confirms everything he’d been thinking all afternoon since you’d apologized in the truck 
When the fuck did he develop a crush on the missing link 
“You-“ His voice falters a little “You look beautiful” 
You look down at your dress for a second and then back toward the bathroom “Uh- um. T-thanks? Thank you…. You um… you clean up pretty well too” You look at him again, his cheeks are as pink as your dress. You tiptoe over to your bed and grab your shoes, waving them. 
“Im gonna- I'm gonna put these on and like I can help with your tie in a second” 
“Let me help?” He rushes toward you, pushing you back gently onto the bed. He takes your shoes from you and gets on one knee, taking your leg in his hands. His hands run down your smooth calf and around your ankle before slipping your shoe onto your foot and tying it back up your leg in a pretty little bow. He marvels at the way your skin sparkles in the light of the sun coming in through your windows courtesy of the shimmering oil you’d put on. 
“Eddie I- I can do it my-“ 
You feel his lips on your other leg, kissing softly, slowly up your leg as he slips your shoe on, your breath hitches in your throat as he looks up at you, his hands creeping further up your leg and over your bare thigh. 
“What are you doing?” You bite your lip and he kisses your knee before placing his chin on it 
“Dunno, just couldn’t help myself” He admits, looking up at you like a lost puppy. You can feel your resolve melting as you lean forward and smooth his hair back. 
“You needed help with your tie?” 
You scoot forward off the bed and he moves back a bit, as you stand up. His hands go to your hips, holding you in front of him as he’s on his knees. 
“This feels weird,” you tell him and his grip loosens 
“Shit. Shit I’m sorry that was so forward I didn’t mean-“ He’s getting up and you push his shoulders back down because you like him on his knees 
“Wait no! That’s not what I meant!!” You put his hands back on your hips and tilt his chin up 
“Okay well, it’s sort of what I meant… I just- you’re really freaking hot” 
Eddie chuckles and brings you forward by your waist, resting his head on your torso 
“Yeah so are you. Who knew you’d be so pretty under all the death stares and bitchy comments” 
“Who knew you’d be so sexy under all the bad attitudes and general stupidity” You grin widely and allow him to stand up now, he gives you a look and puts his tie in your hand
“Oh teehee you’re so funny” He rolls his eyes and you giggle, putting the tie around his neck 
“You started it” 
“Mhm, and I bet you wanna end it huh?” He pulls you against him as you finish tying it and setting it straight. 
“You’re so fuckin’ pretty” He murmurs in your ear as you clasp your hands behind his neck and he leans forward, nuzzling his nose in your neck and toying with your necklace. 
“You really thi-“ Your sentence is cut off by your phone ringing again, you groan and try to let go of Eddie but he just holds your waist tighter grabs your phone for you, and holds it up to your ear.
“Hey Buck what’s up?” 
Your hand takes the phone and he wraps his arms back around you properly. Eddie is clingy apparently. Which doesn’t surprise you with his stupid “I’m not touching you” game 
“Uhhh yeah, I'm sure it’s fine. Okay, we’ll see you soon!” You hang up and Eddie takes the phone from you and slides it into his pocket 
“What does he want?” You feel him nibbling your ear and you giggle, pulling him closer for once 
“He needs a ride, solely because he’s lazy and doesn’t feel like driving tonight. He said it’s better for the environment.” 
“He just wants me to be the designated driver” He rolls his eyes, finally pulling away. His eyes linger on your lips for a moment, he hasn’t kissed you yet and it’s driving you slightly crazy. 
“I guess we have to go get him” He sighs, and takes your hand, pulling you with him out of your bedroom. The click of your heels as you follow behind is oddly erotic to him, he helps you put on your little coat and hands you your purse before opening the door for you. 
“Ladies first,” He says and you walk past him, floating on a cloud of your perfume. 
“Really? Because last time you said it was Lizard people first” You snicker as he opens the truck door for you and helps you in, you cross one leg over the other as he gets in on his side and goes to buckle up. His eyes are practically glued to your thighs and you smirk leaning against the center console with your chin in your hand. 
“See somethin' ya like?” 
Apparently yes, because the next thing you know his lips are pressed to yours. He kisses you slowly, you look so goddamn adorable when you’re blushing like this. He deepens the kiss a little, his tongue licking at your lower lip as he draws you closer to him, like he wants you in his lap and admittedly that seems like a very… very nice place to be 
He pulls away and chuckles when you chase him, pecking his lips again 
“Do we really have to go tonight?” You mumble and he boops your nose 
“Yeah kinda. You want everyone to know we stayed at your place? What would they think of us?” 
You look at him, crinkling your nose “Yeah I guess… and there’s no way we’re telling anyone about this right?”
“Oh fuck no. They’d never let us live it down.” He pulls out of the driveway and holds his hand out to you 
“Which admittedly brings us to that very awkward “what are we?” Thing” 
You take his hand and hold it in your lap, tracing the back of it and drawing little shapes 
“Well- and just listen. Would it be so much of a leap… to be like I don’t know…boyfriend girlfriend? It’s not like we don’t know each other… disgustingly well already”
“24-hour shifts man” Eddie sighs and you snicker, leaning your head against his shoulder 
“Literally. Like that one time, I walked in on you taking a colossal-“
“If you finish that sentence I swear to god I will hit the ejection seat button” 
“Wouldn’t it be cool if you really had one though like”
“Do you want to find out?” 
You roll your eyes but keep quiet anyway and he chuckles, holding your hand tighter.
“So we’re just gonna jump to being together huh? Not even gonna take me to dinner first?” 
You snort and lay your head against the headrest, looking over at him 
“You want me to take you on a date Princess?” You tease and he raises his eyebrow at you for a moment before looking back at the road 
“Damn right, I do. Want the whole enchilada baby girl. Including drinks at your place afterward” 
“So your tipsy ass will have to sleep over?” You laugh and he grins 
“Hell yeah! Better put me in one of your T-shirts too” 
“Fucking bet my man, I will woo your ass” You poke his arm as he pulls up to Buck's place and texts him to come down 
“Saturday” you agree with a wink. 
Before Buck comes down to the car Eddie hooks his finger under your chin, pulling you in to kiss you again. He smiles a little, pecking your lips softly again when you giggle. 
“I can’t wait… but I hope you know teasing you is about to be a whole lot different” He makes his point as he trails his fingertips over your shoulder and down your arm sending a shiver down your spine. 
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean” You whisper against his lips and he smirks, moving his hand to your exposed thigh now, squeezing gently. 
“Oh you’re gonna find out tonight sweetheart” 
He pulls away just in time for Buck to come out, he gives you two a weird look, you’re in the front seat and not killing each other. 
“Hey thanks for getting me,” Buck says as he closes the door and buckles in behind you. 
“You owe me” 
“Why doesn’t she owe you!” Buck points at you childishly and Eddie smirks 
“I don’t take payment from sewer rats. She’s suffering enough” 
Your mouth drops open and you punch his arm “Sewer rat?! I look like a damn goddess right now!”
“Goddess of sewer rats maybe” he mumbles and you reach over and shut the truck off and throw the key at his feet so he’d have to get out to reach it. 
“Ahhh…There’s my best friends” Buck laughs as Eddie throws his door open, grumbling and you two go back to normal. 
Once you get to the restaurant, Buck opens the door for you and helps you out, letting out a low whistle. 
“Jesus Y/N, you tryin’ to make me fall in love?” He laughs as you do a little spin for him and toss your hair over your shoulder 
“What this old thing?” You joke as he holds out his arm, Eddie gives you a look as you take it and you feel goosebumps trail up your arms at the way his eyes darken possessively. You swear to god you’re gonna jump that man before the night is over. 
The man at the front leads you three over to the table, and you seem to be the last ones to arrive. You wave at them and do another cute little spin as they ooh and aww at you. 
“Yassss Queen!” Chimney says, high-fiving you while Eddie pulls your chair out (Athena does not miss that) and you sit down in it. You look up at him for a split second (Bobby doesn’t miss that) and he sits down next to you as Buck sits on the other side. 
“Doesn’t she look amazing!” He practically fawns over you and you giggle
“Maybe you’ll be my plus one” he winks and suddenly you feel Eddie’s hand on your knee 
“Y-yeah!” You laugh nervously, “Maybe!” 
Everyone is laughing and talking but you’re way too distracted, taking a sip of your wine as you feel his hand softly rubbing your thigh, his fingers creeping higher and higher, feeling the soft skin of your inner thighs. 
You don’t even know how he’s doing it, keeping a straight face while laughing at something Hen said and dragging his fingers lazy on the inside of your thighs. You feel his fingers brush over your panties and you jolt a little, glancing at him for a second before going back over to whatever story Maddie is telling everyone. 
He just keeps teasing you, gently brushing his fingers over them. You can see the little smirk he has from the corner of your eye and you wish you could just slap it off. It’s not until the waiter comes to take all of your orders that you feel his fingers sink inside you, the second the man gets to you, holding his pen and paper with a polite smile on his face while Eddie pumps his long fingers in and out slowly. 
“Miss?” He asks again, and Buck nudges your shoulder. 
“Hurry up before I forget mine” he snickers and your mouth gapes open, still nothing coming out. 
“I- uh- I’ll-“ 
“Like you’re not going to be a basic bitch and order your chicken Alfredo” Eddie pinches your clit and you snap your mouth shut to keep from moaning right there. 
“No calling people basic bitches at the dinner table Eddie” Bobby scolds him and Buck snorts before slapping his hand over his mouth. 
“Sorry,” He says in a singsong voice and makes a little face and the waiter moves onto Buck now. 
“I’m surprised you’re not ripping him apart right now” Hen chuckles and Eddie speeds up, his fingers working your clit faster as they all start talking again, you start to squirm against him some, gripping the edge of the table. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Buck leans over, whispering quietly, draping his arm over the back of your chair. Eddie’s fingers freeze for a second and you nod slowly. 
“I-I’m great, just- just peachy!” 
“Are you sure?” He looks so worried, his hand starts gently rubbing your arm and Eddie starts his assault again, his fingers dipping deeper inside you again and moving against that spongy spot in fast little strokes. You squeeze your thighs together, moving your hips subtly. You turn your head to look at Eddie and he looks down at you, and then over at Buck. 
He wants you to tell him. 
“I-I’m- it’s just-“ Your voice is so quiet, your words shaky and weak 
“You wanna go get some fresh air?” He scoots his chair back and goes to move yours but you put your hands on his arm, gripping it tightly as your orgasm washes over you, your eyes shut tight as Eddie works your clit faster, and you have no freaking clue how no one else can tell what’s going on 
Well… no one except Buck. Who’s mouth drops wide open as he realizes what’s happening to you right now, even if he’s not sure how it’s happening 
Eddie eases his hand from your soaked folds and wipes it on your inner thigh before putting his hands back in his lap like nothing happened. He grins at you widely as Buck helps you up
“Everything okay?” Bobby asks, sipping his wine and all attention is now on you as you hold onto Buck's arms, your legs a little wobbly 
“Yeah, everything okay?” Eddie has the biggest shit-eating grin and you glare at him 
“We’re just gonna get some fresh air” Buck holds you to him “I think she just had a little too much to drink”
“Why doesn’t it surprise me that you’re a lightweight?” Eddie says over his glass and your mouth drops open 
“You little-“
“Come on” Buck rolls his eyes as he pulls you outside with him. He helps you over to a pretty white bench and you both sit down. 
“So…. What the fuck” Buck turns to you and you let your head fall back, pinching the bridge of your nose 
“Can you keep a secret?” 
“Fuck no” 
“That’s what I thought” You look at him and he whines, running his hands over his face. 
“Okay. Okay this one yeah, I promise I can do this” 
“Eddie was fingering me under the table we just got together this evening before we came and got you and I want to rip his hair out” 
You say it as fast as you can, your hands gripping the front of his shirt as you shake him slowly. It doesn’t matter though because he’s literally not even moving, he’s completely short-circuiting as he stares into the distance 
“Buck? Earth to Buck” You wave your hand in front of him and he blinks slowly 
“Do you mean to tell me-“ Buck speaks slowly “You and Eddie are finally fucking dating”
“You can’t tell anyone!!” You say putting your hands over his mouth “Eddie is the bane of my fucking existence!!! No one would ever let us live it down!!” 
“Firemgodldckingreson!!!!” Buck yells into your hands and you tilt your head 
He shoves your hands away and throws his in the air “I said For good fucking reason!!! You two are crazy! You guys have never liked each other ever! Eddie literally came to me like three weeks ago losing his mind over the fact he had a big ass crush on you and-“ 
“He did what?!” You get up from the bench and Buck slaps his hands over his mouth 
“Nothing!! He did nothing it’s nothing! I don’t know what I’m talking about!!!” 
You push past him and go right back into the restaurant. Buck is hot on your heels begging you to not say anything and he totally said it wrong but you’re not listening. 
You get back to the table and everyone stops talking to look at you 
“You’ve liked me for three weeks?!” 
Eddie drops his fork on his plate and groans “Buck!!”
“She cornered me!!!” He whines and you whirl around on him 
“I did not!!” 
“Can you three maybe take this outside??” Athena hisses and Hen puts her hand on her arm 
“No no. Let them cook” 
Eddie stands up now and Buck sits down fast, hiding behind his napkin and trying to avoid being murdered by his best friends. 
“No. I have not liked you for three weeks” He says, taking your hands 
“Oh shit” Chimney whispers and Maddie slaps his arm 
“I’ve liked you for longer than that” 
The entire restaurant literally gasps, which is an exaggeration. Because Steven, the host was in the bathroom. 
“Y-you’ve what?!” You splutter and Eddie runs his hands over his face 
“I’ve liked you for a long fucking time Y/N. And whilst I wasn’t going to tell you tonight-“ he glares at Buck “I- I know I’ve been no better than a schoolboy tugging on your braids-“
“Neither has she” Bobby mutters and Athena glares at him 
“But like. Shit, I really do like you okay? And I- I don’t mind” his voice lowers “I don’t… mind telling them about-“ he takes your hand again, stepping closer 
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” You mumble and he shrugs 
“I thought you hated me” 
“You wanna tell him or should we?” Athena gestures between her and Hen and you let your head smack against Eddie’s chest 
“Gonna have to speak up sweetheart” Eddie snickers, tilting your head up with his fingers. 
“I really liked you too and I don’t mind telling everyone we’re dating,” you say clearly, whispering it to him. 
“Hey! Hey propose for a free dessert” Buck hisses, shoving a ring into Eddie’s hand.
“I’m not gonna-“
“They have chocolate lava cake”
Eddie gets on one knee, kissing your hand and you nearly crumble to the floor laughing. 
“Y/N Alicia Maria Vanessa Nash. Will you make me the luckiest man in the world and be my wife?” 
The entire restaurant holds their breath… and this time it really is! Steven is back!
“I-“ You sniffle, making yourself cry and shake your head fast “Yes!!! Oh god, Eddie yes!!!” 
He stands up and scoops you up in his arms, spinning you around and kissing you and everyone claps for you as you sit back down. 
“I get half the cake right”
“Oh definitely” 
“You watch that ring with your life” Athena points at you and you wiggle your fingers. 
“Will do boss” You grin as Eddie holds a forkful of lava cake to your mouth
92 notes · View notes
ssparksflyy · 6 months
helllo can you do just a fluffy jason grace x reader athena that wanted to make her crush fly please something simple thank you;)
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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levitating ✶⋆.˚
pairing: jason grace x daughter of athena!reader warning(s): lowkey ooc jason word count: 810 a/n: ty for requesting! heres somethin short n simple for ya ♡♡
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when asked to fly by other campers, jason usually had no problem with it. if they asked him to do it for help, he'd quickly do it, happy to help them. if they just wanted to see him fly, he'd float just a few inches off the ground and even pick the kid up if they wanted to. he usually was happy to fly for other campers.
you'd made a bet with him. you bet that you could somehow trick him into flying without being asked. being a child of athena, who was pretty good at coming up with plans, you felt pretty confident in yourself. but jason also felt confident in himself. learning how to say 'no' was something jason had gotten used to lately, and he believed that he would be able to avoid any tactic you used to get him to fly.
the rules were simple. you try to make jason float, he tries not to. if he flies in front of you, because somebody else asked him to, it doesn't count. if he flies in front of you for any reason that doesn't involve you asking or doing anything to make him fly, it doesn't count. you also weren't allowed to say that something dangerous was happening, cause, that just wasn't fair.
it was wednesday when you'd made the bet. you had until friday afternoon to make jason fly.
honestly, you hadn't thought it would be as hard as it was. a part of you hoped jason would fall for something simple, but he was surprisingly good at avoiding your attempts to make him fly. you tried things like throwing something at him super high, so he'd have to fly up and get it, but he simply just let it fall to the floor. you tried putting unavoidable things in his way, but that's when you found out jason was a great jumper and was up to taking a longer route (freak).
you even tried pushing him off the rock climbing wall, but turns out he was also good at that too!! seeing him beating all of your attempts was only fueling you more ( and draining your brain ).
it was friday morning when you came up with an plan that jason was sure to fall for. you'd convinced a tree nymph to put your sword at the very top of her tall tree, and called jason over. yea it was kinda of desperate but hey, so were you.
once he walked over to the tree you pointed up at your sword, "got stuck."
he gave you the most deadpan look you'd ever seen, "literally how does that even happen?"
you shrugged, "can you help me?"
he rolled his eyes and just as he was about to fly up, he stopped. instead of doing the easy thing and flying up he walked over to the tree and started climbing.
"youre joking." you said, watching him climb up the tree.
holy shit hes got a fat ass
jason had somehow managed to climb up to the very top of the tree, grabbed your tree and climbed down, all without getting knocked down by the nymph. traitor.
he jumped down a few branches high, landing right in front of you.
"i believe this belongs to you, m'lady" he said, holding out you sword with a cocky smile.
you grabbed the sword for him, muttering a small "thank you"
"aw what's wrong? bird brain mad she couldn't trick me?" he said, moving closer to you, "better think of something quick cause your times running out."
you paused for a second, unsure of how to respond. your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips, an idea suddenly crossing your mind.
you grabbed jason by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. when you pulled away, you looked down at the floor and smirked.
"i win" you whispered smugly, still holding onto his shirt.
"huh?" he asked, his voice cracking and cheeks flushing.
you let go of his shirt and took a step back, motioning your head towards the ground. jason looked down, confused. he was floating a mere inch off the ground.
"you start floating whenever you get surprised." you said, grinning.
"what?- i- huh???" he said, confused out of his mind, "wait- so that's what the kiss was for??"
"in the moment, yea. but ive also been waiting months for you to do it, so i thought i'd take matters into my own hands" you said, a smile slowly forming on your face.
"damn, months?? you should've told me" he said, smiling, "can i make it up to you?" he took a step closer to you and placed his hands on your hips.
a giggle escaped your lips as you slung your arms around his neck, "of course, sparky."
he closed the space between you with a sweet kiss.
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a/n two: i was fr like 'huh i feel like ive seen sparky somewhere besides jason' its my url. bffr. n e wayz i hope u enjoyed this nd have a good day/night !!
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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percyluvr · 7 months
could you write a fic with clarisse and a nonbinary child of thanatos reader, where they absolutely DOMINATE in capture the flag?
clarisse la rue x gn child of thanatos!reader summary: clarisse and her s/o are undefeated in capture the flag wc: 1127
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It was widely known at Camp Half-Blood that if you weren't on Clarisse and her significant other's capture that flag team, you were on the losing team. Even before the two of you began dating, you were a force that no one wanted to mess with.
Your friendship had been very interesting for the other campers to witness, mainly for the reason that Clarisse seemed to warm up to you so quickly, almost as if there was an invisible string of fate tying her to you. The first time the two of you met, Clarisse was almost awkward when she spoke to you, and from then on, the two of you had been an extremely powerful force.
The two of you fit together like a puzzle, your minds always being on the same wavelength. If one of you strayed from the battle strategy you had come up with, the other could immediately tell why and what to do from that point on, which made capture the flag a breeze for your team.
You were sat in the Ares cabin with Clarisse, going over the strategy for the capture the flag, though it wasn't really necessary since the two of you were always in sync, but you thought it never hurt to be extra thorough. Even though the Athena cabin was on the opposing team, when they were usually on your team, the two of you were completely confident that you wouldn't have a problem winning.
"We'll charge together, but once we get through their second line of defense, you'll sneak past and grab the flag. Then, you'll go through the route we marked back to our base, and that'll conclude the game. Easy win for us, again," Clarisse states, making you grin.
The plan may seem simple, especially when it was the Athena cabin you were going against, but you had the entire Ares cabin on yours, and you had more faith in them for these types of things, but that's not to say the Athena kids are not master strategists, because they definitely are.
The next few days came and went, and it was finally time for your and Clarisse's favorite day of the month, capture the flag. The two of you shared a large breakfast, making sure to eat nutritious things to give you extra energy.
After breakfast, everyone headed to the forest and put on their armor and helmets.
"Thirty minutes until the game begins, get set up now. The games begin when you hear the horn, as per usual," Chiron says.
"Alright, does everyone remember the plan?" You ask, making sure that no one would mess up your victory, if that was even possible.
You heard many variations of confirmation, and so you and Clarisse sent everyone off to get into positions.
"You ready to absolutely dominate today?" Clarisse asks, as if she didn't already know the answer.
"Obviously, when am I not ready to hand someone's ass to them?" You joke.
Clarisse gives you a grin, and the two of you head off into the forest.
You two quietly talk for the remaining minutes, immediately focusing in when you hear the horn blast. You and Clarisse sprint off, slowly relaxing into a slightly slower pace to maintain your energy.
When you finally reach the other team's first line of defense, it was just as the two of you expected.
Clarisse knew that you were absolutely insane when it came to fighting, but you'd reached a new level in the past month of training. It was like the world had gone still except for you fighting. She was in the middle of a fight, and all she could look at was you. You fought like an absolute demon, your sword slashing so fast that she it seemed like you hadn't moved it at all. She could tell that you were still holding back, on account of it being a camp game and all, but she would've loved to see you with no restrictions.
It seemed like the fight lasted mere seconds, and all of the other campers lay on the ground. She stared at you in awe before coming back to her senses.
"Come on, we still have a game to win," she says to you, as if she wasn't just staring at you like you were a god.
When the two of you reached the second line of defense, you snuck off without a trace, something that you'd inherited from your dad. If Clarisse hadn't seen you fighting before, she would've wondered if you had ever been by her side in the first place.
You had no concerns about Clarisse fighting off the other team, so you quickly ran through the woods, fighting off stray campers that you came across.
When you reached the flag, you were astonished to find it completely unguarded. You wasted no time in sprinting over to the flag, grasping it in your hands and making a mad dash back through the forest.
You were careful not to step in any of the traps that the Hephaestus cabin must've made and placed strategically throughout the forest. You would've taken time to be impressed by how thorough they were with it, but you had a game to win.
In no time, you found Clarisse, signaling from the sides of the forest that you had gotten the flag. She grinned at you and finished off the fight she was in with some random camper, quickly catching up to you.
You made it back to your side in record time, hearing Chiron make a surprised noise and blow the horn, signaling the end of the game.
You jumped into Clarisse's awaiting arms. No matter how many times you felt her strong arms hold you, you would always be affected by it. There was something about feeling her hold you, knowing she would always protect you that made you feel all warm inside. She kissed you liked she'd been waiting her whole life to feel your lips pressed up against hers, and if you count about 2 hours as her whole life, then yes, she had been waiting her whole life.
When both teams had made it back to the river, Chiron announced that your team had won in a record-breaking 45 minutes, and you team shouted in celebration. You and Clarisse, however, celebrated by her taking off both of your helmets, picking you up into her beefy arms and kissing you with a passion that you'd never felt from her. She was just so enamored by you and how powerful you were that she never wanted to let go, but unfortunately had to so the two of you could celebrate, though she still didn't release her tight grip on your hand.
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wildlife4life · 6 months
Fuck-It Friday Coda
Tagged by @try-set-me-on-fire @devirnis @buddierights @wikiangela @tizniz @exhuastedpigeon @hippolotamus @cal-daisies-and-briars @disasterbuckdiaz @rainbow-nerdss @daffi-990 @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley and @watchyourbuck (because she just dropped a whole ass spec fic that is amazing!) Still barely Friday here, so I am not late to Fuck-it Friday and staying on my coda drop schedule. Here is my 7x03 coda! Enjoy here and on ao3! If you want to know when these codas drop, interact with this post!
They each give Bobby and Athena one last tight hug on the boat before stepping onto dry land and make their way towards the LAFD suv parked close by. Hen walked beside them for a short while, exchanging another round of thanks, praises, and reminders of being there for each other. When she spots Karen breaking away from crowd of concerned loved ones and onlookers, Hen waves them forward and goes to greet her wife.
Its almost lunch time by the time Buck, Eddie, and Chimney make it back to station, and they are all dead beat tired and starving. Chimney tries to invite them for a celebratory lunch but its cut off by jaw cracking yawn that has Eddie and Buck wincing, then echoed by their own.  The paramedic chuckles and the just as slap tired firemen join in. “Breakfast at the usual place tomorrow?”
Eddie just hums in agreement, while Buck smiles and answers, “Definitely. Let Hen know?”
“Can’t celebrate without the woman of the hour. Hopefully now she’ll pick up the phone.” Soft laughter follows, “Alright boys, I’m off to put my blackout curtains to the test. I suggest you do the same.” Chim mock solutes them both and strides out of the locker room.
Buck stuffs the sea drenched uniform into his duffle and pulls on a too cool, green hoodie.  The lack of warmth from the material on his still damp skin and adrenalin come down has him shivering.
He already knows what dreams await him when (if) he closes his eyes to sleep. A mix of Bobby and Christopher drowning in the harsh waves of the ocean, screaming for Buck to save them and him failing to do so before being pulled under himself.  
A chill shoot’s up his spine so piercing, it has Buck inhaling sharply and flinching forward with both hands, slamming his locker close. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Eddie whip around and drop his own duffle as he scurries over to Buck’s side.
Warmth finally seeps into Buck with the press of Eddie’s hand to his shoulder and the shivers lessen. “Hey, hey it’s okay. Everyone is okay.” Eddie soothes, his breath ghosting the back of Buck’s neck, warming him further.
Buck takes a deep breath, “I know that, Eddie. Just…” He closes his eyes and shakes his head, trying to get rid of Bobby and Christopher’s waterlogged features.
Eddie’s grip tightens but doesn’t let the silence of Buck’s loss of words linger for long. “Bobby’s place is on the way to the diner, so we can stop by in the morning.”
Buck cocks his head in confusion, “Um, I know your tired and all Eds, but Bobby’s place is definitely a detour to the diner from my place.”
“Good thing you’re coming back to mine then.” Eddie states with no room argument and a little bit of the tight fear in Buck’s body seeps out. Eddie’s house means he can physically see Christopher is safe and nowhere near the turbulent waves they pulled themselves out of just a few hours ago.
“Okay.” He agrees, then softly adds on, “Thank you.”
Eddie pats his shoulder, “Don’t thank me for having your back.”
Christopher is well into school by the time Eddie and Buck make it back to the Diaz household. Buck has to take a few deep breaths outside the kid’s empty room, reminding himself that he’ll see him in less than four hours. Eddie gives him a sympathetic and understanding grimace before shoving him towards the bathroom.
The heat of the shower washes away the remaining chill and ocean salt clinging to his skin, replaced with the comforting scent of Eddie’s products, a mix of citruses and cedar. A pair of gray athletic shorts, fuzzy blue socks, and his blue sweatshirt that has been missing since before Buck’s lightening coma, are waiting for him on the bathroom counter when he open’s the curtain.
Buck pulls on the items of clothing and is taken by surprised by their enveloping warmth. His heart squeezes in his chest, knowing Eddie must have tumbled the clothes in the dryer while he showered.
Making his way back to the living room, Buck finds the older man lounging on the couch in a pair of cut off sweats and another one of Buck’s missing sweatshirts, this one dark green. “Are you the sweatshirt thief?” Buck accuses light heartedly, flopping down next to said thief and pressing into his side, shoulder to thigh.
Eddie shrugs, unbothered and unapologetic, “Cheaper than buying my own.”
Buck gaffs in mock offense but doesn’t even argue or hide how much he likes seeing Eddie in his clothes. Just another thing the man does that soothes Buck’s shaken nerves.
Pulling his knees up to his chest, Buck wraps his arms around them then drops his head onto Eddie’s shoulder. Without hesitation, Eddie’s head falls to rest on his still damp hair. “Thank you for the clothes and bringing me here… for having my back.” Buck whispers.
He feels Eddie’s head turn slightly to nuzzle his nose into Buck’s curls.  His partner’s lips brush against Buck’s scalp as he speaks, “Last time I’m saying this, you don’t need to thank me for any of it.  That’s not how it works for us.”
Buck lets out a slow breath, “Yea…. I know, but that will never stop me from appreciating you and everything you do. I will never not be grateful that you have my back.”
“Well,” Those lips drift downwards to Buck’s temple, Eddie’s voice sending delicate vibrations across the skin and muscle and casting a whole different kind of shiver through Buck’s body, “I’m just as appreciative and grateful for you too.”
Buck doesn’t quite know if he imagines it, with how he has been drifting to sleep since falling to the couch, but he hopefully believes he felt the firm press of Eddie’s lips to his temple that lingered past platonic.
And when he feels Eddie’s breaths even out across the top of his head, Buck can hear the echo of their gratitude and appreciation fade into discreet exchanges of I love you’s.  Those echoes with Eddie’s warmth, keep the nightmarish tides away, allowing Buck to truly rest.
Very belated tagging: @theotherbuckley @perfectlysunny02 @aroeddiediaz @loserdiaz @diazsdimples @jesuisici33 @fortheloveofbuddie @rogerzsteven @lemonzestywrites @evanbegins @buck-coded @glorious-spoon @thekristen999 @spotsandsocks @sunshinediaz @lover-of-mine @hoodie-buck @elvensorceress @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @jeeyuns @bekkachaos @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @eddiiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @prosperdemeter2 @transboybuckley @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @thebloomingheather
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mindstriker · 9 months
top five things i am currently insane about in borderlands as usual:
a) timothy lawrence and the way that he's so commonly misinterpreted. i want to see an in-depth exploration of all the less "funny cute anxious bean" or whatever aspects of his personality. i want to see the remnants of jack still lingering in his personality and the way this makes other people uncomfortable sometimes. i want to see the fact that he's a resilient mf who survived being a vault hunter. i want a genuine exploration of the relationship (platonic or romantic) that he could have with moxxi, where they both simultaneously explore the people that they are underneath the literal mask/corporate image of themselves that they present. i want to see the crimson raiders send him to atlas for a new hand because rhys fucking OWES them after they saved his ass, and i want to see him have a conversation with zer0, one of the people who killed jack. i also want to see him accidentally scare the shit out of rhys on multiple occasions. I WANT TO SEE IT ACKNOWLEDGED THAT HE'S TERRIBLE AT ACTING LIKE JACK ON PURPOSE, but when he's not intentionally doing it? jesus, it catches you off guard. sometimes the things he says as himself sound like something that would naturally come out of jack's mouth.
b) katagawa jr. can i ever decide entirely whether or not i wanted him to be reworked into a more competent, long-standing antagonist that would EVENTUALLY be killed by rhys personally in a grand display of him killing a foil of himself/ a representation of the worst person that he could have become in order to protect the new future he built for himself and all the people working for him- OR an eventually slowly redeemed character who survived the vault hunter's attack only to be disgraced by Maliwan and forced to gain a new perspective on the world much the same way Rhys was when he was initially ousted to being a janitor at Hyperion before going to Pandora? no. i cannot decide which of these paths i like better, but i really want either of them to have happened.
c) pure unadulterated rage about what they did to vaughn's character post tftbl. that's it. no elaboration needed.
d) the lack of content about maya meeting and knowing about other sirens and getting to connect with them over their experiences. i want to see more about her personal horror encountering angel in bl2- realizing that this can be a siren's fate sometimes if they're unlucky or defeated, weaponized and used for their powers as a tool. i want to see her meet lilith, and bond with her over the weight on their shoulders- being a vault hunter and a siren all at once and being looked up to as a legend, a myth, and a saviour all at once. also why the fuck did they kill her off in bl3 it's so fucking awful she could've been an awesome returning character and instead of just having her return to athenas they could have done a whole arc about her begrudgingly returning to her place of origin despite complicated feelings about it because they're in danger.
e) TANNNNNNNNNNNISSSSS. i love patricia tannis. number one tannis fan over here. i just want to see more of her interacting with everyone in general, actually. sirens and eridian history are her favourite, let me see her talking lilith and maya into silly experiments for her own personal gain. making friends, slowly, as she connects with the crimson raiders more closely than she thought she would, with other scientific minds. like hammerlock! they have different realms of study, but i like to think they'd get along. have her wander begrudgingly into moxxi's bar (unpleasantly loud and busy, but needs must) and ask her for a favour because she needs someone persuasive to convince the vault hunters to spare a bit of eridium for a machine she's got in the works. more her please
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ashoss · 3 months
For the bat x pjo thing, I’ve always loved the idea of Jason as a son of poseidon. I know that one’s probably overdone, but I love it a lot!
Just think about it—he’s got the looks, the sheer physical and probably even mystical power, the changeability…he’s just as intelligent as Percy believes he (Percy) isn’t, especially strategically. He was resurrected during heavy rain, which could be an explanation, like Poseidon’s upset his kid died so he’s sending rain to bring him back. He died in the desert, where there’s not a lot of water, and I know it’s a lazarus pit, but he regained his faculties in the water, and in both the comics and the movie, he’s extremely disoriented and falls/is pushed off a cliff into a body of water—but more than that, even if he preempts betrayal later on by leaving first, he is EXTREMELY loyal and will do anything for his friends.
I don’t know if you’ve already heard it, but you should really listen to Ruthlessness from Epic the Musical, with Jason confronting Bruce with the Joker in mind. It’s perfect for that, and that’s actually how I got the idea before I read anything on AO3 with Jason as a son of poseidon.
And I love the idea of Roy as a son of Athena too, you know, extremely clever, invents things but also fights very well, and, even if he’s not great at lying as a leader, is a very good leader anyway. (Kori and Bizarro have their own things, but Artemis, even though she is from Bana-Mighdall, is still descended from the greek amazons, and could be a legacy of a child of Athena, Ares, or Apollo).
And yeah, okay, I feel like Damian kinda has to be a legacy or something, BUT what if he were more like Carter Kane in The Red Pyramid? A vessel for Horus, or something, but a powerful warrior-magician nonetheless.
For Dick, I really liked in your other one him as a child of Hermes, but I feel like a son of Astrape, goddess of lightning, would work better. Astrape for sheer, you know, flashy power that still puts you on your ass, and arcs through the sky even if it can’t fly on its own necessarily (although that’s just a lot more representative, of course his abilities would be the result of hard work, as usual). And the fact that Astrape and Bronte are in Zeus’ entourage, and his shield/weapons bearers just fits Batman and Robin’s first thing and then Nightwing and Batman’s whole thing after very well, I think.
As for Tim? I honestly think he should just be a clear sighted mortal. He’s never seemed that much like any one child of anything to me.
Stephanie as the daughter of Dionysus is just inspired, and I can’t believe I never thought of it!
And Alfred I feel like would be, even if not the son of anyone, or a legacy, a sort of disciple of Hestia or something.
Babs I just love as a daughter of Athena, but also, she’s kind of taken the role of Oracle for herself, and I was thinking, you know, she should be a clear sighted mortal who became the oracle of Delphi, like Rachel.
And Cass I love as the daughter of Nike, but I feel like a daughter of Hades just fits her so well! Disappears into shadows, often called quite creepy and yet has no patience for what she sees as trivial when she could be attacking something with her fists instead (and has something against contributing to the overpopulation of her father’s realm 😆).
And Duke I liked in the other one too, able to see something vaguely…Other about his foster family, and the gods already seeming much too bright, but just with his meta ability.
Heh, I know I focussed a lot on Jason and the Outlaws, but they are very much my blorbos 😅.
god i do really love Poseidon kid Jason (especially if we give Jason more of the earthshaker powers). he's definitely very similar to Percy in a lot of ways like you mentioned. HOWEVER while you bring up a LOOOT of good points for Poseidon kid Jason i think i want to stray away from having any of the batkids being kids of the big three? i feel like it might to into like,, mary sue territory (even though they're not really OCs but I'm lowkey kinda strict with my PJO aus and want to stick as close to canon as possible - meaning the big three only broke their oaths to not have kids with Percy, Jason and Thalia.) maybe ill do another au or something with Poseidon kid Jason because i really do love it lol
Athena kid Roy is interesting! unfortunately i don't know much abt Roy himself to really refute it or anything
as for Damian i definitely was playing with him being a magician, and maybe a legacy on Talias side? I'm not too sure on that part.
Astrape kid dick is also interesting! i haven't really looked at any of the more minor gods/goddesses for any of them but i can def see it! it's taking some of the traits of Zeus and toning them down a bit without really taking away the power. i still think I'm kinda attached to Hermes kid dick, but if we really want to give him flight we can give him the shoes similar to the ones Luke gave Percy in tlt
honestly mortal Tim does make sense and can also play into his insecurities on not being enough to fit dick or Jason's shoes as robin, since he's not a demigod he's just a regular kid. (however i think i am attached to Aphrodite kid Tim now lol but i do think mortal Tim could be good)
i think i may need a bit more swaying on Dionysus kid Stephanie but i do think its cool - it's definitely something i haven't seen before.
and yes i think Babs should just be a clearsighted mortal no matter how much i like Athena kid Babs. i did really want to play into the oracle name itself and her being the oracle of Delphi is good (however i don't really think her being the oracle itself - like Rachel- would fit in the au? unless they were all at camp i don't really know. i don't think the batfamily themselves need an oracle ? maybe she could be blessed (or cursed) by apollo )
i do like hades kid Cass but like i said with dick i kinda don't want any of them to be kids of the big three. but i think it fits her character - especially with her being a bit creepy as black bat/batgirl. but it might be interesting in terms of her childhood - if David was aware of her parentage he might have had higher hopes for this killing machine he wanted. this child of hades who is a master at reading body language and could kill with the touch of a hand? it could also tie into her adverseness of death itself - because she couldn't handle the feeling of death because of two contributing factors - her understanding of death through her hades powers (like Nico) and her understanding of body language. (hmmm maybe i might make an exception of my refusal of big three kids for hades Cass)
and yes!! i love the ideas of just meta Duke with no godly influence. it might be interesting for him to not be clearsighted - but that could bring in more ideas for how his powers affect his life. do you think he could see the outline or the shadow of a monster? or that his new foster family's eyes tend to glow slightly too bright and there seems to be something golden in their veins? maybe one of them could have some control of the mist like hazel does and would lift the mist later on for duke.
very good takes!! you're definitely making me think about these tho lol
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between-two-fandoms · 5 months
Thoughts on Buck ever meeting Captain Gerard? Like… maybe they’re at the FD/cop bar and Gerard shows up while Hen and Karen, Chimey and Tommy and Eddie are all there and it’s so awkward and Tommy wants to lash out and Eddie looks like he’s gonna beat someone’s face in— but then Buck is there defending his fam? I donno why but i feel like I need this…Athena meeting Gerard would also be a THING I NEED.
oooh, I haven't thought of this one yet!
I can picture them all at the badge and ladder bar, and Gerard winds up at the bar ordering something and spots Tommy first so he moseys on over to the 118 crew/firefam. And Buck is sitting there next to Tommy. He notices how Tommy's usual suave confident nature falters in front of his old captain. Buck takes it all in for the first time, leaning into Tommy as he tries listening to old stories from Tommy's first captain.
It's clear Hen and Chimney are immediately uncomfortable with this smelly old man's presence at their table, but Bobby doesn't make him leave so Buck follows Bobby's lead at first and tries to be nice to Gerard. But then Gerard starts cracking offensive jokes. First at Buck's expense, because Buck's got a reputation a mile-wide from his 1.0 era and that's fine. Buck can handle jokes being made about him. He's a big boy. Tommy's hand grips his thigh under the table, grounding him.
(more under cut)
They're all still humoring him an hour after Gerard tells a couple of stories and lays off the jokes for a bit, but Buck has already decided he loathes this man who thinks he can get away with talking to his family like this. All the snide comments and borderline offensive one-liners. And then Gerard starts cracking jokes at Hen and Chim's expense and gets offended when Tommy doesn't play along. When Gerard starts turning his attention to Eddie he tries making a joke about Christopher when Eddie shows him a picture. Before anyone else can do anything Buck snaps. Maybe he feels brave enough for confrontation because he's had a couple beers so he's not able to control his emotional stressors like usual, or maybe he's just fully pissed off at this sorry excuse for a fire captain for thinking he's one of them.
How dare he think he can make fun of the 118 like this? They're heroes compared to scraggly old man ass. They're Buck's family. Bobby is a hundred times the captain you'll ever be Gerard! Tommy's grown into a person he can be proud of! Fuck off you asshole. He's a great boyfriend! kisses Tommy aggressively to make a point then rounds on Gerard again Chim is the best older brother ever. He's an amazing paramedic and he's going to be at the 118 longer than any of us! And how dare you insult Hen and Karen! Karen is a rocket scientist she's a million times smarter than you'll ever be asshole! Hen is my sister. She's the best paramedic in the state. how dare you talk about my sister like that! When he's done everyone looks at Buck kind of afraid but mostly just thankful he had the guts to say what everyone's been thinking.
Then Gerard gets scared off, and Buck's coming down from the high, still seething a little. Everyone thanks Buck for sticking up for them, but they inevitably decide to call it a night and taper off until it's just Buck and Tommy left. By then the exhaustion washes over Buck and he just buries his face into Tommy's chest. Tommy (who is a little turned on by Buck yelling at Gerard and being all protective over everyone, but now's not the time) wraps his arms around him telling him how brave he is, how strong he is, how much he loves him, and then he takes him home.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Athena. I love her. But we really gotta discuss her separation anxiety cause it’s just ridiculous at this point
Yandere Athena, whether platonic or romantic, has separation anxiety issues, although I'd say platonic yandere Athena has it slightly worse.
Look she's teaching you otherworldly stuff so that you can keep up with her convos (and with everyone else in Olympus) and she doesn't mind you having a dumb look om your face, or even nodding your head too much like an overactive listener, just as long as you're with her. What she does mind is you coming late to class (even by a minute) or bunking her classes with some excuse about being sick or having to run errands with Hermes. It's bad enough as it is that you're not spending time with her 24/7, but to even weasel your way our of the few hours she gets with you? No, that just won't fly with her. So, everytime you went "missing" (u didn't come to her 😔), she'd send an Amber alert on your ass which basically meant for all the olympians that you better be returned to her arms within the hour or she will start a war. And usually, everyone would comply except for of course... Ares.
Look, the two siblings are deities of war, they will battle each other for you anytime. It doesn't matter what or who you prefer to be with, they will battle. On one hand, you prefer Ares because he's not clingy and breathing down your neck every second of the day like Athena (and she refuses to let you go unless u can answer all her questions correctly. U never can, because of her trick questions). Om the other hand, you prefer Athena because at least she's not yelling at you and forcing you to sit on a horse with her and go to war, blood being splattered pm your face as Ares takes one life after another, laughing manically.
Things would be a lot better (not for u) if the siblings decided to share you among themselves alone instead of with their other siblings✨️
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1.) Despite supposedly being the MAIN CHARACTER of the game she was introduced in, she somehow still always ends up playing second fiddle to Phoenix and Apollo, to the point where she isn’t allowed to take the lead on even so much as a single case. Instead of the senior lawyers standing to the side in a mentorship role like they do for literally EVERY OTHER PLAYABLE CHARACTER, Phoenix and Apollo keep stepping in to outright take over for her. She literally does not make it through even a single case without needing some male character or other to swoop in and hold her hand every step of the way, not only Phoenix and Apollo but once even Blackquill, her rival prosecutor, as well.
Why? It has nothing whatsoever to do with her competence level. It’s a video game; her competence is determined by the player’s, just like everybody else. It seems like the writers just couldn’t STAND the thought of her doing anything on her own, or thought that the players would walk out en masse if it wasn’t the Phoenix and Apollo Show every second of gameplay. (And yeah, it DOES sometimes take me some time to warm up to new characters, but that was the case for Apollo too! At least give me the CHANCE to judge her on her own merits rather than assuming that I’ll immediately write her off!) Like, why did you even WRITE this character if you think so little of her?
2.) WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN. She’s introduced in the middle of a male characters “trilogy” (Apollo justice) so the story is never about her. She appears in aa5 only to NEVER headline her own case IN HER INTRODUCTORY GAME and always fail unless a man comes in and saves her. Her own story is sidelined for Apollos. Next game, she only really appears in one case that’s a throwaway and still can’t do shit on her own. Ugh. She deserved to be treated better, more competent, etc.
3.) my girl is an attorney and a practicing psychologist at age 18 (youngest defense lawyer in the series) & is often shown to be more competent than her male colleagues, and yet is constantly pushed out/sidelined/generally treated like an assistant character rather than a lawyer (the assistant position in these games is usually reserved for characters who don’t have law degrees/are generally not educated enough to understand the courtroom proceedings to their full extent. athena is none of those things but she gets treated the same way by the game because. well. we know why.) Instead of being the main playable attorney in her debut game, the story is taken over by her male colleague (WHO ALREADY HAD A WHOLE GAME DEDICATED TO HIS BULLSHIT BTW) & her development is ignored in favor of his in both her debut game AND her second game. Even when her backstory IS explored it’s done via a male family friend of hers, meaning even when her OWN story is being told it’s not even about her it’s about simon’s lame ass. for extra context here in her debut game she is only the playable attorney in one case out of five, while the other (male) playable attorneys were playable in all or all-but-one of the cases in THEIR debut games. capcom hates women sooooo bad
1.) first: ygo zexal is directed (and partially written) by known misogynist shin yoshida who is on record as saying that he would Never write female characters if he wasn’t being forced to by higher-ups. kotori’s voice actor signed a legal contract forcing him to include her character in Every Single Episode. she gets no duels that aren’t tag duels (2v2 duels), one of those is interrupted in the middle and all others she both loses, aren’t even shown in full, and all happen in the same episode. she is literally contractually required to be a major character and the dude in charge still point blank refuses to do anything with her despite the fact that she’s supposed to be the female lead of the series. please take pity on her for being handed to one of the worst people in the world and how despite the active attempts by other people to make her relevant in the story she was still denied that
2.) She only dueled once in the whole show and it was when she was brainwashed. Her main role is to only cheer the male protag on and say his name during his duels I guess.
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tallymonster · 14 days
|| Memories of Us chapter 22: Spoonfuls of Romanticism || AO3
Life has absolutely been kicking my ass lately, hence the slow af uploads to the fic lol. On the plus side, I got my driver's license and I'm hoping to get a job soon so at least there's that.
Thanks to @cheesy-cryptid for supporting me, to @micropoe10 , @tragedybunny , and @mj-bites for being my hype squad. Y'all keep me going fr.
Oh yeah also thanks to @elorathebard and her gf Arwen for letting me pop them into my lil story.
Now onto the date!
The strong aromas of sweet foods, coffee, and various dishes waft throughout the small restaurant. Clinks of silverware hitting ceramic plates echo around Astarion as he and Octavia wait for someone to take their orders.
They sat in a booth at the back corner of the dining area, slightly obscured by a half wall adorned with frosted glass. Astarion watched Octavia flip through a menu full of food he could not eat. He glanced down at the sticky trifold he had been given by the extremely friendly waitress, grimacing at the fact he would have to order something to blend in.
“Sorry for the lack of wine.” Octavia teases, giggling.
“Ugh, I don't see how any restaurant can’t have wine, it's a necessity, in my opinion.” Astarion replies dryly, “What the hell is taking the waitress so long anyway?”
He shuts the menu and crosses his arms, still exasperated from having to babysit Gale and Sirilius while Octavia and Athena fucked off.
Astarion looks around hoping to get the attention of the bright haired waitress that was taking her sweet time chatting up an older couple at the other end of the restaurant. Astarion has no idea how much time passes before Octavia leans into his eyesight.
“Hey, are you trying to make her head explode or something? Everything okay? You seem off…” Octavia asks, gently trying to get a gauge on Astarion’s mood.
Astarion’s dark red eyes flick back and forth between Octavia and the waitress, before he sighs and slides back into the booth. He puts his legs up on the bench seat, with his back on the wall.
“I don't understand why I got left with the bickering children while you and Athena left. They kept getting into stupid arguments because of the tiefling’s arrogance. They finally stopped when I reminded them what their darling Athena wanted out of them. I don't see how that marriage is going to work out based on his behavior.” Astarion complains loudly, irritated to even be put in that position.
Astarion blankly stared at the wall across from them. The bitterness of having to host a wedding was clearly rattling him.
Why do I care, they're the idiots making a whole spectacle, let their families see how mismatched they are. Astarion’s thoughts were getting more and more acidic, making it difficult to enjoy the company he had.
Astarion looks at Octavia, he notices the concern and slight offense on her face, and scrambles to make an excuse, hoping that it would soothe over the frustrations he let slip.
“I’m sorry.” He clears his throat and continues, “This whole thing is just overwhelming, and it doesn't help when Sirilius is being extremely rude towards Gale.”
Astarion bristles, then sinks further into the seat.. A few moments of silence pass as Octavia continues to flip through the menu.
“How long have you been coming to this place? You mentioned coming here when you were looking for work in the city, but you seem comfortable here….you've been here before haven't you?” Astarion cautiously asks, changing the subject and causing Octavia to look up.
She smiles, closing the menu. “I used to come here with my parents. Usually after visiting the museum.” Octavia lowers her head in a small embarrassed chuckle. “Mom liked the coffee, Dad liked the eggs Benedict, I loved the waffles.”
“Ah, lucky guess about the waffles.” Astarion grins wide, he sits up leaning towards Octavia. He reaches his hand over, placing it atop hers. Octavia smiles shyly, lacing her fingers between Astarion’s, holding his hand properly.
A pleased hum makes its way out of Astarion’s mouth, he looks towards Octavia, noticing her staring back at him with a half-lidded dreamlike glaze over her eyes.
It seemed as if time had stopped while they kept eye contact, the dull sounds of the diner fading away as Astarion lost himself in her forest green gaze.
They are suddenly interrupted by the waitress, greeting them in an energetic excitement, “Hey guys! Welcome to Dennison’s Diner! My name is Elora and I'll be your waitress today!” Elora bounces on her heels as she smiles at the couple.
“Can I offer you some drinks? Are we ready to order?” speaking quickly, swaying back and forth, pulling her notepad and pen out.
Octavia pipes up and orders her food, “I’ll have the Cannon Blast, but can I get waffles instead of the pancakes? Oh and I'll have an iced white chocolate mocha.”
Elora writes down the order, looking towards Astarion patiently awaiting his response.
Astarion on the other hand, keeps his head down and pushes the menu towards her not ordering anything. “Uh, sir? Would you like to get something?”
“Unless you have wine you can magically manifest for me, I think not.” He replies sarcastically, wrinkling his nose in annoyance.
Octavia turns to glare Astarion, slightly shocked and irritated at his rudeness. Unfortunately for Astarion, the other woman dealing with him was quick on her feet.
“This diner may be named after the alcoholic father of our owner, but unfortunately for you and Mr. Dennison, his son was not as diligent about renewing our liquor license. Could I interest you in some coffee instead? It won't get you drunk, but you'll be wired as fuck because Arwen made it way too strong again.” Elora answers matter of fact.
Octavia smirks, while Astarion stares blankly at the younger woman. His face is a mixture of contempt, annoyance, and confusion. Elora, meanwhile, is still smiling, waiting for him to answer.
Astarion rolls his eyes and scoffs. “Fine, give me the stupid coffee. Black.”
“Oh, feeling adventurous, are we? Want anything to go with that? A donut? Maybe some cheesecake? Perhaps your date would appreciate a little sweet to tone down the sourness?” Another smooth sarcastic comeback from Elora.
Astarion closes his eyes and lets out a long, drawn out sigh. “Sure, whatever you recommend.” His voice is dripping with irritation, he musters enough energy to match her sardonic grin.
Octavia rolls her eyes and mouths a little “Sorry” towards Elora, who returns a nod to Octavia. With a head tilt she repeats the order and walks off. Astarion could have sworn she turned back around and stuck her tongue out at him, but he wasn't willing to do much about it.
“Astarion….what the fuck?” Octavia whispers in an irritated manner, clearly displeased with his attitude. “I would expect you to at least treat someone with the minimum amount of respect. Especially when they're only trying to do their job. It's not her fault that you got stuck with Gale and Sirilius.”
“Right, I guess I should take my annoyance out on the one whose fault it actually is?” He responds curtly.
“Me or Athena? I’m guessing it's me, since I'm the only one here.” Octavia answers him just as curt, letting her anger rise up to the surface. “Why do you have to take it out on some college kid who has nothing to do with it?”
“I’m doing no such thing!” Astarion protests.
“Bullshit. Now, play nice, or this date is over.” Octavia hands Astarion the rope, hoping he wouldn't hang himself with it.
Thankfully, he senses her seriousness, and leans back, shrinking into the seat, hoping it would swallow him whole.
It was ridiculous that he was letting the whole thing affect him so much. Was it jealousy that she chose to leave with Athena? Was it the fact that he felt forgotten?
What the fuck is wrong with me? He battles internally, biting the inside of his cheek.
“Hello again! I got an iced coffe and waffles for the pretty lady…” Elora gently placed Octavia’s food in front of her; before her voice drops and becomes more dry and direct, placing down a full mug, “And a black coffee.”
Elora hung around, smiling awkwardly. Astarion looks up at her with a wide eyed confusion. “Uh…thank you? I appreciate it.” Astarion says softly, taking a slow drink of the coffee.
To his utter disdain, it was delicious.
“Ah, the sassy elf is satisfied?” Elora quips, a giant snarky grin and a wiggle of her red eyebrows. She holds the tray close to her waist and swings her shoulders triumphantly.
“Will agreeing with you make you go away faster?” Astarion asks pointedly. He takes another slow sip of coffee, it must be incredibly strong for him to even be able to taste it.
“Possibly, but you're lucky I want to go hang out with the cute girl who made your coffee much more than I wish to spend any more time with you.” with that, Elora turns on her heel and walks away again.
Octavia’s eyes follow her for a few seconds before turning back to her food. The waffles on the plate looked particularly appetizing, the warm lighting from the restaurant glimmering off the amber colored syrup made her stomach growl.
“Go on, you don't have to hold back on my accord.” Astarion playfully mumbles into his coffee.
“I don't intend to, how's the coffee, by the way? Need me to prick my finger and stir some blood into it?” Octavia teases back, she notices Astarion’s brows shoot up in surprise.
He lets out a loud laugh and with a sultry tone replies, “Don't threaten me with a luxurious treat, my dear. I may take you up on it.”
Astarion places the cup down, turning his attention back to Octavia as she shoves some eggs into her mouth. “To answer your question, it's not bad…but to be fair, most things taste like ash or vinegar to me. This is pretty strong so I actually taste the coffee a bit, but if your offer still stands after we leave, I certainly wouldn't be opposed to having some dessert at my place?”
Octavia looks back at Astarion, her cheeks flush, “Astarion!! Could you at least wait until we're completely alone to be so…you?” She coyishly scolds him, softly kicking him under the seat.
“Darling, it's not my fault you're so generous. Maybe you shouldn't be so charitable with such an enticing and desirable treat?” Astarion’s eyes roam her face, thriving on the way she smiles as she stares back.
She's trying hard not to let him know how his words and glances make her body react, but fails. Octavia shifts in her seat a bit, the pinkish hue of her cheeks very obvious to Astarion.
Octavia continues to eat her food; Astarion keeps staring at her with a far off look, as if he's fighting with himself to say something.
“Do I have something on my face?” Octavia asks.
“What?” Astarion blinks rapidly as he's ripped away from his inner thoughts of her sticky lips on him. “Oh…no dear, I was just lost in thought…I uh…was just wondering if it's normal to have breakfast for dinner nowadays. You know, old man and all.” He laughs hoping to fool her yet again.
Octavia huffs out a soft giggle, “Are you jealous that you can't taste the syrup?” She shoved another piece of waffle in her mouth with a cocky smile.
Astarion, however, has an even more smug look than usual. “No, darling, I have my sights on a much more luxurious treat.” His voice dropped to a lower, much more seductive timbre. He keeps his eyes locked onto Octavia, causing her to choke a bit in return, coughing some and swallowing hard.
She gasps for air and takes a drink of her iced coffee. After she places the glass down, Astarion notices a bit of syrup that slid from the corner of her lip.
He reaches over and wipes it off slowly, caressing her lips in the process. Astarion brings his hand back and licks it off his thumb. “Well, I guess now I got a taste of some of that syrup of yours…but I don't think I got enough to really enjoy it. Perhaps we could turn this breakfast for dinner into breakfast in bed?”
Octavia’s eyes widen and she huffs out a shaky breath. She stutters a bit before recovering “You want to have breakfast in bed?”
Astarion’s thoughts falter, he didn't assume he would get this far ahead. Before he could answer, Octavia murmurs, “Well, we were at my place last time…”
“We were. Would you like to see mine? I did mention a private tour after all.” Astarion’s voice lowered to an almost whisper, if his heart could beat, it would burst out of his chest.
He wanted to take her to his home, to allow her sweet scent to wash over his bed, to take her into his arms and make her his once more.
Was he truly this far gone?
“I know it's probably coming out of nowhere, but I wanted to tell you something, and I think it would be the best place for it.” Astarion reaches out again, finding her fingers and interlacing his own into them. He stares at their hands, embracing the warmth that encompasses them.
Octavia smiles softly, she squeezes her fingers in his. The rest of the diner seemed to fade away as they looked at each other's hands intertwined on the surface of the table.
“Alright, let's go.”
Octavia’s voice cut through the haze they were caught up in. Astarion looks up at her dreamy green eyes and nods. “I’ll pay. Meet me outside?”
“Oh, how could I say no? What a gentleman.” Octavia teases playfully as she gathers her bag.
Astarion rolls his eyes with a smirk, he gets out of the booth and holds his hand out to help Octavia stand. “Hey, I’m taking you on a high quality date here. I know how to entice the object of my affection.”
As Octavia stands, Astarion brings her hand to his lips and gives it a kiss. Octavia couldn't help the giggle that bubbled out. She quickly covered her mouth with the other hand.
“Wonder what other noises I can get you to make.” Astarion purrs, pulling her close and giving her a peck on the cheek. “Go, I'll catch up.”
Octavia nods, and walks down the little corridor. Astarion followed behind, he couldn't help but stare at the sway of her hips. A little shudder of anticipation made its way down his spine.
As Octavia reaches the door, she looks back at him and smiles. Astarion watches as she exits the diner, sitting outside on a metal bench. Astarion comes up to the counter where, Elora, the red haired waitress was speaking with a shorter elven girl.
He clears his throat loudly, causing the two of them to stop giggling and turn to look at him.
“So, he makes his return! Did our humble offerings appease your highness?” Elora starts with a laugh, putting down a glass she was drying.
“Elora! Remember what Miss Serafina told you, some people don't have our sense of humor.” The other girl whispered loudly behind the counter.
“This one’s cool though, Arwen! You are cool, right?” Elora’s voice wavered a bit, sounding slightly anxious.
Astarion laughs causing Elora to relax a bit. “Yeah, I’m cool. You had just caught me after a very stressful day at work, I apologize.”
“Oh. Well, thank you. Most people would just tell me to get over it and that it’s part of my job.” Elora seems pleasantly surprised, Astarion in turn takes out more than enough to pay for himself and Octavia.
He slides the money over to Elora, making her gasp softly as she looks in between him and the money. “That's a lot of cash.” she says before slapping both hands over her mouth. “Are you-”
“Yes, I’m sure. Take it as an appropriate tip for my bullshit.” Astarion laughs as the two girls keep staring at with wide eyes.
“Wow! Your date must be going really well!” Arwen quipped, the smaller girl hid behind Elora, a big smile on her plump cheeks.
“It is, thanks to those waffles and strong coffee.” Astarion winks, making Arwen giggle in return.
“Enjoy the rest of it then, she's really pretty.” Arwen turns and leaves. Elora, meanwhile, was still in a state of disbelief.
“Are you alright?” Astarion asks with genuine concern.
Elora’s eyes snap up, a wild glee painted on her face. “HELLS YES! APOLOGY ACCEPTED! More rich people like you should stop by. You know, if you and your date ever get married, we do catering.”
Astarion blinks a bit before Elora laughs loudly, “Nah, I'm just messin’ with you. Now I just gotta figure out what gift to get Arwen with this sweet tip! Thanks again, Lord Benedick!” She proceeds to use her apron to give Astarion a dramatic curtsey and bow, before she quickly runs into the kitchen.
Astarion takes his leave as he hears the two girls talking excitedly. Outside, he finds Octavia sitting down. She’s leafing through a notebook that she used to keep track of Athena’s requests.
Astarion walks up to her with a mild confused look on his face. “I think the waitress called me a bendy dick after I gave her and what I assume is her girlfriend a nice apology tip.” He rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “Promise me that we will never get catering from here.”
Octavia gives him a strange look, and laughs “She did what?? I don't believe you, what did she actually say?” Octavia shuts the notebook and scoots over, allowing Astarion space to sit next to her. He placed his head on Octavia’s shoulder, pouting dramatically up at her.
“She called me Lord bendy dick. My dick is not bendy.”
Octavia bursts out in an incredulous laugh, small tears begin to pool at the corners of her eyes. “Astarion! She was calling you Lord Benedick, not bendy dick!! It's from a play! Good gods, that's clever.” She wipes her face, her giggles slowing down and subsiding.
“Oh that was funny, I gotta give it to her, she really knew how to get under your skin didn't she?” Octavia turns to kiss Astarion’s forehead, nuzzling against his hair.
Astarion throws his head back, and groans loudly. Octavia could tell something was really bothering him.
“Alright, what's going on? You've been a lot more exasperated than usual, and you're letting some college kid get to you. Talk.” She rubs Astarion’s arm, attempting to soothe him.
“If it's all the same to you, I'd really like to have this conversation in a more secluded area? There's a spot at the museum I wanted to show you. That might be better.” He glances over at her, giving a small smile.
Octavia nods, then stands. “Lead the way.”
They walk on the familiar streets that lead back to the museum, the lampposts illuminated their steps as the night sky glittered above them.
Astarion held on to Octavia’s hand, silently guiding her to a small gazebo that was hidden by the gates of the garden. He often came here to relax in the glow of the moon and stars, the sounds of the nocturnal creatures that shared his evening habits, and the cold breezes that would embrace him.
Astarion guided Octavia to the iron bench that was surrounded with wisteria vines flowing around the banisters of the gazebo. He held onto Octavia’s hand, nervously fiddling with his fingers, squeezing her hand a bit before relaxing.
He sighs before Octavia rubs those small circles on his palm, “Astarion, are you alright? You seem a bit agitated, did the waitress annoy you that much?”
Astarion looks up at her, Octavia stares at him with a soft look that turns worried. The corner of his mouth turns up in a wry smile, before falling into a pout.
“This whole wedding thing is going to be so much work, I keep thinking that we're going to be making a huge mistake doing it.” Astarion takes a second, sighing and looking down at their hands.
Astarion scoffs and releases his hand from hers, “It just feels completely unnecessary. Why make it into such a big thing?”
Octavia returns his scoff and replies “How unlike you to deny the opulence of a grand party for no reason.”
“Maybe I just can't get behind the idea of it all.” Astarion grumbles and immediately bites his lip.
“I sense you aren't a fan of weddings?” Octavia tentatively asks, as if she's bracing herself for his answer.
“I just think it's all incredibly tedious and tiresome. Just fuck off and sign your stupid papers. Why show off?” He bitterly responds, crossing his arms and sinking into the bench.
“Haven't you ever met anyone that you'd want to spend your life with?” Octavia asks nervously.
“I-I’ve had partners before, long term ones, short term, but all mortal. It seems cruel to me, to know that I will outlive them all, and to promise my everlasting life to them seems like a lie.” Astarion responds, his voice full of regret.
“What about friends like Gale? Do you regret helping him knowing that this is going to remind you of that? His family has a second chance and it's all thanks to you for allowing them to come together and have this wedding at the museum.”
Octavia reaches out and places her hand on Astarion’s. She feels him tense up and turn his head to look at her hand. He exhales and squeezes his hand.
“You're awfully good at that, you know.” He breathes out softly.
“Good at what? Making you see what a grump you're being?” Octavia teases a bit, bumping her shoulder into his and making Astarion laugh back in a slightly mocking tone.
“No, you brat.” He responds with a smirk, “You're good at reminding me that I have a heart sometimes.” Astarion lifts her hand and kisses it.
“I care about you so much, Octavia. More than I have cared about anyone in a long time.” His eyes soften, and she notices his smirk drop. Octavia gasps, her heart begins to race. Astarion is watching her as her body reacts to his words. Her blood pumping through her veins rings in his ears, making his pupils dilate.
Astarion shakes off the rush of hunger that creeps into his mind, this is too important to be ruined by his visceral cravings.
“Octavia, I have a confession to make.” He plays with his fingers in her palm, making small shapes.
“You're right. I did have someone I wanted to spend my life with, but I was a different person then, scared, weak, insecure. I was so used to people using me and taking parts of me leaving only the discarded remains that weren't interesting or alluring enough; until I met someone who cared. They pulled me out of my darkness and in my selfishness and fear, I left them. I didn't think I was capable of caring about someone like that ever again, and then after decades of self imposed loneliness, I met you.”
Astarion turns his body to fully face Octavia, he could see her cheeks redden, he heard the thundering in her chest. Her pouty lip quivers, she stopped it by biting down on it.
“In almost a year you've reminded me that I'm worthy of being cared for and it scares me. I don't want to hurt you like I know I'm capable of, I know I wouldn't be the most attentive, or emotional, but something keeps pulling me out of my fears and pushes me into your arms instead. You have astounded me, pulled me from my misery, and held my hand when I pushed it away.”
Astarion melts into her hand when she brings it up to cup his cheek, her eyes are so beautiful, he could lose himself in them. He falters a bit when she pulls him close and kisses his cheek.
“Don't stop,” she says, her voice quiet, he can barely hear it over the croaking of the frogs in the pond nearby.
“As you wish.” He smiles with a laugh, “When you look my way, it's as if the angels have smiled upon me. Your laugh is like the sweetest music, only composed for me to revel in. Your affections are like the warmth of a summer's day, they fill me with such happiness that I could die over and over again being burned by your brightness. I’ve done so many stupid and selfish things in the past, many of which I regret, but doing this with you isn't part of that. On the contrary, you’ve given me something I haven't had for a long time. Hope for the future.”
At that, Octavia sighs, she hides behind a hand that came up to her face. A quiet giddy giggle hiccuped out of her mouth. “Astarion…Where is this coming from?”
Astarion clears his throat, the nerves getting the better of him, which they never had before. “I came to realize when you were gone that we hadn't spent much time apart, aside from you going home for the night, and it was killing me. I actually thought about surprising you at your father's before Gale reminded me that I had no idea where your father lived, and I didn't want to be seen as a creep who followed you.”
He laughs awkwardly, delaying the inevitable. “Also, I hadn't felt that kind of loneliness for a while, it was soul crushing. I haven't felt like this in so long, so I was kind of processing all of these things coming up while you were away.”
Octavia stayed quiet, her eyes were wide, unsure of where this was going.
“Being close to someone, that kind of intimacy was something I used to perform…for others. I know it's different with us, but it still feels somewhat tainted and it will sometimes bring up those feelings of failure and regret. I'm afraid I won't know how to be with someone after all these years. No matter how much I want to.”
Astarion keeps holding onto Octavia’s right hand, a small tremble begins to form as his throat dries up. He coughs a bit and continues on.
“I was hesitant to admit how much I missed you while you were away, I hated it. I hadn't felt that kind of thing in so long that I forgot how miserable it felt.” Astarion lets out a little nervous squeak of a laugh. “The longer you were away, the more those feelings of affection and attraction only grew and became more obvious. I can't imagine my life without you now. You're the first and last thing I think of when I wake, you're the first true emotional connection I've had in a very long time and I can't stop denying it any longer…I love you, Octavia, so deeply, and it terrifies me.”
Octavia gasps softly. She was staring at him with a shocked expression, her gaze burned him, and his mind began to panic.
Astarion’s face drops, Octavia could see small tears gathering at his eyes, she brings up her left hand and strokes his cheek with her thumb, catching one of the tears that fell and wiping it away. “Please don't tell me I just made a giant fool out of-”
“I love you, too, you silly man.” Octavia cuts him off, grabbing his left hand with her right, while her left hand wipes away the wet pearls that streamed down his skin.
A quiet beat passes, she hears Astarion gasp softly, “Really?”
“Very much. You're wonderful, Astarion.” Octavia pulls him close, pressing their foreheads together.
Astarion takes a chance and kisses her. He feels her tense up before relaxing and melting into their kiss. Astarion can feel himself sinking into the comfort that radiates off her. He wraps his arms around her waist lifting her onto his lap, not once breaking contact.
They continue their kisses for a few moments before Astarion pulls away, looking back at Octavia’s blown pupils, flushed cheeks, and darkened lips. She sighed happily and placed her arms on his shoulders. “What’s wrong?” She asks.
“Are you sure about this? I mean…after everything I just said?” Astarion’s voice was doubtful, and Octavia smiles at him and plays with the curls on his neck.
“You just poured your heart out to me, kissed me and put me on your lap, and you're questioning whether or not I'm sure?” Octavia giggles and rubs her nose on his, “I’m sure.”
Octavia pulls him in and begins to kiss him slowly, letting their breaths intermingle, heavy and hot.
Astarion pulls her closer onto his lap, spreading her thighs open. Octavia gasps as his hands run under the hem of her skirt. His nails drag along the stockings she wore. Astarion begins to kiss down her jaw and nips at her neck playfully.
“You know, I never got to eat my dinner…” he taunts, biting down softly but not penetrating. Octavia shivers at the pressure on her skin, throwing her head back with a stilted groan.
Astarion’s hands make their way up Octavia’s backside, squeezing her ass. She giggles and moans when one of Astarion’s hands breaks away and roams up the inside of her thigh.
Slowly, tantalizingly, Astarion presses his fingertips to the soft fabric covering her legs. He stops before touching where Octavia desperately wants him to. She whines, biting at her bottom lip. Astarion chuckles deeply, holding her at the edge.
“Fuck..” she draws out, lifting her head to stare at him with lust glazed eyes.
“Don't worry, I will.” He laughs against her shoulder as he continues to kiss down towards her chest.
Octavia huffs and pulls at the curls near Astarion’s ear causing him to tremble underneath her. She smiles at his reaction, leaning forward to press her chest up against his. She takes his face into her hands and stares into his gorgeous maroon eyes.
“Gods, you're beautiful.” She breathes out making Astarion blush slightly.
“As are you, gorgeous. Why don't we take this inside? I can give you that private tour I promised you earlier..” Astarion turns his head a bit, catching one of her thumbs in his mouth, sucking and biting on the tip.
Octavia lets out a shuddering breath and nods, “I bet you take all the pretty girls who sit on your lap there.”
Astarion’s smirk falters some, the cocky veneer replaced yet again with something more bashful and hesitant. His eyes soften a bit before speaking, “No actually, you're the only person I've allowed into my personal space. You're the only one I have given any thought to bring to my private quarters.”
Octavia can sense the shift, she kisses his neck softly to soothe over the hurt. The delicate ripples of the fountains running embrace them, she shifts off his lap and holds a hand out to him.
“Show me”, Octavia breathlessly replies, “I want to see it. Where you hide away when the doors close and the patrons leave and the halls silence. Where you go when you sneak up on me, like a ghost in the halls. I want to see you when I wake, the light from your candles glowing around you. To see you as you truly are. Please, I want to go with you.”
14 notes · View notes
spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 4 months
Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x Reader
Word count: 5.2
Notes: WOW I can’t believe I have like nothing to say for notes like usually I can’t shut up here okay. Anyway I’m working on that other secret series that I’m really not sure I’m even gonna publish but I kinda want to move to marvel again who KNOWS
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Chapter 2: Backpack, Backpack
Buck changes his screensaver immediately.
 Back to just a photo of all of them, because if Bobby sees that he’d probably skin him alive. He’d already all but threatened him to stay away from you. In a sweet, loving, dad-type way. 
“You go anywhere near her and I kill you” 
Okay, maybe he did threaten him. 
But it was probably just a joke, Buck would be the perfect son-in-law!
“It wasn’t a joke” 
How does Eddie always know what he’s thinking? 
“Does this mean I really have to stay away from her… because I can’t do that Eddie? I’m in love” 
They’re standing together holding a hose, it’s a pretty routine fire thank god it hasn’t gotten too big. Eddie moves over to the side and Buck follows him 
“First of all, you’re not in love, you’re infatuated. You’re not a Disney princess Buck, as much as you’d like to believe you are. It takes time to fall in love.” 
“It takes time to fall in love” Buck mocks him in a high-pitched voice, Eddie snickers knowing he’s absolutely right 
“What’s your second point, jerk.”
“Second of all, she’s Bobby’s niece. And he said to stay away from her” 
“Okay, but she's Athena’s niece!!”
“They’re married? And she calls him Uncle Bobby. Are you really getting all technical on my ass!” 
“I am giving the future Mrs. Y/N Buckley all the respect she deserves!” 
Eddie stops fully, turning to look at his delusional best friend. He doesn’t usually give em his last name. He must really be down bad for you 
“We really… need to talk about how you plan your entire life with someone after knowing them for all of six seconds” 
Buck gives him an incredulous look, like Eddie had never done that before. He kicks at him to turn back around. 
“I can hear the bells” Buck sings “well, do n'tcha hear em chime? Can't you feel my heartbeat keeping perfect time?” 
Eddie’s head falls back as he bursts out laughing, he nearly drops the hose as Buck sings the entire damn song in a silly voice, dramatically acting it out. 
He’s humming it all the way back to the station, he gets weird looks from everyone but he’s in too good of a mood to care. They tease him and try to get a rise out of him but he just shakes his head 
“Nothing you say will ever dampen my spirits, you're all just haters!” He sticks his tongue out at them 
“You’re usually this happy when you’ve got a date… so who is she?”Chim asks from the front seat and Buck stalls a little 
“Uh- no! No, it’s not a date it’s just… uh”
“Buck is talking to my cousin Alicia!” Eddie shrugs, as nonchalantly as possible “Yeah Alicia, he was Insta-stalking her so I just you know told him to…go for it”
“Long distance? That doesn’t sound like you” Bobby narrows his eyes and Buck looks at Eddie frantically 
“She’s coming here! Soon! To visit!” 
“Oh, that’ll be nice!” Bobby seems happy about that and Eddie immediately gets on his phone…he needs to send a text. 
Buck hears the rumble of your engine before he sees you and he’s already sneaking out to come greet you. Eddie notices him being shady and not finishing restocking the engine, so he follows him. 
Buck looks like he’s in dreamland, he watches you park your bike and take off your helmet, shaking out your long pink hair. The sun is shining just for you today he’s sure, the rays illuminating your glowing skin. And boy are you showing quite a bit of it. Your shorts are so tiny Buck isn’t even sure you’re wearing any underneath the sweatshirt you use for riding. You pull that off too and lay it across your seat. His eyes are glued to the orange cropped tank top and how cute it looks with your light blue shorts. He wonders if it’s difficult to drive with all your shoes, the white platform sneakers give you a little extra height but he still towers over you and that’s the way he likes it. 
“Hey, wifey,” Buck says sweetly, his voice soft and breathy. Eddie’s mouth drops open as he walks up to you both and Buck snaps out of it, his eyes wide as saucers as he puts his hands up
“No, god, no I mean… uh… hey wiffle ball??” 
“What” Eddie says under his breath, looking at Buck like he’s crazy. You bite your lip and shake your head trying to control your giggles as the boys lead you inside the station 
“Hey, volleyball?” 
“That’s… that’s not even the same category,” Eddie says, his face scrunched up as he puts his hands in his pockets 
“And you can do better?” You sass him, your hands on your hips. 
“Uh yeah. Pickle ball? Cricket? Dare I say, baseball?” 
“Wait, why cricket?” Buck asks 
“Because there’s a ball and a bat are you guys actually criticizing my thinking skills” 
“I’m just saying it’s kinda out there” You poke at him 
“Yeah, what are we? British?” Buck scoffs and you giggle when Eddie kicks your shoe and flicks Bucks's arm in pure annoyance 
“Why are you even here?” He says through gritted teeth playfully and you laugh, side-bumping him.
“Athena asked me to deliver some paperwork Bobby forgot to fill out” 
“Oh doesn’t she usually do that?” Buck tilts his head and wow he looks cute when he does that. You blush a little and look at your shoes for a second 
“Yeah, but she said I might have more fun” 
“Uh I walked in on them last time” Eddie gags “I don’t think you’ll have more fun”
“I mean she could, I know a great closet” 
Buck just says it, it’s a good joke, a great joke. Your mouth falls open and Eddie slaps his hand over his mouth gleefully 
“Oh my god” 
Buck looks confused for a second “Wha…” His eyes widen and he puts his hands out “Wait no! No, I was kidding! Well, I mean if you-“ He smirks, running his hand through his hair 
“Buck!” Eddie shouts 
You’re all out laughing now as Buck turns a wonderful shade of red 
“I just- I mean it’s not off limits you know it- guys shut up!!! It was a joke!” 
“What was a joke?” Bobby comes over, confused as to why you’re here and why Buck is trying to find the nearest ax 
“Pickleball” Eddie blurts out and you nearly keel over, wheezing. His excuses were not his best today. 
“We uh we gotta go” Eddie grabs Buck, who is holding his head in his hands whining loudly, and drags him away 
“Bye Y/N! See you later!”
Bobby watches them run away, his eyebrow raised 
“You’re not talking to either of them are you?” He asks and you roll your eyes and wipe at the little tears 
“No… we’re just friends Bobby. And they’re nice! I like hanging out with them”
“You’ve gone out with them?” He crosses his arms over his chest and you blush lightly 
“Uh… yeah? J- just to hang out and get to know them. I don’t have any friends in L.A Bobby you know that”
“You have May! She’s a great girl! She can introduce you to all of her friends”
“Bobby, we barely know each other anymore. We haven’t done anything together since we were literal children. And you know, whilst she has offered to take me out next weekend and introduce me to her friends, she and I have already decided that I’m not sticking around that friend group unless it’s an occasional hangout. Those are her friends and her life. So until she and I get closer…neither of us are letting you and Athena force us together.”
Bobby looks at you, struggling for words. He puts his hands on his hips sassily
“You know. You two don’t have to make that much sense. Just- I love Buck and Eddie don’t get me wrong. They’re my kids! But promise me you’ll be careful. Because if someone asked me who I would let my kid date from the team I would absolutely say none of these people” 
You giggle and hand him the papers from Athena, standing on your toes you kiss his cheek and wave goodbye 
“I promise I’ll be careful! We’re all just friends!” 
You walk back outside, a little skip in your step as you walk up to your bike. Buck and Eddie are standing next to it 
“You wanna sit on it?” You call you and Buck fist pumps, eagerly climbing on 
“I was hoping you’d say that!” 
You strut over and stand in front of them as Buck leans forward, pretending to be driving. He makes little car noises and you laugh, your hands behind your back 
“Having fun?” You muse and he sits up 
“Uh- yes. What kind of question is that” he scoffs and you roll your eyes 
“You wanna take her for a spin?” You ask coyly and Buck’s mouth drops open 
“Wait seriously? You’d let me?” 
“Of course, I would! I trust you” 
He starts it up, groaning as it purrs for him. He pats the handlebars and you hand him your helmet 
“Hey,, Buck?” Eddie pokes at his shoulder and he looks up
“Yes, bestie”
“We’re literally in the middle of a shift” 
“I’m sorry I can’t understand your accent. It’s too Texasy” 
“I literally don’t-“
“Buck! Get off that thing! You’re at work” Bobby yells at him from the bay doors and he groans loudly, getting off and handing you back your helmet. You take it from him, giggling and shaking your head 
“Maybe some other time… like this weekend or something! Afterwards, we go bowling with Eddie!” 
Eddie looks between the two of you “We’re going bowling?” 
Bucks behind you, signaling him frantically to say no.
“Yeah! Didn’t Buck ask you?” 
Buck clasps his hands together silently begging Eddie
“Ohhh… uh.. yeah! Yeah, I just totally forgot. Um yeah, I can go bowling this weekend!” 
Buck's mouth drops open and he mimes choking Eddie, you spin around and his hands drop to his sides as he smiles at you sweetly 
“Okay cool!! Well, I’ll see you guys this weekend!” You hop on your bike and Buck helps you put your helmet on. He shyly leans in and kisses the top of it 
“Uh- drive safe! Text me when you know you get wherever you’re going. If you want to that is I mean you don’t have to… you’ll probably text like Athena or Bobby or something yeah yeah you don’t have to text me it’s cool”
He steps back from the bike and you shake your head and he knows you’re laughing at him again. You make a little heart with your hands and wave goodbye to them before driving off.
Buck watches you drive off, your sweatshirt fluttering in the wind. He watches until he can’t see you anymore with his hands in his pockets he turns to Eddie 
“I’ll give you a five-second head start”
“Buck. That’s childish can you just-“
“Buck, let me explain! When have I never not had a plan come on!”
“Buck you can’t be alone with her yet you-“
“Three-two-one!” He shouts and dives for Eddie. Eddie screams and runs towards the station with Buck hot on his heels. He runs around the truck and dodges Hen with a spin 
“That’s cheating and you know it!!”
“Cheating my ass!”
“What on god's green earth are the two of you doing?!” Bobby calls down from the balcony 
“Nothing!” They yell in unison as they run around the station. 
“That doesn’t look like nothing”
“It’s a new training exercise! Just working on stamina!” Eddie yells back, yelping when he feels Buck’s hand brush his belt 
“That the lamest excuse you’ve ever come up with” Hen mumbles as they run past her again 
“Don’t be a snitch” Buck pants and she puts her hands in the air, staying out of their mess
Eventually, Buck corners him, and they’re in the sleeping quarters 
“I’m-“ Buck's hands are on his knees “I’m gonna kick your ass-“ He wheezes “when I can breathe again”
Eddie slumps down in the corner, letting his head fall against the cool wall
“Not if we die first” He pants heavily, running his hands through his hair 
Okay, maybe Buck didn’t think this thing through how is he supposed to kill Eddie if he passes out from lack of oxygen? They take a good six or so minutes to breathe normally again 
“I said yes so that way she could say she was going with both of us not just one of us and then I’d cancel or show up and just say my arm or like back or whatever was hurting so I could just sit back and keep score.”
Buck is laid out on the floor, he looks over at Eddie, his nose scrunched up 
“Wait, why didn’t you just say that?”
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Buck has been staring at the picture you sent him for the last 20 minutes. You’re standing in the full-length mirror at Athena’s house, a little peace sign. You texted him as soon as you got home and after that picture boy does he wish he was better friends with May, he knows she’d “invite” him over. 
He knows it’s just… a little pervy, the way he stares at your thighs in the full-length mirror. He thinks that’s his favorite physical thing about you. Your full, plush thighs, especially in those mini skirts you just love to wear. And these shorts you’re wearing are absolutely no exception. They hug your body like they were tailored to fit you. Actually, he’s pretty sure they are tailored. 
He sighs dreamily hitting the favorites button
“Is that Y/N” 
He jumps so far out of his seat that he fumbles with his phone before slamming it awkwardly into the table 
“Did you just break your phone?!” Hen stares at him 
“I sure as hell hope not! What uh what can I do for you? Need somethin? A smoothie? You want a smoothie I’m gonna make you a smoothie” he runs over to the fridge and starts pulling things out. Hen picks up his phone, looking it over, and thank god it’s not cracked. 
“You didn’t answer my question,” She says, taking his seat and holding out his phone to him. 
“Uh, what question?” He turns on the blender, miming that he can’t hear and Hen crosses her arms over her chest, giving him a look. He smiles sheepishly once it shuts off and pours her smoothie 
“Y-yeah that was her.” He unlocks his phone and hands it over with the smoothie 
“I know!!” Buck squeals he’d joked about proudly showing you off to his coworkers and now he’s actually doing it. 
“She’s a nice girl… Cap knows you’re texting her?” 
“No and neither do you” Buck goes over to his “secret cabinet” pulls out one of his good mini chocolate bars and hands it to Hen. She takes it from him, opens it up, and takes a bite out. She groans softly and her eyes roll back. He always keeps those fully locked up 
“Right.” Hen gives him a double thumbs up and grabs her smoothie
After making sure Hen is gonna stay quiet Buck goes downstairs, there’s literally nothing to do, he’s checked off his entire list and even did the end of Eddie’s. If he’s this bored… Hopefully, someone else is.
“Hello?” You answer on the third ring and he gulps and then clears his throat 
“Uh hey! Hey Y/N it’s me, Buck” 
“I know” you giggle “What’s up?” 
“Oh…nothin just wanted to see if you were busy or anything…kinda boring around here”
“Did you call me just to talk?” You ask and his cheeks flush. Because yeah but like that sounds lame he could have just texted you. 
“…Maybe?” His voice is hesitant and cracks a little. Oh my god why was that happening so freaking much 
“That’s really cute” You laugh and he hears you rustling around for a minute. “Athena is sending me back out on an errand run with May… but we can text! If you wanted” 
“Yeah no! No texting is fine! I should have probably asked if you were busy first… I’m yeah no I’m sorry we can text”
“No it’s okay, I…like hearing your voice” You mutter shyly and he can hear May snickering in the background. His cheeks flush and he bites his lip 
“You do?” 
“Y-yeah I do” 
“Well good… I like hearing yours too, like, a lot” He admits, his heart is pounding in his chest 
“I have to go but, call me back tonight okay? Like…around midnight? When um-“
“When Bobby is asleep?” He says mischievously and it’s your turn to blush 
“Yeah… will you?” He can hear the hesitancy in your voice and it makes him weak, he just wants to kiss you breathless so badly. 
“It’s a date. I’ll talk to you later doll” 
“You better text me too, Bye Evan”
He hears May teasing you as you curse at her and hang up, he holds his phone to his chest, wilting into his seat and sighing sweetly. Midnight can’t come fast enough. 
The rest of the day drags and not just because he’s waiting to get off but because there’s literally nothing to do, which is the most surprising part. Really he supposes he should be glad nothing is happening, that means people are safe… besides 
It just gives him more time to talk to you. 
And boy does he, he starts slow with his memes, you have to kinda ease people into your insanity. But the second you send an Optimus Prime thirst trap on TikTok all decency and manners fly out the window and you’re both trying to send each other the worst things you’ve ever seen 
He’s falling faster and faster for you. Just call him Princess Buck. 
“What are you laughing at?” Eddie comes over, lifting Bucks legs up and plopping on the couch with him
“Um…nothin” he mumbles, distracted as he laughs into his fist at the Nick Fox thirst trap he’s sending you “don’t worry I’ve been sending them to you too”
“I already regret being your friend. Who else did you send them to?” He toys with Buck’s pant leg 
“Um… Y/N we’re just…talking” 
Eddie hears the click of a camera and he frowns, looking at Buck who shrugs and doesn’t look away from his phone 
“We’re also snapping” 
“Snapping? You sound like a teenager” He chuckles but puts his feet up on the coffee table and scrolls through his phone too 
“Teens use Instagram nowadays, old ass man. I asked for her snap just to see pictures of her, I just- god hold on” 
He pulls up the picture from earlier and hands his phone over. Eddie lets out a low whistle and Buck wriggles on the couch 
“God I know right! I don’t care if she suffocates me, I’d die happily” He says and Eddie laughs at him, his head falling back on the couch 
“Yeah. You know a closet” 
Buck groans and slaps his hands over his face 
“I can’t believe I said that to her” 
“She thought it was funny” 
“Okay but low-key? I wish she would have like said bet or something”
“I’m pretty sure you would have passed out” 
“Oh I know I would have and she could have given me mouth to mouth”
Eddie rolls his eyes, laughing at Buck again 
“You’ve got it bad my man” 
“Oh you have no damn idea” 
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It’s around 10pm when a call comes in, and Buck is always too distracted by the voice message you sent him to get his stuff on. Eddie swipes the phone from his hands and glares at him, He blushes and gets his stuff on almost faster than he ever has and snatches it back, patting Eddie on the cheek before they load into the truck 
“Apparently a bonfire in a kids backyard got a bit out of hand, everyone be ready to possibly have to cut line but there should already be another team there doing it. Be advised the house is on fire but it’s small for now”
Athena is already there, with a few drunk people in her backseat. She’s talking to someone quite animatedly, her voice is low. 
“Everything oka- May??” Bobby stops, looking between them. Athena stands back, her hands on her hips
“Where’s Y/N?” He asks immediately and May sighs loudly 
“I don’t know. I’ve tried to say it a million times I don’t know! The fire broke out and we got separated!” 
“I’ve tried contacting her but she isn’t answering” Athena looks like she’s ready to rip her hair out. Bobby puts his hands on her shoulders, his voice is full of worry as he kisses her forehead 
“Hey, we’re gonna find her okay? I promise” 
“She’s here for a couple days and I’ve already lost her.”
“You didn’t lose her mom, I did. I should have kept a better eye on her! But she said she’d be okay! And Crystal wanted to show me something and-“ She starts up and Athena sighs, hugging her
“It’s not your fault baby, Y/N is an adult. You were both right, she can take care of herself”
Bobby walks over to Eddie and Buck who are hosing down a section of the yard 
“You two have Y/N’s number right? Can you call her real quick?”
“Uh, yeah sure.” Buck shrugs and pulls out his phone, it takes a second with all his stuff on. 
Bobby takes the hose from him and stands behind Eddie
“Everything okay?” Eddie asks, looking back at him and he shrugs 
“Yeah… just uh. Just call, Buck” 
It rings six times which is the longest its ever taken you to answer 
“Hello?” Your voice is so small it takes him aback. 
“Uh hey, hey Y/N”
Bobby perks up, motioning to keep her talking 
“Where- where are you? You sound funny” He walks away a little, so he can hear you better 
“I’m-” you hesitate and Bucks anxiety skyrockets
“I’m a firefighter Y/N, you can tell me anything” He says soothingly, his voice dropping an octave 
“I’m in the house”
“Where in the house” He turns to it and starts running, the fire is slowing down but not nearly enough. He mutes his phone for a second and alerts everyone on the radios 
“It’s- it’s so stupid”
He stops, smashing the unmute button
“Y/N, please. Fuck, the house is on fire. You do realize that right?!” 
“It’s what?! I-I’m locked in a closet in the basement. N-nothings happening down here!”
“Alright, I’m coming to get you okay? I’m coming, baby” 
He doesn’t even have time to cringe at himself as he runs into the house, Hen and another couple of guys are already shutting doors and putting some of the smaller fires out but it’s definitely staying consistent 
“Where’s the basement?!” He asks you, panting slightly as he frantically looks around
“The kitchen, there’s a doorway” 
He hangs up the phone and shoves it in his pocket
“Y/N??” He yells for you, panic seeping through his veins 
“Have you found her?” Bobby radios him “do you need help?”
“Buck??? Buck, I’m in here!!” You’re pounding on the door as hard as you can to get his attention 
“I’ve got her! I found her!” He calls into the radio as he runs over to the door 
“Y/N? Is there anywhere you can stand to the left or right, away from the door?” 
“I think so?!” You back up into the corner as far as you can, pressing yourself against the wall
“Alright! What now?”
Buck readies his ax, holding it in his hands
“Now I channel my inner Jack Torrance!” 
You shriek as the ax breaks through the door and he begins to create an opening for you. He breaks into the door easily…if he’s being honest he probably could have kicked it in… but this was more fun. 
“Don’t you dare” you say as soon as there’s a clear small hole
“When am I ever going to be able to say it with someone who would actually laugh about it in a completely unprofessional way!!” 
You groan and duck down more as a few wood chips fly
Buck goes just a teeny bit crazy with the axe, most of the fire has been contained so he takes a little more time than necessary. He gleefully smashes the door down, laughing maniacally while screaming “Here’s Johnny!” 
You do laugh, because it’s stupid and it’s so Buck, and watching him enjoying himself is cute. As soon as the hole is big enough for you, you step through and he yanks you into his chest immediately, you let out a little squeak and hold onto him 
“What the hell were you doing in there? You could have died!” 
“I didn’t know! I tried calling May but she didn’t answer the phone and… and I didn’t want to call you and-“
“Wait, why didn’t you wanna call me??” Buck pushes you back a little just by your shoulders and you look down at your feet. He tilts your head up and that’s when he realizes your makeup is a bit ruined. He chalked it up to the heat…but you said there wasn’t any 
“Why didn’t you want to call me? Did something happen?” He asks a little calmer this time
“We should get out of here. The building could collapse” you quickly change the subject and try to pull away from him but he stops you. He bends down to your eye level and forces you to look him in the eyes 
“It’s structurally sound. Trust me. Y/N what happened.”  
You look down at your shoes, wringing your hands together and sighing 
“It’s… childish” 
“No it isn’t. Just tell me.” His voice is firm and he looks upset, you groan and let your head fall back before looking at him again 
“These girls asked me to go downstairs and get some extra buckets from the closet and then they pushed me in and locked the door. Apparently, I was chatting up one of their boyfriends, I didn’t know! I just- I saw his shoes and they were cool and then he told me they were custom from Etsy and I asked for the shop!! And he was so nice Buck, genuinely he was! He asked for my number just to send the link!” 
You unlock your phone and show it to him, the number isn’t even saved, just a link with a little smiley face and a “Demon Slayer shoes” and that’s it. 
“I…I tried calling May and she didn’t answer.. and I was locked in this stupid closet like I was a teenager again or something so I just…put my phone on silent and cried. And I didn’t want to call you because I would seem like such a baby. Like who still locks people in closets!” 
Buck listens to your story and he looks pissed. First of all, no one hurts his baby. Second of all… you could have died if you hadn’t picked up the phone when he called, and you almost didn’t. 
Buck does what any sensible man would do in this situation, he stands up tall, looks around for a moment 
And he kisses you. 
It’s sweet and lingering, he tilts your head up and presses his lips to yours gently. He watches the way your eyes close slowly and you kiss him back and he wishes he could just stay there forever but eventually you have to breathe and he makes you pull away, not him. 
“You want me to go find them?” He spins the ax in his hand and you snicker, shoving at his chest 
“Absolutely, let’s commit murder together!” 
“Sounds good to me sweetness” He winks and you roll your eyes, pulling away from him. He frowns a little at the loss of contact but shakes it off 
“We should probably get out of here, your family is going insane… May is really upset” 
He takes his helmet off and puts it on your head and you giggle while holding it down to tilt your head up 
“Yeah okay” 
He holds out his hand and you take it, he starts to lead you upstairs but you stop for a second, planting your feet 
“Whats wr-“
You let go of his hand and rush past him, going up a few steps and turning around to kiss him. It’s quicker this time, just a peck and he’s spiraling immediately, giggling deliriously as you jog up the stairs pulling him with you now 
The second you step out of the house, Athena is on you, frantically checking you over before crushing you in a hug, May is crying and promising she’ll never leave you alone again and you’re hugging her, trying to console her. Buck takes this time to step away and go find Eddie, you give him a little wave over May’s shoulder and he blushes, waving back. 
He nearly crashes into Eddie when he finally spots him, going running over. He’s standing in front of the truck securing the hoses 
“Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie” His voice is high pitched and his hands are shaking. He grabs Eddie’s shoulders and starts shaking him
“Buck calm down!” He’s laughing as he pushes him back a bit, he hands him a bottle of water and Buck takes it , chugging it before tossing it into the trash 
“I can’t, oh my god I can’t, guess what?!” He squeals and Eddie snorts, shaking his head 
“We kissed. We kissed, we kissed, we kissed!!!” He practically screams the last one and Eddie yanks him over to the other side of the truck shushing him 
“Okay- first of all, calm down. Because everyone is going to know who you kissed. What happened???”
Buck can hardly contain himself, he holds tightly onto Eddie’s arms just to keep himself from floating off into the clouds 
“Okay well she told me about these girls that bullied her and locked her in a closet. How freaking 90s teen movies is that!! And she didn’t want to call me because she thought that would make her seem like a baby but she’s not a baby Eddie she’s really not and she was starting to tear up and I couldn’t stand to see her cry so I just kissed her!!”
Buck is speaking at a million miles an hour and Eddie is nodding his head along just trying to follow his story 
“No she’s not a baby, but oh my god she could have died”
“That’s what I told her!!! And then guess what oh my god Eddie guess what”
“What?” Eddie chuckles a little at his enthusiasm, it’s endearing 
“I put my helmet on her to make her smile and it worked and I held her hand-“ His voice is becoming squeaky again “and then she let go of my hand and I was like-“ he gasps “what if I went too far??” 
“Because randomly kissing her wasn’t far but holding her hand was” Eddie says sarcastically 
“Exactly!!!” Buck points at him and he squints but goes along with it 
“She went up the stairs because you know she’s short as hell, and she kissed me again” 
Eddie’s mouth drops open and Buck literally starts jumping up and down, he does a little spin, dancing around before shaking Eddie 
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noones-untruly · 5 months
Your bitch is watching the second season of Blood of Zeus and lemme tell you, I don't like it. At least the very first 10 minutes. As I did previously, imma put here all of my thoughts regarding each episode as I watch, so beware of MASSIVE SPOILERS.
Also, small disclaimer: I'm not a professional writer, nor a movie critic. So everything here is my pure humble opinion so if you don't like it - don't read it.
So without further ado:
Episode 1:
Gods, it's been 10 minutes and half of the visuals (if not more) are just parts of the final episode of the first season. And also the plot didn't really moved past the point "yeah, Hades is the bbeg. Again." Although I sense some bits that it's more like "oh he's a misunderstood guy who did it all for love and whatnot" but the line of "Hera and Zeus made us fools and now we get to have our revenge" is already pissing me off. 10 minutes of almost nothing but being cliché. Not a good start, but imma give it a shot.
Another thing that irritates me is the "romantic" tension between Alexia and Heron. First of all, I don't get it how Heron is so good at fighting despite the fact that he lived with his mother and never really had to fight anyone with a sword. Like I get the arrows and such (tho hunting an animal in a forest and shooting a moving fucking warrior on a bloody battlefield seem kinda different, but aight, I'll let it slide). But how in the fuck after a few days-weeks of training with Zeus he manages to be so fucking op in the battle that it impresses an Amazonian Fucking Warrior Lady that spent at least half her life perfecting her martial skills?? This guy was not a warrior to begin with, how is he so good at killing people and demons?? He was BULLIED AND HAD NO ONE TO TEACH HIM KICK BALLS! So anyways, I don't like that it's implied that Alexia is falling in love with Heron. No, she's a powerful ass Amazonian, she's supposed to be COOL AND NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH THIS WIBBLY WOBBLY HERON THAT HADN'T EVEN LIVED FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS!!! Like, c'mon, how old is he? 17? 18? He maybe has a body of a perfect athlete, but he's a fucking baby... And don't tell me Alexia is below 20, she's in her late 20's AT LEAST, cuz ain't no way a 20 year old is commanding an elite squad in ancient Greece. So no to Heron×Alexia. Not on my watch.
Also, what the fuck is elusinian stone and why are we supposed to care whether Hades gets it not?
What the fuck did they do to Hestia's and Athena's designs?? Like what the honest fuck is this bullshit?? Who do winged dead eating demons look more interesting that obviously very important characters?? Also, the scream Hestia lets out burning the demons away from her 💀💀💀
Why does Gaia look like she stepped out of a marvel movie...?
Episode 2:
Alexia, girl, why are you sleeping in full armour?? Also what happened to your face??
Heron, what happened to your face?? Did they ever give proper character references to the animators??
Also, why is Heron having a mental breakdown over some noname bro that killed their mother??
Bro, why are you so suddenly questioning gods?? (Ye, he should question who the fuck these gods are to rule over humanity, but it's smth he was supposed to do in the previous season, not now when he beat the shit out of his step brother in the name of gods)
Yay, my babygirl Seraphim is still here, serving cunt as usual 💖 And fuck yeah, eternal judgement >> serving gods!! Slay babe! (I am kinda ashamed for this passage, but I won't apologise for it)
Ok, I understand the lack of colours for Hades, he is kinda gothic, but why is Persephone such a goth chick?? She's the goddess of spring and such no?? Why'd she wear black fucking lipstick and look like a depressed teen??
What in the Hades the game is this?? Listen, I didn't want to bring the game into this discussion, but you did it yourself, netflix. Y'all are not ready to be compared to the supergiants' masterpiece. Don't drag Zag and Melinoë into this, y'all are not on the same level of deepness into the greek mythology to have them here.
Seriously? The same punishment as Loki? Y'all ain't even creative. Don't tell me this bitch lover of Sera is gonna stay there with a cup to "help with the pain"
Bro, stop it already with y'all's "well I've always tried to help you, I'm not like the others" it's not gonna cut it anymore
So like, Hades was very hot and you redesigned him into edge lord? Ok.
Ah, so now you explain us about the elusinian stone and why it's so important, at the end of the 2nd episode? Thanks, cool.
Episode 3
Apollo is still serving. By now you should see the pattern of what men I like.
Drop it with the love interest for Seraphim already. I don't believe that a murder machine like him is able to fall for a simple mortal woman. Like this fuck would even care for anything else than his revenge. Well, tbh I didn't believe that he'd care for his biological mother either, so... I just don't like how they portrait him as a weak for love bud. Isn't that a bit unrealistic for a mass murderer with no empathy? Like ain't one supposed to be empathetic to love? Ain't one supposed to feel nothing when killing a shit load of people with no remorse whatsoever? Isn't there some psychological repercussions? No? Ok.
Lmao, suicidal Hades is something new.
Yeah, ofc, let's make Hades seem like a creep again...
Is that weird that I'm more attracted to the demon Seraphim more than to his human form?
Honestly, I'm so tired of media portraying Hera and Demeter as hysterical bitches that know no boundaries. Like come up with something new.
Lol, Hades just made my man enter into an invisible wall to make the wall disappear a second after.
Aren't you supposed to win over his trust? For now you're just venting about your shit ass family to a man that has no family at all. Not very kind tbh
"Look at her! Look at how she suffers!" Meanwhile the girl is just sitting on the ground bumboozeled that the god of the dead and some hot demon guy are looking at her talking some nonsense.
Why, of course she's not gonna suffer ugly like the other wraiths, she's the main hero's love interest, so that's why she looks like she's on some heavy tranquilizers
Yes, of course the prideful demon Seraphim, the murderer of guilty and innocent, the vengeful spirit will succumb to be a pawn in god's hands once again, only to alleviate the suffering of the soul of his beloved! What a bunch of horseshit, guys... I may be delusional enough to be attracted to that man and call him babygirl, but even I understand that this fuck is incapable of love. This isn't his character, it was done to just make him into the "good guy that was just too miserable so he caused a lot of pain to the others". Let's be fair for a sec here, he's a mass murderer, he deserves no forgiveness. Yes, he can be redeemed, but it's a long fucking process, that doesn't always include forgiveness, but a shit load of work and reflection. And therapy. Hades could've "tempt" him to join forces by manipulating his pride and desire to be free, to be above gods. Not love. Love can be ugly, love can be beautiful, love can be an instrument to redeem someone, but by gods, stop using it on every Joe to make him into hero, it's just stupid.
Sera, why are you so easy to manipulate??
Episode 4:
Off topic, but wasn't heron impaled in the middle of his chest? Why's the scar on his tit?
I can't, Aphrodite clinging to Ares's arm 😭😭😭 Stop with itttt!
Okok, one good thing: I like how in the games Heron is drawn to always be in Ares's shadow. A bit on the nose, but I appreciate the symbolism.
Apollo's refusing to compete with Ares?? Apollo?! You're making me laugh.
There's this background god with blueish skin and black wings and I cannot, who are they?? I have to know whom I'm falling for. Is that Thanatos??
Hm, so half the season is wasted on some weird intro to the story itself? Cool. Wow. Never seen that happen.
Episode 5:
You serious? The mighty Zeus, the king of gods, is judged by mere mortals? The pure-blood god, not a bastard child ascended to godhood, but the child of Rhea and Kronos, is judged by some mortal and has to go through the same path as any other human?? Y'all aren't serious. I can't. This is idiotic.
Hera, I don't believe you, that now, all of the sudden you're changing your mind and vouching for Zeus, that he's not that bad. Girl, you unleashed a whole ass box of giants to kill that man just a few weeks ago, why such sudden change of mind??
Zeus, how in the fuck you managed to build a whole ass knowledge bunker under that shabby house of your son without anyone noticing?? Please, share the secret, I also want to be capable of that
Greatest quote of the greatest man in these series, Evios: "Look, I'm alive for two reasons: I was born and I hadn't died yet."
Oke, I can understand why Sera might've fallen for the priestess in a normal situation (if he hadn't been fucked up beyond repair, that is). She's smart, she's beautiful, she's compassionate. A perfect woman, if she had any character to her. But my man is, unfortunately, beyond salvation of any kind, when he met her, he wasn't recovering from the hatred, he was driven by it. How can one love another, when one is fueled by hatred and anger? How can one love, when one had long forgotten what is it to be loved? How can one love, when one is no longer feeling?
Episode 6:
I suddenly like the Heron's arc. Is he gaining some depth to his character? Wow.
Lmao, Sera, you fell from gods know what height and you're still in one piece and not smushed into the ground and around? You are a solid rock of a man.
Ok, maybe Sera is slay in his human form. It's just that he needs to be dressed appropriately. Stop walking around with tits out in and wearing this stupid furry mini skirt and he's looking like a decent man.
Icarus?? Sera, choose another pseudonym, this ain't a good one.
Honestly, I'm kinda digging all that "Demeter, the great mastermind " vibe. Slay queen! Love it for her. She's a bitch in this scenario, but damn she's good at it.
Episode 7:
Y'all, I'm in love with Demeter. This bitch? The bitchiest of them all. Slay 💅
Alexia, girl, how did you survive Talos exploding?? You demigod too? And that big fella who's name wasn't mentioned once this season is he also the same or just explosion-proof?
Ah, yes, his name is Kofi. Could've guessed.
Bruh, you've already done Alexia wrong in this season, why open her character like that in under a minute?? 😭 Opened and immediately closed. Feels like "That's rough, buddy" from Zuko but make it lvl 99 of idgf
And now you're Nobody?? Babe, you decided to fuck with mythology, didn't you? Bad idea.
Also, hadn't Kronos had another design in the beginning, no? Then who was that cosmos looking titan in the beginning?
Wait a moment. Does Sera classify as a demigod? Like, he is partially giant, cuz he ate flesh of one. And he possesses a ton of demigod-like qualities. Could it be that he's the prophecy demigod? Meh, I'm too lazy to look for the prophecy to compare it and actually find out. Will see in a moment what happens.
Episode 8 (finally):
Sera is getting sexier with each challenge.
Heron, surprisingly, is too, getting more attractive.
I absolutely hate Gaia's design. Disgusting.
Lmao, I was right, there's a possibility for Sera to be the prophecy child.
Oh my, are you serious, Hera is a pacifist now?? Y'all are crazy.
This is just a massive slaughter house at this point, gods, what the fuck.
Aw, the brothers are helping eachother in this butchery, how cute.
Heron, chill your ass, you're about to explode.
Btw, where's Evios? And that interesting associate of his.
So, what's that terrible horrible monster whose name we do not say?
Oops, someone pissed off the primordial Gaia. Y'all are fucked. Btw his name's Typhoon. Meh.
In conclusion:
The majority of the script is shite. Some (almost all) of the arcs can be done so much better. Designs suck an ass too. But did I enjoy watching it? Yes. Is it because of Seraphim? Primarily so. But will I wait for the 3rd season? Absolutely yes.
So I loved and hated the show at the same time. The main line is quite interesting nevertheless, so see y'all when the 3rd season is out.
I have a shit load of stuff to say on addition, but this post is long enough in it self, so maybe later.
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Some incorrect\extremely correct quotes for my EXTREMELY FAR AWAY IN THE FUTURE ADP FIC (and in part in TIALAMYDK LMAO)
Alice *after entering Douxie's mind for several minutes, on the floor*: Oh, wow. Your brain is a disaster
Douxie *also on the floor*: Yeah, I know
Alice : Ever thought about doing drugs?
Zoe: Casperan. 
Douxie: Ashildr.  
Zoe: Clumsy dumbass. 
Douxie: Angry Chiwawa. 
Claire: *confused* What are they doing? 
Archie: Insulting contest. 
Claire: Ah. 
Zoe: Old Man. 
Douxie: Dwarf. 
Zoe: Flat ass.
Douxie:  Useless Half Lesbian
Zoe: Knucklehead
Douxie: Mosquito
Zoe: Peter Pan
Douxie: *Suddenly grinning* Pinky pie. 
Douxie: HA! *Claps hands with a smug face* I WON! 
Alice: Now, now… 
Douxie: Hello, my name is Failure, and you're watching my life crumble into pieces.
Douxie: *waves his fingers and sings like he is in a Disney Channel intro*
Simon: Why are you on fire?
Douxie: This is just how my day is going.
Douxie: Everybody shut up, please! I'm thinking.
Zoe, patting him on the back: Well, don’t think too hard. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.
Douxie: Oh, for the bloody sake, Ashildr!
Jim: I’m here for the cult stuff.
Alice: How did you find us?
Jim: I saw your ad on craigslist.
Alice: To be honest, I'm kinda pissed that I'm not asleep in bed next to the love of my life in a cottage with no obligations other than watering my vegetable garden.
Archie, looking at Douxie, Alice, Simon and Zoe: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Simon, on the phone: Oh, hey man… Sorry for accusing you of murder last week.
Alice: Someone take me to art museums and make out with me.
Zoe: But they said not to touch the masterpieces.
Alice: Well somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall.
Douxie, on a mic that he brought by himself: This is Douxie, those idiots are fucking around in the East wing again.
Douxie:*drops the mic on the floor and leaves, muttering about being a third wheel*
Zoe: Mom liked to say ‘you can be part of the problem or part of the solution,’ but I happen to believe you can be both.
Jim: Who's in charge here?
Zoe, shrugging: Usually whoever yells the loudest. So, me.
Barbara, seeing both Douxie and Alice on wheelchairs: I hope you have an explanation for this.
Alice: We have three, actually! :D
Douxie: Pick your favorite.
Alice: *venting endlessly to Simon about her week*
Simon, every once in a while: *in a monotone* Wow, that is so wild.
Alice: Yeah, well I've never died so how do I know that Gods or... God are real.
Athena:*appears too*
Alice:*looses her flipping mind*
Zoe, to Claire: Well, one of us has to be wrong and it’s not going to be me.
Claire: Yes, it's you, actually.
Alice, *talking about Zoe*: She's the girl of my dreams!
Douxie: You say to most of the girls that they are the girl of your dreams.
Alice: I have a lot of dreams.
Douxie: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Simon: Sorry I can’t be emotionally vulnerable with you, it'd ruin the mystery.
Zoe, *talking about one of her first meeting with Douxie*: And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife several times.
Jim: You mean you stabbed him?
Zoe: He ran into my knife.
Douxie: She ran into my knife, too.
Zoe: I don’t even have time to tell you how wrong you are.
Jim: Okay?
Zoe: …
Zoe: …
Zoe: Actually it’s gonna bug me if I don’t, so...
*Zoe and Alice are texting*
Zoe: Your ass is like…
Zoe: Spacious
Alice: WHAT
Zoe: Sorry, I didn’t want to say fat because it might trigger your ED
Bastard number 1:*sarcastically, while leaving* I hope you all make it to adulthood.
Jim: That’s... a great prayer.
Simon: A needed one.
Douxie: A needed one indeed.
Simon: I will send my army to attack!
Simon: *makes roaring noises*
Simon: *releases a dumpster of raccoons*
Jim, next to his Vespa: WHOA
Zoe, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it-
Douxie, whispering: Should we call the exorcist?
Alice, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick.
Simon, appalled, but looking apathetic: Call the exorcist.
Zoe: Alice and I are no longer dating.
Alice: Zoe, that’s a horrible way of telling people we’re married.
Zoe: Hey, quick question. How petty am I allowed to be?
Alice: What if the person who named Walkie Talkies named everything?
Alice: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies.
Toby: Socks are Feetie Heaties.
Jim: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties.
Douxie: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies.
Claire: Stamps are Lickie Stickies.
Zoe: I hate you guys so much.
Alice, looking through their clothes: Has anyone seen my top?
Simon, grabbing his mint gums without looking at her: Zoe's in the kitchen.
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