#at least my cat came back to snuggle some more
ellecdc · 6 months
can i request a reader x poly!marauders where the reader finds a stray kitten and she hides in her robes so she can feed it in morning and just carries it around school.
it’s the boys vs a kitten for reader’s attention, especially sirius sometimes he’s talking smack to the kitten who’s a asleep and then reader catches him and scolds him for it
loolllll poor Siri. Thanks for your request!
Sirius' Arch Nemesis
poly!marauders x fem!reader
CW: brief mention of Sirius' crappy childhood but very brief and it's only for dramatic effect (it's from Sirius' POV, obviously)
Some may deem this dramatic, but Sirius was very sure that this was quite possibly one of the worst things to have ever happened to him.
“Now, that’s a little dramatic, Pads.” Peter chided, watching you coo at a little bundle hidden beneath your robes as you fed it pieces of chicken at dinner.
“She used to feed me chicken like that.” Sirius pouted, causing Remus to snort.
“She’s never once fed you like that, Pads.”
“Awe, poor Siri.” James cooed, sounding awfully sympathetic to his musings; at least Sirius had one ally here. “Would you like me to feed you chicken like that?”
Sirius gave James his best kicked puppy impression (which was very easy seeing as he was a giant puppy and had spent his entire life training for it) and nodded. “Yes please, Jamie.”
James cooed again and pressed a kiss to Sirius’ cheek before dutifully stabbing a piece of chicken and bringing it to Sirius’ mouth.
“Merlin you guys are embarrassing.” Remus muttered as he turned back to watch you dote over the runty little kitten that you’d found in Hogsmeade last weekend all on its lonesome. 
“You should leave it here, dovey. His mama may be looking for him.” Remus tried, though he couldn’t deny that the kitten did look particularly pathetic. The tiny thing was shaking, crying, and looked sort of wet or dirty - Remus may not know much but he was quite certain no kitty mama would let their little one walk around in such a state.
Remus nearly whimpered when you turned your face up to the three boys standing over you with tears in your eyes, your face overflowing with empathy. “Can we wait here then? To see if the mama comes back for him?”
Remus ignored the petulant whining’s from Sirius as he sat himself down beside you in camaraderie with nothing more than a sigh. How could he say no to such a reasonable albeit emotional request?
“Jamie?” You murmured, and Remus wasn’t sure how much of the pout was honest and how much of it was to gain sympathy for your cause, but James was quickly at your side.
“Yes, angel?”
“Do you think you could ask Madame Rosmerta for some water? Maybe tuna if she has some?”
James looked like he really didn’t want to do that but also felt he was in no position to deny you.
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” He conceded, pressing a kiss to your hair and causing Sirius to grumble.
“Why don’t you come with me, Pads? Once we bring it back we can head to Zonko's whist these two wait.” James offered, causing Sirius to brighten up considerably.
Needless to say, the mama cat never did show up and the kitten let out a number of pathetic little sneezes from its curled-up place in your lap.
“It’s getting dark, dove. Curfew is soon.” Remus reminded you gently.
“I can’t leave it here, Rem.” You moaned, still never raising your eyes from the kitten as it kneaded biscuits into your robes.
And Remus really hated to admit it, but he didn’t think you could leave it here either.
So, thanks to your bleeding heart and Remus’ lack of self-restraint when it came to anything you ever wanted, Sirius was effectively being replaced by a tiny little devil.
“I don’t know why you’re so wound up about this Black.” Marlene taunted from her place in her girlfriend’s lap as said girlfriend massaged her scalp on the couch of the Gryffindor common room. “It’s just a tiny kitten.”
“'Just a tiny kitten'.” Sirius sneered back at his best friend. “Right, so tell me, Miss. ‘My-Girlfriend-Is-Currently-Snuggling-And-Petting-Me-Right-At-This-Very-Moment’, what do you see my girlfriend doing right now?”
Marlene barely maneuvered her head from Dorcas’ lap to see you curled up near the fire with a book in your hand and that stupid kitten in your lap. 
“She’s reading to her cat?” Dorcas responded bemusedly, clearly not seeing what the big deal is.
“Exactly!” Sirius huffed. “That should be me.”
“Oh, my gods.” Marlene grumbled as she stood from her place, grabbing Dorcas’ hand to pull her up too. “Can we go snuggle in the snake pit? I can’t handle Sirius’ level of dramatics tonight.”
“Some friend you are!” Sirius shouted at Marlene’s retreating form as the portrait hole closed behind them.
James and Remus were currently at a prefect’s meeting with James being head-boy and Remus as (the head-boy’s favourite) prefect. 
Usually, you and Sirius would spend this time together just the two of you, which was hard to come by sometimes in such a relationship as yours. One-time you guys went and used the bath in the prefect’s bathroom knowing that all the prefects would be busy for the next hour and having gained the password from your boyfriends’. Another time, you two fashioned your own prank without the help of the other Marauder’s and even got away with it!
But right now, Sirius just wanted to cuddle.
But that was fine! If it was animals you wanted to cuddle with, Sirius was more than happy to oblige.
With a quick glance to ensure that the common room was empty, Sirius quickly shifted into Padfoot and made his way over to you.
Padfoot was feeling pretty confident in his plan, that is until he heard a nasty little sound emanating from your lap.
“Sirius!” You scolded, picking up the now very spiky and angry looking kitten from your lap. “You’re scaring him, Pads!” You cooed, tucking the kitten into the collar of your jumper.
The portrait hole opened at this and James and Remus entered the room hand-in-hand, laughing about something before turning to take in the scene.
“Uh oh...” James started, making his way over to the two three of you currently sitting near the fire. “Did Padfoot try to eat the kitten?”
Padfoot harumphed the best he could in his current doggy form. Is good dog, he thought, would not eat...only maim.
“The kitten is frightened.” You pouted, looking to James for sympathy. James looked like he was considering giving it to you, but Remus spoke up as he scratched placatingly behind Padfoot’s ears.
“Perhaps you should bring him upstairs, dovey. Give him some quiet time.”
You readily agreed, much to Padfoot’s chagrin, and left the common room. Now you’d be all the way up there and he’d definitely not get any cuddles.
“Okay, is anyone else sort of jealous of the cat?” James finally muttered plainly once he knew you were out of ear shot.
Yes, Padfoot thought as he quickly shifted back to Sirius. “Yes! It’s like she’s replacing us!”
Remus scoffed at that. “No one is being replaced, boys. Just relax.”
Sirius levelled his boyfriend with a glare. “Yeah? When’s the last time she read to you by the fire, Moons?”
Remus paused and seemed to think on that for a moment before his eyes darted back to Sirius. “I still think you’re being dramatic.”
“It’s been since the kitten, hasn’t it Remus?” Sirius argued, not willing to let it go.
“Sirius, she’s allowed to love things other than us.”
Both Sirius and James scoffed at that. “I think bloody not!” James retorted. 
“I can concede if she likes other things, but she cannot love anything more than me! She needs to love me the most!” Sirius insisted, causing both of his boyfriends to look at him funny.
“Oh?” James asked with a bemused frown.
“Is that how it is, really? You think she loves you the most out of all of us?” Remus continued.
Sirius levelled them with a look he hoped portrayed a “yeah, duh”. 
“Is that how this relationship works for you Sirius? Which of us do you love the most?” James demanded, crossing his arms in that way Sirius loves because it makes his muscles bulge. 
“Me, obviously.” He answered simply.
“You’re your own favourite?” Remus deadpanned.
Sirius shrugged. “Yeah, I’m awesome.”
“You’re not supposed to have favourites!” James whined.
“You’re telling me you’ve never been like ‘oh merlin, right now Moony is my favourite’?” Sirius asked him.
James scoffed indignantly. “Right now, he very well might be!”
Instead of having the effect he hoped that comment would on Sirius, Sirius nodded in agreement. “See? Favourites.”
“You’re an idiot.” Remus grumbled as he stood and made his way upstairs.
“Do you really have favourites?” James asked quietly once Remus had left, his voice giving way to a vulnerability that made Sirius melt.
“Not a chance, bubs.” Sirius insisted, placing a kiss to James’ temple as he pulled the spectacled boy into his side. “I just like arguing with Moony; he makes it so easy to take the piss.”
James chuckled and allowed some tension to leave his body. 
“No, but seriously, what are we going to do about that kitten?” James piped up and pulled away so he could look into Sirius’ face.
“I suppose my current plan of feeding it to the Hippogriffs is a no?” Sirius asked. He was answered by an unamused glare from James.
“Fine. Fine. Hopefully the novelty will wear off soon.” Sirius conceded. For as much shit as he gave you, he did sort of love how much you loved anything and everything that might be in need of some; himself included.
James and Sirius watched the flames dance in the fireplace for some time, just enjoying the quiet company that the two of them very rarely shared together.
“Why don't we go see what those two are up to, hm?” James asked eventually, helping Sirius up from his position on the floor and heading up the stairs towards the boy's dorm.
The room was quiet as they entered and when Sirius turned after closing the door to survey the room, he let out a horrified gasp.
“How in the buggering hell did he manage that!?” He whisper shouted, pointing to Remus laying on his bed with you pulled into his side, nuzzled into the crook of his arm.
As James moved to survey the two of you from another side, his face morphed into a pained grimace. “Pads, maybe it’s best we-”
But it was too late, Sirius had seen all he needed to see.
“You bloody traitor!” He nearly shrieked, albeit not loud enough to stir you nor the stupid fucking kitten currently curled up in a very content ball on Remus’ chest from your respective slumber’s.
If Remus had been pretending to sleep, his ruse was given away by a smug smirk gracing his face.
“Better luck next time, Sirius.” He goaded, rubbing a soothing hand up and down your arm as you burrowed further into the werewolf’s side. 
Sirius had been beaten, crucio’d, starved, disowned and homeless in his eighteen years of life. But this right here was without a doubt the worst thing to have ever happened to him.
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sylusjinwoon · 4 months
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- when you catch them falling asleep first -
featuring: gojo satoru, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, okkotsu yuta
warnings: crack for gojo's, but mainly fluff for the rest :3
[ gojo satoru 🕶️ ]
don't let gojo's pretty face and seemingly perfect life fool you: this man has a sole imperfection that takes the form of his MONSTROUS snores. and you swore that these snores are loud enough to cause tremors to be felt across your shared apartment!
you came home from work a little later than usual, murmuring your greeting all while taking off your shoes in the process. as you brushed back your hair while running a hand through them, you were left frozen on your spot when you heard an almost... unnatural sound coming from within the depths of your apartment.
"h-hello? satoru? are you there?"
fear began to quickly seize at your heart, with you straining your ears as you tried to decipher the strange and almost guttural sounds. it was almost like... someone sawing a log while growling at the same time, coupled along with some other wet sounds that made you tremble in response.
grabbing a hold of one of your umbrellas settled near your shoe rack, you slowly inch closer to the source of the sound, hoping that the umbrella would be sufficient enough to use as a weapon.
you could feel the ice cold sensation of your blood rushing through your veins, filling you with anxiety and fear at what was to come. the closer to got to your bedroom, the louder those sounds became.
with your eyes clenched shut, you slam open the door while crying out "YOU STUPID CURSE...!"
only to feel your words die out the moment you turned on the lights to see your boyfriend splayed out in bed, his hair a complete mess against the plush pillows while a string of drool was seen on the corner of his lips.
yet perhaps what was most shocking was how those noises were coming from him!
now, you've been subjected to satoru's obnoxious snores before, but they had never quite sounded this... horrendous. which meant that the sorcerer was probably caught in a deep slumber right now.
allowing the relief to course through you, you toss aside your umbrella and step closer to the bed. your arms were crossed over your chest as you look down at him, reaching out a hand to pinch at his nose.
"nngh nggh ngh?!" you had to fight back a giggle upon seeing your boyfriend's eyes clenched shut in response. his arms were flailing around randomly until they suddenly managed to find you, pulling you down into bed with him as a cheshire cat grin slowly spreads across his features.
"heheh... welcome home, babe...!" his voice was still hoarse, clearly only half awake when he manages to wrap his arms tightly around your form. his rich chuckles were felt against your ear, making you giggle as you cuddled yourself even closer to him.
"you're such a dork, 'toru! do you know how much your snores absolutely terrified me when i came home from work? i genuinely thought a curse had followed you back to our apartment!"
your boyfriend rolls his eyes at you, giving you a smirk before pinching your own nose in response as your voice took on a more nasally quality.
"ngh, shtop it! i wash genunelly tewwified!"
"well that's what you get for makin' fun of me! my snores aren't that bad, okay?!"
after spending some time teasing each other, your beloved convinces you to fall asleep with him (after taking off your clothes and changing you into something more comfortable.) with a content purr, you agree to fall asleep while in his embrace, snuggling up even closer to him, ready to close your eyes-
"scccchhhhhhzzzzzz hngggg..."
only for your eyes to go wide when satoru manages to fall asleep first, practically snoring within your ear as you simply lay in bed while silently groaning to yourself.
tonight was going to be a long night for you.
[ nanami kento 🗞️ ]
the hardworking man who can never seem to catch a break. nanami will often fall asleep when you least expect it, but truly, you never had the heart to disturb him.
you were in the midst of cutting up the ingredients for tonight's dinner, and when you told your beloved kento to lay back and relax, he finally relented without any protest.
he had just gotten back from a rather long and arduous business trip the day before, and you had hoped that he would take this chance and sleep in, simply enjoying his day off. you wanted nothing more than to cook him his favorite meals consisting of chicken alfredo with a heavy helping of garlic bread.
you purposely got up early, ready to buy fresh ingredients for tonight's dinner when nanami ends up waking up with you. despite the dark circles seen beneath his eyes, he insisted on accompanying you (to make up for lost time).
even your attempts at convincing him to stay home fell on deaf ears, with your kento joining you on your errands, but not before allowing you to have breakfast with him at his favorite café where he surrounded himself with delicious coffee and all of the pastries he had been craving for.
with your day pretty much starting out like a much needed date, you finally came home around 6pm, where you were able to shoo kento away from the kitchen as you began working on making the chicken alfredo.
it was around 7:30 that you completed your dinner and called out kento's name. "ken, dinner's ready!"
you continue stirring at the pasta dish, already salivating at the scent of the white sauce along with the juicy cuts of chicken. you trail your eyes over to the large loaf of garlic bread, wishing to save heating that for last so that your kento could enjoy it freshly baked from the oven.
"kento?" you shut off the stove just then, placing a lid over the chicken alfredo as you went into the living room to check on him. you peek your head into the living room to see nanami settled in his usual spot on the couch with what looked like an open newspaper settled across his face.
making sure that your steps were quieter, you tiptoe even closer to him, gently removing the newspaper to reveal him sleeping against the couch. you could see the way his eyelids trembled while he slept, the sight of it all being enough to make you smile in response.
letting out your own yawn, you figured that once you got hungry, you could simply reheat the food and place the garlic bread in the oven then. feeling a bit tired yourself, you settle yourself next to kento, with your head on his shoulder while cuddling against him before joining him for a peaceful slumber.
[ fushiguro megumi 🐺 ]
the type to fall asleep in front of those who is truly trusted. like a wary dog wolf, megumi is the type to stay awake and wait until he's in the safety and comfort of his own bedroom to truly sleep. but lately... this seems to be changing when it comes to you.
you had invited megumi over to your place to have a movie night and a weeklong sleepover, not wishing to spend these long nights alone as your parents went on a much needed vacation together. they promised they would return in a week's time while giving you permission to invite a friend over to stay the night with you.
and of course, megumi ended up being your first choice.
you placed a lot of trust in him, despite being your best friend who just so happened to be a guy as well. had it been any other boy, your parents would have voiced their concern and suspicions-
but when it came to megumi, they could all visibly relax.
for starters, he truly wasn't like most boys who spent their whole lives salivating at the thought of spending the night at a girl's house. he was very deadpan and serious, not ever once treating you uncomfortably while maintaining a safe distance between you and him each time you were together.
(and so what if you happened to have the BIGGEST crush on him?)
if you were given a chance to be home alone like this, then there was no one you could possibly trust more than megumi. so when he finally arrives at your place right at 4pm, (his duffel bag in hand), you immediately went to hug him tightly.
"thank you so much, 'gumi! for agreeing to come over!"
"sure, don't mention it." his smile was a rare but tiny one, an expression he seems to save just for you while teasingly messing up your hair in response. his actions end up making you smile as you lead him to your living room, already setting up a blanket fort of sorts for you and megumi to enjoy for the duration of the week.
surrounded by bags of your favorite snacks and a box of half-eaten pizza, you held on tightly to your plushie as a scary movie was playing from your television screen. as the scary monster revealed itself from the shadowy depths of the forest, you let out a tiny squeak in response, momentarily looking away from the screen as your eyes met with megumi-
who was currently sleeping with a hand over his abdomen.
seeing such a sight made you forget all about the fear you once felt due to the movie, now filled with a fascination for the sleeping boy settled before you. making sure your movements were quiet, you shut off the t.v. and settle the remote off to the side.
holding your breath, you inch closer to megumi's sleeping form, and it brought you back to a certain memory you had from last year. it was the first time megumi had spent the night at your place, and it had happened because you wanted to study with megumi a bit for an upcoming exam.
what you didn't expect was for a storm to hit, making it impossible for megumi to return back home as you eagerly suggested that he spend the night at your place. he was hesitant and tried to convince you that he could walk back to the station without an umbrella, but it was ultimately the sight of your tears that makes him relent.
you wanted to give him your bed, but megumi absolutely refused to make you sacrifice your comfort for him. so, your friend ends up remaining on your floor with some of your plush blankets used as a makeshift mattress for him. that night, you had a hard time falling asleep since you were so aware of megumi's own movements as he tossed and turned throughout the night.
"megumi...?" you gave up trying to sleep, not liking the fact that your friend was having such a hard time falling asleep, too.
you swore you could hear him stiffen in the dead of night when you called out his name. "yeah?"
"are you okay? you can't sleep now, can you?" you ask him with a guilty sigh.
you remember hearing him let out a huff when he turns around to face you on the bed, "it has nothing to do with you, i'm just not used to sleeping in an unfamiliar environment. don't worry about me, just sleep like you normally do."
you rolled your eyes then, knowing that you couldn't sleep when your own crush friend was struggling to sleep. so, you joined him on the floor and kept him company throughout the night, talking about nothing and everything at the same time.
looking at him now, (seeing him in what had to be a deep sleep), you were mesmerized by how vulnerable he was. his spiked hair now remained mussed and flattened against the pillows, with his lips parted in tune to his own breathing.
reaching out a hand to brush back his hair, you sharply inhale when he opens up one eye to look at you.
"hm?" his gaze was still hazy with sleep, but you couldn't stop yourself from asking him, "you feel comfortable around me now?"
a tiny smirk paints his handsome features when he suddenly wraps his arms around your back. you let out a gasp, landing directly against megumi's chest as he brushes his lips against your hair.
"yeah, i do feel comfortable around you... something about you... makes me feel so soft... and warm."
megumi trails off just then, and judging from the way he tightens his arms around you before his breathing evens out, you had to smile and giggle a bit.
he had fallen asleep again.
not one to complain about being in megumi's arms, you let out a happy sigh before sliding your eyes shut, falling asleep within minutes as you dreamt of him...
[ okkotsu yuta 💍 ]
yuta was a notorious night owl, and most nights, you struggled to keep up with his late night binge consisting of movie marathon or shows that lasted several seasons. the only time you were able to convince yuta to sleep at a decent hour was when he was sick. and tonight was one of those nights...
your eyes were filled with concern for your boyfriend, feeling a bit panicked the moment he woke up with a fever.
his speech was slurred as he tried convincing you that he was just fine, but you did not believe him. forcing him to lay back in bed, it was now your turn to spoil him.
throughout the day, you made some soup for him while giving him his rounds of medicine with a tall glass of water to keep him hydrated. you took his temperature every couple of hours, and you were happy to see it steadily going down as the day progressed.
after caring for yuta, you spent the rest of the day tidying up your shared apartment, making sure that everything was back in its place so that once he felt better, then yuta wouldn't feel so stressed and have to worry about waking up to a messy apartment.
your last chore of the day consisted of you doing laundry, placing the newly washed clothes into the dryer before heading back to your shared bedroom with yuta.
the time read 9pm when you came back to your beloved boyfriend, letting out a sigh while stretching your body out. you already envisioned yuta scrolling through his phone after taking his medication-
so picture your surprise when you saw him still laying in bed, the damp handkerchief never leaving his forehead as his eyes were shut. his breathing was slightly labored, but not as bad as it had been this morning when the fever had first afflicted him. your heart seemed to melt at the mere sight of him, seeing his hand laying limply across your side of the bed, as if waiting for you.
"aw, my poor baby." you softly coo at him, shutting off the lights as you allowed complete darkness to settle across the room. walking to your side of the bed, you gently duck beneath the covers and slide closer to yuta, taking a hold of his hand with a bright smile on your face.
you listen as your boyfriend mumble a few words, finally adjusting his sleeping position as he turns to face you, the handkerchief now sliding completely off of his forehead in response to his movements. giggling softly, you take the damp handkerchief and remove it, placing the cloth on your nightstand instead while focusing your attention on him.
"sleep well, my love. i promise, i'll be by your side the whole time." you quietly promise him while squeezing at his hand in response.
and as you closed your own eyes, ready to join him in his land of dreams, you remain blissfully unaware of the smile that paints his features while he slept...
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a.n. - i am so sorry, it feels like it's been forever since my last jjk update! but i hope this silly little update makes up for it 🥹 this is currently unedited, but i'll make any changes once this is posted!
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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thecapricunt1616 · 2 months
capriiiiiii can i pretty please request something with carmy and a gf who is dealing with being stiff / sore and tired. i acc just need him to take care of me. maybe cook me a meal. :(( ily
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My loveeeee Hello I'm sorry this has been rotting away I've been dealing with such writers block I hope this doesn't suck aaa! I'm sorry I haven't been writing as much / around tumblr this week i've been busy with other things but I hope to write more soon <3 I finally got my new laptop so i'm going to try and cook some stuff up really soon! Warnings for btc: None really, pure fluff & happy carmy!not edited sorryyyy WC: 1638
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You had helped Sugar set up her nursery last night. All the moving of large boxes, and helping build the crib, changing table, and dresser, you were wiped out to say the least. You got home around 4 am, and  When Carmy had left for the restaurant that morning, you were still crumpled on the couch where he’d left you, snuggled in a blanket and softly snoring. When he came home that night and nudged you, you jumped like a sleeping cat 
“I’m awake!” You said quickly with an unintentional snore, rubbing your eyes tiredly. 
“Brought you a sandwich and some fries. Back still hurts?” He asked softly. 
You whimper gently as you stretch out your sore muscles, sitting up once again in the dark living room. “How’s work?” You mumbled with a yawn, taking the takeout container as he plopped next to you and planted a kiss on your head. 
“Doesn’t matter, m’here for you baby, why don’t I get you a bath set up mm?” He flicks on a lamp and you blink a few times as your eyes get adjusted to the light.  
“You’re too good to me, you know that right?” You gave him a peck on the lips. He smiled a bit and rubbed your side 
“I can’t even count the amount of back massages you’ve given me after a long week. I’m just repaying the favor.” He watched as you took a bite and sighed in relief, your stomach growling- likely in thanks as you hadn’t moved from your spot all day long in your blanket nest. 
“This is really good, Bear” you mumble as you chew. He hums happily at your approval, giving you one more kiss to the temple before getting up. 
“Good, I put a piece of princess cake in the fridge for you for after your bath if you want” he said on his way to the bathroom, and you could cry at the bliss that was being taken care of. 
He makes sure to clean out the tub with bathroom spray and rinse it fully, before starting the water at the very hot temperature he knew you liked after plugging the tub. He got one of the little herb sachets with different flowers and herbs and hung it over the faucet so it infused into the water, causing it to be a pretty light pink color.
From the bathroom closet he grabbed your little bath tray and set it up for you, as well as the little bath head pillow that suctioned to the tub for you to rest back on, and got those set up before taking out the waterproof electric candles and setting a few out for you for a comforting ambiance. After he put a good amount of the muscle relaxing herbal epsom salts in the bath for you, as well as plenty of bubbles the way you liked and agitated the water for you, he popped your favorite fluffy towel in the warmer. 
He cut off the water and went into the bedroom, grabbing your fluffy bathrobe and a comfortable pair of panties for you as well as the book you were currently reading from your nightstand and got them all set up on the bathroom counter for you, as well as your hair brush. He opened the bottom drawer where you kept all your sheet face masks, and picked out a bedtime one and set it on the bath tray for you next to your book. 
By the time he came back out to let you know your bath was ready you had already finished eating and were once again slumped on the couch, you figured you had pulled or overworked something in your back because even holding yourself up was proving to be exhausting very fast. “Did you want some wine my love” he crouched down next to where you were snuggled on the couch, brushing your hair from your eyes gently. 
“Yes please” you said softly. He planted a gentle, lingering kiss on your forehead before going to the kitchen. He got your favorite wine out of the fridge, popping open the bottle and pouring you a glass. He brought it to the bathroom and put it in the little slot on the tray made for wine glasses, before coming back to collect you. 
“Alright, up” he held his hand out to you and wiggled his fingers for you to take it. You sighed softly knowing moving meant pain, but when you grabbed his hand he lifted you to your feet with little effort, being sure to steady you with his other hand on your hip since you weren’t expecting it. 
“Woah” you giggled, the action having woken you from your tired state and following him to the bathroom. When you saw the state of it, you pulled him into a tight hug, kissing his neck gently. You didn’t want him to see the fact there was tears pooling at your eyes, since he hated when you cried. But the fact that he had a nearly 14 hour day, and came home to you- and still went out of his way, above and beyond to take care of you. To make you feel loved, cared for. You’d never had another partner who was so attentive and went out of their way for you how he did.
“Love you…” you muttered before pulling away with a sniffle. He cupped your cheeks, giving you a gentle kiss 
“Your towel is In the warmer waiting for you baby, I’ll get your pajamas set out for you” he gently tucked your hair behind your ear and rubbed his knuckle over your cheekbone before heading back to your bedroom, leaving the door cracked behind him. You noticed after he left that your skincare was all set up for you as well as your favorite body lotion and its matching body mist which just made you smile even more. 
After undressing you sit in the warm bath, sighing in relief as the hot water did wonders for your sore muscles, resting your head back on the comfortable pillow as you sip your wine and hum contently to yourself. For a while you just sat, reading your book and sipping your wine and after about 30 minutes when the water had gone lukewarm, and your glass of wine had been finished - you decided to drain the tub. 
Carmy heard you getting out of the bath, so he went and got your pajamas that he’d been warming in the dryer for you and got your side of the bed all made up after filling your reusable water bottle with iced lemon water.  By the time you had gotten your lotion on and did your skincare as well as brushed your teeth, the house had already been shut down for the evening. He had made sure to clean up the kitchen and living room, as well as shut all of the shades and get your coffee pot set up for the next morning like usual. 
“Hey pretty girl” he takes your hand, kissing it gently “got some warm pajamas for you, house is taken care of you just have to get in bed” he motioned to the bed where your pajamas were nicely folded for you. 
“And you say you aren’t romantic” you mused, causing him to chuckle a bit as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head 
“What can I say, I guess you bring it out of me. Get your pajamas on I’ll rub your feet for you” he said and you hum happily, closing your eyes and planting a kiss on his neck
“Can I be babied like this all the time?” You joked, he huffed a laugh, handing you your pajamas. 
“The days that I’m not too wiped out from work, I can try” he plopped down on his side of the bed with a soft grunt of relief after being on his feet all day. You slipped out of your robe, and his eyes rake over your frame as you unfolded your soft, fluffy nightgown and slipped it over your head. “Mm mm mm” he said jokingly. You giggled as you crawl on the bed, resting your legs over his lap and wiggling your manicured toes teasingly. 
“Get to massaging this isn’t a free peep show” you said and he took your ankle, bringing it to his lips and giving it a chaste kiss
“What- so you can put me to work, and I can’t even eye the goods?” he joked as he put your leg gently back in his lap and grabbing the massage oil that he’d put on the nightstand and warming some in his hands before starting to massage your foot. You hum happily, lips curling into a small smile and your eyes fluttering shut in bliss. 
“Mmmm, keep doin’ that and I’ll let you see whateeever you want” you said happily, your voice nearly a purr from how expertly he was massaging your calves and feet. “Can I turn on Big Brother?” you asked and giggle at the way his face lit up
“You really waited?! Fuck yeah I wanna see whats up put it on” he said and you smiled, shaking your head jokingly as you turned on the TV. He had whined before about not wanting to watch ‘trash reality tv’ all the time, but over the course of the many nights he came home and you were watching it - he had eventually starting asking you to wait for him to watch ‘your show’ together, and you would tease him and tell him how you thought he said it was boring and gossipy, just to get his cheeks to go that cute shade of pink.“Of course I waited, it’s our show now”
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awniie · 8 months
ㅤㅤㅤ⭑ summary: sukuna breaks your favorite stuffed animal
content: fem!reader, pathetic attempt at fluff n angst , reader cries when he breaks the stuffie, mean!sukuna-ish, readers gets called a baby (derogatory), reader is called small, modern au, implied sex, proofread to an extent
ㅤㅤㅤ⭑ notes: I’m not sure what compelled me to write this, like at all !! also I tried not to refer to him as a boyfriend in this cus I don’t see him as one :sob:
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“what..is that?” Sukuna asked as he entered the room. He was talking about the little cat toy you were snuggling with. You held it tightly against your chest, the blue light of your phone casting onto the dolls white cotton covering.
“Oh her? It’s hello kitty!” You exclaimed, quite proudly for a grown woman with a cat doll between her chest. You shut off your phone and roll over to show him the toy. Sukuna snatched it from off your body and inspected the…thing. It was white and fuzzy with black sewn eyes and a matching butter-colored nose. As if that wasn’t trivial enough, the toy wore a tiny little pair of overalls and a small pink bow ontop its ear. He wrinkled his nose in disgust, It was the epitome of naivety and childishness, and it made him sick. Curiously, He tested the elasticity of the toy, pulling and stretching her limbs in awful ways.
“Kuna, be careful! You’ll break her.” You warned, arms reaching for your poor kitty. You quickly remembered why you were hesitant to show him the doll earlier, that your hello kitty was small and delicate and sukuna was quite the opposite, and now your worst fears coming true. Your protests fell on ignorant ears, and the sickening sound of ripping fabric filled them instead. Scratchy white poly-fil spewed in the air. Your boyfriend stood in front of you, a look of mild surprise played on his features as he held the now-headless hello kitty.
“Huh.” he murmured before throwing it on the floor sending more fluff scattered across the room.
“Sukuna! What is wrong with you?” You accused, rushing over to where your beheaded kitty laid. He couldn’t believe how quick you left off the bed, cradling the ripped doll in your hands.
“It’s not my fault it was made so cheaply. Plus, you too old to be playing with dolls anyway.” He said, quickly disregarding the whole thing.
“No! That was my hello kitty, you had no right to break it.” You told him between sniffles, holding the two pieces of your hello kitty in each of your palms. Warm tears ran down your cheeks and your nose reddened.
“Do you see yourself right now? You’re acting like a fucking baby.” Sukuna retorted, annoyed at your reaction. He honestly didn’t mean to break it, but what’s done is done and you were a fool for thinking that lashing out at him could change that. “It’s just a child’s toy, get over it.”
“You are sick. I hate you!” You yelled, holding the pieces of your broken toy close and leaving the room, not before slamming the door with teeth-rattling force.
Sukuna sighed and rolled his eyes. He didn’t expect you to get so animated over a cartoon cat replica, but then again human emotions were much more sporadic and quite frankly annoying. He gave your outburst no more than another thought. He knew you well enough to know you’d be back soon, crying and whining and begging him to talk to you and give you some attention. He’d just have to patient until your came your to senses..
..Or at least that’s what he thought. Your boyfriend seemly underestimated your ability to hold a grudge. You hadn’t truly spoken to him in 3 days, the most he’s gotten out of you being “uh huh” or “no”. He pretended your coldness didn’t bother him, but it did. A lot more then it should’ve. The pointed shoulder-checks, the refusal to make any eye contact, leaving the room whenever he walked in. It really bothered him. He knew that the only way to get back your favor was with probably some form of atonement. But, he has his own pride to worry about and he refused to be the one to grovel at your feet and apologize. No it would be you. He was Sukuna Ryomen and he would not bend to the will of a foolish mortal girl.
But, a week without speaking to your other can be unbearable, even for a callous curse such as Sukuna. After being with you so long, he found himself having a sort longing for you. Why would he though? He didn’t need anyone, especially not you. If anything, you needed him…so why weren’t you acting like it?
Even though you were mad at him, outwardly you seemed fine. You were doing everything on your own, pretending as if this giant curse of a man didn’t even exist. You still laughed at stuff on your phone, you still ate your favorite foods and enjoyed yourself, while Sukuna clearly wasn’t.
He hated the silence that he had grown unfamiliar with after being with you. You seemed to never shut up before, but now? Sukuna found himself longing for your annoying voice and pestilential chattiness.
He missed your body. He missed your delicate fingers that you would intertwine with his rough, pointed ones whenever you went to the store with him. He’d express so many times that he didn’t like you doing that and he’d “cut your fingers off” if you did it again. But you always did, and it never happened.
He hated the absence of your warmth. He had become so accustomed to your late night snuggling, he had trouble sleeping without it. One particular lonesome night, he watched you sleep from the door you always left slightly cracked. He longed to be next to you, to feel your faint breath tickling his neck, to run his hands down the curve of your spine, to have your sleep-mucked face be the first thing he sees in the morning.
So, that’s why he was now on the couch, hissing and cursing as he attempted to put the stitch through the tiny hole of the needle. He was trying to sew your god-damned hello kitty back together, which proved to be a much harder task than he thought initially. Sukuna had watched you do it many times, stitching whatever article of clothing he had ripped off of you the night before. You made it look simple, and of course you were just a little human. Nothing you did would take much skill, right?
“Fuck!” He hissed through clenched teeth and he stabbed the pin through the pad of his finger. A bead of dark-red blood swole and eventually dripped down his finger. Watching the blood drop made him think of you. You would’ve taken his tattooed hand and cooed at the injury, leaving a kiss on the stabbed finger. He always thought you were stupid for making such a display over a little nick, but now? He felt some sort of…emptiness without your comfort. Sukuna quickly chased those thoughts away, telling himself that he was only doing this for his own benefit, not for you. No, he’d never do something like this for you.
“Kuna…?” You called, the moniker sounding foreign on your tongue after a long week of ignoring the man to whom it belonged too. His head quickly snapped as he watched you come into the room, treading lightly as if the tension could break with a footstep too heavy. In your arms was the patched up doll, looking a little limp but still in one piece.
“What do you want?” He asked, his tone glacial, suggesting that he didn’t care. But he knew he cared a lot, a lot more than he should’ve.
Just a few minutes ago, Sukuna creeped into the bedroom, ensuring sure you wouldn’t hear him over the sound of a running shower. Afte the coast was clear, he meticulously placed the doll on your bed, propped up on a pillow, the hello kitty freshly washed and sewn. He relished on his work, shoving away the feeling of…anxiety? Then he waited and waited for you, hurrying back to his place on the couch only when he heard the shower faucet stop running.
“Did you…fix my doll?” You asked, leaving the question hanging in the heavy air. You avoided eye contact as you sat across from him, fiddling with the hello kitty’s stubby arms.
“What does it look like? It’s fixed, isn’t it?” He retorts, gesturing to the crude stitches that encircled that dolls neck. He sounded pissed off, but he was far from it. He missed your voice, even if you were wasting it by asking him stupid questions.
“Oh,” was all you were able to say. Sukuna rolled his eyes, mimicking your “oh”.
You stumbled with your speech, trying to find the right response. In all honesty, you were shocked. “T-Thank you.” You murmured, your voice a little louder now.
“yeah, whatever. Now you have your doll, so you can stop your damn sulking.” He muttered, waving his hand in dismal. The two of you stayed like that for a moment, careful not to break the delicate silence.
Warmth bloomed inside of your chest. Yeah the stitching was clusmy, revealing his lack of delicacy, but somehow it felt better than him buying a new stuffed animal. There was something that was almost thoughtful about it, and sukuna ryomen was anything but the sort.
He couldn’t believe himself either. Had he really done that, for you? It was impossible. He could’ve easily forced you to speak to him, or lashed out at you for being a brat. So why didn’t he? He sat there, waiting for the repercussions of his actions to hit him. Disgust. anger. anything. but strangely, it never came. Instead he felt a sense of relief and lets out a breath he had no idea he had been holding.
You then slipped into his arms, your ear resting against his surprisedly-existent heartbeat. The hello kitty was still in your grasp, and you fiddled into between your two hands. He didn’t say anything, because he wasn’t even sure that words would come out of his mouth. You felt so nice on him again, and he placing his around you, never wanting to let you go.
As the two of you laid there, distressing fact came crashing down on him. You had broke him. You contorted his barbarous heart into ways that no stich could fix.
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ancha-aus · 20 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - Questioning
:3 We are back! And The chaos? The chaos is getting closer and closer. @spotaus
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Lets see how good Crop and Straw are at improv.
Hello Journal.
Sorry I didn’t write yesterday. I was already asleep when I got home.
Yesterday was fun! We did some of the last preparations for the grapes for the colder months and after that we went to Ccino’s!
Ccino had once again locked up shop so it was just us six in there! He also made this amazing new cupcakes for us to try and eat. They were really good. After the snack we went to relax with the cats.
Killer quickly got covered by cats and I think dad couldn’t be happier. He just laid there smiling and unmoving. Cross reassured me that he is fine.
I hugged my own cat version for a while and my dad’s cats also came over to sit and cuddle with me. They all also checked on kitten me before starting to snuggle with me.
It was nice to see my dads relax as well. Just relaxing and making small talk. It is always nice to be at Ccino’s.
It took me a while but I eventually found my old cat in the cupboard behind the counter.
My old cat is still tired a lot and I really wanted to help him. I remembered that we all figured that he is connected to the apples instead of me anymore. And well… the doctors told me that I no longer really use the apple magic anymore as my own magic had seemed to take it back.
So… I may have tried to… give whatever apple magic I had left over to the cat.
My dads weren’t amused. Ccino wasn’t happy either.
The cat is fine! He is a lot more energetic and stronger again! The tails move more and everything!
Tiny downside… euh… the scars on my skull are now permanently visible. Which caused quite the bit of panic with Ccino.
So I may be slightly grounded now. Not allowed to leave the nest and everything. We already went by Fauna for a quick exam but she said I am fine. That the ‘invasive’ magic is all gone. But she worries that my normal magic can’t do it all by itself.
So I need to take it easy again. Which all circles back to me being grounded.
Which means I am not allowed to help around the farm or house at all and I am once again limited from walking.
I don’t mind it. I feel fine if only a bit tired. But now the old cat version of me is fine at least!
Oh. Dad just ran in and he is calling for a meeting.. I wonder what is going on. I will give you an update later.
Crop blinks as he hears his old name shouted. He shoots Straw a look and Straw looks confused as well before both turn around. Crop feels his soul lock up. That… That are Blue and Dream.
Oh no. They have found them?! How?
Straw frowns but shoots him a look and looks thoughtful.
Blue stops before them and grins “Hi Sans. Hi Papyrus!”
Crop sees his brother grin and Straw answers “Hello mysterious person who knows our names yet we do not know.” and he waits.
Blue laughs and nods “Yeah sorry for that. I am just exciting as we have been looking for you guys!” Dream joins them and looks so relieved.
Crop sends his bro a look and Straw sees it.
Straw hums and puffs up his chest “Of course you were looking for me! I am an amazing farmer and many people wish to hear my advice! I have many admires across the globe!”
Blue looks shocked before holding up his hands “Oh no! Not that! We just have some questions which we hope you two can help us with.”
Crop gives a nod “Farming stuff I guess? There are different type of farms and we don’t know about all of them.”
Dream smiles “Can we go somewhere a bit more… private? People are staring.”
Yeah. Crop is not surprised. He can see people keep an eye on them and glaring at the two new arrivals. But saying no would just look more suspicious and like they are trying to hide something.
Seems like Straw made the same conclusion as he cheerfully agrees and they go to the parking lot to talk as it is usually rather quiet. As Straw points things out to the two Crop quickly grabs his phone to check. Only to see about twenty messages all warning him about the strangers in town. Woops. He should check his phone more often. That is a problem for later. For now he quickly finds the guys number and calls them quickly.
It rings twice before Horror picks up “Hello? Horror speaking.”
Crop needs to be vague but still obvious “Hey! I am a bit delayed in town. Some new skeletons walked into town and they are asking for some advice. We will still be in time for lunch!”
Dead silence on the other side before a soft thanks is muttered and Horror hangs up.
Crop just nods to himself as he speaks “Nah it shouldn’t take long. At least.” he acts as if he keeps the mouth piece covered as he looks at Blue and Dream “You two don’t need our help for long right? I had lunch planned with some friends.”
Blue and Dream share a look but shake their skulls.
Crop nods and puts the phone back to the side of his skull “Yeah it shouldn’t take long. Yeah no worries Tori I will be there in time for lunch. See you later.” And he ‘hangs up’.
Dream looks deeply disappointed when he hears Toriel’s nickname and Blue pats his shoulder. Yeah that is what Crop figured.
Straw smiles brightly at the two “What can we help you with! I must admit I haven’t heard of anyone new moving into town!”
Blue shakes his skull “Oh no we aren’t moving in. Just.. looking.” He looks at Dream and waits.
Dream takes a deep breath and smiles “I am Dream, this is Blue, we are looking for my brother and his… friends.”
Crop takes special care to keep his face neutral as he listens.
Dream rubs his arm “It is nothing negative! We. I mean I…” he frowns and thinks “I made stuff into a mess and I need to talk with him.”
Straw tilts his skull “I mean… Why don’t you just call him? If you are brothers you probably have each other’s numbers right?”
Dream looks away pained “It… is a bit more complex than that… Euh…” He and Blue look at each other and share some looks and nods before Dream turns back to them after taking a deep breath “Ever heard of the multiverse theory?”
Crop and Straw share a look. The only reason they both know about it is because Horror took great effort to explain it all after his first stay with them and after he just disappeared again one day.
They both shake their skulls. Dream looks slightly more panicked before shaking his skull and breathing “Well… It is a theory that each decision we make is a branching point. And that one decision leads to one future and the other to another. And that while we pick one, the other future still exists. This is much bigger and complex to easily explain but it means that at any point in time there can be a thousand different you’s going through different things because of different choices, made by you or for you by others.”
They both give a nod.
Dream smiles and points between Blue and himself “We are from other universes. Where everything is so different that you wouldn’t even think we are similar. Blue is actually also Sans but from another universe and timeline.”
Blue laughs and shrugs “I go by Blue to make it easier.”
Dream nods.
Crop gives a slow nod “Okay… say we believe you and not that we think you should go to the hospital. Why are you looking for us?”
Straw hums and gives the thoughtful comment “Would explain why they know our names.”
Dream looks nervous “I am from a very strange universe and a lot happened. I have a twin brother and I am looking for him. We had… a fallen out and I realised some things I didn’t know before. I want to talk with him and apologise.”
That… surprises Crop but he can’t help but not believe it “Really? You want to apologise? Look. I don’t know you and for all I know you are just trying to get sympathy points.”
Dream shakes his skull “I am not! I swear I am not!” he reaches into his bag and takes out a bunch of papers. A sneak inside shows that there are many more likewise paper packages in there. Dream pushes it into Straw’s hands and straw starts to curiously look through it.
Dream rubs his hands “I just… Blue managed to figure out that at least my brother’s friends visited this place. Have you seen any other skeletons?”
Crop doesn’t bother to answer as Straw nudges the papers into his hands. Crop starts reading it and stares. This… this is huge. The others. They need to know this.
Dream just keeps staring at them. Waiting.
Fuck. What does he say?
Straw is the one to answer “We don’t have an answer for you. Not yet.”
Blue looks up hopefully and grins “That just means you know something!”
Straw shakes his skull “No. It means we know nothing about you and no matter what we say will give you some kind of information that we are not comfortable giving you. So we are not giving you any answer. We need to look through this information and get it verified before we can even start to make a decision. You are invading our lives and demanding our assistance without even giving us a chance to consider the options. You will leave and leave us be until we considered what this could mean for us.”
Blue looks down and ashamed as Dream rubs his arm “Right… of course… I just… I really want-”
Straw huffs “Yes. You want something. And apparently you have no problem destroying someone’s whole world view and turning up someone’s entire existence to get it. Did you think that maybe we didn’t even want to know about all this universe stuff? That we were happy with our lives? That we didn’t want to be forced to consider these things? You are forcing our hand to think about these things. The least you can do is give us time to consider it all.”
Blue and Dream both flinch but both nod.
Straw nods “And stop trying to force others to consider these life changing things. Leave us be.” He holds out a hand “Give us a phone number to call once we considered this.”
Blue nods as he writes down the number. Still clearly embarrassed.
After which they both apologise and agree they shouldn’t have gone about it the way they did before leaving them.
Crop whistles when they leave “Good quick thinking Straw.”
Straw looks proud “Thank you! It helped that they just started explaining things without even considering what it could mean and do to us. A good way to shift the focus. At least for a short while…” he stares at the papers in his hands “We need to get this to them.”
Crop nods “Lets make sure they aren’t following us before we meet them. Then we can discuss it all together.” he frowns “Also make sure to get a feel for what they said to others.” And both quickly rush off to speak with their neighbours.
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bangchansbackohmygod · 2 months
Hello, how are you doing?💗🌸
So I don't know if your requests are open or if you take any requests at all so feel free to delete this.
I was wondering if you could do a headcanon for yandere stray kids where they aren't just friends with the reader but not dating yet? Not fwb, just really crossing the line of friends and lovers.
Also sorry for any mistakes it's just that English is not my first language. And I hope you have a nice day!!🤗✨️
This lovely request came in a very long time ago, so I don't know if the anon is still following, but I still want to answer it because I just adore a pining yandere!
Just the Hyung Line for now, I'll post the Maknaes if y'all are interested!
Chan: The name of the game is isolation. He won't get rid of all your other friends, oh no, he's far too smart for that. Plus, as twisted as his love is, there's enough pureness in there that at least part of him wants you to live a happy normal life. He just wants you to live that happy normal life with him. So he builds your trust with a thousand little favors. Dropping off a snack for you when you have a long work shift, seconding your choice of film during group movie nights, and even picking up the phone when you need to rant regardless of his schedule. He's your rock, and your other friends trust him too just by seeing how sweet he is to you. So when he puts on a fake sad expression and says "I just don't understand *****, no matter how nice I am to him he's so rude back", you don't hesitate to start leaving that person on read. He's careful with the timing, only one or two per year. Sometimes he even plants the seed of doubt in one of your unknowing friends instead. They tell you about this "bully", and how Chan was "trying to brave through it so you wouldn't be hurt", following his composition like the notes he plucks out on his piano. Without your noticing, you're slowing being locked into a cage of dependency, where the only person in your life who is without question is Chan. He hasn't confessed yet, but he'll take a decade if he needs to so that when he does you'll have no reason to think twice.
Lee Know: Cat-sitting for Minho was something he asked for at least once a month, using his tours and schedules as an excuse. True, they lived with his parents, but he'd put on an effortless show of filial piety, taking his parents with him to foreign countries or paying for weekend getaways "just because he wants to repay them for raising him". The truth is, his parents' house and the three fluffy critters are the perfect recipe to get your guard down. You bring along your softest jammies and your favorite sleepytime tea, building yourself a little nest to snuggle into once you've finished checking the litter and filling the food and water bowls. Minho can't help but light up whenever he sees you giggling at a kdrama in his living room, half asleep and surrounded by his fur babies. How can he see you right now? The cameras. The tiny cameras he's installed all over the house just for your visits. By the tv, in the ceramic figurine in the kitchen, even in some of the kitties' more elaborate scratching posts. Your babysitting adventures are his favorite streaming channel, his ray of light when he has to be away from you. You may just be his friend now, but he likes to think of your little unknowing dates as practice for when you're his pretty little housewife. One day he'll come home to you waiting for him like that, his cold phone screen today replaced with the softness of your lips tomorrow.
Changbin: It's the Pretend Boyfriend trope taken just a step too far. It started with him warding off some creep at a party who kept trying to hand you drinks. A thick bicep around your shoulder and a "yo man, she's taken" got the unwanted attention off your back and earned him a smile and a thank you. Then he offered up a selfie that you could send to an ex that kept asking to get back together, saying that once he knew you'd moved on you'd finally be rid of him. Changbin even told you to give his number to the jerk, that he'd "act" like a protective lover if your ex didn't buy the bluff. The charade worked, and this time he got a thank you, a hug, and a bowl of ramen on you next time he had time to grab lunch. He was hooked. More and more, whenever the two of you were in public, he'd suddenly pull you in by the waist or plant his hand on the wall next to your head. He'd whisper that a guy across from you in the arcade was looking at you funny, and "it's probably better if he doesn't think he has a chance with you". The dim lights hide the blush on his cheeks and the giddiness in his eyes. You avert your own gaze and thank him as always, too flustered by his closeness to bother looking past him at the offender. It's a good thing you don't, actually. He'd rather you didn't know that over half the time there isn't anyone there.
Hyunjin: What else? You're his muse. He loves to paint, and he loves to paint you, and despite your own insecurities you can't deny that the you he translates through his art is nothing short of beautiful. It started as a portrait he requested you sit for, your insistence he find a better model shooed away with promises that he was painting all the members and some of the staff, too, for variety's sake (he's lying). He finishes the piece in record time, but since you can't see the canvas from your stool he fusses about and pretends to add lines when in truth his brush has long gone dry and his long gazes at your form aren't to get the curve of your nose right but simply for his delight. After the first painting he insists on another, and flattery tempts you to accept. You get more comfortable with each painting, and he gets bolder in turn. He begins picking out your clothes, styling your hair, even applying your makeup. The fingertips adjusting your pose before he begins slowly transition from a feather-light touch to something heavy and lingering. But he's in no hurry to break the tension he hopes you feel. As long as he has this time with you, he's content. With a shuddering breath, he dips his brush into the paint and etches his love for you into the canvas once again.
(Part 2 with the Maknae Line?)
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Morning Mewl
Pairing: PhD Candidate! Curtis Everett x PhD Student! Reader
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Summary: Curtis is nervous before his PhD defense
Word count: 866
Content/warnings: fluffy fluff fluff fluff (bc Curtis deserves it), kissing, sharing a bed, roommate and good friend Jake, best friend/mentee turned girlfriend reader, pet name usage (cookie, smart cookie, cooks), established relationship
A/N: Inspired partially by @biteofcherry in this post and what was written for @jamneuromain in this post. Shoutout for all my moots for Curtis encouragement and @thezombieprostitute for the constant praise at all hours. I hope you guys melt reading this along with me.
Takes place a couple years down the line once reader and Curtis are dating and in the same program, so there’s not a weird power imbalance.
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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You were used to the groans that came out of Curtis when waking up. Every morning, his broad form that was wrapped around your body creaked in the joints as he stretched, fighting the stiffness that would settle over him in the night.
This morning, you were woken up by a slightly different sound than the usual early morning deep breath and whine that signaled him waking. This was was more high-pitched…more of a…mewl?
You snickered lightly at the sound, ready to turn around in his hold and crack a joke to his face.
“That was an interesting one.” You softly giggled it out, mixed with the small rasp of your morning voice. When you finally opened your eyes, though, you were surprised to not see Curtis’s face at all.. it was hidden by a ball of fluff, a black and gray tabby cat curled up and now purring peacefully.
The same cat you had met years ago when Curtis had brought her in so the landlord didn’t find out. You struggled to hold in a fit of laughter, but weren’t sure what to do. From under the restful mound of fluff came the groan you had expected that morning.
“Jensen, come get the cat.” It was louder that your early morning ears expected, but somewhat muffled and still not enough for her to stir on his face.
Curtis’s roommate Jake came walking into the room, glasses thrown on haphazardly and hair messy from the early hour. Jake wasn’t in your program, he was actually studying CS, which was for the best and very helpful for how often your computer got overloaded. Curtis was glad to have a roommate who was in a different program from him, too. It was a nice break from the nonstop work, plus an opportunity to hear about another department’s drama. Sure, he and Jake didn’t have very similar sleeping schedules, but they got along well and were respectful of noise for the other.
Jake rubbed his eyes under his glasses, adjusting to the light that poured through the curtains of Curtis’s window. He laughed at the predicament Curtis found himself in “I swear she likes you more than she likes me. It’s not fair you get all the ladies around here.”
You laughed as Jake walked into the room towards Curtis’s side of the bed. “C’mere, Mav. Don’t scratch uncle Curtis. He didn’t like that last time.”
Jake gently scooped the cat off his face and she instantly clung to the fabric on the shoulder of his own graphic tee, snuggling against Jake’s shoulder. “Okay, I’ll keep her out of her out of your hair, or at least as much of it as you have, while you get ready. If I don’t see you before you leave, good luck today. I’ll be in the back of the lecture hall for your defense.”
He walked towards the door before turning around. “Oh! And by the way, I stopped by that breakfast place you like yesterday. Picked up some sandwiches for this morning’s brain food. All you and Cookie have to do is heat them up.”
You and Curtis had both shifted to sit up by now, and you watched a small, appreciative smile creep onto his face. “Thanks, Jensen, I’ll see you later, man.”
You twisted towards your boyfriend, finally seeing his full face for the first time that morning. “You hear that? He got us the good stuff. Free breakfast, Cooks.”
You shook your head and brushed your hand over the stubble on his cheek, freshly trimmed the past weekend so it was neat for Curtis’s PhD defense later this morning. “I’m not the smart cookie today. You are, future Dr. Everett. It has a good ring to it already.”
Your thumb traced over the freckles on his nose as he leaned into your touch, turning his head to place a kiss on your palm. His eyes sparkled back toward you with a hint of concern you’d rarely seen from the usually confident and secure man. “Not yet, though. Don’t wanna count my chickens before they hatch.”
Your other hand came up to frame his face and pull his forehead to yours. “Look at me. Today’s going to be great. You’re going to show everyone how smart you are and how hard you’ve worked and how there’s no one else who’s as deserving of this degree as you. And I’m going to be right there, cheering you on with your parents, without an ounce of doubt in your abilities.”
He relaxed in your hold, wrapping his one arm around your waist, the other settling on your thigh as his eyes fluttered shut. He sighed, absorbing the comfort of the moment before looking up at you through his eyelashes. “Promise?”
You leaned in to kiss him, slow and deep. An exhibit of love and faith and the deepest support that bloomed from friendship. You both pulled away with smiles on your faces before you saw his demeanor shift and lighten, his usual, determined game face taking over. He was ready for the day.
“I promise. Now let’s go eat that breakfast before Jensen changes his mind and steals it from us.”
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Bonus A/N: Pls feel free to screech with me about soft! Curtis. He deserves all the credit and all the love.
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nebbyy · 5 months
Random question. Do you think Baldwin would like puppies or kittens better
King Baldwin - Cats or dogs?
A/N: Mmmmh hard one, took me almost half a day to think about it😭😭 Loved the idea though, I think that this question and the reasoning behind its answer tell a lot about a person.
Couldn't find the name of the painting this time but the painter is by Henriette Ronner-Knip!!
Warning: puppies, but mostly kitties. Jokes aside I took the liberty of adding some historical inaccurate facts about cats' presence in medieval castles just to make the story more fit to my taste (not like historical accuracy is really the point of a fanfic but you get my point).
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I'm still really torn but I'd say that it depends on which time of his life that question is asked
If it's during his childhood and first youth, he'd say dogs with no hesitation. They're great companions and so full of life, he'd love to bring a few with him during his hunting trips. He would see his own sprout of energy mirrored in his pawed companions! I see him as owning at least two of them, maybe even more (having almost a pack of dogs was pretty much the norm in noble families)
Dogs are also perceived better by Christian society, as there were quite a few theologists who believed that cats where somehow tied to unholiness or even the devil himself
But as time goes by and his condition worsens, he can't bring himself to stand for so long, let alone play with the dogs or take them out while he rides his horse
He feels bad, though, at the sound of their whines as his servants shoo them out of his bedroom, while he lays motionlessly on his huge bed (in which he usually let them lay while he rested, much to his servants' dismay)
And it is right as he's left laying there, alone and with an aching heart at the loss of his dear friends, that he for the first time notices the gentle meow of his physician's cat. He never really acknowledged his existence, for he always seemed to make it his mission to be as invisible to the people in the room as possible
The cat looked him with mil interest: of course, he knew him, but Baldwin couldn't say the same. He had been silently studying the young king, as his master tended to his everlasting wounds, or as he distracted himself form his duties with a game of chess. All while Baldwin didn't even know that the cat was in the room in the first place
Their exchanged stare didn't last long, because soon the cat jumped swiftly on the bed, waggling his tail like an enchanted snake as he made a few steps on top of the covers
He inspects the space, undisturbed by Baldwin who can't bring himself to make even the slightest movement because of how exhausted his sickness makes him
Finally, the cat seems to find a spot to his liking, right on the spot between Baldwin's side and arm, which is splayed on the side of the bed
The cat makes a few circles before snuggling close to his clothed side, resting his head on his own tail and quietly purring himself to sleep, soon followed by the king himself
That was their first official encounter, one that changed Baldwin's answer at the question "cats or dogs"
He also came to find that apparently there were far more cats in palace
In his late years, he found in those cats a silent and delicate company, it created a space in which he could let go of everything and just bask into the presence of those little balls of fur
And they are so agile and elegant in their movements, he enjoys watching them move around his room, jumping from a surface to the other like it's nothing; he feels like he can move and live through them
And he misses them oh so badly when they leave his chamber to go hunt for food or to simply explore the palace, but as they happily walk back in his room and curl up to rest all over his bed and desk, he almost feels like they're telling him all they've seen during the day simply through their eyes
And that is how Baldwin IV was born a dog person, only to die surrounding his death bed with cats
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roosterforme · 2 years
Two to Tango Part 3 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley wants to put some distance between you and his growing feelings, unless there's a chance you feel the same way.
Warnings: Adult banter, swearing, smut, angst, fluff
Length: 3000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun.
Part 2
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Bradley lay in bed for a long time, unable to relax. He thought sleeping with you would be good for his confidence. He had been devastatingly wrong. Now he knew what the problem was; he liked you, but you had made it abundantly clear that you did not return those feelings.
It's just sex. Damn it. He barely knew anything about you, but he was still interested. Now a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance was taking up residence in his stomach. That was not just sex to him. That had been a continuation of the little cat and mouse flirtation that the two of you had been playing at. It was him showing you how much he liked you and wanted to make you feel good.
He had imagined sleeping over with you, or at least snuggling for a while if you didn't want to risk anyone seeing him in the morning. And while you hadn't exactly booted him out, you never asked him to stay. You only wanted to make plans for another booty call. 
He should have just knocked on Killer's door and gotten his ass kicked. It would hurt less than this. 
When he finally managed to fall asleep, it felt like his alarm was immediately jolting him awake again. 
Wednesday morning. Only three days left before he could head back to San Diego on Saturday morning. He would just focus on his daily tasks like he was supposed to instead of chasing after a younger woman who didn't actually give a shit about him as long as she got laid well.
Nat had been telling him to stop selling himself short, but this just seemed to reiterate that he probably wasn't made for much more than this.
He got to breakfast so early, that he thankfully didn't have to sit or talk with anyone else. And then he took a walk outside until just before the lecture started, only breezing into the room as the teacher was walking to the podium. Bradley dropped into the seat next to you without glancing in your direction. If you thought this was odd, you didn't show any outward signs of it for the entire three hours you sat next to him.
On the way to the tarmac for the competition portion of the day, you strolled up alongside Bradley, your helmet gripped in your hands.
"You going to stop by again tonight, sweetheart?" you asked him, voice steady as you stared straight ahead. 
Bradley let himself feel like shit for a beat, but then he shook his head. "Nah," he told you without looking at you. "I'm not interested in doing the walk of shame again, Tango. But thanks anyway." As much as he wanted to see your reaction, he kept his eyes facing forward and kept his gait casual as he neared his aircraft. It felt good to stand up for himself like this.
"I guess can always see if Coyote is free. He's never called me incompetent before, and he's hot too." 
Bradley came to an immediate stop and rounded on you, but your face was calm, placid.
"Seriously?" he growled. His nostrils were flaring and his body was tense, and he couldn't even figure out why this mattered so much.
You just raised and eyebrow and shrugged in response. 
"Tango, are you trying to make me jealous, or do you just really not give a fuck about me at all?" 
Bradley watched your lips part soundlessly as you shrunk away from him a little bit. The look on your face was something akin to silent panic, but Bradley wasn't going to tolerate getting no verbal answer from you.
"If you want Coyote, then by all means, feel free. But if you just think it's funny to fuck with my feelings, then don't talk to me."
When you still didn't answer, he muttered, "Unbelievable," and started up his ladder.
Bradley ended up flying like his tail was on fire. He was so irritated, he posted the best time of the day by several seconds, which should have been unheard of. 
"Damn, Bradshaw," Jake drawled, "that was impressive. Didn't know you had it in you."
When Bradley just grunted in return on the way to the locker rooms, Phoenix said, "He must be in a bad mood. Always flies like that when he's pissed off." 
Phoenix rubbed Bradley's shoulder as he actively avoided looking at you. He was leading you in points now, but he didn't really care too much. He just shoved through the locker room door, already unzipping his flight suit and undressing before he was at the showers. 
He needed to calm down. He couldn't let you determine his behavior for him. But as the hot water washed over him, his mind drifted to last night, before you had ruined his mood. 
You were too close to what he was looking for. Smart, beautiful, confident and interested in him. Or so he had thought. 
He took some deep breaths, forcing himself to calm down, and he finished getting dressed.
As he made his way to the cafeteria for dinner, he saw you walking ahead of him. Laughing. With Coyote. He was half tempted to sneak off and order a pizza again, but you had already spotted him. So he strolled into the cafeteria, collected an enormous amount of food for himself, and sat down across from Phoenix and Hangman.
When Coyote greeted them and sat down next to Bradley, he just grunted in response.
"Thought you'd be in a good mood. You smoked the rest of us," Javy said as he started eating. "And you have the most points. And Tango is super into you."
Bradley just continued to forcefully mix up his mashed potatoes and gravy before he paused and raised his eyes to look at Javy. "Is she?" 
"That's what she told me," Javy said with a soft laugh. "She told me she likes your ridiculous mustache."
"Huh," Bradley grunted, getting a forkful of potato halfway to his mouth before his hand drifted to a halt. Now he was even more confused. "She really said that?"
Javy nodded and ducked his head. "Yeah. She also told me to tell you that you could have stayed in her room longer if you wanted to last night."
Bradley watched Jake and Nat both choke on their food before turning around in his seat to look at you. His eyes immediately met yours across the room, and you simply raised one hand and wiggled your fingers in his direction. Of course then Killer turned around in his seat to glare at Bradley, which made you start laughing. It was a pretty sound that Bradley could hear across the cafeteria. 
"Shit," Bradley muttered. Okay, so maybe he hadn't been fair to you earlier. Maybe you just needed time to warm up to him. And perhaps he shouldn't have jumped in bed with you at the first opportunity. 
But as he made his way back to his tiny room, removing his tee shirt when he got there, he decided he wasn't going to your room tonight. If you had used Javy to pass along your message to make Bradley feel more confident, that was one thing. But he wasn't so pathetic as to show up at your room like a lost puppy. No, he wanted you to tell him yourself that you were interested in his ridiculous mustache. 
So he kicked off his shoes and dropped down onto his bed, just as there was a knock at the door. He stood up and unlocked the door in just his jeans, and there you were. 
"Nice flying today, old man."
He searched your face for answers but came up short. "Thanks. I take it Coyote wasn't free tonight?" he asked cautiously.
"You and I both know I was never going to ask him."
Bradley's heart started pounding. "So will you be the one doing the walk of shame tonight?"
"If you kick me out, then yes." You stepped into his personal space and let your palms rest softly on his abs. Bradley slowly backed up into his room and you followed as the door closed. 
"I heard you like my mustache."
You smiled up at him. "I really do, sweetheart. And I must be crazy. You've called me incompetent and inept, and you yelled at me on the tarmac today. But I'm still here."
Bradley nodded his head in apology. "And it's not just sex?"
You shook your head slowly. "Listen, I don't usually do the getting attached thing. It never ends well. But I shouldn't have told you that it was just sex, because it clearly was not."
Bradley's lips crashed against yours and you were scrambling into his arms. 
"Listen," he murmured against your lips between kisses. You moved your mouth to his neck and he said, "I'm kind of at the point where I'd like to get attached enough that you'll at least talk to me." 
"Mmm, okay," you told him as you kissed your way down to his collarbone where you licked and sucked on him. 
"So how about if I can make you cum so good again, you stay and tell me how old you are, and where you're from, and why you joined the air force, and why you're in my room right now?"
When your lips released his skin and you looked up at him with wide eyes, you said, "Okay, old man. And you can tell me how fucking old you are, too."
Bradley scooped you up and sat on the edge of his bed, pulling you down on top of him when he leaned back against the pillows. "I'm thirty-six," he told you, and you straddled his waist, pressing your chest to his. 
You let your hand drift down between his body and your baggy shirt, gently stroking him and turning him on. You kissed his ear and whispered, "You're ten years older than me. I cannot believe I am this attracted to an old man who is rude to me. I really think it's the mustache."
Bradley groaned as you nibbled on his earlobe, still working your hand down until you were squeezing him through his jeans. "You wanna feel my mustache on your pussy again?" 
The moan that escaped your lips directly next to his ear was enough to make him dizzy. He yanked your shirt off and quickly removed your bra as well. As he stroked his fingers along your breasts, he whispered, "Come on, Tango. Sit on my face."
Your hesitant smile melted into a lip biting grin, and you were instantly squirming out of your shorts and tiny underwear and shimmying up his body. "Make me cum," you commanded, and Bradley hoisted you into position with his hands gripping your thighs and your wet core riding his mouth.
You kept eye contact with him while he ate you out, your fingers alternating between roughly gripping his hair by the roots and softly caressing his forehead. 
"Oh, feels so good," you whined as he sucked on you, and soon you were riding his face. You were moving against him in a steady rhythm, the buildup to your orgasm making you whine louder. 
Bradley could feel your thighs shaking as you started to squeeze them against his face. He pulled your clit between his lips and used his tongue to make you scream, and you rode his face until you were almost in hysterics.
When you collapsed against him, wrung out and boneless, Bradley gently eased you down next to him. 
"Holy shit," you gasped, curling up against his side. "You look so pretty with your face all wet, old man." Bradley thought he was going to cum in his jeans when you started licking and kissing all of the wetness from your pussy off of his face and mustache. 
"You liked that?" he asked once you were softly kissing his lips. 
"Mmm, yes," you told him, reaching for his dick again, but he stopped you by lacing his fingers with yours. 
"Guess you better answer my questions then," he told you in his sternest voice that had you biting your lip again. 
"You don't want to fuck me first?"
Bradley groaned and kissed along your breasts, pulling you all the way on top of him so you were laying on his chest again. "I think you need a few more minutes to recover. You're twenty six?"
"Yeah, almost twenty seven," you whispered, laying on his pec and playing with his little bit of chest hair. "My birthday is next week." 
"Where are you from?" 
"California. Born and raised. I live on Edwards Air Force Base."
Now Bradley finally felt like he was getting somewhere, you were still melting against him as he rubbed your back. And Edwards was not too far from San Diego.
"You're a hell of a pilot, baby. Why did you join the Air Force? You could have been in the Navy."
You rubbed your cheek against him as you told him all about how your dad and brothers had all been in the Air Force as well, but you were the only one who could hack it as a pilot. "I also knew it was the only way I could pay for college, you know? I'm smart too, old man. I was pre med."
Bradley ran his fingers along the back of your neck, and you shivered against him. "Why are you in my room?"
You sighed softly as he teased your skin. "I like boys who are as sassy as I am. And you're fucking hot, you know, for someone who is so old."
Bradley took you by the chin and tipped your pretty face up so you were looking at him. "I'm not a boy. I'm a man."
You gasped and licked your lips, your bright eyes roaming over his face. 
"Yeah....I noticed."
After Bradley kissed you and stroked your skin until you were begging for him, he fucked you slow and steady, your body spread out beneath him on his bed. 
He worked you over until he felt better, until your rejection from last night was a distant memory. He fucked you until you were whispering his name on the heels of your orgasm. 
You let him cum inside you, which was more intimate than perhaps even the sex had been. Bradley kept himself in you, enjoying the feel of your body as he kissed your lips softly. Your eyelids were slowly drifting open and then closed again between kisses, but you were smiling every time his lips met yours. 
"You sleeping in here with me tonight, Tango?" he asked, placing a soft kiss to the side of your chin. 
You moaned softly, running your fingers through his hair. "I'm too tired to leave, unless you want me to."
"I want you to stay."
A few minutes later, before you started drifting to sleep, you asked Bradley why he had joined the Navy. And when he told you he was stationed at Top Gun, you told him, "Hey, old man, that's not far from Edwards."
"You thinking about keeping me around?"
There were a few beats of silence before Bradley heard you murmur, "I'm taking it into consideration."
Bradley woke up at six with your body wrapped around his. You were snoring softly with your head resting on his chest, and you looked so cute, he really didn't want to wake you up. But sunlight had begun to trickle through the window blinds, and Bradley knew it would be another long day of lectures and flying. 
"Tango. Time to get up."
You roused from sleep and arched your back in the most appealing way as you stretched, before curling up tighter against him. "Come on, old man. I'm still tired."
"Did I wear you out?" he asked softly.
You moaned and said, "Maybe a little bit. And now that I know what your voice sounds like first thing in the morning, I am devastated I didn't ask you to sleep over the other night."
Bradley just chuckled and ran his fingers along your cheek for a few minutes. He watched you turn your head to look up at him as you said, "Stop staring. It's rude."
"I can't help it when the scenery is so pretty."
Bradley watched you press your lips together and bury your face against him in embarrassment. When you tried to pull the blanket over your head, he pulled it further off of you. 
"Really? You're embarrassed that I think you're pretty? You about bit my head off on Sunday, but this is what's going to get to you?"
"Shh," you whispered before easing your body higher against his tall frame and kissing his lips. "Stop." But you were smiling as you kissed him. 
"I'm going go tell you all day long how fucking gorgeous you are. It's your kryptonite. It's how I'm going to win," he informed you with a smirk. 
You covered his mouth with your palm in response and shook your head. "Don't you dare. Killer would never let me live it down."
Bradley laughed, and you removed your hand as you started to get out of bed. "I guess I'd better start my walk of shame," you said as you began to gather up your clothing. 
Bradley sat on the edge of the bed, as naked as you were. He watched you get dressed, and he saw your eyes dipping down to his semi-hard cock a few times. "Any chance you'll let me be the one to do the walk of shame tomorrow morning?" he asked.
You leaned down and kissed him once after you put your clothes and shoes on. "Yes."
Thankfully Tango has come to her senses! One more part to go!
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yoruio · 7 months
Post!Hour of Joy Catnap x Reader HCs:
Genre: Fluff!!!!!!
AN: really short thingy I did, cant get the catnap brainrot outta my head, based him off a house cat a tad bit too much
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☾ Catnap took some time to get used to you. And a lot of sweets— but in the end it all seemed to work out!
☾ The first few days, Catnap would stalk around the playroom to avoid the kids running about just so he could see what you were up to!
☾ Kickin and Hoppy would always spot him and pull him back into the play area every time he got caught.
☾ Catnap is not the one to give up easily and would sneak out during recess time and leave little trinkets on your desk
☾ Ever since you taught him how to be more social, he and the kids that would go to Playcare grew to become very close and would help him do tasks that require smaller hands, like folding paper or coloring with crayons.
☾ It's a miracle how he was able to find your quarters in this massive establishment.
☾ The first time it happened you saw a little purple paper cat with a tiny moon charm on it's chest. Hmm, you wonder who this came from.
☾ The next time you saw Catnap you didn't forget to give him a head scritch and a cheery "Thank you!"
☾ Catnap then on would find ways to sneak handcrafted toys into your office.
☾ Congrats, you're now his favorite person in the whole world!!! Till this day the little paper cat still stands on your desk.
☾ Catnap would always draw you every time there were arts and crafts activities in the playcare.
☾ Catnap doesn't know how Craftycorn works her magic with those hooves of hers, but the least he could do is draw a messy stickman of you. And what do you know, you adored his drawing! And now it's hung on a little frame in your room!
☾ Catnap, after you'd visit him around working hours his mood would noticeably get more lively... So lively in fact that he dashes all over the room like those house cats getting the zoomies. Dogday's in awe at how fast his sleepy buddy was. Hey, if the kids are having fun then he guesses it's fine!
☾ Despite Catnap's distorted voice box you never really minded how brief his answers were.
"You want to eat?" you chuckled. Lowering the box you were carrying to meet his gaze.
"No." he spoke, staring at you with his dotted white pupils.
"Uhm... Need something from me?" you asked curiously. You wondered what he wanted.
"...No..." He spoke again.
"You're just here to bug me, are you?" you huffed, a small smile etched on your face as you stared up the purple cat.
"..." His long tail twirled deviously.
You raise your brow at him with your arms crossed over your chest.
☾ The other smiling critters seem to like this side of the purple cat too! But what they don't enjoy is how loud his purring gets whenever he naps.
☾ Catnap likes to laze in your office at night. He often curls himself around your desk chair as you work. His soft purple fur a great insulator against the cold room.
☾ Catnap tends to be more active at night, hence the reason he's always scratching your bedpost. On some occasions, he'd even stretch like a cat.
☾ You made sure that after you'd finished all your paperwork you would snuggle up with him on the floor since he was a tad too big for the bed Play Co. provided for you.
☾ He hoped things would never change.
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Ik ik its boring but I've been wanting a bit of sweet stuff yknow
This the thing Catnap made for u btw :>
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Peper kat!!!!!!!
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Can I request domestic fluff hcs with Nanu?? 🥺
arghhh um replay has done damage to my neurons by showing me Old Man again
🌑 He would never think himself the domestic type. His inability to cook, his laziness about cleaning, and his overall disinterest in a relationship before you came around. It takes a bit of adjustment on his part to get used to engaging in domestic activities with his partner, as he struggles to even call them anything apart from their name for a while. Basically, you will have to teach him a bit of what to do. He is a tired old cat man with not many interests in his life.
🌑 Nanu gets a bit flustered when you go out of your way to make food for him. He can easily go pick up something in Malie or make something out of his endless supply of instant noodles, yet here you are making him a nice meal. The old man eats it and feels like something so enjoyable is wasted on him. He still finds it in himself to thank, however. With how your eyes light up, he knows you are going to cook for him again soon. He tries to make things for you, but he does not get much fancier than a sandwich. His feeding abilities for other people start and end at opening a can and putting it in a bowl.
🌑 A change he can admit he likes is the feeling of coming home to you after doing whatever Kahuna duties had called out to him. While he never really felt alone, due to his collection of Meowths and Acerola's usual visits, coming home to you is a calming thing. Someone he can quietly sit with – someone who lets him just unwind and chat about his day vacantly. Just like with his beloved felines, he can be with you without worrying about being judged. It really puts him at ease. Especially, when you let him lay his head in your lap and just let him de-stress from his work. At least, until a Meowth wanders up and starts whining for attention.
🌑 He does, admittedly, try to keep his home a bit cleaner. There is little he can do about the Meowths and their preferred items, but he tries to make it a bit more presentable as a home. Granted, it still is obviously a police station, but he is trying. You also aid in the cleaning efforts, helping make sure his home does not fall into the Kahuna's usual droughts of energy. It does feel a bit more energising to have a clean home to return to, he notices. Some days you both find yourselves quietly cleaning up the station together. He enjoys it more than he would like to ever say aloud.
🌑 Small things that change also seem to feel oddly right to him. Going to the store with you for groceries feels like something that he has always been doing, sharing a meal at a restaurant feels as if he never used to regularly show up alone, and even spending time with Acerola feels more familiar with you there to help him. It is such a strange feeling for him to process. Even watching you help him care for his Meowths makes him feel as if this is how everything should have been for him. He finds himself a bit lost on why this is for a while.
🌑 Even just having your body pressed against his own as the Alolan moon softly shines in through a window makes him realise how much he has come to enjoy this change in his life. You bury your head into his nape while he holds you lazily, genuinely makes him crack a grin. In his twilight years is when he finally found someone he could live like this with, it almost drew a chuckle from him if he knew it would not awaken you. His life had become strangely cohabitated by you, and nearly everything he did seemed to somehow draw his mind back to you, too. He wanted to shake his head at the torment. Just as he began to doze off, he realised how much he truly enjoyed spending his nights snuggled up to you.
🌑 He slowly finds himself accustomed to an everyday that is spent with you at his side. Sporadically, he even finds himself letting you join him for his Kahuna duties if it is not anything dangerous (he will absolutely not let you near an Ultra Beast unless he is certain you are a competent trainer). There is something that makes the tasks more bearable if he can turn to you and just be aware of your presence. There is soon a running theory from locals that was started by Acerola that you two are married, and he finds himself oddly entranced by it. Maybe one day soon he would make that a reality, if he did not drop dead first.
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Between the Sheets | L.JB
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Hey, girl, ain't no mystery At least as far as I can see I wanna keep you here layin' next to me Sharin' our love between the sheets
The Isley Brothers - Between the Sheets
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pairing: jay b x reader genre: married, established relationship, smut, fluff rating: 18+ warnings: oral (m receiving), consensual somnophilia word count: 1.5k summary: he isn’t ready to wakeup, but you on the other hand...
a/n: something more on the softer side and unbetaed...hope you like it! 
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Early morning light streamed in from the semi closed blinds. Soft shadows bounced off the many objects in the room and fell onto the bed. Two lumps were buried under a peach colored blanket that was barely on the bed. Rumbled sheets acted as a soft barrier between the cool air and the  warm bodies that were fast asleep. Someone was snoring softly and a body shifted on the bed. The peach blanket fell to the floor, pushed to the very edge before gravity played its part. A pair of feet are exposed, the cold air bites at the toes and the snoring is interrupted as someone wakes from a sudden shiver.
Jaebeom fights to stay asleep, his dream just within reach if he snuggles into the warmth of…Jaebeom’s feet are cold. He rubs his feet together and tries to search for the blanket but can’t find one. He doesn’t want to open his eyes, he can just tell that it is too early to be alive. Somewhere in the apartment Nora yowls and Jaebeom sighs. Maybe it isn’t as early as he thought. Fighting with himself, Jaebeom pulls himself out of his sleeping state and rolls over onto his side. His eyes peek open and a purple bonnet with silver stars is mixed into the peach sheets. He smiles as he yawns and scouts closer to the warm body known as his wife. Jaebeom pulls her into his arms, her back against his chest and buries his nose into the bonnet. He inhales the scent of oil sheen and pink lotion, a soft fragrance that is forever a part of his wife’s hair care routine.
Jaebeom closes his eyes and lets his body relax once more. Five more minutes wouldn’t hurt, right? He got home late last night and he just feels so tired. He is snoring again. The woman in his arms shifts, her head moves away from his chest as she tries to keep her peaceful sleep. In the distance, she can hear Cake and Odd fussing and slowly starts to come out of her dreamland. The weight on her waist and the warmth at her back is tempting as she fights with herself to get out of bed. Holding her breath, she slips out of Jaebeom’s arms and sits at the edge of the bed. Her slippers wait on the floor, fluffy and yellow, kinda like Big Bird. Looking over her shoulder, she smiles at her sleeping husband and wipes the sleep from her eyes as she yawns. Standing up, she walks over to the bedroom door and opens it. Sure enough, Koon is waiting for her.
Bending down, she scoops the little Korean short haired cat into her arms and kisses the top of its head. 
“Good morning, my sweet baby.” Her voice is soft, still muddled down with sleep as she makes her way to the kitchen where the other four cats are waiting. She smiles and sets Koon on the floor with the rest of his siblings and goes about getting their breakfast all set up. Placing everything on the floor, the woman smiles once more and grabs two bottles of water from the fridge. She sets them on the counter table before she goes to the bathroom to relieve herself, wash her face and brush her teeth.. She yawns before she goes into the kitchen for the bottles of water.
“See you in another hour or so,” she tells the cats as she glances at the time and sees that it’s only eight in the morning. Back in the bedroom, she places the bottles of water on the nightstand and looks at her sleeping husband. His face is soft, there’s some stubble on his chin and she can see faint bags under his eyes. She stops to think what time he came home last night and she can’t remember. She knows that it was after midnight ‘cause that’s when she went to bed. Grabbing her phone from the nightstand, she sits on the edge of the bed and pulls up the online menu of Jaebeom’s favorite place to eat. He has no idea that they have started doing delivery and she orders food for the both of them. She sets the delivery for eleven o’clock and glances over her shoulder at Jaebeom. 
He’s shirtless and only wearing a pair of black boxers. The sheet is barely covering his legs and the blanket is nowhere to be seen, most likely on the floor. She can see that he has morning wood and bites her lower lip as her mouth starts to water. Her core starts to throb, she can feel herself becoming wet the longer she stares at her husband's dick. She lays on the bed and fixes the sheets so that it’s covering their lower halves correctly. She’s wearing an oversized sleep shirt that stops mid thigh with no underwear on. She hates sleeping in underwear, it feels like she’s suffocating herself.
Resting her cheek against her fist as she holds her head up, she watches Jaebeom sleep. The rise and fall of his chest is soothing enough to have her second guessing if she really wants to wake him up. Her core clenches in protest and she nibbles at her thumb, “Babe?” She calls out to Jaebeom softly, not wanting him to fully wake from his slumber. “Babe?” Reaching out she strokes her finger down the bridge of Jaebeom’s nose and traces over his lips with her fingertips. Jeabeom’s face scrunches but soon relaxes as he turns his face in her direction. “Beomie, bae?”
“Mmmm?” Jaebeom grunts and turns away to which she just smiles and continues to trace over the contours of his face.
“I want you, Beomie.”
Jaebeom nods his head and yawns, “Yeah?” His voice is husky, he isn’t awake at all. 
“Can I have you baby?”
“Whatever you want,” Jaebeom answers and his wife giggles. She leans forwards and pecks his cheek softly.
“You sleep baby. Let me take care of you.”
She slips beneath the sheet and situates herself between Jeabeom’s legs, flat on her stomach with her arms bent towards her chest. Reaching out, she palms Jaebeom through his boxers and smiles when he twitches in her hand. She pulls the waistband of his boxers down and tucks it under his balls so that his dick is free, hard and dribbling precum from the tip. She licks her lips and clenches her thighs, she wants him now. Leaning up, she grabs Jaebeom’s dick in one hand and hovers her mouth over the lip. Tiny kitten licks to the tip, followed by wet kisses down the length before she licks back to the tip and wraps her lips around him.
She starts to bob her head up and down, making sure to keep the rhythm steady as possible. She doesn’t want him to wake up just yet. She wants to enjoy the weight of him in her mouth, against her tongue without the strain of having to take him into her throat. As much as she enjoys sucking Jaebeom off, she isn’t a fan of deep throating because her gag reflex is sensitive. She will never forget the time Jaebeom got a little too rough and she threw up in his lap…that was the very same night he had proposed to her.
Pushing the memory to the back of her mind, she starts to slurp and suck at the tip, drool spilling from her mouth and soaking the trimmed dark hair on Jaebeom’s pelvis. Jaebeom tastes salty and slightly sweet; it reminds her of sunflower seeds. The taste drives her wild and she starts to really get into it. Inhaling through her nose, she forces herself to take Jaebeom into her throat and when hands cradle her head, she glances up to see Jeabeom smirking down at her with glazed eyes.
“Shit baby. Fuck! C-come up for air p-petty.”
Jaebeom hisses when he falls from her mouth, his dick slobbery and wet, slaps against his stomach. 
“Get up here, baby.”
Jaebeom watches through hooded eyes as his wife crawls up the bed and it takes his breath away. His body feels like it is on fire and his mind is hazy. Warm, so very warm and wet, that’s what pulled at his mind as he slept. The sudden tightness of his wife’s throat is what woke him up and he nearly came at the sight of her body in between his legs under the sheet. Now with her at his side, Jaebeom rolls over so that he is slotted between his wife’s thighs and groans. She is so warm and soft, made for him. A home within a home. Jaebeom pushes his boxers down and kicks them off before he lowers his face, closer and closer until their lips touch. He can smell the fresh mint and taste himself on her tongue. He is mixed with the toothpaste and it makes him wild.
“I fucking love you,” Jaebeom breath as he kisses the breath from her lungs. Again and again he peppers his lips to her chin, cheek, nose, forehead and back to her lips. “I love you, baby.”
She smiles and wraps a leg around his waist, “Show me?”
Jaebeom smirks and nuzzles his nose against hers, “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
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phanfictioncatalogue · 5 months
Couch Cuddles Masterlist
A Beautiful Mess Of Emotion (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Dan was a mess after the holidays ended. He came back from his family’s house with bags under his eyes and no spring left in his step. The moment Phil opened the door, he knew something was wrong.
Or: Phil comforts Dan after a stressful week.
A Horror Deal (ao3) - bakingphaninmymind
Summary: Dan and Phil decide to watch a horror. Both boys know it's not a good idea, but at least they have a chance to find out who's gonna come and cuddle to whose bedroom first, right? Fluff :)
being with you (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan and Phil have just released their DVD; after chatting with their audience, they spend the night alone.
cat and bear (ao3) - furryphil
Summary: 2009!phan in which dan finds something unexpected on phil’s phone. it’s not a bad thing, though phil is a bit embarrassed by it.
Distracting Boyfriends and Sleepy Kisses (ao3) - ElleF
Summary: Phil just wants his boyfriend to pay attention to him.
Home is Wherever I'm With You (ao3) - xoPrincessKayxo
Summary: Dan has a habit of showing up at Phil's place unannounced whenever he can't sleep. Phil doesn't mind at all
In another life you still would’ve turned my head (ao3) - natigail
Summary: Dan comes across old black and white photos of two queer men messing around, one playing with the other's hair, just like he did in a recent video with Phil. He gets caught up in the emotions that he would have fallen in love with Phil in any universe. He crawls into Phil's lap and tells him exactly that.
In Touch (ao3) - enbyishimaru
Summary: After seeing Dan being comfortable with himself in Australia, he plans a date night to encourage Dan to continue doing things that mqke him happy. Also combining my personal wanting Dan to catch up with Rick and Morty, so if you aren't caught up there will be spoilers.
Keep It Down (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: Phil wants a quiet life. That's all he's asked for. He doesn't want the new neighbour to blast music at him at 2 in the morning, so if he would kindly stop then that's all Phil needs
keep your brittle heart warm (ao3) - theloveofbees
Summary: this summer is strange. but its warm. and theres wine. and theres music. and maybe things will be okay.
Nothing Matters But Us Two (ao3) - expiredlove
Summary: Dan really doesn't want Phil to leave him after their joyful weekend playing Crash Bandicoot on the couch, so he convinces him to stay. Lots of cuddles ensue.
Of Racing Hearts and Weighted Blankets (ao3) - hygge
Summary: Phil wakes up with anxiety coursing through his body and finds that Dan is a pretty good weighted blanket.
Sleepy Movie Nights (ao3) - YourEyesHoldTheGalaxy
Summary: Dan and Phil need a movie night in and maybe just maybe, it’ll be different this time.
Sunshine and Snuggles (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: - There were some days when Dan couldn’t stand the thought of being alone. They were few and far between, and impulsive, but whenever these days came about, he found himself clinging to Phil as if he was his lifeline. -
A day of Pastel Dan and Punk Phil cuddles.
Take a Picture and Frame It (ao3) - interruptedbyfjreworks
Summary: Dan's never been one to believe that 'everything happens for a reason', but he can't help but feel that Amelia was put into their lives by more than just an off-chance.
When I Think About My Future All I Think About Is You (ao3) - expiredlove
Summary: Dan looks back on their past and writes his favourite memories down for Phil to read. He talks about how he can't wait until their future together begins, but maybe it already has...
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The soldier comes back
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Winston x girlfriend!reader
warning : fluff, comfort, ptsd (nightmares), emotional, kissing, wound
Summary : After the next deployment, she was supposed to go home for a long time - that was the promise she was given, a promise kept when she was able to embrace her beloved Winston again, but no one had told the young couple that the post-war period was worse than waiting for news and together they have to deal with what happened.
info : There is no single gif for Winston (maybe i'll try one) but have fun with this angst/fluff piece have fun and see you next time :)
ps : I have tried to get as much out of the movie as I can from him I hope he is good
A war destroyed people attacker and defender alike, a war left nothing but death, devastation, destruction and mountains of bodies and the aftermath was like a cloud of silent grief and suffering but no one wanted to admit to having started it so it always was.
While in the past wars lasted a few years at most, resources were not enough and weapons were not so well developed, the world was also very different not ruled by a greed that emerged in the twenty-first century and with this greed came war and more wars.
Young men and women were drawn in and died and prayed over until the mission, until the war was declared over or you won or lost whatever it was in the end it was an ugly affair with nothing to show for it but suffering and destruction.
A war in its beginnings broke families apart and tore them apart or was merciful and brought them back or brought them to a parting in a beginning spring that would bring the land into bloom, ,,I promise I'll be back who will Pringel cuddle with mhh?" he asked with a smile even though his voice was tinged with sadness and uncertainty as he held her hands and wiped away her tears.
The couple was one of the youngest at the airport many men and women had families already or brought grandparents who cared but they both, she a freshly started vet and he her sweet self-sacrificing friend a sniper drafted into a war they didn't know when it would ever end.
But his words even now made her smile as she thought of the bushy-tailed cat in her apartment who always needed a cuddle before sleep, ,,I-I think I can do it," she sniffled, wiping away the last of her tears as she looked into her friend's face, she was so unsure now to see him like this, as much as they had joked that the uniform suited him.
He would carry a gun, hide on roofs and other elevated positions and shoot, ,,Very good…I'll be back I promise darling I'll be back" was the last thing he said to her as the final call rang out and he pulled her into one last hug they both shared one last kiss and they had to break away as they boarded the plane to an uncertain future.
A future that would include the next few months of talking and video chatting as often as they could, mostly in the evenings, though the time difference sometimes caused a few problems, it was pure relief to see each other and hear his voice, ,,You really are my hope here," he admitted from time to time and she gave the screen a kiss before showing him Pringle snuggled on her lap, meowing as Winston kissed the animal and seemed to be happy to see such a personal picture of hope.
While he was just being the best he could be to her by not getting hurt or the worst happening, he told her about the sun and the heat, some new high scores on his console and his friends that it wasn't as bad as he thought.
The conversations she had with him distracted him, which always worked and she saw him smile and the exhaustion left him, at least for a moment, until they said goodbye to each other again and could hardly wait until they could see each other again.
The days and weeks went by and her work as a vet went well, the joy she saw on people's faces and animals that were no longer in pain gave her hope and the evenings were not so lonely with the cat and a few good movies and series but it was not the same when Winston was not there.
But they also talked about how they missed each other and how much they wanted to see each other again, at least holding hands, ,,We'll see each other soon, I promise it can't be that long" he said and even though she didn't want to bring it up she saw that he looked more tired than usual, she didn't know what the different times of deployment were like, how long you had to lie in wait in the dark but he was one of the new ones surely not that long was he?
Soldier wasn't a job you just did, it was a job with obligations and an uncertain end, even in times of war you were a hero if you survived and a hero if you died. A life that went on at any moment if the bullets didn't hit you and a life that could end in the blink of an eye if metal bored into your body.
It was a draining uncertainty. But that uncertainty came when she couldn't reach him one night and her fear made her try for hours to call the city's police station to see if they knew anything, but they turned her away until she finally got a signal in the early hours of the morning.
The flickering screen showed Winston, ,,What happened? Are you all right?" she asked, trying not to start crying with joy when she finally saw him, to be honest she had had a fear that had choked her throat but she couldn't help the sharp intake of air when she saw the plaster on his cheek and the background in which she recognized some medical equipment and her fingers tangled in her pyama pants.
It could have been a fall, a gunshot, a concussion, a blow, but all he said was ,,Graze it-I'm fine" such a short answer that almost made her laugh at his abusdity, she could just see his exhaustion in his dark eyes, the nervous bobbing of his leg, his fingers that were probably trembling otherwise the screen wouldn't be shaking like that - something else must have happened.
But she was careful not to go into it again, instead she believed him for that moment, trying to distract him as always with stories of cute baby animals and Pringle telling him she even managed to make him smile but the pain remained.
She could see that even with the bad connection, ,,I'll wait for you, I love you," she said, closing the screen of the device before leaning back against the couch with a sigh, unable to stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks.
Why was something like this happening to them? They were just normal people, a young couple who still had everything ahead of them and shouldn't be punished so harshly by life, should they?
She didn't know the answer, the only thing she knew and the only thing that counted for her was a week, in a week Winston and other slightly injured people would be sent home for how long they couldn't and wouldn't tell her, but the mark in the collar stood and every day she felt the excitement more and more.
She could feel how tense he was with every phone call he made, wanting to get back faster and faster but trying to pull himself together, ,,I'll hug you from here my love, see you tomorrow" he said goodbye to the last call.
It took hours for her to hear his voice as she stood at the airport almost throwing up she was so excited as she practically hopped from one leg to the other looking over her shoulders hoping to finally see her boy friend in the crowds.
Until the call came the voice announcing the nine landed flight and it was agonizing moments when she saw him walking towards him still wearing his unifrom but it didn't matter with tears they hugged each other and stayed like that for a moment.
,,See, I'm back, I promised," he murmured, kissing the top of her head and hugging her again as her hand came to rest on his cheek before the couple made their way to the car together and drove back to the apartment holding hands.
But just because something seemed okay at first didn't mean it was, she noticed that he kept checking his watch and waking up early when she kept leaving to see "buddies," as he called them, and she accompanied him to the veterans' home, a place she never thought he would be.
He didn't play video games with her either, and even Pringle sometimes left him alone. ,,I'm fine, really, just a little bit of getting used to," he always told her when she tried to talk to him about it, and she always gave him a kiss on the forehead until the night they both realized that everything was wrong.
They had spent the evening together watching a new movie, cuddling with Pringle and she lay in his arms when they both knew it was late enough and they should go to bed.
The couple lay down in the soft bed, a last gentle kiss was exchanged and a ,,Good night, love you" came from her before they both closed their eyes and fell asleep, it should have been that easy, it always seemed to have worked out that way before.
In the hours that followed as she slept peacefully she didn't realize the terror that was going on in his mind the images and sounds the deaths and screams and the pain that made him jerk awake and a scream left his lips that woke her up too.
The sleep was torn from her, her heart skipped a beat, afraid that something had happened, a break-in or something else, but instead all she heard was the flickering of the bedside lamp that had been pulled down, loud breathing and someone sitting against the wall holding his side, ,,Winston? What's wrong?" she asked as she slowly got out of bed, seeing him in half-shadow due to the lack of light, but the trembling was clearly visible.
She didn't get an answer until she slowly sat down on the floor with him and he backed away, almost seeming afraid that he would ever hurt her, ,,I-I didn't mean to…it-I-it was an order," he managed to get out and she slowly put a hand on his arm, only slowly truly understanding what he meant, what it apparently really meant what he had done.
She waited for him to let her though as she slowly pulled him into his arms just holding him for a moment as she saw the silent tears streaming down his cheeks, ,,Blood and death it was horrible after not even two weeks I wanted to go home" he uttered the sentence and he seemed to see something on his hands as he brushed them against his oyjama pants and she imagined what it was.
Blood was on his hands, orders given to kill when he had to if he deemed it necessary and he had done so to protect his fellow soldiers, to protect himself and to protect them in the end.
,,It's over Winston you see you're here with me, my arms are holding you, my voice is with you and-and I'm not leaving you, the orders are over" she said choosing her words carefully to give him the best she could in the situation pulling him closer only to immediately hear a painful hiss and feel something soft at his side, a compress that seemed to be holding something larger.
She didn't ask just used her fingers to slowly pull his shirt up and felt her heart tighten painfully it was Winston holding her now his head leaning against hers, ,,It's not so bad…taking meds…for pain and stuff" he mumbled finally admitting he was hurt more than just a graze it had gotten him.
It must have hurt like hell and he was still in pain a bullet that had hit him had spared his face but when she took off the compresses and bandages she would find the gaping stitched bullet wound, it was the reason why he could go home earlier and also explained why he turned away from her more than once and not just physically.
The fact brought tears to her eyes that she tried to blink away as she tried to think clearly and not give in to grief and do the right thing.
She looked around in the semi-darkness but saw the previously overlooked pillbox of painkillers and she briefly detached herself from him, feeling him tighten up again until she hurriedly returned with a glass of water and a pill, handing it to him and taking a blanket to lay over his and her lap.
Winston put his arm around her and stroked her wrist as she laid her head against his and the two of them stood in silence, ,,Thank you for everything, for staying here, for not leaving me, for looking after Pringle and for just being my support," he said as she felt him slowly relax, his voice no longer so full of huskiness and he gave her a kiss on the temple as she returned his gaze, the moment interrupted only by a meow.
Pringel came in through the door that wasn't closed and lay down on the blanket to offer his owners comfort as the cat stared at them both with his reflective eyes and only began to purr when they both relaxed and stroked the animal's fur.
Perhaps the terror was still there inside him, the fear of losing him still in her but together it showed them that they had survived this night arm in arm with a trust and love for each other that told them they could survive and overcome such terrors no matter what and together.
@angelsanarchy , @starry-eyed-wild-child
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Touch starved/cuddle curse
This with Terror Twins. I would be cool if like Nikki can't be touched for whatever reason (superpowers, curse, non supernatural reasons) and Tommy seems the only one to care or break it
[i feel like this isnt exactly what you asked for but here you go bestie <3]
It all started when Nikki was trying to summon a demon. The reason why he would do that is unknown even to him, probably because he thought it would've been cool or funny, for shits and giggles as one would say.
Nikki didn't manage to bring a beast from the underworld in the kingdom of the living, as in he didn't see the monster in flesh and bone, but it must've disturbed some dark presence or energy, since strange things began happening after he started his demon summoning shenanigans. Forks and knives were raising from the cutlery drawer and flying towards him, to name one; black cats seemed to have taken a liking to him, following him everywhere; but the strangest thing was definitely the fact that whoever Nikki tried to touch, even by mistake, those who had contact with him fell sick.
As soon as Nikki realized what was happening, he started getting very nervous and paranoid about human contact, becoming more and more aggressive towards others in order to keep them a good distance away from him, bringing great tension between him and his band mates and the girls they would take to home sometimes. Little did they know, he was trying to protect them.
But there was one person who was brave and careless enough to go past Nikki's hostility: Tommy. The drummer, very attached to the bassist and always looking for an excuse to snuggle him, knew that something was up: Nikki has never been the cuddly type, but whenever Tommy offered him a hug Nikki wouldn't say no either; lately, though, Nikki seemed to be very unfriendly even to him, which was very suspicious to say the least.
On the latest attempt of Tommy to get a hug from Nikki, to which he responded with a “Don't touch me!”, Tommy had enough of that behavior.
“Can you tell me what the hell is your deal, man? You've been avoiding me for weeks now!” Said Tommy.
Nikki turned his gaze up from the smutty magazine he was reading and raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about, dude?”
Tommy came closer. “Don't play dumb with me, Nik! Did I do something to you?”
Nikki sighed, visibly annoyed, and returned to read.
Tommy teared the magazine out of his hands.
“Hey, give it back – !”
“Not until you tell me what is wrong with you!”
Nikki frowned, throwing his arms in the air. “Do you want a list or what?”
“I didn't mean in general!” Exclaimed Tommy, rolling his eyes. “You've been acting super weird lately, and I know something's up.” He added.
Nikki hesitated. “Fine.” He said in the end, “But don't tell anyone, okay? Especially Mick, he'll be all like I told you so for the rest of my life.”
Tommy nodded.
“Do you remember when we tried to summon Satan?”
“Well... I think I've been cursed.”
Tommy widened his eyes.
“You gotta believe me, man! Everyone I touch seems to get sick, or become very unlucky all of a sudden. And I don't want this to happen to you...”
“Alright, that makes sense.” Said Tommy pensively, sitting down on the couch next to Nikki. “But I feel like I've touched you many times since then, and I'm fine!”
“You almost burned the house down three times.”
“That's because I can't cook!”
“How do you burn cereal?!”
Tommy inclined his head to the side, as to think about it, then he raised his index finger: “Okay, that one was an outlier, for sure.”
A pause.
“Do you think... Do you think that I am immune because I was with you when you did the summoning?” Asked Tommy after a while, turning towards Nikki.
The bassist shrugged. “Probably. You're still alive, so that has to count for something. Although...” He brought a finger to his chin.
“Maybe you've been cursed as well but with the opposite. A cuddle curse, if you will.”
“What do you mean?”
“Don't think I haven't noticed. You crave affection all the time, hugging Vince and Mick whenever you can.”
“Well, uhm...” Tommy hesitated. “Maybe.”
“So I'm not the only one who got cursed, huh!” Nikki sneered. “You lied to me!”
“I didn't lie! I just didn't tell you!”
“That's even worse!”
“Whatever!” Tommy was sick of arguing, and his skin was itching for human contact. “How do we break the curse?”
Nikki shook his head. “I have no idea...”
“Well, I have one, but I don't know if it's gonna work.”
“I'm all ears.”
“What if we kissed?”
Nikki raised an eyebrow. “A kiss...?”
“If you think about it, every fairy tale ends with like, the curse being lifted by a kiss. What if it's the same for us?”
Nikki raised both eyebrows.
“Just hear me out for a second, dude!”
“Alright, alright, I'm willing to try. Hell, I'll try anything at this point.”
Tommy came closer to Nikki and cupped Nikki's face with his trembling hands. Their lips touched, and the world around them seemed to dissipate.
Nikki recalled that they already kissed maybe once, while drunk and emotional, so it wasn't as shocking. Tommy's lips were warm and soft, like a summer breeze. Then, they quickly separated and exchanged gazes.
“Felt anything? Like a curse leaving your body?” Tommy asked in between breaths, as if he ran a marathon.
“Don't think so.” Replied Nikki, his heart racing. “Have you?”
Tommy shook his head. “Well... Apart from the fact that now I feel... Like a weight on my shoulders has been lifted.”
“Yeah, me too... Maybe that was it, but I expected something more striking and obvious, like the heavens would open up above us or something.”
Tommy looked at Nikki and shrugged. “I dunno man, I have never been cursed before. I don't know what's supposed to –”
“We should try again.” Suggested the bassist, all of a sudden.
“Wait are you sure –” Tommy didn't have the time to finish the sentence that Nikki pulled him closer and planted a kiss on him. As soon as their lips came into contact again, a warm rush ran through their bodies, as if they were made of fire, feeling their lips burn to the touch of one another.
They distanced themselves and looked at each other.
“Dude...” Whispered Tommy. “Have you felt it too?”
Nikki nodded. “It was like...”
“Like a fire coming out of our bodies?”
Tommy looked at his hands, then back at Nikki. “I don't feel the urge to touch everyone anymore. Y'know, I always felt like an itch going through my body before, but now it's gone.”
“That's a good sign.” Said Nikki, pensively. “I, too, feel like the dark presence that was following has disappeared.” He added, instinctively looking around.
Tommy could finally hug his best friend. “We did it, dude!”
Nikki hugged him back, squeezing tightly, realizing how good it felt being touched again.
Put That Guy in a SituationTM Ask Game/Prompt!
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junosmindpalace · 1 year
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students returning home from school filed into the neighbourhood, animated conversation vibrating through the air. the sun shone down brightly, yet the breeze coaxed out a few shudders, provoking kids to huddle into themselves, students who anticipated the cold snuggling into their scarves and jackets.
it was a chilly afternoon, the remnants of summer slowly fading with the green of the leaves and the first indicator of autumn weaving through the group of kids. you hadn’t anticipated the chill like some of your classmates, which is why you clinged to tooru more so than usual. not that he was complaining in the slightest.
your arms and fingers were intertwined, and you leaned against each other lovingly. it was truly a romantic sight; such a cliché display of young love, yet it never got stale in the eyes of passersbys, gushing in their minds over the sweet show of affection. tooru leaned down as his eyes crinkled, laughing with you about something you had said. he always loved being so close to your face, admiring the light in your eyes, taking in the sight of your smile. 
there wasn’t anything more heartwarming, both to you and your boyfriend and the pedestrians who passed by, small smiles playing on their own lips as you walked practically joined at the hip. 
you shuddered against him when the breeze reached you, leaning your head against his arm as you continued your conversation while walking. “-oh! and i was confused when i saw her jacket, ‘cause apparently it was supposed to be warm today, but i think i’ll pick up mine from home on our way to lunch.” 
a branch snapped off its tree. the two of you paused in your tracks. you realized the error of what you had done as soon as the words came out of your mouth. wide, blank eyes blinked up at one another in a comedic fashion. and then everything happened at once.
tooru immediately went to rip off his jacket, but you reacted a slight bit faster, reaching over to grab his wrists. you struggled against one another, teeth gritting as you attempted to resist each others actions. 
“oikawa tooru, keep your damn jacket on.” you gritted out, mustering up all the strength you could against your athlete boyfriend. he bared his teeth at you.
“you’re cold. i’m giving you my jacket.” your boyfriend seethed just as menacingly.
tooru was a romantic. so romantic and gentlemanly he was that it made your heart race at how deeply he cared for you. the way he wasn’t even the least bit shameful (much to the dismay of his teammates) just made all the kind things he did count all the more. 
but you knew he tended to prioritize you over himself. tooru oikawa always loved a little extra, always had a habit of putting the things he cared about before his own well-being. you worried for him on these instances, but tooru’d only ruffle your hair and reassure you that he’d be, or he was, alright, even if it was obvious he wasn’t. most times, you were able to take care of yourself and only felt bad for making him worry. 
you had slipped up this time, knowing before the last of the words came out what would happen. you only wanted to look out for him the same way he looks out for you. especially with the cold weather and tooru’s rigorous training did he need to stay warm. but the two of you were equally stubborn, and neither would back down so easily.
the loving sight had dissolved almost instantly. passerby’s didn’t know what to make of this new progression besides the fact that the two must’ve resented each other. 
you managed to keep him in place for a while, but you were only delaying the inevitable. eventually, tooru was able to free himself from your hold and in a swift instant yank off his jacket and throw it over your shoulders, keeping his hands in place so you wouldn’t shrug it off.
but he only gave you a cat-like grin, rubbing his hands up and down your arms before wrapping his arm around you again and kissing the crown of your head, humming contentedly. 
you sighed, knowing that all the berating in the world wouldn’t stop oikawa tooru from putting your needs above his. it was how he was- with volleyball, with school, and of course, with you. he never meant to be smothering with his affection, it was just the way he was.
and so you gave into the comforting scent of his body wash and cologne that lingered on the fabric and leaned against him yet again, the heartwarming display of young love restored.
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