#at least it was worth it 🥺
reginrokkr · 2 years
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「I envy the dead desperately, for I am an immortal punished to tell history, to see their lives end miserably and use it as warning tale without ever stopping once to grieve.」
Guidelines       ✧     Dainsleif         ✧      Verses
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“don’t know how long we stay there, just that we don’t leave until we’re ready, still flushed and a bit rumpled but with at least three months’ worth of lost kissing accounted for.”
(Painted Devils, Margaret Owen)
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(emojis courtesy of mothcharm! @mothcharmshop)
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frecklystars · 1 month
I have another gig in a week and I'm so nervous 😭 I get paid hundreds of dollars for only five hours of work, but it is so nerve-racking and the work environment is so stressful, like literally every time I'm there I'm on the verge of tears or I have to take a 2 minute break before the show starts just to run to the restrooms and cry bc I get so stressed out. And then when I clock out I just cry my eyes out in my car while driving home. But hey!!! Hundreds of dollars!!! For five or six hours of my time!!! Only a few days a month!!! Hundreds!!! Of dollars!!! So it would be totally stupid to quit.
I wouldn't have been able to afford pampering myself on my last two F/O anniversaries (and currently placing an order for a rose bouquet for Six's anniversary for the 18th) if I didn't have this second job... but if it didn't pay me such a large amount of money each time, I probably would have quit by now bc it makes me so damn anxious. The show isn't even for one week and I'm sitting here stressing about it! I have one thousand other things to stress about and this job shouldn't be one of 'em 😤
I just keep trying to think about Ken hugging me while saying "Aw, sweet girl, don't be nervous! You JUST started this job, you've only worked three shows -- you think you're gonna be perfect your first try?? You're gonna be so good once you get the hang of it. Just look at me! I've been doing Beach for 62 years now, and I still don't know what my job is supposed to be... but I know I look So Cool™ 😎"
#my god i love ken SO MUCH i am so grateful to have an F/O who brings me comfort when im anxious#and grateful i am not as numb as i was three weeks ago#i am still struggling to self ship like i used to - and i think i always will bc of [gestures to 2023] - BUT#the fact that i thought of ken and felt some relief is a rly good sign bc three weeks ago i felt *nothing*#i am depressed and miserable as fuck today but he still gave me a crumb of comfort. THATS SOMETHING ✨#woof#plus I'm gonna be able to meet a TF voice actor in September bc of this job#I'm gonna give him my charms... and... say I liked his character...#and maybe it'll make me feel better around that character. or maybe it won't. but it's worth a try!!!#and how cool is it that I get to work in a place where so many big celebs do their shows?? and MEET them???#one day I wanna meet John Legend if he comes back again and tell him I LOVED him in La La Land 🥺#This job is impossible to get hired for unless if you have connections bc it's so... idk the word. fancy?#that's not the word but it's a Big Job and I am SO STRESSED MY GOD#but I'd be wasting opportunities if I didn't keep trying at least for a few more months#and if I gotta cry my eyes out in the parking lot after my shifts that's fine as long as I work the full five to six hours#I'm celebrating *THREE* F/O anniversaries in September which is ALSO MY BIRTHDAY#so I'm gonna need the extra cheddar to absolutely spoil myself. Officer K and Driver are two big main F/Os#and I still haven't celebrated my Barbie/Ken anniversary as much as I wanted#so!! I!! will!!! tough it out even though this job makes me cry. give me that money#I am stressed every day of my life bc I have a Complex Stress Disorder you might as well pay me hundreds to be stressed
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rosicheeks · 4 months
To any of my lovely artist followers, mutuals and friends 🫶
Do any of you know how to make art prints? Or do you have a site that you like to use (that is ideally on the lower price range)?
Would really appreciate any and all tips that you guys might have!! And feel free to reblog to reach more people 🩷
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lecliss · 25 days
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ahsokatanoe · 1 year
they can’t show us any scenes with sydney and richie together bc they’re too spoilery 💔
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taegularities · 10 months
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trans-xianxian · 10 months
got an interview w us fish and wildlife which is very cool but reading the email I'm like oooh this is a big boy job okay. alright. but they also said they would send me a list of the interview questions upon request thank GOD no being caught off guard this time
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butterfirefly · 4 months
I wonder if the pictures in the ED will be used as actual moments in the Relax spinoff.
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ghostlyauroras · 2 years
Just watched Wakanda Forever and while I enjoyed the movie I just feel very dissapointed by the Namor/Talokani plot in general.
It seems most other indiginous cultures have gained some modicum of respect in mainstream media rep but to see the Mayan inspired people portrayed as the bad guys through most of the movie in this the year of our lord 2022 is just exhausting.
Evidently oppressed indiginous groups will always be in the wrong for taking violent action against their oppressors, because the oppressed can only take back their freedom peacefully to have a rightful claim to it.
But here's the kicker: am I saying Wakanda was their oppressor? Hell no! Wakanda is over there minding their own business! It's the good ol' US of A that's threatening their peace searching for their resources!
So why then, is the plot of the movie not Namor asking Wakanda for their help in attacking the US? Uniting to defeat the real enemy, the "colonizers"?
Instead they have a stupid vendetta against the scientist that invented the technology that can find vibranium. What for? The machines have already been built and are in use, why waste your time eliminating a scientist when the navy are already at their doorstep searching for the vibranium? This isn't terminator they're not going back in time to avoid the technology being invented.
Why threaten Wakanda with war if they don't deliver them the scientist? In this universe Wakanda has better technology and resources than even the US, so why threaten a potential ally that's more powerful than your enemy INSTEAD OF YOUR ACTUAL ENEMY? If they're so convinced they can take on Wakanda in a war, why not go straight for the ones actually threatening them???
I'll tell you why. Because for all those stupid "a colonizer in chains" woke jokes, the reality is that they'll never show the US as the real monster that it is. They'll skirt around it but you'll never have an indiginous culture waging war on the US and BEING IN THE RIGHT AND MAYBE EVEN ACTUALLY WINNING!
Because the US represents the status quo of the world that must be preserved at all costs and anything that threatens it is evil, even if they are completely in the right.
So instead have an almost 3 hour movie about an indiginous people waging a misguided war on the heroes only to in the end come to their senses and form an alliance... to... be protected? To go back underwater and have their secrets kept?
I don't get it, is the US just magically gonna forget that they were looking for vibranium in the middle of the ocean? Are they just going to peacefully back down because Wakanda told them not to keep searching? *laughs in history of the entire fucking world*
I'm sorry but this movie is very carefully crafted propaganda. Look we're so inclusive we make movies about other cultures! We call out colonization! While also piting indiginous cultures to fight against each other and completely forget who the real enemy is! Oh but don't worry they make peace at the end! And agree to help each other keep world peace by not challenging the US! Happy endings for everyone!
Idek how to end this, I just feel like it was a waste of really cool worldbuilding they had in the beginning, I wanted to see them flourish together with Wakanda, not go at each other's throats over a senseless plot point :/
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ellegaard · 1 year
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Although she doesn't use it openly or acknowledge it, Ellegaard has a lovely singing voice. She's far from the type of person to burst into song, (that was Soren's job), but she'll absentmindedly hum or sing a tune while she's working by herself. (An example of her VA singing is right below!!!)
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knightzp · 9 months
mini point for me for getting out of my comfort zone and socializing today ✊️
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ashtcnirwin · 11 months
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zevrans-remade · 1 year
ascended astarion..
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lightstar789 · 2 years
I started watching the School for Good and Evil movie and HOO BOY—
They really weren’t kidding about it being for a “new generation”
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proteuus · 2 years
forgot how stupid I am when my boyfriend's in town he is so sweet tho..... what am I supposed to do ...
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