#at least i said hi to Skye at work?
rainey-staerie-daize · 5 months
I'm itchy, I'm in Hell. I'm not mentally well.
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xhanelia · 7 months
thank you for writing my request! I practically inhaled every word of it. I hope your stuffy nose gets better soon. If it isn't too much, could I please request gekko and sova with a fellow agent that likes to bring them gifts every time they come back from a mission? Thank you!
(also can I please be sova lover anon?)
Hello again darling! Im so happy that you liked it! And ofc you can be the sova lover anon. Just write down your name at the end of the request so that i know its you.
I have never write gekko or read any fic about him so if its bad im so sorry. :(
<<<Reader is gn and an agent from the protocole. >>>
Sova and Gekko with a gift-giving reader
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You regret the choice you made afew days ago. Going through a mountain mission in winter. Being with Sova is heartwarming enough but your body isnt warming up. At least you can get hypothermia happily.
You wanted to bring a gift with you like you always did. Reminding you of that core memories about the missions and a little cheer that youre still alive after all that.
But on top of a snowy mountain? Yeah you gotta search if you do not end up meeting elsa herself.
As the thoughts went through your mind, you got scared by something hitting the operator you were holding. It was this close you ended up firing an accidant shot and reveal your position.
"Hey, what happened?" Sova turned to you. You look at what might have hit your face and opeartor from the sky.
It was an owl. A small one too. It was trying to get up from the snow it got stuck on but it doesnt seem to be working. You picked it up with your two hands. Unsure about how to hold an owl, you tried to keep it as steady as possible. The little animal was squeling and trying to break free.
Sova kneel to your level and hold one of its wings and open it a bit. The owl shout out more. "It must have got hurt. Lets build up the tent here." The russian man said while standing up.
Sova managed to patch the little bird up with the help of yours. The owl wasnt squeling anymore and seemed to be more friendly to both of you.
"You wanna give it a name?" You said to Sova while the bird ran around the tent. "You found it first. Whats your suggestion?" He said. You thought a bit about it but it wasnt too long for you to come up with the perfect name.
"Sasha!" The man named 'Sasha' looked at you with curiosity on his face. "What?" You laughed at the confusion. "No, i meant the owls name. Lets name it Sasha, since Sova means owl too." (Anybody who read headcannons i wrote, this is how you found the owl, darlings.)
He laughed at the excitement of yours. It was a bit emberrasing to him, naming something before him. But he liked the idea you have. "Alright, lets name it Sasha."
As the mission completed, you get ready to take the double Sashas to the HQ. (you know that Brim wouldnt allow one of them inside but hey, Skye can have a whole zoo, whats wrong with just an injured baby owl?) Then you find a feather that fell from the little guy you guys temporarily adopted. Now this was something to worth keeping.
As you arrive at the HQ, you give the feather to Sova. "There wasnt anything worth to be a gift on top of a mountain but the most remarkable one was 'Sasha'. And we both know Brim will find it out soon and make us release it so, here. I want you to have it." You said to the man that is walking near you.
He take the feather and smiled at it. "Thank you. I will keep this with me." Your way of thinking made his heart warm up.
But before you release the owl, Sova managed to collect two more feathers and made them fit on the end of a handmade arrow. The arrow is hang to his wall and always will be there. He misses his little owl but the memory core with you always be there.
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The mission was to a local neighborhood of Italy. The place went up to the sky like Ascent did because of the radianite. You and your team was there to collect info and save citizens who may still be up there.
When you were walking down the streets, you saw a little brown bear with a cute bow like hair clip on its ear laying on the ground. It probably belonged to a little girl that needed to leave her home and accidently dropped it.
You felt sad for the cute fella and to the girl. You picked it up in your hands and give it a little dust off. This was the perfect gift. And the little bear reminded you of someone...
The mission canceled as soon as the whole team heard the explosion coming from the other side of the street. Chyper came running while trying to put out the fire thats on his cape. At least he was able to gather some information.
The helicopter landed on top of the HQ. Everyone got out and went to their ways. But ofcourse, there was always someone who will greet you. This time, it was wingman.
The cute yellow creature said something that was unknown to you. You giggled at it and fist bumped its little hand.
"Im alright, little man. Dont need to worry." Wingman yippie'd to you in its way. Jumping a little while its hands on the air.
Then, you hear some running footsteps coming closer. When it turns the corner, you realize its Gekko.
"What happened?! Are you okay? I heard that there was an explosion!" You shook your hands as a no while laughing at his worry.
"No, no im fine." You said then looked at the little fella thats down on your feet, looking at you curiously. The sight of wingman reminded you of the little bear you found.
"Yeah! I have something to give you!" You went quickly inside of the helicopter and grab the bear. Taking the bow-clip from its ear.
You slowly aproached to him while hiding the bear behind you. He raised a brow while tilting his head. "And whats that?" The green haired man asked.
"Ta-daa!" You show him the bear thats inside your hands. His eyes widen at the sight. Slowly taking the plushie from your hands. "For me?" You nod your head. His smile widen, showing his teeth.
"Its so cute. Where did you found this?" He asked. "It reminded me of wingman so i just picked it up." You said.
Lowering yourself to the wingman, you placed the little bow on its ear. "And that is for you!" You said. The wingman cheered while trying to hug you. You laughed at its effort and picked it up from the ground. Hugging him while the little yellow hands hug your face.
Gekko laughed at both of you. "Wingman thanks you. And i do too." He says. His friends really act how he feels like around someone. And the way that they are always here to greet you whenever you came back from a mission makes your day. You feel special to him. And you really are. Its no hard to tell when his little emotions are all over the place but mostly around you.
He takes a good care of the bear. Its on the top shelf of his bookshelf. And when it comes to wingman, it wears the bow when theres an event when everyone gotta dress up. The bow is like its dress. Its something special to the yellow creature.
Its not me saying but the others wants gifts too now. They wanna be like wingman!
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captainsophiestark · 1 month
Grant Ward x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: The Bus kids are stuck at the Triskelion for a while since May and Coulson have a meeting with Fury, but Ward already has important plans that he can't cancel.
Word Count: 1,287
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: To the anon who sent me an idea outline for this, I hope you like it! It got merged with another idea I had, but hopefully, it's still pretty close to what you had in mind :) Thanks for continuing to read stuff for Grant Ward and enabling me to keep writing him- he's my fave, so I'm glad I have at least a few people to share the love with!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Skye's POV
"Alright. May and I will head into our meeting with Director Fury. We'll meet you back here when we're done."
I frowned at Coulson, glancing at FitzSimmons and Ward to see if any of them would say anything. As expected, FitzSimmons just looked at each other, and Ward nodded to Coulson like he'd known this was the plan from the beginning, which I super doubted.
"Okay... and what are we supposed to do in the meantime?" I asked, turning back to Coulson and asking the question that must've been on the rest of our minds. May was already halfway out of the room, and Coulson stopped mid-step to address my question. He smiled.
"I'm sure you'll think of something."
With that, he turned and headed off with May again. I watched him go for a few steps, then put my hands on my hips and turned back to the rest of my group with a sigh.
"Alright, we've been abandoned at one of the biggest SHIELD bases in the world. I probably know the least about this place out of all of us, so... how about you guys? Any ideas?"
I glanced at FitzSimmons, then looked right at Ward. He had his arms crossed, and he shook his head and took a step back the minute my gaze landed on him.
"I don't know what you all are going to do, but I have somewhere I need to be. I'll meet you back here when May and Coulson are done with their meeting. Try not to break anything until then."
With that, he turned on his heel and started marching away. I let him get a few steps, then turned to FitzSimmons.
"So we're gonna follow him, right?"
"Oh, of course."
A took a slow, steady breath, then refocused on the sample in front of me. I'd been staring through the eyepiece of this microscope for what felt like an eterity, finally getting somewhere with samples I'd been working with for months. I'd been stuck at the Triskelion that whole time, in a lab with the loudest of the loud field and ops agents coming in and out, constant noise and business no matter where we went. All of that was about to be worth it.
The rest of the lab completely faded out around me, even as I scribbled notes without looking at the paper beside me. The handwriting wouldn't be good, but it would be decent enough that I could decipher it later, and it meant I didn't have to take my eyes off the results of the experiment in front of me for a single moment. I'd carefully built my corner of the lab into what it was, a sanctuary from the noise and chaos, the perfect place to tuck away and lose myself in my research.
At least, normally it was. Today, someone had apparently decided to venture into my corner, as a hand on my shoulder made me shoot out of my chair and almost gave me a heart attack.
"Sorry!" came the frantic voice of my best friend, Mandy. "I didn't mean to scare you! I swear, I said your name, like, three times while walking over here."
I put a hand to my chest, taking half a second to catch my breath before turning back to Mandy.
"It's okay. Honestly, I don't think anything could've shaken me out of my focus without scaring me like that. Did you need something?"
"Just wanted to give you a warning. One of the ops agents broke containment and just wandered into the lab. Figured it'd be better if I interrupted you than if he did."
I sighed, long and heavy, pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Are you kidding me? How did one of them even get in here-"
I turned to see the man in question and stopped dead in my tracks. Grant Ward, my boyfriend, had just stepped into the lab. I grinned.
"Oh, actually, never mind Mandy. This one's the exception to the rest of the ops people."
"Wow, no kidding. I don't think I've seen you smile like that since your experiment at the Academy won our final projects presentation."
I rolled my eyes, but didn't bother with more than that as Mandy took her leave and Grant finally made his way over to me. His smile matched mine, the two of us bringing out sides of each other most people weren't lucky enough to see.
"You didn't tell me you were coming!" I said as Grant finally reached me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me tight to his chest. He leaned in to kiss me, and it lasted a few moments longer than I would've let him get away with in public if I hadn't missed him so much.
"I thought I'd make it a surprise. Our team got detoured here last minute for Coulson to have some meeting with Fury. Lucky for us, they didn't need me to be there."
"That is lucky," I agreed, the two of us sharing a smile again. Grant reached up and gently cuped my chin in his hand, pulling me back in for a sweeter, slower version of our earlier kiss. I sighed when he pulled back and settled onto the lab stool next to me, his thigh pressed against mine.
"So. Wanna tell me what you're working on?"
"Happily. But I don't want to spend all the time we have together in this lab, so don't let me get carried away-"
"Don't worry, we should have all of tonight and tomorrow morning, with a small exception in a few hours when I have to meet back up with my team. I thought I could keep you company while you finish up here, and then we could grab some dinner. I found a great restaurant in the city last time I had an undercover mission there, and it'll leave us plenty of time for you to tell me all about this project you're working on."
"Grant, that sounds perfect. How did I get so lucky with you?"
"Trust me, the feeling's mutual." We shared a smile, smaller and softer this time, but no less special. Then, Grant turned to the microscope in front of us. "So... I take it you're doing something with this?"
"Yes! I finally have interesting results to look at, so your visit was well-timed. Let me tell you about what you're seeing here..."
Grant leaned into the microsope, bracing one hand on my thigh as I put one arm around his shoulders and rubbed gentle cirlces there, narrating what he was seeing on the slide as I went. Within the lab, I'd gotten a bit of a reputation for liking my space while I worked. But Grant would always be the exception to that. I was on cloud nine that he was here, and I wasn't going to waste a single moment we had together.
Skye's POV
"I've never seen him smile like that!" Simmons hissed.
"And he always complains about 'technobabble' when I say more than a few three-syllable words in a sentence!" Fitz agreed. I just huffed a laugh.
"Yeah, well, he's not kissing any of us either. I think that might have something to do with the change."
Fitz and Simmons scoffed right along with me, the three of us watching the scene in the Triskelion's lab for a few more moments before finally shaking it off and heading back into the hallway. Whether or not we found something else to occupy our time until May and Coulson were done with their meeting, we at least had something to tease Ward about for the rest of our lives, which I'd take as a win any day.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinitelyforgotten @sagesmelts @gaychaosgremlin
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Random valorant agents headcanons bc I'm sleep deprived
(this means I didn't get my 12 hours of sleep today)
Hugest ally on the VP (which, lets be honest, doesn't mean much since they're all gay)
First person KJ came out to and he was so emotional about it
Constantly tries to get the agents to get closer or at least respect each other but after Cypher mentioned how him and Breach treat one another he gave up
Calls some agents (Viper, Sage and Killjoy) by their first names on the everyday and calls Sova, Chamber and Deadlock (the other ex militars) by their last names
I wanted to hc him an American football team but idk any💞💞💞
Brimstone and Vyse are the only ones to call her Sabine bc they know her since before the "incident"
KJ also used to call her Sabine before the VP but Viper was bitter abt agents calling her by her first name
Scared for her life of failing Reyna, not because she actually fears her, but because she actually cares about Lucia
Older sister who lost contact with her family
Has a snake named Viper that is older than the protocol
Is annoyed by people mistaking knitting with crochet
Very kind to the younger agents
In his own way though
Has an older sister who doesn't talk to her since she was a teenager
The fact her dad died before she was born probably has something to do with her closeness to Cypher and Brimstone
Rich af but rents an apartment with another girl and that place is absolutely precarious
Pays the rent monthly even if she doesn't spend a single night there
Has a huge lesbian flag on the living room and that has gotten her very straight roommate into delicate situations with her boyfriends
Her roommate is Brazilian from São Paulo bc I want her to
Very easily impressed by anything Raze does even if it's something she can do a thousand times better
I feel like she would main a duelist if she played val, probably Reyna or Raze
Has a picture of his wife and kids on his bedside table
He keeps Nora's favorite clothing and his children's baby toys
Girl dad obv
Killjoy reminds him of his oldest daughter and sometimes he calls her his daughter's name
Hates kingdom but since he joined the protocol he learned how to convive with their workers, even if he doesn't like it most part of the time
Scares little kids on Roblox for fun
Wouldn't mind having a relationship with a man but after Nora he can't imagine himself in another relationship so he doesn't give it a try
(I love him and Nora😭)
Calls the other agents by their first names
Was friends with Sage since before the protocol
Recommend Sage to Brimstone
One of the only coworkers Viper enjoys the company of
Once he tried to speak Spanish to mess around with Reyna and Raze swore he was speaking Portuguese bc of the accent
Trans bc I want to project into my fav characters
Morning walks
Calls everyone by their first names
Has two younger siblings but she hasn't had notice of them since she started the monk training
Misses them
Met Skye when researching about her healing powers, Skye was doing the same
Born radiant
Great at cooking but Jett gaslit her into thinking it was bad as a joke and she still believes it
After Harbor joined the VP she got back into cooking
Lesbian bc I said so
Not much close to the other women in the protocol, only Skye, Jett, Neon and Reyna
Closer to the men on the VP (Sova, Brimstone, Cypher, Iso, Omen etc)
Doesn't have a clue of why Clove doesn't like her
This man is a canon theater kid, he absolutely LOVES musicals, specially Hamilton and Jett and Raze tease him Abt being British and liking it
For some reason Jett gaslights him into thinking he's actually gay, obviously never worked
Him and Jett break up for the most ridiculous reasons, they've already broken up more times than one can count on fingers
Banned from every kitchen he steps on
Learned Korean só Jett would shut up about her being bilingual while he only spoke English
Once he let Astra undo his dreads to give him braids, it was the saddest day of his life
Raze bullies him for his style💔💔💔💞
Can cook five stars dinners but insists on eating leftovers she finds on the fridge and steals from the other agents
Doesn't dare touching Chamber's "monstrosities of dishes"
Makes people their favorite dinner and a special breakfast on their birthdays
Cooks for the whole protocol on weekends
Most my hc surround on the fact she's always eating something and was a chef😔
Gaslights everyone into believing the most random and/or stupid things and has actually convinced Gekko that dog is a common dish in east Asia
First thing she asks every east Asian she meets outside of east Asia is if they eat dog
Sage was mad at her for this
Also bi
Actually very caring and worried for most agents
Siblings relationship with Yoru
Randomly starts speaking Spanish to Sage just to annoy her
Learned Chinese just to mess around with Sage
Flirts with Breach as a joke
Iso actually believed she and Breach were a couple when he arrived
Homophobic to Raze and Killjoy
Non ironically has offered to find Raze a better girlfriend than Killjoy
Wants to be a mother but can't because of her duties and Sage doesn't like children
Hugest anarcocomunist
Grafitti artist
Has sent Kingdom, Killjoy and Viper dozens of blackmails before joining the protocol
Didn't like Killjoy for her first years in the protocol
Boombot was created as a "rebellion" from Killjoy's tech with an alarmbot that Kingdom placed near her house
Has a younger brother who is her absolutely whole world
Actually speaks Portuguese very well
Dad jokes
Hates children and the only exception is Raze's younger brother
Please please please please please read the joke I posted😭
Didn't get along with Deadlock nor Chamber at first
Gets along well with Cypher, Harbor and Fade
Likes men and makes it everyone's business and is very annoying to homophobes about it (bi)
Has kissed Harbor once just to see the look of terror on a homophobic guy's eyes
Owes a personal gun that she uses to scare bigots and idiots in general
Was guilty about rejecting Yoru
Still is very close to him
Skyelock beloved
The ship name should be changed to Hiking Buddies or something
Can make a cat with her powers and it plays with Nightmare when it's starting to affect Fade too much
Closer to Fade than most agents think
Morning walks with Sova and Deadlock
Has a huge knowledge on east Asian culture in general
Speaks ainu and a little uchinaguchi
Values culture and tradition more than his life
Constantly educating Jett on Korean traditions???
Mansplains a lot
Neon (single) teases him for being single
Has the "lesbian curse" in which every woman he likes is a lesbian and it's starting to develop into an "aroace curse"
Homophobic to Killjoy
Misogynist to Killjoy
everything you can think that is bad against Killjoy
And Reyna is with him on these
Nerd on physics
Knows a lot about quantum physics
That was me projecting, sorry
I need more astra content to make more headcanons 😔😔😔
Galaxsea/ astrarbor/ Neptune/ sea star
Born radiant
Doesn't actually have feelings, he's just programmed to make humans feel loved (besides, obviously, being a war machine)
It was a way of keeping the non radiant soldiers hopeful during the radiant war
He's a robot, of course he doesn't have feelings
Killjoy is absolutely fascinated by him and wonders if it was her who built him or at least made his project
The "hatred" he has for the radiants is also a way of keeping the non radiants feeling safe and appreciated
Sage is the exception from his radiant hatred because she's always appeared to be against Reyna's radiant dominant ideal world and he read that as a powerful ally to his cause
He's AI ofc he's gonna be a little dumb even though he's from like 2060
I refuse to
Does he like men?
Was homophobic to Killjoy and Raze when they started dating and to Sage and Reyna
Was actually homophobic
Turned out he likes men???
I'm confused
I don't like him
She probably knew Killjoy before the VP or at least heard about her not as an professional but as a person
Definitely likes women
Since she became a radiant at such a young age and os so powerful there were probably lots of accidents
Was mostly isolated from the outside for a long time before the thing that is sticked to her back was finished
That'd explain why she doesn't like making new friends, she doesn't know how to
Knows a lot of stuff involving quantum physics and science since her parents work at kingdom and she has worked with them
Constantly found sleeping on the floor
Sometimes she leaves Nightmare out of her bedroom to get a peaceful night of sleep
Goes to sleep on about the same time Skye is waking up
Fadelock goes hard too
You'll rarely see her awake but when you do she looks like she hasn't slept in a decade
Doesn't actually sleep, just take 30 min naps throughout the day
Took a while to stop calling Harbor "agent Batra" during missions
I just checked and that is lore inaccurate but idc
Likes men and women, never stopped to think of it as "oh, I'm lgbt" that's just one more small detail about her
Had a cat that her brother gave her when she was a kid, it died of kidney failure a few years before she joined realm
History and architecture nerd
Also a philosophy enthusiast
Has a tattoo that says "Memento mori et memento vivere" and that's what caught Astra's attention at first
Him and Astra spend a lot of time just nerding around
He's very caring yet not much protective to the younger agents
Randomly throws water at people who walk by
Breach and Deadlock learned on the hardest way not to be around him with a glass of water
Calls Fade Hazel because at first he thought that was how it was and never corrected it
Older brother of two sister
Grafitti artist
Is an only child but is very close to the children is his neighborhood
That guy looks so gay I'm gonna cry
Has a dog named Lizard
Him and Raze talk to each other in Spanish and Portuguese and it's an absolute nightmare for others to decifrate their alien language
Asked Sage if people actually eat dogs in Asia and was punished for a week, Reyna had lots of fun
Jett still teases him about it
She told Iso about that and every time Gekko asks him what he's eating he says it's dog
Him and Deadlock are actually chill about each other for as long as one doesn't cross the other's boundaries when it comes to his radivores
This woman doesn't have a drop of heterosexuality on her body
She thought she liked Iso but it turned out he was just the only one not asking her to get along with radivores and radiants
Hates when she's called by her first name
Lost contact with her family and legally got rid of her last name
Skye, Sage and Sova call her Iselin or Ise
Used to go on lots of missions involving radivores before the VP but after the polar bear she didn't trust herself near them again
Graduated in biology
She wanted to be a scientist when she was a kid
Used to be obsessed about radivores and radiance before the bear
Can't cook for his life
Used to think he liked Deadlock but it was just compulsory heterosexuality
Not much close with most agents but Sage and Deadlock
Him and Raze are absolute nightmares to go in mission with, those mfs listent to music so loud they can't hear anything else
KJ was scared of him
Only listens to music that are on languages he doesn't speak
Raze showed him Brazilian funk and he started listening to it during missions
Don't give a shit if they're misgendered
The pet rock is to throw at those who insist that they're a woman even after they correct them
Sleeps the whole day and is awake during the whole night
Immortal, queer, sleeps during the day... Are they a vampire?!
Randomly dresses up fancy and stays on that fit for the whole day, they can be seen wearing a suit during missions in breeze
Spends all their time awake doing unproductive stuff
Was a physicist and later got into engeneering
She can't really remember those last years before the scions took her
Was took by the scions by Omen but none of them know
Doesn't like Iso
Her and Viper used to be very close friends, their friendship cou be compared to Jett and Phoenix's, they were very spontaneous
The "incident" was something involving her but no one really remember how it was
Had a cat named Jaguar
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cometsandstardust · 29 days
I’m rewatching Agents of Shield and here is a (final) list of things I genuinely forgot happened:
(and also little things i enjoy)
season seven:
- deke printed out sheriff stars
- “i just can’t seem to hold down a husband as they all just turn up with broken ribs when they give me lip” - daisy
- coulson learned about the speakeasy in a first year history course at the academy
- the first thing may says after finding out she’s in 1931, was “i’m hungry”
- “i’m a doctor, not a dame” “i’m a biochemist not a bird” fucking icon jemma simmons
- deke tells freddy that he invented the walkie-talkie
- “agent may, if i may?” enoch is so funny
- …may says she doesn’t feel anything when she wakes up, even though her empathy-ability is already present (though no one knows it yet). she wakes up and feels nothing because the only other person there is enoch, who isn’t human, and therefore doesn’t feel anything, at least not the way we do
- she also talks in a very-enoch like connotation during these scenes (same sort of lilt in her voice)
- they brought koenig onboard the zephyr and he said “excuse me if i’m not impressed” and then immediately lost his shit. he also called enoch a robot, and enoch made a very “bitch, please” face
- freddy shot koenig in the shoulder
- enoch is shown to be working as a bartender at the end of s7ep2 for koenig
- the zephyr scared two teenagers half to death when they got to the fifties
- younger daisy (aka skye ig) believed that area 51 was controlled by shield and was proven right
- the first time may showed signs of her empathy besides the monotone killer mood was when trying to single out the chronicom starting up helius and she basically had a panic attack
- also the chronicom they’re chasing has a very dottie underwood like aesthetic (ofc i’m referencing agent carter when my boy sousa is back)
- overriding the system knocked out the two chronicoms and coulson.
- the camera zoomed in on coulson’s eye and showed a circuit flickering
- the reason s7ep4 is in black and white is because of a malfunction in the wires
- sousa was considered the first fallen soldier of shield
- sousa called howard a pompous ass (he’s right and he should say it)
- mack compared the effect of sousa’s death on shield to the effect of coulson’s to the avengers
- sousa stole a motorcycle from the zephyr
- deke said he wrote the song “don’t you (forget about me)”
- he also name drops daisy in his own lyrics
- coulson’s in a tv
- sybil’s “dumb bot” acts just like a dalek for a sec
- may and yoyo sparred to try and trigger yoyo’s powers into working again
- yo-yo got stuck on the quinjet at the beginning of each loop
- in several loops, mack gets blinded by a radiation flare
- deke gives the distance from the center of the time storm in kilometers, which i initially thought was strange cause y’know american, but then i realized that deke literally grew up in space and that fitz-simmons basically created all the tech/software on board so yeah metric system
- daisy proved to simmons that she was in a loop with the fake word: “phlebotinum”
- when trying to remove the implant, on the first two tries, a lethal gas filled the room killing simmons (and the second time, daisy)
- in one loop, sousa grabbed the machine to remove the implant from the drawer instead of daisy or simmons and started coughing up blood
- also he literally grabbed it so that if something went wrong daisy wouldn’t die and lose her memories of the time loop
- may initially didn’t want to tell kora about jiaying but then brought her to see her body
- kora tried to help her mother heal by giving her energy
- simmons started forgetting fitz after malick put her in the memory machine
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roman-cup · 1 year
hhhhh Thinking about how so many people in Phoenix's life just. Leave, for one reason or another.
When he was a kid, Miles was someone who was so important to him, and he just disappeared from class one day and Phoenix had zero idea why. Which later had such a effect on him that once he sees Miles has become a prosecutor, he changes his college major just for the chance to see him again
But in college when he was working on that law degree, he meets Dahlia. And they start dating (Ignoring the iris situation rn) and he is so happy and like lovesick about the whole thing. He ate glass for her. She frames him for murder and goes to jail and obviously he loses her there.
But at least he met Mia from that! Mia became his mentor and he cared deeply for her. And she ends up dying after Phoenix first ever case. (Even after she dies her profile still describes her as "A friend forever" or something like that. ) Mia is still around because Maya and Pearl but she isn't really THERE.
He meets Maya. They aren't really That close in Ace Attorney 1. I think they are both still grieving for Mia to intensely, and in different ways, to really gain that connection just yet. Plus at the time Phoenix is very focused on Miles, that he doesn't really notice how upset Maya is.
But Phoenix does care about her. And she leaves for a bit too. Like. She has every right too of course, I respect her for it. But afterwards Phoenix spends months NOT taking any cases because he misses her so much. The only reason he takes the Lana Skye case is because Ema reminded him of Maya.
And sometime after the Lana Skye case, Miles "The prosecution choices death" Edgeworth fakes his death. Leaving Phoenix now alone and with no closure. Maya is still gone, he doesn't actually like Larry, and even if he did, Larry isn't the kind of guy he can have a serious talk about stuff with, with stuff like this. Phoenix has zero support system. Not that he would open up even if he did, but he doesn't even really have the option.
Maya comes back, to her being accused of murder, but its ok. Phoenix helps her and they have each other's backs.
Maya gets kidnapped.
This is so different then her just leaving to take a short train ride over to her village. Phoenix is nervous that she might die, and Maya actively encourages him to get Matt a guilty verdict even though she WILL DIE and he can't do anything about it.
and then Miles comes back with his smug "Your hatred for me is one-sides" or whatever he said and ahhh, Phoenix deserved to just break down right there. Phoenix had been angerly grieving for a man who was still alive, and now he's here, alive, and also his best friend has been kidnapped and also he has to babysit Pearl. And Miles doesn't seem to realize/want to realize the effect he has had on Phoenix and I know he was going though his own stuff but ahhh.
They get Maya back and Miles leaves AGAIN after this. Phoenix and Miles seemed more mutually ok with it this time but still!
And then there is bridge to turnabout with the whole Iris thing and also he thought Maya was dead for some time there and AHhh
This post has gone off track but like. ahhhh.
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simslegacy5083 · 4 days
Not So Berry (Straud Descendants) Gen 9
Today's (9/19/2024) Episode: Market Mayhem
Before Luigi had a chance to sit down and start overanalyzing his SimTube trends he got an unexpected phone call.
It seemed Grandpa Steven’s spirit had popped into the world of the living for a visit and wanted to see his family at the Flea Market. Since his son had less opportunity to visit with his ancestors than Luigi had growing up at the homestead, he quickly agreed.
“We’ll be right there.” he said, hanging up and turning to his wife. “We have to go see my grandpa… I think you’ll like him; he was an author.”
“Steven Lothario?” Noemi asked, “I’ve enjoyed a few of his books. As I recall he was a recluse who preferred the company of his llama to throngs of adoring fans; I think we’ll get along just fine.” Luigi wasn’t sure he’d characterize his grandfather as a recluse, but he wasn’t going to contradict her on that perceived similarity.
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Arriving at the market Luigi quickly said hi to the ghost who Noemi recognized from his book jackets before introducing her and Skye “It’s a pleasure to meet you” Steven told her, then turned to his great-grandson “Well hello Skye! Just like your shirt, hmm. Is that your favorite color?”
Noemi cringed inwardly at the crowd of people gathered at the market across the way, but she didn’t get a chance to dwell on it. Suddenly someone called out “I can’t believe it! It’s the Wedding Dancers!” Luigi headed over to say hello while Noemi waved shyly.
Focused on the stranger, neither parent saw Skye panic as his grandfather went to give him a hug, but they heard Steven yelp as their son kicked him.
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Luigi didn’t break away from taking a selfie with the fan, judging that he could deal with the latest hijinks of his tiny terror afterward.
Noemi jumped in right away but was distracted from the actual sources of the commotion when she spotted a paparazzo eagerly snapping photos inches from the angry toddler and the spirit rubbing his smarting shin, with her seemingly uncaring husband directly in the background.
She’d heard Luigi complain about his public image often enough to know that this wouldn’t be a good look, so she stepped directly between him and the camera as she apologized to the ancestral spirit. “I’m so sorry, he’s been having some issues dealing with his feelings lately.”
Steven nodded, rubbing his leg “I had two of my own, I know how it is. He’s stronger than he looks!”  He smiled fondly at the pouting baby, whose mother had turned her back to the photographer as she scooped him up to scold him for his bad behavior.
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Luigi finished with the fan and headed back their way. Putting Skye down, Noemi turned to him and explained what had happened.
Before he could say anything Steven piped up “Paparazzi!? Oh no. I’d hate to have a picture like that get into the paper.” Luigi knew his grandfather had always been shy about public attention, rarely taking interviews, preferring to let his work speak for itself. Even Luigi wasn’t thrilled about this interaction. As much as he loved the spotlight, he had a strong desire to control how his image and reputation were presented in the media.
“They’re the scum of the earth!” he agreed. “Why don’t all of you go into the gaming center, get out of the open? I’ll see if I can talk her into using the least unflattering images.”
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Noemi gave him a worried look but was feeling too overwhelmed just then to argue. “Please don’t do anything rash” she pleaded as she left.
“Come on little man” Steven told Skye as they headed inside “We’ll find a table and I can show you the book I wrote for your daddy when he was just a little bit younger than you are now.”
Luigi spotted his target standing a few steps away, reviewing the footage on her camera. Just seeing the look of satisfaction on her face made his temperature rise, but he did his best to control his anger as he headed over to have a little chat with the unwanted intruder into his family reunion.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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Ask game for Chase?
The pupper ever!! Also two other people asked for Chase while I was already working on it XD I'm sorry it's taking me literally days to get them all done, I'm having trouble to think properly on what to say for some stuff in these
My first impression - I'm not tanking this. His car is blue and white, he's a cop and HIS NAME IS CHASE. HMMMM WHERE HAVE I SEEN THIS BEFORE, OH I WONDER--
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My impression now - He's precious. No, really. A+ for effort in everything he does but he should learn to relax a little more, just a liiiiiiiittle more
Favorite thing about that character - He's always willing to try new things out of his comfort zone and he always gives it his best, plus his loyalty levels are off the charts
Least favorite thing - He's too much of a people pleaser Istg-- Chase, sweetheart, you're supposed to be a figure of authority XD And this will sound like a dumb thing to dislike but I dislike the fact he's a German Shepherd. I think it's too obvious a breed for police dogs and he doesn't LOOK like one at all for me. When I first saw him without his gear, I was like "Wait is he a Belgian Malinois??? Omg please yes that would be cool to not have a German Shepherd as a Police Dog for ONCE" but yeah my dreams were crushed quickly on my first Google Search on him
Favorite line/scene - It's not specifically the line, but mostly the scene: Have you EVER seen Chase refuse a job or go against Ryder???
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I know he ended up changing his mind after that talk with Ryder, but IN THIS MOMENT, he stood his ground and said NO. It's even in his body language: His ears are slightly back, his expression is serious like "don't even try arguing with me on this", his tail isn't relaxed, his paw stomping on the floor to make his point. Notice his frown even deepens as the elevator door closes just before it goes down. This is SO IMPORTANT to me you have no idea, especially considering how much of a people pleaser Chase is and how he holds Ryder as the most important person in his life. We know Chase would do anything for Ryder. But at this exact moment? He was decided to NOT do something for Ryder. This is such a powerful, yet overlooked and underrated scene, as well as character development. It encapsulates perfectly how there's so much more to Chase than any of us knew so far.
Favorite interaction that character has with another - Mighty Movie Skase moment #2 (I think? I counted at least 4 big moments) when Chase goes to check on Skye when she was sulking on the back of the Aircraft Carrier. Her problems there are totally out of his league, he literally cannot relate to anything she's currently going or went through in the past- still he tries to show support the only way he can at the moment, by being there for her, by listening to her. He's a keeper, Skye, go for it XD
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - Marshall and Zuma. They used to play a lot before, but now...? I'm still at the 8th season and I'm seriously missing those fun and slice of life moments
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - Leonardo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, specifically 2012 series
A headcanon about that character - I think Chase was one of those kind of puppies who just didn't know when to fucking STOP. 24/7 playful baby. Also a natural explorer, always sniffing everything, licking everything, maybe biting, touching, scratching, growling, barking at anything new for a while. Ever curious, always being the puppy to go ahead of the others, "exploring the waters to open the way and make sure it's safe for the others to come after him". On a second note, I've seen one too many people returning adopted puppies for this reason here where I live, because "they're a handful and I wasn't expecting this" 🤦🏽‍♀️
A song that reminds of that character - "Nothing Can Stop Me Now"
An unpopular opinion about that character - Idk why all the hate, even if you're ACAB, it's not like Chase even does a cop job at all XD Have you seen him arresting someone outside from movie verse? If anything, you'd WANT your cops to be like him LMAO
Favorite picture - Y'know how in the first movie Chase was in absolute awe when he saw his new car for the very first time? YEAH, like, he KNOWS Ryder designs and gets them crazy cool stuff, and it doesn't stop him from getting UTTERLY AMAZED every time. Tbh I had the same reaction as them all when I saw that sick af Mustang-looking police cruiser like HOLY SHIT YOU GET THE COOLEST TOYS-- AND YOU GET TO CATAPULT THEM DOWN THE HOT WHEELS RAMP AT TOP SPEED TOO??? Win for life.
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skinandscales-if · 6 months
Hiiii Rein hope the writing isn't stressful and you are doing groovy!!! (No idea why i said that i apologize for sounding like my mother.) 😅
You probably have answered this many times but I generally suck at finding things and also my memory is much likened to asking a preschooler where they left anything.. they won't remember shit. Soooooo
Who is gonna be a absolutely pain to romance (Atlas 😒) and who is gonna be easier and probably is alot more lovable than everyone else. I didn't day ANYTHING about Reese omg Rein. Don't make it weird. 😏
No but for real I remember u saying they are all a bunch of emotional dumpster fires except for Puck so who is gonna make pull my hair out?? 🤔
Hi hi hi! I appreciate it and don’t worry, I don’t think this has been asked yet! At least not in these specific words so let’s get into it! A quick preface: all romances will be “locked in” at the same specific point, so no route technically moves faster than others at first, just characters recognition of it!
On a scale of easiest to romance to worst:
Skye, Puck, Reese, Atlas
Skye is easy because she develops crushes pretty much instantaneously. It’s really easy for her to hyper focus on people and even if it’s not inherently romantic, it’s really easy to keep her trust and admiration. She explores every new feeling with arms open wide and a goofy smile on her face.
Puck IS an emotional dumpster fire actually (looks at chapter two 😬) but is the most mature out of the group because they had the most traditional childhood and upbringing, meaning that they’re also very emotionally intelligent with relationships and such- they’re a great partner, basically.
Reese is super weird about relationships because his have never lasted long and he is very very used to pushing people and that vulnerability far away. That being said, once he gets over himself, he’s surprisingly normal about relationships and once he’s won over, he’s locked in.
Atlas is both hard to romance in the traditional sense given that it’s just genuinely not in the cards for him the majority of the time given his demiromantic leanings (not identity. he has no idea what aromanticism is), but also in a general sense because he’s just that stubborn and that clueless to how any of that should really work.
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imkillerbae · 1 year
In the Inbetween (Valorant Yoru x Reader)
Chapter 2: The Best Among The Rest
Summary: You meet with Brimstone and Sage to discuss your training, and then gossip with the youngins.
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“How was sleep? I expect you all to always get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.”
Brim doesn’t look up from the paperwork he was working on as you stood in front of his desk, Sage behind you offering comfort. “I slept fine. I met some of the agents yesterday, you didn’t tell me that there were so many of us,” you chuckle, looking around the drab colored room. Most of the HQ were grays and whites, lights of yellow and blue. You’d think that Brim’s office would be more high tech, and yet here he was, playing an MTV recording on the VCR.
“I thought it’d be a pleasant surprise. And how was cleaning your room out?”
“Fun actually. I know that I wasn’t allowed to receive help but Gekko insisted.”
“Yeah, that kid knows how to hang around with people.”
For a moment, there was silence, and your nervousness hung in the air. The only sound you could hear were the vents humming in all directions, and the friction between Brim’s pen against cotton paper. It felt like an eternity passed before he spoke again.
“I’m glad you got to meet some of the others, kid. Which makes it easier for you to be trained.”
“Training?” You gulp nervously, and he gives a small smile. “You don’t wanna get shot as soon as you drop off the Vulture right? You’ve probably never even touched a gun before. I’m not sending you out there unprepared.” He looks at you solemnly for a moment, but turns to Sage before you could say anything about it. “Which agents are available right now?”
“Cypher agreed to train her on info gathering, and Skye said she would be back in no time to train her for her role. Chamber on the other hand cannot come back on time. I asked Phoenix to sub for him,” Sage informs, and Brimstone grimaces. “Phoenix? No offense to the kid but the only thing he’ll teach her is how to be insubordinate and not listen to briefings. Is Harbor not available?” Sage nods her head as an answer. “And so is Sova. There is one person available, but I do not know if he will agree to train her.” She says wearily.
“Which is?”
“Yoru. Checking our stats, he is our best performing agent. Yoru has the best KDA in the whole protocol, even higher than that of Chamber.”
“That’s because he charges into sites without consulting the team. KDA doesn’t mean anything when you’re willing to endanger yourself for it. Are you forgetting the past situation in Quatar?”
“I understand. But I am only suggesting him as one option. I cannot deny it. What he has in talent, he lacks in communication.”
“And I don’t think he’ll be open to teaching anytime soon. The last time we asked him to teach Gekko, he completely stood him up. I swear if he wasn’t so talented, I’d take his ego down a notch by suspending him. Can’t you teach?”
“I do not think I am skilled enough for the task.”
“Sage, you are completely capable.”
“I say it with respect to the stats and the other agents, Brimstone. Perhaps you could reconsider with Phoenix?”
Brimstone sighs. “I guess it can’t be helped. As much as I hate to admit it, Phoenix is one of our best.”
Sage chuckles. “I do not think he needs to be reminded.”
You only stood there quietly, listening to them talk to each other as if you weren’t there. “Who’s Yoru?” you asked after they were done, and Brimstone only shakes his head, as if disappointed. “Not a shocker that you haven’t met him. He’s not cordial with new people.” You instantly remember the man in the rooftop, and how rude he was.
“By any chance, does he have the middle of his hair dyed blue?” You ask curiously, and Sage nods. “Yes. Have you met?” You give her a sour look, then nod hesitantly. “Yeah, and it wasn’t a good first meeting. He was so rude,” you groaned, but said sorry. You remembered that you had to be professional. “As expected. He’s not the friendliest one here.” Brimstone sighed, but Sage puts a hand on your shoulder. “Not to worry. Yoru is only like this in the beginning. He will get used to you soon, and so will you with him.”
After a little more briefing, they eventually let you go. You spent the entire day fixing your room up and after the meeting, it was already late. Time flew by so fast, you barely kept up with it. “Aye, there’s the rookie! Nice pajamas. Purple is good on you,” you hear Phoenix say, his hands on his pockets. Behind him was Gekko who waved at you. “Where are you going?” He asks, and you shrug. “Nowhere really. Thought I’d walk around again. I heard that you’ll be teaching me battle sense? Whatever that means,” you ask, and Phoenix laughs. “Yeah! Don’t worry, I like to put on a show. I am the best at this, right Gekko?”
“Oh, uh, yeah man,” Gekko shrugs, but then smiles at you. “Wanna join us? We’ll be chilling at Neon’s room. She brought back some snacks from her country. Don’t tell Brim.” He puts his hands together in mock prayer, and you tilt your head curiously. “Is it not allowed to go to each other’s rooms?” You ask, and Gekko shakes his head. “Nah, but it’s kinda like, discouraged. But a little bonding won’t hurt anybody,” he smiles, wiggling his brows while Phoenix elbowed him. “First week, and we’re already bad influences.”
“What?! You can’t take the moral high ground now man,” Gekko gasps, and Phoenix chortles. You smile at their banter. “Well, if that’s the case, then sure. I’m dying of boredom anyways. Are you sure they’re fine with me being there?” You put on your slippers and they both smile. “That’s why we’re here, to drag you there for them. The girls wanna have a talk with you,” Gekko shrugs.
“So how was the first few days?” Jett asks, lying on the bed with her head hanging upside down as she ate peanuts in small packets. “Great actually, there’s so many of us! Still can’t wrap my head around it,” you sighed, crosslegged on the floor next to Gekko and Neon. You were eating some type of orange tube that was salty and cheesy. You forgot what it was called.
“Any more of the uhm… what were those? The crunchy stuff.” Phoenix reaches for Neon’s bag, but she hits his hand before he can take anything. “Chicharon? Nope, saving those for Yoru. He requested for those.” With that, you hear Phoenix groan in response. “Just open it and let me have a piece. He won’t even notice! I swear,” he reasons, trying to reach for it again.
“Ew! That’s so gross Phoenix. And didn’t you have a whole container to yourself already?”
“Bro, we’ve already went to an onsen together. I don’t think my best friend will mind.”
“I didn’t need to know that. Here, have Nips instead,” Neon grimaces, smacking his hand away. “Not the bootleg mnm’s,” he groans again, and Jett giggles. You couldn’t help but wince at the mention of Yoru again. “You guys are friends with him?” You ask, and they all look at you.
“Who?” Gekko asks, and you frown a bit. “Yoru, you’re friends with him?” You answer, and then they look at each other, then back at you. “Yeah. Why ask?” Neon tilts her head curiously, and you shudder at their gaze. “Uh, nothing. I kinda ran into him last time, and he was… well… he was not very friendly.” You shrugged, and Phoenix smiles, as if expecting your comment. “Can attest to that statement. That guy is pricklier than a porcupine. But don’t let him get to you, he’s really just like that with new people. I swear he’s not all bad.”
“Didn’t he stood Gekko up? When he was asked to train him?” You denied, and it was Gekko’s turn to smile and shrug. “Well, yeah, that’s because he got frustrated with me. Not gonna lie though, I was pretty bad. Yoru’s that type of person who expects people to already know what they’re doing. High standards and all that. How’d you know about this?”
“Brimstone and Sage talked to me about being trained. They were choosing between Phoenix and Yoru to train me on game sense and aim since no one was available.” You answer, and Jett chuckles. “If game sense and aim is what you need, they should’ve asked me instead. I’ve got better aim than these two idiots,” she sighs dreamily, and you smile. It would’ve been nice to have her teach you. She was a cool girl.
“You’re stuck with Phoenix. What are you gonna teach? How reveal yourself to the enemy?” Neon chuckles, and Phoenix returns the laugh. “Hah, ya’ll are forgetting I’m third in our stat recordings. I’m not too far behind.” He grumbles, feigning annoyance.
“But for real though, Yoru’s cool. He was rude to me too when I first got here but we’re chill now. I think he’s just shy, so he tries his best not to show it. He has a bit of an ego, you see.” Gekko shrugs, and Jett chuckles again. “Yeah, why do you think he and Phoenix are best friends? Massive egos can’t fit into their small brains.”
“I can assure you that’s not the only thing massive about me,” you see Phoenix wink, and Jett chokes on her peanuts. Neon and Gekko both groan, and you can only giggle. They were so cute together. You watched them bond, listening to their stories and all the gossip they collected. You learned that they suspected Sova and Sage had a thing going on, that you shouldn’t fall for Chamber’s charms because he flirts with everyone, how they didn’t agree with Deadlock’s hate for radiovores because in a way, it kinda meant she hated radiants, that Astra has a boyfriend outside of the protocol, and so much more.
It felt like you were back in college, just having fun and talking about anything and everything. Seeing them banter and have fun made your heart feel full. They made you forget that you had training starting tomorrow.
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wwenhlimagines · 2 years
Hi can I have prompt
#9 with Hook, when you get time!!!
I honestly have no idea how long this has been in my drafts with just a couple paragraphs written, but here we go! Sorry this took forever, but I'm assuming this is the prompt you are asking for:
"Your body is 70 percent water… and I’m thirsty."
Warning: implied smut
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Hook is not typically clingy or needy, but lately, he has been touching my back or thigh or holding my hand almost constantly. I am not used to him showing PDA backstage, but he seems to be getting bolder, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing my forehead whenever he wants. I couldn't tell what had changed until I saw him tense up whenever Wardlow showed up.
--- A few months earlier ---
Initially, Hook and I were just friends as we got our careers started, and during that time, we talked about who we find attractive in the company. He told me Skye Blue was attractive, but obviously, the bro code took her out of the running. I told him Wardlow would make me a little weak in the knees, and Hook kinda rolled his eyes at that.
"Literally, every girl in the world finds him attractive. I haven't met anyone who hasn't said they had at least a small crush on him."
I smirk as I look over at him and shake my head before giggling a little bit.
"Do you think we don't see every guy staring at Skye's ass whenever she is in her ring gear? It's like a magnet to you all, but I mean, I can't really blame you."
Hook gulped as he fidgeted with his bag of chips and offered you some.
--- Current day ---
I smirked to myself as I felt strong arms pulling me back against a solid torso. I looked up at Hook, and he kissed my forehead as we watched the matches from backstage. Wardlow walks by to go warm up, and I decide to test my theory.
"Hey, Wardlow, how are you feeling about your match with Joe?"
Wardlow turns around and smirks as Hook stands a bit taller behind me. I roll my eyes as he slips his hand into my hoodie front pocket and pulls me into me.
"I'm feeling pretty good. I'm ready to get my title back, that's for sure. How are you feeling about fighting Skye next week?"
"Skye and I are pretty good friends, so we are working hard to make sure we put on a good match for Dynamite. Hopefully, this hunk of man meat behind me will be ringside and cheer me on. Right, babe?"
I look up and see Hook smirking down at me. He nods and kisses the top of my head.
"Of course, I'm always happy to be there to cheer you on, sweetheart. Just like you are to me."
I nod and turn back to Wardlow, who is trying to keep his smirk hidden under his hand, watching Hook get jealous and protective.
"Well, you two love birds enjoy the rest of the show and I'll see you next week!"
I smile and wave goodbye to him as I feel Hook's arms loosen slightly around me. I take the chance to slip out of his grasp and go find a snack in catering. Skye is sitting down eating, and as I turn around to see Dante and Hook talking, I decide to sit down with her.
"Skye, we have to make sure our match is top notch next week. I know we will kill it, but I think I have a plan to get Hook to confess to his jealousy."
Skye leans in closer as I tell her my idea, and she laughs as I tell her what just happened with Wardlow.
"Oh, Hook, such a sweet, jealous little puppy dog."
We talk for a bit longer before parting ways and finishing up the show as I plot against my boyfriend.
--- Next Week ---
I'm backstage warming up for my match against Skye when I see Wardlow walking by and deciding to ask him about his ring gear. He seemed a little confused, but I just whispered, "Just go with it," and he nodded before telling me about the velvet fabric and why he likes it. Hook came around the corner and saw you looking at Wardlow's phone as he showed you pictures of his different gear color ways.
"Hey, baby girl. Do you want my help stretching out?"
I smirk up at Wardlow and nod to him before responding.
"Of course, babe. Wardlow was just showing me where he finds his velvet material for his gear."
Wardlow puts his phone back in his pocket before waving and telling me good luck.
I roll my head around and start to stretch before I feel Hook start massaging my shoulders. I lightly moan as my head falls back against his chest. He chuckles softly as his hands travel down my back. I stretched for a few minutes before laying on my back and focusing on my legs. Hook kneels down and helps stretch my hamstrings as he teasingly rubs his hips against mine lightly.
"You better stop that. I'm not wearing a thong or anything under my tights, and I don't want to look like I've pissed myself."
Hook laughs as he switches my legs and leans forward. "Well, then, you need to stop being so sexy in your gear."
After getting fully warmed up, I grab Hook's hand, and we walk backstage to get ready to go out. Skye is walking out to her music, and I am trying to get into character as Hook slaps my ass before we walk out. I roll my eyes at him and walk out to my music before walking around the ring and looking around at the crowd.
Hook stands ringside nonchalantly, watching as Skye and I lock up in the center of the ring. We hit a few of our signature moves before Skye goes to bounce off the rope as I rear back and hit her with a lariat like Wardlow does. Skye sells it as I turn to look at Hook. His eyes have narrowed at me, and I smirk before going for the Redrum and making Skye tap out.
The ref raises my hand, and Hook grabs my other hand to help me celebrate. Once the ref lets go of my hand, I pull Hook in for a passion filled kiss, and he happily obliges before helping me out of the ring. I jokingly jump on his back, and he quickly catches me before giving me a piggyback ride all the way through the tunnel. He sets me back on the ground before pushing me up against the wall.
"That was not the match plan you told me about. Where did the lariat come from?"
I shrugged and let my fingers start to trace his arms.
"I've been getting tips for it from Wardlow, so I tried it out."
Hook involuntarily let out a low growl at the other man's name. I placed my hands on his chest, trying to calm him down.
"Down boy, it's no big deal. It's not like it ever finishes the job, unlike someone else's move..."
Hook sighs and tries to hide the smile peeking out.
"That was quite the surprise to see you do the Redrum. I'm pretty impressed with it."
I slid my hands up to cup his jawline as I leaned into closer, lightly biting my lip.
"Lariat might look good from afar, but goddamn that Redrum always makes me finish... the match that is..."
Hook captures my lips in a kiss as he presses his body into mine and hikes one of my legs up and around his waist. He lightly rubs his hips against mine as we both start to get more needy by the second.
"Your body is 70 percent water… and I’m thirsty, babygirl. Let's go back to the hotel where I'm going to make you finish over and over again."
He pinches my ass making me wiggle out of his arms and giggle as I go get my stuff out of the locker room and prepare to leave. Hook goes to catering to get some snacks that he knows we will need between rounds later. Wardlow walks up to him and pats him on the back.
"Your woman has a mad lariat. She did amazing out there tonight."
Hook nods and grabs a couple extra water bottles.
"That she does, but she also knows how to use the best finisher."
Wardlow smirks and chuckles lowly before gently turning Hook to look at him.
"That girl is crazy about you. She talked nonstop about you when I was helping her with training. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about with her. Now, get some good fuel because I'm sure you two are going to have a long night."
Hook laughs and bro handshakes with Wardlow before placing all the snacks in his backpack. He starts walking back only to find me waiting for him in the hallway, playing on my phone. He interlocks our fingers, and we walk out to the rental car, ready for a really fun night.
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Tags: @thesupreme316 @gethooked @730hook @baybay-boom @hookedonhook @louisianalady @hooks-martin @imswitchbabemox @plentyoffandoms @daddyslittlevillain @legit9thlunaticwarrior @lclb13 @hooksimp
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skyler10fic · 1 month
Lightning Strikes Twice Ch. 5
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Summary: Skye finally meets this Carol girl she's heard about her whole life, and they reveal the truth about the past to each other.
Read on Ao3
“Skyyyye!” Fitz called out to the server room where Skye had established a hidden, cozy, secret gaming spot. The rest of the enhanced division was on assignments across Europe, and she had been quarterbacking from the comms desk, but now, due to time zones, they were asleep in their safe house and she still had a few hours of her afternoon left. She was grateful for her new job, but she just needed a break sometimes to get away from it all, and no one wandered in here by accident to see her beanbag chair and Nintendo.
“SKYE!” Fitz called again.
“What?” Skye called back. He located her in the rows of machines. 
“Your parents are searching for you, and they have a girl who looks like a cross between superhero Barbie and a drowned rat.” 
“Wait, what?” Skye scrambled up in curiosity and licked the Cheeto dust from her fingers. She ran out of the server room so fast that she nearly collided with the very people looking for her. 
“There you are,” her mother scolded. “You didn’t answer your phone!”
“Oh, um, hi. Hi.” Skye didn’t notice anyone else but the girl in front of her. Damp hair and a bodysuit in this neighborhood would normally have indicated she’d been surfing, but that seemed unlikely in this context and with the big star logo across the front. Yeah, Fitz was right. Superhero armor. 
“Hello.” The girl smiled tentatively, and Skye nearly melted on the spot. 
Phil looked around at the curious agents starting to wander through the hallway. “Sweetheart, this is someone very special we want you to meet. She’s just arrived here. On Earth. Let’s find a place we can all talk.” 
“A conference room?” Melinda suggested and nodded to an open door. 
Skye took in the girl’s exhaustion and odd outfit and pitiful appearance. “I have a better idea. I’m Skye, by the way.” She stuck out her hand for a handshake, and the girl hesitated, took off her wet glove, and slowly reciprocated. The touch of their palms sent a wave of warmth through them both and they let the handshake linger a half-second longer than normal, at least by Earth standards.
“I’m Carol. Carol Danvers.” She tilted her head, carefully observing Skye’s reaction, and the name sunk in. 
Skye’s jaw dropped. She looked to her parents and they nodded. “But … you’re?” 
Phil cleared his throat. “Like I said, we need to talk.”
Skye took in Carol’s full form, not caring if it was obvious she was checking her out. “Yeah, we could go back to my place. Wait! Not like—! That’s not—!” Skye blushed bright pink as she scrambled to recover and her parents tried to hide their laughter. “I mean all of us! I can lend you some clothes and you can get cleaned up and maybe we can have dinner. With all of us!” 
“Alright!” Phil clapped his hands once and pointed to the elevator. “This way.”
“Smooth,” Melinda mumbled to her daughter as they left the doorway of the server room where Fitz was about to burst out laughing, having overheard all of this from where he was working around the corner. 
“Thanks,” Skye groaned sarcastically. 
The elevator was full, so they rode in silence to Skye’s floor, and then Skye showed them the way to her door and plugged in a digital key to unlock it.  
“I know it’s weird that I live and work in the same building,” Skye explained as she held the door open for them to enter. “Shield has residential floors, which works out for me because it’s way cheaper than anywhere else and works out for them because I’m always around if something goes wrong.” 
Carol frowned. “I grew up mostly on a space base, so living where you work is sort of our entire culture.” 
Skye inhaled. “Right. So, you grew up with the Kree. In space. Did you know? That you were from here, I mean. Could you remember it?” 
Phil and Melinda gestured to Skye’s living room with a sofa, a papasan chair, and a gamer chair that would have been more at home on a sci-fi movie set. 
Carol followed their lead as the other three took their seats. She chose the spot on the sofa next to Skye’s papasan chair and turned toward her, which Skye took to be a positive sign.  
“No, I was only three when I was taken. I knew I wasn’t a normal Kree, but that’s it. I didn’t really know the story in full until a few minutes ago, but I found out only bits and pieces this morning. An inhuman doctor gave me a way to escape. I can never repay his kindness.”
Skye’s heart thundered in her chest. “You know inhumans? They were there with you?”
Carol’s lip turned up in a bitter half-smile. “Well, most of them weren’t so inclusive. I’m not inhuman, and I’m not Kree, so I don’t know what I am. I don’t fit anywhere.” 
Skye’s eyes welled up despite herself. “Yeah. Yeah, I know something about that.” She swallowed and stood, walking to the open kitchen area as she asked, “How about some coffee? I feel like we need some coffee and some Oreos. Or maybe something stronger…” 
Her dad came up behind her as she pulled snacks from the pantry cupboard. “Hey, I’ll deal with this. You go sit down.” 
“Yeah?” Skye swiped quickly at her wet eyes with her sleeve. 
“Yeah.” He took a box of crackers from her hand, and she whispered a thank you, then returned to Carol’s side. 
Carol stared down at her interlocked fingers and then around Skye’s apartment, gaze landing on a framed photo of their family. 
“I was hoping to find my family,” she admitted. “Agent May and Agent Coulson tell me that my parents are gone. But I have a brother. And he will be back here some day.” 
Skye nodded. “I’ve only met him in passing, but he seems like a nice guy. You kind of look like him, a bit.” 
Carol’s expression filled with hope so bright it was hard for Skye to ask what she was dying to know. 
Skye started with an easier question. “Did my parents tell you that I’m adopted? I’m not really from Earth, originally.” 
Carol looked to Melinda and to Phil, who was coming back with a full eclectic charcuterie platter of food from Skye’s kitchen. 
Melinda explained, “She was the girl we found. We were assigned to find you, Carol, but instead we found her.” 
Phil added, “There was no record of Skye’s family or anyone looking for her, so we adopted her. We think she might have been on the Kree ship that took you. But she used whatever took you up to come down here.” 
Skye shrugged. “An elevator goes both ways. I guess a spaceship beam or teleport or whatever would too. I don’t remember anything, but sometimes I see a Kree symbol at work that looks familiar or have nightmares about these alien men… Wait, are they all really big and blue?” 
It was Carol’s turn to be surprised into sputtering. “Uh, some of them. You? How? You’re Kree?” 
Skye flinched. “No. I’m human. Mostly. I, uh, recently got some special abilities that line up with these crazy ancient legends, and it’s weird, but they also called themselves inhumans. So, it makes sense that if the inhumans are still a thing on your space base…”
“You’re inhuman. You have powers too?” Carol took in Skye’s rather unintimidating form. 
“Too?” Skye leaned in. “Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.” 
Carol smiled. “You wanna see my powers? Okay. Does that glass open to the, uh, chair area outside?” 
“The balcony? Yeah. Are they too dangerous inside?” Skye got up and slid open the glass door and screen door.  
Carol followed her out to the balcony, but the parents hung back, watching them. “I could do it inside, but it’s just more impressive out here.” 
Carol didn’t wait for more questions as she flew up and over the balcony railing. Her hair dried into frizzy waves as she flew. She waved and did a big loop. 
“Show off!” Skye called. Carol settled back down next to her on the balcony. 
“Your turn.” Carol’s cocky smile shot straight through Skye. Ohhh she was in trouble with this one. 
“Okay that’s hard to beat, at least without destroying anything. But let me see.” Skye focused on a large circular fountain in the park across the street and the water spurted up higher and higher and then down again and back up. She took the opportunity to move some empty metal benches away from the trash bins and closer to the fountain area. “Bit of community improvement. I like to help out.” 
“So you can move things around from far away? That’s cool.” Carol asked, not unkindly but obviously not in awe either. 
Skye laughed. “I can do a lot more than that. I sense the waves of objects or nature or anything and I can manipulate them. I’m working on being able to do tiny intricate stuff, but I could also take down buildings. Maybe more when I build my strength up. It’s like telekinesis, sort of, but more physics and less thought power.” 
Her mother commented from inside, “A little more thought power wouldn’t hurt.” 
Skye rolled her eyes. “Anyway! So you’ve probably seen a ton of cool powers if you know the inhumans. And I’m guessing you got yours from the Kree somehow? Have they come up with new ways to use people for their wars since the ancient inhumans were here?”
Skye regretted it as soon as the bitter words left her mouth, but Carol just sighed and leaned her forearms on the metal railing of the balcony. “It was so obvious to everyone but me. I am—I was—a captain in Starforce, an elite team of ‘noble warrior heroes,’ we called ourselves. So vain. I see it now. I really thought we were doing good, you know? But you’re right. The inhumans are used too. I don’t get to see their powers much, in part because we don’t mix, and in part because some of them are used for entertainment.”
Skye leaned on the balcony too and stared hard at Carol. “They’re what? Paraded around?” 
“Forced to fight in the arena. Hurting each other with their powers for the honor of their masters. I should have tried to save someone, anyone, and bring them with me. But I just ran.” Carol couldn’t meet Skye’s stare. She hung her head, guilty that she’d gotten out and they hadn’t. 
“Did you ever hear of an inhuman family who lost a daughter our age?” 
Carol closed her eyes. 
“You did.” Skye surmised. “Did you know them?” 
Carol shook her head and turned to face Skye.
“Skye, if you are who I think you are, your parents were killed after you escaped. Their story is told as a warning. They were already on thin ice because your dad was a human doctor they had recruited to experiment on humans, inhumans, and more across the empire. But he and your inhuman mother fell in love and had you. And when you came here, the Kree guards assumed your parents had sent you away. Maybe they did. I don’t know. But the Kree saw it as a theft of their property. Your father went mad in prison, and your mother killed Kree—first to escape their medical experiments, but then to fuel her power so she was strong enough to free him. But they failed. So they were executed, and things for inhumans got a lot worse after that. I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s my fault?” Skye’s breath came in gasps as the emotions crashed over her. One time, in her early teens, she’d nearly drowned in the Pacific Ocean with the churning tide pulling her under to the dark. It felt like that. 
“No, no, you didn’t know.” Carol pulled her in for a hug, something Carol herself hadn’t experienced since she was a teen with a kind housemother in her training unit. Skye welcomed the hug, and Carol apologized over and over, a near stranger and yet so much more, until Melinda and Phil came to check on them. 
Skye backed away and blushed as she realized she’d had a breakdown on this hot girl’s shoulder, whom she barely knew. “Sorry, sorry, c’mon. I promised you a shower and clothes and food.” 
Skye wiped furiously at her eyes and disappeared into the apartment, leaving Carol no choice but to follow.
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vienna-salvatori · 11 months
It's been 10 years since 1x07- The Hub first broadcast (Nov 12 2013)
So, in honour of an episode that's been playing on repeat in my head for a decade...
Here's my theory on what's actually going on with Victoria Hand, and why she's actually a paranoid-but-clever strategist, not as petty and incompetent as she comes across as.
Ah, series 1. Those were the days. The HYDRA reveal hadn't happened yet. Everyone was happy! They trusted each other, mostly! Sure, Skye's allegiances were questionable, but they got over that eventually. May might've had that whole "secret line to Fury" thing, but they sorted that too. Coulson might've had his head messed with, but it's not like that caused serious problems with his judgement until series 2.
... that we know of.
Here's a couple facts: 1) The team are running worldwide missions. Despite this, in one season, they end up passing through The Hub on three separate occasions (The Hub, The Magical Place (I think), and Turn, Turn, Turn/the finale arc.) It's clearly a bit of a, well, hub, for SHIELD activity, and sees a lot of people coming in and out. 2) It's unclear exactly how long Hand has been in charge of the Hub, but we know from s7 that she's been in SHIELD a while. There's nothing in series 1 to suggest that her command of The Hub is a recent promotion. Coulson, meanwhile, was recruited by Fury just out of high school. He's been in the field for decades by this point.
3) When Coulson first meets Victoria Hand in 1x07, he claims to know her only by reputation.
Yeah, no.
I think it's highly unlikely that he's never crossed paths with Victoria Hand before. They might not know each other well- I, personally, think it's best if they do, but YMMV- but I cannot envision a scenario where the two haven't run operations together before.
My assumption, then: they did know each other. Coulson's had his head messed with, though, and he's forgotten all about it.
From Hand's perspective: that dude she really doesn't like has just shown up. He was supposed to be dead, but whatever, they work for SHIELD, shit happens sometimes. That said, he's got the strangest team she's ever seen- Melinda May back in the field, two sci-tech kids who didn't even pass their field exams, John Garrett's antisocial protege, and an enemy agent. (We, the audience, know that Skye is clear, but Hand has no reason to think anything but the worst of her.) He's also pretending that this is the first time they've ever met, for some reason.
... Maybe it's a weird prank.
She decides not to engage with it, because she has a lot of very important work to do and she doesn't really want to deal with any of That Bullshit. Except, Coulson's acting really differently to how he did before- I don't think it's very controversial to say that pre-Avengers Coulson and AoS!Coulson are two very different people. Melinda May- who she knows is one of his closest friends- is... not calling it out, for some reason. Also, he does have a history of recruiting wildcard agents, but usually he follows protocol once they're in. This random kid he found in a van is just wandering around poking her head into things, and Coulson isn't stopping her even though that is against the system. Hand might not like Coulson, but she knows that he does his paperwork and follows the rules. He'll bend them completely out of shape, but he won't break them outright without very good reason. Or at least, he used to do that.
The whole situation is alarming on so many levels. So... she decides to test him- the stupidest, most obvious test that Phil Coulson- who has always been pedantic about the safety of his people- will catch instantly.
She'll "forget" to file the extraction plan.
He'll spot it, of course. He'll spot it instantly, and she'll roll her eyes and file the paperwork she's already filled out. She'll say that this is why they have procedures and it's important to follow them, not just turn up in someone's airspace with a team that makes no sense and ignore all rules and protocol.
Except, Phil Coulson does not notice. It takes his team members breaking protocol in front of of all of them for him to spot a problem in the mission paperwork she physically placed into his hands.
And that? That is not Phil Coulson. She might not like Phil Coulson, but she does know him, and he always looks out for his agents. That's not Coulson, and May is playing along with the imposter for some reason, even when she knows him even better than Hand does.
In the end, she just lets it all play out, because this is so far off what she expected she honestly wants to know how far it reaches.
If she tries to chase up Coulson's file afterwards, she'll hit the (canonically very weird) firewalls and restrictions around TAHITI protocol. If she tries to report the oddities to Fury or Hill, they'll brush her off- again, TAHITI protocol. There's something wrong with that dude and no one in her agency is taking her seriously.
So. Once the HYDRA reveal happens, and she starts looking for moles? Well, there's one really obvious place where standard SHIELD protocol is failing. The issue stretches to some pretty high levels, too- this isn't just baby-agent incompetence. That probably means Coulson's HYDRA. May must be too, if she's covering for him. Skye is, still, basically an enemy agent, Hand won't lose sleep over her. I have... thoughts... about the fact that Hand outright tries to shoot John Garrett out of the sky despite, or because of, their working history, but she's definitely suspicious of him, too. Ward is his agent and likely to follow his lead- when the Twist happens, Ward plays up how betrayed he is, and Hand buys it without question, which makes me think she did know they were pretty close. Simmons is already in the Hub, she can clear her separately.
Really, the only actual loss if she was to take that plane down would be Fitz.
Hand brings down the plane because she has legitimate reason to believe Coulson is an enemy agent, and so is the rest of his team. When she sends her people to storm the BUS, she wants Coulson alive, because he's probably the highest-ranking HYDRA member she can actually get her hands on. She wants some answers, damnit. The rest are acceptable losses if it comes to that.
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dissvicious · 11 months
Can you write something about the triplet saying their first word please ? (If you add an anecdote about Buggy's and Shanks first word *thank you Rayleigh* it would be marvelous)
I love Buggy's family sooo much 💕
So glad you love my little clown litter & their parents ! Here for you ! Sorry for Shanks & Buggy first word tho, didn't have anything in mind :(
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Rory was the first one of the triplets to say a real word and not a non sense prattle.
His parents saw it coming... He was the most vocal / talkative of the three, and the one with the most social facilities.
So of course Buggy did everything he could in order to make him say "Daddy" or "Dad" or "Buggy" as his first word.
Everytime Rory started to babbling next to him, Buggy took him in his arms and talked to him in order to get this first word.
"Look at DADDY my sweet treasure don't you love your DAD your old dad BUGGY you love your old one BUGS don't you?"
One day Buggy was carrying Rory in his arms while shouting orders to the crew.
"Boss, does Reddie knows you took Rory at work ? - WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY NOSE ??!"
As he took a break, he started rocking Rory, sitting in a corner of the desk.
Suddenly, Rory looked at him with a smirk - which was a miracle, for god sake this kid never smile
He pointed his Dad's face and started to babble
Buggy looked at him with a very proud and impatient smile
"Yes ? Yes Rory ? Say it ! Who am I ?"
"NOSE !" Rory yell proudly pressing his index on the said appendice.
When she was a toddler, Skye loved making mimics and throwing raspberries. She was the first to laugh at Buggy's jokes, a real little clown just like her father. Both Reddie and Buggy thought her first words would be around mimicking a bad pun, or circus themed.
But as always with kids : it didn't go as they thought.
One day, Reddie & Buggy were busy giving a bath to the triplets.
It was always a very rough chore since the twins hated it.
Skye, in the other hand, seemed to love water. It was really hard to take her out of the bath once she was in.
This day in particular it was hard. Buggy was behind Reddie, trying to wipe off the twins with a warm towel.
Reddie, on the other hand, was trying to get Skye out of the bath.
But it was a particular day - to have some fun, the young parents put extra soap in the bath, quickly filling the bathroom with soap bubbles.
Skye was in the basin they used to wash the triplets, covered in foam, fidgeting, a bright smile on the face.
After an eternity, while Buggy was putting the boys in their pajamas - or at least was attempting to do so - Reddie finally managed to get Skye out of the bath.
As Reddie was wiping her daughter with a warm and soft towel, a single soap bubble, the last one, escaped from the basin and came to pop next to them.
"BUBBLE" Skye yelled before laughing in a joy outburst (honestly, it sounded more like "BUB")
Buggy and Reddie immediately stopped what they were doing to look at eachother.
"What did you say Skye ? What did you just say ? Did you just speak ?" Buggy asked, kneeling in front of his daughter with a manic grin on the face.
"BUBBLE BUBBLE BUBBLE" Skye continued to shout, laughing as hell.
Despite being the first born of the lil clown family, Blaze was the last one to talk.
It worried Reddie a bit, since he didn't said his first word before being like, 2 years old.
Buggy however, wasn't concerned about this. Blaze compensated by being an early walker - which leaded to funny situations where Rory and Skye babbled together sitting on the ground while Blaze runned around them without a word.
It was a little before Buggy and Reddie short breakup, way before they discuss the kids safety.
Buggy anchored the Big Top on a random island for a few days. He didn't plan to make any plunder at first, but a group of drunken sailors came to tease him as he was taking some time with his crew on the docks.
Reddie and the kids were out in town for some groceries so he allowed himself to enter a good old fight like in the good old days.
After a few blade & chop chop exchanges, buggy pirates finally kicked their asses far away.
"AND NEVER COME BACK FUCKING BASTARDS" Buggy was lauging as hell, his signature grin on the face.
"Fucking bastard ! Fucking bastard !" a tiny, little, baby voice echoed behind him.
Buggy face collapsed.
He turned slowly, really slowly.
His wide opened eyes locked on Blaze who was running to him, proud of his first words. "FUCKING BASTARDS !" he yelled another time before hugging his father leg.
Buggy slowly raised his head to meet Reddie's eyes.
She was mad, mad, mad. Oh damn he was in trouble.
If her eyes were guns, he would have died at this moment.
Buggy swallowed in anguish, way more terrified now than he was in the previous fight.
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imogenkol · 10 months
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Old Scars and New
word count: 3.3k warnings: blood, injury tending, disaster bisexual werewolf being cringe af tags: bandaging/stitching up wounds prompt
this is a slightly altered/updated version of my most popular piece of writing for this verse and thought I'd share it in my continued journey of rebuilding my relationship with my og works!
“Alright, who’s up first?” Nadya announced once everyone filed into the motel room.
Skye flashed a sly grin at the sight of Nadya putting her glasses on. “Ooh, are we gonna play doctor?”  
Jayde rolled her eyes and dumped her bag onto the floor, barely holding back a wince. The scent of her own blood invaded her lungs and she already felt bruises forming, but the aches and pains were far from uncommon occurrences. She dismissed any concern. “I’m fine.” 
Nadya ignored their comments and pointed at both of the siblings. “You two. Sit.”
“Are you going to tell me to roll over too?” Skye remarked. 
At the same time, Jayde reiterated grumpily “I said I’m fine.”
The human threw them a stern glare. Nadya may appear soft and approachable most of the time – even meek to those who underestimated her – but the wolves quickly discovered that she had a hidden talent for intimidation when she wanted to. Jayde and Skye simultaneously took their seats at the edge of one of the beds without further protest. 
Satisfied with their obedience, Nadya turned to Toby. “How are you feeling?” 
“Right as rain,” he replied.
She made a spin motion with her hand. “Twirl.” He held up his arms and turned in one slow circle, showing her that he was unscathed. “Nothing’s hurting?”
She concluded her thorough scan with a pat on his shoulder. “Okay, you’re good.” 
Toby gave the sisters a childish smirk like he won a game and said “Ha.” Then sauntered over to a chair. 
Well, if the game went to whoever got hurt the least, then Jayde would never win. She almost scoffed at herself because the competitive side of her that came out around Toby hated the fact that she’d lose anything to him. She even made a mental note to be more careful the next time they encountered hunters just so that she could rub her success in his face. Maybe that was his real motive – to try a tactic that would work on a toddler simply to get the reckless blonde to take better care of herself. Jayde wouldn’t put it past him. 
Nadya addressed Skye next. “You got hit on the head pretty hard. How are you feeling?”
The young wolf widened her eyes. “I can see new colors now.”
Nadya laughed and fished out a small flashlight from her bag. “How about dizziness or nausea?”
Jayde watched on as Nadya carefully combed her fingers through Skye’s hair in search of any damage hidden in the light blonde waves. Skye kicked her feet like a little kid getting a check-up, but Jayde noted how her crooked smile evened out to something more… genuine. 
Skye was rarely ever anything but mischievous, as if life were just one big joke to her. Of course, there were precious few moments when her serious self would shine through, where there were no jokes to be made and she acted fairly mellow, much to her older sister’s relief. Jayde was shocked to see that happen more often when she interacted with Nadya. 
“I feel fine,” Skye answered, then flinched when Nadya touched the sore spot on her head. “Ow! But that hurts.” 
“Sorry.” Nadya winced apologetically. “I don’t see any blood, at least.” 
The tip of her finger tapped under Skye’s chin to get her to look up. It was then that Jayde noticed she had been chewing on the inside of her cheek. Skye went still as Nadya shined the light in her eyes. It felt like an eternity to Jayde. To see Nadya be so close to her sister, touching her in ways that Jayde longed for. The older wolf realized – with a hot flush to her cheeks – that she was jealous of Skye. That made her bite her cheek even harder as she forced herself to look down. 
Nadya stepped away, allowing Jayde to finally breathe normally again. “You don’t have a concussion, but I suggest you ice that for tonight.” 
“Sounds good, doc,” she replied with a wink. 
Just when Jayde thought she might get over the momentary lapse in her emotions, Nadya blushed. It was subtle enough that she might have been able to convince herself that she imagined it, but her thoughts took what she saw regardless of rationality and ran. 
The possibility had never occurred to her until that moment, but Jayde started to wonder if maybe Skye had feelings for the human, too. Jayde certainly couldn’t blame her if she did. It was Nadya, after all. This girl practically had Jayde wrapped around her finger the first day they met. The thing that ate at Jayde more than that were Nadya’s reactions to Skye. She wouldn’t have that hard of a time believing she also felt something for her. Her sister – in all of her annoying glory – was just as much of a catch. 
The concept felt nearly unbearable to consider, but Jayde knew that she would never stand in the way of her sister’s happiness or Nadya’s. Especially if it meant Nadya would get to be with someone far more worthy of her affections. Deep down, Jayde has been looking for a good, rock solid excuse to let her go. This possible outcome might be the easiest to accept. That didn’t mean it wasn’t exceptionally painful. 
Wallowing in a pit of her own creation caused Jayde to tune the rest of the world out until Nadya’s voice brought her back down to earth. 
“Crap, I grabbed the wrong kit,” she grumbled as she sifted through her bag.
Skye gasped dramatically. “Language.” 
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” Nadya said with an amused scoff and backed up towards the door. “I’m gonna go back to the car. I’ll pick up some ice for your head on the way back, too.” 
“Toby,” Jayde commanded with a purposeful glance. Despite being clear of immediate danger, she didn’t want anyone going anywhere by themselves. Not even to the parking lot. 
He nodded in understanding and got up. “Yeah, I’ll go with her.”  
Before they left, Nadya locked eyes with Jayde. For that single second, all of her worries were utterly nonexistent. “We’ll be back in a few minutes. Try not to get into any more trouble.” 
“No promises,” Skye replied. Jayde looked to see that the devious smirk had returned to her face. 
The siblings remained seated on the musty motel bed once Toby and Nadya disappeared. The comforter felt scratchy, but Jayde still balled her fists into the fabric and stared at the worn carpet underneath her blood splattered boots. Something metallic tickled the edge of her tongue and she sighed at the sting that shortly followed, releasing her flesh from her own vengeful teeth. 
“So, what crawled up your ass?” Skye asked to break the awkward silence. 
Jayde gave her a brief side-glance. “Nothing.” 
“Right.” Her words already dripped with sarcasm. “You’re just acting like you have to take Old Yeller out back for no reason.” 
Jayde felt a brief spark boil in her chest, but it died out as quickly as it came. She didn’t have the will to be angry or defensive. She only sighed again and forced her question out. “Do you like her?”
There was no hesitation in Skye’s answer. “Yeah, of course I like her.”
“No, I mean… Do you like her?"
Confusion twisted the younger wolf’s features as she blinked at Jayde for several moments. Jayde wordlessly begged not to make her spell it out. The question alone was already mortifying enough. As soon as her meaning fully sank in, Skye’s expression promptly turned incredulous. 
“Forget it,” Jayde said curtly.
But Skye already jumped on it. “No, you know what? I do like her. I really, really like her. Yeah, I want her to have my babies.” 
Jayde had to fight the urge to growl. “It was a genuine question, Skye.” 
“And you’re a genuine idiot,” she fired back with no remorse. “I don’t want your girlfriend, Jayde.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend.” 
“She could be.”
“She shouldn’t.” 
Skye raised an eyebrow. “That’s not very progressive of you. You’re sounding like Miranda with that old world bullshit. Who cares if Nadya is a human? Just be careful not to break or bite her. That simple.” 
Jayde shook her head. “It’s not that…” 
The slow nod she saw out of the corner of her eye turned into a shrug as Skye leaned into her. “What if you’re wrong about yourself?” she whispered like a kid telling a secret. 
They fell back into another prolonged silence as Jayde rocked back and forth anxiously. She wasn’t wrong about herself, but Jayde somehow still had the smallest bit of hope that she could become someone Nadya deserves. That if she tried to be better, she wouldn’t fight this so hard or put herself through all of this pain. She had it in her. Somewhere. Buried underneath dirt and dust. The best version would peek through the cracks of everything broken about her whenever that girl was near. Jayde just had to figure out a way to widen the fractures and reach through. 
But she worried she would break herself even more by doing that. 
After a minute, her lungs deflated once more in utter hopelessness. “I am an idiot.” 
Familiar footsteps approached the room and Skye nudged her older sister with her elbow. “Chin up, sport.” 
Jayde managed to give her a grateful look just as the others returned. Nadya held a small bag of ice in one hand and a different first aid kit in the other. She went to Skye first and handed her the ice for her head. 
Guilt immediately flooded Jayde’s system for feeling so jealous. Nadya put in so much effort to take care of them all and Jayde had been worried that she wanted her sister over her. She needed to get over herself. 
“Okay, you’re good to go. Just take it easy,” Nadya ordered. 
Skye enthusiastically jumped to her feet while balancing the ice pack on top of her head. “Great, I’m gonna go get tacos across the street.” 
“Don’t go alone,” Jayde called as she skipped towards the door.
She waved dismissively. “Yeah, yeah, buddy system.” 
“You guys want anything?” Toby asked before he trailed after her.
“Just get me whatever you get,” Jayde said.
“Okay. Nadya?”
Nadya sounded slightly distracted as she prepared the kit. “Uh, what kinds are there?” 
“Asada, pollo, carnitas.” When she took too long to ponder the options, he translated in a patronizing tone “Beef, chicken, pork.” 
She looked up and fixed him with an exasperated stare. “I know what they mean, I was just thinking.” 
Toby chuckled. “Any day now.” 
“Get me chicken.” 
He gave a casual thumbs up. “You got it.” 
The motel room grew quiet again once it became only the two young women. The wolf took time to let the human’s presence calm the restless being within. She focused on how her air of crisp autumn spices encompassed her senses, even over the scents of the others. What fascinated Jayde was how her existence always broke through the most powerful things. Werewolves had an incredibly distinct and potent scent, so being around her pack should have masked the humanness of Nadya’s scent. But it didn’t. In fact, Jayde often sensed her before she sensed anything or anyone else. It was always her first. 
“Your turn?” Nadya suggested softly, immediately drawing Jayde’s full attention. 
Up to that point, she had completely forgotten about her injuries. “Oh, right.” 
Nadya came directly to her, standing just inches away. Jayde stared up at her and waited, totally transfixed. “Let’s get a look at that arm.” 
Jayde realized she needed to remove her jacket. She snapped herself out of her trance and carefully slipped out of it, grimacing as the fabric tugged at the graze on her bicep. Blood had mostly soaked into the jacket itself, but streaks of crimson still smeared across her skin and reached as low as her wrist.
Nadya bent down and adjusted her glasses to get a better look, but that furrow in her brow looked like it took too much effort. “Do you think we could move to the bathroom? The lighting sucks out here and I gotta get you cleaned up.” 
Nadya followed closely behind as they entered the bathroom, but lingered over Jayde’s shoulder after turning the light on. “Hey, did you take a hit to the back?” 
Jayde craned her neck to see why she looked so concerned, but couldn’t see much of anything. The strain of twisting only made her injured shoulder spike with pain. “Um, I’m not sure. Maybe? I remember getting punched or something.” 
“There’s blood, Jay,” Nadya informed her, still inspecting the wound. “Take this off.” 
Jayde felt her entire body flare with intense heat as Nadya tugged at her shirt. She hesitated for a few beats to let the embarrassment pass. It wasn’t like Nadya hadn't seen her without a shirt on before. Hell, she’s seen her naked. She’s seen her turn into a goddamn werewolf, for fuck’s sake. Jayde wanted to curse at herself for being so stupid. 
She struggled to get out of the shirt on her own. It was enough that her shoulder felt as sore as it did, but now that she had been made aware of it, the wound on Jayde’s back stung like a bitch. As much as she wanted to hide her pain, she wasn’t able to stop herself from flinching when she tried to work one of her arms out of the ruined clothing. 
“Here, let me –” Nadya reached to help, but then her pulse spiked in the wolf’s ears like a drum had been struck and she stopped short. “Can I..?”
“Sure, yeah,” Jayde stammered and braced herself as the human stepped into her space. 
Nadya’s hands carefully gripped the bottom of the bloodied shirt and slowly pushed it up her torso. Jayde could tell that she tried not to, but there were still a couple of times where her fingers brushed up against bare skin. Jayde clenched her jaw tightly. Just those small, brief touches caused intense tingling to spread outwards from the places of contact. She shut her eyes and held her breath as her wolf fought to rise to the surface. A shiver raced along Jayde’s spine as she quickly dampened it. After a tense half-second, she felt the restless animal reluctantly retreat. 
Despite nearly losing control, Jayde didn’t feel afraid. Maybe because she knew Nadya wasn’t in any danger. The wolf only wanted a glimpse of her, but the last thing Jayde wanted was to cause any potential fear. She certainly didn’t want to think up some shitty excuse to explain why her eyes started to glow. 
The two of them successfully got the shirt over Jayde’s head with minimal pain and discarded it on the floor. Meeting Nadya’s gaze after that felt far braver than facing any hunter. She had this look in her warm brown eyes that Jayde couldn’t quite decipher. However, the physical effect in Nadya’s body was more obvious. Being so close, Jayde sensed it all. 
An erratic heartbeat. A clipped breath caught in her throat. A blooming scent that tempted Jayde nearer. 
Those were not things she noticed in Nadya with anyone else, Jayde realized. 
“I’m going to, uh…” Nadya motioned awkwardly, finally just shuffling behind her again. 
Jayde cleared her throat to banish her own nerves and brushed her tangled hair over her shoulder. “How’s it looking back there?” 
“This is pretty deep,” she murmured and began to clean it. “You really didn’t feel this?”
Jayde tensed at the incredibly cold sensation of a disinfectant wipe against her hot skin, but she still gave a half shrug. “I remember being hit, but that’s all.” 
“Well, you got lucky. It could have punctured your lung.”
Jayde set her hands on the edge of the sink and watched Nadya’s reflection carefully through the mirror. “Yeah, I feel lucky.” 
“That better not be sarcasm. Not when I’m looking at all these scars.” Nadya scolded as she got the stitches ready. “It looks like you should be dead ten times over.” 
“It’s because I should be.” 
They briefly shared a look. Nadya’s expression remained unreadable. Not that Jayde had the time to properly study it before she went back to work. 
She didn’t say anything while she made a few sutures — being too focused on her task of mending a werewolf — but then Jayde saw her brown eyes peek over her shoulder again. “I’m really glad you aren’t, by the way.” 
Jayde exhaled an almost whispered response. “Me too.”  
A bandage was carefully placed over the newly stitched wound, but Nadya lingered behind her. Jayde wondered if maybe she had spotted another wound that hadn’t quite traveled through her nerves and up to her brain yet, but then felt an incredibly delicate sensation tickle her lower back. It took a moment for her to realize that it was the tip of Nadya’s finger trailing over what had to be one of her scars. Jayde froze in place, not having a single clue how to react. 
“How many are there?” Nadya’s voice sounded distant. 
Jayde gripped the edges of the sink so that she wouldn’t fall over as the girl traced another sensitive mark. She was afraid that the slightest movement would cause her to stop. “I’ve never counted.” 
A soft hum echoed in the bathroom. “I guess you’ve got a couple more now. Which reminds me…” Nadya pulled her hand away, but before disappointment twisted an invisible knife in the werewolf’s chest, her palm rested on her hip and turned her around. 
The human’s sudden willingness to touch her in ways that could be considered intimate left Jayde’s mind in a utter stupor, stirring her inner self once more. She didn’t know what to make of it. Or what to do. She knew what she wanted to do, though that remained a line Jayde felt she shouldn’t cross. 
Nadya went to work on the laceration that cut through her upper arm and Jayde found herself thoroughly fascinated with the process. The human’s eyes were so focused, making sure each and every stitch was up to her standard. The way her brows knitted in concentration — the thin frame of her glasses resting on the bridge of her nose — replaced Jayde’s heart with a pair of fluttering wings. She could stare at her for hours. 
Nadya finally glanced up while she wrapped her arm. This time, her blush was entirely noticeable. “What?” 
The question made Jayde realize she had been smiling. She quickly looked away, though she couldn’t fully wipe the expression from her face. “Nothing.” 
“Okay,” Nadya said slowly, confused amusement written on her face. “Well, I’m all done.” 
Jayde nodded as she cleaned the mess up. As soon as the kit was packed, Nadya gave the wolf an unsure look and turned to leave the bathroom. On impulse, Jayde caught her wrist to stop her. A small gasp escaped Nadya’s lips at the unexpected touch, but she still waited expectantly. 
“Thank you.” Jayde caressed the smooth curve of her wrist with her thumb. For the first time, she didn’t try to hide it. She wanted Nadya to feel her gratitude. “For taking care of us.” 
Nadya’s features softened into an absolutely stunning smile. “I like taking care of you.” 
It took everything Jayde had not to pull her in. She yearned to feel Nadya against her. Longed to brush their lips together. To hold her close and swallow every breath. Feel all the ways she could get her heart to race. Instead, Jayde’s fingers went slack and Nadya slipped out of her grasp, leaving her alone in the bathroom with the ghost of her contact still prickling across the surface of her skin.
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @statichvm @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @jillvalentinesday @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch
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rudikawhy · 1 year
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Two
While watching season two, I took some notes of my thoughts. I only started on S02 E09 so before that there isn't too much.
Sorry, this is going to be mostly Fitzsimmons but you can't really blame me, because it's THEM
But first, two last things for season one "I couldn't live if you didn’t" "Well, I feel the same way. There has to be another way." "You're taking it" "Why would you make me do this? You're my best friend in the world!" "Yeah, you're more than that, Jemma" seems to now live in my head
Also the desperation and intensity in Jemma's voice, while Fitz's is so calm and kinda trembling, but both are absolutely heartbreaking in their own ways
But now to season two:
Fitz having trouble with words is both absolutely adorable and heartbreaking
Bobbi reminded me at first of the person (?) from Asgard who helped them get Lorelei
I am curious why Hunter says that his ex-wife was so horrible because so far, I love Bobbi
I just can't shut up about Fitz. But no-one I know in real life would know what the hell I'm talking about, so I just think about him and write about him
(S02 E03) When Jemma wakes up by the sound of her alarm and the song started playing, I thought "Hold on, I know that song", and yes, I love "God help the Girl"
Also it's kinda ironic because it says "God help the Girl, she needs all the help she can get" just as she steps into the lift which brings her to her work at Hydra
(S02 E04) Hunter: "Guys, drop everything!" Fitz: "No, this is worth a fortune. I'm not gonna drop it."
(S02 E07) "Would anyone like to leave before we get started" I would have raised my hand too
(S02 E09) Mack: "A Storm's coming" - Fitz: "No, weather's fine, actually. There's not a cloud in the sky. I checked."
[Jemma knocks on table] "That's not wood, is it?"
Why is literally any conversation Fitzsimmons have killing me? The "I can work for you, I just can't work with you"? I beg your pardon? How am I supposed to accept that?
"Come home, Jemma" (S02 E11) HQ's their home :D
Fitz's hands trembling :(
(S02 E12) This moment when you recognize the face of the woman that came from the ocean but can't recall WHO it is (Lady Sif)
Fitz seems so left out when Jemma tells him about them changing the ICER
Why is Jemma saying "Sir, the boys were right" so funny to me?
Nooo, Coulson said "Fitz and Simmons", they're no longer one and the same
I mean I agree that it wasn't right that Fitz lied to the rest of the team about Skye but please, can Fitzsimmons just be at least friends and work together
(S02 E14) Jemma: "Oh, Fitz!"; Fitz: "Well, don't 'Oh, Fitz' me!" - I kinda waited for him to say that
I am so confused by this whole "real S.H.I.E.L.D."
"No, it's not that. You're afraid 'cause of what happened to me and Skye, how we both changed. But you know what the scariest change is, Jemma? It's you." You know what? At this point maybe I don't want them to talk at all anymore, if every time they do, I just sit there and think "Why are you doing this to each other?"😭
(S02 E15) "I told you, Leo,[...]" Okay, Jemma, this doesn't feel right, calling him by his first name, I regret asking in the first place
I am REALLY confused by the real S.H.I.E.L.D.
I'm glad that even Fitz puts the USB in the wrong way at first
Did Fitzsimmons finally make up when sitting on the ground by the table when "real S.H.I.E.L.D" attacked?
(S02 E16) Don't do this to me, Jemma, don't say you want Fitz off the plane!
Don't leave Jemma alone, Fitz!
Okay, I've changed my mind. Apparently there was a plan behind Fitz leaving that I didn't catch. ("Nice work, Jemma")
Also: Proscuitto + Mozzarella, Be Safe! Love, Jemma 🥲 - The world's most dangerous sandwich is back
I know it's actually a bit late but I have honestly no idea what S.O. means (I suppose it doesn't mean Significant Other) (Rewatching parts of season one reminded me - Supervising Officer)
I really want to like Bobbi (and I still do) but I am afraid I won't much longer
(S02 E17) I kinda like Lincoln
Skye telling the story about not being anywhere longer than two years despite being 25 (or actually 26) actually brought me to tears
Okay, THAT I didn't expect. That this was Skye's mother
"The Girl. I couldn't save her" I didn't know May could make me cry
I thought that when Fitz was in that public bathroom with Coulson's cube (I forgot the name) that Ward was outside knocking and I already saw Fitz getting captured
(S02 E18) That was quite a run, Fitz, I would have been fallen down at least five times (not to mention my lack of stamina), three times alone on the stairs (I know that others have run more and under different circumstances but still)
I feel for Fitz, rocking his leg, I totally understand
Don't you dare, Ward, talking to Fitz!!
Grateful for Coulson's and Hunter's quick reaction
(S02 E19) Was it worth it, Ward? Betraying S.H.I.E.L.D. for leaving Hydra again like half a season later?
I'm glad Fitzsimmons finally talk to each other again like normal people
"Mistakes were made..." - "By you" "...and people got hurt..." - "By you"
No, I'm not okay. "Be careful, Jemma"😭
"So, how does this work? You just click your heals together and whisper, "There's no place like home"?" Is this a S.H.I.E.L.D. director thing? Quoting The Wizard of Oz?
One moment I really like Skye's mother and ten seconds later I can't stand her
(S02 E21) this whole show is confusing me. Who's on whose side?
Now Gordon too!?
Leave Bobbi alone!!!!
I'm not sure if I like Lincoln anymore
(S02 E22) Nooo, Bobbi!
That's what you've got, Ward! Now your girlfriend's dead
"There's nothing to discuss, Jemma" - "Maybe there is"😢😢 I can't with them
"Science, biatch" I actually squeak-laughed
"We're not bad, we're misled" Aaaaand I like Lincoln again
I need someone asking me out the way Fitz did, asap
I mean I knew what was about to happen to Jemma (I saw a GIF somewhere) but fuck, with sound and context it hurts SO MUCH MORE
Okay, that was it with season two. I know I need to step down a little bit with how many episodes I watch daily (because season two has only been six days), but no matter how much I know that, I just can't stop. But enough with this talk.
It was fun doing this, I think I'll do it again with season three.
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