#at dead of night original character
sh4ggyshoes · 2 months
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random doodle of jimmy getting cheese slapped on his bald ass head by waylen (with some bonus ghosts -bose)
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taiyami · 10 months
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grief and mourning. was inspired by paintings of angels, particularly Abbot Handerson Thayer's "Winged Figure" (1889).
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ragequat · 3 months
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REDRAW OF MY VERY FIRST EVER FURSONA. kid me would combust if she saw this ngl
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itsawildsaltychip · 3 days
ONAF: Friends Till Dead AU (by: Bunclops on Twitter)
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Hi sillies!! I recently got thrown back into the ONAF fandom and I'm going insane rn/pos!!! The fanart and the AU's I'm seeing are so fricken cool like whaaaaat????? (Also why flumpty kinda,,,, 😏😏😏)
Anyways, I recently found Bunclop's FTD AU and I ate it up so fast like HOKY SHIT!!!! This shit good!!! I def go recommend to check the AU (and comic) out because its so tasty and cool ahh!!!!!
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porsche-grey-barnes · 3 months
Chapter 1: the case of Willamina Wood.
Tw: this chapter includes: rape, assault, death, talk of sex, and bad friends. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Knock, knock, knocking on the two dead boys' door.
Everything was going splendidly. We had moved crystal in next door to the office so she could have her own room, and coincidentally Jenny moved downstairs. 
The night nurse left us alone for most days, unless we had a case she insisted on being there for.
Speaking of, we had just finished wrapping up a case. Three boys terrorising young human girls. Crystal calls them “dead frat bros”. I do not like the name, but she does so automatically Charles likes it too.
We walk into the office, Charles and Crystal talking as usual, while I walk ahead. I will not say I am over my love for Charles, but I know he does not see me in such light. So to be a good friend, I refuse to give In to them.
Once I sit down at my desk, the mailman comes scaring both Charles and Crystal and I smile slightly.
We let Crystal see if she could pick up anything off of the mail, getting used to her powers already.
“It is pretty brills innit?” Charles asks as he looks at her, her eyes white her head tilted backward.
“It’s…..charming, to say the least.” Ever since her, Niko, and Charles saved me, I've been trying my hardest to be nicer to the girl. It is a trial sometimes, I will admit.
When she finally comes back, she looks at us and says “nothing good, just some girl missing here. But, but, I think I know her?”
Crystal never got to take the other two memory balls, therefore she has some dark spots here and there. She says they may have more bad memories and doesn’t want them.
Charles gos up to her. His hand on her shoulder “is she ok?” “I think so. All I saw was a smiling girl, but I don’t know who or what she is…” right then an older gentleman walks in.
He has grey hair and blue eyes, he seems to have died around the same time as I.
“This is the dead boy’s detective agency, correct?”
“Yes, that is us.” I say sitting up in my chase at the new case.
“Good. I have a case for you.”
Charles, Crystal, and I all look at each other, ready for our next case.
The case.
“There is a girl. Her friend lives in the apartment I stay at and she visits quite frequently. She’s a human.” The man states.
We deal with the dead. That is our job. Last time we took a missing girl case we got stuck in port Townsend and I got sent back to hell. The answer is no.
But as I look up I can see Charles and Crystal really want to take the case. More Charles than crystal, so I let him finish.
“She’s the nicest of the lot. She always makes sure the girls are quiet, and she’s kind. To everyone.” He looks Charles and Crystal up and down, clearly still in his own ways.
“And I would not be here, usually, but those idiotic girls keep yelling at one another, saying that she’s lost because of one another. It’s insufferable. I was hoping you could help find her.”
Crystal's look tells me she thinks it might be a demon like her, but a demon would not be so subtle.
“We’ll take the case!” Charles says before I or Crystal have a chance to speak.
The man nods and looks at me, with a roll of Charles’ eyes.
“We’ll take the case.” I say.
Finding willamina wood.
“Why did he discredit Charles like that?” Crystal asks.
“He’s a bloody racist, is why.” Charles answers.
“It’s not uncommon, in our line of work we deal with people who died when that was common. And it unfortunately is hard. You as well will get discredited, for being a woman, and for being of colour.” I say, and she looks angrily at the door the man just left from.
“You get used to it, but it’s best not to let it get to you.” Charles says.
“You’re right. Let’s focus on the girl. He said her name is willamina but the girls call her Willy. Why don’t you two go talk to people around where they last saw her, try her friends.” Crystal says as she eyes the missing flyer.
When I pick up the paper, I see it is our missing girl. She’s been missing for 48 hours. And by human statistics, she should be dead by now. But for her sake, let us hope she is not.
“And what about you?” I say.
“I’ll call hospitals near the area, try and see if she’s been checked in.” Crystal says as she grabs her phone and starts a “Google search” as she calls it.
Charles packs his bag, and we grab our special glasses, and we take to the mirror.
The investigation 
Her “friends” were of no help. They say they were in some band of sorts, said they were from the states and wanted to “branch out” but they could not even tell us her last name.
“Some friends. They left her alone so they could go shagg.” Charles says as we try to find a mirror.
“Truly horrible girls.” I answer him.
As we step back into the office, Crystal stands up.
“I found her, she’s at a hospital three blocks from here. They say she’s in good condition, she has all her memory’s, but hasn’t been discharged yet. But…” she says as she paces slightly.
“But?” I say.
“But I don’t know if it’ll be a good idea for you two to come with me. They say she’s a bit tense with men.”
“Tense with men?” Charles asks.
“It does not matter, she can not see us.” I reason. They both agree, Crystal is still on edge however.
The girl with multi coloured hair and battle scars.
Me and Charles decided against going in with our glasses, not wanting to scare her. 
Crystal walks up to the nurses station, a woman in scrubs and a bun, who looks too tired to stand up is sitting there.
“May I help you?” The nurse asks.
“Yes we-I’m looking for willamina woods?” Crystal says, almost blowing it up. I roll my eyes and Charles bumps me.
“Realstion?” The nurse asks.
“Say we are her friends,” Charles says.
“No they won’t let us in, say we’re family, her cousin,” I retort.
“I’m her cousin.” The nurse looks crystal up and down, but nods.
“Before you go in, you should know she’s been through a lot of trauma, the poor girl, so, don’t scare her, ya’hear?” The nurse tells her as she leads us to a door.
“Yes ma'am” Crystal says.
When we walk in, there’s another nurse, a girl, laughing.
The nurse walks out and says “you have a funny friend, she’s been joking since she’s got here.” I smile at that. The girl seems to have went through trauma and is still joking around. In away she’s a bit like Charles.
When we walk in fully, she clams up.
“Who are you guys?” Guys?
“You can see us?” Charles asks, and she nods.
“Near death experience.” Is all she says, her smile gone from her face. Whatever trauma the poor girls been through, it has something to do with men.
“Charles, let us take a walk outside shall we?” He nods and we walk out.
“Willamina?” The girl says. And I nod.
Who are these people? Why can’t everyone just leave me alone? Two nights ago was the worst night of my life and they just won’t leave me ALONE!!
“I’m crystal, we, uhm, we were asked to find you.” Huh, maybe my “friends” cared after all…
“Oh, by who?” She smiles at me talking.
“A ghost who lives in the apartment your friends live at.” Oh, so they don’t care.
“Can I ask what happened?” I swallow the lump in my throat. It’s best to tell someone  now, then push it back until I rage and do something stupid.
“It all started two nights ago….”
Hi author here, I just wanted to say this part might be triggering to some viewers.
Warning: rape, death, sexual assault, and bad friends are in the fallowing. Viewer discretion is advised.
Two nights ago.
YES! We did it! We just played one of our biggest crowds yet! And they loved us!
I walk out of the bar, ready to catch a ride from one of my friends. I decided earlier not to take my bike tonight, not to mess up my hair. Everyone said that they'd give me a ride to and from the concert so I’m not worried.
When I walk out all my friends have guys or girls on their arms, ready to head back. I stop one of them, Cindy, she’s the nicest.
“Hey cin, can you or one of the others give me a lift home?” I ask, and she looks a bit disgusted, but I don’t let it bother me, that’s just how they are. 
“Willamina, hun, we’ve all got, uhm, plans, maybe next time you should just rely on yourself.” She laughs and gets in her car. When I looked for the others, they all left.
 They left me. 
They all left so they can get screwed….
What great “friends” I have.
I’m only four blocks, I’ll just walk.
As I walk, I feel eyes on me, but I don’t turn around, instead I decide to do what my mom always said and take a number of turns to lose them. 
After about six different ally’s I think I finally lost the person, and I walk into the ally right next to where I’m crashing.
Once I walk into it I feel hands on my arm, and I turn around, and a man in his 50’s maybe 60’s with thinning grey hair, and round, with a crooked smile 
The old man corks out “oh, have I had my eye on you” in a heavy accent and I’m instantly paralyzed with fear.
He puts a gloved hand over my mouth, and all I smell are toxins, and then it all goes black.
When I wake up I’m freezing cold, stripped of my clothes, and now my dignity. I look up and there’s a woman with curly hair and sad eyes.
“No woman should have to go this way, my dear. It is here that I give you a second chance at life. And I am truly sorry.” And with that a blue light blinds me.
The next time I wake up, I’m in a hospital bed, with a male doctor checking my vitals, and I instantly do not feel safe. I wiggle and scream and he leaves and a female doctor comes in to soothe me.
“Hush dear, you are alright now. No more scary men. I promise.” She tells me.
I’m crying as I speak. “And that’s how I ended up here.” Crystal looks at me with sad eyes. And I’m sick of people looking at me like that. I’m not defenceless, I was just scared shitless.
“I’m sorry.” She tells me.
“Don’t be. You can’t fix it. No one can. That’s the end of it. You found me, now you and the two gay ghosts can leave me alone.” I say, or rather I snap.
“Just Edwin, Charles isn’t gay- y'know what, I’m not gonna fight it, I’m, I’m sorry, I’ll get my friends and we’ll go.” She says and I turn to go back to bed.
When she sits the light off and I close my eyes, the lights turn right back on.
“Ms.wood?” A boy says in a proper accent. My hands get sweaty, and I want to run, but I just close my eyes more.
“I am Edwin, Edwin Payne. I- well, I just want to tell you that not all men are like the one who I assume hurt you. And,” he sighs and asks himself why he’s doing what it is he’s doing. “And I’d like to ask if you have any place to stay?” He asks.
“Uhm, no, no I don’t.” The loft I was renting weekly is probably due to the fact I was supposed to pay yesterday, so, I guess I’m homeless now ... .just the cherry on top of the cake.
“Well, if you would like, Charles, Crystals, and I would love to have you.” He says, kind of hopefully.
I open my eyes and he has one hand in the other, and his bow tie is slightly crooked. I smile.
“I’m, I'm not that trusting with men anymore.”
“That is completely understandable. And if you would allow us, I’d like to, well, I’d like to try and be one of the ones you do trust. And I hope Charles could be as well.”
He’s nice. And he’s willing to be a friend. I guess I am in the market for new ones. And they don’t seem like the type to hurt anyone who doesn’t deserve it. 
“Ok” I nod, and he smiles.
“Ok. I’ll have crystal sign you out.”
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maeo-png · 1 year
AUGH the angst potential in heavy having nightmares about dead medics. but in the comics he saw medic get killed right in front of him.
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tarobii · 3 months
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happy fathers day lmao
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vampiricsheep · 5 months
so since I may be free this summer after all, would anyone be interested in an RP event that's a potluck? I've been wanting to do it for ages but there's never any interest compared to other themes
for a discord rp, I would make a separate server explicitly for this purpose so you don't have to be in any guilds or anything! I would also delete the server (or at least channel, if people would like an event-planning server long-term) after a week - enough time for people to read over their stuff but not preserved forever and ever.
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adalidposts · 5 months
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If u want. Talk to me! 🧚‍♂️✨️
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lucabyte · 29 days
question 1 of the ask game so funny since it is functionally just the concept of purrgatorio in the first place (except of course not friends but weird parental forced character development) anyways for a real number lets say 7, who would make u run the other way
im gonna have to answer question 1 because somebody beat you to question 7 lol
(For (x), list of characters here (x))
1 - do you have any ocs who can't meet, but would be friends if they could?
New Orphidian is a small enough place that in theory anyone could meet (though that won't be happening, rip) so I'm gonna dig into the real box of untouchables which is the ever growing list of "dead before the status quo" characters
which is to say oh my god Domino and Marengo... You only died recently but you could've fixed several people I think. Sorry. You were too powerful...
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It's highly unlikely they would've crossed paths with Chrome ever, (since Tabitha lost contact with them years ago) but I think Domino and Chrome could've had fun being gossipy and objectifying men*. She could be like the cool aunt he never had.... And similar with Domino and Selene or Nickel.
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(Sidenote: sorry this image of selene hanging out with the fence that @samhainian drew in paint kills me every time. everybody say thank you to the fence for stopping this woman from being the absoute most toxic person at the kink bar by dragging her away from anyone who looks like they have low self esteem. Selene is a mess i'll explain her properly someday lol. i like her.)
Unfortunately even outside of the death angle, both Chrome and Nickel would see her as being in age brackets slightly too disparate, given that Domino's children were Tabitha's peers.
Selene could've probably gotten past this though. Selene is maybe the one person Domino would make healthier LOL. Though odds are almost equal that she makes Selene worse. I think it'd entirely depend on if Selene gets a crush on her or not. No I don't know which way around these would go. Selene picks on people pretty badly so a woman who could outmatch her in terms of underhanded cool-headedness would be a challenge.
As for characters who aren't straight up dead. It's a shame that Tabitha and Damon have no reason to ever cross paths harder than walking past each other on the street ever since Damon got demoted from his role in the story, they'd probably enjoy each others company insofar as they'd let each other just sit in silence for hours.
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wait i went looking for drawings of damon and i forgot about the way ali will have to interact with His Ward soon. maybe i CAN introduce them to each other....... at least noncanonically..........
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nobodieshero-main · 5 months
oh boy atlas's side of ghosts is so empty 😭 trying to jot down the important info so i can work out a proper outline later and its like "keika does this, this and this. atlas works at the university <3"
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sh4ggyshoes · 2 months
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kinda rushed but this was basically their first interaction
singer tries to go to bar but gets approached by pediatric psychiatrist wanting to talk abt hollywood mental illness
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deadofnightcomic · 9 months
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This roadtrip may have gotten a little sidetracked
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Help!!!! I got distracted from working on my animatic!!!! 😭
Anyways, a few weeks ago I came across a Tumblr post which stated that at some point, somewhere, there used to be a game-relevant Belmont family tree for Castlevania which listed Richter as having two unnamed siblings.
I loved this idea, but unfortunately the wiki was entirely unhelpful with finding out more in regards to the topic.
I was hit with a strike of inspiration, however, so I decided to sketch up a few concept blurbs based on what I think Richter's siblings might look like had they existed in Nocturne.
✨ Violat ✨
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Timotei Belmont - The oldest son of Julia Belmont. When naming him, I used the Romanian form of Timothy. As a child he was trained to use whips in combat with his family's ancestral fighting style, but as an adult he deviated from tradition and now fights with a combat style which he himself developed. For close combat, he relies on a specially made shield with sharpened edges of consecrated silver. For reach, he uses a bow with silver-tipped arrows. He is an accomplished archer and blacksmith who takes moreso after his mother (and ancestor Trevor) in appearance.
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Aalis Belmont - The youngest child and only daughter of Julia Belmont. When naming her, I used the mideval French form of Alice. Growing up she received the same training as both of her brothers, but never really took to whips or showed any aptitude for magic as a defense. Aalis ultimately developed into a close-combat fighter, favoring the short sword as a primary weapon. She often duel-wields a pair of twin blades, sometimes substituting for throwing knives when long-range attacks become absolutely necessary. Her twin swords are called Current and Cleanse. Appearance-wise, she looks a bit more like Richter, with a few slightly more obvious traits from Julia and her ancestor Sypha thrown in.
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emmieart · 3 months
dont think i ever posted the best thing ive ever made??
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
the villainess flips the script is a really fun manhwa with gorgeous art and my wonderful son luca who is a little bitch who i love so much BUT i will say. the family tree situation as the story has gone on makes my head hurt
#luca buddy im sorry ur family tree has at least one circle in it#somehow the most. ethical? incest? his parents were unknowing um. second cousins? hold on i need to work this out#are they second cousins or are they first cousins once removed. i need to consult charts#I THINK they were second cousins. lets go with that. okay so they were second cousins who didnt know they were second cousins#accidentally having a drunken one night stand and thats how luca came to be. no personal relation and apparently risk of like#genetic issues goes down with second cousins. so i guess its like. the most um. 'ethical'? it could possible be. but still :(#but also luca love interest is his second cousin too maybe? the kid of his blond great uncle???? i dont know man#all so the main character can turn out to be secretly royalty orz TOO COMPLICATED too complicated#although i guess this is how a lot of historical royal and noble families were tho. a bit circular.#that is something i would change tho if i wrote this. first of all i would make judith his bio mom instead of pretending#because i think a fl who had a drunken one night stand the dead playboy brother of her LI is just really interesting LOL#but also i would just like. remove her relation to the royal family entirely#but thats me personally. i find the main character finding out about secret royal blood trope suuuuper boring LOL#but it is common in stories like this so i deal. but in this case i would absolute strike out that plotline. maybe give it to#luca instead like make him look oddly like his great grandma and make the former king obsess over him instead#we'd still get a lot of the same plot beats because of judiths relation to him but just without the loopy family tree JKSDJHDKs#ALSO also i would make lucas relationship with rudiger stronger. NOT SAPPIER like the original in universe novel i like the difference#but i would make them closer in like a shitty uncle who sucks that you hang out with anyway and the shitty nephew u lovingly bully#sort of way. if that makes sense. one problem i have with a lot of villianess stories that have a kid in it is when the love interest like#doesn't have much of a relationship with the kid. i think its lame. i want them to be CLOSE not just like mild coworkers#but thats just me. thats just me#despite all i just said i still really like it. rudiger is cute luca is my baby boy who i love so much and judith is so silly and i love he#great characters even if i would personally alter their relationships
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