#adon jimmy
omoriiiomrrr · 7 months
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Would you eat him for 1 US dollar?
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sh4ggyshoes · 27 days
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a little doodle based on @rosedhall’s fic “paternal insticts” on ao3
little jimbo and harvey at the computer :3
dont mind me sobbing in the corner its just a representation of how i read that entire fic
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tired-loverboy · 1 year
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send help I love this man way too much-💞
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the-plague-dog · 8 months
Haiiiii Adon tumblr
haaiiii *falls over and spills this on the floor*
Mild blood warning
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I whittled this out over a few days and finally finished it. I refused to give up on it.
Also I had a really shit day and just stared at the ADON tag on tumblr to feel better. worked
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I'm not ok with how much i love jimmy. free my man from the family curse, i want to hug him without risking him snapping my neck
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killjoys-n-whovians · 2 years
I Couldn't Save You (Jimmy Hall x Reader)
This is gonna be ANGSTY. I'm talking about Tate and Violet from AHS angsty. Once again thank you to Clem Turner’s cover of Exit Music (For a Film) for inspiring this. 
TW for: a very graphic suicide scene, for suicidal thoughts, for Jimmy finding you and his reaction. 
"You can't escape me, Maya!"
She had been running for so long at this point. It must have been hours. I had helped her from the sidelines, distracting Hugo or even telling her where things were. Unfortunately, I didn't have the keys to her friends' rooms, but she did now.
I revealed myself to her once again, telling her it was time to leave. Every fiber in my body screamed that I was betraying Jimmy but I needed to. Hugo needed to be stopped somehow. I was surprised when she grabbed my hand and dragged me with her into the elevator.
"You're getting out with me, Y/n." She spoke determinedly. "Also, you're freezing." I was impressed by her bravery and together we headed to the closest friend in room 111. While Maya freed her I kept an eye out for Jimmy who seemed to be far away. "Alright, you should be good to leave," I told her and she nodded, shakily stepping into the hall and making a break for it.
We waited a minute for her to get some distance before we left the room, carefully maneuvering around corners to avoid Jimmy. 115 was the next door we stopped at, Maya's friend thanked me as Maya kept watch. We all seemed to stop breathing as Jimmy called out for Maya, he was close.
I ushered them both into the bathroom, closing the door for the most part and hiding in the darkest corners. Luckily, Jimmy didn't come into the room and we heard him go by. Some time passed before we had this friend leave, and once again we waited to leave after them.
We repeated this with her next friend and we were on our way to the second to last when I heard Jimmy close by. I moved forward, seeing him go in the opposite direction of Maya. I gave her the signal to move again and we did but more carefully this time.
Finally, after freeing both friends successfully it was our turn to leave. I looked at Maya as we prepared to leave the room and make a break for it. "This is it, if we can avoid him and get into an elevator then I think we'll be okay. We've just got to get to the elevator." She nodded solemnly to me and that was all of the reassurance I needed to open the door and make a break for it. The elevator was back on this floor, the most recently freed friend must've sent it back up. However, as the doors closed I saw him peaking out of the corner.
Finally, we reached the doors to the outside. I ran through them only to run into one of the hotel rooms. No no, that can’t be right. We were at the outside? Where’s Maya? I took the elevator down to the base floor, seeing Maya looking at me questioningly from the outside. I tried again, this time coming into the hotel from a different set of doors. I ran towards Maya but before I could reach her I was back entering the hotel in some sick loop. I couldn’t leave.
I got to the border where the hotel and the outside met. “I can’t leave, you need to go.” Maya shook her head. “I’m not leaving without you!” Just then, I heard Hugo’s voice from not far away. She needed to leave now, or he’d surely drag her back into the hotel.
"You need to leave, Maya. He is coming for you." I spoke with a shaky voice, all confidence having left me. Why couldn't I leave too? "I'll be back for you Y/n, hide until then!" She called and took off to her nearby friends who all began to sprint towards town.
"Y/n?" Jimmy's timid tone surprised me. I looked at him, water beginning to fall down my cheeks. "Why can't I leave, Jimmy? You know, don't you?" I accused, a small hiccup falling from my lips. He nodded solemnly, a sigh coming from the man.
"I was wondering how long it would take you to figure it out. Come, let me show you something." I followed Jimmy back to the elevator, back down to where Hugo was buried. I was silent when we walked in, and that's when I noticed something I hadn't before. Another figure underneath the concrete, not too far from Hugo.
"We were in our mid 20’s when it happened, not long after mother died. You were so depressed, I tried to cheer you but I couldn’t. Then, one day after doing my show I realized you weren’t there so I went to check on you in your room." I shook my head, crying harder. No, there was no way that body was mine. I couldn’t be dead! Jimmy wrapped his arms around me and that’s when a deep sense of pain flooded me as the night in mention came back to me in memories.
I was laying in the tub, I was so tired of living like this. I had swallowed pills, random ones guests had left that I had been accumulating over time for this. A razor was kept close in case I needed it again. I had already sliced up both of my arms, the blood turning the water a deep red. 
That’s when Jimmy walked in, panic immediately taking over his senses. I watched him through lidded eyes as he yelled my name. When did my vision get so blurry? I couldn’t hold my neck up any longer and my head lolled back. He grabbed me as gently as he could, sitting me up and kneeling in the tub behind me so he could hold me up better. 
He stuck his fingers down my throat, trying to get some of the pills to come back up, but my gag reflex was gone. I was so sleepy, I shut my eyes. “No, Y/n don’t close your eyes, please.” I smiled at Jimmy’s voice. Truth be told, I loved him. I cared for him when things went rough, I stood by his side when he was called a liar. I had been blind, just as his mother had been. When she died, that’s when I figured it out. I loved Jimmy, yes, but I hated Hugo.
I tried telling him I loved him, but it was as if my tongue wasn’t mine anymore. It came out unintelligible and slurred. Tears began to fall from my face, and the realization I was dying finally hit me. My ears rang, but over the ringing, I could hear Jimmy pleading for me to stay alive. To not leave. But he couldn’t do anything as I lost consciousness. 
I had woken up in my bed sometime after. Confused, I went and talked to Jimmy who said that he had managed to get me to throw up the pills and stopped the bleeding. I knew he was hiding something because he was stuttering his words but I couldn’t find it in me to press. So I accepted that I had tried to die, but failed. 
“I told you that you survived it when you came to me, I just couldn’t face the truth that I was too late to save you…” He choked out, a sob leaving him. “I’m so sorry Y/n.” I was really dead and judging by the way Jimmy appeared, I had been dead a long time. How did I not notice that I never seemed to age, when Jimmy did? 
“You know, when I tried speaking I wanted to tell you I loved you. That’s why I stuck by your side anytime someone said you did something wrong. I wanted to believe that you couldn’t do something like that.” I glanced up at him, more tears falling down my cheeks. “But when your mom died, I had to come to terms with it. I realized that every time you told me you hadn’t done it, you had lied without even knowing because Hugo was the one controlling it. Controlling you.” 
With that, I told Jimmy I needed to lie down for a while, and I let him help me to my room, which was right next to his. I couldn’t look at my bathroom, so I didn’t. He tucked me into the covers, and I blankly stared at the ceiling before giving me some space and leaving. What does one do when they’re dead? I supposed I could go seek out the other ghosts in the hotel and ask, but that would have to wait. I needed some time to rest.  
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localfandom · 11 days
im watching caseoh's At Dead Of Night video and mf really heard the person he let out of the room scream followed by jimmy's devilish laugh and went "3 more chat" LIKE I LAUGHED SO BAD-
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dekujinsart · 10 months
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The stairs belong to Maya now.
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ollierachnid · 6 months
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Larping your parents' marriage
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 2 months
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ive got brainworms in relation to his bald headed ass. sigh
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mushyfart · 7 months
made this in celebration of the at dead of night 2 trailer releasing (not ship art)
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lyrics from: the killing moon by echo and the bunnymen
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dr-hear · 2 months
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Wow I'm alive 🙏
Ух ты, я жив 🙏
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omoriiiomrrr · 1 year
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He got the flowers from someone's garden btw
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sh4ggyshoes · 2 months
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random doodle of jimmy getting cheese slapped on his bald ass head by waylen (with some bonus ghosts -bose)
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tired-loverboy · 1 year
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some screenshots of my sims💕
I have to admit he’s creepin me out a lil- but like-
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the-plague-dog · 8 months
OK adon tumblr. This thought has been haunting me since the game came out. So it seems as if the Hugo alter ego is something that runs in the family, like a family curse (my headcanon) and i was thinking if the amazing Hugo was actually like a loving kind man, the one that rose married, and then it was the alter ego was the one that yknow, spawn camped jimmy and started beating him from day one.
On this thought since we know jimmy is aware of what Hugo was doing... do you think the amazing Hugo had to stand by and watch his body assault his wife and son that he loved?
Anyways, just wanted to put that into other people's minds.
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beferli-wtf · 2 months
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😭💔 oohh..
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