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I wrote a fic, a fan fic, a fic for fans. Of Fairly OddParents :)! It's about Timmy & Peri & comic books. And Dev is also there. It's just a short 1,700 words buuut it's my first published FOP fic so it's important to me <3
As a comic book writer who adores talking with fans at conventions, Timmy has met his fair share of odd people, in various shades of strange. Those who make the strangest choices in clothing, those who sniff the items that he touches, those who will pay real money to go to an event just to insult him when he does free meetups all the time... He's used to it. Especially after becoming semi-famous due to his work on the newest Puppy Poof series. Rarely does anyone make him feel weird in return, but the purple-haired man accompanying an enthusiastic child has done it all without saying a word. It's not a bad weird, but... weird. It's like he's met this man before, despite never knowing him at all.
Timmy & Peri... I love 'em so very much :) the brothers ever
#fop#fairly oddparents#astrolotte#fop peri#periwinkle fairywinkle cosma#fop poof#poof fairywinkle cosma#fop timmy#timmy turner#fanfic#fanfiction#fop fanfic
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Astrozone really know how to draw a true Gluttony Ring leader and ex-leader
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Queen Beelzebub
Weight: 1516lbs (687.6kgs)
Bio: With being the embodiment of gluttony, the deadly sin of overindulgence, you would think this "lord of the flies" (or lord of the bees in her case) would at least have some roundness to her frame. But she doesn't! Let's change that.
Art by AstroZone on Furaffinity
Image here
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ : This is for @nexus-of-heavies a muse blog that requires viewers to be of the US legal age for marriage or higher. If you wish to reblog this bio for one of my muses due to the artwork, please take this into account.
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COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (October 9, 2023) — A cyclist died after a hit-and-run on Astrozon Boulevard on Wednesday, September 6
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AstroZone / Hanne Tronier - https://www.advertise.dk/listing/skotterup-22-astrozone-hanne-tronier/ er blevet tilføjet på Advertise.dk #dkbiz
AstroZone / Hanne Tronier - https://www.advertise.dk/listing/skotterup-22-astrozone-hanne-tronier/ er blevet tilføjet på Advertise.dk #dkbiz
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Sanders Behavioral Health, Chapter 2: Roman Has a Rough Time
Angsty fic incoming
my discord server if you wanna join- Astro’s Zone
Three hours.
If Roman had to guess how long he had been staring at himself in the mirror, it was three hours.
From an outside perspective, Roman might seem conceited and narcissistic. But while staring at the mirror, all Roman could see were mistakes.
His hair looked messy, people were going to laugh at him.
His freckles stood out. He could cover them with makeup, but if others found out he was wearing makeup- god he could barely stand the thought.
His face looked odd in general. And his weight? Don’t get him started! Looking at his arms, his legs, his chest, all he could see were flaws, flaws , flaws !
Roman felt tears threatening to spill and shoved his head into a pillow. Why did he have to be so… ugly? Why must whatever God up there curse him like this? And no matter how many times his grandparents and aunt told him he wasn’t, he just couldn’t see what the fuck they were talking about.
Well, at least he was in therapy. Maybe they’d fix him.
Roman’s parents weren’t too fond of him, he knew. They were the only ones that would admit the truth, that he was ugly, and that they didn’t deserve such a disgusting son. They would take any opportunity to get him away from them, and once his distant relatives had suggested taking Roman to therapy, citing his ‘sudden declining happiness’, and ‘inability to eat’, his parents had leaped at the possibility, taking the chance as soon as they could.
They had talked about putting him in the six-hour program that started earlier in the day. The only reason they didn’t was because the school would start coming after them for attendance issues. Well, more than they usually did, anyway.
Roman glanced back up at the mirror, frowning. He couldn’t go to school looking like this, no, they’d just make fun of him.
Another day of skipping school it was.
His parents wouldn’t care, they never did until they were being yelled at. He’d just creep downstairs and tell whatever parent was down there taking a swig of alcohol that he was staying home, they’d just grunt and wave him off. And once the school called, they’d tell them he was sick, and rush upstairs to yell at him that he hadn’t told them before heading off to work.
Today was no different.
It was about noon when Roman opened the cupboard for the first time that day. Skimming over the options, he bit his lip. There was nothing there that he wanted . He had everything he should want, plenty of options that many kids would kill to have, and yet Roman didn’t want any of it. He didn’t really know what he wanted, he was barely hungry anyway. He’d just come back to it later and choose something then.
He ignored the voice in his head that told him he wouldn’t.
Grabbing his backpack, he made his way back to his room to start his homework. Well, “start” his homework, which actually meant wallowing in his sorrow while thinking about the week so far.
Therapy was… okay so far. He couldn’t tell them a lot of stuff, just that he was insecure. He wouldn’t tell them about how he hated looking in mirrors, or that he struggled to even eat a snack during the day. No, no, then they would know too much. If his parents found out, there would be consequences. Not hitting or anything! His parents would never abuse him.
His first day had been mediocre. He filled out questionnaires, and they played a board game for rec. Nothing important. Nothing new. Nothing, just like how he saw himself.
At least he wasn’t the only new kid. There was the hoodie kid, who he had made uncomfortable with his stupid assumptions , and who he had given a terrible nickname to. Really, Roman? You could at least come up with something better . And Patton told him he arrived last week Wednesday, and Logan two days prior. So, all in all, they were all new. Which was great!
Roman couldn’t help but feel happy at meeting the others. Sue him, he loved meeting new people! The prospect of finding out something about a person you barely knew was fun, at least to him.
You should stop, you’re prying into people’s lives when they don’t want you to. The voice in his head said. Roman didn’t acknowledge it in the rest of his internal monologue.
Logan was nice, despite his attitude the day prior. On Roman’s first day, he had been very helpful in his own, stubborn way. They had a couple of back-and-forths, and while that might seem aggressive to others, it made Roman feel more comfortable. Logan liked him enough to argue without any hate behind it.
Patton was unbelievably kind. He would go out of his way to help Roman and Logan, even when they were battling via a board game. Patton had hugged him the moment he saw Roman, but when Roman had seemed apprehensive he backed off a little bit. Not to say that he calmed down in the slightest, he was practically bouncing in his chair when they played.
And then there was Virgil, the one who had taken on the resident ‘New Kid’ title. He was quieter than the others, more resigned. When Roman had actually started getting him to talk, he started coming out of his shell, or hoodie, a little bit. This made Roman extremely happy, at least he was likeable enough for the more apprehensive to talk to him! Roman had also noticed that Virgil had black nail polish on, which made him want to do his own.
Well, Roman never really had good impulse control.
20 minutes later, Roman’s nails were red and absolutely fabulous.
5 minutes later, Roman realized in a panic that he had run out of acetone, and would have to either pick at his nails or go outside with nail polish on. He was a boy! He would definitely get made fun of, and Roman was not in the mood for that today, no thank you.
He settled down on his bed, ‘forgetting’ about the homework that was glaring threateningly at him from his desk.
Roman ignored it.
Roman spent the rest of his free time scrolling through Instagram and YouTube.
And then it was time to go.
Roman settled into the lobby seat, earlier than he had planned. The lobby was silent, and felt awkward with no background noise. He was used to buzzing, the wind, birds chirping, literally any noise, but in here? Nothing.
He wasn’t very comfortable.
Minutes went by as Roman sat, waiting for the others. He knew he shouldn’t have come so early, curse his anxieties over coming in late. He was currently in a very heated stare-off with the carpeted floor as of now. Just waiting.
After what felt like hours, Virgil entered the room in all of his emo glory. He looked surprised at not being the only person to arrive obnoxiously early.
“Oh, uh, hey. Roman, right?” Virgil muttered, walking to the front desk to sign in. Quick, Roman, act normal!
“The one and only,” Roman said, with a grin that felt as fake as the Kardashian’s “drama”. And it appeared Roman was a good actor, since Virgil didn’t react at all other than a scoff. Jesus, the voice in his head said. No wonder he doesn’t want to talk to you, you’re so boring. Roman grinned at Virgil, attempting to seem more… well, positive, but Virgil didn’t seem to notice him. Or he’s just ignoring you.
The receptionist grinned at Virgil once he was done. “You should go sit by Roman and talk!” She said, apparently oblivious to the anxiety radiating between the two. Virgil spluttered for a few seconds before walking towards Roman and sitting down. Both of them were silent for a few seconds, both trying to think of something to say.
“So, what’d you think of your first day?” Roman asked, just barely hiding the stress he was feeling. Acting really was the only thing he was good at, and despite how much his parents shunned it, it was useful in situations like this. Situations he faced every day, really.
“I don’t know, I guess it was fine.” Virgil said. “Nothing really happened, y’know?”
Nothing . He hated that word.
“Eh, you’re right. Still, rec was fun, yeah?”
“Rec?” Was all Virgil said, staring at him in confusion. Oh, right.
“Rec is, well, just what we say to shorten the whole recreational therapy thing. Sorry, I keep forgetting you’re new!” Goddamn it, Roman! You’re such an idiot . “I guess you just… fit right in, yeah?”
“Fit right in with the mentally unstable. Great,” Virgil deadpanned, causing Roman to snort.
“I mean, I suppose you could say it like that.” He said between quiet giggles. He hadn’t expected that answer. Virgil gave a small smile in return, clearly feeling at least a bit awkward. Oops.
“Well, today’s gonna be way different,” Roman started, with a smirk. “‘Cause you’ll have to actually join us in the cafeteria this time.” As he said that, Virgil’s smile slipped and he groaned, practically shoving his face into his palms. Roman laughed. “Me too, man.”
“Really? Would’ve pegged you for the type to be ecstatic about being around others.” Virgil stated, turning in his seat to face Roman a bit more. Roman shrugged in response.
“I mean, kinda? There’s pros and cons to it, y’know? And-” Roman cut himself off before he could continue. Stupid Roman, you don’t just rant all your problems out to an innocent stranger. He shook his head. “Eh, nevermind, I dunno where I was going with that”
Virgil looked slightly concerned, but didn’t comment on it. Roman slapped another cheery grin on his face before continuing. “So, what’d’ya think of the others?”
“Well… one seemed nice, Patton, if I remember correctly. I don’t know about Logan though… No offense to him or anything!”
“Logan’s pretty nice from my experience. I may not have spoken to him long, only a couple days, but those days were pretty chill. I guess something happened? Maybe it was so many new people or something?” Roman started tapping his foot on the ground, and fidgeting with the zipper of his jacket. He didn’t want to insult Logan, but his behavior yesterday was pretty aggressive.
Virgil started chewing on his hoodie strings, which only slightly muffled his voice when he answered. “I guess. I’ll just… go with the flow. I don’t… want to get myself into something I can’t get out of, y’know? I’ve had enough of that in my life.”
“I don’t think I’m following here…”
“Oh! Um, I didn’t really… uh mean to say that out loud…? Heh, sorry… just not really… um, open to talk about that?” Virgil stammered out, shrinking into his hoodie.
“Heyheyhey, no need to worry about it! I’m not gonna pressure you into something you don’t wanna talk about. After all, this is therapy, we’re gonna go through worse. Probably.” Roman quickly responded in a panicked state. Virgil buried his face in his hands once more, muttering “don’t remind me we’re in therapy”. Roman smiled. He didn’t want to call it too soon, but… maybe he could make a friend?
After talking for about 10 minutes, everyone had arrived and Becca called them into the back. From here, it was a game of ‘try to get to the check-in room first’ to get into one of the two spinny chairs. Usually, Patton and Roman would get the chairs, as Logan would say, “There’s no use grabbing a revolving chair when we’re only going to be here for a few minutes.” But with the addition of Virgil to their daily group, Roman wanted to make sure he got one of those seats. They were the most comfortable, and they were fun! Both were a plus.
Arriving first in the room, he plopped down into a spinny chair, spinning himself around before grabbing a check-in sheet. Success!
Becca joined him in the room soon after, Virgil trailing behind her. After Becca handed Virgil a sheet and motioned for him to choose a seat, he sat in the swivel chair beside Roman.
Patton and Logan joined them soon after, having been walking slower while they talked. Patton didn’t look disappointed as he lost the title of Swivel Chair Holder, only smiled brighter as he grabbed a sheet and asked Logan to sit beside him.
Logan himself, however, looked at Virgil and winced, presumably because of his behavior the other day. Logan looked apprehensive, torn between sitting by Patton or apologizing to Virgil. But once Becca kneeled down to show Virgil what to fill out, Logan knew his chance was gone.
Well, that’s what Roman thought, anyway.
The room was silent other than the sound of pen on paper. Roman tapped his foot unconsciously as he thought.
See, at Sanders, they ask you to rate your anxiety, avoidance, and depression every day. But instead of using 0-5 or 0-10 they decided to use a 0-7 scale for who knows why.
So, what was his anxiety today? Roman bit the inside of his cheek as he thought. Maybe a 4? Or maybe a 5? Well, seeing as his anxiety was raising as he struggled to find an answer, he put down 5. As for avoidance and depression, 3 and 4 respectively.
Just a couple more questions down, and then he was free to doodle. It had become a ritual during his time here, despite not being here that long. Today’s piece of art was a doodle of a Prince. A crown, sash, and a dazzling grin, and he was done. He glanced up to see Virgil was the only one still filling out the sheet.
Well, he supposed he could add some more sparkles.
Once Virgil was done, Becca clapped her hands and asked for them to share. Patton went first, going through his emotion, his anxiety, avoidance + depression, and other questions. Logan was next, doing the same but refusing to share his emotion. Then it was Roman’s turn, and he sped through it as quick as possible, not wanting to concern any of the others.
On Virgil’s turn, he went quiet and stuttered numerous times throughout the reading. He was reluctant to speak about the bottom four questions, specifically. Well, kinda. There were the two questions of ‘since yesterday have you had thoughts of harming others/have you actually done it’. There was also the ‘have you had thoughts of harming yourself/done it’. Quietly, Virgil asked not to share, and Becca agreed, though looking thoroughly disappointed.
Pulling out his binder and a pen with an excessive plume, Roman sat down at the middle table. Patton and Logan sat near him, while Virgil took a seat at a corner table, Becca joining him soon after to brief him on the ins and outs. Keep in mind, there were only three tables, so the options were at a minimum.
Shocked back into reality by someone sitting next to him, he turned to see the other therapist, Charlie, seated at his right.
“Hello, Roman! You finished your introduction exposure yesterday, right?” She asked. And she was right, yesterday had been spent introducing himself to the various staff around the building, and at the extreme lack of such, had to introduce himself to some of them twice . At Roman’s nod, she continued.
“So, today we’ll set you up with a couple more exposures, based on what you’ve told us. So, here,” she started, pointing at the next unnamed category on the page. “The first exposure is to put a mark on your face. It has to be noticeable, too. Just use a pen for that one, you don’t need anything special. Then all you need to do is talk to people.”
Nodding, Roman scribbled it down on the page, telling himself he wouldn’t do that one until he absolutely had to.
“And the next one is just wearing jewelry. Anything like a necklace, bracelets, rings, will work fine. You won’t have to wear them the whole day, just do trials for about 30 seconds. If you don’t have anything to wear right now just bring some tomorrow and we’ll start then.”
Fuck. Now he had to.
“Uh, yeah I don’t have any… jewelry. So, for the first one, do I gotta like… do any specific thing, like a word or…?”
“Just a line will do.”
And with that, Roman got up to go to ask to go to the bathroom, only stopped by Charlie’s hand on his arm. He gave her a questioning look.
“I was just gonna go to the bathroom… to put the mark on my face. Is something wrong?” He asked. Charlie shook her head.
“Do it here. If you use the mirror, it will loosen some of the anxiety. The point of this is to combat the anxiety, full on. No avoiding.”
“But I like avoiding.” Roman mumbled to himself. He didn’t think anyone heard, but the quiet giggle from Patton proved otherwise. Charlie just gave him an encouraging smile.
Sitting back down, Roman picked up his pen, while Charlie walked to her computer. Roman stared at the pen as if he were about to make a life-changing decision.
Just put the pen on your face, it’s not that hard . Except it was hard, at least for him. God, he really was a failure if he couldn’t force himself to make a mark on his face.
It was oh-so-simple. A mark on the face. But all Roman could think of were the consequences. They could laugh at him, they could ignore it, and worst of all, they could point it out . Just the thought of people making assumptions or putting themselves in awkward situations just because they didn’t want to embarass him made him want to throw himself off a roof.
He could feel his hands shaking, and, looking down, the rest of him was shaking too. Calm down, he told himself. What was one of the coping methods he learned?
Name 5 things you can see. He glanced around. The table, the window, Patton, Virgil, and his binder. Okay.
4 things you can feel. His clothes, the chair. He could feel his hair flopping into his face, and suddenly another spark of anxiety ignited in his chest. Deep breathing, Roman. Deep breathing. He could feel his hands starting to shake again.
3 things you can hear. All he could hear was the tap of fingers against a keyboard, what else… He strained to hear, and found he could hear the cars on the highway, something his brain had apparently decided to discard. And the sound of the door opening, with Logan walking in to prove it.
What was next? 2 things you could smell. Okay, well, he couldn’t smell much. There was the smell of mint, but other than that he couldn’t smell anything. He found himself glancing around, anxiety increasing once more. And, yes! A whiff of perfume blew past his nose.
1 thing you can taste. Well, not much. Did the inside of this mouth count? Well, he supposed it had to, since he wasn’t about to go lick the wall.
Roman took another few moments to himself, distracting himself by tapping his foot against the floor.
He found himself in front of Nurse Vicki’s office, a pen mark on his face and the dread of what was to come. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door and let himself in.
Vicki turned to him. “Hello, Roman,” she greeted. “What do you need?”
What was he supposed to say? Charlie told him he wasn’t supposed to mention the mark, and rather to just make small talk. He would rather have had a topic but he hadn’t taken those improv classes for nothing!
“How has your day been?” he said.
Welp. He had taken those improv classes for nothing.
Vicki explained that she was doing well, she had gone to her sister’s house after group yesterday, so she was happy about that. She didn’t mention the mark.
Thank god .
He cycled through a couple other staff, anxiety slowly loosening its grip as he progressed. And no one had pointed out the mark! When he looked at his sheet after his sixth trial, he noticed his anxiety had went from a 6 to a 4, and he was feeling proud of himself as he walked into the hallway once more.
He spotted Virgil down the hall, fiddling with the timer in his hands. Roman strutted towards him, intending to make Virgil his seventh trial of the mark exposure.
“Hey, Virgil, you busy?” he asked. Virgil shook his head. “Aight, cool. How’re exposure’s going so far?”
“I don’t like them.” Came his response. Roman laughed, replying with, “No one likes them.”
“All I’ve been doing is introducing myself but… I introduced myself to all the staff and I still have 4 trials to go before I’m finished and, honestly-” Virgil ran a hand through his hair, voice strained. “I don’t know what to do and I’ll feel awkward asking Becca what I’m supposed to do now… Sorry for ranting…” He finished.
Roman smiled. “I just finished that exposure yesterday, and Charlie, er, the other therapist, told me we can introduce ourselves to the same staff twice.” Virgil wrinkled his nose at this, frowning slightly.
“If I’m being honest, that’s even worse.” Virgil started fidgeting with the edge of his hoodie. He seemed apprehensive about something, whatever it was Roman had no clue.
“Uh, also… you have a mark on your face. Uh, just figured I’d tell you, sorry”
And with that, Roman felt his anxiety get to a 7 faster than soda out of a newly opened can. “Heh, yeah. I mean, uh- thanks, Virgil. I’ll fix it when I can. Um, gotta go now, so, see ya!” He called as he powerwalked his way back to the cafeteria. He could barely hear anything as he sat down in his seat, staring out the window across from him. Oh, god. Someone had noticed. Someone had noticed and now he was going to laugh at him behind his back. He was going to tell Patton, and Logan, just how stupid Roman was. Roman stopped breathing for a few moments, trying to calm himself down.
Virgil wouldn’t do that, he was just trying to be helpful. And Roman had run away from him, oh god , he was probably confused and Roman had not helped the situation. He supposed he would have to apologize later, he was too frazzled now. He wanted so bad to wipe the mark off his face, but he knew Charlie and Becca would be disappointed in him if he did.
5 minutes later, he felt much calmer, his breathing normal, and his chest felt less compressed. His anxiety had come to a 3, so he stopped the timer at 6 minutes and 24 seconds. He scribbled down the results as Virgil came back into the room, seemingly just out of an exposure, so Roman gave him a smile in lieu of an apology, not allowed to talk to someone while they were in the middle of an exposure.
Roman decided he would apologize at rec.
Roman never got to apologize. Today’s rec was a hands-on activity that left him with no time to talk to Virgil. And just after rec, he saw Logan talking with him, and since he didn’t want to stay there too long, Roman decided he would just get in the elevator.
His mind told him he should take the stairs, else he would just gain more weight.
Once he got down, he took some time to shuffle through his binder, he had a weird feeling that he left something, and-
The elevator dinged, and the door opened as Virgil, Logan, Patton, and their parents shuffled out. Patton tugged on his mom’s shirt, telling her to stop for a moment. He practically bounced up to Roman, a grin on his face.
“Roman! I’m glad I caught you. I got Virgil and Logan’s phone numbers, and I was wondering if I could have yours? No pressure, of course! But it’d be nice if we were in touch outside of therapy. And I can give you the other’s numbers so we’re ALL in touch!” Patton extended his phone to Roman, the latter of which taking it and inputting his number. Maybe this could work out after all?
[ Hey, this is Roman and I sure as hell hope this is Virgil.]
| yea its virgil |
[ Oh thank god. Just wanted to say sorry for running off on you earlier, wouldve said it after rec but i saw you talking with Logan and didnt want to intrude. ]
| don’t worry about it, it’s fine. |
| what’s not fine is you sending that right as i walk into my house |
| i nearly faceplanted the ground cause of you |
[ And i oop- ]
| did |
| please tell me that was ironic |
| i might have a stroke if it wasn’t |
[ Youll never know ;) ]
| oh my god |
| i just |
| i can’t |
| have a good night Roman |
[ Right back at you, buckaroo ]
| oh my god |
#fanfiction#sbh chapter 2#sbh#fanfic#prinxiety fanfiction#prinxiety fanfic#logicality fanfiction#logicality fanfic#chatfic#lowkey#at the end#therapy au#group therapy au#just my bois getting better#god bless#aster writes#astrozone#roman sanders#patton sanders#virgil sanders#ugh i hate tags#logan sanders#roman angst#sanders sides#sanders sides fanfiction#chapter fic
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#lapis#lapis lazuli#pearl#💖#🌹#pearlapis#feeling this particular one tonight tbh#thinking abt... astrozone
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Here's a drawing of Roman from a royalty rp that I'm doing with @shsl-fander and @astrozones I got a bit carried away hahaha
Art taglist: @idontcareaboutcanon @kacklingisanart-deactivated2021 @logically-blue @mellowscoffee @princey-daisy @lost-in-thought-20 @justmeandmygayships @bisexualdreamdemon @ranboo-but-booran @moceit @spooky-scary-virgil @logan-sanders-enthusiast
#sanders sides#thomas sanders#my artwrok#artists on tumblr#art#artwork#drawing#hand drawn#roman sanders#ts roman#ts creativity#creativity sanders#prince#royalty#royalcore
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Least evil?! Did he just hear Wiggly right? Did he seriously just call him the least fucking evil Lord in Black? Nibbly stewed away in his room, huffing and hissing to himself. Fine. Fine! If Wiggly was going to call him the least evil, Nibbly was going to fucking show him "least evil". Nibblenephim, god of hunger, was going to work on the side of the humans to overthrow Wiggly's stupid, basic ass apocalypse, where he would proceed to shove it in his face for all of eternity. As any brother would do, of course. (What does it take to turn an evil god "good"?)
#first chapter of Holy Mother God is up :D#Holy Mother God#hatchetfield#hatchetverse#starkid#tgwdlm#the guy who didn't like musicals#black friday#nerdy prudes must die#npmd#it will eventually include characters from all 3 musicals so#nibbly#nibblenephim#astrolotte
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Paper crowns
Ship: prinxiety Request by @astrozones Description: Roman and Virgil were completely surrounded by the paper, glitter and glue. Virgil couldn’t help but laugh as he saw what Roman was doing to his crown; the prince just had to be extra in everything he did.
It had started as a joke. Virgil suggested that him and Roman should make crowns since Roman was a prince with no crown. But he could see the excitement and creative spark in Roman’s forest green eyes. Next thing he knew, they were sat in the creative side’s bedroom snipping away at paper, surrounded by glitter and glue.
Smiling happily, Virgil watched as his boyfriend stuck his tongue out while he carefully cut the golden paper he’d summoned earlier. Barely even looking, Roman reached out and grabbed the assortment of red jewels and glue, and began sticking them on individually. Virgil watched happily, too focused on Roman’s happiness to even look at his own crown.
Eventually, Roman looked up.
“What?” he asked, still adding decorations to the crown.
“You’re just... adorable,” Virgil sighed.
Blushing almost as red as his sash, Roman looked down.
“Thank you,” he murmured.
They slipped into a comfortable silence once again. About half an hour later, Roman had finished perfecting his crown. And when he put it on in all his glory, Virgil couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sorry,” he said, grinning. “I just... I just like seeing you so happy. Even if you have to be so extra.”
Smiling, Roman joined in laughing happily. And now he had his own beautiful crown.
#short and sweet#i think i like this one#thanks for the request!#prinxiety#roman sanders#virgil sanders#ts roman#ts virgil#sanders sides#ts prinxiety
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COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (October 9, 2023) — A cyclist died after a hit-and-run on Astrozon Boulevard on Wednesday, September 6
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[🔔] #아스트로세상 <멤버들이 꿈꾸는 휴가는?>
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Midsummer’s Song
Fandoms: Sanders Sides
Characters: Roman, Logan, Remus, Janus, Virgil, Patton
Relationships: Logan & Roman & Remus, Virgil/Roman, Virgil & Janus, Remus & Janus, Patton & Virgil
Additional Tags: Fae Au, seelie and unseelie, NB Virgil, NB Janus, Changeling!Logan, Unseelie!Janus, Seelie!Virgil, slightly U!Janus
Summary: Roman knows of the fae. His mother leaves out cream for them in exchange for protection and his brother Logan is a changeling. What happens when he makes a deal in exchange for Remus back?
Word count: 2023
Notes: I actually wrote this in a sort of ‘choose the next plot point’ on my discord with the help of @ohlookanotherdumbfanboy and @astrozones Anyway, enjoy!
Do you believe the fae walk among us?
Little Roman listens with wide eyes as his mama pours cream into a bowl, her singing softly filling the air as she sets the bowl out on the window sill, mixing it with a tiny bit of nutmeg before turning to her son.
“Come Little Prince, it’s long past your bedtime.” She scoops him into her arms, still singing as she carries him upstairs.
“Mama, I wanna see the fairy pleases?”
“Not tonight. They come when they please, and it does us mortals well to not look.”
Roman begrudgingly lets her tuck him in.
But when she’s out of the room, he throws off his covers and goes to the window. Roman watches for a long time, but the shadows never melt to show a Faery and after a few hours, he falls asleep with his fists pressed against the glass.
In the morning, the cream is gone, replaced by a shimmery pendant on a silver chain.
His mother says that they’ve been blessed by an Unseelie as she puts it on her son.
Roman isn’t so sure.
Roman is ten when his mother comes home with a boy made of fae blood and human flesh.
A changeling, abandoned when his family discovered that he was not one of them. Logan holds himself differently than Roman and he wears a wood and resin amulet that makes it so he can touch things that fae normally couldn’t.
“This is your brother now.”
Roman doesn’t fight with her, he instead grabs Logan by the hand the way that only children do and he asks him if he’s ever seen one.
“Of course I haven’t. I’ve been with mortals for as long as I can remember.” Logan is usually solemn for a ten year old, but Roman shrugs it off and drags him outside to look at the pixie garden that he’s been building.
Roman is fifteen when the Unseelie attempts to take him. It’s almost midnight and he was camping in the backyard with Logan and Mama. They were both sound asleep, but Roman got up and snuck out of the tent, standing just inside the salt ring that surrounds the small canvas tent.
“Hello child.”
Roman turns to see the Fae, who has golden eyes and scales down one side of his face.
They’re breathtaking.
And devastatingly beautiful. Roman feels his breath catch as he bows.
“Tell me your name, child.” The Fae’s eyes flash as Roman watches.
“My Mama told me that I should never give a Faery my name.”
“Very well. But you do have a something I can call you, no?”
Roman nods, throat dry. “You may call me Prince.”
“Hmmm, your mother calls you that sometimes, doesn’t she? She leaves out the sweetest offerings… Are you tonight's snack?” The fae bares fangs and Roman takes a delicate step back.
“No, it’s on the window sill.”
“Hmm, come with me?”
“No thank you.”
The fae laughed. “Clever Prince! I suppose I should leave you a gift?”
“Not if you don’t want to.” Roman shifted back and forth on his feet as the fae pulled off a glove and scooped up some of the salt from the ring.
“Here’s my gift child. Salt only works on the Seelie.”
And with that, they were gone, leaving Roman to stand alone in shock as the wind whispered in laughter at him.
Needless to say, he didn’t get that much sleep once he crawled into the tent.
It’s summer when the singing lures him outside of the house, despite Logan hearing it too and telling him that he should most certainly NOT go and try to find who is the cause of the sound. He packs his bag with salt and iron, knowing that as dangerous as the Unseelie are during the winter, the Seelie are almost worse during the summer.
Roman did not realize that it was in fact, Midsummer’s.
He followed the song into the woods, walking carefully as he delved into the growing shadows. It was warm, almost too warm as he avoided a fae circle and the song grew the tiniest bit louder.
It was smooth, the song, and Roman can barely keep himself from staying out of a thall as he enters a clearing where he can see footprints in the grass, it’s obvious that there was a revel at somepoint here.
Now it is empty, for the sole exception if a boy Roman’s age, singing as Roman comes closer.
The song stops and the boy looks up at Roman. “Hello mortal.”
Roman freezes. “Faery.”
“You sound surprised.” The fae stands in a fluid motion, walking over to Roman and running a hand along Roman’s jaw. “You’re pretty.”
“Thank you?” Roman reaches for the salt in his pocket, but the fae beats him to it, wrapping a cool hand around his wrist.
“What’s your name?”
“You may call me Prince.” Roman swallows as the fae looks up at him with bright purple and blue eyes, amusement sparking across his lips.
“Clever mortal. You may call me V.”
Roman nods and the fae stands on their tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. The kiss burns and he feels slightly dizzy as magic sparks across his skin.
“You came to make a deal? All mortals do.” The fae backs up, and Roman feels like the air has cooled a thousand degrees.
“I just followed the song.”
“The song attracts fools who need deals. What is yours my Prince?”
Roman blinked. “I had a brother once.”
“Hmmm, Remus, I know him well.” The fae smirks and twirls in a circle before sitting down. “You should sit Princey.”
Roman sat.
“Now, do you want your brother back? I do believe the Snake has him currently, he does like the Unseelie during the summer, my kind can be a bit… overwhelming.” V picks some grass from the ground and begins to weave it together as Roman processes the information.
“He’s alive?”
“As alive as that silly changeling you also call a brother. Now, a deal so you can see him?” “What do you want?” “How much are you willing to lose?”
The question hangs heavy in the air as Roman removes the pendant that he was gifted almost ten years ago. He’s worn it every day since the fae that his mother had given cream to had left it there and V’s eyes widen when they see the thing.
V reaches for it, pauses and looks at Roman. “What do you want?”
“My brother.”
V stares and then they’re kissing Roman, one hand wrapped around the back of his neck as the fae makes and seals the deal. They taste of honey and magic, something dark and bitter, and Roman feels breathless when they part.
“You have him until the Autumn Equinox.”
“What?” Roman mumbled, still feeling dazed as the fae pushes them further apart.
“Go.” The fae commanded and Roman could see the tiniest bit of panic on their face as he stood and ran back to his home.
Logan can feel the Winter that is coming.
He knows that Roman is about to lose his biological brother.
So after Mama puts out the cream and chases her three sons to bed, he waits outside once he is sure she is gone, until the fae that Roman made a deal with melts out of the shadows.
The fae tilts their head. “Hello changeling.”
“I wish to make a deal.”
The fae, with their bright purple and blue eyes, smiles nervously. “Many fail.”
“I wish to give you my name in exchange for Remus’ freedom.” Logan squares his shoulders and the fae pauses.
“Selflessness is unbecoming Logan.”
Logan looked away. “How do you know my name?”
“The Snake was the one to give it to you, and they are my older sibling.” The fae shrugs and takes the cream from the window sill, drinking it quickly. “But we do not deal with changelings. If there was to be a deal for Remus’ freedom, it would have to be made with Princey. Farewell.”
Logan would never admit that he cried.
Roman was waiting next to Remus as the shadows lengthened as the Snake and V melted out of them.
“Prince.” V looked mournful and Roman held back a snarl. Remus was practically shaking from next to him and he knew how much his brother hated the fae.
“Remus, come here.” The Snake held out a gloved hand and Remus took an unwilling step forward.
“Stop. I’m here to make a deal.”
The Snake held up their hand., stopping Remus in his tracks. “Oh?”
“My name for his freedom.” Roman said solemnly.
The Snake gave a sharp smile. “Accepted.”
Remus gave Roman a panicked look. “Can I talk to him privately before you seal it?” V nodded.
Remus pulled Roman out of earshot and pulled his brother into a hug. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
“I know.”
“Stay with V. They’re your best chance at lasting longer than a few days.”
The brothers broke apart and Roman gently punched Remus. “Keep Lo safe while I’m gone, okay?” “Okay.”
Roman turned and walked up to V. “My deal is with you.”
V’s eyes widened and they gently placed a hand on Roman’s face. “I release Remus in exchange for your name.”
Roman sighed as he felt the magic wind itself around his lungs and heart. “My name is Roman.”
V kissed him, and again Roman tasted honey and bitterness.
The last thing Roman saw before the shadows covered his eyes was Remus, turning his face as he couldn’t bear to watch his brother get taken.
The Snake was the worst. Luckily Roman only spent a few days with him before V took him to meet the Seelie King.
The Seelie King liked puns. Mostly because they were as close as a fae could get to lying. Roman didn’t blame him for that.
Autumn melted into Winter, which changed into Spring, all while he was the pet of the fae. V never treated him like an animal, but the fear was always there.
Until one night, when Roman got drunk off of elderberry wine and he kissed V again.
“I love you.”
“You jest.”
“Hmmm. Maybe. But I wouldn’t’ve drank if I knew that you didn’t care for me.” Roman hiccuped and kissed V again, tangling his hands in the fae’s hair as they fell to the soft ground.
“Please Ro, you’re drunk.” V’s face was flush with embarrassment as they pulled back from the kiss.
“A man becomes honest when drunk. I should know.” Roman insisted, but the fae was pushing him away.
“I will not when you are inhibited. I am no snake.”
Summer comes.
Roman listens while V sings, trying to attract unwary mortals to the ring to make deals.
The fae is one of the rare ones that Roman has interacted with in his eight months of being owned, how his deals are always straightforward, how he doesn’t twist his words like the Snake and the King do.
“Why aren’t you like them?”
V stops their singing. “Like who mortal?” “Like… you know.”
“I am younger and more burned by the actions of mortals. Sue me.”
“Virgil.” V says one day as they pull away from Roman’s kiss, pupils blown wide from the rush.
“Virgil?” “My name. Do with it what you must. You can leave if you want, you haven’t consumed fae cursed food, you can leave and break the deal.”
Roman kisses the fae again. “I won’t.”
Roman opens his mouth to respond but then closes it. There’s a moment of silence.
“I don’t know. I might go visit, but I don’t have any desire to leave you…Virgil.”
Virgil looks as if they’ve been shocked and then they’re kissing Roman again, all passion and honey.
Roman will go back, to Logan and Remus, but that’s a problem for another day. Right now he kisses the Seelie with unsaid words, hoping that every emotion that he’s feeling is conveyed.
It probably is, considering fae consume emotion.
#sanders sides fic#sanders sides#roman sanders#virgil sanders#logan sanders#patton sanders#janus sanders#slightly U!Janus#fae#fae au#creativtwins#princxiety
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Ive seen someone block you over this and make an "expose post" about you and whilst I see both sides especially since Thomas is burnt out but when all is said and done can you please all stop harassing creators who have "negative" opinions its just not if not even more rude.
If you really hate seeing Thomas being criticized please block don't make "expose" posts and move on.
Because your toxic positivity is not creating a healthy environment in this fandom. Yes Thomas is a human being but people are still allowed to have opinions.
Especially if your an actor you have to face the toughness of these opinions whether they're right or wrong.
I'm not naming names and I'm going to block that user because I'm fed up of people not allowing criticism in this fandom.
Also anyone who harsses me in my asks will be blocked because I'm tired of it.
Well I don't really know what you're referencing and thanks for the support (?) but to be honest? I'm done with the post. I've deleted the stuff about it because it's only gonna make me cry later on. Some people really can't seem to accept that people can be angry at a creator, even if they understand the situation.
I'm tired. I was hoping for a bit of understanding and I guess people decided to dig up old dirt about me or smth, I dunno, I can't find the post, obviously. If it's something I disagree with now, most likely I've apologized for it, and if I haven't, it's because I, dunno, repressed it probably.
But fun fact: I'm 16. I'm a MINOR. Maybe I'll regret my kind of thinking later. How insane do you have to be to make "expose" posts about a minor?? A person who's mind hasn't completely developed yet? There are PLENTY of opinions I'm going to have change before I reach 18, and even then my opinions will change.
I'm allowed to be angry. I'm allowed to have opinions. I'm allowed to change. I'm allowed to be a kid.
I'm so tired. I might delete this too. I just needed to scream it in my little unimportant corner of the internet. Please dont go and attack anyone over this, if anyone cares enough to think about doing that.
im exhausted with arguing. i shouldn't have posted it even if thomas wont see it because my mental state is low and i shouldve guessed it would make me upset but it was the middle of the night and i was angry. im tired
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