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akumastreamz · 4 months ago
>My Twitch >VOD Channel
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paper-pixies · 1 year ago
And some extras if you wanna answer more of them <3
6 for Astromeda, 1 for Blitzling, 73 for Kell-shali, and 48 for Apari
Me when I answer the second part of an ask months and months after you sent it <3
6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would their S/O answer? [Astromeda]
Astrid would ask it purely as a joke and, as much as Andromeda does have fun playing into Astrid’s bits sometimes, she’d respond with a completely genuine “Of course, always”. As much as it might be a silly question, she’s very serious about making sure her changeling wife knows that she loves her no matter what form she’s in or what she looks like. This would of course immediately be followed by Astrid repeatedly wild-shaping into a worm for hours on end for like a week just to mess with her. 
1. Who fell first? Who fell harder? [Blitzling]
I don’t know if the traditional idea of romantic love exactly fits what they have going on, but in terms of the feelings they do have, Aisling fell first and Blitz fell harder. Aisling might’ve taken an interest in Blitz early on as just a source of amusement but they definitely grew to have a genuine fondness for her, especially after realizing the two have very similar tendencies towards extreme and unprompted violence. Blitz mostly thought of Aisling as an interesting companion and fun bedmate until she realized that she was actually able to talk to them about some of the more fucked up parts of her history. And when Aisling manages to track down the people who made Blitz’s early life hell and burns them to death in front of her? Blitz falls real hard and real fast for this unhinged jester freak.
73. Who knows the other better? Why is this? [Kell-shali]
They both know each other extremely well of course, but I think Mata-shali probably beats Kell-ehir on that just slightly? Although actually, it might be more that they know each other better in different ways. Mata-shali tends to be more naturally in tune with others than her fiance in general and can instantly recognize any of Kell-ehir’s emotions– she’s more aware of his little tics and the subtle way his thoughts show even when he’s not saying them and doesn’t even really have to try to know what’s going on in his head. On the other hand, Kell-ehir is more actively observational. He might not be able to understand shifts in Shali’s facial expressions or body language as well, but he notices and remembers things like her favorite teas, her dancing quirks, what type of noise is harshest for her, etc better than she tends to for him.
48. If they ever had less than 5 mins to tell their S/O something before never seeing them again, what would they say? [Apari]
First off, absolutely fucked up question to ask for these three, my guys who canonically do get all the time they need to say everything important to each other before two of them die. But at least it means I’ve already thought about this in depth.
Opal - To Ace (assuming they’re not in the middle of one of their fights, which is a real possibility given how much these two love their drama) he’d want to thank them for dragging his ass out of Goldcrest even though he was a complete basket case, an addict who was so unwilling to change or believe anything could get better and fought Ace every step of the way. He’d tell them that as much as they piss him the fuck off sometimes, he sees exactly where their anger comes from and has never ever been afraid of it. He’d also probably toss in that he’s literally never had better sex with anyone else and Ace should charge more for their services. To Jabari I think he’d keep it short since the way that Jabari is so genuine and kind will never cease to freak him out just a little bit when things get sentimental. That being said, he’d thank him for keeping an eye on Ace during the years that Opal left them to their own devices. He’d also tell him that, even though he thinks Jabari is way too nice and it’s going to come back and fuck him at some point, he appreciates that Jabari’s grace and patience extended to him to the extent that it did.
Ace - To Opal he would have to make it so goddamn clear that he loves him and that even though they fight so so often that he never regretted their relationship or the fact that he had to take on a worse contract to buy Opal’s passage topside as well as his own. He would tell him how proud he is of all the progress Opal has made and how much he’s changed since they were both in Goldcrest. If he had time he’d absolutely tell him how grateful he is that Opal never permanently abandoned him despite the way that he’s seen (and been the target of) Ace’s angriest, nastiest, and most petty side very frequently. To Jabari I think they would say something with regard to how good and kind of a person he is and how it always amazed Ace, how it inspired them to keep doing good and keep softening the more destructive part of themself even during the times when they were doing very poorly and might otherwise have become extremely cynical towards the world.
Jabari - First, he’s by far the most sentimental and openly loving out of the three and I think that would really come out in a scenario like this. To Opal he’d admit that he had a difficult time getting along with him at first but that he’s so extremely glad that they were forced to continue spending time around each other (thank you, Ace) because Opal is deeply special to him. Similar to Ace, he’d mention how proud he is of Opal’s progress and that it brings him so much joy to have gotten to see and be a part of Opal eventually finding a genuine love of the life around him. To Ace he would thank for the way that they constantly pulled him into new experiences and adventures and opened his eyes to an entirely new aspect of the world. He’d apologize for all of the things they’ve had to go through in their lifetime and ask them to keep nurturing the part of themself that is kind and wants to fight for others.
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linuxgamenews · 1 year ago
Astromeda: A Classic Turn-Based System With Real-Time Action
Astromeda story-driven RPG game now has a free Demo for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. From the dedicated efforts of developer Liran Kamisa, this engaging adventure is a testament to creativity and hard work. Available to try on Steam. Astromeda isn't just another game you might play; it's an imaginative journey due to the creative Liran Kamisa. So it's not your typical story-driven RPG. It stands out with its blend of high-speed real-time actions paired with the classic strategic turn-based system. Think of it like having the thrill of making split-second choices. Also the satisfaction of planning your next move, all in one. Step into a universe that's both familiar and wonderfully strange. The world of Astromeda is where you'll meet a cast of characters that are as endearing as they are peculiar. Their charm adds a layer of warmth to the adventure, making every interaction a potential favorite memory. And as a result, 190 backers pledged $10,022 USD to help bring this project to life via Kickstarter. This journey isn't just about walking or running from place to place. The movement in Astromeda is revamped, it's fresh — it's about experiencing the landscape in ways that are as creative as they are fun. The visuals? They're a unique mash-up of 3D and pixel art. Due to give you that nostalgic vibe with a modern twist.
Astromeda | Reveal Trailer
When it comes to the showdowns with bosses, prepare for your pulse to race. These aren't just fights; they're experiences due to keep you coming back. Have you discover new strategies and enjoying the rush all over again. The Astromeda backstory is a wild one. Earth was hit by an asteroid, and just like that, life as we know it is over. From this catastrophe, an alien bacteria emerged, thrived, and evolved by absorbing DNA from the remnants of Earth's past people. Fast forward, and now these bacteria have made a peaceful home on the planet. And then humans, specifically four survivors who dodged the asteroid, make their return, stepping into a world that's nothing like they remember. The Astromeda combat system pulls inspiration from fan favorites like Undertale and Hollow Knight. Crafting a game that's both exhilarating and familiar. The visuals? They're not just pretty; they're crafted with original 3D pixel art that pops on the screen. The music sets the tone, carrying personality in every note. The narrative isn't just a story; it's a journey with heart, humor, and soul, and guess what? You're in the driver's seat, steering the way the world unfolds.
The Demo:
And for a bit of unexpected fun? In Astromeda, you get to interact with the bacteria in a way that's surprisingly delightful — petting them! It's silly, sure, but it's also oddly satisfying, and believe it or not, it pays off in gold. But don't ignore these little guys, or it's game over. Try it for yourself in the Free Linux Demo on Steam. The complete game is due to land on Steam in 2024, on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. The story-driven RPG is not just something you'll play; it's an adventure you'll live.
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pangolin2b · 1 year ago
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"But Will didn’t want dishonestly between them, even lies of omission. He wanted a life with Lucas. This man was his and he wanted to be known. He wondered, briefly, if this was how Hannibal had felt. He smiled a little at how everything truly had come full circle"
"Sanctuary" by
Astromeda, tinypurpleghost
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envythemouse · 8 months ago
All-time Hannibal extended universe recs
Will/Nigel from Charlie Countryman
Heart of Spades by WaffleBunny13
Summary: Will pauses when he sees the face of the man in front of him then the cup of coffee slips from his hand.
Hannibal's neck nearly snaps to look at Will with a frown on his face then the doppelganger, Nigel, steps forward to Will with a smirk on his face and his hands casually resting in his pockets.
“Hello, gorgeous”
Envy’s notes: Nigel and Hannibal are not related. Nigel shows up at a crime scene. Everyone thinks he’s Hannibal. Then Will and Hannibal arrive, Hannibal finds out his look-alike is Will’s ex from the time he was on a scholarship in Romania.
Unconventional Therapy by DarkmoonSigel, sku7314977
Summary: Upon noticing that Will has been having some difficulty separating his mind from the monsters he’s made to chase, Hannibal makes a rather unexpected suggestion for some uncommon therapy to help the empath unwind.
Envy’s notes: Hannibal suggests sex as a form of therapy thinking he could finally get close to Will. Will instead goes out and stumbles upon Hannibal’s brother Nigel, they proceed to fuck in Hannibal’s house which makes for an awkward morning after.
Behave by sourweather
Summary: Nigel and Hannibal are sharing their Omega. Taking Turns, so to speak. Today, Nigel is to accompany Will to a crime scene. Will isn't looking forward to it. He loves Nigel, but he doesn't exactly play well with others.
He's proven right to worry when Nigel makes a less than perfect first impression on Jack Crawford.
Envy’s notes: Protective!Nigel. Nigel defends Will from Jack the way I always wished Hannibal would have done in canon.
"Two women are dead," Jack says, growl distorting his usual voice.
"And Will is alive!" Nigel snarls in response. "You'd think keeping him that way might be more important to you, but here you are running him into the fuckin' ground."
Will/Clifford from Death Stranding
The Beauty of the Rain by EarthsickWithoutYou
Summary: Part one of my Deathgram AU -- in which Hannibal discovers that Will has taken a lover who resembles him strikingly, an ex from his past in New Orleans. A man named Clifford Unger who bears the weight of the world on his shoulders, riddled with self-doubt, regret, trauma and grief. But he considers it his mission in life beyond all else to cherish and protect Will Graham, the light of his life, his redeeming soulmate.
Now that he has Will back in his arms, Cliff won't let anyone hurt his boy, even a clever, scheming, crazy-shocked-jealous therapist/cannibal who has been playing with fire and may now pay the price.
Envy’s notes: Hannibal comes over unannounced and discovers Will has Clifford as his lover. Clifford finds out about Will being sick lately so he takes him straight to the hospital and later gets revenge on Hannibal because there’s no way the former doctor didn’t know about Will’s sickness.
Will/Lucas from Jagten|The Hunt
Organ by CarnivalMirai
Summary: A week after the funeral, Lucas gets a parcel from one W. Graham. At first, he thinks it’s a wrong delivery. But the parcel is addressed directly to him. So curiously, he opens it.
Inside the box is another box. This time, in the shape of a small house or kennel— it’s a build-a-bear bear. He pulls the box out to see a card slipped in the box, again, addressed to Lucas. So he opens it.
Dear Lucas, I’m sorry for the loss of your son. He saved my life. I thought maybe you’d enjoy his heart beat. I hope you enjoy the bear. Kindly yours, Will Graham
Envy’s notes: Very interesting concept, imagine falling in love with a man who carries your son’s heart. No Hannigram, though Hannibal is one of Will’s doctors.
Sanctuary by Astromeda, tinypurpleghost
Summary: In the aftermath of a plunge that claimed one monster but spared another, Will Graham seeks refuge in a small Danish town. There, he meets Lucas, a kindergarten teacher with a heart of gold, and the spark between them is immediate and undeniable. When Lucas is falsely accused of a heinous crime, the monster inside Will yearns for blood. Even as Will tries to support Lucas in the way he needs, he realizes that he will stop at nothing to protect what’s his.
Envy’s notes: A post-fall fic where Hannibal dies and Will survives. He moves to Denmark and falls in love with Lucas pre-movie. Then canon happens except Will will do anything to protect the man he loves (and their dogs). Will is still in contact with Jack and there’s a man in town who knows of Will’s past. Lucas eventually finds out and accepts Will’s darker side.
Prince Charmont/One Eye (Ella Enchanted|Valhalla Rising)
Perfect Stranger by victorine
Summary: Char doesn't know Frank. Frank doesn't know Char. So how the hell did they wind up hugging in the middle of a park at midnight on Valentine's Day? And what will Char do when he realises it's not actually his best friend Ella rubbing soothing circles into his back?
Envy’s notes: Prince Charming is upset and a stranger (though he doesn’t know it’s a stranger) comforts him.  Oh and it’s Valentine’s day.
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Just look at his smile. ⬆ How can you not like that? Lucas is adorable. I only wish I could see the movie without having to pay extra for it, damn it Amazon.
Nigel makes smoking and cussing look attractive somehow.
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catastrophic-crisis · 3 months ago
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An Assortment of Demo Demolitions and One Spooktober from 2024
Astromeda | Duck Detective: The Secret Salami | The Posthumous Investigation | Fragmented City | Paradise Marsh | Pocket Mirror ~ GoldenerTraum | Kulebra and the Souls of Limbo | Afterlove EP | Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire | Slash Quest | Boyhood's End | PILLORY | The Crimson Diamond | Night Reverie | Tiny Bookshop | Leximan | Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure | Nekokami - The Human Restoration Project | Kokuriko | Tako no Himitsu: Ocean of Secrets | S4U: CITYPUNK 2011 AND LOVE PUNCH | Slider | HavE | Whisperstring | MAMA | The Drifter | Daughter of Crone | The Girl from Arkanya | Sliding Hero | ...and many more!
(Soft Spring Outfit by ravenn) (Cat Themed Dress by Kai's Shop) (Halloween Cat by ぴケの創作屋さん(Pike’s Creative Shop)) (Bat Crop Top by Duckybunbun)
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dhr-ao3 · 2 years ago
Easy https://ift.tt/4orUZ8t by Astromeda After a long day of advocating, Hermione finds herself in a mysterious magical speak-easy. She's prepared for a relaxing evening with friends, but a mysterious sexy blond bartender is determined to interrupt her plans. Words: 6649, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Easy Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Original Characters, Original Muggle Character(s) Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Anonymous Sex, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter) via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/4IA8cB0 August 21, 2023 at 05:11PM
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irndad · 6 years ago
i highkey hate myself and school is making me want to drive off a cliff but how was your day!
NO NO NO NO are you okay is there anything i can do??? fic??? screamin love?? hc’s????
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samingtonwilson · 7 years ago
fuck, if your ego inflates a bunch it’s for a damn good reason, you’re absolutely stunning
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akumastreamz · 4 months ago
>My Twitch >VOD Channel
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jestrogames · 5 months ago
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Made some background edits for an Astromeda Mod
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theorangerangers · 3 years ago
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Quote source:welcome to nightvale twitter
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paper-pixies · 4 years ago
I'm Kestrel, this is a combination art and character blog.
Feel free to make art of my characters or send in questions about them!
Reblogs are fine, reposts are not
Art is always tagged by character name!
"About" pages will also be tagged "[name] about" & asks to characters will be tagged "[name] answers"
Character list: Mata-shali, Twig, Ace Valentine, Azure, Remy Serafino, Malark, Astrid, Andromeda, Scout, Elliott, Ahad, Compass, Andy, Aoi, Azalea, Zoe Brightfield, Fletcher, Astrophel, Adam, Kitty Feline, Opal, Sentinel, Haven, Shiloh, Taylan, Aisling, Kell-ehir, Ivory, Blitz, Alloy, Vivi, Pyrite
Ship tags: Astromeda (Andromeda/Astrid), Adriaac (Ace/Isaac), Opalace (Opal/Ace), Adrari (Jabari/Ace), Japal (Opal/Jabari), Apari (Opal/Ace/Jabari), Atsuaoi (Aoi/Atsuko), reborn couple (Sentinel/Haven), Shilan (Shiloh/Taylan), kell-shali (Mata-shali/Kell-ehir), Asylum/Bloodlust, Blitzling (Blitz/Aisling)
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clowntypeidol · 4 years ago
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I haven’t been active here in a good 5 years. After season 3 ended, I stopped feeling welcome in the RP community here. Even thought I tried to come back every once in a while for some fun it was never the same. It hurts me because this has been my home since 2012, but I think it’s time for me to finally shut down the blogs I’ve ran for all this time. I’m not deleting any of them since there are too many good memories I don’t want to let go of.
If anyone is interested in my personal life at all, my personal blog is @isuzu-ringo​ , my twitter is here ,and my discord tag is isuzu.ringo#9511 If anyone is interested any further with my hobbies and activities, I consider myself to be part of the Youtaite Community. I have 3 channels I advertise  Astromeda, my English Love Live cover group (I am Umi and Dia) Colorful Symphony, my English Utapri cover group (I am Ai, the rest of the cast is male) My personal Channel I actually just did a cover for Cecil’s birthday too~
If I come back to Tumblr I’ll make a new blog to join the newer people, but I don’t expect to.  Thank you all for the wonderful years and helping me escape my reality. I appreciate and love all of you. Good bye.
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catastrophic-crisis · 1 year ago
Astromeda Demo
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As one of the last humans, we return to an Earth inhabited by the intelligent Bacteria race. ASTROMEDA combines turn-based and fast-paced real time RPG combat. Will we get squished by the bacteria, or will we be able to befriend the colorful characters of this world?
If we have time after, we'll partake in TEST TEST TEST, and try to escape the cryptic time loop as an overworked office worker.
Tuesday 4:00 PM EST / 9:00 PM GMT/UTC / 1:00 PM PST; twitch.tv/catastrophe_jupiter
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 5 years ago
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ships [+ names] so far:
Displaced!Astinos x Vigdis - Vignos
Michael x Vigdis - Michis, Vighael
Alex x Albiel - Lexiel
Gabriel x Atalyah - Atabriel
Astinos x Andromeda - Astromeda
Michael / Omniel / Narel - Miomna
Lucifer x Fraciel - Fracifer, Lucifeel (*finger guns*)
Raphael x Azazel - Razz, Azphael
Uriel x Arika - Ariel, Urika
Charis x Stelios - Stelris
Uriel x Teme - Temuriel
Gabriel x Asmodel - Asmoriel
Blaine x Gabriel - Galaine
Gabriel x Kemuel - Kemuriel, "Gem"
Michael x Claire - Maire
Michael x Cyril - Cyrael
Lucifer x Mitch - Lich
Michael x Castiel - Mistiel
Michael x Ethan - Methan
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