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cdawgcaps · 7 months ago
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Connor Modeling Apari x Ironmouse | 2024
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real-sociedad · 1 year ago
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paper-pixies · 1 year ago
And some extras if you wanna answer more of them <3
6 for Astromeda, 1 for Blitzling, 73 for Kell-shali, and 48 for Apari
Me when I answer the second part of an ask months and months after you sent it <3
6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would their S/O answer? [Astromeda]
Astrid would ask it purely as a joke and, as much as Andromeda does have fun playing into Astrid’s bits sometimes, she’d respond with a completely genuine “Of course, always”. As much as it might be a silly question, she’s very serious about making sure her changeling wife knows that she loves her no matter what form she’s in or what she looks like. This would of course immediately be followed by Astrid repeatedly wild-shaping into a worm for hours on end for like a week just to mess with her. 
1. Who fell first? Who fell harder? [Blitzling]
I don’t know if the traditional idea of romantic love exactly fits what they have going on, but in terms of the feelings they do have, Aisling fell first and Blitz fell harder. Aisling might’ve taken an interest in Blitz early on as just a source of amusement but they definitely grew to have a genuine fondness for her, especially after realizing the two have very similar tendencies towards extreme and unprompted violence. Blitz mostly thought of Aisling as an interesting companion and fun bedmate until she realized that she was actually able to talk to them about some of the more fucked up parts of her history. And when Aisling manages to track down the people who made Blitz’s early life hell and burns them to death in front of her? Blitz falls real hard and real fast for this unhinged jester freak.
73. Who knows the other better? Why is this? [Kell-shali]
They both know each other extremely well of course, but I think Mata-shali probably beats Kell-ehir on that just slightly? Although actually, it might be more that they know each other better in different ways. Mata-shali tends to be more naturally in tune with others than her fiance in general and can instantly recognize any of Kell-ehir’s emotions– she’s more aware of his little tics and the subtle way his thoughts show even when he’s not saying them and doesn’t even really have to try to know what’s going on in his head. On the other hand, Kell-ehir is more actively observational. He might not be able to understand shifts in Shali’s facial expressions or body language as well, but he notices and remembers things like her favorite teas, her dancing quirks, what type of noise is harshest for her, etc better than she tends to for him.
48. If they ever had less than 5 mins to tell their S/O something before never seeing them again, what would they say? [Apari]
First off, absolutely fucked up question to ask for these three, my guys who canonically do get all the time they need to say everything important to each other before two of them die. But at least it means I’ve already thought about this in depth.
Opal - To Ace (assuming they’re not in the middle of one of their fights, which is a real possibility given how much these two love their drama) he’d want to thank them for dragging his ass out of Goldcrest even though he was a complete basket case, an addict who was so unwilling to change or believe anything could get better and fought Ace every step of the way. He’d tell them that as much as they piss him the fuck off sometimes, he sees exactly where their anger comes from and has never ever been afraid of it. He’d also probably toss in that he’s literally never had better sex with anyone else and Ace should charge more for their services. To Jabari I think he’d keep it short since the way that Jabari is so genuine and kind will never cease to freak him out just a little bit when things get sentimental. That being said, he’d thank him for keeping an eye on Ace during the years that Opal left them to their own devices. He’d also tell him that, even though he thinks Jabari is way too nice and it’s going to come back and fuck him at some point, he appreciates that Jabari’s grace and patience extended to him to the extent that it did.
Ace - To Opal he would have to make it so goddamn clear that he loves him and that even though they fight so so often that he never regretted their relationship or the fact that he had to take on a worse contract to buy Opal’s passage topside as well as his own. He would tell him how proud he is of all the progress Opal has made and how much he’s changed since they were both in Goldcrest. If he had time he’d absolutely tell him how grateful he is that Opal never permanently abandoned him despite the way that he’s seen (and been the target of) Ace’s angriest, nastiest, and most petty side very frequently. To Jabari I think they would say something with regard to how good and kind of a person he is and how it always amazed Ace, how it inspired them to keep doing good and keep softening the more destructive part of themself even during the times when they were doing very poorly and might otherwise have become extremely cynical towards the world.
Jabari - First, he’s by far the most sentimental and openly loving out of the three and I think that would really come out in a scenario like this. To Opal he’d admit that he had a difficult time getting along with him at first but that he’s so extremely glad that they were forced to continue spending time around each other (thank you, Ace) because Opal is deeply special to him. Similar to Ace, he’d mention how proud he is of Opal’s progress and that it brings him so much joy to have gotten to see and be a part of Opal eventually finding a genuine love of the life around him. To Ace he would thank for the way that they constantly pulled him into new experiences and adventures and opened his eyes to an entirely new aspect of the world. He’d apologize for all of the things they’ve had to go through in their lifetime and ask them to keep nurturing the part of themself that is kind and wants to fight for others.
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thelazyhollow · 1 year ago
My ironmouse apari merch has finally shipped!!! 💕
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colorninclothes · 1 year ago
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citrusai · 3 months ago
cole not showing up in veilguard despite literally joining solas & his cause is so... then again the whole fen'harel agents and elven rebellion plot was scrapped and solas' character was reduced to going oooo rook you wanna repeat the cycle of abuse and indentured servitude i am in currently ooooo rook you wanna be me soooo bad ooooo rook you wanna kill the evanuris for me and then i'll tear down the veil anyway oooooo rook go prey on your companions' trust in you to kill themselves for you like i was willing to do for mythal. oh u got her to forgive me? oh and the inquisitors here too and they forgive me? oh and you forgive me even though it's clear idgaf about you or your opinions? well alright the veil can stay. despite the fact that it's obviously deteriorating anyway and me making the black city golden again won't do a fucking thing. ok i'll go :)
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ghostorbz · 11 months ago
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Had an epiphany
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comradeboyhalo · 7 months ago
forever mourning the lack of rly high quality merch designs/clothing for bad bc the potential is there !!!
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fhuzee · 1 year ago
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skylilac · 2 years ago
told my friend i broke my phone case she asked for a pic i sent it to her and she made fun of me THEN she sent it to the gc. and now theyre all making fun of me. AND MY PHONE CASE IS STILL BROKEN
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cdawgcaps · 2 years ago
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Connor Modeling Ironmouse x Apari | 2023
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real-sociedad · 10 months ago
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Posting By Eggy Firmansyah SMK RAFLESIA PKL July 2024
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vendorrumputsintetis · 10 months ago
WA: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana), Pabrik Rumput Sintetis Long Apari
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0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana), Pabrik Rumput Sintetis Long Apari
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INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/barokahgrass/
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Untuk Info Order di Sini:
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WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
WA/Telpon: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana)
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supplierrumputlaris · 1 year ago
WA 0896-5297-9519, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Long Apari
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Long Apari
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Long Apari, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Angkola Timur, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Panjalu, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Panjang, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Panjatan, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Panji, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Panombean Panei, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Panongan, Jual Drainase Rumput Sintetis Pantai Cermin
Kami adalah Supplier Drainase Cell Terpercaya dan Terlengkap di Indonesia.
Sekarang ini kami sedang melakukan pemasaran Drainase Cell untuk kebutuhan alas proyek atau rumput sintetis.
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Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Drainase Cell silahkan di Order di Sini:
Nomor HP Bu Diana : 0896-5297-9519 (Whatsapp/Telp)
Nomor HP Bu Diana : 0896-5297-9519 (Whatsapp/Telp)
Tokopedia: https://www.tokopedia.com/tokorumputsintetismurah
WEBSITE: https://www.supplierrumputsintetis.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/barokahgrass/
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beesnutz · 1 year ago
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