#astrology and gemstones
jeevanjali · 9 months
Ratna Shastra: कुंडली में ग्रहों को शक्तिशाली बनाते हैं रत्न,जानिए इन्हें धारण करने के नियम Ratna Shastra: ज्योतिष शास्त्र में रत्नों (Gemstones) को बहुत महत्व दिया गया है। ग्रहों को शांत करने और उन्हें शक्तिशाली बनाने के लिए ये रत्न पहने जाते हैं। ग्रह से संबंधित रत्न धारण करने से शुभ परिणाम मिलते हैं।
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astrolovecosmos · 5 days
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Above are fun "survival" packs for each sign! Not to be taken too seriously. Carnelian's symbolism can bolster Aries fiery nature, ambition, and confidence. Note: Honeysuckle has some edible and nonedible parts. Copper is already associated with Taurus and can bring energies of harmony and grounding. Tourmaline can have a variety of meanings for a sign with plenty of duality and complexity. Black tourmaline can be all about protection and purity, whereas rainbow tourmaline can be about love, happiness, and balance. Moonstone is famous for new beginnings, healing, and inner peace or calm. Tiger's eye is about power, confidence, protection, and can sync with Leo's courage. Peridot is known for prosperity, wealth, and boost self-reliance.  Jade is all about harmony, serenity, and abundance for wonderful Libra! Malachite can be a powerful tool for protection and transformation. Topaz is a stone of manifestation, luck, and abundance perfectly aligning with Sagittarius. Garnet can be grounding and strengthening but also inspiring and energizing. Note: hellebore is poisonous to humans and animals, but is still a cool flower. Celestite is a beautiful crystal/mineral associated with connecting to your higher mind and promotes spirituality. Amethyst can help Pisces by promoting mental clarity as well as intuition and positive thoughts or dreams.
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toyastales · 9 months
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Vintage Chanel
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peppermintcandiesshop · 10 months
Zodiac sign bracelet
Real stone bracelet tailor made for for each Zodiac sign
Made with gemstones intended to heal and help, in a way made specially crafted with each sign in mind
pictures in order
1.)Taurus, 2.)Leo, 3.)Libra,
4.)Virgo, 5.)Aries, 6.)Pisces,
7.)Gemini, 8.)Cancer, 9.)Sagittarius,
10.)Scorpio, coming soon)Capricorn , coming soon)Aquarius
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sorry there's no Capricorn or Aquarius yet maybe soon
All above can be found at the link below plus there's so much other pretty hand made things there as well give them a look
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trashmp3 · 2 months
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planterfulpieces · 7 months
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(So I love dragons. But tying it to Planterful was hard until I remembered geology existed and is part of the natural world. But then I had the issue of any kind of cohesive story grouping this and future releases together. Hence birthstones. But anyway. Here ya go.)
It's the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese Zodiac. And we love dragons! What better way to introduce our Birthstone Series than that, we ask you?
There isn't one. We know. It's fantastic timing.
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Each month we'll be releasing a new color for our Baby Gemstone Dragon and Egg that corresponds to its birthstone. For February, it's Amethyst.
And yes, we did skip January. That's because Chinese New Year is in February, so you won't see January's dragon rounding out the year till January 2025!
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As a side note, we had a fantastically fun time taking photos of him. He's so shiny, it's unbelievable.
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He's available for purchase on our site, or on Etsy at PlanterfulPieces!
(One more product drop tentatively scheduled for end of this month, and then I got several things coming this spring! I'm so excited to show you!)
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
New Perspective on Your Past or Current Lover
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Hey, babes! Thanks for supporting me by interacting with this post. If you feel so inclined please donate to my CashApp so I can do this full-time. <3 Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences.
Today the decks used are Ethereal Visions Illuminations Tarot, The Pure Magic Oracle, and The Crystallary Oracle. I meant for this to be a chill and fun reading but it ended up being shadow work. Also heads up, some of the readings have some NSFW mentioned as well as abuse/trauma mentioned. Only interact with this post if you are 18+. Thanks!
Astrology: Libra, Taurus, Scorpio
Song: I Miss the Misery by Halestorm
Vibes: Deep purple, emerald green, rich ruby red, jewel tones, crystal necklace, BDSM, flower bouquets, cats, predator animals, 555, green tea, camping, Sundays, ice cream, aphrodite
Cards: 5 of wands, 5 of cups, Vervian Everlasting, Hallowed Heart, Sugilite, Emerald
Welcome pile one. The way I read cards makes it so people energy's might intertwined. So, I could be talking about you while wording it as if it's about your partner or vice versa.
So, let's get started. First, the current view you have of your partner is really grounded and put together. They put on this persona to make you feel safe and secure when you are with them. They don't feel like a romantic partner though, not yet anyway. They are probably a friend with benefits or someone you exclusively see for sexual reasons. I think when y'all started exploring together they took charge of leading the experience. They are definitely a dom/top. They taught you a lot about what you enjoy in sex. They showed you kinks you had no idea existed until you heard it from them. They give off leader energy big time. When they look at you sometimes their gaze makes you feel like prey. You might have feelings for them but they are blocked by a perceived lack of interest from your sexual partner. From your perspective, you don't think that is something they want.
The new perspective the cards want you to see about this person is a much softer view than you currently have. This person is a hopeless romantic and they have been slowly falling for you since y'all started seeing each other. They might not even realize it themselves yet. I think you should shift your view to include that there is a gentleness to them that seeps out from time to time. Sometimes they bring you flowers unexpectedly before your sessions. You can always tell they showered right before coming over. You first thought this was just something courteous they did but they are so down bad for you. The main indicator for all this is the after-care they give you. They draw a bath for you and make you a delicious meal after every session. Again this is something you viewed as very courteous but genuinely they just really wanna make you feel romanced. They REEEEEALY want to impress you. You make them so nervous. I see them lying in bed at home thinking about you dreamily. They are usually daydreaming about having a domestic life with you. Picnics in the park. Anniversary dates. Maybe having a family together. They really want a future with you but they have convinced themselves it isn't possible. I see they probably had some bad relationships in the past where they were only viewed as useful when they were having sex. Now they are convinced that is all they are good for. :( If you feel so inclined I recommend slowly and gently working your way up to dates with them that aren't sexual in nature. Call them just to talk, not just for phone sex. I think if you feed them hints like this it will ease them into the idea that they are more than a sex toy and open up a new relationship opportunity for you. Good Luck!
Astrology: Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini
Song: i like the way you kiss me by Artemas/ Two Poltergeists by Dalton Deschain
Vibes: Red, orange, gold, silver, prayer beads, roses, peonies, globe, quartz, garden, lemons, 1010, crown chakra, Hermes, dandelion, sage, red meat, Horus, hawk
Cards: The Hierophant, 7 of Pentacles, Astral Travels, Ancient Amulets, Ruby, Carnelian
Welcome in, pile 2! Your current perception of your partner is interesting. This is a past partner, not a current one. They did some kind of love magic on you. I am feeling very foggy-headed right now while reading so I assume you have gotten that feeling a lot when you are around this person or when you think about them. Which makes me think your view of them is distorted by the magic. Let me clear your vision. You were very possessive of them which isn't a normal thing you do with your partners. You both knew each other for a long time. I see y'all started out as friends and they slowly lured you into their web. I see they gave you a necklace or a piece of jewelry during your friendship that changed your feelings about them. After you started wearing that jewelry, you started feeling very strange. I see you might have had wet dreams about them but only after they gifted this object to you. It was a very abrupt shift in emotions. Good news and bad news about this. The good news is that they had/have no intention of hurting you. They just wanted to be with you. The bad news is if you weren't under their spell, your life would transform into an entirely different experience. They worked really hard cultivating the perfect personality to put on for you which made the love spell also remove a lot of your authenticity. I'm sure for some of you this doesn't change your view at all but for others' of you I can see getting very angry or even grossed out by learning this new information.
If you wish to know what you would be like if you escaped their spell, the rest of this reading will talk about that. To escape their web you must find a way to get rid of the jewelry given to you. You would be an entirely different person if you do choose to get rid of it. However, you wouldn't be tied down anymore. You would be able to travel a lot more and explore your own identity and spirituality. I see you have tried to do spiritual exploration while owning the jewelry piece but the spell they put on you has been putting a glass ceiling on your growth. I see how many times you have attempted astral travel and meditation. It never goes how you expect. I see you falling asleep during meditation and not having many dreams at all. Be prepared to change drastically as a person if you decide to get rid of the object. I wish you luck, my friend. I hope you can free yourself with ease.
Astrology: Cancer, Pisces, Virgo
Song: Mixed Messages by Tom Cardy
Vibes: Green, teal, cerulean, insomnia, snakes, cicadas, scarab beetle, rosemary, nightmares, queen Isis, mother Nut, long showers, anxiety, molecular gastronomy, mixologist, mangrove trees
Cards: The Moon, 9 of Swords, Snake Skin, Banyan Blessings, Chrysocolla, Moonstone
Welcome to your reading pile 3. Just a heads up, when I do love readings the energies can get all tied up. So, if you get the feeling I am talking about you but I am wording it as if I am talking about your partner (or vice versa) that is why.
I see that you don't really know how to view your partner. It is a current relationship but they are quite mysterious to you so it might be kind of early on in the relationship. They keep a lot of their emotions to themselves. Especially, the negative emotions. Usually, they brush off your concern for them. They use comedy to deflect and avoid talking about some of the things they struggle with. They are a super attentive partner outside of this though. Like I see they are so sweet to you about your feelings. Also tbh, they are an absolute riot when it comes to jokes.
Now before I tell you about what they have been hiding. I want you to know they keep all of their negative emotions a secret to protect themselves. I do not advise you bring any of this new information to them. In fact, I advise against it. It will make them feel cornered and scared. They might lash out at you out of fear or shut down entirely. Neither of these will be productive to your connection if you want it to stay healthy. They have PTSD and depression. They experience nightmares constantly about their trauma. It's why they shut down sometimes when you start to get frisky with them. It's why they are fine about sexual stuff sometimes but freeze up/tense up at other times. Please be patient with them. They have been through some truly awful stuff in the past. I see how healthy of a relationship they have with you now. They really feel super safe and comforted by you. You feel the same way about them. Be as patient as you possibly can be. Eventually, they will open up to you about it. When they do, you need to be super supportive. Please encourage them to find professional help through therapy. I can kind of see them being resistant to the idea at first. If you offer to help by going with them to therapy for moral support they might feel more open to the idea. Let them heal at their own pace. Allow them to speak for themselves in therapy. I know it can be tempting to speak for them as a way of assisting but for real all it's gonna do is make them feel even more out of control than they already do. They can heal from this. They want to open up to you but they are so scared. I believe in you and them. The universe put you two together for a reason. <3
Astrology: Leo, Capricorn, Aquarius
Song: Ghosting by Mother Mother
Vibes: All shades of blue, glowing orange, red, balcony, ancestors, roses, volcano, royalty, swords, apples, grapes, crowns, red carpet, red curtain, purity ring, poetry, blood
Cards: 2 of Wands, 3 of Swords, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Secret Seances, Florida Water
Hi, pile 4! My love readings like to tangle up different peoples' energy together so if it sounds like I'm talking about you but using words as if I am talking about your partner(or vice versa) that is why! Just swap them in ur mind real quick lol.
You actually really struggle to see your partner with clarity. I wanna make it clear that isn't your fault. When I first looked at the cards I could tell either you or your partner (or both) have been in some REEEAL bad relationships. Like, real fucking bad. You were not treated well. Your ex was two-faced. They acted one way in public but as soon as you two were behind closed doors this person turned into a demon. Not the hot and sexy kind of demon. They were a physically/verbally abusive kind of demon. Your ex wouldn't even let you have opinions much less let you speak your mind or listen to you. They are legit the scum of the earth. The partner you are with is nothing like them. They are the exact opposite of that actually. They do feel like they have a temper though. Which I see does scare you sometimes. Even if it isn't ever aimed at you. They love hearing you talk. They love it when you get passionate about the things you like! They understand you and love you so so so so so so so so much!!!!! The ghosts of the past ex have passed on.
I recognize that it isn't going to be easy to reposition your perspective because of your previous experiences in love. But, I promise the partner you are with is safe to be around. They will never be like your ex. Cleanse your vision of love. Heal your broken heart. Maybe express to your current partner that sometimes you feel scared when you don't need to be because of the trauma. I see them listening intently while you speak. I see them consoling you. They truly, deeply love you, my dear. I guarantee it. Communicating how you feel and listening to your partner is what makes the strongest relationships. It is safe to be yourself now.
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candycoatedghoul · 1 year
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crystalbaddie1 · 2 years
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eya909 · 2 months
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Hello there, August! I decided to see if my sunflower coloring skills have improved by making that this month’s theme 😅 I used quite a bit of brush pens 😆 Anywho! The dust bunnies & sunflower doodles were joined by my hand carved carnelian Anxiety Buddies- available in my Etsy shop 🤗 Hope everybody enjoys the last full month of summer 😎🌻🐰✨💀✨
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mycrystalearth · 8 months
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💍🖤 Black Agate Rings 🖤💍
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astrosagga2 · 2 months
Understanding Rahu in the 8th House: Influences and Cures
Rahu, a significant celestial body in Vedic astrology, symbolizes materialism, illusion, and unfulfilled desires. When Rahu is positioned in the 8th house of a birth chart, its effects can be profound and complex. The 8th house represents transformation, mysteries, longevity, and hidden aspects of life. Let’s explore the influences of Rahu in the 8th house and discover remedies to mitigate its potential adverse effects.
Influences of Rahu in the 8th House
Transformation and Change: Rahu in the 8th house often brings sudden and unexpected changes. These transformations can be both positive and negative, depending on the overall chart. Individuals may experience significant life changes, prompting personal growth and evolution.
Interest in Mysticism: People with Rahu in the 8th house tend to develop a strong interest in occult sciences, mysticism, and spirituality. They may seek answers to life’s deeper questions and explore hidden truths.
Financial Ups and Downs: The 8th house is also associated with joint finances, inheritances, and wealth from unexpected sources. Rahu's presence here can lead to sudden financial gains or losses. It’s essential to handle financial matters with caution and seek professional advice when necessary.
Health Concerns: This placement can sometimes bring health issues, particularly related to chronic illnesses or mysterious ailments that are difficult to diagnose. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and regular medical check-ups are crucial for individuals with this placement.
Hidden Enemies and Scandals: Rahu in the 8th house can indicate hidden enemies or involvement in scandals. It’s important to be cautious about whom you trust and avoid getting entangled in unethical or illegal activities.
Remedies for Rahu in the 8th House
While the influences of Rahu in the 8th house can be challenging, several remedies can help mitigate its negative effects and harness its positive potential.
Regular Meditation and Spiritual Practices: Engaging in regular meditation and spiritual practices can help calm the mind and reduce the illusionary effects of Rahu. Practices like yoga, chanting mantras, and deep breathing exercises can bring peace and clarity.
Worshiping Deity: Worshiping deities associated with Rahu, such as Goddess Durga or Lord Bhairava, can help alleviate the malefic effects. Regular prayers and offerings can bring spiritual protection and strength.
Charity and Helping Others: Performing acts of charity, especially on Saturdays, can reduce the adverse effects of Rahu. Donating to the needy, offering food, or helping in social causes can bring positive karmic results.
Gemstone Therapy: Wearing a Gomed (Hessonite) gemstone, after consulting with a qualified astrologer, can help balance Rahu's energy. The gemstone should be worn in the correct manner and at the right time to be effective.
Rahu Mantra Chanting: Reciting the Rahu mantra, "Om Raam Rahave Namaha," regularly can appease Rahu and reduce its malefic influences. Chanting the mantra 108 times daily is recommended for best results.
Avoiding Risky Ventures: It’s advisable to avoid taking unnecessary risks, especially in financial matters. Being cautious in investments and avoiding speculative ventures can prevent potential losses.
Visit Now - Understanding Rahu in the 8th House: Influences and Cures
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strawberrychillers · 9 months
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went to one of my favorite local stores and got some crystals
store is called moonstone :)
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astromadhupriya1 · 18 days
Best Astrologer Near Me
Astro Madhupriya is the best astrologer near me, offering insightful astrology services that guide you through life's challenges. With over 20 years of expertise in Vedic astrology, numerology, and vastu shastra, Astro Madhupriya provides accurate predictions and practical remedies to help you find clarity, peace, and positive energy. Read More ...
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The Cosmic Dance: Free Tarot Predictions and Astrological Insights
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In the mystical realm where astrology and tarot intertwine, seekers of cosmic wisdom are discovering a powerful synergy through free tarot predictions. This emerging trend blends the ancient art of tarot reading with astrological principles, offering a unique perspective on life's journey without the burden of financial cost.
Unlike traditional astrology, which relies heavily on birth charts and planetary movements, free tarot predictions incorporate the symbolism of tarot cards to add depth and nuance to astrological interpretations. This fusion creates a more dynamic and personalized experience for those exploring their spiritual path.
The accessibility of free tarot predictions has democratized this esoteric practice. Websites and mobile apps now offer daily draws that align with astrological transits, allowing users to gain insights into how celestial energies might manifest in their lives. These predictions often consider the user's sun sign, providing a tailored interpretation that resonates with their core essence.
Critics argue that free services may lack the depth of paid consultations. However, proponents suggest that these accessible readings serve as an entry point, encouraging spiritual curiosity and self-reflection. The combination of tarot and astrology in a free format allows individuals to explore different facets of their personality and potential future outcomes without commitment.
Interestingly, some astrologers have begun incorporating free tarot elements into their practice. By pulling a card to represent each astrological house or planetary aspect, they add an extra layer of symbolism to their readings. This method offers a fresh perspective on traditional astrological concepts, making them more relatable and easier to understand for the average person.
As with any divinatory practice, it's crucial to approach free tarot predictions with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. While they can provide valuable insights and prompt self-reflection, they should not replace professional advice or personal judgment in important life decisions.
The marriage of free tarot predictions and astrology represents a modern evolution in spiritual practices. It offers a accessible, engaging way for individuals to explore the cosmic currents shaping their lives, fostering a deeper connection with the universe and themselves.
Free Tarot Prediction: https://www.futurepointindia.com/predictions/tarot-predictions
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goodvibesatpeace · 6 months
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