estarion · 1 month
"I swear to any deity out there, don't chose Wyll out of all people as the sober driver, he is such a buzzkill!" - Follow up to the drunk text
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you think that’s a buzzkill, ceres?   “... my ex blocked me on insta.”  this happens like every other week. his tear-streaked face crashes against her shoulder. he’s about to throw his phone out the window. someone should roll the damn thing up.
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bloodtwin · 2 months
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@astralrogue sent: " nothing good can come from this . " - Ginger-Fey'ri ♥ ⸻ [ SOURCE: THE STANLEY PARABLE SENTENCE STARTERS. ] ⸻
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‘ oh, yeah ? think you have better jokes than dribbles does ? hey, you should go up there, then. it'd be funny.  ’
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bloodyarn · 2 months
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dunerover · 2 months
@astralrogue sent: "Your ears are the cutest I have ever seen, can I touch them, pretty please?"
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Zandi stared at Ceres for a good, long while from where he lounged back on his hands in the dirt. He guessed he hadn't seen many tieflings out here with ears like his, all flexible and floppy. Still, what a Ceres thing to ask for out of the blue—a random, impulsive whim just... put out into the world. His mouth twitched up into a lopsided smile to go with his short chuckle.
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"You're weird. You know that?"
Cute. He liked being called cute. So, he leaned forward in his lap and tipped the side of his head toward her anyway. "Knock yourself out, Doll." Beat. "This a, uh, changeling thing, or—?"
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musezieren · 2 months
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𝔗he sun had long bestowed its tender farewell upon the embracing sea and the steadfast mountains, bidding them good night with a lover’s caress. Now, it was the ethereal glow of Selune that draped the world in a tapestry of elongated shadows. It was a night of unparalleled beauty, where warmth lingered like a lover’s whisper, neither too fervent nor too faint.
Teal twin flames mirrored the last flames of the campfire, leaning against a felled tree with his back. He was the only one still in or awake at camp. Astarion had long sneaked away, and Sirius had let him believe he had succeeded. After all, they only knew each other for a day. That was not long enough to think about other people’s business. They all shared one goal, and that was all that got them together.
The haunting call of owls and the melodic serenade of wolves echoed from some distant realm. The wind whispered secrets of the world in an unknown tongue to the leaves, which shivered, unsettled by such clandestine gossip. Sirius immersed himself completely in this symphony of the night. It was infinitely preferable to being alone with the abyss of his mind—a black void, stained and seething with the crimson tide of blood...
Eyes widen, and body turns, and he stares in the direction of the camp chest. Just to find a fluff ball made of moonlight there... He blinks, hands raising to rub his eyes. And looking once again. No, the tiny intruder was not created from moonlight, but the light got caught in the white fur, resembling Sirius’ own hair... and looking closer, it was not all white. There was blood...
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“Hey... hey are you... hungry?” he asked quietly, keeping his voice as low as possible, not to scare the skittish creature away.
“You are injured... I can try to help you…”
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undyingmedium · 2 months
"A strange little fellow. I can't quite put my finger on her yet, but for now she's fine to have around."
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swashbucklcr · 2 months
"Theoretically speaking, if you see two people obviously pining for each other, is it ethically correct to use a rope and bind them together until they talk their feelings out?"
@astralrogue | OH MY GOD HAHAHA
"Ethically? Nope, but fuck ethics. Do it anyway." Finn's voice carried a blunt pragmatism as he spoke. His mind wandered to their campmates and their ridiculous dance around each other. So many of them would benefit from a forcible sit-down to discuss their feelings and clear the air.
He glanced over at Osian, who was tending to the fire, the flickering flames reflecting in his eyes. Finn's usual gruff demeanour softened slightly, but only for a moment before looking back to Ceres. Of course, it never occurred to Finn that he could possibly be the person in question.
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"So who's getting tied up?"
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stella-sanguis · 2 months
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@astralrogue sent: "If Gales blood tastes like bile, could you smell it the first time he bleed or is it more like biting into an apple and noticing if its sweet or sour kinda deal?"
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" IT did smell rather strange the first time he bled in front of me, but the smell wasn't nearly as bad as the taste. Who knew corrupted magic would taste so awful? "
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clandekariios · 3 months
"You taste like heaven" Ceres to Gale
"Technically, it's the lasting remnants of the astral plane," he murmured against her lips, one hand coming up to cup at her cheek. "But I'll take it."
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estarion · 3 months
"...so how do you actually style your hair each morning when you can't see yourself I the mirror?"
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the question elicits a wry smile;  he gets it often.   “ages upon ages of practice, my friend.”   harsh feedback from siblings, too, but he omits that.  his old master placed strong emphasis on appearance and oft the sloppiness of one meant repercussions for the lot. they had to look good.  the other’s focus on him, astarion runs a lightly demonstrative hand through his hair, tucking away the ever-unruly forehead strand.  it drifts right back into its favoured position after mere seconds.   “... heh!”
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bloodtwin · 2 months
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@astralrogue sent: ☕ sceleritas ⸻ [ SOURCE: HERE. ] ⸻
‘ sceleritas is my friend. ’ the young boy, on the cusp of his teenaged years, curls in on himself at the mention of the fiend. he likes sceleritas. he has answers, makes things make more sense. says nice things about me . . .
puck tugs at his sleeves, tail swishing low to the ground in thought. his eyebrows furrow, mouth opening before it closes again. as if he'd thought better of what he'd wanted to say.
‘ i like his hat. um. he makes me laugh. says he'll do whatever i want, but i don't really like telling him what to do. it feels bad, bossing him around. but he tells me i am special. that i have a very special purpose. won't tell me what it is, though. and- and he teaches me things. things i'm good at . . . ’ his voice trails off, something on his mind. there is a pause; he hesitates again. then, cautiously, with a slightly paler face than before: ‘ he makes me feel scary. i don't like that about him. don't tell him i said that; he always looks so sad, but i don't want to be scary. i- i just want to be nice. ’
then his expression grows dark. ‘ but he does not want that. he always gags & throws a fit when i am nice to people. he says unkind things about everyone except me. says unkind things about ia , which is intolerable so i've taken to bashing his head into the wall for it. ’ he says it's good for me. he likes it. i like it? he says that i should. that i do.
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bloodyarn · 2 months
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@astralrogue I will draw this. Until then, have this planted in your mind.
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dunerover · 2 months
@astralrogue sent: "We should play together, if you want, do you know the song Power, by any chance?" Fey'Ri Ceres ♥
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Oh, Ceres—a woman of many talents, a blade and a bard. Leaned against a fence, Zandi pinched an eye shut as the gears turned in his head, scratching at his neck. "Eh. Don't remember. I know a tune or two in a pinch, but I'm more of a, uh, improviser. You're the real musician around here."
But he'd taken out his flute anyway—an instrument of dark wood and beaded leather ties, the block upon its neck carved into the shape of a turtle. He spun it nimbly in his fingers like a wooden baton.
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"I mean, I'll still play it with ya! You'd start, I'd follow, we'd make a good sound anyway. Sounds fun, right?"
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dxnse-macabre · 3 months
🕗 — time zone
i'm actually pst (pacific time zone)! a lot of people i know are normally est though, including my boyfriend. if you ever see me posting at an ungodly hour, i normally make my responses at like 12am-2am my time cause that's when my muse is most active unfortunately
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undyingmedium · 1 month
♡ for @deaddoveadventures Curume
××××○ | INTEREST
○○○○○ | LOYALTY
○○○○○ | TRUST
"A fellow arrogant prick, I see. We may get along or wish to get at each other's throat in our sleep; time will tell, I guess."
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swashbucklcr · 2 months
How are Finns relationship with the other Origins? Any thoughts to share? Bonus if you add thoughts of Originals you follow (Please don't add Ceres in there I really just see what kind of person he is; how he interacts with other Originals and how he thinks of others! + Spread some love)
Oh I love this question Lumi!! This has taken me quite a think so this is what I have so far, as Finn is still a character in development!
I went on a rant... it's very long sorry.
When Finn first meets Gale, his immediate reaction is to roll his eyes. To him, wizards are weak, easily distracted, feeble beings, good only for looting. It probably doesn't help that during their first meeting, Osian, who is losing his mind over the wizard of Waterdeep, is by his side.
In fact, Finn doesn't trust Gale at all; he considers him a fraud. Why does a great wizard with his own pompous title get himself stuck in a portal? Not so great, eh? He even draws a weapon on Gale and has to be talked down by him and Osian. Thankfully, their shared desire to avoid ceremorphosis makes this relatively easy.
Yet, as they travel together, while Finn finds Gale's constant chatter grating, he appreciates the wizard's kindness and his lack of shame in being himself around others. Finn respects that about him above all else. When Gale admits to his condition with the orb, Finn is hesitant to help, thinking it's just another wizard lusting for power. But when he sees Gale crippled with pain, he pilfers a ring with a low-level spell to help. Seeing Gale's gratitude and how the magic actually helps him, Finn decides that since Gale is part of the crew, it's only right to ensure he is at his healthiest—for his and everyone else's sake. They need to be a well-oiled team to survive.
It was platonic love at first sight. He saw Karlach on the bank of the stream and nearly shoved Wyll into the river for daring to harm her. He instantly saw a wounded warrior, not a devil. Her ability to cut straight to the point, lack of bullshit, and thirst to kill some devils made Finn adore her instantly. Without hesitation, he asks if she wishes to join their chaotic group and is happy to kill a few devils with her (after picking their pockets of loot).
He loves spending evenings with her by the fire or by either of their tents, cracking jokes and making crude remarks to make each other laugh. She's been a mate to him ever since.
Finn's background is also as a rogue, but he took the pirate route. He leans into the fighting and sneaking aspects more than anything else. Because of this, he sees Astarion as a bit weak and isn't a fan of his sly words. He prefers bluntness but respects Astarion's skills as a thief, quietly observing the other to learn new lockpicking tricks.
As for the vampire aspect, he doesn't care a lick, as long as Astarion doesn't hurt anyone in the camp. If he catches him manipulating anyone in their team for a bite, he will punch him—be warned, Astarion.
As he learns more about Astarion's past from the snippets given to him, he is more than happy to help Astarion drive a stake into Cazador. Finn may be a pirate, but he has always drawn a line at slavery, likely influenced by his mother's upbringing in Waterdeep.
Halsin reminds Finn of a mentor he had back on the Dúncannon, Jon. Jon was a half-wood elf chef who was certainly quite large for an elf too. Jon was patient and kind to Finn, giving him an outlet on tough days while he developed through his teens on a pirate ship. From that association alone, he's quite fond of Halsin but can certainly note all the differences between the pair.
He freed Halsin, not knowing it was him as a bear, just to create some chaos that he could take advantage of and pick off goblins from above.
Sometimes he seeks Halsin for counsel, even if he doesn't always agree with the archdruid's advice. He still appreciates the calm and gentle approach from him every single time, no matter how gruff Finn may be in his approach.
When Finn discovers Halsin's love of whittling, he steals tools for Halsin and leaves them outside his tent without a word. Having no idea how to whittle himself, he might not always grab the right tools.
It takes Finn a while to properly warm up to Shadowheart. Her closed nature and prickly demeanor remind him of a few of his old shipmates. Since they're both initially closed people using their gruff and sharp attitudes to hide any vulnerabilities, it's hard for him to initially connect.
As for the Sharran aspect, he couldn't care less. He worships an evil goddess, Umberlee, so he knows he is in no position to judge.
He'll support her to an extent, but if she makes any remarks or decisions that will negatively impact the group, he will step in and give her a verbal shakedown. He does enjoy the odd bottle of wine and listening to gossip with her, although he refuses to partake in speaking any of the gossip himself.
He's highly impressed with her, although he finds her devotion to Vlaakith a bit ridiculous. From the get-go, he believes she's strong enough to not need the grace of a rather demanding goddess. He finds Githyanki culture similarly ruthless to his pirate life, and as he starts to find himself over time, he's genuinely glad to see her do the same.
Knowing his sword skills need polishing, he'd gladly practice sparring with her to improve the fighter aspect of his class, even if she often kicks his ass.
Finn isn't a fan of Wyll initially. He views Wyll as one of the do-gooders that he would have fought on occasion out at sea. Someone who believed they could rein in the budding pirate empire and stop the raids with just their sword and powers. He sees Wyll as he saw many of the other lads he and his crewmates cut down over the years.
Yet, Finn is aware of his situation enough to have Wyll around (more so at Osian's request). His distaste for Wyll only grew when he saw the warlock try to attack Karlach, seeing the man as a self-righteous prick. However, when Wyll admits his mistakes, Finn eases off on his dislike. It takes Finn a long while to grow somewhat fond of Wyll. Their lives were so different, and their views on life never aligned, but with time, he'll accept Wyll as a companion, though maybe not a friend.
One look and Finn knows if he and Jaheria met under different circumstances, he'd be fucked. He thinks she's great; she's pragmatic and, although a hero, doesn't boast about it and provides a healthy dose of realism. He grows fond of her banter in camp chats and is interested in the stories of her past.
Minsc is an idiot, and Finn loves to mess with him. He is glad that the ranger, who is a wall of muscle, is on their side.
It would take some convincing for Finn to just knock out Minthara rather than kill her, but seeing her in Moonrise Towers, he's glad for that decision. Finn has done some terrible things in his life, but generally, they were his own choices. To be forced to do such things against one's will is terrible, and he would certainly work to free her from the tadpole too.
He may not love her company, but he's glad for her spirit to fight. They both share a hatred for their situation, which is enough for him.
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