#astin riddler
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batman66sexyrogues · 2 years ago
Round 2, Match 7:
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As requested, it is now time for the Battle of the Riddlers!
Portrayed by Frank Gorshin and appearing as the first villain in the series, the Riddler remains as one of the most notable rogues to emerge from the 1960s Batman series. Prior to the series, he had only had about three appearances in the comics from the time of his creation in the 1940s. In his forward to the collection Batman: Featuring Two-Face and the Riddler, Mark Hamill even describes Gorshin’s performance as the moment when the Riddler “really came into his own.” His first appearance in that first episode would see the introduction of the Riddler’s question-mark suit and bowler hat, his fiendish giggle and enthusiasm for everything he did, as well as showcasing his use of misdirection and love of dangling clues in plain sight, since he used a riddle to tip off the Dynamic Duo to his ruse and used a gun-shaped lighter to trick them into making a false arrest. While his riddles in and of themselves were not always particularly challenging, he often set them up in a way that the answers could point to multiple next steps for his plans, sometimes even managing to get a step ahead of our Caped Crusaders.
In season two, the Riddler was temporarily recast, portrayed by John Astin (a.k.a. Gomez Addams). There seems to be a bit of disagreement in the fandom over whether Astin’s Riddler should be considered a separate character from Gorshin’s iteration, since he generally came across as a bit sneakier and less theatrical, with some fanfictions portraying him as a separate character using the Riddler title, while others, namely the webcomic spinoff, portray the Astin Riddler as a disguise. Interestingly, Astin’s Riddler marks the first time the character would be portrayed with the question-mark cane.
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mr-dead-inside · 5 months ago
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John Astin as The Riddler ?
Batman🦇 (1966-1968)
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months ago
I was bored, so I just decided to look up the actors who've played The Penguin, Catwoman and The Riddler. Using Wikipedia and YouTube as my metrics, I've decided I might as well make a post sharing my top five or six actors for each character. I'm excluding the joker for now, mostly because i know he's probably had way more actors than all the others.
My top four Penguin actors are Burgess Meredith, Danny DeVito, Paul Williams and Tom Kenny. All four of them are amazing actors, and they all pulled the role off amazingly. I remember all of them for their roles (and i know most of them for their other work too, which is usually always pretty good). If I had to add a fifth actor to this list, I might add the actor who did it for the Gotham tv show. I don't know much about him (since I never watched Gotham), but he seems like a decent actor (from the rare clips i saw).
My favourite Catwoman actors...well, there's probably six of them. She's had so many actors play her, it's nearly insane. But I narrowed it down to six. All three of the ones from the 60s show (Julie Newmar, Lee Meriwether and Eartha Kitt), the actress who did it for the Brave and The Bold (Nika Futterman), and the two who did it for the arkham games and the telltale series (Grey Delisle and Laura Bailey, respectively). That's my top six, and i'm pretty sure all three of the sixties actresses lead the charts.
Finally, The Riddler actors. My top two are easy: Frank Gorshin and Wally Wingert. Frank Gorshin leads the charts, because who can beat that man in mania and entertainment? Nobody! He was a genius. Wally Wingert is pretty good for voice acting, though. I also enjoyed when Robert Englund did it, though (despite hating horror movies, i liked a lot of robert englund's work on animated shows in the 2000s). John Astin filled in for Frank Gorshin once, and I like him enough as Gomez Addams to give him a pass. John Michael Higgins apparently did it for the Brave and The Bold, and I'm predisposed to like him because I love him in all of his other comedy films and shows. And finally, i liked the guy who did it for the Telltale games (Robin Atkin Downes, I think wikipedia said?). But yeah, that's probably my top six. Frank Gorshin, Wally Wingert, Robert Englund, John Astin, John Michael Higgins and Robin Atkin Downes.
This post took nearly an hour to make. I wrote so much (and so slowly) that you can almost argue i wasted time on all of it. But I suppose it did kill time, which is all i was aiming to do when i came to make this post. So i guess in that respect, this was a success.
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silveragelovechild · 7 months ago
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Bat Villain by Tom Richmond
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driveintheaterofthemind · 2 years ago
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John Astin
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pandorasboxofhorrors · 1 year ago
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littlewalken · 7 months ago
John Astin as The Riddler explained-
Tish, remember my friend Edward Nigma from college? He wants to know if I can come to Gotham and torment Batman for him!
Darling, I hope you said yes.
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cuartoretorno · 2 years ago
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Batman (1966 - 1968)
Batman (Adam West)
Robin (Burt Ward)
Joker o El Guasón (César Romero)
El Acertijo/Enigma (The Riddler) (Frank Gorshin y John Astin)
El Pingüino (Burgess Meredith)
Gatubela (Julie Newmar en la 1 ª y 2 ª temporada, por Eartha Kitt en la 3ª temporada y por Lee Meriwether en la película de 1966)
La serie giraba en torno a las aventuras de que viven Batman (interpretado por Adam West) y su ayudante Robin (interpretado por Burt Ward) en su lucha contra el crimen en Gotham City. La identidad secreta de Batman es la del elegante «filántropo millonario» Bruce Wayne, quien vivía en la Mansión Wayne, en las afueras de la ciudad, con su joven entrenado Dick Grayson, el que secretamente era Robin, su fiel mayordomo Alfred (Alan Napier), y la tía Harriet Cooper (Madge Blake). Ayudaban a Batman: Batgirl (Yvonne Craig), el comisario de policía Gordon (Neil Hamilton) y el jefe de policía O'Hara (Stafford Repp).
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years ago
Batman’s Anniversary/A Riddling Controversy (The Riddler’s looking a bit creepy... and kooky)
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[All images are owned by DC Comics and 20th Century Fox Disney. Please don’t sue me]
Fans of the Caped Crusader’s 60s TV show know the four core villains, but three of them have appeared in more episodes than the fourth. The reason for this is that Frank Gorshin (who played the Riddler) wanted to renegotiate his contract after the first season, so the studio fired him (they brought him back for an episode in Season 3)
This review covers the one Riddler story in season 2. No, they didn’t bring Gorshin back for the story, but rather…well, you’ll have to read on to find out! If you would like to watch the episode, it’s available on Hulu or behind your favorite paywall.
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We open in Stately Wayne Manor where Bruce Wayne is helping his ward Dick Grayson with his geometry homework when Alfred quietly announces an important call from Commissioner Gordon.
Gordon is a bit coy, not saying who or what requires Batman’s presence, but that he needs Batman right away at the Gotham Plaza Hotel. One quick drop down the Batpoles and the Dynamic Duo are off!
At the Gotham Plaza Hotel, Commissioner Gordon rushes the Caped Crusaders to the ballroom where…
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…he reveals a surprise party luncheon celebrating the anniversary of Batman’s debut in Gotham as the opening credits roll!
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Mayor Linseed presides over the luncheon, announcing the Gotham Dairy Council (wait, Gotham has dairy farms?) has donated $200,000 to the charity of Batman’s choice (I’m gonna guess it will be the Wayne Foundation) and the donation is presented…
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���inside of a golden calf by Ms. Anna Gram (that’s an odd name). Why would they put the money inside such a gimmick? Why not just write a giant novelty check like everyone else? Just then…
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As Batman tries to get the guests out in an orderly fashion, the GCFD shows up…
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…through the window? The “Firemen” take the golden calf and hastily exit back through the window along with Anna Gram (Yeah, should’ve just done the check) As the “Fire Chief” exits, he can’t help but taunt Batman.
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The Riddler! (Ah! Anna gram…ANAGRAM!) Only he looks a bit like Gomez Addams.
Yes, with Frank Gorshin fired, the producers brought in John Astin and hoped no one would notice.
Riddler leaves a clue for Batman about his next caper…
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OK, that sort of riddle is more what I would expect from a villain who’s whole schtick is trying to outwit Batman (it’s much better than “What weights six ounces, sits in a tree, and is very dangerous? A sparrow with a machine gun” anyway)
With that, Riddler escapes to a waiting GCFD vehicle.
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…which looks more like a red panel van. You’d think, given the GCPD doesn’t need much of a budget given that Batman solves 90% of the crimes in Gotham City, the city could afford a fire truck.
Batman and Robin rush off to the Batmobile to give chase. However, the Riddler’s panel van emergency vehicle crosses paths with an identical emergency vehicle and Batman isn’t sure who to chase!
Then a newspaper vendor stops at the Batmobile to try to sell one to Batman.
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Batman then opens to the crossword page (an engaging page to be sure!) then heads back to the Batcave to solve the puzzle.
Meanwhile, at the Riddler’s hideout…
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(You know, if the GCPD raided every joke shop, game factory, umbrella shop, and bird/cat food warehouse on a weekly basis, crime would drop over 70% in Gotham City!)
…the Riddler prepares for his next heist.
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I’m gonna guess it’s underwater.
Meanwhile in the Batcave…
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You mean he hasn’t entirely solved the crossword yet? I thought Batman was the World’s Greatest Detective!
They then look at the answers in the upper left corner and realize that there is a charity BANQUET at the BASIN STREET hotel that has collected $100,000 for the Wayne Foundation Batman’s favorite charity!
To further complicate matters, Gordon calls that a flooded water main has flooded an underground bank vault (a BANK-WET! Clever, writers Mr. Nigma!) Batman has Gordon cover the banquet while he and Robin check out the bank-wet.
Later, at the bank-wet…
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…Riddler and his goons prepare to blow the vault when…
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Why are they walking when they’re supposed to be underwater? Unless everyone has weighted shoes, they should be swimming! The Dynamic Duo slowly confront the Riddler and his gang and they fight in slow motion…
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(but no ZOWIE!)
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…until Riddler removes Robin’s rebreather, forcing Batman to let the criminals escape before Robin drowns.
As the Caped Crusaders leave the bank…
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(looking a lot drier than they should), Batman spies a riddle left behind.
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(when wearing a waterproof bat-suit?)
Back at the Riddler’s hideout, Riddler tallies his ill-gotten gains thus far at $1.5 million, but he needs twice that amount.
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So THAT’s Riddler’s game! Buy a super-weapon and hold the city hostage!
Then Anna escorts in the man who will sell Riddler this weapon…
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(If there’s some sort of gag in that name, I’m not seeing it)
Prof. Charm is selling his super weapon (known as the demolecularizer) as revenge against the Gotham Science Institute for not allowing him to join. (Y’know, he could just use it himself, but then he’d be out three million bucks)
At the Batcave, Batman and Robin have yet to solve the latest riddle when Alfred reminds them of an appointment with the Gotham City Bakers’ Guild.
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Well, Batman certainly wouldn’t let a silly thing like a master criminal’s crime spree get in the way of a PR stunt!
Later at Gotham City Bakery…
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…the bakers prepare to sculpt the marshmallow toppers for the giant cake. They ask Batman and Robin to stand on top of the cake (why? You’d think they’d want their subjects close by to get as much detail as they can while sculpting in marshmallow)
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Wait, that’s no baker! Though he is cooking up something fiendish, I’m sure!
No sooner do Our Heroes step onto the cake, they begin sinking!
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I think I know the answer to the Riddler’s clue.
Riddler then leaves to collect the rest of Batman’s charity money (when will these villains learn to confirm their kills?)
Which means it’s time for the cliffhanger!
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But you won’t have to wait until tomorrow! Just click that “next episode” button on whatever method you’re watching this.
Now, onto part 2!
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So what deus ex Batshit will the writers Batman come up with this time?
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That works. Thanks Robin!
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(Fortunately, TV was so low-def that the viewers didn’t see the wires pulling Our Heroes out)
Later at the Riddler’s hideout, the villainous gang watch the news of their exploits. Then the newscaster said the Commissioner and Batman made a joint statement about the Riddler’s latest heist.
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(I would call that an “Oh shit!” face)
Meanwhile, the newscaster states the Riddler’s latest clue.
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(I’m telling you, the writers have really stepped up their game for Astin’s Riddler!)
The Riddler quickly recovers, not believing Batman survived.
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I gotta say, that line was pretty clever.
The gang has their doubts, but the Riddler is confident they’ll pull off the final caper needed to cover Prof. Charm’s price for the demolecularizer.
Meanwhile, in Gordon’s office, the Commissioner brainstorms with a very-much-alive Batman and Robin about the riddle. Gordon says a nest is blessed when they are young ones.
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Robin once again solves the riddle (Batman’s supposed to be the World’s Greatest Detective, yet Robin seems to solve 95% of the Riddler’s clues)
Fortunately, Batman’s knowledge of the bullshit geography of Gotham City comes into play, as he remembers a nightclub on top of one of Gotham’s skyscrapers known as the Eyrie (which is another name for an eagle’s nest) However, with some mental gymnastics that would make Mary Lou Retton (remember her?) proud, they come around to a “Latin eagle”…
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(So Gotham City is harboring deposed dictators? I guess he’s one of the ones the CIA likes)
The Caped Crusaders head to Aquilo’s penthouse, but…
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…will they be too late?
Batman soon arrives, much to the shock of the Riddler. However, he quickly recovers and sic’s his goons on them as the fight music begins!
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…but no ZOWIE! (I know there were fights that have a ZOWIE! and I’ll eventually review one…oh wait, I did!)
The Dynamic Duo make short work of the Riddler’s goons, but the Riddler tells Batman to let them go, or…
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…he will blow up Aquila (who looks like a stereotypical tinpot dictator. You’d think he wouldn’t dress like a revolutionary while in America). All Batman has to do to free Aquila is solve the Riddler’s puzzle box and disarm the bomb. By that time, Riddler will be scot-free. Batman obviously has no choice.
Later at Riddler’s hideout, Prof. Charm gets his payment and presents the demolecularizer to the Riddler!
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Prof. Charm demonstrates by disintegrating demolecularizing a hat.
The Riddler then calls Gordon to go to the park and keep an eye on the statue.
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Batman quickly joins him. Shortly after…
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…the Riddler strikes! Shortly after, a messenger gives Batman the latest from the Riddler demanding all laws be abolished in two hours or he’ll make GCPD disappear, then a building a day until his demand is met! Obviously the Riddler doesn’t know how government works. They can’t get anything accomplished in two years, let alone two hours!
And of course this being the Riddler…
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Seriously? I take back what I said about the writers being clever!
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…I take back my take-back.
As the Boatmobile sits in front of a green screen aimlessly wanders Gotham in search of the Riddler, Robin figures out the first of the Riddler’s clues (not that it was that hard; the answer is “man”)
For the second part, they do more mental gymnastics to take the first letter of key words in each of the Riddler’s other clues, convert them to their numerical equivalent, add them together and come up with 36. Robin comes up with 36 inches (or 3 feet?) Robin says no one has three feet…
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Congratulation Batman, you figured out what the rest of have known since the beginning of part one: the location of the Riddler’s hideout! (remember?) Batman immediately calls Gordon and tells him not to give in to the Riddler’s demands. He then asks Gordon to bring to the Batcopter’s hanger (again I ask, how is Gotham Airport getting paid to store and upkeep the Batcopter?)…
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Doing a quick google search, there’s no such thing as sodium dichlorite! Now, sodium chrlorite is used in mouthwash, but I doubt Batman needs minty fresh breath to beat the Riddler. Sodium dichloride is a disinfectant, but that doesn’t seem like it would help much either. What the hell kind of deus ex Batshit is the Bright Knight planning?
Meanwhile at the Riddler’s hideout, Riddler informs the audience his gang that he’s hidden the demolecularizer in Gordon’s office (wouldn’t that disintegrate the demolecularizer as well?) As the deadline looms, the Riddler turns on the TV to watch GCPD (and his demolecularizer) vanish. The newscaster announces that Gordon will go down with the ship GCPD.  
Meanwhile outside…
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Wait, weren’t they just in the Batcopter? Why didn’t they just fly it there instead of taking the time to return to Gotham City Airport (for that matter, why take the Batcycle when the Batmobile was no doubt parked nearby?)
Then, just as the deadline comes…
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…but other than a lightning strike, nothing happens. Needless to say, the Riddler’s confused and a bit pissed. Then Batman and Robin come in with their deus ex Batshit explanation.
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Yep, Batman used the sodium dichlorite to seed a cloud, causing a thunderstorm which shorted out the building’s power.
[OK…first off, it’s silver iodide that used to seed clouds. Second, there is NO FUCKING WAY Batman could time and aim a lightning bolt at GCPD to short out the building at the last second! Third, there’s also NO FUCKING WAY Batman could know the demolecularizer was inside the building!]
Cue the fight music!
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While Batman and Robin do the mop up, Ana Gram tries to escape, but…
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Chief O’Hara made good time, considering he was in Gordon’s office less than a minute ago!
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Later in Gordon’s office, Prof. Charm turns himself in, donating the funds he gained from selling the demolecularizer to the Wayne Foundation (I KNEW IT!) in exchange for a lighter sentence. Batman promises he’ll be admitted into the Gotham Science Institute as soon as he’s released from prison.
Roll credits!
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I’m going to say I would’ve enjoyed seeing Astin return for more episodes as the Riddler instead of Gorshin returning for one more episode. The writers were a bit more clever (some of which could’ve been Astin’s input as well), and Gorshin’s giggling sounded too similar to Cesar Romero’s laugh which (when you add in that EVERY villain on the show left puzzling clues for Batman to solve) made the Riddler seem like a cheap Joker knockoff. Edward Nygma deserved better.
(Thanks to hol up)
...and certainly better than what Joel Schumacher did to him!
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kstarlitchaotics · 2 years ago
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vintagetvstars · 6 months ago
Patrick Troughton Vs. John Astin
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Patrick Troughton - (Doctor Who) - His version of the doctor is my absolute favourite.
John Astin - (The Addams Family, Batman) - wife guy energy off the charts as the OG gomez addams, and he also played the riddler in the 1966 batman!
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Patrick Troughton:
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John Astin:
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batman66sexyrogues · 2 years ago
Round 1, Part 1B:
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As a result of contract disputes with Frank Gorshin, throughout the second season of Batman, there were a couple of attempts to replace or recast his version of the Riddler.
 The initial attempt at doing so resulted in a storyline being rewritten in order to introduce the Puzzler, whose primary interests were in aviation (including puzzle balloons) and Shakespeare, possibly as a nod to his actor’s theatre background. Despite his villainy, he also took pride in his naturalized American citizenship, and even seemed to appreciate Batman correcting him on a Hamlet quote he botched.
Later in season two, the Riddler was temporarily recast, this time portrayed by John Astin (a.k.a. Gomez Addams). There seems to be a bit of disagreement in the fandom over whether Astin’s Riddler should be considered a separate character from Gorshin’s iteration, with some fanfictions portraying him as a separate character using the Riddler title, while others, namely the webcomic spinoff, portray the Astin Riddler as a disguise. Interestingly, Astin’s Riddler marks the first time the character would be portrayed with the question-mark cane.
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riddlebirdweek · 4 months ago
1960s Batman was colorful and fun. Riddler posed crafty conundrums that took a leap of logic while Penguin hid his schemes behind a respectable facade. The show didn't take itself too seriously yet Burgess Meredith, Frank Gorshin and John Astin played them with panache. Try it for #riddlebirdweek
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months ago
Huh. Learn something new every day. I go to look up DC animated movies and shows, I see what I missed since I dipped out of that sphere in 2015 or so. And then I learn Sean Astin is now one of the voice actors for Shazam. And that John Astin (Gomez Addams in the 60s, and The Riddler in one or two episodes of the 60s Batman) got to do Uncle Marvel for one of the animated tv shows. And just...wow. I can actually approve of that. John Astin always seems like a great guy, and I can actually sort of see him doing that role well (even if i haven't actually watched the performance). And I also just love that Sean Astin wasn't even his biological son, but John Astin just stepped up and raised him as his own son when he married Patty Duke. Both of them are great actors.
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skye707 · 2 years ago
so besides Gorshin Riddler the others will realize that Astin (Gomez Addams) was the Riddler
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If there's one Riddler who would be into a John Astin Riddler/Addams Family mashup, it would be this guy.
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fatsamsgrandslamspeakeasy · 1 month ago
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Carolyn Jones as Marsha, Queen of Diamonds; Cliff Robertson as Shame; Maurice Evans as The Puzzler; Michael Rennie as The Sandman; Lesley Gore as Pussycat; John Astin as The Riddler 2; Van Williams and Bruce Lee as The Green Hornet and Kato (Guest Superheroes posing as Supervillains); Roger C. Carmel as Colonel Gumm; Tallulah Bankhead as The Black Widow; Eli Wallach as Mr. Freeze 3; Tim Herbert as The Killer Moth (only appearing in the unaired Season 3 pilot Enter Batgirl 1967); Joan Collins as The Siren; Ethel Mermen as Lola Lasagna; Milton Berle as Louie the Lilac; Anne Baxter as Olga, Queen of the Cossacks; Glynis Johns as Lady Penelope Peasoup; Rudy Valee as Lord Marmaduke Ffogg; Eartha Kitt as Catwoman 3; Barbara Rush as Nora Clavicle; Dina Merrill as Calamity Jan; Howard Duff and Ida Lupino as Cabala and Dr. Cassandra; Zsa Zsa Gabor as Minerva!!! (Whew!!!! That's all of them!)
Which was/were your favorites!!!!!??????
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