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onegeneric · 9 months ago
Asthma Symptoms:
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Severe Shortness of breath
Hunched Shoulder
Chest Pain
Change in Skin Color
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to try and feel better I just put on music and danced until I was gasping for air (#asthmaproblems). I am now shaking, freezing cold and feeling like crying. why
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mhmulticarehomeopathy · 7 months ago
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠-𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐦 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
Chronic conditions often present a significant challenge in conventional medicine, where treatments may focus primarily on symptom management rather than addressing underlying causes. Homeopathy, a holistic and individualized approach to medicine, offers an alternative method for managing long-term chronic conditions. This article explores how homeopathy addresses these
persistent health issues and provides insight into its effectiveness.
Here are some common chronic diseases and their general homeopathic approaches:
1. Chronic Allergies
Common Remedies: Allium cepa (for runny nose and sneezing), Natrum muriaticum (for itchy eyes and nasal congestion), Arsenicum album (for severe symptoms with restlessness).
Approach: Homeopaths will often look at triggers, overall health, and individual symptoms to tailor the treatment.
2. Asthma
Common Remedies: Arsenicum album (for anxiety and difficulty breathing), Spongia tosta (for dry cough and wheezing), Antimonium tartaricum (for loose cough with wheezing).
Approach: Treatment may focus on improving lung function, reducing sensitivity to allergens, and addressing the emotional aspects of asthma.
3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Common Remedies: Gelsemium (for extreme weakness and fatigue), Calcarea phosphorica (for general exhaustion), Phosphoric acid (for mental and physical fatigue).
Approach: Homeopathy aims to restore energy levels and address underlying causes such as stress, infections, or emotional trauma.
4. Rheumatoid Arthritis
Common Remedies: Rhus toxicodendron (for stiffness and pain that improves with movement), Bryonia alba (for pain that worsens with movement), Calcarea carbonica (for joint stiffness and weakness).
Approach: Treatment focuses on reducing inflammation, improving joint mobility, and addressing emotional or psychological factors.
5. Psoriasis
Common Remedies: Sulphur (for itching and burning), Arsenicum album (for dry, scaly patches), Graphites (for thickened skin and cracks).
Approach: Homeopathy works to improve skin health and balance the immune system while addressing lifestyle factors that may contribute to flare-ups.
6. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Common Remedies: Nux vomica (for digestive disturbances and stress-related symptoms), Colocynthis (for cramping pain relieved by pressure), Pulsatilla (for changing symptoms and digestive issues with mood changes).
Approach: Treatment aims to balance digestive function, reduce stress, and address food intolerances.
7. Diabetes
Common Remedies: Phosphoric acid (for thirst and fatigue), Uranium nitricum (for high blood sugar and related symptoms), Syzygium jambolanum (for sugar metabolism issues).
Approach: Homeopathy seeks to regulate blood sugar levels, improve overall health, and address lifestyle factors.
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed based on the individual's overall health, emotional state, and specific symptoms rather than the disease alone.
Consultation: It is crucial to consult with a qualified homeopath who can provide a detailed assessment and prescribe the most appropriate remedies.
Homeopathy offers a personalized and holistic approach to managing long-term chronic conditions. By focusing on individualized treatment, addressing underlying causes, and considering the whole person, homeopathy aims to restore balance and support long-term health. For those considering homeopathic treatment, it is advisable to work with a qualified homeopath and integrate this approach with conventional medical care when appropriate.
Know more:- https://www.multicarehomeopathy.com/online-consultation
#chronicillness #chronicpain #psoriasis #chronicallergies #HomeopathicMedicine #asthmaproblems
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drsagarnarkhede · 9 months ago
Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine from India that focuses on holistic healing and balancing the body's energies. It utilizes natural treatments, including herbal medicines, Panchakarma therapies, dietary guidelines, and lifestyle changes, to address various health issues like joint pain, arthritis, allergy, asthma, cough, sneezing, indigestion, acidity, hormonal imbalance, PCOD, Infertility, thyroid, B.P, Sugar and skin, nail and hair complaints like many more.
Ayurveda emphasizes prevention and individualized treatment, considering the unique constitution (Prakriti) of each person.
#jointpain #jointpaintreatment #backpain #sciatica #allergytreatment #sneezing #asthmaproblems #cough #acidityproblems #indigestionrelief #harmonalimbalance #PCOD #thyroidtreatment #bloodpressure #sugar #skinproblems #nailproblems #haircomplaints #ayurvedictreatment #AyurvedicMedicine #panchakarmatherapy #panchakarmatreatment #ayurvedicclinic #ayurvedicdoctor #ayurvedahealing #ayurveda #instahealth #drnarkhedeayurvedclinic #drsagarnarkhede
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dratefahmed1 · 11 months ago
Symptoms and Signs of Asthma Attacks Recognizing Triggers #asthma, #asthmaattack, #asthmasymptoms,
#asthma, #asthmaattack, #asthmasymptoms, #asthmamanagement, #asthmatreatment, #asthmaawareness, #asthmalife, #asthmasupport, #asthmacontrol, #asthmacommunity, #asthmamom, #asthmadad, #asthmatriggers, #asthmarelief, #asthmaprevention, #asthmacare, #asthmamedication, #asthmainhaler, #asthmaproblems, #asthmastruggle, #asthmasufferer, #asthmacoping, #asthmatips, #asthmatracker, #asthmamonitor,…
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drkgowthaman-blog · 1 year ago
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நண்பர்கள், தோழர்கள், நலம் விரும்பிகள் மற்றும் உலகெங்கும் உள்ள தமிழ் உள்ளங்களுக்கு, உங்களுடைய wellness குருஜி உடைய, அன்பான காலை வணக்கங்கள். #நுரையீரல் மண்டல நோய்கள்ல, மிக மோசமாக நமக்கு பாதிப்பை ஏற்படுத்தக்கூடிய நோய்கள்ல ஒன்று, #ஆஸ்துமா நோய். வாதம் சார்ந்தது, பித்தம் சார்ந்தது, கபம் சார்ந்தது, தொற்றுக்கள் சார்ந்தது, உடல் பலவீனத்தால் ஏற்படுவது, பரம்பரையாக ஏற்படுவதுன்னு, ஆறு வகையான, ஆஸ்துமா நோய்களை, இன்றைக்கு, நம்ம பார்க்கிறோம். சில வகையான நோய்கள், முற்றிலும் குணப்படுத்தக்கூடியதாகவும், சில வகையான நோய்கள், மருந்துகளைக் கொண்டு, கட்டுப்படுத்தக்கூடியதாகவும், சில வகையான நோய்கள், சில கால நிலைக்கோ சில ஒவ்வாமைக்கும் மட்டும் ஏற்பட்டு, நம்மை தற்காலிகமாக சிரமப்படுத்துவதை பார்க்கிறோம். Full Link: https://fb.watch/qKbGlhiupX/ இன்றைக்கு மருந்துகளற்ற வாழ்க்கை அப்படிங்கிறது, சாத்தியமற்ற ஒரு விஷயம் போல் இருக்கிறதே, அப்படின்ற ஒரு, ஒரு எண்ணம், ஒரு கவலை, நம்மில் நிறைய பேருக்கு இருக்கிறதை பார்க்கிறோம். ஆஸ்துமா நோயை கட்டுப்படுத்த, நுரையீரலுடைய பலத்தை அதிகப்படுத்த, நமக்கு உதவி செய்யக்கூடிய, ஏலக்காய் கஷாயம் அப்படிங்கிறதை பற்றிதான், இன்றைக்கு உங்களோடு, நான் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ள போகிறேன். இந்த #ஏலக்காய்கஷாயம் செய்ய தேவையான பொருட்கள் என்னங்கிறதை, விவரமாக இப்ப நம்ம பார்ப்போம். ஏலக்காய்கஷாயம் செய்ய தேவையான பொருட்கள், #ஏலக்காய், #லவங்கப்பட்டை, #தாளீசபத்திரி #திரிகடுகு, #மூங்கில்உப்பு, நுரையீரல் மண்டல நோய்களுடைய செயல்பாடுகளை மாற்றி, உடலை ஆரோக்கியப்படுத்தி, நுரையீரலுக்குள் தேங்கி கிடக்கக்கூடிய கழிவுகளையும், தொற்றுக்களையும், சரியாக வெளியேற்றி, சுவாசம் செய்யும்போது, நமக்கு கிடைக்கக்கூடிய பிராணவாயுவை, முழுமையாக கிரகித்து, நுரையீரலில் இருந்து, கழிவாக வெளியேறக்கூடிய, காற்று, கரியமில வாயுவை, முற்றிலுமாக வெளியேற்றி, உடலுடைய நுரை மண்டலம், உடலுடைய ராஜ உறுப்புகளில் ஒன்றாக இருக்கிறதுனால, அந்த ராஜ உறுப்புகளுடைய, ஆரோக்கியத்தை மேம்படுத்தக்கூடிய, ஏலக்காய் கஷாயம், எவ்வாறு செய்யறதுன்னு, இப்ப பார்ப்போம். Wellness Guruji Dr Gowthaman SHREEVARMA Ayurveda Hospitals 9952666359 / 04446094900 www.drgowthaman.com www.shreevarma.online #wellnessgurujitips #wellnessgurujicamps #wellnessguruji #DrGowthaman #Shreevarma #shreevarmaayurveda #AsthmaAwareness #asthma #asthmaattack #asthmaproblems #AsthmaCommunity #COPD #copdawareness #COPDmanagement #Ela #vata #pitta #kapha #Tuberculosis #tuberculosisawareness #pneumonia
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1-800-samtron · 1 year ago
The New Dorp New Dorpians.
Pure Scum.
#asthmaawareness #asthmaproblems
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urbanayush · 1 year ago
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Unjha Somkalpam is the combination of Non sedative , mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilator herbs. Somkalpam is very useful in all type asthmatic condition. . . You can buy it from 👇 www.urbanayush.com and avail additional 15% discount. . . #asthma #asthmaproblems #respiratory #pollution #airpollution #cough #healthandwellness #urbanayush
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rimshospitals · 2 years ago
Asthma can be triggered by a variety of factors, including allergens, irritants, respiratory infections and certain medications. Identifying and understanding these triggers is an important step in managing the symptoms effectively which will help improve the quality of life.
Book an appointment with our experts.
91502 65553, 044-7111 1111
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orthomedhospitalchennai · 2 years ago
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World Asthma Day is an annual event that takes place on the first Tuesday of May every year. The day is organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) in collaboration with healthcare professionals and asthma educators around the world. The aim of World Asthma Day is to raise awareness about asthma, a chronic respiratory disease that affects millions of people worldwide.
On this day, various activities are organized to educate people about asthma, its causes, symptoms, and ways to manage it. The theme of World Asthma Day may vary each year, but the focus is always on promoting asthma control and reducing the burden of asthma on individuals and society.
asthma #asthmasucks #asthmaproblems #asthmaawareness #asthmacommunity #asthmawarrior #asthmasurvivor #asthmatic #breathlessnotvoiceless #lunghealth
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svastha-hospitals · 2 years ago
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Asthma day is a reminder that though asthma affects millions of people. world asthma day is observed every year 2nd tuesday of may to raise awareness about asthma globally. SVASTHA EMERGENCY AND MULTI SPECIALITY HOSPITAL CONTACT: 9044337799 MANDAPETA @svastha_hospital #svasthahospital #hospitals #clinic #doctor #doctors #wellness #health #healthylifestyle #nurse #pharma #pharmacy #pharmaceutical #healthcare #healthworker #mandapeta #mbbs #hospital #medicine #nurse #health #healthcare #generalsurgeon #andhra #anesthesiologist #eastgodavari #asthma #asthmaproblems
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capitallaparoscopy · 2 years ago
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If you or someone you know is living with asthma, remember that you are not alone. Let's show our support and spread awareness on this #WorldAsthmaDay #AsthmaDay2023 #FreshAir #StaySafe #Health #Asthmaproblems #Asthmaawareness #Asthmatic #Asthmalife #Healthylifestyle #drgsmishr #bbsrlaparoscopy #bbsrgynicdoctor #capitallaparoscopy https://instagr.am/p/CrurHD2oh1z/
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texasmedicalconcierge · 2 years ago
World Asthma Day: Asthma causes inflammation in the airways and narrows them making it difficult to breathe. It triggers coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.
This year, 2023, the World Asthma Day theme given by Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) is "Asthma Care for All," which advocates the growth of accessibility and availability of high-quality medical care for all.
worldasthmaday #worldasthmamonth #asthma #asthmacare #asthmaproblems #asthmatic #asthmaattack #asthmawarrior
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paramountltd · 2 years ago
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Breathing is life…. Let us work together for a cleaner and healthier environment to stay safe from Asthma…..
On the occasion of World Asthma Day, we wish a happy and healthy life for you and your loved ones.
#worldasthmaday #asthma #asthmaawareness #asthmaproblems #health #asthmarelief #asthmatic #asthmaday #asthmaattack #asthmalife #asthmauk #healthylifestyle #asthmasucks #asthmawarrior #healthcare #staysafe #covid #asthmatreatment #wellness #healthy #asthmafunk #asthmarunner #asthmaprobs #asthmafoundation #asthmaattacks #severeasthma #asthmamanagement #lungs #coronavirus
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drsagarnarkhede · 2 years ago
Treat your allergies with the help of Dr Narkhede's Ayurved medicine and Panchkarm Detox therpies.
15 years of clinical experience, more than 10,000 successfully treated patients.
Call for more details 9004616617
#allergies #allergyproblems #allergytreatment #allergyrelief #sneezing #runnynose #sinusproblems #sinusinfection #skinrash #itching #coughing #cough #asthmaproblems #asthma #ayurvedictreatment #ayurvedicmedicine #panchakarmatreatment #ayurvedicclinic #ayurvedicdoctor #ghodbunderroad #thane
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cenforceusa · 3 years ago
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Benefits Of Onion Loaded With Antioxidants Boost Immune System Good For Digestive Health Used In Asthma Treatment Promote healthy Bones
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