#aster )
lizaluvsthis · 3 days
I drew stuff again on magma so my pen tab wouldn't go to waste again-
Heres from chapter 2-
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Then heres to the song "They're Only Human" Caleb Hyles
Back then, Bringx mentioned about the song matching these chaotic duo.
Imight as well draw that scenario where each are dancing to their 'destined' partners to eliminate.
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Cough cough- @shygirl4991 @b-r-i-n-g-x
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logicpng · 3 days
Grabbing range? Is that a threat~? /silly lighthearted
possibly /joke
i said in the tags i wasn't going to draw the consequences but i ended up doodling them anyway
btw this isn't really related to the ask or the ones before, this was just a funny image in my head :'D
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the-east-art · 2 days
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Some of @browniefox s characters form an old story idea.
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comyet · 4 months
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happy anniversary to the goops!! the old gays are winning!!!!!!
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laurakwatson · 4 months
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Little embroideries of little things.
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peapeapeapa · 3 months
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💫 Asha and Starboy 💫
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amosprinz · 1 month
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sadmages · 5 months
Sometimes I remember i went to school to be an animator and i have the power to make my ocs dance and gaze lovingly into each other's eyes
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semeukedotcom · 2 months
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zu-is-here · 1 year
[4/15] Happy birthday, Ink! ٩( ᐛ )و♪
Ink by comyet
Song: Eve – Outsider [LKing English cover]
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himekokosu · 10 months
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logicpng · 9 months
Aster Assistant Software (Ukagaka/Desktop buddy)
(UPD: More descriptive page here!)
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You know better than opening suspicious links and files, but this one was deemed safe by your antivirus. It claims to be a TerraByte product, but you swear you've never heard anything about it, let alone TerraByte. It also seems to be almost… nervous to be here. Something's not right, but you may as well enjoy the new company.
A first-time ukagaka project based on my OC, Aster, and the fictional universe they're from. As most ukagakas, requires SSP to run. Link includes an explanation as to what those are and installation instructions. Windows only! Based on Girl & Triangle template by @zarla-s.
A bunch of dialogue!
Some longer one-sided conversation!
Links to some common Windows tools!
Online search abilities!
Two balloons, for no reason whatsoever!
…That's it?
Content Warnings:
⚠️ Unreality - No 4th wall, meta themes. An optional function addresses some software you've used while the Ukagaka was running, it's not enabled by default.
⚠️ Photosensitivity - Character often vibrates in place, in short bursts. Enable "Ignore SERIKO move" in SSP's Preferences (Ghost (2) > Ignore SERIKO Move) if this may cause an issue.
Download here!
Instructions for installation are linked to in the page. I polished this as best as I could so far, but as this is my first project as large as this, very possible I overlooked something!! Do let me know if that happens
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nu-kuya · 2 months
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feeling crazy might build a casino here
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charismaofobedience · 4 months
Nu carnival is a great game because you have so many things being represented such as
Garu and Karu - System rep with a pretty good writing and a trauma behind their system forming. dumb puppyboy rep
Rei - Hypersexuality and the dehumanization of self to the point you view sex as nothing more than a coin for a certain time. brat power bottom who can't shut up
Olivine - Religious guilt and finding your own place in society without others expectations. huge tits (bottom version)
Yakumo - The struggles of controlling oneself to not hurt those who you love while also learning to accept others love. constant struggler disorder
Edmond - Repressed sexual desires and learning to embrace those and be yourself among those you trust. anime tsundere disorder
Aster - Being 'born' out of necessity and need to someone to eventually have them leave you with no reasonings or explanations with you having to solve things on your own, without someone you depended on. capitalist transmasc twink
Morvay - Same as Aster but also being constantly equated to just your sexual self and having others treating you as simply that or how dumb you are when you're so much more than that. slutty bimbo (male) (not a himbo) rep
Blade - Being deemed as defective due to the way you simply behaved when still young while noticing the nature of others during that time and being made to fit the others ideals of you so you weren't left aside. being just a silly goofy guy :3
Dante - Having to assume heavy responsibilities at a young age and how this affects one in their future while also having those who don't know you judge you for your harshness when you are simply trying your best. bad dick game
Quincy - Having others taking your help while at the same time being afraid of you and keeping you at distance due to this fear. huge tits (top version), sleepy disorder
Kuya - Feeling ostracized by those you know by your simple nature and who you are as a person, being left all alone by simply feeling like no one could understand you. knotting and mpreg kink
Eiden - Growing up in an orphanage. Being in a low-key shitty workplace. Suddenly being dragged to a new place you don't know anyone in and having to adapt yourself to it. Being put responsibilities and titles upon you that you simply weren't prepared for. having others hopes put upon you while at the same time others doubt your own aptitude to the job. Being compared to someone who came before you and how you are nothing when compared to them. and perhaps the most important thing the struggles of sluts in modern gay society and having to deal with your polycule where all the members are lowkey freaks
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inbarfink · 28 days
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