#assurance services 16th
simply-ivanka · 2 months
Very Serious Charges:
Veterans have accused Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz of “embellishing” his military career and abandoning his National Guard battalion.
“On May 16th, 2005, [Walz] quit, betraying his country, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war,” Behrends and Herr wrote.
Retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr said Walz retired from his 24-year tenure in the National Guard after learning that his battalion would be deployed to Iraq, despite allegedly assuring his fellow troops he would join them.”
August 6, 2024 | Ashe Schow
Vice President Kamala Harris picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate on Tuesday, and will likely emphasize his military service as part of their campaign.
But when Walz was running for governor in 2018, former members of the National Guard spoke out about his service, with a retired command sergeant major saying he “embellished and selectively omitted facts of his military career for years.”
In an open letter posted to Facebook that year, retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr wrote that Walz retired just a few months after receiving a warning order that his battalion would be deployed to Iraq – even though he told military personnel he would be going on the mission.
“On May 16th, 2005, [Walz] quit, betraying his country, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war,” Behrends and Herr wrote.
The pair wrote that Walz said he needed to retire to run for Congress, but this was untrue. Walz could have run for Congress and requested permission from the Secretary of Defense before he entered active duty, the pair claimed.
“If he had retired normally and respectfully, you would think he would have ensured his retirement documents were correctly filled out and signed, and that he would have ensured he was reduced to Master Sergeant for dropping out of the academy,” the two wrote. “Instead he slithered out the door and waited for the paperwork to catch up to him.”
They noted that his official retirement document says “soldier not available for signature.”
Walz’s sudden retirement complicated his selection to the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Behrends and Herr wrote. Once someone accepts enrollment, they agree to three stipulations: to serve two years after graduation from the academy or promotion, that failing the course could result in being kicked out of the military, and that they will be reduced to Master Sergeant if they don’t complete the course.
Walz wasn’t promoted to Command Sergeant Major until September 17, 2004. A month earlier, he was photographed holding a protest sign outside a rally for President George W. Bush’s re-election campaign, though it doesn’t seem as though the military noticed or disciplined him.
Less than a year after his promotion, Walz retired, meaning his promotion was nullified since he broke the agreement he signed when entering the academy.
On September 10, 2005, Walz was reduced to Master Sergeant. As Behrends and Herr wrote, “It took a while for the system to catch up to him as it was uncharted territory, literally no one quits in the position he was in, or drops out of the academy.”
In November 2005, Walz reached out to his former battalion as it was preparing for war. He offered to hold a fundraiser for their bus trip home over Christmas. “The same Soldiers he had abandoned just months before, trying to buy their votes,” Behrends and Herr wrote.
These are not the only two to call out Walz’s service. According to Behrends and Herr, Tom Hagen, an Iraq war veteran, wrote a letter to the Winona Daily News calling Walz’s retirement “disturbing”.
“But even more disturbing is the fact that Walz quickly retired after learning that his unit —southern Minnesota’s 1-125 FA Battalion — would be sent to Iraq,” Hagen wrote in the letter, according to Behrends and Herr. “For Tim Walz to abandon his fellow soldiers and quit when they needed experienced leadership most is disheartening. It dishonors those brave American men and women who did answer their nation’s call and who continue to serve, fight and unfortunately die in harm’s way for us.”
The letter prompted a scathing response from Walz, who defended his service record.
“After completing 20 years of service in 2001, I re-enlisted to serve our country for an additional four years following Sept. 11 and retired the year before my battalion was deployed to Iraq in order to run for Congress,” Walz said. “I’m proud of the 24 years I served our country in the Army National Guard. There’s a code of honor among those who’ve served, and normally this type of partisan political attack comes only from one who’s never worn a uniform.”
Behrends and Herr note that Walz’s official Report of Separation and Record of Service state that Walz re-enlisted on September 18, 2001, for six years. Walz said in his response to Hagen that he only re-enlisted for four years, which would have made his retirement date September 18, 2005 – four months later than when he actually retired.
“The bottom line in all of this is gut wrenching and sad to explain,” Behrends and Herr concluded. “When the nation called, he quit.”
By Caitlin Doornbos and Josh Christenson
Published Aug. 6, 2024, 1:00 p.m. ET
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satubby · 3 months
[Once upon a dream: Where you were happy]
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As once in the dream, where you forgot your memories by my side, I will still be waiting for you, so please just don't forget who you were … My precious daughter of man - Malleus Draconia
[Disclaimer: This may contain errors so I'm sorry if they bother you or confuse you when reading. I didn't think this would be so long, I will finish part 3 in a few weeks. Thanks for your support, credits to the fanart I use, if I find their artists I'll post them.]
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Morning was rising outside but the curtains cast shadows in your room, then the doors opened and the maids came into your room, they were all making as much noise as ever, you sigh exhaustedly refusing to look at them. "Come on princess, get up, today is your 16th birthday" One of them said, pulling you out of bed.
"I'm coming, I'm coming... It's too early for this" You sigh, getting up and heading to the powder room, you swallowed your bitterness smiling like the 'worthy and pretty princess' you were, then the maids. did their job starting to comb your hair. Your gaze was distant and you constantly clutched your dress, you were beautiful yes, but you honestly didn't care.
"Ouch, damn it" You whisper, feeling their eyes constantly on the back of your head. 
"Watch your mouth princess" murmured one, they continued brushing your hair and making you presentable, they always made sure you looked good. As you sat there, the doors opened again and a tall figure walked in. It was the housekeeper serving the queen, she entered haughty and powerful, all the maids in your service began to murmur. "Please hurry princess, you wouldn't want to embarrass the emperor and empress, would you?" 
You almost wanted to wring his neck but you knew better than to do stupid things. So you stood up without paying attention to his 'reprimand' and bowed your body politely, bowing your head as well, after all, you were a princess without any power.
 "Yes, thank you for letting me know...I assure you I only wish the best for the kingdom and the imperial family" She looks you with that very, very stiff and bitter face. After that incident like every morning, you moved towards the emperor's castle because you lived in the empress castle, farther than any other room, you used to live in the basement where they put weapons and old stuff but it was something. 
Walking down the hall, your arrival is announced, with trumpets and a red carpet. You know they're just pretending, no one gives a shit if you got in or not.
"ATTENTION!!! THIS IS THE INCOMING HEIR PRINCESS!" closing your eyes you enter with dignity as you were taught, you felt the pressure on your being before those judging eyes of the pompous nobles, so you tried not to look bad. Some looked at you with barely concealed disgust, others simply didn't look at you and the rest whispered like silly little birds cackling incessantly amidst rumors and gossip. 
Your strides echoed with the sound of the floor as you walked towards the rulers of this place you hated to call home; the looks they gave you were either filled with disgust or filled with envy as they stepped aside to make way for you. The hall in front of you slowly filled with people after you walked away and approached the throne on the platform. 
The emperor was sitting upright on his throne, next to him was the empress, looking majestic and presumptuous, as always. The empress smiled slightly as you knelt before them, both extended their hands waiting for a kiss from you, most of all it was the woman before you who gave you that silent command.
The empress stroked your hair with false kindness when you complied with her order, still with her smile on her face she continued to enjoy your humiliation, it disgusted you to look like a mere dog... And the emperor didn't even do anything, he never really cared about you. 
"Happy sixteenth birthday my dear.... Now I hope you won't do anything to make us sad; or would you like to see her highness disappointed?" Her lips brushed your lobe warning you with sincere malice, then she walked away from you smiling as if nothing had happened, you didn't even react, you knew what she wanted, you wouldn't give her that.
"Thank you for- Your worries, your highness and beloved emperor.... I wish you good vibes and I hope you live long!" With those words, you forced a forced smile swallowing your little pride and the bile in your throat felt bitter. You sincerely praised yourself, since you were good at acting, you had to do it if you wanted to survive. 
Again the emperor looked at you without interest and gave you permission to leave, so you did and like every year, you were alone on your birthday, the gifts were not really for you, much less was this party... And honestly you had long ago stopped giving it importance. 
Once he gave you permission to leave, you could leave the throne room and get away from this heavy atmosphere that only made you feel sick and want to vomit because of so much hypocrisy in the air. Although before you managed to get out of sight you could hear the nobles start whispering and gossiping behind your back. 
They were noisy, much louder than a rooster would be at morning crowing time, but what could you do? Nothing and just thinking about them gave you headaches. You continue down the halls, with a couple of maids walking behind you who don't care for you either. They never really liked you, so they just followed you as their job ordered, even you wouldn't want to be with yourself, you were a bitter mess. 
"Please leave me alone, okay? I need air" You turned around stopping at the entrance towards a balcony. They look at you confused but they care so little about you that they better bow and leave, you on the other hand headed for the nearby balcony, stretching your legs and leaning your body against the marble railing.
Looking down at the ground, you let out sighs and snorts, then unleash your usual attitude of resignation and rebellion, only being alone you can say or do the little you can, the little freedom you had.  
 "Fuck those fucking nobles, I didn't even want to come— Fucking loudmouths, they're just vultures hoping I'm wrong, honestly... GO TO THE FUCK THEM ALL!! That fucking housekeeper, the emperor and the fucking empress!.... Anyway, I hope this day ends soon"
You let your head fall on your shoulders, looking resigned to your situation, you were sick of following these stupid rules. A lady doesn't do this, a lady doesn't do that— You are at your limit and yet you can only complain to yourself or suffer your punishments. 
Your eyes unconsciously looked at parts of your body, you bit your lips in frustration.... Those scars still hurt, but you had to bear them because that made you a princess- Although honestly you always had that doubt, Did princesses really do that? In your stories it was something else. But laughing, remind yourself that they are just that, stories annnnd, since you were a child you didn't know who you were before coming here, you were always told what to say or do, as you were foolish and naive, you blindly followed in fear of that damned bitch of an empress. 
You were the puppet in her theatrical play, used and punished if something didn't go her way. Sometimes you wanted to kill her, but you'd rather keep your neck in your body. No one would help a dirty blood like you, a stupid girl with no connection or power whatsoever plus your stupid insignificant elven powers weren't even strong you could only heal scrapes or make little lights because according to rumors; your dead mother wasn't a complete elf. 
"These heels burn so much, maybe I should throw them away... But that damn woman will punish me if I do. It's a real shame my birthday sucks and the weather is so nice, which is ironic because I'm a mess."
You drop your body onto a nearby table, playing with your fingers, you didn't know at what point you started to fall asleep. 
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While you were dozing on that table, lost in a kind of dream, you began to feel like you were floating in the air, reality became a dream and vice versa. At some point you opened your eyes in a strange place, it was all white and there was only you, but your body was shining, as if the stars had given you their remains to make you shine.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the giggling of a little girl, a very familiar one, that hair and tattered clothes were familiar even though you couldn't see her face. 
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"Hello? ... How strange, I swore I heard something-"
You scratched your eyes thinking you were still hallucinating. You had just fallen asleep and didn't know how you got here. 
"Haha... Nyum!"
There it was again, that childish giggle attracted you again, then turning towards where it came from, you saw a completely white silhouette standing in the middle of the void. 
"Hey girl, what are we doing in this place and-? Wait!" You exclaimed starting to follow her, as she started to run, the emptiness started to change. 
The more you ran, the more it changed, the ground felt soft as you now stepped on clouds. Tall mirrors filled your vision like a maze, then again you heard the girl's giggle. 
"Haha! You can't catch me.."
Your eyes followed her silhouette in confusion, she was as energetic and elusive as... You, from childhood. You didn't know why, but you began to follow her, all these hallways of mirrors reflected both figures. 
"Girl don't run! Ugh, just tell me what this place is, fuck I just wanted to sleep and I ended up here!"
Sighing tired from so much running, you stop to rest, however something caught your attention; some mirrors were worn or broken, others simply had nothing to reflect. 
And the farther away you went the darker this place became, you two glowed as the darkness swallowed you. Then you see her entering a specific mirror, it was full of thorns and wilted roses, this place was silent, her giggling stopped being heard, slowly you went towards that mirror. 
"That girl- How strange, she took me all this way just to see this mirror?"
You whisper without understanding this strange dream, if it was one to begin with. 
So lost were you in your thoughts, that you don't even notice when your hand goes through the mirror and you are swallowed by it, unlike others, this mirror is dark as much as the the glass it was made of as its withered wooden frame. 
Screaming as you fall, you feel the air seep into your tresses shaking and making a mess of it, your dress suddenly changed as you landed in a brutish thump.
With pain in your body, you slowly got up spitting grass, that strange fall made you feel like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Slowly you could stand up on your own feet, you were without shoes which seemed strange but what did you expect? This dream is strange in itself. 
"I must stop getting so much in my head— come to think of it, where did that mirror take me?"
You turned around looking at your surroundings, however the girl glimpsed out of the corner of your eye again, laughing at you and making you angry. 
Now you felt like the empress every time you yelled at the silhouette. Fuck! Some habits stick with people. 
She kept running into the mist of this dark forest, with you following behind her, the branches on your feet and the wildlife of the place making you scrape, but it didn't matter. You wanted to know how to get out of this place. 
"Jijiji! I'm faster than you..." Whispered the brat, her silhouette running and when you finally came out of the dark forest, the light filled her eyes blinding you. When the effect passed, you stopped thinking for an instant, this whole place was magnificent and magical, but the girl was gone. 
In its place, the vast tulip field filled your view, in the middle of it and far away on the hill, lay a beautiful oak tree the size of the most pompous castle presumably held by royalty. 
Mesmerized by this magnificence, you walked down the hill, it was a few more meters but something guided you to the oak tree. The closer you got, you heard a deep and melancholic voice singing.
Its beautiful whistling caught your attention, the closer you got the better you saw someone's back and— That little girl sitting next to her. 
Never thought that you would be Standing here so close to me There's so much I feel that I should say But words can wait until some other day
Both were relaxing on a chair made of wood and flowers as a handle, the stranger kept singing; for some reason his voice gave you a familiar but pleasant peace, you didn't know why or how, but you keep watching them swinging. 
It's been a long, long time Haven't felt like this, my dear Since can't remember when It's been a long, long time You'll never know how many dreams I've dreamed about you Or just how empty they all seem without you
The wind was blowing away the colorful petals of the field full of those tulips, you standing still in the tall grass, mesmerized by the whistling of that stranger, still looking at the girl, they seemed so comfortable with each other.
It's been a long, long time It's been a long, oh long time
And then that song stopped, breaking like a spell as well as your illusion, for just as the figure turned, his face could not be seen for he silenced you, causing thousands of tulips to cover your vision. 
"WAIT PLEASE! Who are you—" 
With an abrupt silence, you were left in the emptiness of before, broken glass halves scattered on the floor surrounded your feet, the girl was gone, only you and that hall of mirrors remained. 
Sighing, you pick up several pieces and your fragmented reflection looks back at you.
Your thoughts stop when you feel someone pull you out of that place and your eyes open as you feel the pain of a slap. Your eyes immediately went to those responsible for that: The maids in the service of the empress, who don't even look sorry for having done such a thing.
"Hey, you know you shouldn't sleep like that in public, you should be ashamed of yourself? What if the nobles gossip about you? hahahahaha." 
You clutched your reddish cheeks due to the hard slap, you growl silently wanting to do something but you just bit your lip in anger and swallowed it with 'dignity', which was the only thing you really had left; nothing belongs to you nor did anyone in this palace seem to take your position seriously.
You are just an ornament for the empress and a sack of potatoes for others to vent their frustrations. You had nowhere to go, if you left they would surely kill you, because the dirty blood should not live. 
"Please, couldn't you be less rude, Tsk! If you were seen slapping me, wouldn't you go unpunished? I'm still the emperor's daughter. It's frowned upon for a commoner to hit a noble, let alone royalty like me" You sneered with measured sarcasm, if they wanted to pull shit against you, you'd mess with them, it's all or nothing.
Your joke made them turn pale, the other maid behind gasped and took a step back. The one who slapped you swallowed as she quickly pulled herself together. They did not want the wrath of the empress if such rumors began to circulate, their necks, and perhaps yours, would roll. 
"You should be grateful princess because I have not yet reported your attitude to our noble empress, be good and we can forget about this incident" They said with a smile on their faces, the other nodded his head as the speaker held his face confidently, as if he had all the power in the situation, but his eyes reflected the fear and falsity of his words.
If they did that, they would pay more than you, a simple spanking would not be mere punishment for commoners like them, on the contrary for you, who you would be 'disciplined' for your indecency as a noble, 
However, you were interrupted by the empress's housekeeper (that damned boot-licking spy) She advanced towards you and all the maidens present bowed in fear, the two in front of you also trembled. 
"Now ladies don't make a fuss in the middle of the balconies and princess let's avoid making a fuss, please if you are not going to do anything at the party then go back to your room. As for you as maids, you have permission from the empress to discipline her, but don't overdo it..." She looked at you with cold condescension, as if she were superior. Biting your lips, you force a smile crumpling your dress in anger but swallow it all, smiling politely and standing up, wiping your dress and bowing.
 "Thank you, I will follow that sage advice, as you always know what to do, with your permission." Annoyed and frustrated once again, you left in anger and your footsteps echo loudly through the empty corridors of this place, listening to the maids laughing at you, as always.
Those damn maidservants, they always had something to say, didn't they? Laughing and talking behind your back every chance they got. Then there were those damn nobles, they were all the same, looking down on you. They always had something to comment on, whether it was your looks, your status or how you behaved. In the end you were just a trophy to them. A princess just to show off, nothing more.
Your thoughts were diverted by the sounds of the party, soon the second waltz would begin. But even if you were to go there, you would not be welcome, which is silly and ironic because this party is for you but no one actually congratulates you, the bitch empress steals every birthday you had, only to receive praise for her benevolence towards you... A bastard with dirty half elven blood.
 "Phew, at least this day is winding down." 
You sighed again as you vaguely thought about your dream, but you were more curious about that stranger, you didn't understand why he sent you back to reality, nor did you know why that girl led you there. In the end you walked down the hallway ignoring the lights and the drunks, it was like that every year, just nobles inflating their egos and gossiping behind each other's backs.
Hallways full of drunks were nothing new to you. Every year the parties ended the same as the others, with drunks and gossiping nobles. You couldn't wait for it to end, you always found it exhausting and annoying. Yet here you were, standing in the middle of the hallway with all these drunken fools around you... Surely there were some fucking and eating with lust around. 
"Hello princess!" 
A voice called out behind you, one you sadly recognized from all the years you had lived in the palace living with the nobles.
The stupid, disgusting son of Marquis Duboff, that dog rather than a man, always insisted on touching you and then complained when you refused. Snarling at fate, you tried to run away from him but he grabbed your hand and cornered you on the wall almost going out to the stairs. "Come on princess! Don't be like that, the other time I saw you flirting with other men, maybe the little slut can't help strutting around and wanting to fuck cock? You can't fool me, I know you like it—!" 
Drunk breath filled your nose, you wanted to vomit. His smell and everything about him disgusted you, so when he held your wrists, you kicked him in his private parts, you were irritated beyond belief.
"Tsk! When are you going to understand that I HATE YOU? You're a garbage existence, so.... If you'll excuse me, m-a-r-q-u-i-s!" With those words, you fixed your dress, you could be cheeky and follow orders for your own survival... However, you weren't going to play along with his games, that human excuse was a stubborn and pathetic being because you didn't want to call him a man when the vacancy was too big for him. 
This one knocked you down putting his hands in your hair, you in defense tried to shake him off but in the end between pulls, he knocked you down hitting you in the face and calling you an ungrateful bitch.
The blow threw you to the ground and to the side, sending you stumbling into a wall, you almost died if you fell badly down the stairs. You clutched your cheek as a groan of pain escaped you and, of course, the pathetic bastard was still standing there mockingly.
"You're not going anywhere princess, even though you act like an ungrateful bitch...I'm sure you'll soon come to your senses when you see that I can be gentle..." 
He sneered at you as he looked down at you from his elevated position holding an entire bottle of wine. His smile grew as he took a step closer to you, striding over and drinking. 
Then he started fighting you when you pushed him back wanting to leave, and he had the audacity to call you a spoiled brat, when IN YOUR LIFE! You've had some of that, anything you wanted was squashed and used as an excuse to make you less or crush your spirit. 
"STUPID BITCH!", you hear him yell as you poked his eye with your fingernails, in an attempt to stop him from taking your clothes off. He finally smashes the bottle on your head, making you blurry and blood dripping from your wound. 
You couldn't stand it any longer and you ran away crying, not out of sadness or helplessness (maybe it was that, but you would never say it out loud) but mostly it was rage, pure and undiluted. You felt pathetic, a fragile doll that broke for someone else's enjoyment.
"Fuck all of you... Ick! You guys are assholes" You clench your fists drawing blood from your wound with a torn piece of cloth from your now torn dress and head to your room, well, those fancy furnishings and decor really couldn't be called a room, it wasn't yours to begin with, just a guest room modified to mimic that of a room for royalty. 
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Still, you decided it was better to go to your old, dirty and abandoned 'room', which was just the basement where they kept junk and rusty weapons. As you enter, you close the door, dropping into a crouch and hugging your legs, enclosing your face in your dress breaking that elegant facade into sadness and anger. 
You were exhausted and tired, very tired of everything, of everyone. Running away from the damn marquis, from the empress, from the nobles. You just wanted to be free, to be happy and find a place to just... be, instead of being a princess forced to live in a damn box and be judged or belittled for every little action.
Sighing as you sat there in that dusty old room, tears streaming down your face as you hid in your dress, you continued to wander in your thoughts. You felt alone, cut off from anything good or happy in this damned place, if there was any happiness in the falsehood of nobility to begin with. 
Your snot was running from your nose, your makeup was smeared and you didn't care at the time, you just wanted it all to be over. Sometimes you were angry at your dead mother, you blamed her for your useless elven blood running through your veins. You would even cut yourself to try to get it out and stop being a dirty blood, but all you get were injuries with punishments from the empress, you honestly don't know when was the last time you smiled or if you ever did, 
You wanted to keep hating her, she's a mother who never saw you grow up, but you didn't want to be like them, just another human, someone who pretends and discriminates against others just because. It would be hypocritical of you to do so, but sometimes you just want to scream and hate them freely, but it's stupid to do that and you just put your anger aside.
"It's useless, everything is the same every year, what did I expect this time? Mother, is my existence wrong? They just use me and throw me away when I'm not useful. I'm getting tired, how much longer can I go on with this performance?" You cried rubbing your eyes and wiping your smeared makeup with your dress, it was ruined anyway. 
Your eyes wandered around the room, looking at old dusty furniture and consumed by time, now they are blurred memories. If you think about it, in the past for some reason, you used to write letters to someone, hoping they would take you away from this place, but those hopes are ephemeral like happiness. 
You continued to sit there and cry, your feelings of hopelessness and anger pouring out. The makeup on your face was ruined, but you didn't care, it would be just another reason for the empress to call you a savage, mocking you. 
The zero memories of your childhood or the existence of your mother, your life here, everything came over you. It was very hard to face it all, very hard to hold out hope for any kind of happiness for yourself. After all, you were nothing more than a princess in a cage.
For a moment, the sensation you felt in that dream made you think of the stranger, and the memory came to mind, the magical and serene sight. It is contrary to how you felt now.
The moonlight illuminated the old dusty room, your eyes for some reason went to the old table, many broken drawings on it, for a moment you saw yourself as a child writing right there, however something blinded you like a light in your eyes. Curious you get up going to the table, the last time you were here living and sleeping you were exactly 11 years old, so you had left everything the same as when you left. 
"What the hell—?" Your gaze went to the pieces of paper, then moving them you coughed through the dust that was released after years in neglect and, shaking it with your hand— A strange piece black as darkness received you, the one that has accompanied you in your life since you are conscious until you forgot it, and if not for today you would still be in oblivion of its existence. 
Then, when you took it, an energetic discharge came from the tip to your head, giving you headaches and like a vague memory, you were pulled towards that vision, but it was blurred, what you knew was that you were in a forest. Your hands were small but you did not control this memory and this childish body.
Your ears perked up as you heard your own voice laughing, but it sounded more animated. Sometimes you think the current you is so different from your childhood self, less bitter and miserable. 
"M■□ll■s-sama, it's unfair that you always let the human win!" 
Another voice interrupted your diatribe and in turn you recognized that it was male, of course with a youthful and scandalous touch. A familiar laughter made you open your eyes in this dream(?), then that stranger whose name you did not fully understand, answered the other man, strangely you did not see who they were, because in this memory you were still hiding behind a tree.
"S□b■k, don't be hard on her, besides I don't want to make her feel bad, my ■□■■■□ is important" Your giggles kept coming out as your eyes made you expectant in this strange dream, just sharing vision with this uncontrolled childish body. The strangers behind the tree, shrouded in mystery, continue to argue. 
'What are they talking about?'
You thought to yourself, not your dream self, just your current self. Strangers are still looking for you, you looked like you were 5 years old by the size and high pitched giggles you let out. And that was before you came to the palace, what was not clear to you about this situation and your past self which you didn't remember much, so you are not understanding anything.
The two voices kept talking as the you in this memory peeked out for seconds, unable to really see their faces due to the speed at which you were hiding. You were looking from your childhood perspective, hiding in a tree and laughing to yourself, it all seemed less difficult if you thought about it. The other two males seemed to be looking for you, still arguing as they looked around the area.
Your childhood self seemed cheerful, again you wondered if she was really you or if she was just a past fragment. You looked happy, as if you were having fun playing some kind of game with these strange men. What were they talking about, and why did it seem so familiar, you didn't know, but it hurt your chest to hear yourself laugh. 
Since you came to the palace the childish games were over; so seeing this broke you in a certain way. Then you felt big hands taking the shoulders of your childish self, you laughed and named the stranger, but again the seemingly important words or names were cut off and erased, fragments remained of that stage of yours, which you did not know. 
"T■un□■ta□■u! hehehe you found me.... You were 3 seconds faster, though it's unfair because S■b□k always complains" Your words and voice were lively, sweeter and in comparison to the bitter words for this life you were leading. The stranger whose face was covered by the sunlight because you were in his arms, his shadowed face looked at you, his fanged lips smiled at you. 
His fangs glistened as a smile broke out on his face, laughing at your childish words. His voice was soft and warm, but no less gravelly and elegant, almost like the glow of the incandescent sun on you in the dream.
"You were well hidden, I could hardly find you. But I know your usual hiding places, little ch□■dr□n ■□ m■n." He said with lightness in his voice. One of his big hands moved to stroke your head, tousling your hair as he said this. Even though it was hidden behind the blinding light of the sun, you could still make out its outline....
It had a rather strange silhouette, horns coming out of its head and long wings behind it, something you only saw in forbidden books.... A dragon, but it didn't make sense that it was humanoid. 
In fact this whole situation confused you, unfortunately you came back to reality when the darkness swallowed you and you fell to the ground with a sharp blow, the dragon's scale no longer shining as brightly as before. You got up carefully, you were a mess in every sense of the word if you looked at yourself in a mirror. 
Picking that thing up carefully, you wonder if this is what made you see that. Are those your memories from when you weren't here? But it didn't make sense, the empress said she found you with two elderly brothers who were farmers, so why - why were you having these weird flashbacks? 
You sat on the old bed, holding the dragon scale in your hand and looking at it. Your head was throbbing and your thoughts were a mess. That vision... it was so vivid, like a memory... But how could it be a memory? You come from those farming families, the empress herself had said so... Though knowing her character, she could lie to you as she did about your mother's death. 
Those two men in the vision, you couldn't make out any details about them. But why did you feel so close to him in that dream? Besides you had already seen him when you fell asleep on the balcony, is everything connected...?
"Phew, I better go or I might get punished... But I can't leave this here, if they come to clean up, which is rare, they might see it, maybe I should take everything left of this old place" You put the dragon scale in your secret pocket inside your breasts, just when you were about to leave, you also saw the letters hidden under so much trash and dust. Some were torn and some were stained with ink. 
Your look is nostalgic, really when you were a simple and silly girl you didn't know how to hide things. So you took them, on your way out you took caution in looking both ways down the dark subway corridor and when you saw the shores clear, you left.
You exited the subway, making sure that no one was there, before leaving. As you did so, you returned to your room as quietly as possible. You hoped that the party was over and everyone was too drunk to notice your absence... 
As you walked through the halls, your mind kept thinking about that memory, if it was one. You had so many questions about it, about your past self and who you really were before you turned 6. It was so clear, so real... But who were they? What if... Was it all a strange fantasy of yours? Now you have a faint fragment of hope in you, even if it's vain and selfish. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by the empress waiting for you in your room, you panicked hiding the old letters and anything suspicious, she looked at you with false elegance and the lunar shadow did not help your fear to diminish.
"W-what are you doing here? I thought you were with the emperor"
You whisper avoiding looking at her, she stood up, unaware that there was your faithful maid. A maid who barely entered months ago and quickly befriended you with insistence; but that doomed her like many. Now she's dead on the floor, again you lost another ally, though you tried to prevent anyone from coming to you, trying to be nice when you couldn't afford that, it's a weakness the empress would exploit. 
Said woman continued to look at you with a cold stare, the false elegance on her face unchanged.
"Watch your tone of voice, princess." He said in a cold voice. His cold green eyes scanned you, observing your ragged and disheveled appearance with an almost mocking look on his face.
"I heard about what happened between you and the marquis earlier, my dear." You swallowed bile cursing everyone and her for that false sweetness in her voice. She took a step towards you and her tone quickly changed to a higher pitched one.
"You know how much I despise it when you embarrass me like that."
Her hands went to your bare, messy shoulders, your hair was ragged and that only added to her condescending tone, mocking your messy appearance. You bit your lips, she knew everything, she always does. You're more sure that damn dog Duboff made a fuss complaining about you, you just expected the worst in situations like that.
 "W-what's wrong with it, Your Highness? I only defended myself, or are you afraid of rumors? For example... That you don't take good care of me, and even if I AM THE EMPEROR'S DAUGHTER! You still treat me badly-" Her nails finished digging into your skin as a warning but you were so fed up that you continued.
"And yes I did, I don't give a damn anymore anyway, that dog deserved it! He's a scumbag, he wanted to abuse me, hahaha you don't even care about my image, only yours and your ego-Urgh!" A slap echoed in the empty room. The empress snarled with a contorted face, you laughed internally as you watched her lose her composure, she was a fucking bitch to you. 
It was quite satisfying to see the empress lose her composure in this way. Her face contracted in anger, a complete contrast to her normally reserved and cold demeanor. She had just slapped you, leaving a red mark on your cheek.... but you couldn't help but laugh at this. Seeing her lose control like this was almost funny.
The empress snarled at your laughter, the anger and irritation clear on her face. She moved closer to you, grabbing your hair and tugging on it. 
"How dare you talk to me like that... You're a dirty bastard blood!"
The empress's face was now contorted with anger, frustration and humiliation. After all, how dare you speak to her like that, especially at a party meant to celebrate her benevolence? You should thank her for even existing, but here you were like a brazen rat. 
"You ungrateful, insolent bitch!" She spat, tugging at your scalp and grabbing your cheeks hard so you could look her in the eye. 
"How dare you speak to me like that, I who have given you everything! Your position as princess, your meals, your clothes, let it be clear to you that you are inferior to me, without my help the emperor wouldn't care about you!"  
"... I didn't want to be this! Do you know how many nights I starved to death just because you and those maids wanted me to? You don't know anything, my life is not really mine but I'm running out of patience, even when I wanted to run away, you didn't let me... I begged you, but no more!"
"You're a-" Her hand reached up to hit you again but when you tried to pull away she only abused you more until it hurt all over, then complained about your rebelliousness and savagery.
He continued to prattle on about your insolence, debating whether he should kill you or not, but decided to leave, only punishing you by locking you in the room and ordering that no one was to come in or go out to feed you for a week. 
You got up when she left, she might as well kill herself and you wouldn't care. After a while, you changed your clothes after a relaxing and decent bath, no insults or dirty water. You were self-sufficient enough, since you were treated like a maid when you first arrived, you did everything. 
At the end of the night you lay staring at the letters on your bed, those letters written by you that for some reason you don't quite remember why you did it. "Ahh... what a day this was." 
You were left in your room, alone once again. The empress had left you with a burning cheek and a week of hungry solitary confinement. But it didn't matter, you were used to it.
With slow steps to the bed, you plopped down on the bed and then settled in, your eyes drifting to the old letters scattered on the bedspread. They were written in childish scribbles, but somehow they had some meaning. Why did you write this? And to whom? You had long forgotten the reasons behind it... You had priorities, like not dying for that woman's whims. 
With nothing to do, you decided to read them, starting with the one with the oldest date and paper. The letter began somewhat disorganized, it read like this:
March 23, first date of the solar calendar.  'It happened again today, I miss you Tsunotarou so much..... Mairy yelled at me again, you know, I know I'll never give you these letters but I hope someday to see you so I can read them for you, although I think it's more for convenience.  Nobody wants me here, I shouldn't have run away from home, Uncle Lilia was right. Humans are not the same, much less easy to understand. They are like me, physically they are but they don't act like I thought they would. Everyone says I'm a dirty blood worse than a commoner, Sebek was right when he said we are bad, but I'm not like that.  
Your expression softened but mostly out of confusion and the feeling that comes from reading this. So that's what the nickname you were talking about in the dream was... That silhouette was Tsunotarou? You didn't know but your head hurt thinking about it and even for some reason you got stuck trying to say that nickname, but still you continued reading.
 April 16 of the solar calendar  'I'm very sad, I hardly remember Uncle Lilia anymore, I'm very afraid. Tsunotarou... what if I forget you too? I don't want that, so I'll keep writing letters, so maybe my adult self will read them, I hope everything gets better, because today they made me mop the floor and the housekeeper punished me for something I didn't do. The older maids threw water and cow dung on my floor, when I had already cleaned it, I really want to come back to you Tsunotarou'.
Your expression became somewhat inexplicable, you felt the tears fall again for no apparent reason, you did not understand this feeling. Perhaps compassion for your previous innocent self, who was hurt and crushing your spirit to become what you are today.
The cards only continued to get worse. Your past self was young and innocent, so full of optimism and hope, but instead was only met with suffering. She was treated like dirt, forced to do tasks she wasn't cut out for, and others around her bullied her...and no one did anything to stop it. Your heart ached as you read the letter from your past self, and tears streamed down your face as you read it.
You clenched the letter tightly in your hand, your heart felt heavy in your chest... You didn't know if you wanted to keep reading because you were honestly so devastated by the constant abuse you've normalized, but reading all this just makes you feel sorry for yourself. 
Still, you catch a glimpse of one letter in particular lying on the corner of your bed, it's crumpled and musty as if it had been wet. Trembling you pick it up reading it and it just opens up another memory you had blocked out for yourself.
XX December of ... ??? 'Tsunotarou... I no longer remember why or why I am writing this, who are you, that I am writing this to you? I don't know, maybe it was all a dream and you, Tsunotarou whoever you are, don't exist. Last week I was caught trying to escape, but I don't remember the reason for it. Honestly it's all confusing so I'll stop writing these meaningless letters. I just know I've been hiding them, so I have to respect that about myself.... Well, this is goodbye. 
Now you remember! This is the last letter you wrote, you only know you finished it because of the first line, that nickname, you wrote it weeks before and you don't remember much. Suddenly your head starts to hurt and you get a lot of cut memories that make you cry in pain.
As you read that last letter, you were hit with a flood of memories. They came back vividly, but it was still a little fuzzy in your mind. 
You remembered why you wrote the letters. You were writing to him, that man you played with in the woods in your dream. You remembered him... and you remembered his nickname. Tsunotarou. Even the mere thought of it made your head throb. But as the memories slowly came back, you couldn't help but sob at the truth of all the events and the realization of it. 
What little you know of this is due to the only clues you had. With determination, you were determined to seek the truth behind your whole life and your lost happy childhood, so these days where the empress locked you up, you would flee through the secret corridors you had discovered in this room since you lived in it. 
Wandering the aisles of the library in the middle of the night, you were looking for books on magic or creatures of that kind, which were burned years ago by the wars, it was hard to find them. 
Despite feeling so tired, your heart was beating with determination. You knew you had to find the answers behind everything. It was time for you to find out the truth about your past and the real reason why you were here. You had so many questions running around in your mind....
But it was already late and you could already feel the tiredness invading your body after searching the library, so you walked with your books in hand through the corridors until you reached your room. With a tired sigh, you lay down on your bed, thoughts still running through your head as you slowly drifted off into an intermittent sleep...
And so for the rest of the week, you went to the basement to see if there was anything else but there was not. Then you rummaged through the housekeeper's room finding the strange bag that you now had in your room, in front of you. 
There was a strange old stuffed animal, some exotic flowers you didn't know about, a map crumpled and yellowed from years but most surprising were the many dragon scales in a jar. 
This was definitely yours, but why would you have this here? It didn't make sense and besides there were 2 books downstairs, one had drawings of 4 men, three of them with pointed ears and one was like the silhouette in your dream, with horns. 
The other was a human like you but wore a uniform; also, the second book had strange spells in it. The spell book was like the few pieces of page you found in the library on the hidden side. Thoroughly checking between pages, you saw a piece of paper with something written on it, there was also a drawing made by you most likely, underneath the apparent lullaby. 
Something about the drawing of the horned man seemed strangely familiar to you, though you didn't know why. Maybe there was a connection between him and that man in your dream... Curious, you read the writing on the paper, although due to the bad handwriting and scribbles on it, it was difficult to read.
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You let go of the paper from your hands because your head started to hurt, a male voice echoed in your erased memories. It was a quiet place, a comfortable bed and finally you saw black tinted lips and fangs, he sang you that song but again, his face was blurred. 
You gripped the paper once again tighter, your head throbbing from the strange memory that came over you. The memory was fuzzy, but it was still clear enough that you could make out the vague silhouette of a man, fangs and lips tinged with black. He was singing that song to you, his voice soft and comforting.
Te agarraste la cabeza, tratando de recordar más, pero el dolor de cabeza sólo pareció empeorar. ¿Por qué tus recuerdos volvieron repentinamente a ti una vez más, y fue realmente Tsunotaoru, el hombre que te parecía tan familiar...? No lo sabías así que simplemente te volviste a dormir, cayendo profundamente
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The breeze on your face welcomes you back, dazed you open your eyes seeing that you were now on a marble table near the oak tree. Confused you wake up and this time you see that you are not a teenager, more like a girl, this confuses you a lot.
Walking aimlessly, you hear in the distance in the same oak tree or further on, in the tulip field, someone singing, that same song you read in that paper.
I know you I walked with you once in a dream I know you That look in your eyes is such a familiar gleam. And I know it's true, that visions are rarely what they seem.
The tune was different, but undoubtedly it is the same voice and the same place as when that little girl in the dream led you there, the same person singing that lullaby. 
But I know you I know what you will do You will love me once and for all As you once did in a dream
You kept moving forward, the smell of flowers filled your nose and as if taking the place of the girl who you assume is your inner self, you continue moving towards the figure on the hill, standing among so many flowers looking at the sun.  
But I know you I know what you do You love me at the same time As you once did in a dream I know you I walked with you once in a dream 
The wind was soft and cool against your skin as you walked through the tulip field. The sweet smell of flowers filled the air and the sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the surroundings. As you continued walking, you heard that familiar song echoing in the air.
 "Who are you really?" you whisper in that childish little voice, this time you control this body and even if you expected an answer, there is only silence.
The closer you got, the more your heart pounded in your chest. And then, you finally saw it: a tall horned figure standing a few feet away from you.
Something in his majestic, magical and calming presence made you cry. At this moment you became a little girl taking the place of your inner self, now you just wanted to hug that man and run in his arms, like a game.
"Tsunotarou... that's what your name is?" those simple words made the horned figure look at you, with a slow step he walked up to you bending down to look at you.
The stranger smiled at you as he bent down to your level. He gently wiped away your tears with his thumb, his gaze warm and affectionate.
"Yes, it's me" he whispered in response. 
"I have missed you so much." This time your inner self spoke for you, since you wouldn't be able to understand its identity or the feelings it provokes in you, but you don't want to push it away either.
The man dressed in black hugged you tightly, squeezing you close to his chest. It was a protective embrace and you could feel the love and affection in his touch.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted to see you again, the clues I left you in your dreams, do you still have doubts my little girl?"
You nodded as you let yourself be carried by him, all your stress or bitter attitudes gone. There is only you and that lost innocence. 
"Sorry if I don't understand anything, it's just that I forgot you and that frustrates me" This time you spoke from your heart, with the truth. Without lying to anyone much less yourself and he seemed to understand. 
"Everything will have an answer, but I've missed you too, I can't be near you because I wouldn't know how to control myself, I may lose control if I see you more than I should" His whispers sounded melancholy and plaintive, but deep down his tone threatened to overflow into madness and rage. 
"Then why didn't you come for me? I don't remember but I feel like I sink into a sadness thinking about you" This time he kept silent, his face you couldn't see but you felt the tension in his body. 
"...There were reasons beyond my power that prevented me from that, besides if I went after you I could have accidentally killed you in my rage looking for you."
Despite his words you felt disappointed with him, you still decided not to hate him, you didn't want to be a bad person, no matter how bitter you were. 
"I understand... But could you answer me something, why don't I remember you well? I know you had something to do with me however, I don't remember, much less know who I was before what I am now."
The strange man again took your face in his hands and you saw why you couldn't see him, there was a mist blurring his face. 
"I don't think it's time yet, but I assure you that in a few weeks you will know... Until then, I will see you and answer your questions, my little daughter of man. Because we saw each other in a dream-" 
You wanted to keep asking but he kissed your forehead and you fell into a dream within your dreamlike sleep, finally waking up hyperventilating. 
"... Fuck I couldn't ask him his real name."
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josefavomjaaga · 6 months
Letter from Marie Louise to her father
Written shortly after the "handover" ceremony in Sankt Peter close to Braunau. For this ceremony, a wooden building, divided into three parts (French - neutral - Austrian), had been constructed, usually referred to as the "three pavillions" or "three barracks". The leaders of the two delegations, Berthier and Trautmannsdorf, both signed the contract before the bride was handed over to the buyer bridegroom's delegation.
Dearest Papa! Forgive me for not immediately writing to you yesterday, as I should have done, but the journey, which was a little tiring and long, prevented me from doing so. Through Prince Trautmansdorf I have found another opportunity to write to you once more sincerely, and I am happy to seize it to assure you that I am constantly thinking of you and always will.
"Sincerely" here probably means "without measuring my words because I'm being spied upon by my new entourage".
God has given me the strength to endure happily even the last painful blow, the separation from all my loved ones, in Him alone I have all my trust, He will help me and give me courage, and I will find my reassurance in the consolation of having done my duty to you by making this sacrifice. Yesterday I arrived in Ried very late, still preoccupied with the thought that I might be separated from you forever. Today I arrived at two o'clock in the French camp in the barracks at Braunau, after staying in the Austrian barrack for some time, I moved to a throne in the neutral barracks, after the papers had been read, all my people kissed my hand, at that moment I really didn't know what I was doing, a cold shiver overcame me and I became so upset that the Prince of Neufchatel began to cry.
Which must have been a sight to behold: Berthier crying tears of emotion while his new empress starts to panic and desperately looks around for the emergency exit.
Prince Trautmansdorf handed me over to him [...]
... and a kleenex, too ...
[...] and my entire court was presented to me, oh God, what a difference between the French and Viennese ladies! --- The Queen of Naples came to meet me in the other room, I embraced her, and showed myself remarkably friendly towards her, but I do not quite trust her, I believe that it was not zeal for service alone that was the cause of her journey.
That's a very interesting first assessment of Caroline Murat. Marie Louise may have been less naive than she made herself out to be.
She travelled with me to Braunau, and here I had to hold a two-hour toilette, I assure you that I am already as perfumed as all the other French women.
Apparently, the difference mentioned above was largely attributable to odour.
The Emperor Napoleon has sent me a splendid golden robe, but he has not yet written to me - if I had to leave you, I would much rather be with him than travelling with all those ladies.
That's one thing that will remain true for a large part, I believe. With the one exception of the duchess de Montebello, she did not really appreciate the ladies of the French court (and Louise Lannes she apparently appreciated to some extent because she was not much suited for life at court).
Oh God, how I regret not being able to still spend the happy days with you, only now am I learning to appreciate them. I assure you, dearest Papa, that I am very sad and cannot yet console myself. I hope your catarrh will be completely over; I include you in my prayers every day. Forgive my poor scribbling, but I have so few moments to myself, I will kiss your hands a thousand more times and have the honour of being Dearest Papa! Your most submissive and obedient daughter Louise Braunau 16th March 1810
(Source: Helfert "Maria Louise, Erzherzogin von Österreich, Kaiserin der Franzosen", Wien 1873)
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
nominee of K Harris never served in combat & retired from service ahead of his unit’s 2005 deployment to Iraq; he also let the terror Floyd protestors steal, loot your stuff & burn city down, Harris
Dr. Paul Alexander
Aug 11, 2024
then bailed them out, it was a dynamic duo, one let people loot and destroy and Harris screwed the legal system bailing them out.
I need you to grasp, the looting and burning down was deliberate by Walz, he wanted them to get your stuff, so he gave them 3 to 4 days to run wild and take all, 500 billion $…and did nothing until he had to…same with Harris, polices where if you steal up to 1000$, no crime…imagine that…you have criminals rushing into these stores and stealing 980$ worth of stuff and walking free…
“On May 16th, 2005, [Walz] quit, betraying his country, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war,” Behrends and Herr wrote.
‘Veterans have accused Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz of “embellishing” his military career and abandoning his National Guard battalion, highlighting that the now-vice presidential pick for the Democrats never served in combat and retired from service ahead of his unit’s 2005 deployment to Iraq.
In a letter posted to Facebook in 2018 as he first ran for governor, retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr said Walz retired from his 24-year tenure in the National Guard after learning that his battalion would be deployed to Iraq, despite allegedly assuring his fellow troops he would join them.’
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humajamal90 · 8 months
Revitalize Malir for a Brighter Tomorrow
General elections for the 16th National Assembly in Pakistan are scheduled for February 8, 2024. Time is swiftly passing, and all registered candidates are exerting considerable effort to ensure their success. It is widely acknowledged that the Muttahida Quomi Movement was once the dominant party in Karachi, frequently forming coalitions with various ruling parties in the city. However, due to various political reasons, MQM has encountered challenges, leading to a loss of its former influence in the city.
Despite facing criticism, it's important to note that the Muttahida Quomi Movement has contributed by sending numerous exemplary individuals to the parliament.In the current election, the movement has nominated some of the most brilliant minds to contest in each constituency.
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In the bustling constituency of PS-90 Malir in Karachi, the upcoming 2024 elections introduce a candidate aiming to redefine the narrative of progress and development. Shariq Jamal, contesting on the ticket of Muttahida Quomi Movement Pakistan (MQM), hails from the heart of Malir and brings with him a vision to transform his hometown into a beacon of prosperity.
Background and Experience:
Shariq Jamal's roots run deep in the fabric of Malir, Karachi, and his business background equips him with a pragmatic approach towards the challenges facing the community. Having previously contested elections under the banner of Paksirzameen Party, Shariq, while not securing victory, gained invaluable insights into the dynamics of local politics and the specific needs of the constituency.Vision for Rebuilding:One of Shariq Jamal's primary goals is to contribute to the revitalization of Malir by undertaking essential developmental projects. His understanding of the ground realities of the area positions him as a candidate uniquely in touch with the needs and aspirations of the local populace.
Contrasting Realities:
Despite years of rule by his opponents in the constituency, the area continues to grapple with subpar living conditions. Shariq Jamal aims to break this cycle by leveraging his knowledge and determination to bring about positive change.
Reviving MQM's Legacy:
As a representative of MQM, Shariq Jamal is committed to reviving the legacy of the party's leaders for the development of the area. The party's manifesto for the 2024 elections aligns with Shariq's vision for progress, and he is determined to work tirelessly to fulfill the promises outlined in it.High Aims for Betterment:Shariq Jamal harbors high aspirations for the betterment of the people in his constituency. His commitment to the welfare of the residents goes beyond mere electoral promises, reflecting a genuine desire to elevate the standard of living and opportunities available to the people of PS-90 Malir.
Competence and Character:
In the political arena, Shariq Jamal stands out as a candidate whose competence surpasses that of his opponents. His comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand, coupled with a genuine passion for public service, sets him apart as a leader with the potential to make a significant impact.
Working Towards Development:
Shariq Jamal's wish is not merely to secure victory but to actively contribute to the development of his constituency, town, city, and country. His commitment to working in alignment with MQM's manifesto reflects a dedication to a comprehensive and structured approach to address the multifaceted challenges faced by the people of PS-90 Malir.
In his own words, Shariq Jamal issues a rallying cry for change, urging the community to come together and contribute to shaping a more promising future for PS-90 Malir under his leadership. As the elections approach, Shariq Jamal stands out as a candidate of promise, presenting not just assurances but a vision founded on a profound comprehension of the needs of his constituents.
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holyguardian · 2 years
Hopefully the final update!
For those of you who have caught any of my previous updates, then you probably already know I live in the middle of no where and we’re all losing our sanity slowly.
Though I wanted to provide a more... perhaps clear update of what has happened, and what will happen.
TL;DR: You may have seen posts from me quite a bit though I can assure you I have been through a very, VERY unusual situation with a lot of uncertainty surrounding when my town would be back to normal.
Thursday the 13th at 2pm our local exchange (the local landline telephone company that is responsible for a number of telecom services for both individuals and businesses within a specific region) went up in flames following an explosion. This resulted in a complete loss of landline, national broadband network (internet) and mobile coverage. What this meant was no one could call any emergency lines, all local businesses could no longer accept EFTPOS (electronic payment) and approximately 2000 people were cut off from each other and the outside world. I believe I dropped out mid-conversation with friends who had no tf idea where I was and whether I was alright.
Friday the 14th at 3pm, an emergency line was established at the community center. Although this allowed for some messages to get out, it was patchy at best, and on this second day it was highly stressful trying to reach and make contact with friends and impossible to contact online business related partners. Only brief messages were possible.
Saturday the 15th, no further updates on the situation. I personally travelled to another town an hour away and FLOODED the dashboard with things I had saved offline, and I wrote some very important emails to people who had been waiting for answers relating to the enamel pins I am having manufactured. It was a busy and accomplished kind of day though I was still quite lonely as I missed my close friends and was unable to catch everyone.
Sunday the 16th, no further updates on the situation. I spent probably two to three hours at the community center, and this is the day I was heavily sunburned doing so, because I was feeling very lonely and connecting with friends was very hit and miss. Some messages took about 10 minutes to send. You can probably feel the desperation that was building up here, and returning home to complete disconnection and quiet was certainly maddening.
Monday the 17th, an update was posted concerning apparent restored coverage for exclusively ONE mobile phone provider. I travelled out of town again, and again I harassed friends the moment I could chew on them, and I also spent $40 to buy a sim card/data for Telstra — the aforementioned provider that has received some coverage. Now that I am back in town I can say that the connection is better than the community center, and worse than normal coverage elsewhere, but it’s still SOMETHING. There has since been a final update that a “network on wheels” has arrived in town. The promise provided here is that mobile phone and internet coverage should be restored by tomorrow afternoon while the local exchange is being 1. investigated regarding how this ever happened and 2. rebuilt.
I’m not certain if this means things are fully business as normal come tomorrow, but I am hopeful.
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ryqoshay · 2 years
How to Handle a Nico - Side Story: Liminal Letters
Primary Pairing: KotoUmi Rating: G Words: 453 Fandom: Love Live Parent Fic: How to Handle a Nico Time Frame: Sometime after graduating high school Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Letter
Author’s Note: Primary entry for Oct 16th
Summary: The couple head to Kotori’s place for the evening, but she wants to check her mail first
“Thanks for walking me home, Umi-chan.” Kotori said as the couple approached the apartment complex entry. “Would you like to stay for dinner?”
“I would like that very much.” Umi agreed. “Thank you, Kotori.”
Kotori hummed happily to herself and hugged her girfriend’s arm tighter for the last few steps. Reluctantly, she let go with one hand so she could unlock the door.
“Oh, let me check my mail quick.” Kotori led them over the bank of boxes. “Yay!” She cheered immediately upon opening hers. “Umi-chan, one of your letters arrived! I’m going to have to read it as soon as…”
“K-K-Kotori!” Umi sputtered.
“P-Please wait until I have departed before you read that.”
Kotori blinked. “May I ask why?” Although as soon as she asked, she knew the answer.
“B… Because… it’s embarrassing…” Umi averted her gaze as brilliant scarlet spread across her face.
Kotori laughed lightly while tapping the letter to her lips. “Alright, I promise I will wait to read it.”
“Thank you…”
“But you know, Umi-chan is the only girl I know who still sends hand-written letters.” Kotori said as she reclaimed her girlfriend’s arm.
“You send them to me in return.” Umi pointed out.
“True.” Kotori acknowledged. “But that’s because I know how much my Umi-chan loves receiving them in return. And I don’t have nearly the skill to create the works of art Umi sends me; beautifully worded, poetic love letters, painted with meticulous calligraphy style on fancy paper.”
“I still love your letters, Kotori.” Umi stated. “And your artistry lies with your amazing ability to turn ordinary cloth and thread into amazing garments.”
Kotori smiled at the compliment, but silently wished that for once, Umi would just accept a compliment without needing to dismiss, downplay or turn it around.
“Anyway, there are things I find myself unable to say out loud.” Umi admitted. “However, when I hold a brush in my hands and think of Kotori, everything just… flows. Additionally, the experience as a whole captivates me. From grinding the ink to choosing the paper and brush. Then deciding on what words I wish to say and finally putting them to the paper. Honestly, even the wait for the letter to be delivered and its reply returned, while they are lost in the liminality of the postal service adds to the experience. It is so very much different from the instant gratification with which modern technology has inundated us.”
Kotori giggled. “Umi-chan is far more romantic that she herself realizes.”
“Well as thanks, I will make sure tonight’s dinner is extra special.” Kotori assured as she opened her apartment door.
“I shall look forward to it.” Umi replied.
Tonight would be another good night.
Author’s Note Continued: I realized after a comment on the Discord channel that I really don’t write KotoUmi all that much. Perhaps I should look to change that. I do really enjoy the pair after all.
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rielodentalhialeah · 3 days
At Rielo Dental Hialeah, we believe that a radiant smile reflects your inner confidence. Experience the transformation power of the best teeth whitening in Hialeah at Rielo Dental and let your smile shine its brightest. Your journey to a more radiant, self-assured you begins with us.
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l8in · 2 months
The Article 4 directive was passed at the Cabinet meeting of cyngor Gwynedd council on the 16th July, 2024. Two members were absent from this important meeting. Apologies were received from the deputy leader of the council, Nia Jeffreys and the cabinet member for housing, Craig ab Iago.
The meeting was webcast and can be found here - https://gwynedd.public-i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/895758 As often happens, the translated feed is not yet working...
The Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee met on Thursday, 18th July, 2024. Four councillors did not turn up and a co-opted member was also absent.  
Olaf Cai Larsen was elected as the new chair. A vice chair was not elected as no-one wanted the position. One councillor was proposed but he point blank refused and so the matter was deferred until the next meeting.
Overview and scrutiny is important in holding Council's policy makers to account and scrutiny committees are fundamental to the functioning of a healthy democracy. Some councillors have raised concerns that there is no proper scrutiny in Gwynedd and one has even compared it to a 'children's parliament'. 
The chair and vice chair of scrutiny committees are allowed access to the Scrutiny Forum. The forum is where the real power lies and determines what is and what is not to be scrutinised at the committees. This forum should be open to the public to ensure propriety.
First up on the agenda was the GwE Annual Report 2023-2024, presented by its managing director, Arwyn Thomas. GwE is to come to an end in March, 2025 and this will be its last report in its present form. GwE is a school improvement service for the whole of North Wales but this year their meetings have focussed more on job losses than any school improvements. 
GwE never really recovered from the 'hotdesking' and inflated travel expenses scandal that came to light in 2020. It has never been explained why the former CEO did not action when the council's internal audit flagged  - "To this end, Internal Audit cannot provide assurance that value for money has been taken into account when changing work locations." https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-53661995
Next up was the Middle Tier Review. This report comes about in part because - Recent publications including Estyn reports, PISA and the personalised assessments national report, have identified a need to improve the quality of learning and outcomes within and across schools, and the consistency of this across Wales for ALL learners...
The report appears to lay the blame for this on poverty which does not explain those children who are failing whose parents are not in poverty. 
The report goes on to ask - How well are we doing? How do we know? How can we improve? To achieve this, school leaders and practitioners should work in partnership with each other and their LA within an open, trusting environment. So school leaders, practioners and the culture is the problem - not poverty.
Schools in Gwynedd have suffered from many issues over the years from bullying, harassment and assault. The problems have not been dealt with and the Neil Foden case only confirms that pupils (and teachers) are not safe...
A reminder that the Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee failed to hold Neil Foden to account after the school meals debacle and also took no action when the video appearing to show Foden grabbing a pupil by the scruff of the neck appeared online.
A report, authored by Llion Williams and titled Safeguarding Arrangements in Schools was presented. The report can be found in the meetings agenda pack here - https://democracy.gwynedd.llyw.cymru//documents/g5168/Public%20reports%20pack%2018th-Jul-2024%2010.30%20Education%20and%20Economy%20Scrutiny%20Committee.pdf?T=10
As is to be expected after the Foden case arrangements have been updated. But they appear to focus on safeguarding children from their parents and it appears that little has been done to advise what happens if a senior teacher and/or the designated officer responsible for safeguarding is the one being abusive. 
One councillor pointed out that the school's last Estyn report stated that safeguarding procedures were robust - when they were obviously not. Did Neil Foden assist Estyn in this report? To an outsider, Foden was able to abuse with impunity and there is nothing in this report that suggests those in a position of authority will not be able to abuse again. 
The BBC did report on this meeting but its focus was on matters relating to Foden - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cl4ym5kl85eo The council's current head of education, Gwern ap Rhisiart, told the education and economy scrutiny committee that safeguarding was a "priority" for the department.
But Sharon Roberts, representing Arfon's parents and governors on the committee was more critical - "Accept how little confidence there is out there among parents I speak to, everyone has been shocked by what has happened."
Gwynedd and Eryri Sustainable Visitor Economy Plan 2035 was discussed. Cllr Gwynfor Owenmentioned that the national park agency do not engage with the county council and a plea was made to consult with councillors. It was perceived that the report deals with growth rather than a sustainable visitor economy. The officer explained that they wanted to extend the tourist season rather than the peak in summer. There was little data to the impact on local jobs and the the language. 
The committee complained of the negative effects of tourism and that too many people were visiting the area, causing traffic jams and that locals were not able to get to the beach. Seasonal jobs were not great for those with families and mortgages and that all year round jobs were needed for peoples security. It was mentioned that many businesses were reliant on children...
This led to a trip down memory lane for some who talked of their own childhood experiences working for local businesses. It was pointed out that laws have since been introduced because of the exploitation of children by bosses...
In stark contrast to the Cabinet passing Article 4, one councillor talked of second homes bringing benefits to the local economy and called for a debate to dispel myths on the issue. He contended that these homes relied on local traders, such as plumbers and electricians who in the main spoke the language and that it was a win win. 
Many agreed that more research was needed and one commented that the report goes in every direction but the right direction. Councillors were not happy with the report but they voted to pass it anyway...
Something is very wrong within Gwynedd council...
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sudheervanguri · 4 months
Centaur Pharmaceuticals, one of the rapidly growing pharmaceutical companies in India, is hosting a walk-in drive for experienced professionals in Quality Control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA), and Production departments. This is an excellent opportunity for candidates with relevant qualifications and experience to join a dynamic team dedicated to excellence in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Event Details Interview Dates: Saturday, 15th June & Sunday, 16th June 2024 Time: 09:30 am to 05:00 pm Venue: Kesarval Garden Retreat, Main Highway, Opp. Toyota Showroom, Verna-Plateau, Cortalim-Goa 403710 Positions Available For Pune Plant (Formulation) Quality Control (QC) Role: Officer/Executive/Sr. Executive Core Areas: Raw Material, In Process, Finished Product, Stability, AMV, AMT Qualifications: M.Sc. (Chemistry) Experience: 5 to 10 Years Quality Control - GLP Role: Sr. Executive/Asst. Manager Core Areas: Product and GLP, Stability Qualifications: M.Sc. (Chemistry) Experience: 10 to 15 Years For Goa Plant (Formulation) Production Role: Operator Core Areas: Compression, Granulation, Coating Qualifications: HSC/ITI/Diploma Experience: 3 to 7 Years (Diploma/ITI Freshers can apply) Quality Assurance (QA) Role: Officer/Sr. Officer Core Areas: IPQA, Lab QA Qualifications: M.Sc./B.Pharm./M.Pharm Experience: 1 to 3 Years Job Responsibilities Quality Control (QC) Analysis of Raw Materials, In-Process, and Finished Goods Stability Testing & Stability Sample Handling (Tablets/Capsules) Handling of HPLC, dissolution & other sophisticated instruments LIMS Operation and integration Communication with Caliber service provider Quality Assurance (QA) In-process and sampling of intermediate/finished products Knowledge of CGMP Review analytical documents Handling OOS/OOT investigations Production Handling equipment like Compression, Coating, Granulation Setting up and troubleshooting equipment independently [caption id="attachment_56437" align="aligncenter" width="930"] Centaur Pharmaceuticals Recruitment Notification[/caption] Important Notes Candidates should have experience in regulated manufacturing companies such as USFDA & MHRA. Exposure to regulatory audits like USFDA, MHRA is mandatory. Candidates who have appeared for an interview at IPCA, Athal in the last six months are requested not to apply. Candidates must be open to work in shift duties and have pharma experience in regulated plants. Contact Information For Pune Plant (Formulation): Email: [email protected] Phone: 020 6673 9510 For Goa Plant (Formulation): Email: [email protected] Phone: 0832 6712410
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itonlinetraininginusa · 8 months
How to become a Software Tester, with out any IT background ? Welcome to H2kinfosys QA Software Testing Boot Camp: Where Dreams Become Reality!
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that will shape the future of software quality assurance? Look no further than the H2kinfosys QA Engineer Boot Camp – your ultimate gateway to a thrilling and rewarding career in the dynamic world of technology!
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thepandaphotographerr · 8 months
My Official Review of The Sunwayfoto T1C30N CF Tripod in 2024
This is my Sunwayfoto review As someone educated and promises people transparency on this channel, I assure you that this is a real-world experience with your products and customer services. This was by far the worst experience for you and how you deal with non-threaten issues. My audience has spoken and informed me to upload all content and they are right. You had time to make this right. The video shows emails on the dates of Jan 16th and Jan 30th of 2024. Elaine, not sure what the social media team has told you but always ask me first for anything. I've been told to not post everything related to content to help the brand was also my issue with Sunwayfoto's social media team on Instagram especially. They do not control what and how I'd tell a story when using your products. You take it with a grain of salt and professional. You had time to reply to emails sent to you in Jan 2024 using We-transfer and you failed including the social media team to download these files in a respectable time frame. You had a week to download them and you never downloaded files or responded within a 72-hour window. Another issue is that Sunwayfoto comes up as a supplier for gun owners and hunters and not as photographer gear with you look at the SEO. Do they focus on gun-related items more than photography?
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treeremovalpensacola · 10 months
Mariani Premier Group grows again with acquisition of Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes
If you live in Pensacola, it's just a matter of time that you have to do the inevitable and remove a tree. Tree Services Pensacola Florida is a tree removal company that specializes in stump grinding, tree removal, and arborist services. They have been in business for over 10 years and have the experience and expertise to get the job done right. Fully licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your property is in good hands. Pensacola tree service is a company that specializes in removing trees. They have been doing this for over 10 years and they are really good at it. They also do stump grinding, which means they get rid of the stump left behind after the tree is removed. They are fully licensed and insured, so you can be sure that your property is in good hands. Mariani Premier Group adds to its family of companies with the addition of Colorado-based Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes. Bobby Head and Jason Ulberg founded Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes in 2000 to serve private residences and commercial businesses in the Vail, Denver and Aspen areas. Headquartered in the Vail region with two additional offices in Denver and Aspen, the company offers a variety of landscaping solutions, including landscape design, installation, maintenance services, water features and fencing. “We are thrilled to welcome such a respected company to the Mariani family,” said Mariani Premier Group Chairman Frank Mariani. “I know we’ll be enriched by Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes’ industry expertise and will gain much from what their team brings to the table.” Companies that join the Mariani Premier Group continue to operate under the same brand, with decision-making at the local level. Mariani Premier Group welcomes all of the associates at Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes. “We are so pleased to join this family of incredible landscaping companies,” said Bobb Head, president of Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes. “The national support and tools provided by Mariani Premier Group will allow us to enhance client service capabilities and accelerate our growth. We’re looking forward to an even brighter future.” The acquisition marks the 16th company acquired by Mariani as part of its national expansion strategy. Before this latest move, the company made its first mid-Atlantic acquisition with the addition of Planted Earth Landscaping, based in the Washington, D.C., metro area. Mariani added seven family-owned landscape companies in 2022 and has also welcomed Blue Landscape Contracting Group and Blue Outdoor Solutions, based in Naples, Fla., Ed Castro Landscape, a full-service operation in Roswell, Ga.; and Glengate in Wilton, Conn.; Borst Landscape & Design, in Allendale, N.J.; Southview Design of St. Paul, Minn.; and Siciliano Landscape Co. of Red Bank, N.J. The post Mariani Premier Group grows again with acquisition of Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes first appeared on Landscape Management.
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pennzance · 1 year
Ghostbusters: Port Huron (Prologue)
To: Dr. Ray Stantz, Dr. Egon Spengler, Dr. Peter Venkman
From: Stephen Kaye, Manager of Michigan Ghostbusters Port Huron (MIGBPH)
Subject: Staff Selection, Equipment concerns
Good day Doctors.
I am writing to inform you that per the franchise agreement that was signed on 4/13/98, I have selected four candidates for employment and completed their background checks. I will be contacting them individually for a team orientation next week on 16th of July, 1998. I have included my notes on each new member of the team from the interview process.
I would also like to address at this time any concerns you may have about our equipment. Dr. Venkman stated in our last conference call that he thought we may require additional equipment for the work we’ll be asked to do. I would like to assure Dr. Venkman that I have reached out to our sister offices in Detroit and Flint and they have been willing to provide us with additional equipment as required. That said, Port Huron is not a large city, and as we’ll be mostly operating in service of the surrounding rural areas, I do not anticipate a need for more than two (2) of the ‘Proton Packs’, two (2) ‘Ghost Traps’, one (1) Medium Capacity Laser Containment Grid, two (2) PKE Meters, and one (1) ‘Ecto Goggles’. Please excuse me for the use of their colloquial names instead of their more official designations, but as that is how they are listed in the proprietary technology catalogue that the headquarters was kind enough to send several copies of, I felt those terms appropriate.
We have also secured offices in uptown Port Huron on Ft. Gratiot Avenue, roughly six blocks from the Bluewater Bridge, as well as a 1995 White Ford Explorer for use as a company vehicle with the affixed license plate ‘ECTO-908’. The decal and lights that came with the franchisee welcome package have been applied and if required I can enclose photographs in my next report.
Thank you for your time and attention, and if you have any further concerns please do not hesitate to reach out.
Yours in business,
Stephen Kaye
ADDITIONAL: Notes made during interviews with selected employees. Only first names are provided.
Eric – Tall blonde man, easily deals with people and social situations. Skeptic (every team needs one). Excellent ‘people person’, will make a good customer relationship manager for the team in the field.
Jeremy – Large, hairy, quiet man. Introvert. Excellent technical acumen and likes to tinker, at home in a workshop. Good grasp of particle physics. Necessity. Automatic hire.
Amber – Energetic and positive. True believer (every team needs one). Possible fan of original team in New York. Provided sterling fitness record from four-year tour with Air Force. Excellent candidate.
Bryan – Rude. Abrasive. Smart. VERY smart. Well versed in folklore and legend. Knows local history. Bookworm and excellent researcher. Keep him away from the customers, may be very valuable.
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thuzyblog · 1 year
Barbet Dog Breed: Characteristics, Origin & Top 3 Care Guide
 The Barbet is the archetypal French water dog, a rustic breed of medium size and balanced proportions that first appears in artwork in the 16th century. The Barbet has a slightly rectangular body, a large head, and a long, sweeping tail. He has a striking beard and long, dense curls on his head. The Barbet, a quick runner, has mostly been used to find, flush, and retrieve birds. He has a positive attitude and is outgoing and loyal.
His distinguishing feature is the rich curly coat that covers this rustic, medium-sized bird dog from the top of his wide, broad head to the tip of his curved tail. The coat is available in black, gray, brown, or fawn, with white markings on occasion. The Barbet has the charmingly shaggy coat and friendly demeanor of a Muppet come to life, but it is a robust, solidly built dog that has been bred for centuries to be a sharp hunter and tireless swimmer. They are extremely bright and learn new skills quickly. They have a calm demeanor and are pleasant to be around as long as their activity needs are met.
Barbet Dog Breed: Characteristics, History, and Top 3 Care Tips
Barbet's Biography
Weight range: 37-62 lb
13-15 years of life
AKC Foundation Stock Service Group
Seniors, families with children, singles, houses with yards, and hunters are the best candidates.
Friendly, loyal, intelligent, and fun-loving temperament
Poodle, Briard are comparable breeds.
22.5-25 inches tall
Basics of Barbecue
Barbets are medium-sized French water dogs with a rich curly coat. Despite their rarity, seeing one of these canines is a sight to behold. They are powerful and self-assured, but they can also be seen playing in the dirt. The Barbet is a happy, fun-loving breed that would make an excellent new family pet.
The Barbet is a medium-sized French water dog with a rich curly coat.
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Though this breed is still relatively uncommon in the United States, it has been around for quite some time. The name of this dog breed comes from the French word for beard, "barbe." It has been used as both a companion pet and a working breed throughout its history, and this is still the case today.
Though the exact origins of the breed are unknown, the Barbet is thought to be the common ancestor of many modern water dogs, including the Poodle, Portuguese Water Dog, and American Water Spaniel.
For hundreds of years, the names Barbet and Poodle were used for the same dog in France and Germany. Although the breed's popularity is growing in the United States, its current estimated population remains between 150 and 200.
The Barbet is a very old breed, with the first mentions in 1387. This breed is thought to be the ancestor of modern water dogs like the Poodle.
Because the Barbet dog is a medium-sized breed, a large-breed dog food mix is preferable. If you intend to use your dog for hunting or agility, feed him a dog food designed for active dogs to provide him with the energy he needs.
The Barbet is an intelligent and trainable breed.
The Barbet is an intelligent and trainable breed. This breed, unlike many intelligent dogs, is not generally domineering or headstrong. Because of his thick coat and webbed feet, it makes an excellent hunting companion for retrieving ducks. This breed excels at agility training, having won first place in agility competitions in France.
Training is essential even if you do not intend to hunt or show your Barbet. Take your dog on a long daily walk and give him plenty of fun and outdoor time. Socialization is essential, particularly when the dog is young, to ensure that he remains friendly to strangers and other dogs.
The Barbet is a friendly and entertaining dog that is also intelligent and attentive. Though you may be tempted to give in to your puppy's every whim, starting obedience training at a young age is critical.
This breed is ideal for seniors and families with children due to its companionability. These dogs form strong bonds with their owners and prefer to be kept constantly updated on family events.
The Barbet was bred for hunting and has an active and sharp mind that requires constant exercise. To keep your dog from developing bad habits, you should involve him in consistent training and play a lot of games. If your dog performs well in obedience and agility training, consider one of these hobbies for him.
Common Health Issues
Because the Barbet breed is so rare, little is known about the long-term health problems that this breed is prone to.
The most common health issues in this breed are ear infections, hernias, epilepsy, and hip dysplasia. Ear infections, in particular, can be avoided by keeping the ears clean and dry. Hip dysplasia cases can be reduced through proper breeding methods.
Average Life Expectancy
The Barbet breed has an average lifespan of 13 to 15 years.
Exercise Prerequisites
Barbets were bred to work, so they will be unhappy if kept caged up indoors all day. To stay fit, he must exercise on a daily basis and take time to stretch his legs. Consistent training will keep your Barbet from developing problem behaviors like excessive chewing or barking.
The Barbet is a friendly and entertaining dog that is also intelligent and attentive.
The Barbet can be registered with either the ARBA or the UKC, but it is not yet officially recognized by the AKC. The breed is now part of the Foundation Stock Service Program; once there are 150 registered in the United States, the AKC will formally accept it.
The Barbet breed is distinguished by its long, woolly coat. Its coats can be wavy or colored, and the acceptable colors are solid black, brown, fawn, gray, and white.
The dog's thick coat protects it in cold water and also means that the breed sheds very little - shed fur gets matted into the coat rather than falling off the dog. As a result, regular brushing and grooming are required to prevent the coat from becoming overly matted.
Barbet puppies are simply fluffy bundles of love waiting to be hugged and played with. These dogs have a silly side, preferring to sit calmly next to their owner rather than play in the dirt. Puppy socialization is also required to ensure that they get along with other dogs when they grow up.
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afshinsurrey · 1 year
Gender Pregnancy Scan: Revealing the Exciting Surprise of Your Baby's Gender
Welcoming a baby into your life is undoubtedly one of life's most precious moments. One aspect of this journey that adds to the anticipation is discovering your baby's gender. One of the most trusted and reliable ways to learn this exciting news is through a gender pregnancy scan. This article will discuss the process and benefits of a gender pregnancy scan, focusing on services provided in Surrey.
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A gender pregnancy scan, also referred to as a sexing scan or a baby gender scan, is a non-invasive ultrasound examination that reveals the gender of your unborn baby. Carried out between the 16th and 20th weeks of pregnancy, it not only lets you know if you'll be buying blue or pink, but it also checks the baby's growth and overall health.
When it comes to gender pregnancy scans, Surrey is a great location to consider. Surrey offers numerous trustworthy and professional clinics with teams of skilled sonographers. They use state-of-the-art ultrasound technology and deliver accurate results, often accompanied by a delightful viewing experience for expectant parents.
Choosing the right clinic for your gender pregnancy scan in Surrey can enhance the excitement and joy of this beautiful journey. Look for clinics with a reputation for being welcoming, patient-centric, and committed to providing exceptional service. Some of Surrey's gender pregnancy scan clinics even offer a comfortable viewing room, where you can share the first glimpse of your baby with loved ones.
Having a gender pregnancy scan comes with several benefits. First and foremost, it satisfies the parents' curiosity about their baby's gender. This is particularly helpful for those keen on planning their baby's nursery, baby shower, or even when selecting names in advance.
Importantly, gender pregnancy scans are not solely about revealing your baby's sex. These scans also provide a vital opportunity to check the baby's development. Sonographers assess your baby's growth, position, heartbeat, and the placenta's location. They also detect any potential anomalies. While it's always hoped for a routine scan, this medical review ensures the baby's health and enables early intervention if necessary.
The gender pregnancy scan Surrey is designed to be memorable. A session typically lasts for about 20 minutes, during which you can witness your baby in real-time on a large display screen. You can see them moving, stretching, maybe even yawning. It is undoubtedly an emotional and unforgettable experience.
At the end of the session, you receive keepsakes. Most Surrey clinics provide you with black and white ultrasound images, and some even offer 3D/4D scans or a short video clip, capturing your baby's first moves. This is a beautiful memento of the pregnancy journey that you can share with your family and friends.
In summary, a gender pregnancy scan is not just a tool for revealing your baby's gender; it's much more. It is a magical experience, a bonding opportunity, and a health check-up all rolled into one. And when it comes to gender pregnancy scans, Surrey stands out for its professional, empathetic service that goes beyond just medical examination to provide a memorable experience.
If you are looking forward to learning the gender of your baby in a special and exciting way, a gender pregnancy scan in Surrey could be just what you need. It combines the joy of discovering your baby's gender with the assurance of their well-being, providing you peace of mind and creating beautiful memories along the way. After all, parenthood is a journey, and every step should be savoured. Make your gender reveal one to remember with a gender pregnancy scan in Surrey.
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