#assume connections!! go crazy lmao
deerdeardarling · 2 years
Me trying to explain & make sense of all the made up pokemon lore/aus/headcanons I have in my head to. Litteraly anyone.
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r0-boat · 2 months
Whb kingley group chat and reader
Sfw and NSFW sprinkled throughout but this is mostly just crack
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[Beel summoned Satan to the group chat]
[Beel summoned Mammon to the group chat]
Satan: Oh, are we actually doing this?
Beel: yur
[Beel summoned Lucifer to the group chat]
[Beel summoned Belphegor to the group chat]
[Beel summoned Asmodeus to the group chat]
Lucifer: an interesting way to improve political relations, very well My interest has peaked.
Mammon: agreed it would be useful to have all of you at my fingertips.
Satan: That sentence pisses me off and I don't know why.
Mammon: is there something wrong with having easy access to your possessions 🤨
Satan: Al'right adding 'beating your ass' to my list of things to do today
Asmodeus: kinky.
Lucifer: Asmodeus I thought you were on earth?
Asmodeus: I am, it's lovely here by the way, but the cell phone service is relatively lackluster compared to hell, so that I won't be talking here as much.
Mammon: speaking of my possessions Beelzebub You have forgotten Leviathan.
Beel: Actually no I haven't you'll see why.
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
Satan: LEVI!!!
[Leviathan has left the group chat]
Satan: LOLOL
Mammon: I don't know why I'm surprised.
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
[Leviathan has left the group chat]
Lucifer: if he does not wish to be in the group chat that much then don't add him.
Beel: nah cuz if he's not added then I won't hear the end of it later. That kind of shit drives him crazy.
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
[Leviathan has left the group chat]
Satan: Wait I have an idea.
Satan: add him again.
Beel: Aight
[Beel summoned Leviathan to the group chat]
Beel: Levi is still typing quick Satan!
[Satan summoned MC to the group chat]
Mammon: lmao he stopped typing.
Beel: btw Thank you for that I was going to add them anyway.
Satan: no problem! Happy to help you annoy Levi
Leviathan: if you annoying Fucks what me to waste my time so badly then so be it!
Lucifer: That is not why you stayed...
Mc: ??? What's happening?
Satan: we planned a group chat about a decade ago and we're finally doing it. And we thought you would like to join us! :)
Mc: ooh! I hardly see all of you together like this!:3
Mammon: Master seems extremely happy and excited we will not disappoint you.🥰
Belphegor: 👋
Mc: Hi Belphie
Satan: Oh? did the king of sloth just wake up?? 😏
Belphegor: Actually i've been awake for the past 30 minutes my phone wouldn't stop going off
Mc: I'm surprised you didn't have your notifications turned off.
Belphegor: They were but i turned them on when i got your phone number
Mc: Aww! 🥰
Satan: regretting giving you a phone suddenly.
Mc: You can pry out of my cold dead hands♥️
Mammon: the current phone MC has is so outdated I could get you many more up-to-date models. Ones with advanced AI features are all the rage in tartaros
Mc: no thanks I'm not interested in anything with AI
Mammon: 😭 I understand Master
Asmodeus: I would assume that phones on Earth would have a hard time connecting in hell just as much as hell devices have a hard time connecting on earth.
Asmodeus: Hi sweetheart, sadly I won't be able to talk to you very often but we will soon have a more proper meeting.
Leviathan: I don't think Asmodeus and MC should be in the same room.
Satan: for once Levi, I agree with you.
Beel: they're combined horniness will be enough to take out heaven hell and earth
Lucifer: lol
Mammon: All hail King horny of the three realms
Leviathan: All hail
Lucifer: All hail
Satan: All hail
Beel: All hail
Belphegor: all hail
Mc: Y'all are such assholes
Satan: That's like 90% of my personality
Beel: you like it
Leviathan: demons are assholes and the sky is blue, What are you expecting??
Mammon: Master, I, for one, do not mind if you actually start your crusade.
Asmodeus: Don't listen to them dear They don't understand our power 😈
Lucifer: is this what an 'inside joke' is? It was actually quite funny.
Asmodeus: honestly I should be jealous of you guys, while I'm on vacation you guys are having all the fun...😔
Mc: Don't worry, will have plenty of time to make it up for the lost time.🫣
Leviathan: DIE.
Lucifer: ... I'll prepare your medical bed preemptively.
Beel: Make sure you film it.
Mammon: without me 😔 smh
Belphegor: y'all are so funny I think I might like it here.
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delulujuls · 9 months
gifted | cl16
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hi! i couldn't help myself so here is something with a bit of festive spirit. also i can't believe that is only a week left til christmas lmao
anyway, enjoy this one as well!
summary: y/n decided to finally reveal her feelings, a lot of miscommunication in the house of ferrari, fav red duo being completely chaotic (and all of that with christmas songs playing in the background)
warnings: none, its kinda fluffy at the end tho
pairing: charles leclerc x fem!ferraridriver
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Even though there was only a week left until Christmas, the festive atmosphere was practically unnoticeable due to the amount of work still involved.
Although the season was over and most of the sporting events had passed, the work was still piling up and had no plans to end.
Y/N sat in the chill room, waiting for two interviews she was scheduled to have later that day. She had been at Ferrari's headquarters since the morning, recording materials for social media. Of course she was accompanied by Charles, who was currently lost somewhere.
At that moment it was to her advantage, as she was lying on the couch and browsing the Internet, looking for a Christmas gift for him. Which, by the way, was quite a challenge.
Y/N and Charles became teammates three years ago. Three years were enough for the couple to find a common language and, apart from working together, became friends. Even though they knew each other well, the issue of gifts always remained problematic. What's worse, the girl's love language was giving gifts and surprises, so she always tried to give the best gifts for various occasions. Charles, however, was a tough guy to please.
She sighed, closing another tab in her browser. Time was running out and she still had no specific gift or even an idea of what specific direction she could go. Especially since this year her task was much more difficult, because for several weeks Y/N had a problem with looking at Charles only as a friend. At the beginning, everyone is in denial that no, he's just a friend, there's nothing in common between us and nothing more serious will ever happen, but when you spend so much time together and the bond is so strong and emotional, it's hard not to fall head over heels in love.
Which in Y/N's case just happened.
The problem, however, was that the girl had absolutely no idea how to admit her feelings to her friend. So she decided that this year's Christmas gift would be perfect and meaningful enough for Charles to connect the dots and understand that the girl's feelings were beyond their friendship. At least this was the scenario Y/N had hoped for.
"You look like you just ran the race of the century"
Charles said, which brought his friend out of her thoughts. He held two cups of coffee in his hands, he gave one of them to the girl and plopped down next to her on the sofa.
"I think I need your help."
Y/N said and looked at him as her last resort, which he actually was.
"Something happened?"
He asked and his expression immediately became worried.
"What Christmas present would you be happy about?"
Charles frowned at her direct question.
"Are you asking what you should buy me for Christmas?"
"No, what should I buy for you, but what would a guy around your age with similar interests generally be happy with?"
It was obvious that the contacts in Leclerc's brain were working like crazy, but despite this, they were unable to understand the given command.
"I like someone and I would like to show it to him with a gift. And since I have no idea, I'm asking you for advice"
She explained, trying to sound very convincing. Of course she lied like hell but she assumed that it was darkest under the street lamp and if she played it right, Charles wouldn't guess anything and would also give her a great gift idea.
Leclerc, hearing her words, only nodded and took a sip of his coffee. It was obvious that he was thinking hard and really wanted to help her with the answer.
"Maybe a leather belt, a wallet?"
Y/N frowned.
"Would you be happy with a belt or a leather wallet?"
"I don't, but I'm trying to give you some ideas. I would be happy with a new tennis racket, mine is currently being repaired and I don't know if it's time for a new one."
"A tennis racket?"
Charles nodded, but then changed the subject completely.
"By the way, firstly, why I don't know anything about the fact that you like someone, secondly, why I didn't receive any photo for analysis and thirdly, if you want to show your feelings through a gift, then I think you should do something with your own hand. Or at least show that it means a lot to you"
Y/N analyzed his words carefully. The racket idea wasn't a bad idea, especially since she could have gone a step further and, in addition to the racket, bought them a stay on the court together. Charles tried many times to convince her to play with him, but Y/N had no idea how to play tennis and in her eyes, making a fool of herself on the first date was a bad idea to impress her love interest.
"You actually helped me, you know?"
The girl said and smiled at him. Charles probably helped her more than he expected.
"That's great because you could help me too."
He replied, glancing at her. Y/Ns stomach dropped to her throat, but she decided to act unfazed. In a second of inattention, everything could go to hell.
"Do you also need some gift inspiration?"
"Yes, and I have exactly the same problem as you."
Charles sighed and drank his coffee.
"Some time ago I met a girl. We met a few times and it seems to be nice between us. I would like to give her a gift so that she can see that I care."
"You didn't mention anything about dating anyone."
Y/N said, trying to adopt as neutral a tone as possible. However, her heart was pounding like crazy and she had no idea whether Charles was following her tactics and was actually asking her what she would like to get, whether he had actually met someone and would like to reveal his feelings soon.
"Neither do you, so we're even."
He replied and laughed.
The girl shifted on the couch, feeling her stomach hurt from nerves. She was about to continue talking to him when someone entered the room and informed her that everything for her interview was ready.
Y/N apologized to him and stood up, saying that they would come back to this conversation. However, she sincerely hoped that today was her last day at the headquarters and that she would not have to come here until the new year, which would mean that she would not have to be in Charles' company.
To be honest, she felt idiotic. What if Charles is actually dating someone? What an idiot she would look like if she admitted her feelings.
When she finished all her duties at the company, she returned to the hotel without a word. She spent the rest of the evening on social media searching for any photos or mentions of whether Charles Leclerc was currently dating anyone.
The lack of any information did not help her at all. His words kept drilling a hole in her head, causing all the pre-Christmas cheer to evaporate from her like a burst balloon.
Maybe she was in a bad mood, but at least she had the idea of a Christmas surprise off her mind. She also hoped that Charles' new friend would give him some great gift, for fuck's sake.
The girl threw the phone into the pillows and fell onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. The thoughts swirling in her head were interrupted by the sound of an incoming message. The notification "new message from: lord perceval" appeared on the screen
"You still haven't helped me with the gift."
"If you want to show your feelings through a gift, I think you should make something with your own hands. Or at least show that it means a lot to you."
She replied, quoting exactly what he had recommended to her a few hours earlier.
She locked her phone again and stuffed it under her pillow. Y/N hoped that by the time they met again, she would have gotten over her feelings and Charles would be her teammate again. And the teammate only.
The next day, the girl returned to Monaco, spending preparations for Christmas alone. This year she happened to be spending the holidays alone. Did it bother her much? Not particularly.
She decided to spend this time in peace and quiet. She kept her phone on airplane mode most of the time and she also avoided social media. Did she have any specific goal for this? The only goal was to avoid Charles, both direct contact with him and any mention of him.
On Christmas Eve morning, she went in search of a Christmas tree, which she bought, brought it herself and even installed it in the corner of the living room, wanting to prove her independence at all costs. Although it was all pricked by fresh, sharp needles, the tree still looked beautiful. While she was in the process of decorating it, she heard a knock on the door. She flinched almost so much that she almost dropped the bauble from her hands.
She hung it on a branch and went to open it. How surprised she was when standing in front of her was none other than Charles himself.
"Hey. Something happened that you are here?"
The girl asked, glancing at him.
"I guess so, since I haven't had any contact with you for several days."
"I've been busy. You know, Christmas and all that craziness."
Charles looked at her worriedly, trying to read the truth on her face that he felt like she was hiding from him.
"Everything's all right?"
Y/N just nodded.
"I'm just busy. I guess you are too, so run away to your place. You're probably planning a big family Christmas Eve."
"Can I go in?"
The girl sighed, knowing full well that she wouldn't get rid of him anytime soon. She walked deeper into the apartment, leaving the door open for him. She went to the Christmas tree and took another ornament out of the box and hung it on the tree.
Charles followed her without a word. There was silence inside and the only sign heralding Christmas Eve afternoon was the Christmas tree standing in the corner, which she was decorating in silence. There was no indication that Y/N would be expecting guests in a few hours, so he was surprised that if she was to catch a plane back to her hometown today, she should have been getting ready to leave long ago.
"How are you spending Christmas?"
He spoke after a moment, walking up to her. Without thinking, he took the bauble out of the box and carefully hung it as well on the Christmas tree.
"When are the guests coming? I don't want to disturb you."
He laughed quietly, trying to lighten the atmosphere that seemed extremely thick to him. However, when he glanced at his friend, she was straightening the decorations on the tree with a sad expression on her face.
"Why did you come anyway?"
"What do you mean?"
Charles asked, frowning.
"From what you said, you have another girl you should be interested in."
The Monegasque was silent for a moment, having no idea what she was talking about. However, when he connected the dots, he understood what she meant.
"Are you the one who's jealous?"
Charles asked and he couldn't hide his smile. But she was absolutely not in a mood for jokes.
"I'm not jealous, I'm just stating a fact"
"As I see, your entire attention has been completely taken over by your love interest, because since the last time I saw you, you have only replied to me four times."
The girl remained silent, gritting her teeth. She felt like an idiot again.
"Talk to me Y\N, please"
Charles touched her arm, trying to get her attention. He was afraid that something bad was happening between them and he couldn't imagine losing his friend.
"I have nothing to tell you, Charles."
"Nothing, absolutely nothing?"
He asked, looking at her. When she shook her head, he let go of her arm and snorted.
"Wow, your new boyfriend material totally took you away from me."
"There's no new boyfriend material!"
Y/N exploded, no longer able to stand the stupidity that she herself allowed to come to fruition.
"There isn't any and there won't be any, at least not when you are there, damn it!"
"What do you mean?"
Leclerc frowned.
"I like you, idiot! I like you, a lot!"
Y/N felt tears in her eyes and a blush on her cheeks. She was angry with herself for not being able to stand it and gave vent to her emotions, she was sad knowing that she would face some rejection and she was ashamed that despite everything she gave in and confessed her feelings to him.
Charles smiled when he saw the person standing in front of him. Currently in a messy bun, with eyes full of tears, in red Christmas pajamas. And he wasn't smiling because he was amused by her feelings, not at all. He smiled with happiness, because he felt exactly the same.
He stepped closer to her and took her face in his hands, wiping her wet cheeks with his thumbs.
"You couldn't have told me that straight?"
"How could I tell you that I like you, we are friends!"
She said, breaking down into another wave of tears. Seeing his smile made her feel even worse.
"Do you find it so funny? I knew it, I knew perfectly well that it would be like this!"
Y/N wanted to break away from him, but he held her tightly. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, wanting her to finally calm down.
It worked magically, because the girl froze when she felt his lips on her. He pulled away from her after a moment and stroked her face with his thumbs.
"I like you too, crazy."
"Of course I do. Except I guess we had the exact same fears about revealing our feelings."
"But you said you were dating someone."
Y/N looked at him confused.
"I wanted to spite you. I was a little stung when you said you liked someone."
"I only asked because I wanted to know directly what you would be happy about. I wanted to give you a nice gift from which you could conclude that I like you."
Charles laughed and pulled her to him, hugging her tightly.
The girl squeezed her eyes shut and hugged him, breathing heavily.
"I'm sorry, it was totally stupid"
"For Christmas we should buy each other textbooks for successful communication"
Charles laughed, rubbing her back.
"Doesn't change the fact that you're probably busy today."
Y/N replied, pulling away from him and wiping the remaining tears from her face.
"Say hello to your family from me and wish them a Merry Christmas"
"You will be able to do it yourself. I invite you to join us"
He replied, handing her the last bauble from the box.
The girl looked at him uncertainly.
"I can't, Charles. I can't come empty-handed."
"I think your presence will be the best gift for everyone."
Y/N still wasn't convinced. However, he smiled reassuringly.
"Trust me"
She nodded and took the bauble from him, hanging it on the tree.
He hugged her and kissed her hair.
"Don't feel bad, from all this confusion I didn't manage to prepare any gift either. I didn't want to be a rival for your love interest."
He said and laughed quietly.
Y/N huffed and snuggled into him again.
Standing in each other's arms, they both couldn't believe that after such turmoil they finally managed to talk about their feelings. In an extremely twisted way, fortunately with a positive result. For both of them it was definitely the best gift in the world and the upcoming Christmas Eve evening looked really promising too.
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rubra-wav · 7 months
Vox HCs #4: Theories about how he works like biologically
Cw: Sfw - but discussion about non-sexual anatomy type stuff
A/N because I've thought way too much about the logistics of him and robotic/tech demons and how they work/could work way too much. 💀 These are just some of the things I've thought about
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- The main thing I see people wondering about is his face and how he drinks stuff, kisses people, etc.
- I think that the screen of his face is a full screen in its resting state, but he can influence the way it kind of functions/presents. ie. Manipulating the area around his mouth so he actually does have a mouth and its not just a projection on his screen.
- I don't think his mouth is a constant actual 3 dimensional thing though and is rather something he can change at will whenever he sees fit.
- If you were to touch it just in casual day to do life, his mouth would just be the screen / 2d.
- Also, I don't think his mouth feels like a normal mouth. If you were to kiss him I feel like his lips would not feel exactly like normal lips, and that his lips and tongue would kind of have that kind of static electricity sensation to them.
- Like if he were to lick you, I feel like you'd get that kind of static electricity sensation that makes your hair stand on its end.
- I'm not too sure about the rest of his face though. Maybe he can manipulate the rest of his face to become more 3 dimensional, but I don't think he would do it often as it's not necessary.
- Due to him being seen drinking during season 1, I think it's safe to assume that the way his internal functions are designed are relatively similar to normal humans.
- I believe he'd also have a somewhat similar body system as well. However, it just would be like metal parts, wires and artificial stuff underneath his skin rather than actual muscle, veins, ligaments, organs, bodily fluids, etc. Etc. That mirror those bodily systems.
- Having said that though, I do think parts of him are sensitive to being damaged by water. He may be just fine drinking water and liquids, but if they got in his ports (like on the back of his head), that would be bad.
- Because he prides himself on being up to date tech wise, he'd likely be waterproofed to a degree, but it still wouldn't be good. I can imagine him being damaged by it and bluescreening and forcefully shutting down to prevent any further damage to his less human reminiscent systems. (Do you think he lays down in rice when that happens? 💀)
- Also, I do not think he technically needs to eat or drink stuff. Judging by the fact he can plug into things (like how in the Stayed Gone video he plugs into all the computers and stuff), I think his main energy source would actually be charging using electrical wires and stuff.
- I think that him eating and drinking is just a preference of his, and that other demons who are similar to him wouldn't need to eat or drink. He can still get energy that way, but it's less efficient and more of just a preference/reminiscent of his past life as a human that he's held onto all this time.
- I also don't think he really 'sleeps' in the traditional sense or needs to sleep? He can likely regain power that way, but he wouldn't really need to sleep and could just stay awake all day and night if he's connected to a suitable charging source every couple of hours.
- I do think he would like powering down/switching off for a bit to rest though - just to not go crazy. Even if you wont die from lack of sleep, it's still nice to not have to think about things for a couple of hours.
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Now I'm thinking about him laying down in rice after trying to go swimming without water proofing himself properly while bitching lmao.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 months
Bellatrix Lestrange having a daughter around Tonks/Charlie’s age who is like a younger, more unhinged but still somewhat replicated version of her this is very, very inspired by Jenifer Check, I love her sm so when you think of Lestrange!Daught it’s pretty much Chrck lmao which she thought she’d absolutely love except her kid won’t do anything she asks for her and absolutely will not serve the Dark Lord cause she worships the ground the Reader walks on, whatever they want and whenever they want it, she’ll do anything for them
Narcissa can’t help cause she doesn’t have a daughter for plots sake we’ll say Cygnus raised her alone meaning the kid had mad freedom, old man just wanted to chill after losing 2 of 3 daughters over politics so Bellatrix goes to Andromeda
and for a solid five minutes all Andromeda can do is laugh because her older sister is coming to her for vague parenting advise
inevitably Andromeda connects the dots and then starts laughing again pointing out the hilarious parallel about Bellatrix being obsessed with Voldemort and now her daughter being obsessed with her own morally questionable criminal or better yet the Reader isn’t a criminal but gets up to sketchy shit sometimes and doesn’t understand why this pretty, violent girl is following them around but goes with it anyways
worst part is that after Rodolphus and Rabastan died which I assume they did in Azkaban then Lestrange!Daughter would’ve inherited the vault, cutting off the death eaters funding and access to the Hufflepuff’s Cup hidden inside, because she’s not gonna betray her darling for some nose-less fuck
Are we talking like an OC?? Cause I actually really love that idea. Especially, regarding Harry’s twin!Reader or something like that, just the parallels between the two only Belatrix’s daughter is on the literal complete opposite side. But in the circumstances it would be Harry and twin!Reader with this older girl staliking following them around, especially outside of Hogwarts. Like, she just hangs out outside of 4 Privet Drive just watching, even breaking in and just wanting to be close to the Reader. You can bet Bellatrix’s daughter would give the Dursley’s a piece of her mind. Or maybe even just take Harry and the Reader to live with her.
I just imagine the Reader waking up in a completely new place all by themself with this older girl hovering over them. And the Reader being kind of okay with it since they’re away from the Dursley’s but they ask their captor/“savior” to go back and get their brother too.
The Lestrange house/manor/estate would probably become the new Order of the Phoenix headqaurters, mainly because Bellatrix’s daughter won’t part with the Reader so they can’t go with Harry to live with Sirius so Sirius moves in to keep an eye on everything. And his reaction to his batshit crazy cousin’s batshit child being obsessed with one of his godchildren would really be something. Like, FUCK NO!?!?!
Like, I could imagine Bellatrix’s daughter having been obsessed with the Potter twins since it came out that they were able to survive and best Voldemort even when being just mere babes. And just her like revolving her world around getting to meet them or something. Maybe when Bellatrix’s daughter was younger but still older than Harry and the Reader she ended up wandering to 4 Privet Drive or having her house elf take her to meet them or something and she did, even if it was for a few minutes.
When it comes to the idea of Bellatrix’s daughter being obsessed with a criminal or a bad witch/wizard, I could just imagine Potter!Twin!Reader having nicked something small or lied about something insignificant and from then on Bellatrix’s daughter was like “That’s the one for me”.
Also, just the idea of Bellatrix’s daughter having stalked Harry and his Twin!Reader for most of their life. Like, I could see them getting Cygnus or their house elf to take them to 4 Privet Drive and she would just watch the whole place like a hawk. Never taking her eyes off of it and getting excited at the smallest bit of movement or liveliness at the home. Or even having the house elf sneak her into Harry and the Reader’s school to pass herself off as one of the students and getting to befriend the Reader even just for a brief time. But afterwards, Bellatrix’s daughter would use that as her excuse to interact with the Dursley’s. She’d happily knock on their door asking the Reader to play with her, that she was their friend from school as to not draw any suspicion. Hell, Bellatrix’s daughter would go as far as getting one of the houses on Privet Drive just to stay close and ending up living there the rest of the time the twins are across the street/down the road.
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hwnglx · 6 days
do u think a lot of male idols are quite similar to hyunjin where they arent as loyal as you would assume they would be? I can think of a few but without knowing them personally I can only assume that they have a much different side of them that we dont see or know for some time.
well the interesting thing here is, there's definitely plenty of male idols who do not live up to their on cam persona and play around behind the scenes. however, so far according to my impression, pretty often it turned out to be the ones who you don't necessarily expect it from right away lol.
hyunjin is a pisces venus (conjuncting his sun) with an impulsive and oftentimes selfish aries mars, he literally craves romance, affection and validation, and can therefore look for it in anyone. he can struggle finding true fulfillment because for him, the spark of his connections often just fades so quickly.
this side of him striked me oddly similar to mingyu actually. hyunjin is just way more pronounced and open in his softness, it's crazy how he can go back and forth from being the softest dude in the room, to being the most dominant. he himself seems to feel conflicted by these two clashing ways of his, the people around him evidently too.
then we have someone like jungkook, who everyone perceives and expects to be this “idgaf about women” player who fucks around. but my impression so far has always been that he's much more considerate, polite and loyal than people think. then there's someone like jake, who's often pretty obvious in his enjoyment of the physical encounters lmao, but actually puts a lot of importance into remaining committed once he finds the person he's in love with.
just goes to show again, what we see of idols rarely reflects what they're truly like behind closed doors. we're essentially judging a book by its cover.
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featherdusterbelphie · 4 months
drew WHB Belphie pre-debut because yes?!
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Very long discussion under the cut vvv
HE IS HERE YESS (even though he is very late)
I'm very excited for when he drops even though it'll definitely take me a while before I actually get him because I'm f2p only and I have shitty gacha luck hahaha...
Anyway, here are my theories: for some reason, I have a feeling that he's very mean? Or like, he's one of those who will bully MC LOL
(though I can't tell if it's bully because he likes mc, or bully because that's just how he is)
Idk, I just think he'll be prickly because of the piercings. He has so many! Four helix piercings on both ears?! Also, it looks like he's wearing a windbreaker? Or some sporty jacket which makes me think jock...which is also not very sloth-like lmao. It reminds me of typical gangster characters like Draken from Tokrev.
(Though that will be a very interesting character but it's risky since we already have Levi and not everyone likes him <3 the reason why I didn't draw him very gangster-like is that someone said that he kinda looks inspired by Vkei and I wanted to incorporate that somehow)
I also think he'll have a very... interesting personality. I've drawn him all crazy in the second pic, but very relaxed and a little tired? in the first. That's because I really like drowsy/sleepy eyes and also because he's the representative of the sin sloth so it makes sense. As for the crazy one..I also think that aside from the mean attitude, he'll have a very energetic/eccentric personality based on the art. Like he'll be all up in your face talking about the weirdest shit because he wants to get a reaction. Or he's just one very informed and knowledgeable king who has many, many secrets.
Speaking of secrets, there is his hands. I know the other kings also have hands in their teasers, but with Belphie, I think the hands have more significance. Because like, why is it covering up most of his face??? The other kings at least have an eye, nose and/or mouth showing through the fingers, but Belphie only has his left eye with two pupils. I'm starting to think he's very secretive or mysterious. Maybe he's a reclusive king and that's why not a lot of demons know about him or his country? Or maybe he's as strict and 'militaristic' as Nifleheim's description says of their country? Or maybe he has a scar that he's covering up? Idk but I am gonna be disappointed if it turns out to be a red herring >:(
Oh, and another thing about the hands— I might be grasping at straws here but the fingers look like teeth. The way they're intertwined in front of his face makes it look like teeth, making me think either he has very sharp teeth or his idiosyncrasy is related to teeth (i know, this is beyond grasping at straws now).
Also, I didn't draw his horns because I have no idea how to draw his horns. I can't see it at all in the teaser art unless it's this thing beside one of his hands which is....?? I'm not sure. Because if that's so then he's similar to Valefor with a horn in his eye (correct me if I'm wrong huhu) and if that's the case, then he has a very cool design that's very unique from all the current kings (including Asmo if they're going to reuse the design they had of him from Love Unholyc)
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Unless his horn is the black halo above his head? In which case, how the fuck is that connected to his head?? Or is it floating with magic?? I don't understand. Why the halo? Is he connected to the angels in some way? A traitor, perhaps? Is he somehow related to the angelification stuff that I barely know anything about?
ALSO ALSO what's with the Roman numeral six on his forehead??? Is that just a random tattoo or will that mean something lore-wise? If so, does that mean he's the sixth king to be before Lucifer? (this is assuming Luci is the last king and Asmo is the first king) Or is this a hint that he's the sixth king MC visits/breaks the contract with? If it's the latter...then I don't know if I have enough patience to play through however many chapters it will take until we get to Niflheim...and also...my phone storage can't handle it eheu
It could also just not be a Roman numeral six and it could be a Latin word/quote that I have no idea about because it's hidden by his hands. Salvi is the only Latin word I could think of with 'vi' but that means 'saved' and I don't know how that works with Belphie. Because then he got saved?? By who?? And why would he need saving?
So many questions and so many ideas, I wonder when they'll officially introduce him (hopefully not next year...).
Also, does anyone know when Lucifer's selfie card goes into the normal banners? Because I don't see him there and the only thing I'm sure will go into the normal banners is Levi's school card which will be three months from now iirc.
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sparkly-caroline · 4 months
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Pico and Nene roleswap, babyyyyy-
(not a skin or "thing that will be finished" I was playing around with the FLAs for fun)
Ever since I made that one edit of changing pico and bf to nene and gf, I've had that idea in my brain for SOOOO long it's getting crazy, so I decided I'm just gonna dump the headcanon story of "what if Pico and Nene swapped their roles in FNF" to see if I can FINALLY get it out of my system:
So instead of Pico being the one to show up in Week 3, it's Nene. Assuming she was the one to find BF first instead of Pico.
The cutscene will have her actually try to kill BF, throwing knives at him while he runs for his life, maybe get like one hit on Nene by accident (because he's an idiot)
Then GF shows up and ig she levitates Nene with her power or smt. They recognize each other, kinda like how Pico and BF are exes. (Idk if Nene would be GF's ex, I'm just thinking of a reason why Nene wouldn't just kill GF, I'm trying over here-)
Anyway, GF with either her demon powers or the assumed/uncertain connection she has with Nene, convinces the knife-nut psycho to either sing against her or against BF. Probably BF since I really doubt GF will ever be playable (or useful in general, big oof) in the base game.
In Week 7, things play out as they usually do, Ugh and Guns stay the same. Then instead of Pico showing up to save the doofuses, it's Nene. She just starts throwing knives at the tankmen and cutting off their head, never running out of knives because of cartoon logic lmao. She's gleefully killing people, that's the important part, she'd be enjoying it WAY too much.
Like in Week 3, Nene is the one who finds the idiots first (since Pico and the gang were sent to confirm that BF is dead). Basing this on that one PhantomArcade preview comic of Week 7 (look in the wiki if you don't know what it is), Nene just gets sick of dealing with Pico and Darnell and just goes "screw it imma go look for 'em by myself".
And then finally Weekend 1 happens. Nene fumbled the bag TWICE and now Pico and Darnell are after her. If Pico was the oponent, it'd probably be something like "block his bullets with your knife". And to end it all... idk, maybe she gives him a note at the end that says: "sorry for screwing up the mission, if you let me live I'll give you p**ssy :3"
Kinda like a reference to the note Pico gets in "Pico vs Convict". And also cuz idk how this would be resolved.
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(the note in question)
And yeah, that'd be it.
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cinnbar-bun · 2 years
Peaceful Rest
Pairing: Marth x Alear/Reader
Rating: G
Words: 1025
Summary: It has been many years since they had fallen asleep. Marth continues to wait for them, hoping to be reunited with them again. He thinks of them and muses on their relationship. The best he can do for them right now is comfort them to the best of his abilities.
Notes: No major spoilers, nothing crazy at all just Marth wanting them to wake up. It's GN, they're not named, and no physical descriptions of their body is written, so feel free to imagine you, Alear, or your OC if you want. Marth for real the true relationship in Engage lmao.
Can be found on my AO3 right here!
Marth doesn’t know how to comfort them as they rest. He thinks of all the things they had gone through and the incredible pain they had suffered. 
Normally, one would complain about being stuck in this situation, but Marth was a gracious man. He did his best to see the good in everyone and everything, regardless of what was going on. 
He knew they would miss many years of their life, and, admittedly, he too lost track of how many years he had been waiting for them to wake up once more. But that was alright. He had grown to care for and enjoy their company from when they were awake. Even now, their bond was still close enough for him to want to make them feel better. 
Here, he was close enough to notice their brows twitching slightly, as well as a small frown on their face. A sign they were troubled in their sleep. While it was unbecoming of someone of his ranking, he cast that notion aside and stretched his hand to lightly caress their head. 
Marth honestly didn’t know if they could even feel him like that, but their face softened considerably. He assumed that even as a spirit, their bond made their connection more physical than what would have previously allowed. 
With all these assumptions and unsure thoughts in his head, he began to speak again to their dreaming form. He called out their name, like one does to a friend. Or, perhaps, something closer? He hadn’t figured that out yet. All he could know was that he yearned for them to wake up and open their eyes. 
“I wonder what you dream about,” he thoughtfully says. “Do you dream of your memories? Do you dream of the future? Why do you look so afraid of what you see?” 
Well, he has an inkling of an idea why that is, but he wants to confirm it only through their words. 
“Am I there, too? I know, it’s selfish of me to ask, but I wonder if you think of me by your side.” 
He sighs and continues to stroke their head. They remain as still as a statue to his questions. 
“It’s a beautiful evening outside. I think you would have loved it. The stars are just coming out and the sky is full of color. It… it reminds me of you.” 
No response. No movement. 
He’s used to it by now. But he won’t give up no matter how long he must wait. 
“Queen Lumera stopped by. She prayed for you to awaken soon and then she introduced the third steward to take care of you. She’s a funny woman but she has an eye for detail. She started arranging flowers for you, saying they’ll ease your worries in your sleep. I think maybe she is right. You look more peaceful than before.” 
He gazes down at their form, that bittersweet emotion rising within him once more. He knows he should let them rest, that he should let them be- but a selfish part of him wants to see them lively again. He would love to train by their side and listen to their voice. 
Gods, how he would give anything to hear them talk again. 
He truly did not understand how he had taken every little thing about them for granted when they were awake. 
Their eyes, their smile, their laugh, the excited lilt in their voice when they saw something sparkly, and the way they would show all their emotions on their face. 
Seeing them so quiet, so unnaturally still, made him realize just how much they had imprinted themself onto his psyche. If there was anyone he wished to defend and fight for again, it would be them. He would single handedly face an army of thousands in order to see their smile one more time. 
He removed his hand from their head and placed it by his own self. He felt so weak in this situation. Here he was, a powerful hero-king who couldn’t even help the one he cared for so dearly. And here he was, a man who had missed the comfort his partner had brought him. 
But he had to steel himself. He couldn’t falter, nor could he give in to despair. He would wait for them as long as he needed to, even if the world would be destroyed by then. He would wait forever and be the first to greet them as a new dawn approached. 
He gently placed his hand over theirs, and recited a quiet prayer that he had heard the other worshippers say when they saw his partner. 
“I hope my words are reaching you. I will always be by your side. I will come running to you the minute you call out my name. Please rely on me again. Because I… I am truly weak without you.” 
A heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders as he continued. 
“I hope your rest is a lovely one. I hope that when you wake up, we can continue to grow even more alongside each other. I hope that I can ease your worries while you are asleep, so you can live the life you truly wanted when you awaken. We made a promise to one another before and I intend to help you achieve all your dreams, if you’ll allow me that chance.” 
He closed his eyes and let out of a quiet breath he didn’t know he was holding. He quietly whispered their name. 
“I will do my best to support you, dear,” he smiled, keeping these intimate feelings brief. There was so much more he wished to say, but he felt it would be wrong to continue when they were unable to respond to him. 
So, just like the many years before, he would wait for them and give them some comfort while they were resting. He would ease their fears and worries, and make way for pleasant dreams for them to think about. He couldn’t wait to hear all about them when they woke up. 
It would be the best day ever, in his eyes.
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gentlehue · 2 days
UGH i need a crush like yours SO BAD he sounds so perfect omg he's totally obsessed w you 😣 shipping it so hard im ur #1 supporter manifesting from across the world ! ANW how have you been!!!!!! missing chatting w u so bad bby 😚💓
HE ISSSS STOP 😭😭😭 my day has been SO GOOD i had the best coffee of my life and biology today i love biology sm 😊 yesterday i noticed there was such a divide between the guys and the girls in my form class so today me & this other girl decided to go n sit w the guys in the morning to hopefully kinda lessen that 😣 and it was acc so fun they’re so nice LOL idk why we’ve been avoiding each other like that 😫 anw my crush was there obv and i got to talk to him which was sooo nice 😋 we were all talking ab our subjects & most of my class does physics for a science for some reason but i do bio LOL anw i told them this and expressed my hatred towards physics and my crush ws like “do you like memorizing things 🤔” and i was like “no if i understand smth i’ll just remember it” and another guy was all like woahhh omg wtv but then my crush was like “she’s just smart” WOWWW THANK YOUUU 😋😋😋 had double maths first 2 periods which is smth i never look forward to but double maths was acc the highlight of my day today LMAO my teacher made the tables u shaped so we could all be sitting next to each other which first of all i love classes w connected tables cause the tables r so small on their own it’s very hard to fit all my stuff w out it falling 😭 SECOND i went n sat right in the middle cz i get headaches from turning my head too much and also just in case i forget my glasses someday which is bound to happen i have a perfect view of the board 😊 AND MY CRUSH CAME AND SAT NEXT TO ME!!!! he talked to me for the whole 2 hours it was so nice 😫 i discovered that he’s also lost in maths this year which is SUCH a relief i was worried i was going crazy 😭 we kept joking the whole lesson and he also offered me tic tacs 😊 in the beginning of the lesson we were talking ab the subjects we take n what extra curriculars we can do n stuff and he was like “you should join this after school club im gonna be there” like ok i will def be there then king 🫡 anw later on in the day we were talking again and he said he’s bad at physics (i know they had a physics test today so i’m assuming he probs didn’t do as well as he hoped 😣) and i was like “aw :(“ and he was like “wdym aw do you think it’s cute??? 🤨😒” and like maybe i’m crazy and over analysing things butttt why did his mind go there yk ?!?! because i meant it as aw that’s sad yk LOL i told him that n he was like “oh yeah it is sad” ANWWWW THAT WAS TODAY!!!! it’s so nice having a crush i can actively talk to because my last crush was 2 or 3 years older than me LMAO 😭 HOW ARE U CERI IVE MISSED YOU TOO!!!! i noticed the age in your bio changed to 15 so happy (belated?) birthday i hope it’s been amazing 😚
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blush-and-books · 3 months
what do u think donna does in Seattle
hehe I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED. Bc while I absolutely don't know, I see it so clearly?? Buckle up here we go!!!!!
First of all, her and Harvey live on Queen Anne. I don't give a fuck where Mike's firm is, they literally belong in the Queen Anne neighborhood.
Now, as for what Donna does - I'm assuming you mean for employment. LMAO. While it would be super cool for her to continue as a COO, and that's what I manifest for her, I do think it would be cool to see her tap into her COO skills and mix them with theater. I'm thinking Managing Director of the Seattle Rep (aka the Seattle Repertory Theatre) or the 5th Avenue Theatre. If she did continue with law firms or whatever, then I think she'd at least be on a board of directors or a committee chair for these theatre organizations!! I just really like the idea of her trying to be more integrated into the arts in Seattle, even maybe her and Harvey getting passes to the Seattle International Film Festival when it rolls around in the spring.
She goes to a yoga class in her neighborhood but on weekends, her and Harvey drive to Green Lake to go on runs together. They find nice restaurants in Belltown and try new bars in Pioneer Square, and their new anniversary spot is The Pink Door. Donna goes to Pike Place Market to get new flowers for their home whenever their current ones die, bc she always is trying to bring new life into their home (like she tried to do with bringing Harvey a cactus lmao). Her and Rachel go to drag brunches in Capitol Hill when they need girl time. She also likes to plan little weekend getaways with Harvey that require ferry trips to the islands right off the mainland!!
She also finds out about the neighborhood art walks and drags Harvey with her to go to them until they narrow down the main ones they regularly visit. He acts like he doesn't like it but it's a way he still feels connected to his mom by supporting local artists!!
Even though Seattle isn't as much as "the city that never sleeps" like New York is, I think that she starts to appreciate being able to live life at a calmer pace with the core four. She loves the view of the Puget Sound she gets in the morning and all of the greenery in her neighborhood. I also think she bitches to Harvey CONSTANTLY about how many tech workers there are in the city that won't look up from their phones and it drives her crazy, also she bitches about the lack of as many luxury stores as there were in Manhattan. Additionally, she ends up driving herself and Harvey places more often than he drives them because he repeatedly and accidentally almost hits cyclists on the street and Donna at least tries to be a little more considerate of the others on the road.
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good-beanswrites · 9 months
Imagine the awkwardness if in that Mikoto Prank Show ask however, if no one but Es and Jackalope were in on it… And they somehow got everyone’s crimes perfectly right.
LMAO 💀💀💀
Jackalope and Es are in on it, and they don’t even need to guess them -- the machine can be legit! As any good businessmen, they put this newfound life-changing technology to good use: reality TV. They get a hold of 10 random people, planning on editing and splicing the videos to make up some crazy stories about crime and guilt and see how people react. They chose an range of people that might feel guilt over something -- they assume doctors feel bad for losing patients even though they did their best, or policemen regret the people they can't save, or chronically online people feel responsible for things they're connected to -- but that's all.
They get to Haruka’s interrogation and Es comes back to the team going, “hey, did you guys watch the video? Crazy that this guy killed animals, huh.” Then Yuno’s rolls around and they go “shit I never would have thought she was the type for that, now she’s overthinking her abortion…” Then Fuuta. “What are the chances that so many people feel incredibly guilty over someone else’s death? Does everyone feel a secret responsibility for something that happened indirectly?” Then Muu. “Okay that was pretty direct. How did we find these people? Should we contact anyone about this? No? Okay.” Shidou. “?????” By the time they get to Mahiru’s interrogation and she readily admits to murder they’re like “yeah okay, I had a feeling.”
The funniest part is, Mikoto is the team's only hopeful case! From the very beginning, they hear him talking around the prison and everyone breathes a long sigh of relief. “Finally! A normal, not-murdery guy! Our show is saved! We have someone real to prank!” … And then.
(Slightly off-topic but I’ve always wanted to write a comedy normal au in which Es befriends the cast in different areas of their life; Amane is transferred to their school after her incident, Mahiru works in a nearby store, Shidou works at their local clinic, etc.) One by one they get close enough to Es to really trust them, and each confess to being involved with a death that was either indirect or very well covered up. The first few times it’s a beautiful moment of trust and vulnerability, but after like five confessions Es is sitting there like “seriously?? How does this keep happening????”)
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
One of the things that drives me crazy in regard to Rhaegar apologia is that a lot of them use the fact that no Martell has directly blamed Rhaegar in the text for what happened as proof they don't blame him and it's absolutely mind boggling how dumb this is. First of all, Rhaegar has been dead for close to two decades, whereas the Baratheons and Lannisters are still very much alive so obviously the Martells' wrath will be directed towards them. Second of all, we barely have Martell POVs and POVs are not some omniscient, all-knowing insight into every character's opinion on all of the 456732 characters that have been introduced across five books. The lack of indictment re Rhaegar does not mean they don't blame him. Also, GRRM is not the kind of writer that is going to spell something as obvious as this out in crayon. If you need the author to directly tell you that Doran and Oberyn would be apoplectic at Rhaegar's actions toward their sister, maybe this is not the series for you. These are the same people that say, 'Well, we never got E's reaction to L being crowned at the tourney so we can't know if she was offended....' Like, these people really need the narrative to explicitly state that E was humiliated because her husband crowned another woman at a public tourney in front of nobles from across the 7K. I just.....these people are Not Very Bright and appear incapable of connecting even the most simplest dots. There are certain things that do not need to be and will never be spelled out because GRRM assumes his readers have at minimum a high schooler's level of reading comprehension and media literacy but here we are lmao.
Ned never thought much about Aerys either, the guy who murdered his brother and father. Are we to surmise he didn't terribly mind?
GRRM waited until book #3 to create a dramatic and righteous confrontation with the crime perpetrated against Elia and her children, even though the bare facts have been with us since the beginning. He waited until book #4 to introduce the Dornish perspective and vengeance plan in actual POVs, and until book #5 to introduce Elia's surviving son. Dorne, Elia, Aegon - it is a long game.
It slots well into his use of the POV trap with Dany and the comparatively slow dismantling of any positive patina on the Targaryen dynasty. We don't get a proper face on the horror of it until Jaime's confession in the baths of Harrenhal in ASOS. Maester Aemon was practically presented as a saint up until AFFC where he suddenly revealed himself to be a prophecy truther who had been corresponding with Rhaegar about exactly when he tried to impregnate Elia with his comet-fuelled wonder sperm - all this time, without telling anyone in the Watch about this supposedly fundamental savior concept. Dany's veneer of good intentions is falling apart for anyone paying attention.
Questions the reader could have asked from the very beginning, because the facts were always on the page, are being fleshed out and dragged to the forefront in the latter stages of the book series.
Considering Jon Connington and Aegon - son of Elia and Rhaegar - are about to collide with the Dornish plotline, the question of the Tourney at Harrenhal and Rhaegar's character is going to be much less subtly handled from this point on.
There are going to be a whole lot of revelatory collisions in TWOW.
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skania · 1 year
Replies to AquaKane Asks (Part 1)
Tumblr has an image limit so I'll have to split my replies into different posts 😂
The first 30 replies are here under the cut, the rest will follow in a few days or so!
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It's kind of crazy that it's been a month since you sent this message and we still don't know what's going to happen with Miyako and Ichigo lol
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I think that's the part some people don't get. Aqua didn't need to date Akane to protect her, he could've simply stayed close friends with her. He chose to enter a romantic relationship with her after deciding that it may be okay for him to fall in love. Aqua isn't the self-serving type, he couldn't even bring himself to lead Akane on back when he wanted to use her. Why would he start to do so after he no longer wants to use her?
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Yeah some of the comment sections feel like echo-chambers. Doesn't matter though, the entire fandom could be against it and I'd still find Aqua and Akane's dynamic the most compelling in the manga. Not my fault Aka's writing (so far) has been at his best when it comes to them 😂
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Lmao you're right, she has been the closest to therapy that he has gotten so far 😂
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I'm curious about how Mengo would portray Akane, but I'm keeping my expectations very low. Better to be surprised if it happens than to be disappointed if it doesn't. I wouldn't mind getting a chapter about Himekawa though!
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Thanks anon!! I think the characters involved in the movie arc are supposed to be the ones that will be important to the narrative, but we'll have to wait and see. It may take years at this point considering the constant breaks, so if that keeps up I may also just drop it and pick it up again when Akane shows up lol
I'm quite late so I hope you've been having good days, anon!
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I'm not sure if Aka would let Mengo write anything that is actually plot-relevant, but I'd love to be wrong! Personally, I think seeing Akane's colleagues react to to the current her would be a nice .5 chapter, but seeing Akane may be too much to ask for at this point lol
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Hmmm I think it'd be kind of forced to have Akane find the body, because why would she be looking for Yura in the first place? There's no way for her to know that there's a connection between her and Kamiki. That said, Aka literally had a Crow Child/Deus-ex-machina-in-wait show up when he needed to pull Ruby into the plot, so crazier things have happened 😂 I rolled with that so I'll roll with anything that brings back Akane back to the forefront.
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In all honesty anon, I have been trying not to think about it so I can take whatever Aka comes up with in stride.
But the way I see it, Akane can more or less let Aqua have his way when it comes to the movie, but she needs to stop whatever is coming after. The best way to do it would be by finding an alternative way of bringing Kamiki to justice, but that won't take care of Aqua's guilt complex and of the reasons pushing him to sacrifice himself like that. So I'd like to imagine that Akane may recruit the help of the people close to Aqua in order to stand in his way and make him understand that his life has value, but that may just be wishful thinking on my part. It's hard to guess without having more insight into her current mindset.
I definitely do think that she hasn't gone after Kamiki again because Aqua asked her not to though, so Akane must've understood that she was going about things the wrong way. I hope that she has realized just how reckless she was being.
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I don't think Frill needs to know the details, just knowing that they dated for that long and broke up recently is enough. Not to mention that the first thing Akane does after saying hi is asking how Aqua is, so I feel like it wasn't very hard to tell that pulling the Aqua card may catch Akane's interest.
I think Akane knows that Aqua is beyond the point where he can simply be talked out of his revenge, so she likely assumed that a conversation would lead them nowhere.
Anon it isn't only your brain, we definitely haven't gotten enough Akane 😢
(So sorry for the image quality of your ask, anon! I originally split it in two but Tumblr's image limit got in my way. I delete asks as I go so it's easier to keep track of what I have replied to, so I had to take a screenshot of my screenshot ;-;)
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Personally, I respect that! I totally get why some people wouldn't feel comfortable with it. In my case, I've made my peace with it because it's not like he is an adult that magically found himself in a teenager's body and that is now hooking up with teenagers. He has lived as Aqua from birth, so he is going through puberty, growing-pains, etc. the way any boy his age would. At that point you have to make concessions, because it'd be unfair to expect him to wait until he is physically thirty to date someone. It'd also defeat the entire purpose of reincarnating, since this is supposed to be his chance at living a happier, more fulfilling life.
I think that as long as there isn't a big emotional and/or intellectual gap between him and the person he is dating, then it's all good. Luckily, Akane clears that condition pretty easily!
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It'll be lots of fun to see Akane play one of them! I wonder if she will play the girl from Viewpoint B?
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Don't Aqua and Goro share a tag? "Hoshino Aquamarine | Goro" is how it appears for me.
No worries anon! I have seen people trying to clearly separate Aqua and Goro but I don't think things necessarily work that way, so I understand why you had a hard time doing so. Do let me know if you had a breakthrough, though!
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Thanks for asking anon! I do have Twitter but I rarely use it, so Tumblr is definitely where I go talk fandom :D
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Anon I've already written like thirty posts about it lol
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Ideally? I'd love for Akane to:
Realize that Aqua is Goro and confront him about it
Team up with Ruby and everyone else in order to accomplish her goal of saving Aqua
Be instrumental in getting Kamiki
Recognize her own worth and to have a heart to heart with Aqua, because if they end up together I'd like it to be after Akane is certain that she isn't sharing his heart
I'd also love for her to continue being recognized for how brilliant she is as an actress and to keep getting all the prizes under the sun, because she deserves all of them.
All in all, I want her to end the manga feeling happy and fulfilled with all aspects of her life!
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No can do, anon! I want you all to trust me that if you ask me to keep something private, I will keep it private 😂
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Don't remind me anon, I want the answer to all those questions too!! 😭
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Thank you so much for your kind words, anon! I think the one carrying the fandom on his back is Aka, so he better feed us something soon 😂
Now that you mention it, I think I don't! I've been trying to stick to their relationship the way it's presented in the manga, so that hasn't left me much room to imagine what they're like when we don't see them. I'll definitely think about it, though!
edit: after reading another anon ask, I'd like to headcanon that Aqua snuck in Akane's graduation ceremony and/or at least watched her from afar lol
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I think my issue with that line of thinking are the implications. Because if Aqua was never willing and/or open to the possibility of falling for her, then that means that he was leading her on when he decided to date her for real, which would be incredibly selfish of him and very unfair to Akane. Personally, I would not ship Akane with Aqua if I thought that was the case.
Unless you're talking about something else?
In either case, I do agree that it would be great to get a third kiss with a proper confession!
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My thoughts about that are here 1 and here 2!
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Thank you so much for dropping by anon, I'm happy you've enjoyed the read!
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NOOOOO I didn't think of that! You're right, Akane must have graduated by now :( Okay this calls for a headcanon, hopefully Aqua found a way to sneak in and see her from afar 😭
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The stairs leading to the bridge are next to a road while the stairs in ch 116 are surrounded by grass and trees, so I'm afraid they aren't the same anon.
I'm sure it's just a matter of time before the AquaKane bridge makes its grand comeback, though :D
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I'd love to say yes anon, I'd have loved to see Akane tell Aqua some of the things Aqua told Ruby 😭 But in truth, I think that Aqua wouldn't be able to move on knowing that Ruby and Ichigo were planning to have revenge. So I think that if Aqua and Akane had been honest to each other during that conversation, the best case scenario would be AquaKane working together and coming up with a less self-destructive plan than the one they came up with on their own.
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That would be amazing, anon! I love the way you think and I'm praying Aka will think the same lmao
Thank you for the kind words too, I'm honored!
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My advice would be to just mute it/block it, anon! I never joined it because I always avoid joining subreddits for fandoms involving love triangles, but I did check it while the anime was airing because it seemed like an easy way to keep up with news and translations. After that, Reddit wouldn't stop recommending random posts to me, and just like you I sometimes bit the bait as well. So I just muted it. Out of sight, out of mind lol
I think whether or not that works for you would also depend on what you get from checking the subreddit. For example, if you just check it to keep up with Onk news, you may as well follow the OnK Twitter accounts to get the news straight from the source.
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Good question, anon! It is entirely possible that feeling like her bond with him was just adding to Aqua's guilt, aka the opposite of what she wanted, brought her to tears.
Personally, I do think that played a part in it but I also think there's another reason to why Akane's demeanor changes. When they talk on the bridge, Akane says that she doesn't quite understand what kind of relationship she has with Aqua and what she feels for him. In Chapter 78, she begins her speech by saying that she can finally put her feelings into words. Not to mention, one thing is thinking about the possibility of parting ways with someone and another thing is actually doing it.
So I think that once the moment of truth comes, Akane finds that parting ways with Aqua is more painful than she thought it would be :(
No, as far as we know Aqua and Akane have never addressed how they feel for each other 😭
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Hello there anon!
Hmmm I don't have anything against that take either, if people enjoy their relationship and find that it resonates more with them that way, then good for them!
I personally don't see them that way though, since we have Aqua outright admitting that he feels lust and and that he has "definitely" thought about it. We also have Akane blushing up a storm when she remembers Aqua kissing her, wanting Aqua to see her in that gorgeous dress she wore when she received the award, etc. So I think that Akane is just inexperienced and Aqua on the emotionally-stunted side due to all the trauma he has gone through.
That's just my personal take, though!
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I have to agree, anon! The way I see it, there are two possible reasons for why it was skipped: either we're going the AquaKane route (so it's being saved for later because it'd say too much) or we aren't (so it was skipped because it isn't relevant).
So if Aka is going for AquaKane, then I do definitely think we'll see some flashbacks to their time together as we go!
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
I mean I wouldnt say the eddie/chris relationship has been nothing, not in the same way as marisol at least, to me its been about the same as previous seasons assuming based on the bts chris is involved more than just in presence in whatever plot eddie has going on in 7x09/7x10 (albeit I would still like more eddie chris theyre so underused since s5) and I thought their plot in 7x01 was quite well done (7x01 was just like forever ago so the gap in chris usage seems more than what I think it would feel like on a rewatch, but we’ll see). The biggest issue with eddie chris was there was no scene with them discussing how he feels about marisol moving in (it could have been a quick drop chris off at *insert place hes going here* and be like he bud you sure about marisol moving in? So simple lol like most of my issue with chris’s usage in this season was isolated to 7x05 which makes me feel like they pivoted to that plot last minute) and I think a scene like that really would have helped with both making chris and eddie’s season long relationship feel more connected, and make chris’s part of the 7x05 plot feel so much less ridiculous lmao. All that being said if chris is just kind of there passively while eddie goes through whatever “craziness” (kim/the writers word) hes going through then I will have an issue, because eddie’s whole deal with shannon is very much tied up in chris’s existence lmao so to not explore anything chris related alongside this plot feels like a wasted opportunity and would probably change my opinion on this (generally I would agree that this season feels a little empty on the chris eddie front though. Just when it comes to 911 Ive learned to tamper both my positive and negative expectations until the plot actually plays out otherwise it bleeds too much into my irl emotional state lmao)
i mean it’s not so much nothing in the sense of screen time to me (although that’s part of it) but in the sense of like, his bearing on anything as a character, and the disconnection you mentioned. i do assume that whatever conversation eddie has with chris in the next episode will be important and possibly circle back to 7x01 which was probably the best eddie thing this season, and yes he’s clearly a big part of eddie’s relationship with shannon. really the lack of chris in 7x05 was such an egregious error that it overshadows literally everything for me. the fact that a big part of his “presence” in 7x04 was for buck’s sake, not eddie’s. then chris is put with marisol who’s literally nothing just to create the image of a family, it’s not actually about chris himself as eddie’s son in those instances. and then to have this storyline that’s not particularly thought-out where eddie’s being, i guess “selfish” - like, the writing overall for eddie and chris gives a completely different impression of their relationship and eddie as a father in a way that seems… not good. and given that that’s in line w the rest of the choices this season… yeah idk
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yinyuedijun · 4 months
I was literally losing my mind with the whole Ena thing because I was just like. I WAS RIGHT IT WASN'T JUST THE VOICES IN MY HEAD!! But I really didn't expect Sunday to be following the Order.. which really messed up my draft of that aven fic I had started writing lmao I have to scrap almost everything now, and ngl I'm tempted to make it about Sunday now but both him and Aventurine would be so good with Ena!Reader and I don't know which one I like best..
I really feel that Sunday grossly misinterpreted the Order, and that he was just blindly pinning his hopes on Ena because he'd lost faith in the Harmony. I mean, the Order was never about equity in any way, and I genuinely don't think that Ena would care about it. The Order of the cosmos is cyclical, with continuous periods of prosperity and destruction, and that is what Ena protected. I've been going deeper into the Ena rabbit hole, and I think Ena is meant to be an embodiment of Tao (given that her chinese name is Taiyi), and from what I understand that means that Ena's Order is the nature of all things, and protecting Order would mean not going against that nature ( i.e., if a bird can't fly, it shouldn't try to fly but rather just live it's life on the ground. )
I think the whole "reviving Ena" thing goes against Order. Taoist cosmological theory describes the One (who I assume would be Ena) bringing forth the Two (yin and yang) which merge in harmony to create the Three (who I assume would be Xipe).. so I think being assimilated was part of Ena's own order and that trying to bring her back would be defying the nature of things.
But idk much about this kind of thing so maybe I'm misinterpreting things..
On another note, going on this rabbit hole made me really scared of writing that fic at all so I might just scrap it entirely lol
LITERALLYYYY WHEN I WAS PLAYING THE QUEST I WAS THINKING ABT UR MESSAGES like Ena = Gaiathra Triclops theory is REAL IM CONVINCED !! which makes me wonder more abt the history of sigonia like was it always the way it was, or was it previously a calmer and flourishing planet 🧐
I feel like your Ena!Reader paired with Aventurine would be a really heartfelt and beautiful kind of story whereas Ena!Reader paired with Sunday would be.....AHGLDJSKS DERANGED??? IN A REALLY FASCINATING WAY? maybe it's just the way I characterize Sunday though you don't need to agree w me LOL. I agree either pairing would be incredible though! Perhaps you could write 2 separate stories...
I also definitely wouldn't let this intimidate you into scrapping the fic!!! I would suggest choosing a theory that is most interesting to you and then just basing your fic around that. As long as you have a disclaimer that you started the fic before 2.3 came out, I think people will be pretty forgiving of any deviations from canon - that's just the nature of writing and reading for an incomplete game!
ALSO ALL THAT ENA SPECULATION.....CRAZY. tbh im not a Taoist and I also have an abysmal grasp on hsr lore so I cannot help you with these theories 💀 BUT! these headcanons are crazy like alex you are COOKING!!! 太一 is the name of a specific deity (the Emperor of Heaven associated with the North Star), but in philosophy it does indeed also represent the origin of all things and is associated with Taoism. I didn't think about the connection to Taoism, which feels incredibly far removed from the extremely authoritarian and hierarchy-bound ideology that Sunday was espousing, so I really like your idea that he was misinterpreting the Order all along... it would certainly make for a very interesting fic if you were to pursue it :3c
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