0mnitrixter · 6 years
As he finally arrived at his destination, he had to stop and look at the building standing in front of him, imponent and technologically advanced.
It was despicable.
He couldn’t wait have it destroyed along that little human who was interfering with his plans of assimilation of the planet.      But, since that was proving to take more time than he expected, he decided to think about that meddling “boy genius” himself.
Once he would be gone, no one would be able to stop him.
He cracked his neck, hard, a green circle appearing under his feet as he absorbed some of the fusion matter from the ground.      That’s when he noticed that the boy’s right arm had started to being affected by his toxic essence, as green and purple marks appeared on the forearm.
“Humans are such weak creatures.” He let out, growling. “This body is becoming a burden to maintain.” And with that, he composed himself once again and walked up to the door of the Dexlabs facility.
None of the Dexbot around noticed any anomaly; how naive coming from the inventions of someone stating to be the smartest scientist on Earth.      Well, that was just one less barrier to break.
One of those robots required him to wait in the main hall of the building, as Dexter would be there as soon as he could since he was working on something.
He tried to have them tell him what that was about, but they kept saying it was confidential and they were not allowed to talk about it.      If he had to give one credit to that human, he could keep secrets pretty well.
Then, he felt a familiar presence.
Sure, there were different samples of Fusion Matter in that place, but that was... different.
It was alive.      Untouched.           Sentient.
He knew exactly what he was feeling and it made him smile; he’d waited to settle that little misunderstanding for a long time, after all.
Turning his head, he saw it arrive. Or, as the humans started to refer to, her.      How funny he found that.
As he moved to walk to... her, she noticed his presence, and turned to his direction, with a smile on her face.
“Oh! Hey Ben, what are y-”
She didn’t even finish her sentence because she immediately knew. She knew who was in front of him from the very moment his eyes rested on her, restoring that connection they always had but lately was weakened by useless feelings and friendships.
He hated those words.
“It’s been a lot since last time I felt your presence.” He said, keeping to walk towards her.      “What’s wrong, my dear? You seem pretty distraught by my presence. Is there something bothering you? Are you feeling like there’s something you should be doing? Are you feeling like you’re not following the orders of your one and only Lord and creator, the one who brought you to life and made you what you are?
Are you feeling guilty...
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“There you are!”
A screeching voice with a thick accent came from behind them, interrupting their talk.      Dexter walked fast up to the two of them, seeming quite in a rush.
“Ben! Where were you, I’ve been waiting for MINUTES!” That little boy was hypocrisy made person.      He grabbed his arms and pulled him away with himself, blabbing about reports and missions to review together.
As he was dragged away, he looked one last time at the fusion.
I will spare your little friend for today. And we will have a talk later to get you back on the right side you must follow.
When the two were out of sight, she fell down on the ground, holding her stomach and shivering in fear.
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ballerinapriincess · 6 years
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Nanocom Chat { Accepting }
@assistantforawar 💖💖💖
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cizzle-freezy · 4 years
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And now on a positive note, gave Trace and alt design! (...well, first I need to use her, but oh well. ^^;)
Lowkey based on both Ten’s old and current (before I redesign her AGAIN) design!
Also slowly got attached to the idea of a good fusion clone that becomes their own person thanks to @assistantforawar (now I know which blog to credit yesss)
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eddyeddyneddy · 9 years
Use the letters of your muse’s first name to describe their personality.
E: Eccentric
D: Dedicated
D: Dense
Y: Youthful
I tag: assistantforawar, eddiisms, primetimehero, oftentacles, ask-fusion-dex and ballerinapriincess
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foxwolfen · 11 years
✉ (v30)
Fox actually feels sorry for Maddie being made of acidic fusion matter.  She knew if the fusion girl one day wanted to be closer to others then she’d have to eventually touch them.  It actually was common thing for her to need to buy new gloves as she tested different fabrics and their melting rate when exposed to large levels of fusion matter.  She has made it a goal to one day be able to give her friend a proper hug and make her cuddle-able.
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coughGet Fluffycough
3. A kiss on the nose
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kndleader-blog · 11 years
PHONE (for you know who)
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ivealreadywon · 11 years
Break Me - assistantforawar ((angsty stuff i beautiful hahaha....))
[ Read More because it’s long and awful I’m sorry I don’t know Sunny well and I just ahdfgsdfhsdfs. ]
“A Fusion has no place among anything but the dead," the demon snarled, putting the tip of his claw just beneath her chin and tipping her head up to him. A slight, familiar sensation tickled his claw where he touched her. Fusion Matter even did harm to him, it would seem. How did others keep this creature around without poisoning themselves?
Sunny seemed to stricken to make a noise, but even in her pure red eyes, Him could see the fear. It was amusing that a Fusion could take on human consciousness… but that only made her susceptible to his influence. This brought a slow, cruel smile to his blackened lips.
“You say you don’t consider yourself human. You refuse to consider yourself one of Fuse’s pawns. So what are you? A mistake? A spy?" he hissed. "Those foolish children might be willing to take that chance, ‘Sunny’ but, alas, I am not.”
His claw removed itself from her chin, only to slice her arm open in a grotesque splatter of green blood- Fusion Matter, really. What every other Fusion was made of. He relished in the scream that rose from her throat, though the burning sensation that was beginning to consume his claw bothered him enough to pause to clean it off.
Sunny slid down the cool metal wall, onto the floor and into a growing puddle of her own Fusion Matter. She couldn’t bring herself to scream again- the demon before her looked so calm, collected, as if—
As if he’d done this before.
Her eyes widened. This wasn’t just a villain standing in front of her. It wasn’t Mandark or Mojo or Belladonna. This wasn’t even human- or anything with a soul, for that matter.
She saw before her something terrifying, something truly evil, a power beyond comprehension…
And it reminded her of Fuse.
The demon turned back to her just as another scream managed to escape the tame Fusion. Him only smirked, slamming the sharp heel of his boot into her chest, bringing another trickle of Fusion Matter from her, though at a much lower scale. As he was about to do something else- something awful, surely- a muffled voice and footsteps could be heard heading their way.
“Go back to Fuse, where you belong,” the demon growled, cursing how foolishly he’d used his time. “You disgust even me, Fusion. I have my eye on you," and with that, he vanished, leaving Sunny to stare on in shock.
His words echoed even after he’d left.
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eddyeddyneddy · 11 years
I got something really special for everyone tonight...
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Trust me. You'll all love me by the end of this!
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dexlabs · 11 years
Fusion -Idontreallyknow- Fall: the dream by Aduah
Never had such a vivid dream... it was amazing, it became funny and turned sad in few minutes.
Under read more because it's pretty long... hope you'll have the patience to read it all. I made some images to make it more enjoyable (I hope?)
So the dream started with the most amazing news I could receive:
Fusionfall is back!
All my dashes were full of people repeating it, again and again. So I went on the CN site, but there was nothing on the news. Clicking on the "Play now" button, my screen turned black and a simple writing was there:
Close your eyes.
I did for some minutes, and...
Fusionfall theme started playing. Loud and powerful, it gave me an intense emotion. Instead of the usual loading image, the FusionFall logo was in the middle of a space image, with two colorful words to its sides (sorry, I can't remember what they were saying). A voice echoed around me, explaing that that was not the end of the game, but something similar, a side story with all the characters, not exactly FF.
Then the sky turned blue again, but the writing didn't disappear. I could see buildings on my left, with many cars running around.
And people screaming.
On my right, an infected zone, and many people inside and outside it, running around in exctitement.
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I wanted to cry and scream, because it was too beautiful! Not only FusionFall was back, but it was real!!
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The warping zone was near there... and I don't understand why, but the Dexbot was between two huge jumping pads...
Ok, so I went inside of the infected zone: a big forest filled with trees on cliffs, but no sign of fusion goo or fusions around.
But who cared! Everyone was excited because they could jump around and be in the game! Jump pads EVERYWHERE!!
On the other side of the Zone, there were mountains. It seemed that, over the mountains, the game really began. Just in front of them, out of the forest, there was a big cloth covering something, but you couldn't see what was under it.
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Everyone wanted to go on the other side of the mountains, and there was a jump pad in front of them for it. But all their efforts lead to nothing.
You could see people hugging the mountain everywhere! <3
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Oh yes, in the meanwhile I turned into Ben for no reason.
Seeing me, people started asking me to help them go on with the game, so I was forced on the jump pad to try and go on the other side.
Only problem: the f*cking pad swang.
So I climbed it, and used all my forces to stand up withoug falling down, but it was really hard.
In that moment I heard a familiar voice, and I called "EHY! EHY! KNDLEADER HELP ME HERE, KEEP THIS THING STILL!!"
And yes, I called for kndleader, not Numbuh One, not Edo.
And there I understoon that all of us had their RPed character's look.
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So, while kndleader and dexlabsceo hold the pad, I tried to stand up.
Dex: OK! You're ready! Jump at my three!
Me: WHAT?? Ehy, wait a second, I don't...
Dex: One...
Dex: two....
Me: YOU...
Dex: THREE!!
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I hugged the mountain too! And slowly I slided down, still hugging it.
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I didn't actually saw those faces (because I was seeing only rocks), but I'm pretty sure they were like that!
And while we were arguing, Mandy just shutted everyone up and suggested: "There are jumping pads here, maybe we can go on the top of this huge cloth and see what is there?"
I volunteered for it.
Three pads. The first one leading to the second, the second to the third.
The third one...
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I remembered just in that moment I awfully suffer of vertigo... so when I reached the top I grabbed the fabric and didn't move.
I heard people asking me if there was something on there, and I shouted that nothing was there, I just wanted to get off!
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Ok, there was another jump pad. When I announced it, everyone started laughing at me, and told me to jump on it.
So I did, and I reached the real top of that thing.
And amazing view, but FusionFall style, so I couldn't really see that much...
Down at my feet, a knife.
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I didn't really question why it was there, I just grabbed it and jumped off that place, the knife cutting the cloth slowing my fall.
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When I reached the ground, the fabric fell off, revealing a big hot-air baloon that reminded of Planet Fuse, but it had more hot colors.
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A dark voice proclaimed:
"This time, nothing will stop us. You will all die, and nothing can save your silly planet; neither your pathetic heroes. At the count of three, you'll receive the sign that the war, is really stared.
Everyone talked about how that couldn't be real.
It couldn't be! FF was just a game for kids, with kids shows in it, violence was not the main thing! All of us looked at each other, trying to figure out a way to not let that baloon go.
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It. Fucking. Hurted.
I fell on the ground, everything turned black. I could hear the others organizing for who was going to rescure me and who was going after the baloon.
I didn't really care, I just didn't want to die there, at the beginning of the game.
I had just a question.
Why me?
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kndleader-blog · 11 years
Weird Sunday: Chained-to-your-worst-enemy day.
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With the additional experience of being handcuffed to Numbuh 274 for several hours prior, Numbuh One was beginning to think being chained to your worst enemy was a much more frequent occurence than Kids Next Door training implied it would be.
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recruitxkimiko · 9 years
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{ some 100x100 maddie icons for alex ! }
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recruitxkimiko · 9 years
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[ this is only a sketch BUT it looks rlly cute tho ]
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recruitxkimiko · 9 years
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[ GASPS ] “ Hi there again really cute & slimy Dexter’s assistant ! ”
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ballerinapriincess · 11 years
Little Headcanon:
Dee Dee nicknames Mandy "Grumpy Cat" despite the other's threat to make sure her death will be slow and painful.
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0mnitrixter · 11 years
✉ (casually sends one late, you dont have to answer it though)
FusionFall Verse
Ben still hasn’t get what her name is. He keeps hearding different ones, so he just doesn’t call her at all, and if he needs he goes “Hey!” “You!” “AH!”.
In his head, he calls her “Kiriko”, like a character from Sumo Slammers who is similar to her.
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