karsok5 · 8 months
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My oc for Hazbin Hotel, which I drew in 2020 AHAHAHAHAHDLDKKFID
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karsok5 · 9 months
Ladies and gentlemen, the story of my OS in mortal kombat. (Well, I'm into mortal kombat)
Whoever says anything about mistakes is a ban, I’m writing this I don’t know how long in a drunken stupor without sleep.
The beginning is short, the main thing. The end - what kind of fanfic? It didn't blow up like a child.
Sokol is the girl's code name. Her real name is unknown, and "Sokol" was taken from the name of the clan of which she is now the only follower.
Sokol always wanted to change her clan. It had a bad reputation, describing its members as cruel, vile, aggressive. The clan members were happy in life only with bloody fights and feasts that were arranged after victories. They did not accept criticism from others and did not even think about the prosperity of the clan. The main strength was toughness.
In the seventh group for fighting, in which the girl was, she was the most cruel. Fights were held much more often, thereby tormenting the participants, and no one had respect for each other outside of them.
In the clan, everything between the participants was decided by violence and the display of physical skills; you simply could not be weak.
As a child, Sokol was an example, the most aggressive and strong, but over time she realized that she did not want such fame. For this reason, many of her peers began to mock her, declaring that her idea was complete nonsense and traditions would never change. That it is better to have power over others through fear than to adapt to the example of other weak clans using the example of the Lin Kuei.
One day, the girl plucked up courage and decided to talk about it with her elders. She stated that she would like to see changes and abandon old traditions, that they only discredit the clan. But they only ridiculed her in front of the whole group and ordered her to fight against a guy from the fourth group. The group under this number was famous for its strongmen; going against them was considered suicide.
The conditions were simple, until no one surrenders, the battle will not end. Only if someone wanted to give up, he automatically became a punching bag. There was no choice.
The battle has begun. During the fight, the guy literally with one blow turned part of the body into meat smashed with a hammer. Sokol stood on the field only thanks to her agility, preventing the blow from completely hitting part of her body. The duel ended with Sokol losing consciousness—defeat, but we can say that this saved her from death.
Waking up at home in her bed, the girl promised herself that she would not leave it so easily.
In some ways, there were those for whom she lived in this place—the younger ones. The girl took care of them as if they were siblings, guiding them on the right path, and not what their elders taught.
Having recovered, the girl found information about a sorcerer who played with black magic and could provide some potions.
Secretly breaking out into the street early in the morning while everyone was sleeping, Sokol headed to a place unknown to anyone.
Having found the old man, the girl made an equivalent exchange, and then immediately disappeared, only casting a fleeting, incredulous glance at the grinning old man.
Returning home, she hid all the potions and began to wait.
Once every three months, three days of great battles took place. But also this month they set huge tables of food and alcohol. This was the chance to make a revolution.
The day of the holiday has arrived. Before going to the field, Sokol offered to help prepare alcohol and juices. Everything should have gone according to plan, if not for one thing.
When the clan members sat down at the table and decided to drink with their glasses raised, many of the adults, after a couple of sips, began to fall to the ground and choke, while the children immediately lost consciousness. According to the old man, the potions were supposed to take effect after a while, but it seems that was a lie.
The girl was seized with panic only because of the children, to whom she immediately ran up and tried to help in a panic.
“The old man insisted that separate flasks were for sleeping, what a liar,” the girl said, gritting her teeth, angrily squeezing the body of the little girl, who was already out of breath.
Chaos began all around, the celebration was stopped, and those who were responsible for the drinks were grabbed and immediately taken to the elders.
Without hesitation, accusing, everyone pointed at Sokol.
It was not only a personal grudge, but also general suspicions due to her behavior and past incidents.
As a result of a quick decision, she was to be executed.
But one of the elders, a man who had great influence and power in the clan, demanded a pardon, he was interested in her.
He stated that in exchange for her freedom, he would keep her under his control and be personally responsible for all actions in the future. The conditions were accepted by the elders more because of the influence and power of this man.
A wedding took place, everyone harbored hatred, but could not even declare it, since Falcon, despite her act, was inviolable.
Sokol, shackled, went out into the street with the guards, received sidelong glances, harsh words and even slaps in the face from angry women, experiencing grief from the loss of children.
The girl did not answer anything, she still walked on with her head held high, thinking about something of her own.
Gradually, her husband's trust in her became much greater. Her humility and timidity were what attracted and encouraged me. The shackles were removed from her, but the guards' surveillance continued. She couldn’t go anywhere alone, not even go to the market.
According to her husband, she did not try to create anything, but if only it were so in reality.
Slowly rising from the bed with dried tears on her cheeks after satisfying her husband's whim, the girl slowly walked up to the nightstand and, reaching under it with her hand, took out a small dagger.
“The soul that you tormented, I will restore it” - with these words she slowly approached her husband’s side and without hesitation cut his throat. Exhaling in relief, Sokol shuddered when she heard footsteps heading into the room.
At the same moment, one of the man’s guards entered the room.
“Sir, I wanted to check on you and...” the guy said until he saw how the girl, being on top of the man, abruptly covered her naked body with a blanket.
“Oh, I beg your pardon,” the guy said immediately as he walked away.
The falcon, pulling the robe back and getting off the man, runs up to the box with the sacred cup.
With trembling hands, she takes the stolen key from the pocket of her robe and opens the doors of the box. Taking the cup, she returns to the man's body. With her hand, she squeezes the man’s bloody neck and squeezes drops of blood into this cup.
“Whoever drinks the blood of a murdered person from this cup will gain his strength.”
Sokol gained strength, but at what cost.
One of the guards came in to check the chambers again. But how shocked he was when he saw only a corpse and a girl holding a sacred cup. As soon as he stretched out his hand to take out the blade, his head was pressed into the wall and, with quickly applied blows, turned into a porridge of meat.
Greedily killing everyone who stood in her way, the girl lost control, without even realizing how anger and hatred clouded her eyes.
Sokol ended all members of the clan, every single one, not even sparing the children who had previously brought her hope.
Having come to her senses, she dropped the cup into a pool of blood on which she herself was standing.
She covered her mouth with trembling hands while her eyes, getting wet, ran over the mountains of corpses in the area. Unable to believe and understand at that second what she had done, the girl filled the silence with her desperate silent scream with a stream of tears.
(Then I might edit some more, but now I want to sleep. Or I don’t want to. I want a normal schedule)
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karsok5 · 9 months
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Here are the clothes for my wasps. 4 picture-result. Yo
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