#asset distribution farmers
townpostin · 28 days
Divisional Cooperative Maha Sammelan in Jamshedpur Boosts Farmer Support
Agriculture Minister distributes assets worth ₹4.85 crore to beneficiaries Jamshedpur’s Divisional Level Cooperative Maha Sammelan highlighted government initiatives to empower farmers and cooperative societies. JAMSHEDPUR – The Divisional Level Cooperative Maha Sammelan was conducted at the Ravindra Bhawan auditorium in Sakchi, with Agriculture Minister Deepika Pandey Singh serving as the…
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mariacallous · 6 months
THROWING KYIV UNDER THE TRACTOR: In a major cave-in to Europe’s farming lobby, EU countries overnight agreed to impose restrictions on Ukrainian agricultural sales, dealing a significant blow to its exports.
Less revenue for Kyiv: This retreat ahead of this week’s EU leaders’ summit (for which farmers are descending on Brussels again) paves the way for a deal with the European Parliament today to partly roll back Kyiv’s trade benefits, officials and diplomats told Playbook. That’s expected to result in a revenue loss of more than €1 billion a year for the war-struck country.
Masks off: At last night’s meeting of the 27 government envoys, France came out in support of Poland, asking for a limit on imports of Ukrainian poultry, eggs, sugar and wheat, according to two people briefed on the discussion.
Strategic yogurt, revisited: Just as Macron stressed France’s no-holds-barred support for Ukraine, the pitchfork-wielding farmers have blown a hole into his “whatever it takes” soufflé.
Signal to Russia: Vladimir Putin can rely on European agri-food groups to do his lobbying for him. Russia’s full supermarket shelves — heaving with EU products — have been one of the regime’s go-to arguments to show Russia is winning the war.
Contradictory policy: This isn’t the first time the EU bowed to its agri sector when it comes to Russia’s war on Ukraine. While Russian-flagged ships are banned from EU ports, there’s an exemption for those carrying Russian fertilizers and pesticides. In previous decisions, the EU also rolled back asset freezes against Russian oligarchs involved in the agri-food trade.
The argument, back then, was that tougher restrictions on Russian fertilizers would lead to higher food prices in Europe. But that’s exactly what restrictions on imports from Ukraine will also do.
HAPPENING TODAY: The Belgian Council presidency and MEPs will meet this evening for negotiations on the new restrictions. Parliament has also asked for a lower ceiling at which the restrictions will kick in, as my colleagues Camille Gijs and Bartosz Brzeziński report in this must-read.
WINNERS AND LOSERS: Take a moment to appreciate the farming lobby’s political feat. Sky-high energy prices, a narrowly averted winter heating crisis, an influx of millions of refugees and Putin’s nuclear saber-rattling didn’t undermine EU will to support Ukraine — but farmers successfully convinced leaders to U-turn on policies aimed at supporting Kyiv’s income.
Winners: EU agricultural groups, who get to have their cake and eat it. After a host of measures meant to lower their production costs (such as derogations from environmental rules and the reintroduction of fossil fuel subsidies), they will now get measures to shield them from competition and increase their sales prices.
Also a winner: Russia. Today’s decision doesn’t just mean a revenue loss for Ukraine; it proves that EU leaders’ support for Ukraine caves under interest group pressure.
Losers: Ukrainian farmers, who look set to forgo some €1.2 billion a year in sales to the EU. And European consumers, who will get even less supply and choice, which could again drive up food price inflation.
BLAME IT ON THE ELECTION YEAR: Asked why they caved in, senior officials blamed their leaders’ fear that the farmers’ protests could fuel new populist parties, such as the BBB in the Netherlands.
But there are other ways to placate them: As some EU officials stressed, countries could help the majority of farmers simply by distributing subsidies more fairly. Some 80 percent of the EU’s direct farm subsidies go to the 20 percent biggest farms, according to the Commission.
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monsoon-memoirs · 2 months
Rising Waters, Rising Spirits: America's Flood Resilience Unveiled
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In the heart of America's heartland, a battle against nature's fury unfolds. As relentless rains pound the Midwest, rivers swell beyond their banks, transforming peaceful communities into waterlogged war zones. But amidst the chaos, a story of human resilience emerges, one that captures the indomitable spirit of those facing the flood's wrath. The Mississippi River, once a lifeline for commerce and travel, now threatens the very towns it helped build. In Iowa, sandbag walls rise like modern fortifications, with neighbors working shoulder to shoulder to protect their homes. The scene is both heartbreaking and inspiring – a testament to the power of community in the face of adversity. Further south, in Missouri, entire neighborhoods have become impromptu islands. Residents navigate flooded streets in kayaks and makeshift rafts, their determination evident in every paddle stroke. Local authorities work tirelessly, coordinating evacuations and ensuring the safety of those most vulnerable. But it's not just about survival; it's about adaptation. Farmers in the region, faced with submerged fields, are already planning for the future. They speak of resilient crops and innovative drainage systems, their voices filled with hope rather than despair. The flood's impact extends beyond the immediate disaster zone. Supply chains across the nation feel the ripple effects as vital transportation routes are disrupted. Yet, in true American fashion, businesses large and small are finding creative solutions, rerouting shipments and collaborating in unprecedented ways. As the waters begin to recede, the focus shifts to recovery. FEMA teams descend on affected areas, armed with digital tools to assess damage and streamline aid distribution. Their efforts are bolstered by an army of volunteers, many traveling from across the country to lend a hand. The road to recovery will be long, but the spirit of those affected remains unbroken. In town halls and community centers, plans for rebuilding are already taking shape. There's talk of improved flood defenses, smarter urban planning, and a renewed commitment to environmental stewardship. This flood is more than a natural disaster; it's a reminder of our collective strength and the power of human compassion. As one local resident put it, "The water may have taken our homes, but it can't take our hope." For those looking to support flood victims or learn more about flood preparedness, visit [insert link to flood relief organization]. Remember, in the face of nature's might, our greatest asset is each other. Are you ready to maximize your chances for recovery? Contact us now for a FREE CONSULTATION with both a public adjuster and an attorney! Get immediate advice from both a public adjuster and an attorney when you reach out to us. Receive a preliminary assessment of your property damage and an estimate of potential insurance compensation. Benefit from the expertise of construction professionals for accurate property damage evaluation.
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drapeau-rouge · 2 years
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Message from the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador on the 85th anniversary of the expropriation of the country’s oil industry.
Rally held on Saturday, March 18, in Mexico City’s Zócalo square.
 This is a commemoration of the expropriation of the oil industry and it is a national event. Participating here today are residents of Aguascalientes, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Mexico City, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, State of Mexico, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Jalisco, Chiapas, Chiapas, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Mexico City, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, State of Mexico, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Yucatán, and Zacatecas.
 Long live Mexico!
 Unlike Francisco I. Madero, who, in order to realize his beautiful democratic ideal could not or did not consider it indispensable to strengthen his ties with the people, especially with the Zapatista peasants, General Lázaro Cárdenas did not hesitate to rely on those from below to make his transformation a reality.
 The general's strategy can be summarized in three important and consecutive actions:
 First, he distributed land to the peasant farmers and helped the workers.
 Then, he helped them organize.
 And, finally, with this social base he was able to carry out the expropriation of the oil industry and other national assets that Porfirio Díaz had handed over to private interests, mainly foreigners.
 The top priority of the Cardenista strategy was to attend to the economic and social demands of peasant farmers and workers. The president knew that the only way to gain the backing of the people was to act decisively in favor of their demands. Consequently, from the beginning of his government, a program of land distribution was launched; the peasant farmers mobilized throughout the country requesting that they be given land through the expropriation of large estates or providing them with deeds for state land.
 In a short time, the distribution of land to peasant farmers transformed the structure of Mexican agriculture. The revolutionary importance of the Cardenista land distribution policies can be measured with a key piece of data. In the first three years of his administration, 9,764,000 hectares were given to 565,216 peasants, which vastly surpassed the amount of land that had been distributed since the Revolution.
 By the end of Cardenas’ administration, 10,651 ejidos (1) had been established, comprising a total of more than 18 million hectares and benefiting more than one million indigenous families, impoverished peasant farmers, and rural day laborers.
 The peasants unquestionably saw Cárdenas to be a faithful representative of the revolutionary cause. The agrarian reform ensured the loyalty of many people to the Cardenista government and from that point the alliance between peasant farmers and the State was established.
 At the same time, during the Cárdenas years, workers felt that their labor rights were guaranteed. With strict adherence to the law, Cárdenas respected the economic struggle of workers for better wages and working conditions. His measures in this field consisted of making the formal content of Constitutional Article 123 (2) a reality.
 From the beginning of his government, the labor movement began engaging in intense activity aimed at winning its demands; it was even able to freely exercise the right to strike.
 By the middle of the president’s six-year term in office, peasant farmers and workers identified Cárdenas as the defender of their interests. The first part of Cardenas' strategy had been successful; the President's approach and solidarity with the most vulnerable social groups resulted in the support and adhesion of the majority to the government's policies.
 The political organization of workers and peasant farmers as a second link in the Cardenista strategy also developed with intensity and enthusiasm.
 First, most of the national industrial unions were established. The Mexican Workers’ Confederation, the CTM, was founded on February 24, 1936. Although the organization's declaration of principles stated, and I quote, that 'the Mexican proletariat will fundamentally fight for the total abolition of the capitalist system,' its leaders accepted the president's proposal and agreed on the need to first achieve the country’s political and economic liberation. In accordance with these principles, the workers' movement resolutely supported the government in its struggle for national sovereignty.
 On July 9, 1935, President Cárdenas recommended that the organization of Mexico's peasant farmers take place. With this in mind, the agrarian community leagues were created in all states of the country and their integration with the unions of rural wage earners resulted in the establishment of the National Peasant Confederation, the CNC.
 The organization and political mobilization of the masses made it possible to advance in the aim of asserting our country’s economic independence, and thus with the expropriation of the oil companies, national assets and resources that had been in the hands of foreigners since the Porfiriato (3) began to be returned to the nation.
 This strategy could not have succeeded without the exceptional qualities of a noble and just man such as General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río.
 Politics is not only rationality, but also, like other activities in life, requires mystique and convictions. Political processes are more complex than what rationalist intellectuals assume; political processes also involve factors such as luck, the brilliance of leaders and the sentiments of the people.
 General Cárdenas, unlike careerist or elite politicians, professed a sincere and deep love for the people. Just as there is no one with the democratic aspiration of Madero, neither has there ever existed in Mexico a president as close to the downtrodden or as convinced of the cause of social justice as General Cárdenas.
For example, in 1935, when he was already president, already in power, Cárdenas wrote the following in his notes:
 'To put an end to the miseries experienced by the people is above all other interests'.
 And he maintained: 'Living amid the needs and anguish of the people, one will easily find the way to remedy them'.
 Although he also confessed that he had been able to see the true moral background of many public servants. 'When I observe in their faces the disgust sparked by the poor peoples’ demand for assistance or justice, then I think more,' he lamented, 'of the endless tragedy of our own people.’
 For young people who want to devote themselves to the noble profession of politics, what is most important is love for the people.
 In addition to being a true humanist and possessing other virtues, General Cárdenas knew how to navigate his times with precision. Politics, among other things, is time management, a question that is usually essential and defining.
 A few days before announcing the expropriation of the oil industry, he wrote in his notes that, on the highway near Cuernavaca, he’d walked and talked for more than an hour with his teacher, friend and compañero, General Francisco J. Múgica. I’d like to quote General Cárdenas when he says:
 'We considered the circumstances that could arise if governments such as those of England and the United States, interested in backing the oil companies, pressured the Mexican government with violent measures. But we also took into account that the threat of a new world war is already present due to the provocations of Nazi-fascist imperialism, and that this would stop them from attacking Mexico in the event that the expropriation was decreed.'
 Among other reasons, and taking advantage of this circumstance, on March 18, 1938, the oil industry expropriation was launched. At eight o'clock in the evening, General Cárdenas informed his cabinet of this historic decision and, two hours later, in a radio address to the nation he announced the step taken by the government in defense of Mexico’s sovereignty, returning to the nation the oil wealth that, as the General himself wrote, 'imperialist capital had been utilizing to keep the country humiliated.'
 In four articles, the expropriation decree establishes that the following assets would become assets of the nation: machinery, installations and other fixtures and property of the foreign oil companies, for which compensation would be paid in accordance with Article 27 of the Constitution and the corresponding law.
 The oil expropriation was supported by the majority of the people. Photos of the time show the presence of predominantly humble people, indigenous men and women, peasant farmers, workers, teachers, employees, and members of the lower middle class.
 It was the common people who supported and cooperated with the government to raise the compensation due to the foreign oil companies. How could we forget that so many poor women donated goats and turkeys for this purpose and even got rid of the meager jewelry they owned!
 In those days, from the city of Oakland, California, migrant worker Cástulo Prado composed the lyrics and music of the Corrido del Petróleo and sent it to the president with the instruction that the government allocate any royalties from the work to the compensation fund. One of its verses reads as follows:
 'Lázaro Cárdenas says, serene and carefree: in the course of 10 years, everything will be paid, I have the Mexican people of which I have no doubt. From the youngest to the oldest, they all offer me their help. In the Mexican woman there is patriotism and pride, she gives up her jewelry to offer them for coins.'
 In addition to this massive and overwhelming popular support, the Cárdenas government had another favorable circumstance. At that time Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a great statesman and one of the finest presidents that country has ever had in its history, was governing the United States. Let’s recall that when Roosevelt entered the White House on March 4, 1933, the United States was experiencing one of the worst crises in its history and that, as president, Roosevelt knew how to deal with that crisis successfully and very soon restored hope to his people, which made him one of the greatest politicians of the 20th century.
 As for his foreign policy, let’s recall that, in a memorable speech, which is the antecedent of the principles of the UN, on January 6, 1941, Roosevelt laid out four basic freedoms for the world: the right to freedom of speech, the right to freedom of worship, the right to live free from want, and the right to live free from fear.
 Roosevelt's presidency applied the ‘good neighbor policy’ with the countries of the Western Hemisphere. At that moment, the principles of economic and political cooperation were defined, the sovereignty of Cuba and Panama was recognized, and the U.S. military withdrawal from Nicaragua and Haiti was ordered. It is not by chance that the great poet Pablo Neruda called Roosevelt a titan of the struggles for freedoms, a tremendous president.
 The authenticity of his good neighbor policy was most clearly demonstrated in the respect for the sovereignty of our country. During Roosevelt's three presidential terms, relations between Mexico and the United States were exceptionally good.
 In the days following the oil industry expropriation, General Cárdenas acknowledged Roosevelt’s role in a letter:
 'My government’ -wrote the general- ‘feels that the attitude assumed by the United States of America, in the case of the expropriation of the oil companies, once again affirms the sovereignty of the peoples of this hemisphere that the statesman of the most powerful country in the Americas, the most esteemed President Roosevelt, has been supporting with such effort'.
 Cástulo Prado, the poet we have already quoted, a people’s poet, also left testimony of the upright attitude, the grandeur, and the respect shown by the president of the neighboring country. Cástulo's verses read:
 'The millionaires asked for intervention. They went to the United States to lodge their complaint  -it looks to us, it looks to us, it looks to us- they went to the United States to lodge their complaint so that from there they would move to protect their companies. Roosevelt told them: 'Gentlemen, I can do nothing about it, the Mexican government has fulfilled its duty.'
 The good results of this policy had much to do with the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Joseph Daniels, who acted with wisdom and skill in the most difficult years of relations between the two countries. His position on the oil conflict is summarized when he maintained that President Cárdenas was right in promoting the policy that the wealth of the subsoil should become part of the Mexican economy and that the oil crisis was due to the systematic refusal of foreign companies to modify their vision, since, Daniels pointed out, they felt that Mexicans were born to enrich foreigners and that God placed important natural resources in Mexico to increase the fortunes found in the coffers of the exploiters and concession holders.
 But the companies were not as conscientious and respectful as U.S. politicians. The nationalization process had to confront the boycott, pressures, and acts of sabotage promoted and financed by the foreign oil companies.
 In Mexico, the oil industry expropriation caused deep uneasiness among a minority, especially among the wealthy of the time, in middle-class sectors, and in most of the media.
 It is interesting, and this is a lesson, to point out that historically the right wing always regroups when a democratic change is sought and becomes intolerant and even violent when it comes to social demands in favor of the people and the nation asserting its control.
 Let us remember that the overthrow of President Madero, our Apostle of Democracy, was backed by the intervention of the U.S. Ambassador, but was carried out by domestic right-wing groups which had previously promoted a campaign of hate and discredit consisting of ridiculing the President, President Madero, in the newspapers to the point of treating him as a madman and a spiritualist.
 The same thing happened when the expropriation, although it did not directly affect national private interests, served to bring together all the discontent of conservative groups opposed to the agrarian, labor, and educational policies of General Cárdenas.
 In this climate, on September 17, 1939, the National Action Party was founded. It was founded as a reaction to the oil industry expropriation. I say this here in the Zócalo because I am not lying, I am speaking the truth.
 In 1940, all these reactionary trends manifested themselves very strongly in the presidential election. The right-wing opposition was such that General Cárdenas had to act cautiously, and possibly that influenced him to support the candidacy of Manuel Ávila Camacho and not that of General Francisco J. Múgica, with whom he had more ideological affinity and who represented a greater certainty of continuity and deepening of the social and nationalist policy.
 It has always been said that the general did not choose Múgica because of the risk of foreign intervention. However, as we have seen, at that time Roosevelt, who had demonstrated his respect for national sovereignty, was governing and World War II was about to break out, a situation that contributed to dissipating the threat of a U.S. intervention.
 In my opinion, what most influenced the decision was the internal political circumstances, that is, the belligerence of the right-wing groups. Remember that, even though he’d decided in favor of the candidacy of Manuel Avila Camacho, who held moderate positions, the presidential election was complicated and violent.
 The opposition candidate, Juan Andreu Almazán, had the support of important right-wing groups and a sector of the Army. Even the PAN, which did not run a candidate for the presidency, openly supported him.
 At the end of the day, 30 dead and 127 wounded were reported. However, shortly after, Almazán gave in and his supporters, businessmen and right-wing politicians came to an understanding and made a pact for concessions and benefits with the new Ávila Camacho administration.
 From then on, the authentic revolutionary ideal and actions for the benefit of the people began to be abandoned, although it must be acknowledged that this alliance between political and economic power perhaps avoided civil war and maintained social peace.
 If under Porfirio Díaz, the peace of the graveyard prevailed, after President Cárdenas’ government, the peace of compromises and corruption was established.
 In this brief history there are major lessons, the main one being that only with the people, only with the support of the majority, can a popular transformation be carried out to enforce justice and confront the reactionaries who oppose the loss of privileges.
 For this reason, today we once again declare, we exclaim from the rooftops: no zigzagging, let us remain anchored in our principles, let us reaffirm the decision and the course we have taken since the administration began. No half measures: we in Mexico will never allow a minority to impose itself at the expense of the humiliation and impoverishment of the majority.
 That is why, in our government, corruption is being fought. There is an austere government, without luxuries, and all the savings are used to finance well-being programs, such as pensions for the elderly, support for people with disabilities, single mothers, peasant farmers and fishermen, scholarships for students from poor families, Internet for All, housing improvement and construction programs, collateral-free loans, fertilizer, and guaranteed prices for the country's small producers, the Bank of Well-Being, the promotion of education and universal and free public health care.
 This year more than 25 million people will receive direct support totaling 600 billion pesos (4). In other words, out of 35 million households in the country, 71 percent will receive the benefits of at least one of the social programs.
 With this policy of attention to the neediest, the most vulnerable, and especially to young people, we have also been able to reduce federal crimes by 33 percent, homicides by 10 percent, vehicle theft by 38 percent, general robberies by 20 percent, huachicol (5) by 92 percent, femicides by 28 percent, and kidnappings by 76 percent.
 By the same token, the savings from not allowing corruption or budgetary waste have enabled us to avoid contracting more debt. We have not requested additional debt since we have been in office.
 And at the same time, without increasing the public debt in real terms, taxes have not been increased, the price of gasoline, diesel, gas, and electricity have not risen. There has even been a decrease in the price of these energy resources.
 There has also been an increase in public investment, as has not occurred in many years. This year we will spend more than one trillion pesos (6) on public work projects. That is, we will continue building highways, bridges, trains, airports, hospitals, universities, markets, sports facilities, seawalls, and natural, recreational, and ecological parks.
 And we are carrying out something very important: an extensive project to recover and restore historical and archeological sites of our ancient and splendid cultures and civilizations.
 Public finances are strong, the national economy is booming. Last year the Mexican economy grew even more than the economies of China and the United States.
 There are an unprecedented 21,747,000 workers enrolled in the health system. This figure of 21,747,000 workers in the formal economy has never been reached before.
 In addition, an average wage of 525 pesos (7) per day has been achieved for these workers in the formal economy, something that had never occurred before.
 The unemployment rate last January was 2.9 percent, the lowest since 2005.
 We are carrying out public work projects. Right here we are refurbishing the Metro line that collapsed.
 We are, of course, building the Toluca-Mexico City train line, the Maya Train, the Transisthmic Train and many, many other public works projects.
 What is happening?
 After many years, we managed to get the United States to offer temporary work visas. Canada was already doing this and the United States did not accept it. Now with President Biden’s change of policy it was achieved, but they are taking skilled workers, ironworkers, welders, who are needed here for the works projects. We are going to make a small modification, because Mexico comes first and then foreign countries, but this shows how much demand there is for jobs in the country.
 During the time we have been in office, the minimum wage has increased by 90 percent in real terms, and on the border it has more than doubled.
 Do you remember what the lying technocrats used to say? That if wages were increased, there would be inflation. That's all a bunch of nonsense. That is not true. Of course, we have to improve wages responsibly, to strengthen the domestic market, as we are doing, and thus achieve well-being for our people.
 The stock market, corporate and bank profits are posting good numbers.
 The Banco de México’s reserves have increased by 15 percent, 200 billion dollars in bank reserves.
 Foreign investment has climbed to previously unseen figures.
 This has also occurred with remittances from our migrant countrymen and women. Thank you very much, fellow countrymen and women. Last year these remittances practically reached 60 billion dollars; this year they are going to exceed 60 billion dollars.
 This is very important, because this money gets to the most remote communities, to 10 million families who benefit from them, and with this money the regional economy, commerce and other economic activities are reactivated.
 It is also important to emphasize that the peso is the currency that has most appreciated in the world in relation to the dollar, something that has not occurred for more than 50 years.
 We have also directed our resources and efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency and energy self-sufficiency. In the latter, as reported here by the Ministry of Energy and the Director of Pemex, we can be certain that oil sovereignty is being guaranteed. Next year we will not be buying gasoline, diesel or other oil products abroad; we will be processing all of our raw materials.
 The Federal Electricity Commission, the public company in charge of managing the electricity industry, has been strengthened.
 And recently lithium, a strategic mineral used in manufacturing batteries for electric cars and storage systems for clean energy, was nationalized.
 It fills me with pride to be able to recall -I apologize for taking so long, but I am about to finish- it fills me with pride to be able to recall today, March 18, that, despite the policy of granting concessions that prevailed before we came into office, we were able to remove a long chapter from the Free Trade Agreement that compromised our oil and put in its place a small paragraph, which I am going to read to you.
 It says: 'The United States and Canada recognize that Mexico reserves its sovereign right to reform its Constitution and domestic legislation, and Mexico has the direct, inalienable, and imprescriptible ownership of all hydrocarbons in the subsoil of the national territory.'
 My friends:
 I am convinced that we will continue to receive the support of the people to consolidate the first stage in the transformation of our country.
 I am also convinced that whichever candidate wins the poll to become the candidate of our movement will apply the same policy in favor of the people and in favor of the nation.
 Continuity with change is assured. There is nothing to fear. Of course, we have to remain united, always looking towards the future and the happiness of our fellow men and women. This means working from below and with the people, and without neglecting the strategy that we rightly call the revolution of consciences to keep advancing in the change of mentality so as to continue politicizing our people and thus have an increasingly aware population. In this we have made considerable progress, as Mexico is one of the countries with the least political illiteracy in the world.
 With that awareness we will continue, with that collective consciousness we will continue to counteract the dirty war, the slander campaigns and the attempts at manipulation that will continue to be waged, because our adversaries and their media, sold out, rented or in the hands of the members of the conservative and corrupt block, have no other choice. But at the same time we must have faith in the wisdom and loyalty of the people, the people do not betray.
 Let’s recall that the victory of the reactionaries, as Juarez said, is morally impossible. We are finding that the idea and practice of exalting Mexican humanism is electrifying and is reaching the consciousness of millions of people. I base my optimism on this.
 And even though it is more dangerous to underestimate the strength of one’s adversaries than to overestimate it in politics, I maintain that no matter what they do, the oligarchs will not return to power; an authentic and true democracy will continue to prevail in our beloved Mexico.
 I cannot fail to mention that in the past few days some U.S. legislators, accustomed to seeing the mote in their brother's eye, but not seeing the beam in their own, in a propaganda ploy -we would say here in colloquial language grilla or intrigue- and for electoral, politicking purposes, argued that, if we did not stop the trafficking of fentanyl to the northern border, that they were going to propose to the Congress of their country that U.S. soldiers occupy our territory to confront organized crime.
 First, I want to make it clear that this is no longer the time of Calderón or García Luna, that this is no longer the time of shady links between the Mexican government and U.S. government agencies. Now there is no simulation, organized and white-collar crime is truly being fought, because there is no corruption, no impunity, and there are no complicit relationships with anyone.
 But what is most important is that from here, from this Zócalo square, the political and cultural heart of Mexico, we remind those hypocritical and irresponsible politicians that Mexico is an independent and free country, not a colony or a protectorate of the United States, and that they can threaten to perpetrate any offense, but we will never, ever allow them to violate our sovereignty and trample on the dignity of our homeland.
 Cooperation yes, submission no; interventionism no.
 Crowd response: No!
 Crowd response: No!
 Crowd response: No!
 Crowd response: Yes!
 Crowd response: Yes!
 Crowd response: Yes!
 Crowd response: Yes!
 Crowd response: Yes!
 Crowd response: Yes!
 PRESIDENT ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR: Long live the expropriation of the oil industry!
 Crowd response: Viva!
 PRESIDENT ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR: Long live the workers and technicians of the national oil industry of yesterday and today!
 Crowd response: Viva!
 PRESIDENT ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR: Long live General Lázaro Cárdenas del Río!
 Crowd response: Viva!
 Crowd response: Viva!
 Crowd response: Viva!
 Crowd response: Viva!
 Translator’s Notes:
 1)     Ejidos  – semi-communal farmland
2)     Constitutional Article 123 enshrines labor rights
3)     Porfiriato -  The period of Porfirio Díaz's presidency of Mexico (1876–80; 1884–1911), an era of dictatorial rule
4)     US$31.89 billion
5)     Huachicol – the massive theft of fuel from pipelines and refineries
6)     US$53.16 billion
7)     US$27.91
 Translated by Pedro Gellert
México City, March 18, 2023
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UBS and Santander’s ‘green’ bonds linked to deforesters and rancher accused of slave labour in Brazil
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The European banks UBS and Santander have raised hundreds of millions of pounds of “green” bonds that were partly intended for farmers and ranchers accused of environmental and human rights abuses in Brazil, an Unearthed and O Joio e O Trigo investigation has found.
Among those linked to the bonds are a farmer who allegedly held five labourers in “slave-like” conditions, a soy company identified as the biggest deforester in Brazil’s Cerrado savannah, a cattle rancher fined for preventing the regeneration of 17 sq km of Amazon rainforest, and an ethanol producer that poisoned a river relied on by an Indigenous community.
This influx of cash was made possible by financial tools called CRAs. As bonds specifically linked to Brazilian agribusiness, CRAs are little-known outside the country – neither Bloomberg nor Refinitiv, the London Stock Exchange’s financial data platform, track them in detail. CRAs comprise a relatively small proportion of Brazil’s total agribusiness funding, but are growing rapidly: the amount of capital they have raised has soared more than 500% over the past five years from R$7bn (£1.15bn) in 2018 to almost R$43bn (£7.1bn) in 2022, according to Uqbar, a Brazilian market intelligence company. 
A CRA is a special type of asset backed security that may be issued by a company or individual who commits to invest the money in agribusiness. The role of the coordinating banks is to define the price of the bonds and sell them to investors. For this, the coordinating banks receive a fee, usually 3% to 5% of the total offer, which they divide among themselves. 
“The CRA is gaining traction and becoming an important instrument [of agribusiness’ financing]”, said Juliano Assunção, executive-director of the Climate Policy Initiative, a public policy think tank.
The legal reforms that allowed CRAs to proliferate were initially touted as supporting small-scale, sustainable farmers, and were well received by groups including WWF and the Climate Bonds Initiative. In practice, however, this market has been led by Brazil’s livestock industry giants JBS, Marfrig and Minerva, which have been repeatedly linked to Amazon deforestation. Most recently, in August, Santander helped coordinate one of the year’s largest CRAs, a R$1.5bn (£240mn) bond for JBS. 
As an Unearthed investigation can reveal for the first time, even CRAs distributed to investors by UBS and Santander and marketed as “green” have been destined for farmers and companies that are being investigated for their roles in socio-environmental disasters, large-scale deforestation, land grabbing, and slave labour. 
“I think the term greenwashing is too weak… These are alleged human rights abuses,” Alex Wijeratna, senior director of Mighty Earth, told Unearthed.
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 hours
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Where Water Does Not Flow
All over the world irrigation (especially for cash crops) has reached the point of diminishing returns, where mineral salts increase the salinity of water and decrease output: in 1990 30– 40% of the world’s irrigated cropland was estimated to be waterlogged or suffering from excessive salinisation. 63% of water used in 1991 was for irrigation, a figure projected to decline to 55% by 2000. It is now generally recognised that irrigation projects are most likely to succeed when fallow periods are observed and when managed by local communities. The reliance on large-scale irrigation has spread from luxury export crops in dry climates to the production of ordinary crops for supermarkets that account for most of British retail trade. Big farmers are encouraged by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) and the Ministry of Agriculture to build their own reservoirs and are licensed to take water from rivers, despite the impacts on other users.
Because it is fixed and stable, land can be divided by hedges or walls and turned into private property, personal wealth and inheritance. But water should be a communal asset, because it will not stay still. For thousands of years legal and informal systems have accepted and insisted that there can be no ownership of running water. There is a long history of human societies that have developed elaborate systems to ensure fair access for all to water: the water communities on the Genil, Segura and Ebro rivers are examples of solidarity and social co-operation created by the Spanish on the foundations laid by the Phoenicians, the Roman Empire and the Moors. The modern technology of pipes, pumps and motive power makes such schemes easier. For irrigation, local control of water is all-important and can be achieved in many ways. In a centuries old system in Bali, all farmers taking water from the same stream or river are members of a sebak organisation, meeting every 35 days, with its own systems of law. It plans planting days, distributes water equitably and fines cheats. In the smallscale irrigation systems of eastern Spain under the Moors, water belonged to the community and was sold with the land. Continual disputes about its use in times of scarcity were regulated by a communal organisation, the huerta in places such as Aragon. Here water belongs to farmers and growers through whose land it passes, each water user belongs to a comunidad de regantes (association) that elects a sindico, the combination of sindicos from each zone constitutes the Water Tribunal. These meet to judge rations during scarcity; no lawyers or state laws are involved, fines are sometimes imposed and always paid.
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eastmanmeters · 7 days
Fuel Bowser by Eastmanmeters: A Reliable Solution for Efficient Fuel Transportation
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When it comes to transporting and dispensing fuel, the term "fuel bowser" has become synonymous with efficiency, mobility, and reliability. A fuel bowser is a mobile fuel dispensing unit, designed to carry and distribute fuel to vehicles or machinery on-site, eliminating the need for frequent trips to the fueling station. Eastmanmeters, a renowned name in the fuel equipment industry, provides high-quality fuel bowsers that cater to the varied needs of industries, construction sites, and agricultural operations.
What is a Fuel Bowser?
A fuel bowser is essentially a portable fuel tank mounted on wheels, enabling easy transportation of fuel to various locations. It serves as a mobile fuel station, designed to supply fuel on-demand where it's needed the most. Whether on a construction site where heavy machinery requires constant fueling or in agricultural fields where tractors need a steady fuel supply, a fuel bowser simplifies fuel management.
Eastmanmeters' fuel bowser products are built with precision and durability in mind. These units come equipped with advanced fuel dispensing systems, ensuring accurate measurements and minimal fuel wastage.
The Importance of a Fuel Bowser in Industry
Industries that rely on machinery and vehicles know the value of on-site fuel availability. A fuel bowser reduces downtime by providing fuel directly where the equipment is operating, saving valuable time that would otherwise be spent traveling to a fueling station. Eastmanmeters' fuel bowser solutions are especially beneficial in remote areas or sites where fuel access is limited.
For instance, in mining or quarrying operations, a fuel bowser is an indispensable tool. It allows operators to refuel heavy-duty machinery on the go, ensuring continuous operation. Similarly, in agriculture, a fuel bowser can serve farmers by refueling tractors, combines, and other farm machinery right in the field.
Features of Eastmanmeters’ Fuel Bowsers
Eastmanmeters offers a wide range of fuel bowsers with unique features tailored to meet the specific requirements of various sectors. Some of the standout features include:
Robust Construction: Built to endure tough working conditions, Eastmanmeters' fuel bowsers are made with high-grade materials that ensure longevity.
Precision Fuel Dispensing: The integrated fuel meters on Eastmanmeters' fuel bowsers guarantee accurate readings and controlled fuel distribution.
Mobility and Versatility: Designed for easy transport, a fuel bowser from Eastmanmeters can be moved across different locations, making it an ideal solution for industries like construction, mining, and agriculture.
Safety Mechanisms: Every fuel bowser is equipped with safety features to prevent fuel leaks and spills, ensuring environmental protection and safety on site.
Why Choose Eastmanmeters for Fuel Bowsers?
Eastmanmeters is a trusted name when it comes to fuel management solutions. Their fuel bowsers are known for their durability, efficiency, and precision. Investing in an Eastmanmeters' fuel bowser ensures:
Cost-Effectiveness: With a fuel bowser, businesses can significantly reduce their fuel costs by minimizing trips to fuel stations and reducing fuel wastage.
Improved Productivity: On-site refueling with a fuel bowser means less downtime and more time spent on operational tasks.
Enhanced Safety: The well-designed safety features in Eastmanmeters' fuel bowsers protect both the equipment and the environment from any potential hazards.
A fuel bowser is more than just a fuel transport device; it is a critical asset for businesses that rely on constant fuel supply for their operations. Eastmanmeters’ fuel bowsers offer an efficient, reliable, and safe solution for on-site fueling needs. With a commitment to quality and precision, Eastmanmeters ensures that their fuel bowsers meet the highest standards, providing an essential tool for industries like construction, agriculture, and mining. If you're looking for a dependable fuel bowser, Eastmanmeters is your go-to choice for fuel management solutions that stand the test of time.
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riteshgoyal · 11 days
Maximize Value with Sonalika Tractors: Advanced Tech for Moroccan Fields
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For individuals in Morocco seeking to efficiently maintain expansive lawns and manage small-scale farming, selecting the right agricultural tractor is crucial. Sonalika, a reputable brand renowned for its reliable agricultural machinery, offers tractors that stand out for their advanced technology, durability, and exceptional value. Investing in a Sonalika Tractors are strategic choice for those looking to elevate their lawn care and small-scale farming operations.
Exceptional Durability and Reliability
A reliable agricultural tractor is essential for effective lawn and garden maintenance. Sonalika tractors are engineered to endure Morocco’s demanding conditions, from rugged terrains to unpredictable weather. Constructed with premium materials and subjected to rigorous testing, these tractors guarantee consistent performance over time. Whether you’re mowing, transporting materials, or handling light farming tasks, Sonalika tractors provide the durability and reliability necessary for smooth and efficient operations.
Cutting-Edge Technology for Superior Lawn Care
Sonalika agricultural tractors are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to maximize performance and efficiency. With powerful engines, optimized fuel systems, and precise transmission controls, these tractors ensure smooth and economical operation. The incorporation of advanced features not only enhances performance but also reduces fuel consumption and operational costs. Sonalika’s commitment to technological innovation delivers a reliable tractor that completes tasks more efficiently, saving you both time and resources.
Versatility for Various Tasks
Whether you’re tending to a large lawn, garden, or small-scale farm, Sonalika agricultural tractors provide exceptional versatility. With a variety of models and attachments, these tractors can handle a wide range of tasks, from mowing and hauling to light farming activities like tilling and plowing. This adaptability makes Sonalika tractors an invaluable asset for both homeowners and farmers, enabling you to complete multiple tasks with a single, efficient machine.
Affordable Lawn and Garden Solutions
Investing in an agriculture tractor is a major decision, and Sonalika agriculture tractors offer exceptional value. These tractors are engineered to minimize operational costs, reduce downtime, and provide a high return on investment, making them an economical choice for Moroccan farmers and homeowners. Choosing a Sonalika agriculture tractor ensures a financially wise decision that will enhance your lawn and garden maintenance for many years.
Operator Comfort and Safety
Extended lawn maintenance demands a tractor that prioritizes both comfort and safety. Sonalika agriculture tractors are built with ergonomic features like comfortable seating, intuitive controls, and spacious operator areas, ensuring a pleasant experience even during long hours of use. Additionally, these tractors come equipped with advanced safety features, including reliable braking systems and stable handling, allowing you to operate your machine with confidence and security.
Efficient Spare Parts Availability in Morocco
Sonalika’s dedication to customer satisfaction is evident in its efficient spare parts distribution. In Morocco, Sonalika’s partnership with Yanmar ensures that genuine spare parts are readily accessible, with delivery times typically ranging from 24 to 48 hours. This quick access to high-quality parts ensures that your agriculture tractor remains operational with minimal downtime, keeping your lawn and garden maintenance on track.
Comprehensive Support and Service Network
Opting for a Sonalika agriculture tractor means you gain access to a wide-reaching after-sales service network. Whether it’s routine maintenance or urgent repairs, Sonalika’s service network ensures your tractor remains in optimal condition. The availability of expert technical support and spare parts further boosts the long-term reliability of your machine, providing peace of mind that your investment is well-protected.
Proven Performance and Customer Satisfaction
Sonalika has built a strong reputation for delivering high-quality and high-performance agricultural tractors. Customers around the globe, including Moroccan farmers and homeowners, have praised the reliability and efficiency of Sonalika tractors. Their positive feedback highlights the satisfaction and trust customers have in Sonalika’s products, reinforcing the company’s commitment to offering top-notch solutions for lawn care and small-scale farming.
A Wise Investment for the Future
Sonalika stands as a trusted name in agricultural tractors, boasting a global presence and over 1.5 million satisfied customers across more than 150+ countries. Investing in a Sonalika tractor ensures your lawn and garden are set for long-term success. With a strong commitment to innovation and customer support, Sonalika guarantees that your lawn care operations will flourish for years to come.
Sonalika Agriculture Tractors offer Moroccan farmers and homeowners a complete solution for lawn care and light farming tasks. With exceptional durability, cutting-edge technology, and cost-effective performance, Sonalika tractors provide the tools needed for increased efficiency and success. Invest in a Sonalika tractor today to elevate your lawn and garden maintenance with a reliable, versatile, and powerful machine.
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mixotrophics · 17 days
numbers to make you mad
ok so gonna talk about Geert Reuten's On the Distribution of Wealth and Capital Ownership; an Empirical Application to OECD Countries around 2019 I mentioned in this book ... didn't talk at length there since there were other papers to talk about.
So Reuten mentions that most measurements of wealth inequality compare all kinds of wealth, and that types of wealth aren't really comparable.
I'll give an example from my own life: I make min wage based on annual income, tho I probably work more than full time being a postgrad. Min wage is enough to get by, and I have a little bit left over each month, provided an unexpected large expense doesn't come up. My husband also works so it's not prosperity but we're not in the torment nexus, & I am grateful to be able to have money set aside to donate, to save for emergencies, and to buy things. This means I do own some stuff, like bits of furniture, and the most valuable stuff being my electronics (as my apartment itself is, of course, a rental).
Generally, this is the kind of wealth most people have. They've got some belongings, some of which can be worth quite a bit. Sometimes, like some of my friends, their parents managed to buy a house before houses were so horribly expensive, so folks with income levels that would absolutely not be house-buying income do own a house ... even if they don't have the money for important repairs like the roof caving in. These things, of course, do give people a bit of a leg up. Myself having a laptop means it's easier for me to access the internet when I want to, so I can get news, resources, connection, information, more reliably than the many folks who have to go to the library to use a computer. The folks that can go to the library have an advantage over people who have no place to go to access a computer at all. But idk if someone with a high end computer would have a huge advantage over me, because unless their wifi is a lot faster or we're talking about files that are huge, being able to run AAA games or whatever doesn't necessarily give one a lot more social moving-power over me, compared to the difference of having internet access at all vs not all all.
when wealth inequality is generally measured, these things are included in the measure. & they're certainly good to have. But wealth measures also include shares in companies which, depending on the amount of shares, can give someone immense sway over the behavior of that company, and depending on the company, immense sway over the world ... consider the power held by people with major shares in Lockheed Martin, in British Petroleum, in privatized healthcare & pharma companies like Pfizer, in companies literally shaping the laws of impoverished countries like Monsanto and Syngenta that force farmers into such poverty they commit suicide. People who own these shares have the lives of thousands in their hands, and they don't give a fuck.
This kind of wealth is not the same thing as me owning a laptop or my friend's immigrant parents who work in fast food owning an apartment or the guy who runs the shop next door, who has seen half his family deported, owning his home & work.
therefore Reuten asks: what if we measured wealth inequality with JUST shares, stocks, & investments? what if we measured wealth inequality JUST with the wealth that lets people change the political, cultural, economic, ecological landscape of the world?
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measuring the assets highlighted in blue in the above table, Table 2 from the paper, makes wealth inequality *so much worse.*
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Look at this chart. The average wealth distribution in the countries measured here is that the top quintile (20%) owns 92% of the capital ownership assets, and the top decile (10%) owns 85% of the capital ownership assets. Reuten states that within that top 10%, much of that ownership may likely be concentrated into the top 5%, the top 1%.
on average, 80% of us own only 8% of capital ownership, 8% of the wealth that translates into social and political punching-power. this is so much more unequal than when looking at other assets, where the numbers look more like the bottom 80% having about 32% (which is still of course fucked up).
Extrapolating to a global scale isn't difficult, for example seeing that in the USA, a very wealthy and influential country, in which companies are "people" and money is "speech" so wealth is a form of direct political power, 20% of people own 98% of that wealth, and 10% of people own 94%.
This is why we act in collectives, this is why people advocate for finding ways of manifesting power and action outside of the typical economic & political systems. because the world is more than just this one measurement, and if we capitulate to the demand that we act only within its bounds, we are at a most profound disadvantage.
This is why we boycott, divest, sanctions. The magnitude of power that a share represents can be influenced -- diminished -- if the company it's a share for loses billions.
This is why we say that the people killing thousands in war, polluting the planet, have names, faces, and addresses. While individual actions are for-sure beneficial, even if just for one's psyche, attacks that treat the average person as equally liable as the ultra-rich are misguided, attacks that think the world's poorest people subsistence-hunting and burning coal for heat are as liable as a celebrity with a private jet are morally reprehensible and running counter to liberation.
so on, so forth. Carry this.
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sharanya-farms · 1 month
Uncovering Opportunities in Small-Scale Farming Near Mysore Road
In Karnataka’s picturesque landscape, managed farmland near Mysore Road emerges as a prime opportunity for agricultural enthusiasts and investors. With the rising demand for sustainable food sources and a growing interest in small-scale farming, this region offers a wealth of possibilities for those eager to embark on or expand their agricultural ventures.
Why Invest in Agricultural Land Near Mysore?
Agricultural land near Mysore Road represents a unique investment prospect. Its combination of strategic location and serene environment makes it an ideal setting for modern farming practices.
Key Advantages of Location:
Strategic Urban Access: Proximity to major urban centers facilitates efficient transportation and distribution of produce, reducing logistical challenges and boosting profitability.
Ideal Climate: The region’s climate supports a wide range of crops, enabling year-round cultivation and maximizing yield potential.
Advanced Infrastructure: Well-developed roads and utilities streamline farm operations and enhance overall management efficiency.
Setting the Standard in Sustainable Farming: Managed Farmland Near Me
For those in search of the best-managed farmland, sustainability is a crucial factor. These farms are committed to environmentally responsible practices and innovative techniques that optimize productivity while minimizing ecological impact.
Sustainable Farming Practices:
Organic Farming: Embracing organic methods reduces dependency on synthetic inputs, improves soil health, and produces high-quality, chemical-free crops.
Water Conservation: Techniques such as drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting ensure efficient water use, which is vital in Karnataka’s arid regions.
Crop Rotation and Diversity: Rotating crops and cultivating diverse plant species enhance soil fertility, control pests and diseases, and support ecological balance.
Investing in Agricultural Land: A Smart Move
Managed farmland near Mysore Road offers a promising investment opportunity with significant returns. Beyond financial gains, investing in agriculture supports sustainable development, enhances food security, and strengthens rural communities.
Economic Benefits:
Reliable Returns: Agriculture provides steady returns, offering a stable investment option that mitigates market volatility.
Appreciation Potential: Growing demand for agricultural land is likely to drive up property values, ensuring long-term capital growth.
Portfolio Diversification: Adding agricultural assets to your investment portfolio helps spread risk and improve overall performance.
The Future of Farming: Embracing Innovation
Looking ahead, innovation will play a pivotal role in transforming farming practices. Adopting advanced technologies is essential for unlocking the full potential of managed farmland near Mysore Road.
Technological Advancements:
Precision Agriculture: Leveraging sensors, drones, and data analytics optimizes resource use, enhances crop quality, and reduces environmental impact.
Smart Farming Solutions: IoT devices and automation streamline farm operations, enabling real-time monitoring and decision-making for increased efficiency.
Blockchain Technology: Blockchain ensures transparency and traceability in the agricultural supply chain, fostering trust among consumers and stakeholders.
Managed farmland near Mysore Road represents a golden opportunity in the realm of small-scale agriculture. With its strategic location, commitment to sustainable practices, and integration of cutting-edge technologies, this region is set to support a vibrant and successful agricultural ecosystem. Whether you’re an aspiring farmer, an experienced investor, or a proponent of sustainable development, investing in agricultural land near Mysore offers promising financial returns and positive environmental impact.
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fasalmandi4 · 1 month
Empowering Farmers: The Benefits of Selling Crops Directly to Retailers
The agrarian business is advancing, with additional ranchers investigating the benefits of selling their harvests straightforwardly to retailers. This shift from customary inventory chains to coordinate deals offers various advantages for ranchers, retailers, and purchasers the same. In this article, farmer sell crops directly to retailers we dig into the vital benefits of this methodology and how it encourages a more economical and beneficial rural biological system.
Expanded Net revenues By bypassing mediators, for example, wholesalers and merchants, ranchers can hold a bigger portion of the income from their produce. Direct deals to retailers lessen the quantity of mediators taking a cut, prompting essentially higher overall revenues for ranchers. This monetary lift can uphold further interest in their cultivating tasks and work on in general occupation.
Upgraded Market Access and Control Selling straightforwardly to retailers gives ranchers better admittance to business sectors and more prominent command over estimating and item circulation. This immediate relationship permits ranchers to arrange costs all the more successfully, answer rapidly to advertise requests, and designer their items to meet explicit retailer needs. Improved control prompts more essential preparation and effective asset distribution.
Reinforced Rancher Retailer Connections Direct deals encourage more grounded, more cooperative connections among ranchers and retailers. These organizations can bring about better correspondence, shared trust, and long haul responsibilities. Retailers benefit from a solid stockpile of new produce, while ranchers gain a consistent and unsurprising business sector for their harvests, diminishing vulnerabilities and settling pay.
Further developed Item Quality and Newness At the point when ranchers sell straightforwardly to retailers, there is a more limited production network, and that implies produce arrives at the market quicker and fresher. This decreased travel time protects the quality and healthy benefit of the yields, offering purchasers better-tasting and better food choices. Retailers can showcase this newness as a selling point, drawing in wellbeing cognizant clients.
More noteworthy Straightforwardness and Recognizability Direct deals advance more noteworthy straightforwardness and recognizability in the food production network. Retailers and buyers can have a more clear comprehension of where their food comes from and the cultivating rehearses utilized. This straightforwardness constructs trust and permits ranchers to exhibit their economical and moral cultivating strategies, interesting to the developing business sector of naturally cognizant customers.
Support of Maintainable Practices With an immediate line to retailers and customers, ranchers are frequently boosted to embrace more maintainable and eco-accommodating cultivating rehearses. Retailers every now and again search out providers who line up with their own maintainability objectives, empowering ranchers to decrease pesticide use, carry out natural cultivating procedures, and improve soil wellbeing. This shift helps the climate and lines up with purchaser interest for economically created food.
Monetary Strengthening and Local area Advancement Direct deals can add to the monetary strengthening of ranchers and their networks. Expanded benefits and stable revenue streams empower ranchers to put resources into nearby foundation, schooling, Buy fresh produce directly from farmers India and wellbeing administrations. This financial upliftment can prompt more extensive local area improvement and a superior personal satisfaction for rustic populaces.
Selling crops straightforwardly to retailers offers a large number of advantages for ranchers, from expanded net revenues and market control to further developed item quality and manageable practices. This immediate relationship upholds the monetary strengthening of ranchers as well as improves straightforwardness and newness for retailers and buyers. Embracing this model can prompt a stronger, supportable, and beneficial horticultural biological system.
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empire-420 · 1 month
Empowering Farmers: The Benefits of Selling Crops Directly to Retailers
The agrarian business is advancing, with additional ranchers investigating the benefits of selling their harvests straightforwardly to retailers. This shift from customary inventory chains to coordinate deals offers various advantages for ranchers, retailers, and purchasers the same. In this article, farmer sell crops directly to retailers we dig into the vital benefits of this methodology and how it encourages a more economical and beneficial rural biological system.
Expanded Net revenues By bypassing mediators, for example, wholesalers and merchants, ranchers can hold a bigger portion of the income from their produce. Direct deals to retailers lessen the quantity of mediators taking a cut, prompting essentially higher overall revenues for ranchers. This monetary lift can uphold further interest in their cultivating tasks and work on in general occupation.
Upgraded Market Access and Control Selling straightforwardly to retailers gives ranchers better admittance to business sectors and more prominent command over estimating and item circulation. This immediate relationship permits ranchers to arrange costs all the more successfully, answer rapidly to advertise requests, and designer their items to meet explicit retailer needs. Improved control prompts more essential preparation and effective asset distribution.
Reinforced Rancher Retailer Connections Direct deals encourage more grounded, more cooperative connections among ranchers and retailers. These organizations can bring about better correspondence, shared trust, and long haul responsibilities. Retailers benefit from a solid stockpile of new produce, while ranchers gain a consistent and unsurprising business sector for their harvests, diminishing vulnerabilities and settling pay.
Further developed Item Quality and Newness At the point when ranchers sell straightforwardly to retailers, there is a more limited production network, and that implies produce arrives at the market quicker and fresher. This decreased travel time protects the quality and healthy benefit of the yields, offering purchasers better-tasting and better food choices. Retailers can showcase this newness as a selling point, drawing in wellbeing cognizant clients.
More noteworthy Straightforwardness and Recognizability Direct deals advance more noteworthy straightforwardness and recognizability in the food production network. Retailers and buyers can have a more clear comprehension of where their food comes from and the cultivating rehearses utilized. This straightforwardness constructs trust and permits ranchers to exhibit their economical and moral cultivating strategies, interesting to the developing business sector of naturally cognizant customers.
Support of Maintainable Practices With an immediate line to retailers and customers, ranchers are frequently boosted to embrace more maintainable and eco-accommodating cultivating rehearses. Retailers every now and again search out providers who line up with their own maintainability objectives, empowering ranchers to decrease pesticide use, carry out natural cultivating procedures, and improve soil wellbeing. This shift helps the climate and lines up with purchaser interest for economically created food.
Monetary Strengthening and Local area Advancement Direct deals can add to the monetary strengthening of ranchers and their networks. Expanded benefits and stable revenue streams empower ranchers to put resources into nearby foundation, schooling, Buy fresh produce directly from farmers India and wellbeing administrations. This financial upliftment can prompt more extensive local area improvement and a superior personal satisfaction for rustic populaces.
Selling crops straightforwardly to retailers offers a large number of advantages for ranchers, from expanded net revenues and market control to further developed item quality and manageable practices. This immediate relationship upholds the monetary strengthening of ranchers as well as improves straightforwardness and newness for retailers and buyers. Embracing this model can prompt a stronger, supportable, and beneficial horticultural biological system.
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annirudhaworldwide · 1 month
The Rise of Golden Sella Rice in Gujarat: A Culinary and Economic Marvel
In the heart of Gujarat, where tradition meets innovation, a remarkable grain has been gaining prominence: Golden sella rice in Gujarat. This variety of basmati rice is transforming not only the culinary landscape but also the economic fortunes of many local farmers. Its golden hue and rich flavor are capturing the attention of chefs and consumers alike, making it a sought-after ingredient in kitchens across the globe.
What Makes Golden Sella Rice Unique?
Golden Sella rice, also known as "Parboiled Basmati Rice," stands out due to several distinct characteristics:
Rich Flavor and Aroma: Golden Sella rice offers a deep, nutty flavor and a tantalizing aroma that enhances any dish, making it a favorite in high-end restaurants and homes alike.
Unique Processing: Unlike regular basmati rice, Golden Sella is partially boiled before milling. This process preserves a significant amount of the rice's nutrients and imparts a distinctive golden color.
Enhanced Texture: The parboiling process also results in rice grains that are firmer and less likely to break during cooking. This characteristic makes it ideal for dishes that require long, separate grains like biryanis and pilafs.
Economic Impact on Gujarat’s Farmers
Gujarat, known for its vibrant agricultural sector, has embraced Golden Sella rice not just as a culinary delight but as a key economic asset. Here’s how this variety is benefiting local farmers:
Increased Income: The high market demand for Golden Sella rice has allowed farmers to sell their produce at premium prices, significantly boosting their income.
Improved Farming Techniques: To cultivate Golden Sella, farmers often adopt advanced farming practices, which lead to better yields and more efficient use of resources.
Job Creation: The growing popularity of Golden Sella rice has spurred job creation in the agricultural sector, from farming to processing and distribution.
Culinary Uses and Popularity
Golden Sella rice is becoming a staple in kitchens around the world, valued for its versatility and superior qualities:
Biryani and Pilaf: Its ability to retain a firm texture makes it perfect for traditional dishes like biryani and pilaf, where individual grains are prized.
Health Benefits: The parboiling process enhances the nutritional profile of the rice, making it a healthier choice compared to regular white rice. It retains more vitamins and minerals, contributing to a balanced diet.
Global Appeal: With its rich flavor and appealing texture, Golden Sella rice is gaining popularity beyond India. It is being used in various international cuisines, from Middle Eastern to Western, broadening its culinary footprint.
Challenges and Future Prospects
Despite its many advantages, the journey of Golden Sella rice is not without challenges. Some of the hurdles include:
Supply Chain Issues: As demand increases, maintaining a consistent and efficient supply chain can be challenging. Ensuring that the rice reaches global markets in optimal condition requires robust infrastructure.
Climate Concerns: Like all crops, Golden Sella rice is susceptible to climate variations. Farmers need to adapt to changing weather patterns and implement sustainable farming practices to mitigate risks.
Market Competition: As more regions recognize the value of Golden Sella rice, competition in the global market intensifies. Gujarat’s farmers and producers must continually innovate to stay ahead.
Golden Sella rice is more than just a culinary trend; it represents a fusion of tradition and modernity, enriching both the palate and the economy. For Gujarat, it’s a symbol of agricultural innovation and a testament to the region's ability to blend age-old practices with contemporary demands. As the global appetite for Golden Sella rice grows, it holds the promise of continued prosperity for Gujarat’s farmers and a delightful experience for food enthusiasts around the world.
In summary, Golden Sella rice not only adds a golden touch to dishes but also shines brightly in the economic and cultural fabric of Gujarat. Its rich flavor, nutritional benefits, and economic impact illustrate how a single crop can make a significant difference in multiple spheres, proving that good things often come in golden packages.
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machinary · 2 months
The Plough's Role: Unleashing Agricultural Potential
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A plough is an essential tool in modern agriculture, designed to turn and break up soil, making it more fertile and ready for planting. By aerating the soil, ploughing enhances its water retention and nutrient distribution, promoting healthier crop growth. This process also helps to control weeds and incorporate organic matter into the soil, improving its overall structure. Ploughing can be used for various crops and soil types, making it a versatile asset for farmers. Its benefits extend beyond immediate crop yields, contributing to long-term soil health and sustainable farming practices.
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swetha22 · 2 months
Sustainable Practices: Effective Solutions In Small Scale Mango Farming
Identifying Key Challenges In Small-Scale Mango Farming
Determining Financial Management in Small Mango Farms: Different monetary boundaries, accessible in limited extension to improvement, impact the benefits and legitimacy of advancement tasks. The unpredictability of the market's costs, influenced by factors such as the organic market, repeated fluctuations, and external financial circumstances, poses a significant test. Farmers often struggle to forecast and manage their income due to these fluctuations in expenses. Another risky issue is the difficulty in acquiring funding and the cash expected to put resources into essential things like pesticides, manures, and water structure frameworks. Without sufficient monetary help, ranchers might find it challenging to secure the ability to execute state-of-the-art advancement movements that could build feasibility and results.
Financial Management Planning Solutions To Boost Small-Scale Mango Farming
Effective financial management and planning are crucial for the success of small-scale organic farming. Effective financial management in small-scale mango farming involves budgeting, cash flow management, accessing financing, accurate record keeping, risk management, profitability analysis, investment in technology, marketing strategies, tax planning, and sustainable practices.
Cost estimation and budgeting: Creating a complete budget that takes into consideration all expenses, including as labour, seedlings, equipment, fertiliser, and site preparation. This facilitates helps in planning and ensuring sufficient funds are available throughout the farming cycle.
Cash Flow Management: Ensuring a stable flow of funds to cover unforeseen expenditures and running costs. This involves monitoring income from mango sales and managing expenses to avoid cash shortages.
Financing Availability: Analysing funding alternatives, including grants, loans, and subsidies for agriculture, in order to meet the farm's initial setup and continuing operations requirements.
Record-keeping: Maintaining complete and precise records of every financial transaction, including purchases, expenses, and investments. This facilitates monitoring financial performance and enables wise decision-making.
Risk Management: Using techniques to reduce risks, such as crop insurance, crop diversification, and creating backup plans in case of inclement weather or market volatility, is known as risk management.
Profitability Analysis: Analysing farming enterprises' profitability on a regular basis by contrasting revenue and expenses is known called profitability analysis. Among other things, this entails figuring out where to cut expenses or increase revenue and evaluating the ROI.
Investment in Technology: Setting aside money for cutting-edge farming techniques and equipment that can raise productivity, profitability, and efficiency. This covers tools for evaluating soil health, insects management methods, and drip irrigation systems.
Marketing and Sales Planning: Creating a marketing plan to sell the mangoes, including target customers, pricing tactics, and distribution routes, is known as marketing and sales planning. Improved produce pricing and increased sales are guaranteed by effective marketing.
Tax Planning and Compliance: Taking advantage of any applicable agricultural tax incentives as well as comprehending and abiding by local tax laws. Effective tax planning can prevent legal problems and result in large savings.
Sustainable Practices: Making investments in farming methods that, over time, lower expenses while simultaneously increasing produce. This covers soil health, water conservation, and organic farming methods.
Addressing Environmental Factors In Mango Farming
Standard asset issues, working settings, and suitable advancement rehearsals are among the natural snags that restrict mango progress. Water is a significant issue for the pioneers, given that solid mango trees require a significant amount of water to produce customary products. Uncommon barometric conditions and environmental changes could trigger dry seasons or floods, thereby influencing the approach to water systems and the availability of water supplies. Ranchers need to complete attainable water system designs and water-saving procedures to distinguish these issues and stay educated regarding potential water use.
In conclusion, addressing major challenges and implementing effective solutions in small-scale mango farming is essential for sustainable development. By focusing on integrated pest management, efficient water use, enhanced market access, and climate-resilient practices, farmers can improve productivity, quality, and resilience. Embracing sustainability and technology will further bolster the sector's capacity to meet demands and ensure long-term profitability.
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ceatspecialty · 2 months
The Farmax R85 Difference: A Closer Look at How This Tractor Tyre Improves Farming
Farming, the lifeblood of our society, faces the challenge of feeding a growing population while minimizing environmental impact. Innovation is key, and the CEAT Specialty Farmax R85 tractor tyre is a prime example. Let's explore how this revolutionary tyre transforms farming practices and paves the way for success.
Preserving Our Most Valuable Asset: Soil
Healthy soil is the foundation of successful farming. However, heavy machinery can compact soil, hindering air and water flow and harming plant growth. The Farmax R85's innovative rounded shoulder design tackles this issue head-on. Unlike traditional sharp-shouldered tyres that dig into the soil, the Farmax R85 distributes weight more evenly, minimizing compaction and preserving the soil's natural structure.
Protecting Crops, Maximizing Yields
Crop damage during operations is a major concern. Traditional tyres can snag and damage crops while turning, leading to yield loss. The Farmax R85's rounded shoulders glide smoothly over crops, minimizing damage and protecting your valuable yield. This translates to less replanting and higher overall productivity.
Sustainable Farming for a Brighter Future
By minimizing soil compaction and crop damage, the Farmax R85 promotes sustainable farming practices. This benefits farmers through increased efficiency and profitability and ensures long-term soil health for future generations. Reduced compaction also helps maintain essential soil ecosystems, creating a healthier environment.
The Farmax R85: Your Ally in Modern Agriculture
As the agricultural landscape transforms, the need for innovative solutions becomes paramount. The CEAT Specialty Farmax R85 tractor tyre rises to this challenge, offering farmers a powerful tool to achieve their goals. Let's delve deeper into how the Farmax R85 empowers you on your journey towards:
Enhanced Efficiency
Reduced Downtime: The Farmax R85's robust construction minimizes the risk of punctures and damage, keeping you working uninterrupted throughout the season. This translates to less downtime on repairs and replacements, allowing you to maximize your operational hours.
Fuel Savings: The optimized tread pattern of the Farmax R85 reduces rolling resistance, meaning your tractor uses less fuel to achieve the same tasks. This translates to significant cost savings over time and a smaller environmental footprint.
Seamless Multitasking: The Farmax R85 excels on diverse terrains, eliminating the need for specialized tyres for different conditions. This allows you to transition between tasks efficiently without wasting time changing tyres.
2. Unwavering Commitment to Sustainability
Preserving Soil Health: Traditional tractor tyres can compact soil, hindering vital air and water flow. The Farmax R85's innovative rounded shoulder design distributes weight more evenly, minimizing compaction and promoting healthy soil structure. This creates a thriving environment for plant growth and ensures long-term soil health for future generations.
Reduced Environmental Impact: By minimizing soil compaction, the Farmax R85 contributes to sustainable farming practices. This helps maintain healthy soil ecosystems and reduces the environmental impact of your operations.
3. Maximized Yields for a Bountiful Harvest
Superior Traction: The Farmax R85 boasts an aggressive tread pattern that provides exceptional grip in various weather conditions. This ensures your tractor maintains optimal traction, allowing you to work efficiently in mud, wet fields, or even on slopes.
Reduced Crop Damage: The Farmax R85's smooth, rounded shoulders glide over crops, minimizing damage during turns. This translates to fewer losses and a maximized harvest, ultimately leading to higher profitability.
Timely Operations: The Farmax R85 allows efficient and uninterrupted field work, ensuring timely planting, cultivating, and harvesting. This contributes to increased crop yields and a successful season.
With the Farmax R85 by your side, you're equipped to navigate the ever-changing demands of modern farming and achieve long-term success.
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