#assault Champion Wrestling
angelamoroso · 1 year
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If you missed the relaunch of Assault Champion Wrestling fan fest and show, YOU REALLY MISSED OUT ON HISTORY 🔥
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blowflyfag · 1 month
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BILL APTER’S WOW XTRA magazine : VOL 1 / NO. 8
As World Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion Scott Steiner boarded an airplane in Greensboro, N.C., on Jan 23, Winston-Salem, N.C., police served Steiner with a criminal assault complaint. Randall Mankins, an EMT who was in the ring with Stein on Jan. 22 at the LJVM Coliseum in Winston-Salem, filed the grievance after Steiner allegedly attacked Mankins at that night’s Nitro. Mankins, a Kernersville, N.C., EMT, entered the ring cast as a paramedic to check on Christopher Daniels who had been attacked by Stiner and was working a broken leg angle. Steiner stated in several published reports that he, “thought Mankins was a fan entering the ring.”
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That Wrestling Moment: Crafting Kayden or Kayden Keller v Scrapper (bgeast.com)
I love to see a gay wrestler come into their own as part of their journey.  Now part of that experience is also seeing said performer before they found their way.  Seeing them as a rookie, I can dissect and spot some of the subtle differences that would one day lead to gay wrestling legends.  Take for example: Kayden Keller v Scrapper.  
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SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory
It's hard to imagine but Kayden wasn't always the top dog at bgeast.  Yes I know that the studio doesn't have a recognized champion or belt, but it is hard to picture anyone else having that honor other than Kayden (maybe for a while anyway).  All that to say, everyone needs to start somewhere and watching Kayden just starting out - the man, the myth, the legend - is a rare thing indeed.  
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The Action
The mat wrestling takes on a furious and vicious pace.  Scrapper does not hold back in his assault, easily crumbling whatever "formal" mat wrestling techniques Kayden had in place.  Sorry bud, but any training you received before bgeast is for naught.  
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The back and forth is intense between our two fighters as Kayden is eager to show he can take the punishment while Scrapper takes on the task to break him in.  What a self-less guy he is 😉.
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Kayden: Tap for me, just once.  Let me hear you say it.
The Moment 
At some point Kayden stopped fighting against the erotic abuse and finally embraced it. 
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And now, at the end of the match, we finally have our moment.  Ladies and gentlemen, this is what we've been waiting for - that time when Kayden began to embrace the heel within or how He learned to stop worrying and love the domination.  
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I know I made this post mostly about Kayden but Scrapper deserves credit for coaxing the erotic heel out of the guy.  Scrapper's formula for pleasure and pain is surely a factor in his rebirth.  Now spoiler alert, Kayden doesn't exactly triumph in this match; Instead we the audience are the winners because we get to witness the beginnings of a tenacious heel, the tension between agony and ecstasy, the alpha energy, all that would eventually result in Kayden being the star he is today.  
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blueonwrestling · 5 months
I have some other thoughts on cody rhodes tbh, and those delve deep into capitalism, hopefully without sounding like i'm utterly huffing farts, excuse me if i do, but i dont like cody rhodes because he comes off to me as everything thats wrong with modern day society, he is not the blue collar workings man champion, he isn't stone cold going against the authority, he is the authority, but people today absolutely love that shit, they love standing up for big corpo when they think it's on their side, he's the definition of american capitialism coming out there with the fake blonde hair, expensive suits, white teeth, all the pyro, everything, and he reflects how people just want to show off to the world that they're cool/wealthy/epic, with all the people showing their perfect life in instagram and how perfect they look instead of showing who they really are, cody rhodes is the modern day american dream in that everyone thinks that within american capitalism they can become the next famous instagram or tiktoker and have all this money, but they can't, cody rhodes is born into wrestling and was always going to get an easier life in wrestling because of it, cody rhodes has never ever had to struggle a day in his life, but people just still like the guy because they've been fooled into believing that, what does he do at the end of wrestlemania, he thanks triple h and bruce prichard, thank you corporate heads for giving me this chance, he has to make sure he thinks those two people because thank you for corporations!
meanwhile wwe is in the midst of being exposed as hiding all these sex trafficking secrets for years, vince mcmahon has been "ousted" after years of sexual assault and misconduct but not because of that, only because he used corporate money to silence those women, they dont care they he sexually assaulted countless women, it's because he used money not for him, and theres countless cases of wwe covering up shit whether it be the ring boy paedo scandal of the 80s with pat patterson or michael hayes saying that he's more of a n word with a hard r to mark henry only to now days being back at the tippity top of the producer scene working exclusively with roman reigns in all of his matches, these people just get away with it all because it's a reflection of society, if you're rich and powerful you can do whatever you want.
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Mike Hixenbaugh for The Atlantic:
America’s public schools, since their creation, have repeatedly become a locus for our nation’s most divisive fights over politics and civil rights, whether the subject be evolution, segregation, sex ed, or school prayer. After all, it is in its classrooms—in social-studies curricula and civics lessons and mandatory-reading lists—that the country wrestles with how to tell its story to new generations, how to teach kids what’s right and wrong, true and false. And the decisions that society makes about what children ought to learn, or ought not to, have the power to shape culture and the future of democracy. Thus today we see fights over how to discuss racism in schools, with progressives championing lessons that connect the stain of slavery to modern inequities, conservatives demanding instead that children be taught “not to see color,” and plenty of debate somewhere in between. We see fights over whether first-graders should be allowed to check out picture books featuring LGBTQ characters, whether teens should be made to read literature with graphic depictions of sex, whether the Ten Commandments should be posted inside classrooms. The recent wave of activism targeting schools has sometimes seemed unprecedented in its ferocity and scale. But of course, these types of debates are not new. They fit into a long tradition of reactionary movements seeking to shape what children in America learn.
Early in the 20th century, Christian fundamentalists waged a crusade to stop the teaching of human evolution in public schools, culminating most famously with 1925’s Scopes “monkey trial,” in which a high-school teacher in Tennessee was charged with violating a new state law banning evolution lessons from classrooms. With the United States on the precipice of entering World War II in the late 1930s and early ’40s, groups such as the Daughters of the American Revolution and the American Legion waged a successful nationwide campaign against popular social-studies textbooks written by the progressive educator Harold Rugg; they argued that the books—which raised questions about the unequal distribution of wealth in the U.S. and advocated for civil rights for African Americans—were “subversive.” Attempts to force schools to integrate in the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s were met with riots and racist protests.
While researching my book on the latest political wars over public education, I came across a 1981 New York Times article that sounded as if it might have been printed this year. It described a coalition of suburban residents who, “armed with sophisticated lobbying techniques,” were fighting to “remove books from libraries” and replace history syllabi with “texts that emphasize the positive side of America’s past.” The article documented efforts by parents’ groups across the country to “cleanse their local schools of materials and teaching methods they consider antifamily, anti-American and anti-God.” Here was a tale of conservative activists waging a national assault on school lessons more than four decades ago, though that earlier generation applied a different label to the threat it perceived than activists do now: secular humanism.
[...] Also much as in today’s fights, the battles over secular humanism, which occurred in the years immediately following the civil-rights movement, were a response to evolving social norms around gender, race, and sexuality. And just as the protests for racial justice following the police murder of George Floyd in 2020 incited school-board conflicts in communities with rapidly changing demographics, many of the battles a generation ago emanated from predominantly white but diversifying suburbs, where angry parents formed groups with such names as Young Parents Alert and Guardians of Education. Portraying teachers, textbook writers, and school bureaucrats as liberal foot soldiers in a shadowy scheme to indoctrinate their children, these citizen activists described their cause as one of good versus evil, a framing that stoked passions—and sometimes violence.
The simmering right-wing movement against secular humanism exploded into national view in the spring of 1974, when white fundamentalists launched a political attack on the public school system in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The district had introduced new multicultural textbooks as required by a recent state mandate. Months of protests were led by Alice Moore, a white school-board member and preacher’s wife who argued—while explicitly invoking the dangers of secular humanism—that new language-arts textbooks would teach students “ghetto dialect” instead of “standard American speech.” Picketers carried homemade signs, including one that read i have a “bible,” i don’t need those dirty books. Angry parents were soon joined by members of the Ku Klux Klan. An elementary school’s entrance was defaced with a swastika. Arsonists attacked schools with firebombs and Molotov cocktails, vandals cut the fuel lines of school buses to keep them from running, and the county board-of-education building was blasted with 15 sticks of dynamite. [...]
There are also parallels in the financing of these movements, with support then and now drawn from a large network of conservative think tanks and activist groups. The campaign against secular humanism was backed by national organizations including the Heritage Foundation, Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority, Pat Robertson’s National Legal Foundation, and the antigay, anti-feminist crusader Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum. Some of those same organizations remain involved today, joined by dozens of emergent activist groups, such as Moms for Liberty, No Left Turn in Education, and the 1776 Project PAC.
Some aspects of the right’s new playbook appear to have been copied from history—including its campaign to leverage school-board conflicts to push for a conservative reinterpretation of foundational rights. With help from conservative law firms, parents filed lawsuits in the 1970s and ’80s claiming that secular humanism was itself a religion, and as such should be barred from schools or balanced with Christian perspectives. Others in the movement simultaneously sought to overturn the principle of Church-state separation that was the basis for that argument. Insisting that America’s founding was grounded in biblical principles, activists demanded that educators present Christianity in a favorable light, that children be taught to respect the United States and its military, and that men and women be depicted in “traditional” gender roles in classroom reading assignments. Although many of these demands were denied by local and state education boards, Christian conservative groups scored major victories throughout the 1980s—largely through targeted lawsuits and local pressure campaigns—before the movement’s power and momentum began to wane, in the ’90s.
[...] Now, in many classrooms, dark chapters of America’s history are being softened or skipped. Some students are being taught a distorted narrative about our nation’s past and present, and books challenging that depiction are being pulled from shelves. All of this is helping shape what a new generation of Americans believes about our country—exactly the effect that anti-secularism activists fought for decades ago.
NBC News’s Mike Hixenbaugh wrote in The Atlantic about the history of right-wing “parental rights” revolts.
See Also:
Chalkbeat: How the ‘Southlake Playbook’ brought partisan battles to America’s school boards
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nwonitro · 8 months
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According to a recent report from The Wall Street Journal, Janel Grant, an ex-employee of WWE, has initiated legal proceedings against WWE, Vince McMahon, and John Laurinaitis in a federal court in Connecticut.
The lawsuit alleges that Grant endured physical and emotional abuse, sexual assault, and trafficking during her time at WWE. The purpose of Grant's lawsuit is twofold: to seek redress for her personal experiences and to champion those who may be hesitant to come forward with similar claims.
More at Wrestling News Source.
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racfoam · 2 years
Here is a nynn 7th Year Deathly Hallows AU. I say AU because 7th Year of nynn probably won’t be following the events of Deathly Hallows but oh, do I love playing around in it, there is so much possibility for ANGST and I am the best at writing angst. Warning, there is discussion of potential physical assault.
The Dursleys were packing.
Harry helped Dudley organize his clothes and safely package his video game system.
There was a load of stuff Dudley had, which meant a load had to be left behind. His gaze lingered on Indiana Jones cassettes and Mario Kart game discs before he pushed them into Harry’s arms without a word. The light caught in his blue eyes; they were twinkling with tears.
“I won’t be able to play them,” said Harry, confused.
“Doesn’t matter,” grunted Dudley, still avoiding making eye contact; his voice was rather wobbly. “Just carry them with you, in that pit of a pouch you have... wish I had an endless backpack...”
Harry’s lips twitched at that. She nodded, took the cassettes, game discs, and the Game Boy, and stored it in the small pouch hanging off her jeans. They continued packing things into boxes.
“You remember how to escape chokeholds? Front and rear-naked?”
“Yes,” said Harry.
The moment Harry had come back for the summer holidays, Dudley had insisted to train her in physical self-defence. It had scared Harry at first because she saw how by nature, men were stronger than women. Even when they started out with play wrestling on the mats in the back garden, when Harry gave it her all, Dudley had still won without putting much of his weight on it.
“And how to escape being pinned down?” he pressed. “That one’s important.”
Harry’s blood always turned to ice regarding that particular position, and it did so now, even after muscle memory memorized the counterattack, even now that she was capable to perform all the steps with lightning speed thanks to Dudley's teaching.
The first time they had tried to practice that one, Harry had a panic attack. With time, she calmed down enough and no longer did her brain empty itself with blind panic, no longer did every limb freeze in place.
But the goosebumps were yet to fade away.
“Yeah, and the kicks, tackles and punches... Best is to aim for the groin when everything else fails. And bite and scratch — aim for the eyes with my nails.”
Dudley nodded.
“Good,” said Dudley, sighing out shakily, nodding to himself. “Good. Knife?”
“Front pocket. If he's too far away, slash. Close enough, stab.”
“Good,” said Dudley, in that same, shaky sort of voice. It was strange, to hear Dudley, who fought boxing matches with older boys and came on top, sound concerned for his cousin who he bullied when they were kids. In fact, it sounded like Dudley would rather take on the international heavy-weight boxing champion than think of Harry being attacked.
Here is Harry using the knife Sirius gave her in Malfoy Manor.
Too far to slash.
Close enough to stab.
The knife materialized in Harry's palm, and she didn't hesitate for a single second. Before they even realized something was gripped in her hand, Harry wrenched her arm forward and plunged the knife into the closest part of Greyback she could reach. She felt the flesh open under the sharp blade, felt the knife bury itself deep into the muscle, forcing it apart, as though Harry was using her own hand as the knife itself —
Blood trickled out, warm and hot, reaching her fingers on the metal grip carved of the Sirius constellation.
There was a yell. It sounded far away. All Harry could hear was the beat of her heart, all she could think was save Hermione save Hermione —
Pull it out, open the wound, now, quick!
Harry pulled the knife out with lightning-bolt speed. There was a grunt of pain. Something slammed into the side of her cheek. Something heavy and hard. A fist.
Greyback had swung and hit Harry in the side of the right cheek. The entire world swayed. Black dots exploded in her vision. However, the grip on the knife remained. There was still hope. There was still a chance.
Harry threw herself forward, wrapping her arms around Greyback's knees, pushing off the floor with her feet, tackling him to the floor.
The knife plunged into flesh again, this time in the back of Greyback's left knee, into the nerves and the hamstring’s and this time Greyback howled like a miserable dog...
Harry’s other hand worked fast, finding the wand in Greyback's wand pocket. She plunged the tip toward his chest, and let her magic burst forth without a single incantation.
A red light burst out of the wand, and Greyback fell still, unconsciouss.
Harry scrambled up from the werewolf, left hand holding the wand, right hand the knife. She could feel the stinging jinx Hermione placed fading away, the swelling reducing.
Another blast of magic burst forth from the wand upon Harry's command. A large blastwave exploded in a circle. It knocked everyone but Harry off their feet. Bellatrix had separated from Hermione. Harry pointed the wand at Hermione. An invisible thread lunged out of the wand, covered the distance of fifteen feet lightning-quick, and wound up around Hermione’s torso, and yanked Hermione toward Harry.
Hermione crashed into Harry’s arms, and they both fell over. Harry was up again, a large bubble sphere of a shield appearing forth, surrounding her and Hermione as a curse sent by Bellatrix rebounded off the bubble.
The shield remained, shimmering and transparent, and Harry reached out with her hand for Hermione to clamber up, Hermione’s hold bone-squeezingly tight.
“Harry, you’re...”
Visible. Except her sight was still blurry, her glasses stored deep in the inner pocket of her outer cloak.
The group of four stared at Harry for a moment, wide-mouthed, apparently speechless with shock.
It was followed by Bellatrix's cheery, celebratory laugh; Bellatrix clapped excitedly, hopping up and down like a madwoman who won the lottery. She looked a bit blurry from this distance, but Harry heard her just fine.
Harry's heart thundered against her ribcage.
Then, she felt her scar burn. Groaning, she bent over, stumbling backward, trying to flee the pain. The shield shimmered dangerously, but remained firm. Hermione caught her, her body becoming Harry's pillar.
Warm, soft hands, hair smelling on old parchment and earth... Hermione...
Harry felt her glasses be placed on the bridge of her nose by those same hands, and she looked this way and that, trying to find who it was.
Lucius Malfoy’s sleeve was pulled up to his elbow, and the Dark Mark on his forearm stood in stark, black ink against his skin, crawling on its surface.
Harry's eyes stretched in horror. And then, she felt another pang of pain... And... Excitement and joy, bubbling up inside her stomach, threatening to swallow her whole.
There was a loud BOOM. It came from the dungeons. Bellatrix and Narcissa turned to the stairwell, but they were too slow —
“EXPELLIARMUS!” bellowed Ron, roaring like a lion, pointing a wand that was not his own at the witches. Both Bellatrix’s and Narcissa's wands flew out of their hands, and Ron caught one, while Luna caught the other. A goblin was with them, and Ollivander, too.
“Ron!” gasped Hermione in relief; she looked ready to collapse with relief at the sight of Ron, wild-eyed and hair messy, but unharmed. Ron looked mad. Looked ready to tear Bellatrix limb from limb.
They outnumbered them. They could get away...
Another surge of pain attacked Harry. This time, she saw dark smoke travelling across the grey sky, flying faster than a thestral or a Firebolt. It was approaching the dark Malfoy Manor, where they were...
Her wrist stung.
Then, the smoke was rising high, climbing up into the air, into the dim sky. Stormclouds appeared, and thunder rumbled.
Then, the smoke twisted downward, and dove toward the roof covering the drawing room.
Harry opened her eyes.
“RON!” screamed Harry at the top of her lungs, voice resounding across the thickening air. “DIVE!”
Ron grabbed Luna, Ollivander and the goblin, and flung them and himself down into the stairs, where they’d come from.
It was tunneling downward, this dark force of power, it was heading straight down toward the roof...
A cold, high voice whispered in Harry’s head.
The only coherent thought Harry could think was: Shit.
The ceiling collapsed. The glass of the windows exploded. A large storm broke. Its shockwave shattered the protective, powerful sphere Harry conjured, splintering it into meaningless shards. The storm knocked everyone off their feet, tumbling them onto the ground.
Blindly aiming while being knocked away mid-air, the red jet of light burst out of the stolen wand, travelling into the dark cloud of smoke.
All Harry held onto tightly was the wand, and Hermione's hand. Harry crash-landed on her back, the breath punched out of her in a gasp.
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
I know they were in London and they are Saraya's family, but Tony potentially involving the Knight Family in the future after All In is not a good look, neither is having her scumbag transphobic piece of shit boyfriend perform her song. Welcoming a family who have been accused of abuse and sexual assault and creating a toxic environment by many people that they trained is insane. That's like inviting Bill DeMott to train your talent despite knowing what a reprehensible piece of shit that guy was.
And yes I have receipts.
There's a simple explanation of why WWE didn't want to acknowledge Saraya's family until that movie came out. Because they're violent carnies. Wrestling with My Family whitewashed the Knight family. Made people believe they were quirky instead crazy deviants.
Saraya being Women's Champion is a bad idea because of how limited she can wrestle now days, but even entertaining the idea of involving the Knight family more involved than they should is a fucking disaster waiting to fucking happen.
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skelltan · 2 years
Indie Promotion Round Up - Edition 1 Part 1 - NWA Powerrr
Throughout the years, wrestling has had its peaks and inclines. While you may have Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and D-Generation X tearing it up in WWE, you may also have your Kennel from Hell, Gerald Briscoe vs Pat Patterson evening gown match or Trish Stratus being force to bark like a dog.
2019 was no exception. I personally think it was a pretty great year to be a wrestling fan, from Kofimania in the WWE, NXT getting favourable reviews, and the inception of AEW. Sure, they weren’t without their hitches – Kofi’s title run ending in him getting squashed by Brock Lesnar or AEW’s growing pains, but I think it marked the start of something great with what would happen in the following years.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’m not here to talk about WWE or AEW. I’m no even here to talk about NJPW or IMPACT. No, I’m talking about some of the lesser known promotions – namely MLW and NWA.
Both revitalised themselves in 2017, giving the American wrestling scene a few other shows to keep an eye on as they progressed. MLW was a previously short lived promotion that emerged in 2002 as a spiritual successor to ECW, down to having Joey Styles on commentary and featuring the likes of The Sandman, Raven, Sabu and other notable names, while the NWA is a long living promotion who’s history is a bit confusing, but basically, it once had the most prestigious title in all of wrestling, but has since fallen in prestige somewhat. Oh yeah, also, Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins bought it.
These two companies would have their ups and downs, from NWA featuring talent such as Thunder Rosa, Eddie Kingston and Ricky Starks before they moved onto AEW while MLW had names like Darby Allin, MJF and the Lucha Bros. But where are they now? I’ve heard rumblings about both companies, but never found the time to sit down to watch them and see just what they’re all about. Well, that’s abou to change. Join me as I explore just what is happening in MLW and NWA after the fallout of their (as of writing) most recent PPVs.
I guess I may as well start off with the elephant in the room and have a glimpse at the NWA. They’re coming fresh off their “Hard Times” PPV, where, most notably, they put the world title on Tyrus. Tyrus, for those of you who do not know, is a man who was known for his time in WWE as “The Funkasaurus” Brodus Clay. He was a man who danced and… was a dinosaur. I guess. It’s not as cool as it sounds, trust me. In that role, he was never really relevant, nor was he world champion material – let alone now, 8 years after his “prime”, if you even want to call it that.
He also is a raunch conservative, constantly showing up on Fox News and has a sexual assault allegation against him. So, y’know. Great champion material. Anyways, the NWA has 2 main shows, both streaming on youtube. NWA Powerrr, which is their main show, and NWA USA, which focuses on the junior heavyweights. I think for this series(?) I’ll look at an episode of Powerrr, an episode of MLW Fusion (MLW’s main, and only, show, also youtube exclusive) and an episode of NWA USA.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into NWA Powerrr, season 11, episode 1.
We’re live from the Sigur Center in Chalmette, Lousiana. Kyle Davis – huh? Is this guy the fused form of Aussie Open? Anyways, he’s an official at NWA, and our host. He welcomes us and brings Tyrus down to the ring. Tyrus himself is from Lousiana so I guess they also wanted him to be a hometown hero.
As he makes his way to the ring, there are some jester masks and such – because it’s Lousiana! I don’t know if this is part of the arena or the NWA themselves designed this but it helps the arena stand out.
We hear from one of our commentators – the commentary team is Joe Galli, Velvet Sky and Tim Storm. Joe informs us this is the start of the “Idolmania Sports Management era”. Well, ok, there’s something I didn’t know. Wrestling legend Austin Idol leads a faction that Tyrus is apart of. I’m guessing they’re the top heel group? Strictly Business was last time I was watching, but Nick Aldis left the NWA, so I guess this is their replacement.
Joe also mentions the Revolution Rumble, which I’m guessing is just the name of this slew of episodes, but also Powerrr Trip? Haven’t heard of it. At this point I glanced at the likes and dislikes and realised they were even, 1.5k a piece. Anyhow, Velvet Sky lets us know Idolmania has all the gold, which made me look it up. As of this episode, two other members of Idolmania held gold – Cyon with the National Championship (which is one of the midcard belts) and Jordan Clearwater with the Television Championship (the other midcard belt). I don’t know why there are 2 midcard belts.
I guess I’ll start a rant. People rant about how AEW or WWE has too many titles, but they serve a purpose. Sure, I’m not a fan of AEW having multiple midcard belts, but at least the ROH are for ROH whenever that relaunches, and the All Atlantic title has a vaguely international theme to it. But the NWA has a world title, two midcard belts, two tag team belts, two cruiserweight belts, women’s belt and women’s tag belts. For a company with a roster as small as the NWA, that’s too many damn belts.
Anyway, rant over. One of these guys is wearing a Ric Flair esque robe, another is a luchador. They don’t look like they fit together. Realizing I’m going to have to listen to a Tyrus promo, I now regret my decision to start this series.
Austin Idol sounds old as fuck and curses out Kyle Davis. He also refers to the Ric Flair looking guy as “the golden boy with the golden toy”. There’s a free innuendo for you. Kyle won me over by saying “I’m glad you found the hard cam” as Austin spins around to face said hard cam as he yells.
The group does a bit of a promo, not a lot to say but Tyrus calls out possible challengers. Matt Cardona, EC3, Thom Latimer. Apparently Cyon and Jordan Clearwater can cash in for the world title at any time? Sounds a bit broken, but ok.
I won’t lie, I wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, but Powerrr only runs for about 40 minutes a week, so luckily they had time constraints as to not overstay their welcome.
We cut to the intro. NWA Powerrr used to have Into the Fire by Dokken as a theme – which actually got me to watch the Nightmare on Elm Street series and got me into horror movies. But now it’s a generic insrumental guitar song. Alright.
Anyways, time for the first match. Mims is here. He’s apparently the number 1 contender for the television title. He has an alright look, I hope he can back it up in the ring. Oh, he’s challenging for the Television Title right now. Alright. Well, it’s Jordan Clearwater, the Flair wannabe who stayed in the ring from the first segment, vs Mims. Maybe Mims can show us why he’s hot.
Joe Galli informs us there’s a 6:05 minute time limit for this match, as there is for all TV title matches? I have no idea if this is founded in history or they just picked a random time limit, but it’s a weird number anyways.
Clearwater is a chickenly heel and tries to run from Mims and stalls for time. Mims pushes him over, though. Clearwater gets back up, does some taunts, and threatens to leave, but Mims takes him by the hair and headbutts him.
Mims charges at Clearwater in the corner but gets a poke to the eye and hits him with… ok, I’m a wrestling fan, I’m not a commentator. I don’t know all the moves, but commentary doesn’t call it, so I’ll just say he slams him.
Clearwater takes control briefly, but Mims gets some hits on Clearwater – though that doesn’t last long as Clearwater takes control again and goes for a pin, but Mims kicks out at 1. Clearwater taunts the crowd to cheer for Mims.
He then whips Mims into the corner. Mims gets some more hits on Clearwater. Clearwater hits Mims with a suplex for a two count. He whips Mims again, but Mims goes for a sunset flip and hits it. Clothesline to Mims, however, for another two count.
Clearwater than gets a headlock on Mims, but Mims fights out. Mims hits a clothesline and back elbow combo and goes off the ropes but gets a big boot from Clearwater. Clearwater goes for the pin, but the time limit runs out.
This counts as a victory for Clearwater and is the 1st of 7 wins which will allow him to cash in the title to challenge for the world title. Ok, so Tyrus didn’t say the rules clearly. Anyways, I thought Mims might get a rematch – and hey, he might – but because of that 7 wins rule, I get the feeling they’re gonna want to move on.
It wasn’t a particularly great showing for either man, though I’ll chalk that up to the time limit. It made the match and having to structure it quite awkward, so we’re left with them trying to work a longer match in a short amount of time, so it doesn’t feel complete. I didn’t really get a feel for Mims as a wrestler and all I gleamed from Clearwater is he’s a coward. Hopefully they have better showings in the future.
There’s an ad for Austin Idol’s wrestling school. Then we’re back to the ring, a match with a 15 minute time limit. Alright, that’s more sensible. Anyways, here’s Ryan Davidson vs Odinson. Ryan looks a bit generic and is apparently from the Wildcat promotion, which they hype up, but I’ve never heard of it, so. His opponent, Odinson, I guess has a Norse mythology gimmick. He looks the part, at least. The chains look a bit out of place, but hey, it stands out.
Joe says he sprayed “the purpose” into his mouth – so I’m guessing he does some kind of green mist variation too? (Hi. This is editor skelltan. Coming back to this, I just realized this is never once relevant in this match.) Ryan here is apparently the longest reigning Wildcat champ, over 900 days. Let’s see how he does, then.
The two lock up. Odinson takes him to the corner, but Ryan fights out and pummels Odinson in the corner. He whips him to the other corner, and spins around – he looks a bit lost, as if he was expecting Odinson to run back and get hit with a back elbow? But continues running, getting hit with a big boot and clothesline. Odin hits an uppercut and sliding lariat on him for a cover and two count.
He lands a knee on Ryan, and two uppercuts in the corner before walking him around the ring for more uppercuts. He charges at Ryan in the corner twice, going for a spear but Ryan dodges. Ryan goes for the Manhattan drop and a scoop slam. He his the ropes and lands an elbow for a one count. Ryan gets Odinson in the corner and atacks him. He then gestures to the crowd, getting them to cheer and continues the attack on Odinson.
Odinson hits Ryan with a forearm and they jockey for position, hitting a DDT (at least according to Velvey Sky) that focuses on Odinson’s arm. Ryan continues working the left arm with a submission. The crowd gets behind Odinson to power out and hit a dropkick. Odinson then sells the arm a bit.
Odinson charges at Ryan in the corner, gets him to the other corner and charges again. He then goes for a torture rack but can’t hold it – Odinson then goes for a big boot and uppercut for a 2. Odinson goes back to the torture rack, but again can’t quite get it – Ryan hits him with a power slam for a 2 count. Ryan takes off an elbow pad and tries to go for something, but Odinson hits him with the pounce for the win.
Ryan looked a little awkward as I alluded to, but Odinson looked pretty good in my eyes. Obviously I’m not saying he’s anywhere near his level, but in terms of in ring style he reminded me a bit of Claudio Castignoli, what with the power moves and uppercuts. There was actually psychology in this match and the pace was much better than the opener and both men got some stuff in. Again, don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a match of the year by any definition, but better than the opener and not that bad.
We then go backstage, where May Valentine interviews a man who’ll be in the main event – Aron Stevens. Like Tyrus, Aron Stevens is a castoff from the 2010s WWE midcard. He was known as Damien Sandow and was a henchman for The Miz and had an impersonation gimmick. I only got into wrestling in 2019, so I never got a chance to see him, but people actually thought he was funny in his impersonator role and thought he had potential – he also held the tag titles once and the Money in the Bank, though he failed to cash it in against John Cena.
Anyways, here’s Aron Stevens. Apparently he’s retired and May Valentine is his girlfriend. I don’t know if this is a work or he’s seriously stepping down from in ring action. He’s a little hammy and mildly entertaining. He’s no Eddie Kingston, but I’ve seen far worse promos.
We get another ad this time for the NWA merch shop.
Aron makes his entrance, but cuts a promo, again stating he’s retired and is a manager now, but is still gonna do this match. Apparently he has to or he’ll lose his manager license? He didn’t get that over in the promos, but alright.
Kratos is announced as “the most swagged”? He looks like a poor man’s Luke Gallows, which isn’t a good look. He’s also got garishly bright Hulk Hogan-esque red and yellow gear. He looks terrible. Commentary alludes to a story – Aron Stevens is friends with a masked wrestler called The Question Mark who’s identity is well known. I think I read Aron played one of them but there was another not played by him and the two fought? I dunno.
Anyways, Kyle says “due to the controversy of the black glove” that Aron Stevens is wearing, he must take off his glove or he’ll be disqualified. Very odd phrasing, but anyways, he takes something out of the glove and into his pockets. Underneath, he has another glove – a rubber one. Aron calls for a time out, though, and claims to not have a professional wrestling license, so he can’t wrestle, and says because he’s a manager, Kratos will be fined, suspended and gone.
Aron then beats down Kratos and then says his wrestler’s license is still valid. Kratos hits Aron with a big knee, though. He rolls Aron out of the ring and atacks him, and continues the atack in the ring. He tries to rip off Aron’s shirt. Kratos hits a release suplex. Some masked guys hit Kratos, and that’s the match.
I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Kratos work, but I didn’t get a chance to, so for all I know he’s alright. But yeah, in terms of in ring action and as our main event, that wasn’t great. But it served for an angle, anyways, so let’s hope it’s a good angle.
The Question Mark 2 comes to the ring – this is the one that faced Aron who was the other Question Mark, I guess, but he gets beat up. Aron puts his glove back on and puts something in the glove – I’m guessing something metal, and punches Kratos. The crew then beat up Question Mark 2 and pose.
So, that’s our first episode of NWA Powerrr in the bag. It wasn’t terrible, but if not for this series/my morbid curiosity, I wouldn’t go out of my way to watch this. We still have to wait for a payoff for the main event angle, and Idolmania were whatever, but Odinson was alright, so I wouldn’t mind seeing more of him. Otherwise, I don’t have much positive to say, other than it wasn’t terrible.
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news-venue · 15 days
"When We Were Dragged On Roads…": Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia Join Congress
Shaking up the political landscape in Haryana weeks ahead of the Assembly elections in the state, wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia have joined the Congress.
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Both Olympians, who had been at the forefront of last year's protests against the alleged sexual assault and intimidation by former Wrestling Federation of India chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, had met senior Congress leader and Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday.
On Friday, Ms Phogat and Mr Punia, who are both 30 years old, met Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge at his residence before formally joining the party at its headquarters in New Delhi.
"Chak de India, Chak de Haryana! Met our talented champions Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia, who have made India proud in the world, at 10, Rajaji Marg. We are proud of both of you," Mr Kharge posted in Hindi on X.
The entry of the wrestlers into the Congress is expected to give it a boost as Ms Phogat is seen to enjoy support among farmers, who make up a significant voting bloc in Haryana. The Congress is hoping that the farmers' anger against the BJP will help it dislodge the party from a state it has ruled since 2014.
The Congress will also hope that Mr Punia and Ms Phogat joining the party will give it an upper hand in its negotiations with INDIA ally AAP in seat-sharing for the 90 constituencies in the state. While an in-principle agreement regarding an alliance had been announced on Wednesday, there appears to be a stalemate between the two parties with the AAP seeking 10 seats and the Congress willing to give up only five to seven.
Upbeat after winning five out of the 10 Lok Sabha seats in Haryana this year after the BJP's clean sweep in 2019, the state unit of the Congress was reluctant to part with any Assembly constituencies but the push for a tie-up has reportedly come from Rahul Gandhi, who has maintained that it will ensure there is no division of votes and give the party its best possible chance to defeat the BJP.
Differences within the Congress have reportedly delayed its first list of candidates and the BJP has been facing pushback and a rebellion since it did so on Wednesday, with Energy Minister Ranjit Chautala and MLA Lakshman Napa quitting the party after being denied tickets. Mr Chautala has said he will contest as an Independent and Mr Napa has announced that he will be joining the Congress.
Mr Chautala is the son of Chaudhary Devi Lal Chaudhary, one of Haryana's tallest leaders, who served as chief minister twice and was also a deputy prime minister.
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yelpwelpkelp · 1 month
When you hear someone say learn self defence against rape and you become a pro wrestling champion but somehow still get sexually assaulted
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angelamoroso · 1 year
Come see Myself The Goddess of Gore Queen of Hardcore Angel Amoroso and ECW original Jason Knight as we relaunch Assault Champion Wrestling! This Saturday August 12 in Williamstown NJ! There's even a fan fest before the show from 12-4 with toys, horror, wrestling vendors and much more! The show starts at 5pm! Don't miss out on this EPIC event!!!
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blowflyfag · 7 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: October 1993
press conference… 
Every issue, reports from PRO WRESTLING ILLUSTRATED will participate in an incisive press conference with a top wrestling star. The questions will be demanding. And the answers will reveal the innermost thoughts of the giants of the sport.
[Sid Vicious stunned WCW twice: first by returning under the management of Col. Parker, then by joining forces with Big Van Vader.]
WHEN SID VICIOUS returned to WCW in mid-May, the general consensus was that the 6’8” 318-pound-muscleman would resume his temporarily suspended assault on the WCW World heavyweight title. The general consensus was wrong. Shortly after arriving, he formed an alliance with the champion himself. Big Van Vader. 
It’s an incredible duo. Each possesses an awesome power bomb, a potentially crippling maneuver both men have used it on Sting, Nikita Koloff, Cactus Jack, and Ron Simmons. Could Vicious be next?
Vicious, known as Sid Justice in the WWF, is one of wrestling’s most notorious underachievers. When he came out of West Memphis Arkansas, in the late 1980s, everyone thought he was bound for heavyweight superstardom. But, after a failed alliance with The Four Horsemen, Sid stalled in WCW. He jumped to the WWF and targeted the title, but was eventually upstaged by Hulk Hogan. He left the federation after losing to the “Hulkster” at WrestleMania VIII.
After that, Sid wrestled only once (teaming with Johnny Rotten at the Kerry Von Erich memorial card in early April) before returning to WCW and becoming Vicious again. To the surprise of many, he returned with a manager, Col. Robert Parker. The one constant in Sid’s inconsistent career has been bad management and poor advice. Again he seems willing to put himself in someone else’s hands. 
Shortly aftercoming back to WCW, Vicious took some time out from a heavy training session to speak with PWI Senior Writer Dave Rosenbaum, Managing Editor V.J. Paterno, and Associate Publisher Craig Peters. He once again proved that he’s not just some dumb muscleman but actually a pretty bright guy.
DAVE ROSENBAUM: Let’s get right to the point, Sid. When are you going to wrestle Vader?CRAIG PETERS: Boy, you’ve never heard of tact, have you, Dave?SID VICIOUS: That’s fine with me. I don’t like glazing over the facts, so if you have something to ask me, just ask it. The answer is, I don’t know. 
V.J. PATERNO: You don’t know? VICIOUS: That’s what I said. Need an explanation?
ROSENBAUM: We wouldn’t mind one. After all, it doesn't make sense for you to be friends with Vader. He has the belt. 
VICIOUS: Who said friends can’t wrestle?PATERNO: Well…
VICIOUS: Well, nothing. Vader and I have an understanding. We can speak honestly with each other, and when I’m ready to wrestle him, I’ll let him know it. I guarantee he won’t say no.
[“I’ll wrestle Vader when I’m ready to beat him the first time with three beats of the arm.”]
ROSENBAUM: I heard him say he’d beat you no problem.
VICIOUS: He’s confident. I’m confident. He wouldn’t stand a chance, but it would be a tough match.
PETERS: Is that a prediction? VICIOUS: No, it’s a fact. Vader’s a great champion, one of the best in WCW history, but he’s not unbeatable. He knows that. We talk about it all the time.
PATERNO: You talk about his weaknesses? VICIOUS: We talk about mine, too. It’s a short discussion.
ROSENBAUM: Very sharp. So when’s it going to happen?
VICIOUS: I told you. I don’t know.
PETERS: What’s your idea of ready? VICIOUS: I’ve seen plenty of challengers take 20 matches and they’re not ready to win the belt until the 15th. Eventually, the champion’s going to make a mistake and lose, but that’s not fair. I’ll wrestle Vader when I’m ready to beat him the first time with three beats of the arm. That’s when.
PATERNO: Does Col. Parker have a schedule for you? VICIOUS: If he does, he’s not saying. The Colonel’s different from the others. He doesn’t put pressure on me. He wants the title and he knows I want the title. The plan is to proceed cautiously. I’m young. There’s plenty of time. 
ROSENBAUM: I hope this doesn’t come off sounding wrong, but you sound more mature Sid.
VICIOUS: Are you saying I'm not mature?
PETERS: Nice wording, Dave.
ROSENBAUM: No, I’m just saying you’re more patient and you seem to be thinking before you act. For instance, I don't think you would’ve joined The Four Horsemen if you really gave it some deep thought.
VICIOUS: I gave it some deep thought. It was the right move at the time, but Flair was afraid of me and he never admitted it publicly. I would’ve won the belt several times, but Flair always got in the way. That was the problem.
PATERNO: Do you regret joining the Horsemen?
VICIOUS: I don’t regret anything. It was an experience. Nothing wrong with that.
[Vicious feuded with Sting in late-1990, culminating in a remarkable title match at Halloween Havoc. Sting and Davey Boy Smith were Vicious and Vader’s first targets upon uniting.]
PETERS: You just got done with your workout…
VICIOUS: I’m not done. I’m in the middle. If I was done, I wouldn’t be sitting here in these sweaty shorts.
PETERS: Well, my question is, how long do your workouts last and what do they consist of?
VICIOUS: They last up to three hours, broken up into one hour of warming up in the first half and two hours of heavy lifting in the second half. I bench-press, squat, deadlift, do curls, leg exercises, more bench-presses, jump rope, a few of the Colonel’s secret exercises.
PETERS: Secret exercises? What are they?
VICIOUS: I can't say. They’re secrets.
[Vicious is as–well, as vicious as ever. Here, he holds an opponent by the hair as Harley Race delivers a beating of his own and Parker looks on.]
ROSENBAUM: Of course, Craig. They’re secrets. Are your workouts more intense than they used to be?VICIOUS: Not more intense, just more focused, just like the rest of my life. I’m not into wasting time anymore. I’m not into having fun. I’m into winning and doing everything necessary to make sure I win.
PATERNO: Let’s talk some more about the Horsemen. What do you think about their reunion?VICIOUS: I think Paul Roma’s a bad substitute for Sid Vicious. 
PATERNO: Is that all?VICIOUS: I think Flair, Ole, and Arn are old and past their prince. I think Flair will use Roma every way he can. I think that since Tully Blanchard, the toughest man in the whole group, isn't around anymore, it makes them a weaker team. I think The Four Horsemen should’ve stayed retired the first time, instead of running the risk of having some like me retire them the second. I could do it. 
ROSENBAUM: Would you like to get your hands on Flair?VICIOUS: It’s not a priority, but it would be nice. It would give me great pleasure to give him a one-way ticket out of wrestling. His “Flair For The Gold” segment? Good idea. He has a career in broadcasting and he should stick with it. 
PATERNO: How about if Flair wins the World title?VICIOUS: How about it? It will never happen. Vader’s the man. 
PETERS: How about Parker? A lot of people, myself included, thought you’d never have another manager after your bad experiences with the Horsemen and Harvey Wippleman. Why’d you go along with Parker?
[Vicious’ physique is ample testament to his incredible workout regimen. He says that his workouts now are more focused and productive than ever. He also seems more mature.]VICIOUS: Because he’s a smart man and he knows the sport. He made me a good offer, I looked it over, and I thought it was a good idea. Besides, there’s enough for a wrestler to worry about in this sport without worrying about the little details. If you ask me, every wrestler should have a manager. I'm surprised they all don’t look at boxers. They all have managers and trainers. Wrestling’s too tough to go it alone.
PATERNO: Can you trust Parker?VICIOUS: Can anyone trust anyone? There are always risks, and maybe I'm taking one, but it looks to me like the Colonel is out for my best interests, because they’re his best interests, too. It’s like any other sport. If I win, we’ll both be happy. If I lose, there'll be some changes.
PETERS: It sounds as if you're turning into a businessman.
VICIOUS: I am a businessman. Sports are business. And like all successful businessmen, I'm dead serious about what I'm doing. Let everyone else judge the risks of that.
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capbargain · 2 months
Heads Up, Outdoor Warriors: Why 6-Panel Hats Are Your Summer Superheroes
Picture this: It's high noon, the sun's beating down like it's got a personal vendetta against Earth, and you're out there, working your tail off. What's your secret weapon against the fiery sky orb? Enter the unsung hero of summer - the mighty 6-panel hat! Buckle up, folks, as we dive into why these bad boys are the Robin to your Batman in the great outdoors.
Why 6-Panel Hats Are Like a Force Field for Outdoor Workers
1. Sun's Kryptonite:
Imagine a portable shade that follows you everywhere. That's your 6-panel hat! It's like having your umbrella, minus the awkward carrying part. Say goodbye to that awkward sunburned nose look - you know the one!
2. Cool as a Cucumber:
These hats are like AC for your noggin. With more ventilation than a skyscraper, they keep your head cooler than the other side of the pillow. No more feeling like your brain is being slow-cooked!
3. Sweat's Worst Enemy:
Remember that time sweat dripped into your eyes and you looked like you were crying at work? Yeah, these hats put an end to that drama. They're like tiny towels for your forehead, keeping you looking fresh, and not concerned.
4. Tough as Nails:
These hats are the Chuck Norris of headwear. They can take a beating and come back for more. Perfect for when you're wrestling with Mother Nature all day!
Finding Your Hat Squad: The Best Deals for Teams
Looking to outfit your crew with these cranium-cooling wonders? Here's the inside scoop:
1. Blank Canvas Beauties:
Blank 6-panel hats are like plain pizzas - ready for whatever toppings you want to throw on. Slap your logo on there and voila! Instant team unity.
2. Wholesale Wonderland:
Buying wholesale is like finding the cheat code for adulting. More hats, less moolah. It's a win-win!
3. Bulk Bonanza:
Going bulk is perfect for when you need to hat-if an army. Plus, it's cheaper than buying everyone sunscreen every day. Just saying.
Hat-Picking 101: A Mini-Guide
- Fabric Fables: Cotton is king for breathability. It's like air conditioning for your scalp.
- Fit for a King (or Queen): Adjustable is the way to go. One size fits all? More like one size fits none.
- Color Theory: Light colors are your friends. Unless you want your head to double as a solar panel.
Listen up, outdoor work warriors! Wholesale 6-panel hats aren't just accessories; they're your bodyguards against the sun's relentless assault. They're the cool cape to your superhero outfit, keeping you comfortable while you conquer the great outdoors.
So, whether you're landscaping, constructing, or just trying not to melt while working outside, arm yourself with these head-hugging heroes. Your future self (and your non-sunburned scalp) will thank you.
Now go forth and conquer, you hat-wearing champions of summer! And remember, in the epic battle of You vs. Sun, the right hat might just be your secret weapon. Stay cool out there!
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allabouttenille · 3 months
TNA Wrestling
Against All Odds
June 14th 2024
TNA Digital Media Championship
Iron Man Match
Tessa Blanchard vs. Tenille Dashwood
Obviously full of confidence considering her history of long matches in comparison to her opponent, Tessa Blanchard is quick to saunter around the ring and is all but celebrating before the match has even started. As soon as the match starts, her arrogance costs her as Tenille Dashwood strikes a decisive first blow. Within seconds, the challenger connects with a Spotlight Kick to score a shock first victory and blow up the gameplan of the defending champion. Blanchard can now no longer simply run down the clock and wait for Dashwood to get tired, time is now her enemy.
Eager to make up for the shock first fall, Blanchard goes all out attack but Dashwood is quick to escape the ring and cut off the momentum whenever she feels in danger. Slowly but surely, Blanchard starts to get frustrated and is routinely seen checking the clock on the big screen. At the fifteen minute mark, with no further falls, both women end up fighting on the floor where Dashwood connects with a suplex before rolling back into the ring. Initially it looked like Dashwood was going for a count out victory, but Blanchard was up long before the ten count. Instead, Dashwood reaches through the ropes and grabs the hair of the unsuspecting Blanchard, only to be blindsided with a steel chair to the head.
Dashwood falls lifelessly back into the ring and it takes the official a few seconds to realize what has happened considering how absurd it seems. Blanchard has just Dashwood a second fall to give the challenger a 2-0 lead. Despite the mounting odds, Blanchard isn’t concerned. Instead, she waits the required twenty seconds before pinning the still lifeless Dashwood to get one fall back. Another twenty seconds pass before Blanchard simply repeats the process to level it up as her gameplan becomes obvious. Blanchard took the single loss, in order to gain several victories. A third attempt however, is unsuccessful as Dashwood manages to get a shoulder up, but not very convincingly.
Blanchard drags the dazed Australian to her feet and connects with the hammerlock DDT to quickly make it 3-2 in the champions favour. In less than two minutes, Blanchard has completely turned the match around and she isn’t finished yet. Another hammerlock DDT follows to give Blanchard a commanding 4-2 lead and the champion is full of confidence. So much so, that she stands back and allows Dashwood the chance to finally get back to her feet before continuing the assault. It isn’t long before Dashwood realizes the situation she finds herself in and now it’s Blanchard’s turn to bail out of the ring whenever she is in danger, the roles now fully reversed.
With time ticking down, Dashwood manages to catch Blanchard by surprise with an inside cradle to bring herself to within one fall but time is definitely not her friend right now. Knowing this, Blanchard continually slows the pace down and on several occasions simply throws Dashwood from the ring to eat up some more time. Into the final minutes of the match, and Dashwood is throwing everything she has at Blanchard, but it’s to no avail. The Spotlight Kick is avoided and the Stump Piledriver is countered every single time.
Dashwood’s final hope comes when she is able to counter an attempt at the hammerlock DDT and instead turn it around to take the champion down and apply the Venus de Milo in the middle of the ring. Having already managed to get Blanchard to submit to this hold before, Dashwood gives it everything she has. Blanchard cries out in agony but refuses to submit, instead, she watches the seconds ticking down on the big screen. Blanchard could end the pain at any time and go into overtime, but her hatred for Dashwood is so much that she would rather suffer than allow that to happen.
By the time the ball sounds, Blanchard likely can’t feel her arms anymore, but she won’t care. She managed to hold on and achieve her goal via a 4-3 victory. Hardly able to believe it, Dashwood releases the hold and stares at the final score on the big screen. Tessa Blanchard has retained the TNA Digital Media Championship and as such, Dashwood’s time in TNA has come to an end. Following the announcement of this, Blanchard shocks the world by offering a handshake to Dashwood in the middle of the ring, clearly still in agony. Despite all the cheap shots the two have taken at each other, it seems Blanchard is finally ready to put their differences behind them. Understandably, Dashwood hesitates before going to accept, only for Blanchard to drop her hand and back away with a smirk instead, making an L shape on her forehead to prove that she won’t ever change and is going to enjoy her victory.
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mayhemproduces · 6 months
Riley Ishimori (c) vs Utami Hayashishita- MPW Stardust Championship
Just a day removed from their six man clash, Utami Hayashishita challenges for the MPW Stardust Championship in the KBS Hall, in Kyoto, Japan, and they start things off with a show of respect. Staring each other down as the bell rings, they begin to circle. Utami reaches out first, asking for a test of strength. Unwise or not, Riley accepts, and Utami starts to overpower her with ease. Being the much stronger of the two, it comes as no surprise. Riley grunts as she tries to fight back, releasing a battle cry before suddenly shoving Utami to the mat! Arm wringer by Riley, twisting up the arm before getting in a hammerlock. On their feet, Utami fights back with elbows, getting a hammerlock of her own. Rolling forward, Riley gets back in her own hammerlock, yanking down on the shoulder and arm. Utami reaches down and picks the leg, putting Riley on the mat and into an inverted bow and arrow stretch, leaning on Riley’s back. Wrestling on the mat, Riley gets a side headlock, but Utami reverses into a front facelock. Ishimori in with a wristlock, then a headlock. Taking them down to the mat before wrenching back on the headlock. Grinding down on the head and neck, but Utami gets headscissors, forcing Riley down into it. She kips right out of it, staring Utami down as we find ourselves with a bit of a stalemate here. Unlike last night, still plenty of time to go, and neither appears to be in any hurry. Rolling her shoulders as they circle, the opponents tie up, battling for control in a collar and elbow, until Hayashishita gets them in the ropes, pinning Riley rather aggressively. Riley releases Utami, but the challenger is much slower to do so. Slowly backing away, and giving Riley a light shove. Riley marches up to her, and they lock up again, a bit more combative than before, and this time it’s Riley who brings them into the ropes. She breaks quickly, but leaves Utami with a sharp chop to the chest! Grabbing her, she wants an irish whip but Utami reverses, and flattens Riley with a shoulder tackle! Instantly kipping back to her feet, Utami’s ready for her. Riley surprises her with a tilt-a-whirl, getting in an armbar as she brings them to the mat. Trying to bridge into a Fujiwara, but Utami dashes to the ropes, putting her foot there to force a break. Riley relents, but kicks her challenger in the shoulder, and it’s a sharp kick at that. She grabs the arm and bends it over the middle rope, twisting it over the middle cable as the referee shouts, getting her to break at three. She puts her hands up, giving Utami space, but only for a moment. Before she pins the arm to the mat, and steps right on the elbow! Hayashishita writhing in pain, but Riley’s only just begun her assault over the targeted limb. Grabbing the right arm, Riley jumps over the top rope, and SNAPS the arm right across the rope!
Back inside the ring, Riley hits the ropes, but gets caught by a dropkick! She cradles the arm, but Utami has the advantage, stomping on Riley as she tries to wring out her own arm. Grabbing the champion, Utami hits a snapmare, and a fierce kick to the back of the head. More stomps to the opponent, Riley retreating to the ropes to try and fight back, but Utami scoops her up, and tosses her across the ring with a big body slam! Riley writhes in pain, instinctively going for the neck, when Utami flips her over. Straddling, Utami sinks into a Camel Clutch, wrenching back on the neck and chin. Riley struggles as Utami works her over, just wrenching on the neck, twisting it to the left as she tries to get Riley to submit her championship. Kyoto is behind them both, clapping for the contest in front of them, as their respective factions do the same on the outside. VIOLET and Matsumoto out here for Riley, of course, while Utami has support from Saya Kamitani, AZM, and Lady C. ANarChY pound the apron as Riley scoots to the ropes, but Utami drags them back to the center of the ring and transitions into a choke. Trying to squeeze the breath out of Riley’s lungs, before Utami moves back into the Camel Clutch. Keeping her offense fluid and unpredictable, Riley’s floundering in the submissions, as Utami moves into a headscissors. Riley tries to roll over, trying to relieve any amount of pressure, but Utami has it tight, working down the neck. Riley reaches out, and barely gets a foot on the rope, but it’s enough to force a stoppage. And Utami does release, kicking Riley in the back of the head before simply standing on the neck, then hitting a knee drop, using the bottom rope for extra leverage into it. Riley holds her neck as she writhes around the ring. Getting her off the mat, Hayashishita hits an irish whip, then a running back elbow in the corner. As Riley stumbles out, dropping to her knees, Utami moves to the second rope, and connects with a dropkick to the back of the head. Everything's coming up in favor of the Red Queen here, and she could secure the title here, as Utami makes the first cover of the night!
1… 2… Kickout!
Putting Riley up on the second rope, and Utami nails her with another big dropkick to the back of the head! Riley falls back to the mat, cradling her dome, but Utami forces her arms away and lays into her with a few clubbing blows to the base of the dome. Wringing out her arm as she stands, Utami gets Riley up for an irish whip into the corner, but Riley uses the turnbuckles as a staircase to backflip over Utami and hit the ropes, tossing Hayashishita with a Dragonrana! The move throws Utami into the corner, and Riley instantly gets up and charges, crushing her with a hesitation dropkick! Riley rolls back, posting up on a knee as Utami rolls under the bottom rope. Hayashishita staggers to her feet, using the ropes to help her up, as Riley lies in wait. Once Utami is back on a vertical base, Riley slingshots over the top rope, grabs her by the head, and SPIKES Utami right on the apron with a vicious DDT! Utami gets drilled with that one, and she could be hurt! She melts to the floor alongside her factionmates, who all swarm around her, checking on Utami and trying to help her get back up, as Riley struggles to get up herself. Holding onto the neck, Riley gets to her feet and rolls in under the bottom rope, returning to the ring as Utami starts to get her feet back under her. Meanwhile, Riley runs the ropes. She soars over the top, wiping out all of Queen’s Quest with a huge Tope Con Hilo!
The referee starts to count Utami out, but Riley goes out and throws her back inside the ring, not content with winning this one by just a countout. And she knows she has Utami right where she wants her, as Utami struggles to get to her feet even now. Riley has perched onto the top rope, and now leaps, snatching Utami with a diving Codebreaker! Utami pops back hard enough to give herself whiplash, and Riley has to hold her own neck as she crawls into the cover, hooking the far leg!
1… 2… Kickout!
Getting Utami up for a dragon suplex, but it’s blocked. Utami hip checks her off and goes for a clothesline, but Riley ducks under and scoops Utami off the mat, planting her with a bridged German suplex!
1… 2… Kickout!
Riley got a tight cover there, but it wasn’t enough to keep Utami down. Rolling her neck, the champion rises, dragging Utami into the drop zone. Climbing to the top rope, back facing the ring, Utami is there and punches her on the back. Riley holds onto the top rope as Utami grabs a wristlock, but Utami is too powerful, and pries her off the ropes, tossing her overhead with a GIANT release German suplex, Riley almost landing on her damn head! Both women are down after that one, but Utami staggers to her feet much quicker than her opponent, who has rolled out to the apron. Utami joins her out there, prying Riley's unmoving body off the apron, and onto her back. Utami reaches backwards, cradling Riley's head against her leg… and hits an Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker right on the apron!! Holy shit! Riley might be done after that!
With an audible gasp from the fans in the TBS Hall, worry stricken VIOLET and Matsumoto as they watch their friend get spun around, hanging limp off the side of the apron. Utami lands a big kick to the face before grabbing her ankle, snapping down a scorpion kick across the back of the neck. Hayashishita backs up, clearly some space before she turns back to look at Riley, charges, and nails her with a dropkick to the side of the dome! Riley is hanging off the apron still as Utami returns to the squares circle, breaking the referee's count, and giving Riley a moment to struggle back to her feet. She doesn't get very far before Utami leans over the top rope, forcing Riley up and into a choke. Of course, if Riley were to submit now, it's illegal in the ropes, so Utami elects to pull Riley over the ropes and into the middle of the ring. Riley drops to a knee, but still reaches out to the ropes. She inches closer towards them, but Utami only lets her get so far before backing them up with a spin, lifting Riley off her feet and down to the mat, trapping her in a full rear naked choke, complete with a body scissors, and Riley is fading fast. Fading quickly, but she isn’t deterred. Refusing to let her championship slip away like this, she scoots closer to the ropes, her friends beckoning her on, but as Riley gets closer, Utami tries to turn her away from the ropes, trying to deny her freedom, and Riley looks to be moments away from passing out. In a last ditch effort, she reaches out, barely getting her foot on the ropes, but it’s enough to make Utami let go. Saya, AZM, and Lady C pound the apron as Utami gets to her feet, possibly seconds away from securing the latest white belt around her waist, as she lifts Riley up in a deadlift. Holding her in the waistlock, Utami marches away from the ropes, and plants her with a high German suplex, bridging into the cover!
1… 2… Kickout!
Ready to finish this, Utami gets her up in the argentine backbreaker rack - but Riley reverses into a crucifix! Shoulders down!
1… 2… Kickout!
Escaping at two, Utami is the first to her feet, but Riley punches up from the mat, stunning Utami with a forearm. As Riley gets to a vertical base, Utami throws one back, shoving Riley all the way to the ropes with that one. Looking up at Utami - a friend, a competitor, a threat - the exhaustion and breathlessness from that choke seems to wear off as Riley all but runs at Utami, clocking her with another huge forearm. Utami stumbles, but shrugs it off, coming back with a fierce forearm of her own, dropping Riley straight to the mat! Murayama tries to check on her, but Utami shoves the referee out of the way and picks Riley up, crunching her neck with another Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker! Hayashishita covers to win the title!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
Barely escaping that pin attempt, but the champion may not get the next one, as Utami gets Riley up for the BT Bomb - but Riley shrugs off! Back on her feet, she nails Utami under the chin with a HUGE bicycle knee strike! Utami’s spun around from the force of that shot, and Riley punctuates it with a Poison Rana, dumping Utami on her head! Ishimori creates an opening, and looks to capitalize on it, despite the fargone look in her eyes. With both factions cheering their respective lady on, as they struggle to their feet. Champion and challenger rising to the call, Riley getting to her feet, but she falls over, holding her neck. Daichi checks on her as Utami crawls forth, staring Riley down as Riley rises to her feet. Calling her there, Utami sits up, and Riley cracks her leg against the side of her skull, connecting with a stiff buzzsaw kick! Utami falls face first onto the mat, and she might be out!
Grabbing her by the hair on the back of her head, Riley pulls Utami up in a seated position, one arm slipped between hers. To her feet, both arms hooked in, Utami gets drilled with a snap Dragon suplex! Bridging into the cover to retain!
1… 2… Kickout!
Despite pitching up on her tiptoes, it wasn't enough to keep Hayashishita down for three. Riley sits up and drags Utami into position, before she rolls under the bottom rope, standing up on the apron. Springboarding off the top, Riley crushes her with a 630 senton! Turning over to sit on Utami’s chest, trying to retain!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
Utami escapes at two and a half, narrowly avoiding the three count. Unleashing a battle cry, Riley staggers to her feet, relying on the adrenaline as she picks Utami up by the waistband, getting her wrapped around the waist. Utami swivels out, maybe playing a bit of possum there, before getting her own waistlock, and moving right back into the rear naked choke! No time is wasted as Utami squeezes Riley’s throat, and she immediately crumbles. On her knees, Riley’s arms droop to her sides, but she still tries to turn her body, trying to inch closer to the ropes, unwilling to give up. It would be the cherry on top of an almost Cinderella like run; to win her first title in nearly two years with her best friends, and getting to defend it in the country she’s called home for so many years, the very ring her career started, against someone she respects. A dream match, even. But this was the side effect that comes with competing in such high stakes matches against such highly talented opponents, she can feel the title slipping out from her fingertips. Especially when Utami draws her back from the ropes. Hitting a hip toss, Utami brings them to the mat and sits on Riley, transitioning into a Guillotine. Not just choking her out anymore, but targeting that banged up neck. Utami wrenches down with all the strength she has, trying to choke out her resolve, her resilience, but Riley won’t give up. Not so easily. When she’s not getting anywhere with the Guillotine, Utami transitions, putting Riley on her back, and crunching her neck with another vicious Okada-style Neckbreaker. But that’s not all, Utami capitalizes, drilling Riley on the top of her head with a brutal-looking DDT! Riley practically does a headstand, and Utami gets her right back into the Guillotine. Two brutal moves to the head and neck, and right back into this targeted submission, but still, Riley finds the wherewithal to survive. To hang on for as long as she can, until referee Murayama decides to interfere for her safety, or she finds a way out. Rolling over, Riley may not even know she’s still in Kyoto at this point, but she has the ropes in her sights. Utami squeezes harder, tightening down with everything she has - but somehow, Riley gets a foot on the ropes! Utami holds on for a few extra seconds, but she has to let go! Utami stomps to her feet, clearly frustrated that this contest still hasn’t reached its conclusion. There should be a new piece of hardware wrapped around the Red Queen’s waist, but alas, we’re not quite there yet. But this could do it here, as Utami rips her off the mat, and plants her with a back suplex, floating into the cover, with both legs hooked!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
Using her whole body to kick out of that one, but Riley survives! She’s clearly hurting, which should come as no surprise, but she tries to get to her feet. Utami has her right where she wants her, and lifts Riley up into the torture rack, dropping her down… and PLANTING her with a German suplex! Bridging into the cover, this could be it!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
Despite landing high up on her neck, Riley kicks out, throwing her own body just to escape the pinning predicament. But it looks to all be for naught here, as Utami lifts her up…. And connects with the Hijack Bomb, flush in the middle of the ring! This is it, it’s over! Utami folds her up, and we have a new champion!
1… 2… -
Utami still hasn’t finished the job, and she can’t believe it! She checks with the referee over and over again, hand in her hair, staring Riley down. She shakes her head, trying to piece together what went wrong, how could this possibly be carrying on. Firing herself up, Utami wants to hit a second one to finally seal the deal - but Riley turns it into a hurricanrana, holding Utami down to the mat!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
Throwing Riley off, Utami escapes, and Riley nails her with a stiff knee strike, stunning Hayashishita, but not enough to take her off her feet. Utami stumbles, and flips Riley inside out with a clothesline! In the corner, Utami points to Riley, sizing her up, but whatever she was intending to do gets blocked, as Riley ducks and flips her out with a ripcord, firing off a HUGE slap, the sound like a gunshot going off in the arena! Reminiscent of her mentor’s Bitchmaker, and she follows it up with a bicycle knee strike, putting Utami down to a knee. Riley turns to the corner and jumps from the second rope to the top, flipping back, and SPIKING Utami with a huge Poison Rana! Holy shit! Utami hits so hard that she rolls back to her feet, where Riley grabs her by the wrist and draws her in, before planting her with the Godkiller! Drilling Utami once again, Riley folds her up as deep as she can!
1…. 2…. 3!
“Here is your winner, and STILL MPW Stardust Champion, Riley Ishimori!”
A sigh of relief fills the TBS Arena, followed by cheers, as Murayama’s hand finally comes down for three, and the Stardust Championship stays around Riley’s waist for another night!
Rolling to her back, Riley stares up at the lights as her friends try to help her to her feet, QQ coming to the aid of Utami as well. She takes her championship from the referee, almost looking at it in disbelief, before she crawls over to Utami. She puts the title before her before leaning her head to the mat, bowing before Utami, who hasn’t quite come to yet. She staggers to her feet, and puts her hand out for Riley, helping each other get to their feet before Utami pulls her in for a hug. With a quick word shared between them, they bow to each other. Utami and QQ leaving the ring to a very grateful, very emotional Riley, as she thanks the Stardom crowd, and we take our action back to the Heist!
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