#assassin's creed hytham
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I took the little man out for a walk
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drawn-twogether · 4 months ago
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Does anyone remember that promotional video Ubisoft dropped when they were advertising AC Valhalla and it was "how to be a Viking" or something? Well that inspired this lol. At least Holger's having fun 😂
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whit-doodle · 10 months ago
I will never understand why Hytham was cast aside so quickly when it came to the storyline for Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Also didn't really sit right that some vague "injury" is what sidelined him after he attempted to assassinate Kjotve. That could've at least been explained a bit better, in my opinion, to make it more believable.
I still think about the moves he made when defending Ravensthorpe from being raided at one point. To be honest, I wasn't really expecting to see him move like that.
This is a short clip I managed to get during that fight. Why couldn't we get more of badass Hytham in this game, Ubisoft?! Why did you deny us this?
Although I'm probably just ranting about this because I feel like so much more could've been done with his character. Plus, I just love him, okay?
Bonus screenshot of Hytham during that fight just because I love this one.
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marley-warriors · 9 months ago
Chapter 9 - Kings, Judges and Diplomats
Summary: Young Loki and Aletheia receive a grand promotion respectively. Meanwhile, Basim and Hytham go skydiving to liberate the Staff. 
Spoiler free preview: 
With a splitting headache, Basim exited the Animus, shaking off the ache in his muscles. 
No sooner had he sat up before Shaun and Rebecca crowded his space. 
A deep sigh escaped him as he brushed his hand through his hair to tie it back into a bun. 
The memories’ veil still lingered, the ache of approval from Havi…Once you were my brother… I really did love you…Why? Why did you hurt me so much?
He had trusted him with everything… yet the gift of hindsight revealed that Havi only sought a glorified weapon – a dog that would maim and kill on command. 
Basim was left little time to process his reflections as the assassins looked to him with anticipation.
“That was amazing. Full synchronisation without the mythological filters,” Shaun beamed, looking over Rebecca’s shoulder as she checked Basim’s vitals.
With furrowed brows, Basim noted the vehicle to be stationary, all occupants seemingly absorbed with his care. “How long ago did we arrive?”
Becs tried to suppress her grin. “A while ago, but we were too keen to see how you would handle Gullveig’s situation to pull you out.”
Tension lingered in his body as Basim felt the need to punch something. Instead, he softly rolled his shoulders to dissipate the emotional pain festering in his body. Curse you, Havi. Curse you.
Hytham looked up from his copy of the Edda, looking to Basim with a soft sigh. “Would you like to spar?”
Sparring would be nice right about now… Yet Basim was unsure if he could hold back on the sheer fury he currently felt directed at his past. “You know me too well,” Basim teased, freeing himself from the Animus’ contraption to take a seat beside Hytham. He squeezed Hytham’s shoulders softly while peering over the words in his lap.
Hytham chuckled slightly, placing the book beside him. “I know you better than anyone still left breathing…”
“I cannot believe you were a wolf,” Becs grinned, turning to Basim with a sparkle in her eyes.  “And you actually became a woman. For real. Was it weird?”
Basim chuckled, feeling slightly more relaxed at the change of topic. “Being a woman? It had its charms. Perhaps that’s why Nehal…” 
His brows furrowed slightly, deep brown eyes growing softer with a longing for a long past ghost. A shadow of himself – a reflection of who he once was.
Nehal had once seemed like a separate entity, a friend when he needed one most. She had her own form, voice, views, and in Basim’s mind, even a scent—of cinnamon, freshly squeezed lemon, and ginger. She smelled of home, love, and warmth. All the things Aletheia had smelled of.
Her touch felt like soft silks on a warm summer night. Like Aletheia’s. She had been more real than any physical object in this world.
Sometimes, he thought he glimpsed her at the markets or on quiet evening strolls. Then, he coldly remembered that she had never been real outside his imagination.
Because she was me. The greatest and most painful deception I ever pulled… was on myself.
A/N: Much happier with this chapter compared to the last. Hope some of y’all enjoy this too :D
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ramshackledtrickster · 5 months ago
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Day 11: Mentor
“I do not understand… why would he do such a thing?”
Art note: the row above them is based off Abbasid caliphate pattern work (where they first met) while the bottom is Mammen style norse knotwork (where Hytham lost Basim)
If you see this, please consider donating to this fundraiser to support a family, or join this fundraiser raffle (going until October 15) if you want an extra incentive.
Remember your daily click.
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ethan-acfan · 1 year ago
Desmond head canons (with a few non desmond head canons thrown in) (I love desmond and all non-desmonds equally I swear)
Desmond once came out of the animus and tried to greet the others, but he couldn't figure out which language to use, so for about 5 minutes, he cycled through different languages trying to find the right one before just giving up.
Ezio has chronic pain from climbing buildings because he never learned the correct way to climb them, nor the correct stretches to stop the pain
Haytham once convinced Connor to come with him to a tavern, Connor ended up getting drunk and zoning out for 30 minutes before putting his head down and silently crying in the corner
Connor never processed his mom's death because after she died, he had to rebuild the village, then he had to learn to fight, then he had to worry about his villages safety, etc. So he never processed it
Altair and desmond suffer from migraines and not the "my head hurts" migrans I'm talking the ones that cause you to black out for a minute and get sick
Altair once was learning to do a leap of faith, but while it was being explained, he accidently turned on his eagle vision and nearly freaked out (his dad had to take him home right after and explain what Altair was seeing)
After a few days of reliving ezios' memories, desmond started to gravitate towards Shaun because (just like Leo) Shaun smells like books
Altair has the stupidest sense of humor
Ezio collected cats, Altair collected birds, connor collected dogs/ wild animals, and now all animals are just drawn to desmond
Desmond once fist fought a gang leader *and won.* He also got the leaders' respect. (Being a bartender in Manhattan does things to you)
Desmond with adhd
Connor doesn't like walking into new places without being able to scope out the area first
Altair has severe attachment issues, so bc of this, he distances himself as much as possible, so he doesn't get attached
Desmond got into an argument with Bill and got so frustrated that he started talking in native American without realizing Bill then said something snarky and desmond snapped in a perfect native America accent. "Haytham, you are unbelievable"
Desmond can control his ancestors' ratatouille style
When there is a time jump in the animus (for example, the time jumps in the training montage in monteriggioni), it's super disorienting for desmond bc he gets the memories of his ancestor but if he focuses on them he can't remember them
Desmond once cried for an hour in his room bc he couldn't remember Rebecca's name when he came out of the animus
Desmond nearly attacked Bill on multiple occasions because his bleeds made him appear to be a Templar (Bill is no longer allowed near desmond as he is getting out of the animus)
While they were in the temple, a bear wandered in, and everyone freaked out, but desmond just helped the bear find its way back to his mom (they now get random prey left outside of the temple)
One time, desmond tried to reach for a throwing knife before realizing he dosent have throwing knives, and he nearly died, lol
Desmond called Rebecca Claudia once, and she never forgot it
I have so many more, but I don't feel like typing them out rn
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thou-babbling-brook · 3 months ago
I can’t believe canonically this holiday season Basim can go see Wicked and Sonic 3. I hate ac lore.
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mirendils · 3 months ago
looking back it’s objectively hilarious how roshan teaches basim the leap of faith versus how basim teaches hytham
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eziosofia · 1 year ago
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That child looks like he has gotten himself into a tricky situation.
Basim and Hytham in ASSASSIN'S CREED: MIRAGE
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leofrith · 1 year ago
saying eivor is canonically 26 at the beginning of valhalla makes total sense because she is out of her goddamn mind in the way only a woman suffering through her mid-20s could be. it's #relatable. saying basim is canonically 28 at the beginning of valhalla is fucking mental. that is the most busted up 28-year-old i have ever fucking seen.
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kalincka · 1 year ago
When Basim said to Roshan “You let me struggle alone”, when Basim let his past define him entirely by fear of loneliness, when Basim was terrified of ending up alone because he experienced total loss in his earlier life. When Roshan said to Basim “I am the daughter of no one”, when Roshan denies her past to define herself as an individual with no bound, when Roshan ends up leaving Basim behind despite loving him so much she almost gets killed trying to prevent him from losing himself. When Hytham said “Everyone is worthy of our love” to Eivor, when Hytham defines his life entirely on the Hidden Ones' creed and on Basim's teaching after losing his mother, when Hytham is left behind by Basim even though he was like a son to him. Roshan going on her own, leaving the Hidden Ones. Basim going through the ages, leaving everyone. Hytham staying in Ravensthorpe with a new family, never getting closure.
When Roshan taught Basim the leap of faith, when Basim taught Hytham the leap of faith, when Hytham taught Eivor the leap of faith. Roshan's “embrace the fear”, Basim's “you simply need to have faith”, Hytham's “my faith proved stronger than my fear”. Do you get it.
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nosramus · 1 year ago
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imagine if he could store all his scrolls in an online library in pdf form
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cippicat · 7 days ago
Waiting for Yasuke
We are assassins
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(The protagonists of AC Odyssey and AC Valhalla ARE BOTH FEMALES)
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xduenvev · 2 months ago
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I recently started reading The Golden City, and there was a thing that Hytham was entrusted to look after Basim since he was behaving strangely (not in the brotherhood interests) And so this scene, which is one of my favorites, feels more different now and I just imagine him being more and more confused about his mentor's decisions but he still trusts him😭😭😭😭
I'm sorry I just love these two I can watch everything about them forever
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demigoddessqueens · 11 months ago
girl our baby boy hytham is lacking attention from ys . Can u right where he falls in love with Viking reader and they get married? I think he would be a good husband tbh
Awwwe Hytham deserves some love too!!! 😍
Masterlist 10
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First off, that’s Mr. Hytham “I like a woman who can kick my ass kill me”
Nah jk 🤣but really tho 🫣
Hytham will be looking at you with the biggest blown out eyes in admiration
Learned from the Master Basim himself
Your prowess, your build, the braids and tattoos!!
If this is Valhalla, he never wants to leave
Watching you spar or fight in the middle of battles is an art to him, and the blood on your face does nothing to hinder what he admires in your features
Looks for any excuse just to talk to you, even as you tell stories around the fires
Eivor notices his disposition every time you come around, nudging him with a tease every time he blushes around you
Admires your braids and tattoos and asks constant questions about them, watching your face light up as you describe them
Tries to go on walks with you if he can, of course under the guise of “gathering intelligence”
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