whit-doodle · 13 days
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"Even though you do not follow her..."
There is so much irony in narrator saying this while Sunniva, a human wizard, is looking at Mystra's statue in Stormshore Tabernacle. It's even more ironic considering part of Sunniva's lore is that three years prior to being taken aboard the Nautiloid, she stood before Mystra herself...
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whit-doodle · 17 days
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this made me feel ill. chapter 2 vs chapter 6.
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whit-doodle · 19 days
"Well, I'm still alive..."
Until you almost aren't, Hosea.
I recorded this 3 or 4 years ago, and randomly remembered it today. It makes me laugh like an idiot just as much today as it did the day I recorded this clip. It's the casual "oh, my God" as he's falling that gets me every single time. That NPC's timing couldn't have been any more perfect, honestly.
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whit-doodle · 21 days
My best friend: "Why does it feel like you have been playing that game for 5 business months?"
Me: "Because I have been. 😭"
It's literally been 5 months since I started my first run of Baldur's Gate 3. I only have time to play maybe one night a week, if I'm lucky, due to my work schedule and how exhausted I am all the time so it's taking forever. I'll get there, though. Really hoping to finish this first run by the end of the month. Then I'll wait for Patch 7 to come to Xbox so I can do it all over again!
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whit-doodle · 22 days
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whit-doodle · 25 days
To my fellow Galemancers/Gale-fuckers I present
Sweaty Wizard Hours
💜 enjoy 💜
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The mens nightsong outfit is necessary for optimal sweaty Gale results.
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whit-doodle · 25 days
Find yourself someone who looks at you the same way Gale looks at the person he loves. 💙
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Playing on console means I'm pretty much limited to cutscenes for decent shots of these two for now. I'm going to be insufferable when a proper photo mode comes to console.
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Sunniva is honestly one of my favorite characters I've ever created for a game. I've had so much fun romancing Gale with her.
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whit-doodle · 26 days
I'm still working on my first run of the game, and finally confronted Cazador. I wasn't prepared for this dialogue at all. The emotion in his voice absolutely destroyed me.
The way Sunniva just stares at him...
My inner writer is screaming at me to write a short fic in which I explore Sunniva's reaction to Astarion abandoning the group so abruptly. And honestly, I may start working on that this week because I can't stop thinking about how she'd be reluctant to leave him behind. She would refuse to believe Astarion truly meant what he said. Shadowheart would probably have to restrain Gale from Fireballing Astarion into next week for speaking to Sunniva in such a way, though.
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whit-doodle · 28 days
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whit-doodle · 28 days
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I'm desperate to romance Wyll or Karlach but the rizzard has a hold on me.
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whit-doodle · 1 month
That rooftop scene with Tara where Gale invites you to dinner, and he’s trying SO hard to entice you. Talking about a sumptuous home-cooked meal, Hundur sauce, his impressive wine collection. The works.
And the whole time he’s looking at you like this:
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…sir, with that look you could offer me Tara’s half-eaten pigeon and an expired ramen seasoning packet for dinner and I would still show up.
Screenshots from NiceTry_Lena’s video on YouTube
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whit-doodle · 1 month
Y'all ever think about how Gale has daddy issues?
Y'all ever think about how Gale is very close to his mother?
Y'all ever think about how Gale deeply admires and respects his mother?
Y'all ever think about how Gale and Tara only talk about his mother, and not his father?
Y'all ever think about how the way Gale's father is seemingly, purposefully, never specifically mentioned implies that he walked out on Gale and Morena when Gale was young?
Y'all ever think about how Elminster was a young Gale's replacement father figure? (Gale was 8)
Y'all ever think about how Elminster, hopefully unintentionally, primed Gale for Mystra's grooming/abuse?
Y'all ever think about how Elminster used to be Mystra's lover?
Y'all ever think about how Gale was also Mystra's lover?
Y'all ever think about the fact that Gale knows Elminster used to be Mystra's lover?
Y'all ever think about how it was Elminster who told Gale that their ex-lover, and their literal goddess, wanted him to kill himself?
Y'all ever think about how the way Elminster told Gale their ex wanted him to kill himself was the Faerun equivalent of a video call?
Y'all ever think about how Elminster couldn't even be assed to deliver the "request" to Gale in person? (He used a simuclarion? Idk how to spell it, basically a shadow clone)
Y'all ever think about how Gale has never had a stable, healthy, normal, loving, relationship with a father figure?
Y'all ever think about how deeply and intensely Gale feels his emotions and feelings?
Y'all ever think about how Gale says he thinks he'd make a horrible father?
Y'all ever think about why Gale thinks that he wouldn't be a good father?
Y'all ever speculate on how Gale's reluctance to see himself in a paternal role might have something to do with everything mentioned above?
Because I do.
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whit-doodle · 1 month
What about drawing Gale with a box of kittens. Or Astarion not being a morning person. Lol take your pick.
Gale gets the worst flu of his life and in his fevered stupor he summons a whole litter of Tressym kittens.
He’s still very woozie and can’t understand why Tara isn’t as excited as he is about it.
Tara: No! Absolutely not you can’t just summon CHILDREN Mr. Dekarios! And don’t give me that look….
Gale: 🥺
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whit-doodle · 1 month
I accidentally clicked on Astarion when trying to loot something, and...
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Gale, honey, I'm gonna need you to chill, okay?
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Gale standing there like he's thinking of adding more bruises to the ones Astarion already has.
They're bruised because I walked us into a fight I wasn't ready for and we barely won. Now that I look at this post, it looks like Gale and Astarion were fighting and Sunniva broke it up. 😂😭Although I do have a particular headcanon that these two absolutely antagonize each other to the point of nearly fighting in camp sometimes, but Sunniva always steps in to stop it from happening.
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whit-doodle · 2 months
"It's a mistake I've been aching to correct."
My headcanon is that Astarion is in denial that his usual tactics didn't work with Sunniva, that he thinks she'll eventually change her mind.
He's also beyond confused as to how Gale is the one their leader fell for.
I've spent this entire play through making Sunniva do things specifically to annoy Astarion so finding out he has this specific dialogue when talking to the drow twins made me laugh out loud.
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whit-doodle · 2 months
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I’m sure this meme is dead by now, but it still makes me laugh when it comes across my dash so this is for the other 5 of you who aren’t tired of it yet lol
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whit-doodle · 2 months
Me @ Me: You’ve romanced Gale so many times it’s affected your judgement. Not everything the man says is meant to sound flirty or sexy! Get your mind out of the gutter, please.
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