#aguilar de nerha x Callum Lynch
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cippicat · 7 days ago
Waiting for Yasuke
We are assassins
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(The protagonists of AC Odyssey and AC Valhalla ARE BOTH FEMALES)
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lehnsharrk · 2 months ago
The *New* Fassbender Psychopath Scale 😈
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*Updated 02/23/2025*
I wanted to expand on the one introduced on the Kelly Clarkson show, below are the Fassy movies I've seen, my general "psychopath" rating for each character and reason why
For context I am essentially swapping "psychopath" with "evil," I am in no way trying to tie this to any psychological disorders or do a deep dive into any characters. Just a very surface-level "how nefariously evil is this character?"
These are my opinions, I encourage you to share, comment and make your own ratings. I will also be updating as I watch more of his films.
There *will* be spoilers so if you haven't seen these movies/shows, consider yourself warned!
The scale will also be a 0-5. I'm using 👿 and a zero will be a 👍
Let's go! 🦈
Movies 🎥
Hunger: Bobby Sands 👍
Only going off the context of the movie, he was on hunger strike for his cause and ended up starving to death. (Not doing a deep dive, don't know too much about the real person or protest).
Eden Lake: Steve 👍
Guy and his girlfriend just trying to escape and survive a gang of murderous teenagers.
Fish Tank: Connor 👿👿👿👿👿
Oh boy, this guy... He grooms and r*pes a child, and then if that wasn't bad enough, she's the daughter of his girlfriend, and if THAT wasn't bad enough, we find out he's got a wife and child he's been keeping this from.
Inglourious Basterds: Lt. Hicox 👍👍
Goes undercover to help defeat the n*zis (helps get a few killed too, even though he dies in the process).
Centurion: Quintus Dias 👍
Just a soldier, trying to survive.
Jane Eyre: Mr. Rochester 👿👿👿
Keeps his wife, suffering from mental illness, locked in the walls and keeps it a secret so he doesn't scare off another woman he's trying to marry.
X-Men: Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto 👿👿
Erik's anger comes from a place of trauma and his worst fears keep coming to fruition. That being said, he does blindly distrust all humans, betrays Charles multiple times and causes so much unnecessary destruction.
A Dangerous Method: Carl Jung 👿👿
Doctor cheats on his wife with his patients, twice.
Shame: Brandon Sullivan 👍
A man suffering with addiction and trauma, plus added guilt when his sister stays over. Wish I could give him a hug.
Haywire: Paul 👿👿
I wasn't paying attention (he's not in it for that long) but I think he double crossed the main character and shot someone?
Prometheus/Alien Covenant: David 8 👿👿👿
I will defend David with my dying breath but to be honest, he does some horrendous things. Intentionally infecting humans with alien parasites, massacring an entire planet, killing and experimenting on someone he loved? Sorry David, you're getting a 3!
12 Years a Slave: Edwin Epps 👿👿👿👿👿👿
Sadistic slave owner and r*pist, about as evil as it gets (and yes I put an extra 👿).
Frank: Frank 👍
Poor Frank has done no wrong, just wants to make music and wear mask.
Slow West: Silas Selleck 👿
Starts out tricking the main character so he can find a bounty but has a change of heart.
Macbeth: Macbeth 👿👿👿👿
M*rders the king in his sleep so he can become king, orders Banquo and his son killed (although the son does escape) and burns MacDuff's wife and children at the stake.
Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs 👿👿
Greedy businessman, neglectful father and stole credit from his friend and business partner.
The Light Between Oceans: Tom Sherbourne 👿
He and his wife were heartbroken after their miscarriages but he does technically kidnap a child, keeping her from her grieving mother. He does eventually turn himself in.
Assassin's Creed: Cal/Aguilar 👿
Callum 'the pimp killer' Lynch "avatars" his assassin ancestor Aguilar. (It is about assassins after all, had to give him something).
Song to Song: Cook 👿👿
This movie was hard to follow but I'm giving him a two because he might be a groomer (he met the main character, who he later sleeps with, at 16) and he screwed Ryan Gosling's character out of the copyright to his songs.
Alien Covenant: Walter 1 👍
Don't really think Walter can be evil, he doesn't have the capacity that David does.
Next Goal Wins: Thomas Rongen 👿
Intentionally misgenders and deadnames a character because he's upset at her, later apologizes. Also a bit of a jerk to everyone at the beginning.
TV 📺
A Bear Named Winnie: Lt. Coleburn 👿
He brings a baby bear to a military camp. Also leaves the bear at a zoo, letting her live out her life in a small cage instead of releasing her back to the wild when he had the chance.
William & Mary: Lukasz 👿👿👿
Jumped through the episode to watch the Fassy bits but ew... Guy m*lests the midwife that just delivered he and his girlfriend's baby.
Sherlock Holmes & The Case of the Silk Stocking: Charles Allen 👿👿👿👿👿
Even though it's two characters, I'm rating them the same. One's a child m*lester and murder and one knew about it and did nothing.
The Agency: Martian 👿
He is knowingly putting himself, his daughter, the cia AND his girlfriend at risk all because he can't let his relationship go? (Spoiler: he still can't and ends up going double agent to rescue her).
Here's the original video for context:
Let me know what you think!
Share any suggestions of what movie or show I should watch next.
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starsetgraphics · 6 years ago
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Michael Fassbender | 250x400 Avatars
Please, like and reblog if you save/use. Do not remove the credit and do not redistribute as your own. We doesn’t claim credits for the images used for the graphics. Thanks!
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niralamba · 6 years ago
Villain Tag Game
I liked this post @thefasstasticvoyage and I also want to join the game
List your Top 5 favorite villains from comics/📚/movies/games/whatever other media you use… but here is the catch - they are not your typical evil to the core villains! They are the characters that could’ve been good, but either the circumstances made them what they are or they follow a doctrine “path to hell is paved with good intentions”. They come from both 😔 and treacherous    backgrounds. They are the characters you like, even if, maybe,  you shouldn’t.
...since there is one difficulty (all five villains will be played by one actor), then there will probably be two possible answers
well, part 1
favorite villains performed by MF:
(strictly speaking, I do not consider them villains, just victims of circumstances)
David, ~Prometheus~ & ~Alien:Covenant~
(victim of cruel father and cynical use by people)
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Macbeth, ~Macbeth~
(victim of post-traumatic syndrome (after the war) and manipulations by an ambitious wife)
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Magneto ~X-Men~
(Well here without comment. victim of many circumstances. no matter what, I don't consider him a villain. he was right in everything)
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Aguilar de Nerha \ Callum Lynch ~Assassin`s Creed~
(There is a video on YouTube where it is calculated that during the movie Aguilar and Cal kill 54 people (and Maria- 25)... does this make them villains? but... perhaps they are national heroes trying to prevent the damage that the Templar influence is doing to their country?)
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Silas Selleck ~Slow West~ 
(a murderer who once belonged to Payne's gang, who finds no place there)
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vigilante-daredevil · 8 years ago
M a s t e r l i s t
Written Aesthetics What would the playable Assassin’s Creed characters do if their SO was taken by an enemy? Aguilar De Nerha Altaïr Ibn Laahad Arno Dorian Callum Lynch Connor Kenway Desmond Miles Edward Kenway Evie Frye Ezio Auditore Jacob Frye Shay Cormac
Bruce Wayne/Batman Diana Prince George ‘Digger’ Harkness/Captain Boomerang Harley Quinn
Bucky Barnes/ The Winter Soldier Claire Temple/ Night Nurse Clint Barton Danny Rand/Iron Fist Elektra Natchios Frank Castle/ The Punisher Gamora Jessica Jones Loki Luke Cage/Power Man Malcolm Ducasse Matt Murdock /Daredevil Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow Peter Quill/Starlord Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver Scott Lang/Ant-Man Steve Rogers/Captain America T'Challa/Black Panther Thor Odinson Wanda Maximoff
James T. Kirk Pavel Chekhov
Charlie Bradbury
Ajax/Francis Freeman Alex Summers/Havoc Bobby Drake/Iceman Charles Xavier/Professor X Emma Frost Erik Lensherr/ Magneto Hank McCoy/Beast John Allerdyce/Pyro Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler Logan Howlett/Wolverine Marie D'ancanto/ Rogue Ororo Munroe/Storm Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver Piotr Rasputin Raven Darkholme/Mystique Scott Summers/Cyclops Sean Cassidy/Banshee Warren Worthington III/Angel
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diaryofanangrynerd · 8 years ago
We Work in the Dark...
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Assassin’s Creed
 Adaptations are a tricky thing. Hollywood has been worked tirelessly to transform other mediums into films for decades and the census is that they won’t be stopping anytime soon. One medium that seems to be popular to convert to film is video games. Now we all know that this is daunting task, mainly because the worlds that video games create are so vast and intricate that it is quite difficult to incorporate everything from that world into a two hour movie. Hollywood has come close with decent video game films like Tomb Raider or maybe the first Resident Evil movie (these are, of course, okay movies that are semi-entertaining). The video game adaptation seems to be the Everest of many Hollywood producers in the fact that video game films don’t do very well critically or financially. However producers everywhere press on and audiences everywhere hold their breath for that one video game film that will live up to expectations. This last part is for me as much as it is for anyone else because this year 20th Century Fox release one of my most anticipated of 2016 and one of my favorite game series…Assassin’s Creed.
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The Story: For centuries there has been a secret war waging on in the shadows between the Templars and the Assassins. The Templars are out for world domination through any means necessary and the Assassins are the thorn in their side, trying to keep the world in balance. One specific way the Templars have tried to succeed in their plans is to find an ancient artifact known as The Apple of Eden. Said to contain within is the first disobedience of Man and a blueprint to rid the world of Free Will. The last person to have the Apple is an Assassin by the name of Aguilar de Nerha (Michael Fassbender X-Men: Apocalypse). Unfortunately for the Templars, Aguilar has been dead for 500 years so they have found a way to unlock memories using the DNA of Assassin’s descendants. Enter long time con, Callum Lynch (also Fassbender) who is on death row for murder. The Templars fix it so that the world thinks that Lynch is dead and now has the freedom to hook him up to their machine known as the Animus. While Lynch is connected to the Animus, the Templars can get a 3D view of events that happened during the Spanish Inquisition and where the final resting place is for the Apple.
The Good: There are many things about this film that I found quite appealing and parts that I really did enjoy. The scenes that take place in the past are the best parts of this film. The costumes were gorgeous and really felt authentic. You can tell that director Justin Kurzel (Macbeth) wanted this part of the film to be as accurate as possible. This includes the sets and even the language (they speak Spanish during these scenes) which both were top notch. Kurzel, to me, proved that his recent success with the latest Macbeth adaptation was no fluke. Kurzel can definitely handle a big budget film like this. The action sequences were also very well done. They were exciting and everything that I expected from this film. The cast in this film brought forth a very good mix of characters and were all very well done.
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The Bad: I so wanted to love this film, but there are many aspects that I think could have been done differently. First is all of that Present Day scenes were boring. In the game series most of the story takes place in the past and we learn everything that we need to know about the present and the real intentions of the Templars through the past events. This is not the case in the film, where everything is spelled out for you during Fassbender’s interactions with Sophia Rikkin, the creator of the Animus, played by Marion Cotillard (The Dark Knight Rises). I would have loved to see the mystery unfolded in the past like the games. Also there isn’t enough of the Past to really process fully. These sequences are the best of the movie, but they are there and gone so quickly that I couldn’t enjoy them as much as I wanted. This movie also falls victim to what a lot of other game adaptations do, which is making a film that is geared more toward die-hard followers of the game, but the over compensating for explaining way too much. We learn a lot about Lynch and his past and how the Animus works, but we never really learn more about Aguilar and the Assassins themselves. Kurzel is on record saying that he didn’t want to make one faction more good or evil over the other, but I feel that he spent way too much time explaining the Templars intentions clear and not enough time explaining the titular sect of this film.
The Verdict: Is this the worst video game adaptation? No, not by any means (*cough* Super Mario Bros.). I will say that if you follow the games, then you won’t hate this film, however for those of you that don’t it will leave you scratching your head for some answers. I also believe that if this wasn’t based on a video game and the Creed/Past aspect of this film was fleshed out more, Assassin’s Creed would actually be a great movie. The action scenes were great and the acting was done as well as what the actors had to work with. Recommend for an action film kind of night.
Watch On Blu-Ray
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ao3feed-assassinscreed · 6 years ago
To Come Back Fighting For You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MCDGJj
by OncerPotter_2016
The only thing that Wesley Gibson wanted was anything to take back what was his and that would be to get back to Callum Lynch his Assassin lover.
Words: 1009, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wanted (2008), Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Wesley Gibson, Callum Lynch, Logan (X-Men), Alex Summers, Hank McCoy, Raven | Mystique, Armando Muñoz, Sean Cassidy, Maria (Assassin's Creed 2016), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Moira MacTaggert, Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, Aguilar de Nerha
Relationships: Wesley Gibson/Callum Lynch
Additional Tags: Assassins & Hitmen, Assassination Attempt(s), Alternate Universe - Assassins & Hitmen, Assassination Plot(s), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Angst and Tragedy, Angst and Romance, Gun Violence, Violence, Graphic Description, Blood and Violence, Aftermath of Violence, Blood, Blood and Gore, Blood and Torture, Torture, Psychological Torture, Aftermath of Torture, Coma, Hurt No Comfort, Human Experimentation, Hostile, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Medical Torture, Hallucinations, I Love You, Crossover Pairings, BAMF Wesley Gibson, Strangers to Lovers, Fights, Killing, Kissing, Don't Judge Me, I Don't Even Know, Please Don't Hate Me, Please Don't Kill Me, Don't Like Don't Read, Swearing, Explicit Language, Tissue Warning, Sad Ending, Inspired by..., Fanvids
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MCDGJj
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cippicat · 7 months ago
What happened to Arno Victor Dorian after the events of Unity and Dead Kings ?
Following Elise's death at the end of Assassin's Creed Unity, Arno falls into a deep depression, finding little to live for.
He is also no longer part of the French Brotherhood.
In the DLC "Dead Kings", Arno is contacted by Marquis de Sade, who tasks him with finding a manuscript in the tomb of Louis IX.
Reluctantly, Arno agrees to this mission, and travels to Saint Denis to find the manuscript. During his search, Arno meets a young thief named Leon.
While the two work together, Leon's perspective on the world starts to break through Arno's grief, slowly showing him that there is more to live than the tragedies he's faced in his past.
What happened after Dead King is in the O.Bowden's novel.
I don't like his novels.
I will not summarise Oliver Bowden's novel.
But in the final chapters Arno found Elise's journal, and also Jennifer Scott Kenway's letters, where Elise requested him to seek unity for the two Orders.
It didn't go well obviously.
Arno rejoined the French assassins but we don't know when or how.
I have few theories:
Arno was extremely talented as an Assassin and his skills were too valuables
The Brotherhood forgive him after Germain's death and the rescue of the sword of Eden
The french assassins saw Napoleon's increasing influence over France and they need Arno to keep an eye on him. They became allies even though Napoleon's ideas were closer to those of the Templars.
Over the years, Arno earned the rank of Master Assassin and eventually the rank of Mentor (but he wasn't a bureaucrat as Mirabeau).
He took Leon under his wing and adopted him. At first Leon was wary of calling him "Father".
Arno presumably got married and had other children, as he is directly related to Callum Lynch, the protagonist of the Assassin's Creed movie*. Arno made a brief appearance in the movie.
He named one of his children Charles (or Charlotte) after his father and another François (or Françoise) after Monsieur de la Serre.
Did Arno and Ratonhnhaké:ton ever met ? (Reminder: Ratonhnhaké:ton is only twelve years older than Arno)
I think that Ratonhnhaké:ton became aware of Arno's actions during the French Revolution. They may have exchanged letters but they never met in person (and Connor had a big family to took care of and a very sweet daughter who was gifted by the spirits).
Did Arno find out who killed his father?
He knew about Shay but he didn't hunt him down because revenge only leads to a bad path (and probably he thought that Shay was already dead which could be true).
Did Arno met Ethan Frye? Yes, it's possible due to the proximity of the French and english's brotherhood. Arno should be around 65/70 yo (if he was still alive).
We don't know when or how Arno died because Ubisoft never gave us answers (again)
I think that Arno passed away before the birth of the Frye twins, in 1847.
*I have a theory:
AC Unity should have been the gateway to a new present with Callum Lynch (and his ancestors like Aguilar de Nerha) as a new protagonist. But the movie has been a complete disaster so Ubisoft abandoned the idea.
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vidoetv-blog · 8 years ago
Action and adventure in 'Assassin's Creed'
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‘Assassin’s Creed’ stars Michael Fassbender Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Irons and is based on the video game franchise of the same name.
It is set in the same universe as the video games but features an original story.
Subtle or spectacular, there are many ways to eliminate a target. What is your most memorable assassination? pic.twitter.com/o1PI1lZ5sq— Assassin’s Creed (@assassinscreed) January 5, 2017
“I am not familiar with the game but what I know of it is the historical context, which is very, very powerful and actually I know a very big fan of the game and how she talks about history. And how kids who play the game are getting interested in history is pretty interesting,” explained Marion Cotillard
The film expands the series’ mythology, taking place during the Spanish Inquisition.
It follows convict Callum Lynch played by Michael Fassbender as he is abducted by a mysterious organisation Abstergo, which transplant him into the body of his 15th century descendant Aguilar de Nerha, a member of the Assassin’s Creed.
“I did not really consider this idea that video games don’t translate well to film. Again, it was that sort of classic ‘ignorance is bliss’ sort of thing. I just knew that this world was so fascinating and sophisticated and had so many elements to it that would lend itself very well to a cinema experience,” concluded Michael Fassbender
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niralamba · 6 years ago
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list of all posts on the film
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, ....
and x, x, x, x
additional materials for the film: 
Callum Lynch ~1, ~2
Aguilar de Nerha ~1, ~2, ~3
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