#assassin dilf
pale-horse-writing · 1 year
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stealingpotatoes · 1 month
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@miralyk is convinced Desmond would age like William (ie badly) but here is my evidence against that (he should be a dilf)
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mellowthorn · 6 months
my biggest change of opinion (and possibly most controversial take) after the farseer reread is that uhhh, i think i genuinely like burrich/molly now?? and quite a lot too. what is wrong with me.
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I DOOOOOO I DO I DO <3333333 it was actually one of the first anime i became unhealthily obsessed with!!!! it was my all-time favorite for a really long time, but jjk must’ve swept me off my feet like…. sometime during middle school? and then it was over for anything else 😭😭 so bsd got dethroned by jjk and a couple other animanga… it still has the most special place in my heart though!! and i’m falling in love w it all over again now that i’m making my way through the later seasons. :3
i’m assuming you’re a bsd fan too anon so!!!!! who r your favorite characters 🎤🎤…. i need to know
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mariathorpe · 5 months
i'm 27
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whitegoldtower · 11 months
The Gur being like “I’m after Astarion”
All it takes is that frightened little expression and Aelgoth is like
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sprawca · 1 year
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dilf edward kenway
i forgot the faded tattoos... i’m sorry hhhhh
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
8. "Deep breaths honey, you're okay now, you're safe
Please may I request Jacob Frye x daughter!reader where he rescues her from getting kidnapped by Blighters who were going to put her to work in a factory. A tender sweet moment at the end where he’s holding her and comforting her.
Thank you ✨✨
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notes: ok so I switched it up a little bit, I hope that's ok. I thought it would make more sense for Jacob's daughter to be taken for ransom (considering his status and influence) instead of to be taken as a worker bc this is the Victorian era and there really was no shortage of child labourers who were working due to their families being in poverty and not being able to afford an education.
pairing: Jacob Frye x daughter! Reader
word count: 0.5k
Deep breaths honey, you're okay now, you're safe
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You were trembling and sniffling in the carriage, the horses having been pulled to a halt and your captors getting out, locking you inside. You leapt to your feet to rattle the door but it wouldn't budge and you tried jumping up and down to get a better view out of the small glass window. You could see the backs of the three men who had kidnapped you two days ago: the two who had been in the carriage with you and the driver. You didn’t know exactly what they wanted you for but had picked up your father’s name multiple times and snippets about how you would be used as leverage against him. 
You then saw your father standing in front of the three men, hair slicked back and in his long coat that you liked to wrap yourself up in when it was cold. They were talking and he looked angry but you couldn’t hear what was being said. Your heart leapt at the sight of him, surely he was here to save you! Your eyes then widened in horror when you saw one of your captors take out a gun. There was a soft click from behind you and you spun around to see the other door of the carriage swing open. You let out a gasp at who was behind it, a finger pressed to her lips to order silence. You leapt forward and flung your arms around her neck, muffling your cries against her shoulder. 
“Auntie Evie, i-it’s been t-two days, I thought you didn’t know how to find me.” You whisper-cried against her shoulder and she soothingly rubbed your back, picking you up in her arms as you wrapped your legs around her waist. She carried you away from the carriage a little while and you realised that you were on a path going through some woods. She set you down behind an old fallen tree and encouraged you to stay curled up as tight as possible, keeping low down with instructions not to move until she or your father came back for you. She then silently stalked off back towards the carriage. 
You couldn’t hear a lot beyond three gunshots before heavy footfalls thudded towards you and you cried out in fear when a large figure vaulted the tree you were hiding behind. You instantly scrambled to your feet when you recognised who it was. 
“Dad!” Was all you could exclaim as he picked you up in his arms and you hugged him as tightly as your little limbs could. You were uncontrollably sobbing as he knelt down to the ground, holding you. 
“Deep breaths honey, you're okay now, you're safe.” His hand smoothed over your head, pushing your hair back and cradling your body to his, “Come on, Auntie Evie will drive the carriage, we’re going home.” You could only nod your head as you tried to calm your crying, Jacob carrying you back to the carriage and keeping your face pressed to his shoulder to spare you the sight of what had happened to your captors. 
He swore to himself that he would never allow something like this to happen to you again. 
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☾ ⋆゚ Buy me a coffee? ���⋆.・゜Want to be tagged?
🏷️@gojohater101 @daddyadler @writing-noah @havatnah @aarnodoriann @b3k1720
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terendelev · 19 days
everyday I wake up and decide to age my Emmrich kisser more
(he's 40 now)
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revryebread · 1 year
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Do you like your men pathetic or powerful? Driven or depressed? Friends of all or shut-ins who miss their copilot lover from the 50s?
Larry Trainor v Bayek.
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itseivwhore · 2 years
Not that anyone on here cares anyway, but tomorrow at FUCKING 2:30 PM, in the middle of the heat, in the middle of the 38°C, in the middle of South Italy, I'll have my last big ass, scary, horrible, ass shaking, diarrhea stimulating, nails and lips' skin biting, hyperventilating oral exam.
I know I'll probably THROW UP the Christmas' meal + New Year's of three years ago.
But still...leaving this right here, because it's (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧ pritti and because that's where I'm going to do the most splattering leap of faith of all times without an haystack underneath.
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siniov · 2 years
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juhani otso berg in ac: rogue
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alethiometry · 2 years
pre-hidden ones flop era thief basim is EVERYTHING to me
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i will babygirlify this man if it kills me. btw.
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
'if i could choose who i swore my oath to then it would have to be masumi arakawa' literally didnt need to say that. literally was not related to the overall topic at hand but speak your truth WHO AM I. to stop you
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salstray · 1 year
I am asking for any Ronin info you may have🤠 (also hope you’re having a good day!!) ✨
okay, okay, listen to me. listen.
So- Ronin?
He exists.
Thats kinda all I got. I know how he looks and how he acts and that he would be VERY easy to use as a werewolf and thats IT bestie.
He's an older man, somewhere in his 40s, with totally white hair (poor man went gray real early, but to be fair, one of his staples is that his life has Sucked and he's Very Stressed), dark eyes, and a handful of facial scars.
Since I said in the tags he's my OC answer to Ghost, he is built the way i figure Ghost would be built. Tall, beefy, big. Can and will snap you in half.
I also hope YOU are having a good day!! <3
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