#assassin Newt
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sil-te-plait-tue-moi · 4 months ago
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⠀ ⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣀ ⠀⡞⠉⠋⢧⣤⣤⠟⠁⠉⡷ ⠀⠳⠤⣤⣄⣽⠯⢥⣤⠴⠃ Masterlist ! ⠀⠀⠀⢀⡏⠀⠀⠀⢣ ⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⢠⡋ ⠀⠀⡀⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠃⢄⠀⠀ ⠀⠁
Series …
THE IDLER WHEEL Rust Cohle, True Detective
1• THE IDLER WHEEL … (set 1997)
• other stuff … (chronological? 1996–1998)
Heavenly creatures
Over in no time
Siamese dream
Got shocked
Second-hand handsome man
Lover’s fevers
Rust 5
Rust 6
When the pawn …
Horses in my dreams (set 1997–1998)
discontinued (sorry)
(set after Ghost Protocol)
1• He deserves to get punched in the dick
2• Try not to think about it
3• Why don’t you just stop lying to me?
4• Have you eaten anything today?
5• Tell me if you need anything
6• Relax
7• You’re a good person …
8• Did we get it?
9• I thought we were done with all of it
10• They don’t care about you
One shots …
MITCH Mitch Rapp, American Assassin
A HUNDRED LIFETIMES AGO … Bill Cage, Edge of Tomorrow: Live Die Repeat
KIND BROWN EYES Newt, Maze Runner
NOBODY NOTICES Vincent, Collateral
BREATHLESS Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games
LET’S SETTLE DOWN … Din Djarin, The Mandalorian
YOU’RE KILLIN’ ME Pete Mitchell, Top Gun
TIME MOVES SLOWLY Pete Mitchell, Top Gun
i’m super happy to see about requests for things if you just drop me an ask!! — whether i write it will entirely depend on how obsessed i am about the thing/character tho 🎀
Extras !
my ao3
my pinterest
my spotify
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star--anon · 11 months ago
we need to talk about an AU where Janson gives up on trying to find a Cure and instead starts focusing on making himself an army so that when the Cranks inevitably break down WCKD's walls, he can survive
Minho being trained into a soldier. In fact, he's kind of Janson's test dummy. His body is the strongest, the most resistant, so Janson tries out different "training" methods on him first.
Brainwash included. Maybe Janson even repurposes the fear simulator. As a hijacking method. Or maybe a punishment. Be a soldier or go insane.
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geraskier · 8 months ago
personally i can't get over learning that the trump shooter had been known for poor marksmanship.
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jokerlennon · 8 months ago
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tomionefinds · 2 months ago
Abandoned but Worth It
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What does this mean? We have an Abandoned tag. We've decided to compile a list of fairly popular, now some obscure, fics that are abandoned, but worth reading. Our criteria for this title is thus:
It has not been updated within the last 2 years, has been orphaned, or has been given a fast summary at the end by the author
Presents a unique take on the relationship or a new dynamic to the ship
Advances world-building, or posits its own magical theory, in the HP world
Length (we avoided those with only a few chapters)
Here are some of the fics that met the criteria for abandoned but worth it. We will continue to add to this list as the year goes on. And never say never. Fics left alone for years can suddenly come back and finish.
Authors; If you see your fic on this list and its not abandoned, please DM us.
-TF Team
This Tangle of Thorns by theriskybusinessofwriting
M | 39k Her mother had gotten herself a new lover. His name was Tom. Modern AU. No magic. Slightly inspired by Lolita.
The Orphanage by Xylosaurus
M | 66k
She was only 8 and had already lost her parents and memories all in one tragic night. Forced to live in Wool's Orphanage, Hermione finds friendship with a 9-year-old Tom Riddle but is soon ripped from him by a prophecy. Six years have passed and he still looks for her. AU Tomione
Bodyswitch by Winterblume
T | 50k
Hermione's in hell and all her nightmares have come true. She's turned into a brainless bimbo and is failing all her classes quite spectacularly. Her teachers have, in fact, already given up on her and just sit back and watch her flunk all her NEWTs. Yes, it's nothing but hell for Hermione. On the upside, things can hardly get any worse. Right?
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang by LovelyVillain
E | 300k
Hermione hasn’t seen Tom since he disappeared from Wool’s Orphanage eight years ago, taking her heart with him. But now, he’s returned, a string of bodies at his feet and a league of assassins at his back. British Intelligence Officer Harry Potter leads the investigation to catch a highly skilled killer wreaking havoc across Europe, while Hermione struggles between what is right and the man she loves. Killing Eve inspired AU
More beneath the cut!
Orphea by SallyJAvery
M | 48k
"You could not believe I was more than your echo." A spell to sing the dead to life, when the living are lost. Tomione, post-war, dystopian AU.
The Pendulum of the Mind by AvaJune
M | 118k
Tom's fingers slid across her skin as he pulled up her sleeve, feeling irregular bumps and scarring as he watched in fascination as instead of a dark mark, he steadily revealed rune carvings. His eyes flicked back to hers, watching her reaction to his touch. "I will give you this, witch. You are unbearably intriguing," he murmured. Madness flies in the face of logic, and if there is one thing Hermione Granger cannot abide, it's things that defy logic. There is always something against her, this time the very laws of time and space. There is, however, a truth she now knows about herself; she isn't quite the rule girl she once thought she was. *Hermione - Tom Riddle. AU, Post Battle of Hogwarts*
Ad Infinitum by Speechwriter
T | 77k
As he forges inexorably toward the end of time, he may come to wonder if this is a world worth ruling. Science fantasy. [summary in final chapter]
Nothing Like the Sun by Orphan_account
E | 118k
There’s something unnerving about Tom Riddle. Hermione’s never quite been able to articulate just what it is about him that unsettles her so: after all, Riddle’s popular and charming and adored by Hogwarts staff and students alike. Still, she’d swear that there’s something lurking beneath that warmly polite veneer of his, something that lies in wait like a serpent in the dark. But it’s not until her sixth year at Hogwarts, when she rashly confronts him over an unprecedented act of violence, that the full force of Riddle’s chilling regard is abruptly and wholly turned on her.
Blood is Thicker by AbsintheDreams
M | 75k
A/U: Still Hogwarts Universe, but I play with the timeline alot. Hermione is just twelve when she meets Riddle. Just a child when she witnesses a sadistic murder in the halls of her sacred school. Popular, humble, well mannered, Riddle always gets what he wants. Victims, admirers, enemies, followers…they all fall in line. Except the defiant girl with his mark on her skin. She only wants his downfall, and he will only settle for her total submission.
The Anti-Heroine by cheshire_carroll
M | 641k
Hermione Granger knows she's not a good person. Disillusioned with life at only twelve years old; she is cynical, manipulative, ruthless and, above all else, a survivor. For six years she has lived on the streets of London with only her sharp mind and her sharper knives to keep her alive, but a letter from an owl changes everything for Hermione, and the bond she forms on the Hogwarts Express with a timid boy with broken glasses, skinny wrists and a lightning-shaped scar will change the whole of Wizarding Britain.   Main Pairing: Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Tom Riddle
Handling a Dark Lord Wannabe by cleighc
E | 89k
Hermione was not amused. Not. At. All. They had defeated Lord Voldemort after years of struggle. Witnessed the end. She had thought, with relief and without an ounce of charity, that she never had to deal with that pretentious, presumptuous, melodramatic, homicidal son of a bitch ever again. Apparently the castle had other ideas.
Bitter Almonds by orphan_account
E | 63k
What would happen if the Mauraders, the Golden Trio, and the Knights of Walpurgis all went to school together? Also, what if Tom Riddle developed a strange obsession with Hermione Granger?
Et in Arcadia ego by muggleriddle
T | 55k
When Hermione found that little spell hidden in between the complicated illustrations of a book, she imagined she would get a destroyed horcrux with it, not a brand new Tom Riddle.
Journey of the Soul by Queen_Medieva E | 197k
A decade spent as the Undesirable Number One under the Dark Lord's tyrannical regime would challenge anyone's perception of "right" and "wrong". What lengths would YOU go to for a chance at a new life? In the early morning hours of May 2nd 2008, exactly ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger ceased to exist.
Addendum: He is also a liar by ergott
Not Rated | 158k
Despite his impoverished circumstances, Tom Riddle always knew he was destined for great things. The ability to travel back and forth through time was a bit of a surprise, though. Also a surprise: the bushy-haired little girl he meets in the future who possesses powers to match his own. Eventual Tomione; starts pre-Hogwarts
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cippicat · 3 months ago
When Jacob became a father?
In my opinion, he became a father 3 or 4 years after the events of the main game. Evie has already moved to India.
He should be around 24/25
We know he had a son, Emmett Frye.
Probably, the mother of the child died of childbirth, and he raised the child as a single dad.
Who was she? I think a childhood friend from Crawley or a fellow member of the Rooks.
One night stand? No, but I am an old romantic.
During the Autumn of terror, Jacob is 41 yo so probably the child is a 16 yo teenager 😅.
Was he a good father? I think he was, even though as a Master Assassin, and gang leader, he was often absent. Agnes, Newt, and Freddy were the official babysitters 😅.
Probably he tried hard not to be like Ethan but I think he failed, because a mini version of Jacob would be terrific 😅😅😅 especially during childhood. But in the end Emmett turned to be the complete opposite of his father.
I can picture Jacob trying to teach his son the basic principles of the Creed*, just like Ethan did with him and Evie. When Jacob realised that he sounded like his father, a look of terror is painted on his face 😱😱😱😱.
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*I think that Jacob gave him the choice to become and Assassin or not.
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themattress · 4 months ago
The 20 most consequential events in modern US History that led us to the Trump Era:
The Cold War - How international politics played out changed during this conflict.
McCarthyism - The "Red Scare" that began pitting Americans against Americans.
JFK's assassination - No more durably popular Presidents + rise in conspiracy thinking.
The Civil Rights movement - Black people fighting to end segregation and achieve equality.
The Vietnam War - A botched overseas operation that put Americans off foreign wars.
Nixon and the Southern Strategy - Moved racists to the Republican Party.
Watergate - Shattered Americans' trust in government + emboldened media sensationalism.
The 1970s in general - A time of chaos, hardship, and low national morale.
Reaganomics - Created a gap of income equality + fueled corporate greed.
Iran-Contra Affair - Fueled Americans' distrust in government and aversion to foreign wars.
Newt Gingrich's Republican Revolution - Increase in unprincipled, combative Republicans.
Bill Clinton's Scandals - Created a media divide based around bias toward either parties.
Bush vs. Gore - A super-close election that fueled partisanship between the two parties.
9/11 - Increase in fear for security + brief national unity that partisans viciously squandered.
The Iraq War - Reignited distrust in government + aversions to foreign wars.
The Great Recession - Brought division between classes to a fever pitch.
Barack Obama's Election - Unleashed anti-Black racism from the Republican base.
The Tea Party movement - The Republican Party begins explicitly catering to their base.
The Birther conspiracy - Trump gets involved in Republican politics and feuds with Obama.
Barack Obama's Re-Election - Cements Trump's decision to run for President in 2016.
If any given number of these things, especially in the latter half of the list, had gone down differently, we could be living in a different moment; in a better country. Alas, here we are.
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idonotbitemythumbatyou · 2 months ago
Writer Interview Tag
Thank you for the tag @wisteria-lodge!
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
Your top 5 stories by kudos?
The Regular - Arcane, Sevika/Reader. With ~ 1900 kudos. Sheesh. Not surprising because Arcane is a huge new fandom, and it was the second Sevika/Reader ever posted. But also the people are right, I love this fic.
Her Deady Hands - Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Randvi PoV Eivor/Randvi. With ~ 800 kudos. I’m sorry I’ll never finish it.
Still Mine - another Eivor/Randvi. With ~ 650 kudos
Bites - Star Trek DS9, Garak/Bashir. With ~ 250 kudos. I’m super happy one of my DS9 fics made it! I’m relatively new and it’s a smallish tight-knit fandom. Surprised it was this one though! (You guys should read Prologue!)
In an Effort to (help) Save the World - Pacific Rim, Newt/Hermann. With ~240 kudos. My first long fic. My first to break 100k words. I’m still very proud of this one.
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Always! I love connecting with other people in the fandom and comments are the most fun way to do so! Sometimes it takes a while though because I want to reply with the same level of care the comments were given.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
On the Subject of Alice - because it’s about Newt being Kaiju possessed, and it ends with Newt still being Kaiju possessed. Heaven for the Soulless will steal this crown once it’s done.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Definitely Effort. But it’s a rough ride to get there, and bittersweet. The Seven Year Prologue will probably take this one too.
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No thank goodness but I have had some impolite comments, as well as some that were unintentionally hurtful (and the people were incredibly kind when I pointed it out) and some that are a bit entitled (I just ignore those).
OH I did once get a series of “you should take this off the ship tag if they’re not together” comments which was very confusing because the characters in question were regularly having sex and in love with each other. I think one of two things happened: 1: they stopped reading after chapter one wherein a highly unreliable narrator is like “nah I don’t think they’re fucking.” Or 2: They didn’t think it “counted” because the characters wouldn’t admit they were in a relationship and the married one was never going to leave his wife. Why am I dancing around this? It was Tomgreg. It was fucking Tomgreg.
Do you write smut?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* yes *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Unfortunately my oldest, worst characterized fic is now also available in Russian.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I have had close writing relationships with @avelera and @xpityx. I credit them both with vastly improving my writing skills.
What's a wip that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
The Great Work. I feel guilty because I was literally the only person writing that ship in English. But I just can’t. I started writing it in a different lifetime.
What are your writing strengths?
In-character, plot propelling dialogue. And F/F smut.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar. And executive dysfunction baybeeee. Oh and M/M smut.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I try to do my research but mostly I just write it in English and explain that they’re speaking in a different language now. Especially now that I’m dealing with alien languages. I’ll put in an alien word or two but it’s not consistent to write all the alien language in English and then whip out the French, you know?
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I have a Succession/Severance crossover in my heart that I’ll never write.
I’m tagging @maeselc @sapphosewrites @dreamerdrop and @onwhatcaptain
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balmora-citizen · 3 months ago
More Sasha in newtopia thoughts: the newt moms
How would Sasha and Yunan get along?Would Sasha be automatically be annoyed by the general, because they are too similar? Yunan definitely would have a problem with someone stealing her thunder. Manipulation wise Sasha could play her like a fiddle.
Although I like to think they would get along like a house on fire (well actually several houses but no one could prove anything...)
All of newtopia is like:
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Sasha might even have her own "Mrs. Croaker moment" (she is everything I want to be)
and she would be so nosy about yulivia. you can't tell me you're friends with Marcy and Anne and don't contract "shippingbrain", she is a suspicon island fan after all.
As for Olivia it might get of to a rocky start. A strict, kind of stuck up adult, who values appearances and rules and has a "juice" problem? That sounds a lot like I imagine Mr. and Mrs. Waybrigth. Sasha probably detest her at first but changes her mind over time since, unlike her human parents, Olivia is genuine. Sasha also very likely gets to see Olivia maul a would be assassin with her heels and some hidden dagger at some point and gains a lot of respect for Olivia (Yay. bonding with your mom over shared interests. hidden blades and excessive violence...)
Since Andrias could fool Olivia, I assume Sasha is also able to keep up a facade around her. Olivia would probably be pretty impressed with Sashas diplomatic skills (motherly validation? completely new emotions that Sasha REFUSES to analyse) what Olivia wouldn't like is all the political upheaval her prodigy causes. lots of juice sessions probably...
Seeing an older lesbian couple would very likely lead to Sasha having to deal with some Realisations of her own(I assume she didn't know she was bi pre amphibia) . good for her.
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and then Sashas coup...
She leaves Yulivia in the dark. They are too loyal and supposed to be kept out of harms way. This is Sashas one single plan she fails with every time (reunion, true colors) "I know best and they will have to understand"
lots of betrayal, heartbrake and anger. True colors light.
After Sasha went underground we have Olivia cougth between two loyaltys, reluctantly playing informant for Sashas cult/criminal network, despite feeling let down and betrayed but still wanting to protect her daughter. Yunan sees things much simpler and is on the hunt for the traitor. she is not very good at it but there are some dramatic figth scenes in the sewers that reenforce Sashas view on needing to keep people that are close to her under control at all times to prevent situations like with Yunan in the future.
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xdbug-bob · 1 year ago
Incorrect Quotes Part 2- Maze Runner (Newtmas)
Thomas: You know me, Newt, I don’t take any shit. You know what I say to my haters? Newt: What? Thomas: I say: “Please don’t hate me, I’m really nice.” ____________________________________________________ Newt: I can't take this anymore, someone needs to take me out! Thomas: In a dating type of way, or an assassination type of way? Newt: I don't know, surprise me!
Thomas: One time I went to hand Newt a bowl of soup. I wanted to say “Careful, it’s hot!”, and “Here’s your soup!”, so instead I blurted out “Careful it’s soup.” ___________________________________________________ Thomas: I just got the best idea I've ever had in my entire life! Later Newt, to Thomas: That was the worst idea you’ve ever had in your entire life. ____________________________________________________ Thomas: I made tea. Newt: I don't want tea. Thomas: I didn't make you tea. This is my tea. Newt: Then why did you tell me? Thomas: It's a conversation starter. Newt: It's a horrible conversation starter. Thomas: Oh, is it? We're conversing. Checkmate. ____________________________________________________ Thomas: Are you ready to commit? Newt: Like, a crime or a relationship? ____________________________________________________ Newt: Thomas, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the doctor. Thomas: Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound? ____________________________________________________ Thomas: very seriously You need to stop doing weird things to cope with the stress. Going outside might help. Newt: I went to the park today. Thomas: There you go! I hope you got something from that. Newt: opening their coat This duck. ____________________________________________________ Thomas: Do you need help getting up? Newt: Nah, I'm cool down here on the floor. ____________________________________________________ Thomas: Is five a lot of followers? Newt: Depends on the context. Newt: On Instagram? No, not a lot of followers. Newt: In a dark alley? Yes, a lot of followers. ____________________________________________________ Thomas: Hey Newt, check out this funny .GIF I found! Newt: It’s pronounced “jif”. Thomas: Huh? Newt: “Dot jif”, like the peanut butter. The creator said so. Thomas: That’s dumb, it’s Graphics Interchange Format. Thomas: The P in .JPEG stands for “photographic”, but I bet you don’t say “J-pheg”. Newt: “P” on its own isn’t pronounced like “F”, that’s totally different! Thomas: It’s exactly the same! Thomas: Name one word that starts with “G” pronounced like “J”. Newt: Gentrification. Thomas: Shoot, should have thought of that. I was just in San Francisco. Newt: For your logic to be consistent, you’d have to say “skuh-bah” (scuba) or “lah-seer” (laser)! Thomas: Yeah? Well, you’d have to say “J-pej”! Thomas: …Wait, “laser” is an acronym? Newt: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Thomas: Huh. Didn’t know that. Thomas: You’re still wrong, though. Newt: You just hate me because I’m right. Thomas: I just hate you in general. Newt: You mean in “geh-neral”? Thomas: Ugh, I’m “joing” to kill you!
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ala-baguette · 1 year ago
"Well, I just finished a big writing project. It was definitely a labour of love, I poured sweat, blood, and tears into it, it weighed on me for a decade and a half. I'm not feeling ready to undertake anything quite so ambitious, so let's keep my next project light. I'd really like something I don't have to take too seriously. "How about I write a story for my niece? Yes. She's only nine-and-a-half, so that will help keep me from going over-board. She loves Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and desperately wants to travel but hasn't gotten to see much of the world because her little brother isn't old enough yet. So let's write a little story about Newt as he travels the world and just have fun little adventures with cute animals together. We'll keep in simple, keep it fluffy, keep it light-hearted. We'll keep it episodic so it's easy to follow in case her attention wavers. Yes, a nice GA story, that's the ticket."
Also me:
*Reads entire Fantastic Beasts encyclopedia and catalogs where Newt would likely come across each beast geographically
*Feverishly reads The Thirteen Problems by Agatha Christie to draw inspiration on telling mysteries in short-story form
*Binge-watches the entire first season of Downton Abbey in one day to study dress and the different ways of talking between classes and age-groups at the turn of the century
*Browser search history:
How many days would it take to travel from Britain to Greece by passenger boat in 1913
What kind of toilets did passenger ships have in 1913
When did people start saying "Mum" rather than "Mama"?
Greek mythos involving the chimaera
Greece's role in WWI
History of the Balkan Wars
Assassination of King George I of Greece
Gods send help. Someone please teach me how to not take this silly little hobby seriously.
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heliads · 1 year ago
'wckd is good' part 2 - newt
Based on a past request for a Maze Runner fic set in the MCU where Newt was Venom, Reader was Spider-Woman.
part one / masterlist
a/n yes this is wayy longer than i expected lmao but i choose to see this as a good thing
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Running has always been easier than staying to face the truth. As you swing back through the dark city, you hear Newt’s words echoing in your head with every snap of web hitting concrete and glass. It is foolish to let one conversation shatter your entire worldview, but even running can’t convince your mind to settle back the way it had been. Newt has done his part well. 
Worst of all, you think he was right about you, about everything. Usually, when the moon hangs low over the city such that its glow can be hidden by the shadows of the skyscrapers around you, your worst fears about this city seem like they couldn’t be more true. On nights like these, you always see a monster lurking in the face of every man, the darkness bleeding from every eye. Now, though, in every face you see only a blond boy grinning back at you. If the worst monster you’ve seen lately was just a kid like you, what does that say about every creature you’ve killed in the name of preserving the peace? What does that say about you?
You don’t get into any more confrontations that night, electing instead to perch on the edge of a dark roof and watch the lights of the cars go by far below you. Your shift ends, but you only return to WCKD headquarters when you’re certain no one else will be there. A few rooms have lights on, but you avoid them as best you can. There is no one you want to see right now. No, not true— there is one person you want to see, but if he’s in WCKD’s clutches, it’s all over. 
Sleep comes fitfully that night, as it has every night before that and will every night again. You see Newt reaching out a hand to you, smiling easily, but then his jaw ripples and the monster’s awful fangs come out again, distorting his charm into something terrible. You wake up screaming; for you or for him, you can’t be sure. 
Even more restless than usual that morning, you decide to go on a walk to clear your head. Normally, walking around in the bright sunshine, seeing the smiling families, the upturned faces, all serves to lift your mood. A strong city is a happy city; this is why you do it, remember? You protect these people, all of them. It’s worth every sacrifice. 
Turning down another street, though, your spirits refuse to lift. How many more people would be here if you hadn’t been in charge of taking them out? How many times did you get it wrong? How many Albys do there have to be before you realize that you can’t make judgment calls on someone’s life?
Lost in thought, your guard slips unconsciously. You don’t notice the hand snaking out to grab your arm until someone’s already pulled you under a shadowy overhang. Immediately, you’re on high alert, grabbing a knife from your belt to press against their throat, but your attacker just laughs. It is this sound and this sound alone, that call like the high-pitched ring of a bell, that stops you from slitting his throat. 
“You shouldn’t have done that, Newt,” you warn him as you pull your knife away from his neck. 
For someone who’s life almost ended, he seems remarkably unaffected by your words. “It’s lovely to see you, too. Didn’t realize you remembered my name.”
You roll your eyes. “It’s my job to know things. Don’t take it personally.”
“Yes, Y/N, because it would be terrible to not be as affectionate as you,” Newt muses. “Forgive me for wanting to be friendly.”
“Being friendly gets you killed.” You remark plainly. “So does trying to sneak up on an assassin. Don’t let that happen again.”
You turn away and walk back onto the sidewalk. Newt, however, just joins you without a heartbeat’s delay. “It’s not up to me whether this happens again. I think you wanted to see me a little more than you care to admit.”
You shoot him an angry look, but Newt remains resolutely cheerful. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t I?” Newt asks. Without giving you a chance to interject, he carried on blithely, “Or maybe you’re right. Here, I’ll give you a chance to prove it. I’m meeting up with some friends tonight to discuss our favorite enemy. If you don’t want any of this, feel free to stay away. Or don’t.”
He casually passes you a folded paper that’s been creased from staying in his pocket. A quick glance towards its contents reveals a place and time. 
You arch a brow. “If this little gathering is happening so you can denounce WCKD, I don’t think giving the location to one of its best soldiers is really the brightest idea.”
Newt lifts a shoulder. “That’s what they said too, but I know what I saw last night. They don’t have a chokehold on you, Y/N, despite what you might try to tell me. Somewhere in there,” he says, brushing a hand against your temples, “you want out. Let me help you with that.”
You press your lips together, thinking. Going could be suicide. What if this is just a trap to take out WCKD’s finest agents one by one, and Newt’s just telling you this so he can lure you into letting your guard down?
At the same time, your mind whispers selfishly, what if he isn’t lying? What if there was a world without WCKD? You haven’t dared to let yourself imagine such a thing in a long time; security cracked down after Thomas and Minho ran away a year or so ago. There’s no way they’d let you go without a fight. If Newt’s friends had your back, then maybe, just maybe, you might win this one. 
“You told your friends about me? Moving awfully fast, aren’t you?” You question. 
Newt grins. “Don’t take it personally, baby. I tell them a lot. Doesn’t mean we aren’t special, of course, but you wouldn’t be the first girl I’ve brought home.”
You laugh, surprising yourself. “No need to get carried away.”
“Too late,” he says, smiling back at you, and then he turns down a corner and disappears into the crowd. You’re left clutching the note, wondering if this mistake might cost you your life, and if you’re leading any sort of life that’s worth saving to avoid a chance like this. 
You shouldn’t go. Odds are, WCKD has someone tailing you, and even though you’re always careful to shake anyone you even suspect to be following you, there’s no way to tell for certain that you got rid of everyone. You check your clothes and personal items thoroughly for recording devices every time you leave WCKD headquarters, but what’s the precautions of one girl against such a massive organization?
You check the note once, twice, and then again. The time is later tonight, the pickup location outside the docks near the south of the city. Newt hasn’t given you many hours to deliberate, although you suspect that was intentional. The less time you have to ponder about whether or not you’ll take him up on his offer, the less time you have to turn them into WCKD if you decide to betray him instead of trying to run.
In the end, you put away your sense of self-preservation and head out again. You aren’t scheduled to go out on patrol until tomorrow, so you’ll have plenty of time in case something happens. You don nondescript clothing and pull a baseball cap low over your head to disguise your face. After taking a long, roundabout way to the docks to avoid suspicion, you stand on a pier, watching the dark water go by.
It was smart of them to pick this place. The sound of the tides, the churning of the boats up and down the water, the roaring of distant traffic echoing off of the tall buildings, all serve to muffle the sound of the strangers as they walk up to you. Normally, you’re able to sense trouble when it comes to you, but maybe your reflexes decide that your assailants aren’t a threat before your head makes that call, because you don’t notice anyone sneaking up behind you until they’ve already shoved a dark hood over your head and clamped a mouth over your hand to silence any shouts.
The second the hood is pulled over your eyes, you’re swimming in dark danger. You can feel the heartbeats of the people around you; four of them, men, young men. Boys. Newt’s age. Your age. They’re desperate, you can taste their fear like metal on your tongue. One of them has a limp. If you strike now, you could break a leg, roll away long enough to get the hood off of your head, then kill them all. They’d be dead before they even hit the ground. The blood would run scarlet into the river and ruin your last chances of leaving this hell. You’d be alive, though. Isn’t that why you do all of this, to live? Isn’t that the only motivation any of us have ever had?
A whisper in your ear, sharp and urgent:  “Trust me. Please.”
You don’t trust people. You shouldn’t. He knows this. If Newt set you up to die, though, he would have killed you already. Newt’s monster doesn’t need to sneak up on you and blind you to kill you. One snap of those jaws would do the trick. If Newt wants you to play by these shifty rules, there must be a reason. Strangely enough, you realize that you believe in him enough to want to know what that reason is.
You comply, going limp long enough for the others to seize hold of your arms and take you with them into a waiting car. They intentionally take a confusing, circuitous route so as to confuse you. Still, you carefully note each turn, how long you stop at traffic lights or stop signs. Then you’re bustled out of the car again and into a building with tall ceilings; you can tell from how your footsteps echo against the top that the sound has a long way to go.
Eventually, you’re sat down on a chair, your hands bound behind you. The others hover nearby, you can sense their presences. There are more of them now, probably a dozen. Mostly inhumans, with the occasional exception. Not bad numbers, but not enough to really challenge WCKD. That’s why they’ve gone to you, though, you suppose. Foolhardy, but not completely insane.
A voice, loud and challenging, calls you sharply back to reality. “Y/N. You work for WCKD, don’t you?”
“Yes,” you answer deadpan. “None of you do. That’s why you were so kind as to bring me here, right? You were desperate. Now, can you take this hood off of my head? I would hate for you to miss anything I said.”
The loud boy scoffs. “There’s no way we’re letting you get a good look at us. You’d just turn us in.”
You cock your head to the side, staring exactly where you think the boy’s eyes are. “Would I? I don’t need my sight to do that. There are fifteen of you in this room right now, but that’s not all of you. About five leaders, I think. All teenagers. One adult, though. He drove. And one little boy. I can hear your heartbeats. I know who you are.”
A young voice lets out a muffled complaint from the far side of the room. “I’m not a little boy.”
Instantly, he’s shamed into silence. “Shut it, Chuck. Don’t give yourself away.”
A weakness. You grin, even though they can’t see it. “Chuck? That’s the boy, then. If I looked up connections between boys named Newt and Chuck, how long do you think it would take for me to track all of you down? I’d start by checking security cams near the docks. We’re in the warehouses near the docks. I’d guess the third from the left in the second row, yes? Usually used for temporary storage of agricultural products, but you’re in between seasons, so it’s empty for now and you’ve been borrowing it for meetings.”
A collection of gasps confirms your theory. You press on. “I know where you are, I know who you are. Bonds and a hood won’t keep me. Hell, I don’t even need you to undo me. I can manage that by myself.”
See, your would-be captors were so distracted by their own seeming safety that they didn’t check to make sure your wrists were fully together when they tied you down. Also, they were so stunned by you being able to catch onto them that they didn’t notice you slowly pulling a blade from your sleeve, nor spot when you sawed through your bonds. You stand up easily, toss the ropes to the ground, and pull the hood from your head.
You’re greeted with fifteen shocked faces. Well, fourteen. One’s grinning proudly. Newt. He winks when you catch his eye, but he’s careful not to let his friends see. Another boy, with close-cropped hair and a dark glare, looks particularly unhappy about your little escape. This is the one who had been speaking to you, you assume, and there’s the man in the back who drove you here. Silver touches his dark hair near his temples, but he looks intimidating enough anyway. Close by him is a girl about your age.
The angry boy who had spoken earlier groans in disgust. The angrier he gets, the more his eyes start to flicker, turning from green to a fiery red. Sparks flash along his clenched fists. Another inhuman, then. Fire powers. He’s probably somewhere on your list. “Who tied her up? Winston, you know to make the bonds stronger than that.”
“Wasn’t his fault,” you call out, and hold up the knife you’d disguised in your sleeve to make your point.
The boy groans again. “What is that? No one checked her for weapons?”
“You certainly didn’t, Gally,” Newt points out.
The boy– Gally– tosses Newt an irritated look. “Don’t start with me, Newt. I bet you’re just delighted with her for this bit of showmanship, aren’t you?”
“Very,” Newt says, grinning over at you.
Gally looks like he can’t decide who he wants to throttle more, you or Newt. “Fine. Fine. Let’s get started, if that’s what you really want. How do we know we can trust you?”
“You’re the ones who kidnapped me,” you argue. “I think I should be asking that question first.”
Gally might actually try to kill you this time, so Newt quickly steps in before things can escalate further. “Play along, will you?” Newt asks. “We’ll get nowhere if both of you are bickering the whole time.”
You sigh. “Alright, fine. If I wanted to turn you guys in, you’d already be dead. WCKD doesn’t cut corners, you know that. We would have burned your entire establishment to the ground. Happy?”
“Very,” Gally remarks dryly. “We’re familiar with your typical way of handling things, thank you very much. We know how WCKD operates.”
“If you know so much, why do you need me?” You ask. “Newt knew where to find me even on my off day. I’m assuming you’ve done your research thoroughly or you’ve got a source, in which case you’d have no reason to reach out to me, too. Why take a risk like this?”
“Because our source is no longer in WCKD,” Newt interjects. “Our information is out of date. We want more relevant gossip, to put it plainly.”
You frown. “You used to have a source in WCKD? Who?”
Newt goes silent, something almost like pity in his eyes. Gally, unencumbered by weak things like empathy, answers your question. “Thomas.”
You draw in a harsh breath. “You know Thomas?”
This changes the whole situation. Thomas– Thomas was everything. He and Teresa were the very first to show up to WCKD. You were the third, but they’d been there for at least a year before you. It changed them, you think. It made them closer than anyone else. When Thomas left, it destroyed Teresa. You and Teresa have known each other for years now, but it’s nowhere remotely close to the bond she shared with Thomas. Nothing can ever match that.
Thomas had been the last of the good ones, you think. After he left, everything was ruined. It was the first sign of the end of days. If Thomas, Thomas the believer, Thomas, the one who was willing to give everything to cause even when it left him broken and bloody, could walk away, what claim did the rest of you have to anything at all?
Thomas’ departure changed the way that WCKD worked. Neither Thomas nor Teresa had been true experiments. Teresa was trained as a Black Widow, and Thomas made himself an indestructible shield, running around the city as Captain America and saving people wherever he went. They juiced him up a little to make him stronger, but nothing as intense as the rest of you. No cuts were made.
Thomas was the last ideal any of you had that humanity could be protected by other humans. Once Thomas was gone, WCKD started up their labs in earnest. Now, almost every one of their teenage recruits is modified in some way. They say it’s because you have to fight fire with fire, that you can’t possibly compete with mutants if you’re not more than human yourself, but many terrible things have been done in the name of scientific progress. This would not be the first.
And now you find out that Thomas had once been here. Thomas had been friends with everyone in this room. You look wildly from face to face, expecting to find the boy you had once pledged to defend until your dying breath. The two of you had saved each other on countless dangerous missions, but now he’s just gone, and you aren’t even entirely sure that you would recognize him were you to see him again.
Newt saves you from the peril of not knowing. “He’s not here,” he answers you gently. “Thomas got out. He told us to try to reach you, though. Said you could be trusted.”
“Not Teresa?” You ask softly. That surprises you. If Thomas could save anyone, wouldn’t it be her?
Newt shakes his head. “He said Teresa was better than him. She would never leave.”
“But I would?” You say bitterly.
“He knew you could save us, not just the city,” Newt supplies. You’re not sure if that makes it all better or worse, but it is an answer to fill the empty silence curling between your ribs, so that helps with something, at least.
You nod curtly. “Alright, then. If you’ve got Thomas on your side, I’ll help. Just– have you seen him recently? Is he still alive? I would ask on my end, but I don’t know if WCKD would tell us if they– if they killed him.”
Gally looks vaguely irritated. “No, the asshole’s still alive. He’s a major pain, won’t stop asking questions or getting in the way we do things, but he’s still kicking.”
You grin in spite of yourself. “That’s Thomas for you. He has a way of getting under your skin. He means well, though.”
Newt laughs. “That’s one way of putting it. He skipped town a week or so back. Said he was going to try to look for an old friend.”
At first, you’re confused about who that would be except for you and Teresa, and then– Oh. It hits you like a tidal wave. “Minho.”
Newt nods. “You knew him too?”
You smile. “The four of us were always the closest. Maybe we can do a little family reunion if I can get away without WCKD always watching my back.”
Gally coughs pointedly. “Let’s get back to business. You can reminisce later about the good old days of killing mutants together. You’re willing to help?”
You incline your head. “As best I can. Tell me what you need and I’ll do my best to get it. It might be slow going at first, I’ve got to divert suspicion, but I have access to just about everything. Perks of working for them since I was small. Satellite feeds, location tracking, anything.”
For the first time all night, you think Gally smiles. “You know what, I think we just might be friends after all.”
Isn’t that a lovely thought? As it turns out, Gally isn’t wrong. Days turn into weeks, and the information you accumulate for Newt’s friends steadily turns into a virtual mountain. You find mutants for them, people with abilities who WCKD would kill but they can save. They have friends, too, who are already on WCKD’s radar and need to be removed from the list. You pretend to kill them to erase any sign of their existence. After that, they can run without getting gunned down when they try to leave the city. WCKD has this place on lockdown, the only way you can escape their clutches is in a bodybag, so you fake that part and everything goes according to plan.
You usually rotate members of Newt’s group when handing off information to avoid suspicion, but your favorite blond shows up the most often. You heard one of the other boys grumbling once that Newt has a habit of insisting that it be him to meet up with you, even threatening to set his monster on someone who argued too hard against it, but that just makes you laugh. Newt’s a sweetheart. He wouldn’t hurt any of his friends to stop them from flirting with you. Hopefully.
One evening, the two of you are walking along the river for such a handoff when Newt breaks the one boundary both of you have had the good sense to maintain and asks you when you’re going to leave along with them. Newt’s friends aren’t interested in making a stand against WCKD, they just want to get the last of their allies out of the city before the whole thing burns down.
The more you research on Newt’s behalf, the more you realize how precarious the whole affair is. WCKD has no surefire way of keeping crime out. Their only solution for stopping violence is to nip it in the bud, so to speak, but innocents get caught in the crossfires more often than not. The murder rate is skyrocketing anyway. Nothing any of you do will matter in the long run, and it just puts the teenagers WCKD hires in harm’s way more than the adults who hide in the wings and keep their hands clean.
It’s like working just downhill from a volcano. At some point, the lava will flood into your streets and engulf you all in an inferno of blood and tears. You pretend that you can just work hard enough to fight that, but it isn’t working. It hasn’t since the start. You can push off the inevitable a few weeks, but it always comes in the end.
That’s why Newt and his friends are so interested in getting out. WCKD keeps clear tags on all mutants and inhumans in the area. The second any of you try to run, they send an assassin out to kill you. Supposedly, it’s all about containing the threat, but none of this has ever been about having a good motive, no matter what you say. Everything leads back to power. If you run the city with all the inhumans, you have more power than the rest. Easy as that.
You’ve been steadily helping people escape. Chuck was one of the first to go, all of you agreed. He was just a kid, hardly twelve. He ended up on WCKD’s list because he figured out how to turn his flesh and bone into any material. Soft skin could become as hard as diamond or as pliable as water in a second if he just thought about it. Often, he didn’t, electing instead to just ignore his mutation in favor of trying to blend in with the rest of the guys he idolized, but WCKD doesn’t forget as easily as a preteen.
There were others, too. Clint, a boy about your age, who could heal from any injury. Frypan found an old spell book and learned how to cook up portals to other places and fantastic rings of glowing energy. Zart could shrink as small as an ant or grow taller than a skyscraper. Jorge had a mechanical suit impervious to most attacks that let him fly so long as he kept it up to date; he taught a girl named Brenda how to do the same. They don’t like being apart.
Only a few remain now. Newt, with his monster. Gally, with his fire abilities. You, with your webs. Thomas has appeared a few times now to help ferry people out of the city. The first time you saw him, you nearly wept. It was like seeing a ghost. You assumed he had died a long time ago, but then you’d walked into the warehouse one day and there he was, making a sarcastic joke to Newt. He’d turned to look at you as you slowly approached, and said it was good to see you again. It had taken everything in you not to break down at that very moment.
So he’s alive, then, and Minho is too. Hypothetically, the rest of the boys you’ve been slowly ferrying out are with them. In reality, you have no idea if any of them managed to survive past the edge of the city, but you can hope. That’s all any of you have at this point, hope that someday, you’ll all live past WCKD’s imposed expiration date.
There is, of course, the idea that once the last of them leave, you’ll be left alone with the organization you’ve been steadily betraying, but truth be told, you thought you’d be found out long before the last of Newt’s crew left, so that decision was never going to be yours to make anyway.
Newt doesn’t care about that, though. Newt has told you that he’d break into WCKD headquarters all by himself if you were captured or discovered. So of course it makes sense that Newt is the one to look you in the eyes at last and ask when– not if, but when– you’d be leaving with the rest of them.
You let out a shaky breath. “I wasn’t under the impression that I would be going with you.”
Newt reacts as if you’ve slapped him. “Why wouldn’t you? You don’t believe in WCKD anymore. Burn them to the ground one last time, then leave with us.”
You sigh. “I would be abandoning the only life I’ve ever known. If I leave, WCKD would know for certain that I’d betrayed them, if they haven’t figured it out already. They have evidence of dozens of murders I’ve committed. If they wanted to, they could release that information and have the police drag me back to them. WCKD doesn’t like it when their experiments try to run away.”
You learned that lesson well enough with Thomas. Newt’s jaw locks at the mention of what WCKD had done to you, but he manages to keep his cool. “Exactly why you should leave. Where we’re going, no one will find us. It’s wild land in the middle of nowhere. There’s a total maze of forest cutting off outside access. We’ve got farmland and a big house for all of us. It’ll be a simpler life than we’re used to leading, sure, but no one can find us there. You’ll be safe, Y/N. We all will.”
You’re not sure if you want to laugh or cry at the fierce hope in his eyes. “Do you really believe that?”
“Yes,” Newt says decisively. “We’re so close, Y/N. Most of us are gone, only a few left. Promise me that you’ll go with us when the last of us leave. Maybe we can fake our deaths or something to stop them from looking. Just promise me you won’t let me leave alone.”
Promises are dangerous. They have a way of being broken. Still, you nod, and press your fingers against his when Newt takes your hand. “I’ll do it. I promise.”
A sunrise of a smile splits Newt’s face. “I’m holding you to that.”
You hope against everything that he does. To be honest, hearing him talk, you almost think that you could do it; make it out alive. The last few kids are shipped out of the city, and then Newt meets up with you, says that only he and Gally are left. It’s time to go. You agree to meet him that night to run. You haven’t let your hopes truly rise all this time, but it’s impossible to avoid now. A life without killing. It seems like a dream, but it might be yours after all.
And then, a few hours before you’re scheduled to meet Newt to leave the city behind, you get a call from WCKD saying they want to meet with you to discuss recent progress. You text Newt from a burner phone telling him that you might be late and to go on without you if you take too long. You know he won’t, but the comforting lie that he might make it out without getting caught up in your capture carries you to WCKD.
Your heels click on the tiled floor. You know everyone here, you have since you were small. That fact used to fill you with pride; after years of watching people get replaced, you alone stayed, along with Teresa. You had what it took to put your life on the line and keep going. You were the best of the best.
Now, it just seems like another betrayal. How could all of those people watch you grow up and still condone what they had forced you to do? You try to imagine making Chuck go out and hunt down kids his age. It makes you sick to your stomach. All of these people are complicit in the blood caking your hands, and they will never, ever be accountable for it.
You’re certain that they must know what you’ve done. You walk to the conference room in a haze. Newt is on the other side of the city by now. Maybe he’s already out. Maybe they’re all out. If there was one good thing you did in your life, you couldn’t be more proud that it was for him. After years of senseless death, you saved the lives of other mutants just like you. It won’t be enough to wash your ledger clean, but it’s a start. It’s a shame it’s all over now. No more chances to improve. Just one last opportunity to die.
You walk into the meeting room and take the only empty seat. Around you are many familiar faces. Dr. Ava Paige sits at the head of the table, her second in command, a sickly man named Janson at one side, Teresa at the other. Teresa eyes you with no small amount of judgment. How righteous she must feel, knowing that of the three kids who started it all, she alone was capable of carrying out the blessed mission without getting corrupted. How challenging, to wonder why both you and Thomas needed to leave and she could never find a reason why.
Other WCKD officials and high-level agents crowd the ranks. There are only a dozen people in here, maximum, but Ava Paige has chosen them well. They’re all older than you, making the aura in here quite sinister indeed.
Once you’ve sat down and the door closes behind you (do you hear a lock slide shut, or are you just paranoid?), Dr. Paige begins. “We’ve had reason to worry about you, Y/N,” she says. “You’ve always been one of our best agents, but your quotas have been down as of late.”
“By quotas, you mean the people that I’ve killed, correct?” You clarify, sending a ripple of whispers around the room.
Dr. Paige’s face tightens. “I refer to the threats you have eliminated from our glorious city, but if that’s the way you’d like to put it, fine. You have killed fewer times, yes. Why?”
“Maybe I didn’t find any more threats,” you reply.
Janson arches a brow. “There are always threats. Have you lost your stomach for it?”
You smile, although the expression is cold. “I have a question, Dr. Janson. Why is it always me?”
He frowns. “Pardon?”
“Why is it always me out there in the field?” You repeat. “All of you in this room would rather send a child out to kill inhumans than do it yourselves. Does that ease your conscience? Does it reduce variables of concern for human life if you force a teenager to kill instead of doing it yourself?”
Ava Paige rises to her feet. “Y/N L/N, you have been a part of this organization since the start. I remember when you were fiercely dedicated to the cause. Don’t tell me you’re walking away now because you’ve decided to reinsert morals into the equation. What about the people who will die because you are no longer willing to protect them?”
“I’ll find another way to protect them,” you shoot back, “One that doesn’t involve murdering people just because you think they might one day become a problem.”
“That’s naive and you know it. You can’t leave,” Dr. Paige says, her face bleached pale.
“Why not?” You ask. “Are you afraid that I’ll tell people what you had me do? What will you do to stop me?”
When she remains silent, you realize that it’s not just you who has something to fear from WCKD’s actions becoming public. They’ve sanctioned killing dozens if not hundreds of times. They can’t afford to call you back without letting all of their dirty secrets go, and that is a loophole you will most certainly exploit.
You stand. “I think we’re done here. I am.”
They don’t try to stop you. Teresa, however, runs out the door after you. “Don’t you leave us, Y/N. You know what WCKD means to this city.”
“I know what it means to innocent inhumans who have to fear for their lives every time they leave their homes,” you retort.
She pulls you into an empty room. In the half-light of the nearby windows, her eyes are frantic. “You’re the only one I have left. The only one who believed like I did. You know we have a responsibility to this city.”
“Not like this,” you whisper sadly. “Teresa, you know this isn’t the way. We can still save the world in our own right, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of this much blood. There are other ways.”
“What, like with that little group of mutants you’ve been running around with recently?” Teresa’s voice is shrill, and you feel your blood ice over in your veins. “I know, Y/N. I know everything. I know you’ve been feeding them information. You’ve been working with the enemy all along.”
“Then why haven’t you turned me in yet?” You ask quietly. “That would be what WCKD wanted, to know about moles or liars. Why are you telling me this now?”
She’s silent for a while, then:  “I wanted to know why you would throw all of this away for nothing.”
“It wasn’t nothing,” you tell her. “I made friends there. Real friends, who wanted me to be safe.”
“They’re not your friends, I am. Those are perfect strangers who could be planning to kill you the second you all leave the city. You can’t trust any of them.” Teresa argues.
You look her steadily in the eyes. “Maybe not, but I trust Thomas.”
That finally gets through to her. Teresa rears back. “No. He wouldn’t–”
“He would,” you continue. “I’ve seen him, Teresa. He knows all of my friends. Thomas is the one who wants us to get out alive.”
She shakes her head, but the fight is gone from her eyes, you can see it. “No. That can’t be true.”
“It is, Teresa,” you say, then on a sudden urge, “Come with us. There’s still time. WCKD is going to destroy itself in a matter of months, you know this. I don’t want you there when the whole thing goes up in flames. Come with me. Stay alive.”
You reach out to her, but Teresa backs away slowly. “I can’t abandon the cause,” she whispers.
It hurts like a broken bone, but you can’t say you didn’t see it coming. “Goodbye,” you tell her at last. “Thank you for being my friend.”
She nods once, tight and controlled. “You should go now. Before they try to stop you.”
There is nothing else to say, so you take one last look at her and run. She’s saved you one final time by not turning you in, but she’ll do no more for you from here on out. This is the end of you and her, although if you were going to be honest, you would know that your friendship effectively ended when you first started going against WCKD. Everything past that was a betrayal of your work with her, and Teresa knew it all along but didn’t say a word. She has always been the best at sacrifices, hasn’t she?
You should still have time to get to Newt before their car leaves. He’s probably stalling with everything he has so you can make it to him, and you won’t let him down now. You practically sprint out the door and down the sidewalk, hurtling towards the pickup location. Secrecy doesn’t matter anymore. WCKD caught on to the fact that you no longer want anything to do with them, and they’ll be sending someone after you to kill you soon if they haven’t already.
You whip around a few corners. You’re meeting at the docks one last time, it’s just a few corners down. You take a shortcut across a parking lot, but several dark cars screech into the space behind you just as you enter. WCKD already. You swear under your breath and pick up speed, turning down an alley so they can’t follow you except on foot.
One of your stalkers is crazy enough to run after you. He’s bigger than you, and gains ground quicker than you’d like. You take several quick turns, but can’t shake him. The alley opens up to the docks, and you sprint towards the empty pavement of the loading area. You’ve hardly left the shade of the alleys behind when someone collides with you from behind, sending both of you toppling to the ground.
You shove the man off of you, staggering to your knees to come eye to eye with Janson. “Experiments can’t leave,” he growls. “We’ll learn from your bones if not your missions.”
He draws a gun from his belt and points it at you. “Come with me, now. Don’t make this any more difficult than it has to be. I can collect your corpse if that’s easier.”
You wonder if Newt is still here, if he can hear you. You hope that he’s already gone. It’ll be far worse for him to watch you die. He’s already watched too many of his friends lose their lives to WCKD, you cannot be another one.
You hold up your hand slowly. “Don’t do something you’d regret.”
“I should be telling you that,” Janson snarls.
You wait for him to be distracted trying to move across the uneven ground, then lunge for the ground, shooting a web at his hand to muffle the trigger. He shifts at the last second, and the spider web hits the trigger instead, sending a rogue shot against the side of a nearby shipping container instead of you.
You duck on instinct, rolling away in case he tries to shoot again. Janson looks half mad as he aims at you again. “You can’t leave us,” he says, “We made you. You cannot abandon your creators.”
There’s a shadow moving somewhere behind him. With a chill, you realize you know who it is. Newt doesn’t know that Janson has reinforcements; although they’re still a little behind, they’ll catch up soon enough. You cannot afford for Newt to be caught, not now.
You shout as loud as you can, “Don’t do it! You have to run!”
Janson glances at you, confused. “Who are you talking to?”
You ignore him, calling again to the shifting mass of shadows steadily growing darker by the edge of the shipping containers. “You have to go! Leave me!”
“No,” answers the darkness slithering across the ground, forming into a massive monster behind Janson.
Janson whips around, and his eyes grow large at the sight of Newt’s monster. It snarls at him, displaying rows of wickedly sharp teeth. He tries to shoot, but the monster grabs the gun with one muscular hand, forcing it away and snapping several of the bones in Janson’s hand at the same time.
Janson screams in pain. “This is what you leave us for, Y/N? This monster? You’re no better than everyone you killed. You’ll always be a disease upon this earth.”
“Actually,” the monster corrects, “You are.”
Before your eyes, the shadows start to run away from Newt all at once, but instead of disappearing like normal, they coalesce onto Janson instead. Janson’s head is flung back as the monster enters him, eyes shot with dark veins. When it’s over, Janson is comatose on the ground, arms and face shadowed with the monster, and Newt is running over to you, human, anxiously searching you for any sign of harm.
“I’m fine,” you promise him, “But– what did you do?”
“I gave it up,” Newt says wryly. “I didn’t need the hate anymore. I just needed you to be alive.”
At last, you understand. Newt needed the monster so he could protect his friends from WCKD, but that’s over now. The last car is about to leave, and then the city, the dying, all of it will be a nightmare that has finally ended.
He grabs your hand. “We need to hurry. Jorge’s waiting, but he won’t want to stick around much longer.”
You run with him towards the waiting car. Gally’s in shotgun, and although he’s always sworn that he doesn’t need any of you, you swear he almost smiles in relief when he sees you and Newt slide in. “Way to cut it close, you guys,” he admonishes you.
Newt rolls his eyes. “We’re here now, aren’t we? Let’s go.”
“I’m perfectly fine with that,” Jorge says, and pulls away into the night.
You watch the dock disappear behind you into a web of roads and street lights. You thought it would be impossible somehow, leaving, like there would be an invisible wall to keep you here. When the lights of the city fade into a dim skyline, then vanish behind the safety of miles of distance crossed, you realize at last that you’ve done it, you’ve left. Now, all that exists for you is a wild dream of a simple life, one with your friends where no one tries to hunt you down.
Newt takes your hand and squeezes it. “We’re out,” he says.
“We’re out,” you repeat in somewhat of a daze. “Where are we going again? What’s that place where everyone’s waiting?”
Newt chuckles. “It’s a bit of a mess right now. It’s just us in the middle of nowhere, but that’s the way we like it. Thomas managed to acquire a property surrounded by parkland so no one could build nearby. It’s just us. Nice place, though. Lots of green space. We’re thinking about calling it the Glade.”
A soft smile crosses your lips. “The Glade. I like that.”
It sounds good. It sounds, at last, like a quiet end to your otherwise violent story. Sometimes, though, quiet isn’t always bad. It lets you know that you’re alive, that you made it. Quiet tells you that you’re going to be okay.
first part requested by @thornyrose463
maze runner tag list: @rogueanschel, @ellobruv, @retvenkos, @mayfieldss, @hiya-itsamber, @gods-fools-heroes, @hope92100, @23victoria, @w1shes43, @imwaysthelastchoice, @fadedver
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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bomber-grl · 10 months ago
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I’ll write for… A-Z✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆✶
Key ~ .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Platonic - 💫
Romantic - 💗
Familial - 🏡
These are just the ones off the top of my head, if you’re wondering if I write for a fandom not here then I’d be happy to answer! (Also I’ll add here if I do, I just consume too much media and forget)
~ 𖦹₊⊹ Any gendered reader can be requested unless the character has a strict sexuality (ex: Gay, Lesbian)
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— Games ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
- For the Love of Gods
Astrellio ~ 💫💗🏡
Vidas ~ 💫💗🏡
- Into the Mist
Fin Derodine ~ 💫💗🏡
- Isle of Enchantment
Rogue Blackwood ~ 💫💗🏡
Serena James ~ 💫💗🏡
- Last Legacy
Felix Escellun ~ 💫💗🏡
Sage Lesath ~ 💫💗🏡
Anisa Anka ~ 💫💗🏡
Rime Solano ~ 💫💗🏡
- Monster Manor
Casimir de Gévaudan ~ 💫💗
Rainier ~ 💫💗🏡
Daisuke ~ 💫💗🏡
Obey Me!
Lucifer ~ 💫💗🏡
Mammon ~ 💫💗🏡
Leviathan ~ 💫💗🏡
Satan ~ 💫💗🏡
Asmodeus ~ 💫💗🏡
Beezlebub ~ 💫🏡
Belphegor ~ 💫💗🏡
Solomon ~ 💫💗🏡
Simeon ~ 💫💗🏡
Diavolo ~ 💫💗🏡
Barbatos ~ 💫💗🏡
Luke ~ 💫🏡
Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Cove Holden ~ 💫💗🏡
Derek Suárez ~ 💫💗🏡
Our Life: Now & Forever
Qiu Lin ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamarack Baumann ~ 💫💗🏡
Sal Fisher ~ 💫💗🏡
Larry Johnson ~ 💫💗🏡
Ashley Campbell ~ 💫💗🏡
Todd Morrison ~ 💫🏡
Travis Phelps ~ 💫💗🏡
The Arcana
Asra Alnazar ~ 💫💗🏡
Julian Devorak ~ 💫💗🏡
Portia Devorak ~ 💫💗🏡
Muriel ~ 💫💗🏡
Nadia Satrinava ~ 💫💗🏡
Lucio ~ 💫💗🏡
— Animated Shows/Movies ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Adventure Time
Finn the Human Adventure ~ 💫💗🏡
Jake the Dog ~ 💫🏡
Princess Bubblegum ~ 💫💗🏡
Prismo the Wish Master ~ 💫💗🏡
Fern ~ 💫💗🏡
Ekko ~ 💫💗🏡
Vi ~ 💫🏡
Jinx ~ 💫💗🏡
Viktor ~ 💫💗🏡
Mel ~ 💫💗🏡
Lest ~ 💫💗🏡
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Zuko ~ 💫💗🏡
Azula ~ 💫💗🏡
Sokka ~ 💫💗🏡
Katara ~ 💫💗🏡
Aang ~ 💫🏡
Toph ~ 💫🏡
Jet ~ 💫💗🏡
Bee and puppycat
Bee ~ 💫🏡
Howell Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Crispin Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Wesley Wizard ~ 💫💗🏡
Cardamon ~ 💫🏡
Big hero 6
Hiro Hamada ~ 💫💗🏡
Cass ~ 💫🏡
Fiona and Cake
Fiona Campbell ~ 💫💗🏡
Marshal Lee ~ 💫💗🏡
Gary ~ 💫💗🏡
Simon Petrikov ~ 💫💗🏡
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines ~ 💫💗🏡
Mabel Pines ~ 💫🏡
Stanley Pines ~ 💫🏡
Stanford Pines ~ 💫💗🏡
Harry Potter Universe
Harry Potter ~ 💫💗🏡
Hermione Granger ~ 💫💗🏡
Ron Weasley ~ 💫🏡
Fred Weasley ~ 💫🏡
George Weasley ~ 💫🏡
Luna Lovegood ~ 💫💗🏡
Draco Malfoy ~ 💫💗🏡
Newt Scamander ~ 💫💗🏡
Star vs the Forces of Evil
Star Butterfly ~ 💫🏡
Marco Diaz ~ 💫💗🏡
Tom Lucitor ~ 💫💗🏡
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Miles Morales (Earth - 42/1610) ~ 💫💗🏡
Gwen Stacy ~ 💫💗🏡
Hobie Brown ~ 💫💗🏡
Pavitr Prabhakar ~ 💫💗🏡
Tales of Arcadia
Douxie ~ 💫💗🏡
Eli Pepperjack ~ 💫💗🏡
Krel ~ 💫💗🏡
The Dragon Prince
Callum ~ 💫💗🏡
Aaravos ~ 💫💗🏡
Rayla ~ 💫💗🏡
— Anime ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Assassination Classroom
Nagisa Shiota ~ 💫💗🏡
Karma Akabane ~ 💫💗🏡
Gakushu Asano ~ 💫💗🏡
Ryunoske Chiba ~ 💫💗🏡
Tomohito Sugino ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuma Isogai ~ 💫💗🏡
Black Butler
Ciel Phantomhive ~ 💫🏡
Grell Sutcliff ~ 💫💗🏡
Alois Trancy ~ 💫🏡
Finnian ~ 💫💗🏡
Blue Exorcist
Rin Okumura ~ 💫💗🏡
BNA: Brand New Animal
Shirou Ogami ~ 💫💗🏡
Michiru Kagemori ~ 💫🏡
Carole and Tuesday
Rody ~ 💫💗
Death Note
L ~ 💫💗🏡
Misa Amane ~ 💫💗🏡
Touta Matsuda ~ 💫💗🏡
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado ~ 💫💗🏡
Zenistu Agatsuma ~ 💫💗🏡
Inosuke Hashibira ~ 💫💗🏡
Mitsuri Kanroji ~ 💫💗🏡
Kyojuro Rengoku ~ 💫💗🏡
Muichiro Tokito ~ 💫💗🏡
Genya Shinazugawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Dungeon Meshi
Laois Toudan ~ 💫💗🏡
Shoyo Hinata ~ 💫💗🏡
Tobio Kageyama ~ 💫💗🏡
kenma Kozume ~ 💫💗🏡
Tadashi Yamaguchi ~ 💫💗🏡
Yu Nishinoya ~ 💫💗🏡
Jujustu Kaisen
Yuji Itadori ~ 💫💗🏡
Megumi Fushiguro ~ 💫💗🏡
Nobara Kugisaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Inumaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Junpei ~ 💫💗🏡
Mob Psycho 100
Shigeo Kageyama (aka mob) ~ 💫💗🏡
Ritsu Kageyama ~ 💫💗🏡
Reigen Arataka ~ 💫💗🏡
Teruki Hanazawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Tome Kurata ~ 💫💗🏡
Tsubomi Takane ~ 💫💗🏡
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya ~ 💫💗🏡
Shoto Todoroki ~ 💫💗🏡
Katsuki Bakugo ~ 💫🏡
Ochako Uraraka ~ 💫💗🏡
Hitoshi Shinso ~ 💫💗🏡
Neito Monoma ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamaki Amajiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Fumikage Tokoyami ~ 💫💗🏡
Denki Kaminari ~ 💫💗🏡
Momo Yaoyorozu ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuga Aoyama ~ 💫💗🏡
Eijiro Kirishima ~ 💫💗🏡
Tenya Iida ~ 💫💗🏡
Santa Sero ~ 💫💗🏡
Mezo Shoji ~ 💫💗🏡
All Might ~ 💫🏡
Present Mic ~ 💫🏡
Shota Aizawa ~ 💫🏡
Midnight ~ 💫🏡
My Love Story !!
Makoto Sunakawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Rinko Yamato ~ 💫💗🏡
Takeo Gouda ~ 💫💗🏡
Naruto Uzumaki ~ 💫💗🏡
Sasuke Uchiha ~ 💫💗🏡
Sakura Haruno ~ 💫💗🏡
Rock Lee ~ 💫💗🏡
Shino Aburame ~ 💫💗🏡
Gaara ~ 💫💗🏡
Sai Yamanaka ~ 💫💗🏡
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Haruhi Fujioka ~ 💫💗🏡
Tamaki Suoh ~ 💫💗🏡
Takashi Morinozuka (aka Mori) ~ 💫💗🏡
Kyoya Ootori ~ 💫💗🏡
Kaoru Hitachiin ~ 💫💗🏡
Honey Senpai ~ 💫💗🏡
Ritsu Kasanoda ~ 💫💗🏡
Umehito Nekozawa ~ 💫💗🏡
Sk8 the Infinity
Miya Chinen ~ 💫🏡
Spy x Family
Yor Briar ~ 💫💗🏡
Loid Forger ~ 💫💗🏡
Anya Forger ~ 💫🏡
Yuri Briar ~ 💫💗🏡
Frankie Franklin ~ 💫💗🏡
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Kusuo Saiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Shun Kaido ~ 💫💗🏡
Riki Nendou ~ 💫🏡
Kokomi Teruhashi ~ 💫💗🏡
Kusuke Saiki ~ 💫💗🏡
Tiger and Bunny
Ivan Karelin ~ 💫💗🏡
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
Hanako ~ 💫🏡
Nene Yashiro ~ 💫🏡
Kou Minamoto ~ 💫🏡
Mitsuba ~ 💫🏡
Welcome to Demon School!! Iruma Kun
Iruma Suzuki ~ 💫💗🏡
Asmodeus Alice ~ 💫💗🏡
Clara Valac ~ 💫💗🏡
Sullivan ~ 💫🏡
Balam Shichirou ~ 💫🏡
Opera ~ 💫💗🏡
Kalego Naberius ~ 💫💗🏡
Shax Lied ~ 💫💗🏡
Ameri Azazel ~ 💫💗🏡
Yuri On Ice
Yuri Plisetsky (aka Yurio) ~ 💫💗🏡
— Tv Shows/k-Dramas/Movies ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
All of Us are Dead
Han Gyeong-su ~ 💫💗🏡
Lee Cheong-san ~ 💫💗🏡
Lee Su-hyeok/ Bare-su ~ 💫💗🏡
Maze runner
Minho ~ 💫💗🏡
Newt ~ 💫💗🏡
The Umbrella Academy
Luther Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Diego Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Ben Hargreeves ~ 💫💗🏡
Five Hargreeves ~ 💫💗🏡
Viktor Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Allison Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
Klaus Hargreeves ~ 💫🏡
— webcomic/comics ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Damian Wayne ~ 💫💗🏡
Bruce Wayne ~ 💫🏡
Jason Todd ~ 💫💗🏡
Tim Drake ~ 💫💗🏡
Dick Grayson ~ 💫💗🏡
Jon Kent ~ 💫💗🏡
Connor Kent ~ 💫💗🏡
Neo Collins ~ 💫🏡
Noah Collins ~ 💫💗🏡
Return of the Blossoming Blade
Cheongmyeong ~ 💫💗🏡
John ~ 💫💗🏡
Seraphina ~ 💫💗🏡
Isen ~ 💫💗🏡
Blyke ~ 💫💗🏡
— Books ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson ~ 💫💗🏡
Leo Valdez ~ 💫💗🏡
Nico Di Angelo ~ 💫💗🏡
Jason Grace ~ 💫💗🏡
Piper McLean ~ 💫💗🏡
Hazel Levesque ~ 💫💗🏡
Annabeth Chase ~ 💫💗🏡
Clarisse La Rue ~ 💫🏡
Will Solace ~ 💫💗🏡
Octavian ~ 💫💗🏡
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toby-du-coeur · 1 year ago
p5 tdc liveblog feat. death cannot stop true homoerotic rivalry, only delay it
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DAMN that is a Shot
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the bodybags :( :(
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people of panem, we fight! we dare! we end this.... wrong dystopia
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he has like.. a barcode
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the hood is giving assassin!brenda which would be. so sick
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"YOU ARE GOOD WICKED"? that's what we've been saying the whole time - "wckd is the disease" hahha more literally than you knoww, considering the origin of said disease
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see it's a shortcut! d-e-a-d-l-y f-o-r-c-e, shortcut!
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but sir but look at thomas' picture he's so squinty and cute 🥺
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DO NOT MOCK MY GRIEF i died that day - this is giving buttercup & Man In Black, hold up i've gotta write a oneshot real quick
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looks like a parking garage? kinda cool base of operations
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the sunlight making everyone all fluffy and haloed for their Dramatic Reunion
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dangg i know you want him but get a r o o m
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holy fuck not newt, who is currently losing his memory & self and succumbing to rage, being thomas' memory and preventing him from losing himself and succumbing to rage - he HAS to see his future in the way thomas loses control here im. im not ok
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Fry is full of ONLY LOVE and pride in gally's character growth :') their bond is so special im surprised more ppl don't ship it?
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eddieredmayneargentinablog · 6 months ago
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New article: The Day of the Jackal: Who is Eddie Redmayne?
As he takes on the role of the ultimate assassin, here’s everything you need to know about The Day of the Jackal’s leading man, Eddie Redmayne.
Who is Eddie Redmayne?
Eddie Redmayne, born in 1982, is a British actor born and raised in London, England.
His great-grandfather, Sir Richard Redmayne, was a civil and mining engineer, credited for his work in improving mine safety and for his advocacy of the benefits of a five-day working week on employees, helping make weekends a more standard practice.
Wanting to perform from an early age, he attended Jackie Palmer Stage School from the age of 10 and made his screen debut in an episode of kids TV series Animal Ark in 1998.
He later landed a music scholarship at the esteemed Eton College, attending the same year as Prince William.
Going on to study at Cambridge University, he made his professional debut as an actor at Shakespeare’s Globe in 2003 in a production of Twelfth Night.
From that point on, he established himself as one to watch on the British stage and later pivoted to film, where he took on dramatic roles in films including 2007’s Elizabeth: The Golden Age, The Other Boleyn Girl and The Yellow Handkerchief in 2008, and My Week with Marilyn in 2011.
In 2012, Redmayne grew international acclaim for portraying Marius in Tom Hooper’s Les Miserables, and two years later landed his first Oscar for his portrayal of Stephen Hawking in biopic The Theory of Everything.
He continues to act on both stage and screen, earning another Oscar nomination in 2015 for his role of Lili Elbe in The Danish Girl, and leading the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them franchise as Newt Scamander.
The Day of the Jackal is his first major TV role in 12 years.
On stage, he has most recently led revivals of Cabaret in the West End and Broadway, starring as the elusive and mysterious Emcee.
He has been married to wife Hannah Bagshawe since 2014, and together they have two children.
Who does Eddie Redmayne play in The Day of the Jackal?
The Jackal is a notorious assassin who lives a normal double life away from his murderous career path.
A natural chameleon, The Jackal has an innate ability to blend in with a crowd and change his appearance at will, meaning his targets never see him coming.
He is a man who prefers to work alone, considering each of his missions an art form.
Little is known about the character as we’re introduced to him, with his ability to camouflage himself leaving him free to do his work undetected.
The role was portrayed by Edward Fox in the 1973 movie adaptation of the story.
Find out more about the other cast and characters from The Day of the Jackal here.
Where have I seen Eddie Redmayne before?
Eddie Redmayne has become one of the most sought-after British stars in the world, with an enviable list of previous projects.
Here are some of his most notable roles to date:
My Week With Marilyn (2011) - Colin Clark
Based on the memoir of Colin Clark, My Week With Marilyn follows the aspiring filmmaker as he travels to London in 1956 to land a job with the celebrated Laurence Olivier.
Landing a position on The Prince and The Showgirl, Colin finds himself working as an assistant and pseudo-protector of the iconic Marilyn Monroe (played by Michelle Williams), who is having trouble in her personal life and marriage to Arthur Miller.
Across a fateful week, Colin and Marilyn grow closer as the Hollywood star adjusts to England, her current life, and her work with Olivier.
Les Miserables (2012) - Marius Pontmercy
Based on the book by Victor Hugo, Les Miserables is an adaptation of the musical of the same name.
Redmayne plays Marius Pontmercy, a compassionate young man who is a member of the revolutionary group, Friends of the ABC.
He instantly falls in love with Cosette, the adopted daughter of leading man Jean Valjean, upon meeting her.
This causes the heartbreak of his best friend Eponine, who is secretly in love with him.
Devoted to both his cause and his love, Marius is torn on his loyalties as the revolution turns violent and he leads the rebels on the barricades.
The Theory of Everything (2014) - Stephen Hawking
This biographical drama depicts the early life and first marriage of the legendary Stephen Hawking, detailing his work, health, and romantic life.
First meeting Hawking as an astrophysics student at the University of Cambridge, he meets young literature student Jane Wilde and falls in love.
Together, they will navigate the success of his career and his diagnosis with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive form of motor neurone disease that leads to slurred speech, muscle stiffness, and difficulty breathing.
The incurable and eventually fatal disease would eventually confine Hawking to a wheelchair, where he would communicate via a computer for the rest of his life.
The show is based on the 2007 memoir Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen written by Jane, who married Hawking in 1965.
The Theory of Everything is available now on Sky and NOW.
The Danish Girl (2015) - Lili Elbe
The Danish Girl is a story loosely inspired by the lives of Danish painter Lili Elbe – who became one of the first recorded people to have gender-affirming surgery.
Lili’s story inspired the novel of the same title by David Ebershoff.
Starting the story in the mid-1920s, The Danish Girl tracks the awakening of Lili’s transgender identity.
Married to portrait artist Gerda Wegener (Alicia Vikander), Lili comes out as transgender after posing as a woman for one of her wife’s paintings.
The film tracks the barriers Lili had to face in order to get the surgery, and the support Gerda was throughout the transition.
The Danish Girl  is available now on Sky and NOW
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) - Newt Scamander
An extension of the Harry Potter Wizarding World, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them follows Newt Scamander decades before the original Harry Potter series.
Newt is a ‘magizoologist’ who travels the globe to document the wizarding world’s magical creatures but finds himself in trouble in 1926 New York City when his suitcase gets into the wrong hands, with animals let loose across the human city.
Now he’s on a mission to gather them all or risk exposing the entire wizarding world – but as he does so, he finds himself dealing with growing unrest that could prove a more devastating threat on the world as they know it.
The franchise has since had two more installments: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald in 2016, and Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore in 2018.
The Trial of the Chicago Seven (2020) - Tom Hayden
Based on true events that occurred in 1968, The Trial of the Chicago Seven follows seven men as they are arrested and charged with "crossing state lines" to incite a riot during an anti-Vietnam protest at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
As the trial gets underway, it becomes apparent the judge has a prejudice against them, with ongoing issues, stunts, and uncovering of brutality turning the courtroom into a circus.
The film was widely praised and was even nominated for six Oscars, including Best Picture, at the 2021 Academy Awards, as well as three Baftas and five Golden Globes.
The Trial of the Chicago Seven is available to watch on Netflix....
The Day of the Jackal coming 7 November exclusively on Sky Atlantic and NOW.
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letthewhumpbegin · 5 months ago
Who / what fandoms I write for
Here's an overview per fandom which characters I write for.
You can make a request for a fanfic through HERE (I only take requests from my prompts list).
You can find my full writing masterlist HERE.
List with fandoms / characters I write for below the cut.
911: Eddie Diaz , Evan Buckley
Aladdin (2019): Aladdin
American Assassin: Mitch Rapp
The Batman (2022): Bruce Wayne
Blacklist: Donald Ressler
The Boys: Hugh Campbell
Bullet Train: Tangerine
Criminal Minds: Spencer Reid
CSI: Greg Sanders
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Newt Scamander, Theseus Scamander
Game of Thrones: Jon Snow
Gladiator II: Lucius
Hannibal (TV series): Will Graham
Hawaii Five-0: Danny Williams, Steve McGarrett
The Hobbit: Fili, Kili, Thorin, Thranduil
House MD: Robert Chase
Inception: Arthur
James Bond (Daniel Craig era): Q
John Wick movies: John Wick
Jurassic World: Owen Grady
Justified: Raylan Givens, Tim Gutterson
Kingsman: Eggsy Unwin
Kraven the Hunter: Sergei Kravinoff / Kraven
The Last of Us: Joel Miller
MacGyver (2016): Angus MacGyver
Maze Runner: Thomas
Moon Knight: Marc Spector, Steven Grant
Mr. Robot: Elliot Alderson
The Night Agent: Peter Sutherland
Night at the Museum movies: Ahkmenrah
Now You See Me: Daniel Atlas
Olympus Has Fallen: Mike Banning
The Purge movies: Leo Barnes
The Recruit: Owen Hendricks
Shadow & Bone / Six of Crows: Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker, Wylan van Eck
Shadowhunters: Alec Lightwood, Jace Wayland
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock Holmes
Spiderman (Tom Holland era) - Peter Parker
Squid Game: Hwang In-ho, Hwang Jun-ho, Seong Gi-hun, Thanos
Star Trek: Jim Kirk
Star Wars: Poe Dameron
Supernatural: Sam Winchester
Top Gun Maverick: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw, Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Twisters (2024): Tyler Owens
Uncharted (movie): Nathan Drake
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee
Wednesday: Tyler Galpin, Xavier Thorpe
Wonka: Willy Wonka
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