kitsune024 · 2 years
Hunger Games Fanfiction
Monster by heathenpesticide (orphan_account)
| Part 1. Having Them Both | Part 2. Always |
A continuation and final installment of Having Them Both and Always. The attempt to subdue Snow has failed, and the rebels have retreated to Thirteen, but Peeta alone is captured in the City Circle. In order to avoid further torture and to protect those left in Thirteen, he accepts a bargain from Snow: replace Finnick Odair and sell his body to the Capitol. Explores Peeta's journey back to sanity as he struggles to rediscover his feelings for Katniss. The usual warnings apply: violence, torture, rape, substance abuse, self injury, language, and sex.
Chapters: 17/17
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turian · 1 month
i love seeing other people on the dash who know gale did nothing wrong though
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notsocooljess · 3 months
“katniss got peeta back but she never got peeta back”
says who? like really says who!?
because suzanne collins never wrote that peeta never returned to his normal self. all she wrote was that peeta continues to have flashbacks which is plenty common for survivors of war.
if anything, she shows a number of snippets of the “old” peeta coming back through his hijacking. his memory coming back as they battle in the capitol. him not letting katniss eat the nightlock pill after she assassinated coin. planting the primrose bushes. carrying katniss to bed after she cries with buttercup. bringing fresh baked bread to breakfast the following morning. providing and receiving safety and comfort while sharing a bed with katniss at night.
seeing this common sentiment that peeta never became himself again after the war is such a crazy take to me. like yes, the war changed him. everyone who faced the war is changed. but while he was stripped of his identity, it’s clear throughout the novel that peeta and those around him fight hard and succeed at helping him come back to who he was as much as is possible for anyone who survived.
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patrickzvveig · 2 years
i keep seeing the take that "Katniss doesn't love Peeta she's just trauma bonded to him" it's making me lose my mind.
First of all, all the superior TikTok and Twitter psychologists aren't even using that term correctly. A trauma bond implies an abuser using the trauma as leverage. Neither Katniss or Peeta are abusive and you can't even make an argument about that so automatically this idea is untrue.
but more importantly- what's wrong with, outside of the abusive context, using trauma as a bond? Why does that mean that they can't love each other? This idea is so ridiculous. Peeta understand best (more than Haymitch and the other victors) what Katniss is going through. Very few people can provide emotional support to her. She has severe PTSD and the most powerful man in the entire country is attempting to plot her assassination because she's been made the face of a rebellion, in an act of defiance Peeta was also present for. Peeta, already astoundingly sympathetic to her (and others), is able to fully empathize with her. They have a shared past and have an experience that nobody else in the entire history of the games has ever had. Like are you saying Katniss feels strongly towards him because he understands and can relate to her? literally what is unhealthy or weird about that? It would be one thing if Peeta was abusive but he's not. In his normal state, he has never used the games or the shared bond they have against her and his basically only used it to help her, as well as himself.
like the basic implication is that people who have similar trauma don't actually love each other, which is just so astoundingly untrue it's really hard to even wrap my head around the idea. and if the idea is that Katniss and Peeta never would have been together if they hadn't been reaped (or she hadn't volunteered) is also not very smart, because it quite literally doesn't matter. These are the events that happen in the book and the alter Peeta and Katniss' understanding of both one another and the world at large. 2 hunger games and a rebellion is bound to fundamentally change a person in some way.
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m4sonn · 5 months
✧*̥˚ The outsiders Modern AU Headcanons *̥˚✧
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- Credits to @stevelovbot on Tumblr for the inspo for this post! And also credits to my friend @peachyponyboyy who I collaborate with for these!! :3
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Ponyboy
• Is a big fan of the Simpsons and can quote almost any episode word by word.
• Says that The Godfather is his favorite movie ever but it’s actually Mamma Mia. He secretly loves musicals.
• Is the only one with a Tumblr account and he’s pretty active in there.
• Definitely writes fan fiction or character studies in AO3.
•The only person that knows about that and gets to read them is Johnny.
• His pfp always matches Johnny’s in any social media platform.
• When he feels annoyed/pissed by his brothers, he likes signing them up for random ass newsletters and whatnot, making sure they get spammed constantly.
• He loves digital books and owns a Kindle but he feels like nothing compares to real books.
• His bi awakening was watching hunger games with dally and seeing peeta, made things worse when he saw the fnaf movie, he’s just a wh0re for josh hutcherson. (He would’ve made the whistle baby edit /j 😣😣🔥🔥)
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Sodapop
• Is the only one who can actually use TikTok and he’s pretty popular. He loves doing trends with the gang, probably forcing them to do the cinnamon challenge. (they agree bc they're all stupid)
• Loves avocados a lot and gets teased for posting pictures of his meals.
• His favorite game is Assassins Creed but isn’t a big fan of the community and fandom around the game. He just wants to play it and have fun.
•Facetimes the rest of the group whenever he wants, specially Ponyboy and Darry.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Darry
•He’s the owner of the only Netflix and/or any other streaming accounts of the group and is the one who pays for it. The rest of the gang add their own profiles and watch everything they want. (Or they share one account, there is no inbetween)
• Likes to keep up with the news and current affairs, so he follows a lot of reporters and activists on Twitter and Facebook. He’s subscribed to lots of newsletters for sure.
• Was the biggest football star of his school and got a scholarship thanks to it. He went to college but had to stop playing football eventually due to a freak accident on the field. However, this didn’t sadden him, since he got his diploma and works in things related to football anyways, he works as a coach for the local youth football team.
• His phone password is Ponyboy and soda’s birthdays mixed together.
• He is a big fan of No Doubt, when he found out that they were performing at Coachella, he absolutely lost it and started saving for a ticket immediately. When he went and saw them in the front row he cried, absolutely WEEPED.
• Constant listener of destiny’s child and connects with survivor on a personal level and he’s not scared to admit, you’ll sometimes hear him singing it while he’s doing stuff around the house while listening to music
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Dally
•Has been blocked by multiple celebrities on Twitter AND instagram, on various occasions.
•Is a very big fan of The Hunger Games and one of his favorite characters is Peeta.
•Makes sure to be the first one to text Johnny on his birthday, even if they’re standing next to each other.
•Loves crime/serial killer podcasts and has good knowledge about these topics.
•Hates going to the dentist. There is a very embarrassing video of him being out of it after getting one of his wisdom teeth removed that Johnny recorded (Dally forced Johnny to take him since he was scared).
•Is always listening to music and doesn’t like sharing his earphones unless it’s Johnny.
•Has practiced a lot of sports during his life and his favorite one so far is boxing.
•Got drunk one New Year’s Eve and confessed that Darry was like the brother he wished he had had, and that his New Years Resolution was to make it up to Darry (He never did, since he had forgotten). and nobody has ever let him live it down.
•Secret fanboy of the neighborhood, one time he thought nobody was home and started singing daddy issues at the top of his lungs, two-bit has it on video and never lets him hear the end of it about it.
• Still enjoys stealing and robbing old ladies and young children and still enjoys annoying random pretty girls on the street (so basically still and ahole)
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Johnny
• Wears denim overalls with cute sweaters and loves jackets with lots of pockets.
• Loves spicy food and is the only one in the group who can actually eat it without any problem.
• Has always wanted a puppy or any kind of pet but his situation at home always made it impossible. Because of this, Pony gifted him a goldfish one Christmas and they set the fish tank at the Curtis’ so Johnny could visit it as much as he wanted without risking getting his parents angry.
• He gets really attached to that fish pretty fast and treasures the gesture behind it. Pony and him name is Frost.
• Pony and him use Twitter DM’s just to send memes to each other and store them.
• He has a private Twitter account that only Pony gets to follow.
• Can speak Spanish and French.
•Owns a leather jacket that had been Dally’s a couple of years ago and takes care of it as if it was made of gold.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Two-Bit
• He’s the reason why Darry had to get a Disney+ account.
• Knows all the songs from Frozen I.
• Wanted to have a mouse as a pet (since…mickey mouse, duh.) for a while but Darry refused.
• He doesn’t admit it, but he loves sweet drinks made of fruits and cocktails more than beer.
• His socks never match and they all have at least one hole in them.
• Is the one that gets the most excited about Christmas. He’s not particularly religious but he loves the decorations, and the lights, and the whole mood in general. He’s the one that always makes sure the rest of the boys have presents, even if it’s something small.
• His first time going to disney world he bawled his eyes out, like full on mental breakdown inside the park, Ponyboy and Sodapop saved up all their birthday money, allowance, and paycheck money for about a year and a half to buy the tickets. (they wanted to get a fast pass and like the entire deluxe trip for him, that's why it took so long.) Ponyboy was SO embarrassed from two-bits crying, “You’re 22, Stop. Crying. Over. Mickey.” but still was happy for him.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Steve
• He tells everyone his top artist is Limp Bizkit but it's actually Queen, his top song was good old fashioned lover boy.
• Wakes up early to watch the F1 races and has never missed a season of Top Gear since he was little. His favorite was Hamilton, but ever since he saw that race with verstappen vs hamilton, his opinions have changed…
• He’s the best at playing video games, and he especially likes horror ones like Resident Evil. (absolute wh0re for Leon Kennedy, i am too tho so no shame)
• Sodapop and him are always playing online together and they sometimes let Ponyboy join them. Him and Sodapop gave ponyboy an unplugged controller once and said it was wireless (for the shitz and giggles and to see how long it took for him to notice), he realized half way through the game and told Darry who then yelled at them for 5 minutes.
• Doesn’t like TikTok and is always going about how Vine was just much better. (He’s stuck in 2014..)
• Gets angry when his texts go unanswered in the group chat (they do it on purpose since they know it pisses him off.)
• He listens to cotton eye joe on repeat, change my mind.
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margojacksonpotter · 8 months
Parts in Mockingjay book that should have been in the movie:
-Katniss really disliked living underground at 13. She felt claustrophobic and missed being outdoors and hunting. She never followed the schedule to train and just hid in supply closets and took naps. If anyone tried to question this, she’d show them her medical bracelet and tell them she’s mental.
- Katniss and Annie traveled from 13 to 12 with Katniss’ prep team to find Annie a wedding dress in her house in Victor’s Village. Katniss’ wedding dresses were sent back to the Capitol but she still had a few dresses from the Victory tour. Annie chose a green one. Katniss says Annie laughs at wrong times in a conversation and drifts off mid sentence but Finnick likes her so she does too.
- Peeta decorated Finnick and Annie’s wedding cake. It was part of his therapy after getting hijacked. He decorated it with blue and green waves for their district.
-Johanna and Katniss’ friendship: Johanna wanted to fight in Capitol with the Katniss and Finnick. She and Katniss were deemed too “mentally unstable” to fight. They had to start at the lowest level in training and work their way up to the top. They were even roommates for a while. Katniss noticed Johanna avoided showers and was scared of training outside in the rain. She later finds out Johanna developed a fear of water after being tortured in the Capitol by being waterboarded and electrocuted.
- Katniss was mad that Peeta was sent to fight in the Capitol so she calls Haymitch. Haymitch gives her the ultimate reality check, delivering the best line in the series: “I think it's time you flipped this little scenario around in your head. If you'd been taken by the Capitol, and hijacked, and then tried to kill Peeta, is this the way he would be treating you?” demands Haymitch. I fall silent. It isn't. It isn't how he would be treating me at all. He would be trying to get me back at any cost”.
- In the last part of the training, Johanna and Katniss go through a combat stimulation in which the person must face their greatest weakness. Katniss’ weakness was taking orders (no surprise). In Johanna’s stimulation, she faced a flood, had a flash back and panicked. She was sent back to the hospital and wasn’t allowed to the Capitol. To make her feel better, Katniss combined pine tree needles with a bandage to make a sort of fragrance bundle. Johanna said it smelled like home. 🥹
- After the silver parachutes bombs and Prim’s death, Katniss was also affected by the fire. Her skin became discolored and patchy. Peeta was also at the Capitol Circle during the bombing and was burnt as well. He and Katniss have burn scars all over their bodies that never fully go away.
-After the bombing, Katniss is described as a mental “Avox”, refusing to speak for weeks after her sisters death.
-All the stylist and prep team of the Hunger Games were assassinated, with the exception of Effie and Katniss’ prep team. The victors of the Hunger Games were killed as well except for the ones who were imprisoned in the Capitol and saved by District 13.
- The bombs decorated as silver parachutes to m@rder Capitol children was Plutarch’s idea. A Gamemaker’s touch as President Snow described. Plutarch was just as bad as Coin. He thought it made for “good television”
-After Katniss murdered Coin, she was kept in the Training Center for weeks till they figured out what to do with her. She considered s@uicide many times, either by overdosing or refusing to eat. She wouldn’t speak and sang to herself constantly. All the songs her father taught her. After the war ended, Plutarch asked her if she wanted to be a part of a singing competition he was televising in 4.
-Katniss and Peeta wrote a book about all the people they knew and details about them: Primrose, Cinna, Finnick, Peeta’s dad. Peeta drew the pictures. Haymitch helped them too, giving them information about the tributes he was forced to mentor. They plan on reading the book to their children one day.
-What happened to District 12: Hundreds of people left 13 to go back home to 12. They began finding bodies in the rubble and burying them. Madge and her family were found dead. A large hole was made in the Meadow to bury them. Then people began rebuilding the town. With the mines closed, a factory was built from the Capitol to make medicine.
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adsosfraser · 2 months
someone needs to please draw the “I’m not calling you good boy” meme with everlark where it’s peeta saying “I’m not calling you “good girl” katniss you assassinated the new dictator” or katniss being “I’m not calling you “good boy” peeta you deprived me of kisses before death match round 2” etc etc
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thgcommentfeast · 2 months
THG Comment Feast-October Round
Hello All!
Thank you so much for your input on the poll about whether or not an October feast would be on the table! The poll showed that most people would be down to have an October feast. With that said, we need to select a prompt!
Important!: This October Feast will run like the July 2024 feast. Therefore, works do not need to be newly written works. You can submit something you already published, as long as it fits in with the prompt given. Again, these fics will not be hidden from the public at any point!
The winning prompt will be announced once this poll closes and we will begin seeking already published works fitting that prompt to add to an ao3 collection (as bookmarks) AND new works to be released October 13th, 2024 at noon EST.
An AO3 collection will be released once the poll has concluded with further details!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to shoot a message!
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Teen and Up Rated Fics Masterlist (40)
Part 1- Part 29 / Part 30 / Part 31 / Part 32 / Part 33 / Part 34 / Part 35 / Part 36 / Part 37 / Part 38 / Part 39 /
Created: March 24th, 2024
Last Checked:—-
i'm here, sweetheart-folkookie97 (ao3) Summary: Peeta comforts his wife during her crying spell. I've Got Snacks-Hutchabelle (ao3) Summary: Katniss has had a terrible day, but Peeta’s about to make it all better. I Just Can’t Remember Why- Epilogue-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: A look ahead at Katniss and Peeta’s life I Like His Face-endlessnightlock (ao3) Summary: Katniss has a thing for watching Peeta. She likes his face- likes it a lot, actually. In The End-FanficAllergy, RoseFyre (ao3) Summary: The Tributes of of the Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games deserve to be remembered and some want to be forgotten. In the Jaws of the Monster-Gamemakers (ao3) Summary: Joining Squad 451's mission to the Capitol will destroy Annie Cresta. That is, if her own mind doesn't do the job first. It Can Never Be Enough-everydayescapeartist (ao3) Summary: In the Quell, Finnick and Peeta share a few words during their shared watch after Katniss goes to sleep. It Started with a Contest-Xerxia (ao3) Summary: A modern AU look at college!everlark. Fluffy. I Wish I Would Have-hutchabelle (ao3) Summary: Peeta Mellark desperately wants to return to District 12 from the Capitol after Coin’s assassination, but he can’t go home without his doctor’s approval. Even though his life is in ruins, his biggest regrets revolve around his relationship with Katniss. By facing those, he can find his way home and back to her. Just Another Dysfunctional Holiday-FanficAllergy, RoseFyre (ao3) Summary: Thanksgiving. A time for food, fraternity, and family. A time for good thoughts, good wishes, and good feelings. At least that’s how it’s supposed to go. In Madge Undersee’s family, it’s more of a competition between her mother and her Aunt Bobbi Mellark. So when she brings her brand new beau, Gale Hawthorne, home to meet the family, things are bound to go wrong. Because it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a little family drama.
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kait-bait8 · 10 months
The thing I love the most about the Hunger Games is Katniss’ character arc.
Katniss Everdeen in book 1 is like Harry Potter in book 7. That is to say, the Katniss we follow in THG is the strong and resilient fighter. She is brave and selfless and tough and she digs deep despite tremendous pain. She has already overcome the loss of her father and the dire circumstances of her youth. And the 74th Hunger Games should have been her boss fight.
The end of THG shows us a Katniss who is a champion, a winner, a Victor. It feels like we are at the triumphant end of a story. Until she is told that the Capitol is not happy.
In Catching Fire we learn about Katniss’ nightmares. We learn that she sometimes can’t look at Prim without seeing Rue. We see her relationships begin to strain and change.
Katniss finding out that she will be going back into the games is one of my all time favorite scenes. Because in THG Katniss is in Survival Mode from the second she steps onto the platform. She holds back her tears and tries to look indifferent for the sponsors. But in CF she shatters. She flees. She cries and drinks and screams. She isn’t strong or resilient or even a little brave. And you just don’t see heroes react like that in other stories. But you can’t tell me it’s possible to read that scene and not feel your own stomach twist at the thought of that reality.
When Peeta hits the barrier and his heart stops Katniss loses it. It’s clear she knows about CPR from watching her mother, the same way she knew about blood poisoning and tourniquets in the last games, but it doesn’t even occur to her until after Finnick starts kissing Peeta. She isn’t sharp and quick and able to think on her feet. She is desperate to keep Peeta and the rebellion alive and that is it. People say that the victors keep Peeta alive because “if they didn’t Katniss would kill everyone and then herself” but Katniss knew her fate. She knew she wasn’t going to survive the arena. And she knew a life without Peeta was pointless. She would have “stopped living” like her mother.
When Katniss is rescued and Peeta is not, there was no “what is the plan? How are we going to get Peeta back? How are we going to save him?” There was only enough energy and emotion to try to claw Haymitch’s eyes out.
And then we get to Mockingjay. I’ve heard people complain that they couldn’t get through the book because it was just Katniss sleeping all the time. But of course she is sleeping all the time. Of course she can hardly qualify to be a soldier. Of course she finds solace in Finnick and his rope tying.
She doesn’t assassinate President Snow on her rogue mission. She gets her friends killed. She can’t even save Prim. Katniss gets knocked out and wakes up with the War already won. She secures the safety of Panem for a time by killing Coin but even that is the act of someone who no longer cares for her own safety and well-being.
I’m not saying she doesn’t do anything, she does an incredible amount for her mental/emotional state. But she isn’t Strong or Brave or Resilient. She doesn’t dig deep because even if she did there wouldn’t be anything left. She is completely broken.
That is what makes her epilogue so beautiful. Because at the end of her story she isn’t a Victor. She isn’t The Hero. She just, learns to be okay. She falls in love and finds peace and happiness and safety. I don’t know if I would say that she ever becomes unbroken but she picks up the pieces she can salvage and does her best with them.
Katniss Everdeen’s character arc is not one of Strength. There are many strong characters. It is a study of weakness and the beauty and love and community that comes from weakness.
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mollywog · 1 year
A New Recipe
Inspired by this post by @rosegardeninwinter
“This is a lot of lemons… You’re sure this is right?”
Peeta’s peering through the opening at the door separating the kitchen from the storefront, listening with amusement. He’s been excited about this delivery all day, but had been preoccupied with a customer when he’d heard the knock at the back door. He has big plans for this citrus: plans he had apparently neglected to tell Katniss.
The kid delivering today doesn’t look familiar. Nor does he seem to realize he is speaking to The Katniss Everdeen: one half of the star-crossed-lovers of District 12, the Victor, the Mockingjay, the assassin. Right now she’s just a small obstacle in him completing his delivery run.
“It’s not all lemons, there are some oranges, and limes, and some pink things in here too.” He says defensively as he leans over, shuffling through contents within the crates and sacks, exclaiming as he finds the order form. She accepts the papers, shooting him a small smile before reviewing the contents against the list.
The delivery boy surveys the supplies wearily at the prospect of returning to the train with several pounds of unwanted fruit should she refuse it.
“Ah, here it is. You’re right!” She looks up to find the boy eyeing her quizzically. Peeta snickers imagining this boy’s confusion: why would the baker not know her own order?
Katniss must also realize the absurdity of the situation, because she looks at him apologetically. “Sorry. My husband put the order in and he definitely didn’t mention this.” She waves her hand in the direction of the fruit. “I’m just surprised.” She finishes with a small shrug.
Surprised is an apt word for Peeta’s feelings as well at present, because Katniss Everdeen just referred to him as her husband.
Continue reading on Ao3
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gigicreates562 · 9 months
If I Die- Get it On Camera
Finnick and You go to what’s left of District 9 to shoot more propos for Coin, but you won’t both be coming home. 
TW: Hunger Games level violence, Blood, Death
WC: 1190
No use of Y/N
Authors note: sorry in advance
The brisk air tickled your nose as you walked through the rubble of District 9. The capital had shown little mercy on the factory workers after the riots, leaving nothing behind but charred walls and drifting ashes. Your eyes wandered over the smoking ruins, hopelessly scanning for survivors. The smokey air choked in your throat. You tried your best not to think about all the lives that had been lost here. 
“Come on, Coin said in and out,” Gale reminded you. Coin had requested more footage for the propos, but seeing as Katniss was still recovering from Peeta’s assassination attempt, you and Finnick were her next best options. So here you were, trudging through the debris. 
Finnick’s fingers squeezed tightly around yours, “You okay?” he whispered. His soft eyes met yours.
“Yeah,” you half-smiled in return. He nodded, seeming to understand.
“Let’s have you right here,” Cressida pointed. You followed her finger to a mostly standing alleyway just off to the left. 
Everyone began to move towards their respective positions when gunfire erupted from behind.
“Get down!” Boggs shouted. Everyone scrambled to safety. You felt Finnick’s hand guiding your shoulder. Following his lead, you sat down behind a broken wall and shielded your head with your hands. A short spurt of gunshots pierced your ears, stopping after a couple of seconds. 
A deadly silence fell over the air. 
“Stay here,” Boggs ordered as he crept into the now-settling dust. You sucked a breath in through your teeth and grabbed for Finnick’s hand. Together you braced for gunfire you hoped wouldn’t come. 
Luckily it didn’t, but the unsettling feeling in your stomach remained. You had felt this feeling twice before, once in your first games, and once in your second. Neither instance was a particularly happy memory.
“All clear,” you heard someone say. The others began to crawl out from hiding. You began to move as well, but for some reason, you just couldn’t make your legs stand.  
Finnick shifted to get up, keeping his eyes on the alley for potential danger. A shiver spread throughout your body, and were you lightheaded? What was wrong with you? You’d been through the games twice, and you’d never crumbled under pressure before. You had always- Oh. Oh. Your eyes sank down, beholding a dampness spreading in your jacket. The thick black material masked the color of the substance, but your intuition told you all you needed to know. 
“Let’s get this filmed and leave,” Boggs ordered Cressida, and once again everyone began to get set.
“Finnick,” you called out faintly. At the sound of your voice, he stopped and turned to you. One look at your face caused goosebumps all over. His brow furrowed as he rushed over to your side. At the sudden movement, the rest of the group’s attention shifted over to you. 
Finnick took your hands into his. You hadn’t even noticed you were trembling until he grabbed them. Tears clouded your vision as you glanced downwards, too afraid to confirm your thoughts for yourself. Finnick swallowed heavily as he moved his hands to your zipper. Cautiously guiding it down, he revealed exactly what you were afraid of. 
“Oh my god,” His voice cracked out, “We need a medic, please!” The blood already covered most of your abdomen. The metallic tang of it punched you in the nose, stirring your stomach. A soldier appeared at your side, frantically tending to your wound, but you were disinterested. You couldn’t really feel it anymore anyway. You were more focused on the boy in front of you with panic laced in his expression.
“Finn-” You whispered and his hand came to your face. 
“You’re okay sweetheart, you’re okay,” he comforted you, sweetly caressing your cheek. His eyes searched your face up and down, begging for a sign that you were okay. In your peripheral vision, you saw a camera raise.
Before you flew out you had both told Cressida, If we die, get it on camera, and show everyone exactly what the capitol does to their victors. You figured he might play it up for the camera, but you could tell by his eyes. He wasn’t acting.
“Stay with me, alright? Just look up here,” he soothed. Both his hands cradled your cheeks now, attempting to keep all your focus on him.
Beams of sun hit the blonde curls falling lightly over his forehead. He really was beautiful, even in a time like this. You smiled softly up at him, if you were going to die, you were glad he would be the last thing you would see. 
“Honey, stay with me. You’re not going to die, I won’t let you.” He pressed a hot kiss into your brow, still holding your face with his soft hands. 
“Finn,” you hushed his anxieties as a tear rolled down your cheek, “It’s okay.” You smiled sadly. His eyes frantically combed your expression, not understanding how you were so calm.
Your heartbeat slowed in your ears as your limbs grew heavy. Little black blurs crept into the edges of your vision. It didn’t take a genius to know what would happen next. You know that you should be freaking out, but for some reason you weren’t scared. An overwhelming calm had settled into your skin. It felt like the waves back home. That feeling when the sun kissed your cheeks while the salty water lapped at your toes. You could practically see Finnick’s cheeky smile staring back at you from across the beach. After a lifetime of hunting and being hunted, you finally felt at peace.  
Finnick’s pleas brought you back to reality, “Stop it. Please don’t leave me,” his lip quivered. He was crying now too. It was evident by his face that his thoughts were racing. You only hoped that he would feel peace like this one day too. 
A sad smile crept onto your lips, heart aching for your lover. Tenderly, you pulled his chin down to press his shaky lips against yours. They were swollen and chapped, perfectly Finnick. A glowing warmth spread through your chest to your fingertips. Whether it was from the kiss or the blood loss you weren’t sure, but you chose to believe the former. Your body tingled as you felt one of his hot teardrops hit your cheek and slide away. That’s the last thing you remember before the world went dark.
He pulled away from the kiss slowly, his heart wrenching as your body went limp against him. Trembling, he shook you lightly, a last-ditch effort to keep you with him. 
“I’m sorry,” He wept, clutching your head to him, “I’m so so sorry.”
The medic began to pack away his things, “No! Please! Help her!” He screamed, desperately looking around for anyone to help. Instead, he was met with a crowd of sympathetic eyes.
Finnick clung to your body as he pressed his face into your hair. The cameras stopped at the command of Cressida. Your death may be broadcasted all over the districts, but his grief was too personal to share. The group mourned for you in privacy as Finnick wept by your side. 
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katnissmellarkkk · 1 year
okay now a very depressing post / topic (although nothing that’s not mentioned in canon so take that as you will). but naturally, this is your trigger warning, sisters.
i have always really had a soft soft soft spot for the relationship between katniss and haymitch. (peeta and haymitch too, but not as much). but something i’ve always… struggled to reconcile i suppose was haymitch taking katniss home at the end of mockingjay and dropping her off at her house and just leaving her to her own devices, after all she had been through.
now we all know haymitch went through hell and back before katniss and peeta were even born. i’m not saying haymitch didn’t carry mountains of trauma himself. in fact, his own trauma and issues is how i excused his actions here for so long? because he had been through so much himself that you can’t fault him for not being perfect and not being there for katniss here.
but my hang up was always this idea of, how could he not check in on her? how could he not be more worried about her? she was explicitly suicidal. she had lost literally everything she ever loved in one way or another. she had lost her grip on reality. she was institutionalized for months on end after assassinating a president. she had turned to drugs (morphling) and wouldn’t eat and had barely spoken at all since her sister died, right in front of her eyes. and now haymitch, her appointed guardian who we know loves her, is stealing alcohol and going to hide away in his house and leaving her to her own devices, posing no barrier to any harm she may bring on herself? to me that never really clicked because why wouldn’t he care more?
(and yes, there are the ideas or headcanons that he hired greasy sae to care for katniss because he couldn’t bring himself to do it and there are the headcanons that maybe haymitch did come check on her and she didn’t notice but for the sake of this post, i’m leaving out headcanons).
and then i had a random thought and now i can’t unsee it. haymitch saw himself in katniss, he understood her like no one else, he loved her like his own flesh and blood, he knew how her mind worked, he knew how it felt to live with trauma for over two and a half decades and he knew everything katniss had lived through. and he wouldn’t wish the pain he’d felt on anyone else.
and so i really honestly think haymitch wasn’t just dropping her off and obliviously forgetting her, i don’t think he was even so caught up in addiction that he didn’t recognize how bad off she was or that he wasn’t thinking clearly, and i don’t think he just couldn’t deal with her pain so in turn he chose to ignore it.
i think when he dropped her off at her house, he was giving her permission to kill herself. silently. like he took her home, he dropped her off, and he didn’t bother her again. he gave her space to do whatever she wished to do. because he knew she was a little girl who was too hurt for him to even begin to help. he knew that she was used and abused until she was a mere shell of a person and then cast off like expired yogurt. and he wouldn’t wish the level of pain she was in on anyone in the world.
it feels like to me that he was allowing her to do what she wanted, because he loved her.
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triassictriserratops · 7 months
currently doing a Mockingjay reread because of reasons and something occurs to me.
the Capitol had very little reason to keep Johanna alive.
Annie and Peeta both had value to the Capitol as POW, because they directly affected the damage that could be done by Finnick and Katniss respectively. They were leverage against them.
Johanna had no living family. They was nobody to hold her hostage against.
Information, of course, yes but what would have been the value of that information? They had already seen that whomever the rebellions were with had access to hovercrafts. It would not have taken a Beetee level brain to connect the dots to District 13.
The most information of value would have been names of undercover operatives, which, given that by Haymitch's own admission, most people involved only knew their part to varying degrees, I'm going to assume Johanna wouldn't have had access to that information - something that would have been pretty clear at minimum 2-3 weeks into their incarceration and torture.
So why keep her alive for possibly 3-4 more weeks?
To torture and control Peeta. They used Johanna the same way they used Darius and Lavinia (and, in theory, Portia and his prep team as well).
Torturing someone that had no answers to give. Making him be present. Making him be there and aware. Making him feel responsible to and for them.
I have no doubt that if Johanna hadn't been rescued during that mission, she would have been assassinated right alongside Portia and Peeta's prep team.
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teecupangel · 8 months
Which district would each assassin (including Haytham) be in the hunger games? What's their story? And which hunger games did they win? Was Altair the first winner in the 1st Hunger Games? Is Edward story similar to Haymitch's? Was Haytham born in the Capitol? I'm sorry! I'm genuinely interested in how this would go lol.
That really depends on what kind of idea what you want. For example, if this is meant to follow the beats of AC canon then Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton would be past winners that came from the same district as Desmond.
Unless you want a sorta screwed up ‘district tree’ where Ezio is from a different district who had an affair with someone from another district and that would lead to the Kenway bloodline while Altaïr is from the same district that would later ‘produce’ Desmond, his blood mixing with the Kenway blood later to ‘make’ Desmond.
Or if this is meant to be one big Hunger Games AU where the Assassins are alive (in a sense) and many of them are part of the Hunger Games then, on the top of my head…
Winner of a previous Hunger Games, from District 2, known as the district that supplies the Capitol of its army, he has disappeared after winning and the rumors are he died (perhaps by his own hands). Reality is he was able to get into contact with District 13 and has looking for ways to take down the Hunger Games even though there have been a lot of ‘problems’ inside District 13 about how he’s not rational enough when it concerns the Hunger Games.
Tribute from District 8 (Textile and Clothing). He wants to protect his fellow tribute, Cristina, and is one of the more popular tributes because of his face and charm. They tried to use it by making him and Cristina ill-fated lovers. (similar to Peeta and Katniss but, in this one, they really are in love with one another). He’s so Katniss-coded, the reason why he’s the tribute is because he volunteered in place of his younger sickly brother. Federico would have volunteered as well but he was already ‘too old’.
Tribute from District 10 (Meat). His name was pulled from the lottery and he only learned of his parentage after it became part of his appeal. His mother was a past winner and the gossip is that she seduced Haytham Kenway. He gets angry with the idea that her mother would seduce someone to win (she didn’t, she and Haytham actually fell in love but she returned to her District because she couldn’t stand the Capitol no matter how much she loves Haytham). Edward coaching him together with the tributes of District 3 actually becomes a bit of a shock and a great deal of drama that the Capitol loves.
Tribute from District 2. His father pushed him into volunteering even if he didn’t want to. His ‘theme’ is Altaïr’s second coming because he bares a striking resemblance to the past winner and there are rumors that he may be Altaïr’s biological son or something. He’s not. He’s pretty sure his mother and Altaïr were like… distant cousins or something but the coaches and supporters are pushing for his ‘mysterious connection’ to Desmond to make him more ‘popular’. He has been trained to be a soldier since he was young and his friendly facade hides the fact that he had actually already killed someone before and felt nothing. His father believed winning the Hunger Games is something he can do and is the best way to protect him from becoming another soldier in the army… not that Desmond knows that.
He’s part of the Hunger Games ‘committee’, overseeing the entire ‘event’. He knows his son is a tribute but he promised the audience that he won’t help or hinder at all. It remains to be seen if this is true. He has never been part of the Hunger Games before and his view of the world is skewered by how he was raised in the Capitol. This is pretty much the main thing blocking any attempts to connect with his father. He sees Birch (who can be the President Snow of this AU) as his mentor.
Past winner from District 4 (fishing). Won by killing his fellow tribute and best friend, Mary Read. He has nightmares of seeing Mary smile at him as he kills her and becomes an alcoholic to forget. He has a one night stand with a Capitol ‘influencer’ by the name of Tessa. He only heard that Haytham is his son decades later and their relationship is… more or less nonexistence. He becomes a coach when he heard one of the tribute is Haytham’s son.
Career tribute, said to have been trained by Haytham himself (or so the rumors go). He likes to annoy Ratonhnhaké:ton and the Capitol believes this is a case of “biological son versus ‘adopted’ son” kind of deal. There are rumors that Shay is there to keep Ratonhnhaké:ton alive and for him to win but that’s ridiculous. No one would willingly sacrifice themselves for someone they don’t know… right? (unless, of course, it’s a child who was raised to be obedient to his savior). If you don’t want Shay as a tribute, he can be a past winner who has sided with the Capitol and directly works for Haytham.
Tribute of District 6 (Transportation). Volunteered to protect Élise who was picked. Unlike the tragic love story of Ezio and Cristina, this one is more on the side of “does she love him or is he being a creepy stalker” with a side of “they’re stepsiblings oh the drama!” because Élise is cold to him. She’s trying to make him stop loving her so when it comes down to it, he will have the courage to kill her although… she’s also here to win to return to her father who only has her left so she’s also using this as a misguided attempt to stop loving him. In other words, tragic lovers route that the Capitol eats up.
Evie and Jacob
Tributes of District 3 (Electronics, Firearms and Mechanical products). Tribute of District 3. Evie ‘won’ the lottery and Jacob volunteered. Him volunteering has made their rocky relationship after their father’s death actually more strained. Evie is worried that Jacob volunteered to make sure she’ll live at the cost of his life and she would be right.
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zenkor123 · 17 days
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Squad 451 after listening to Peeta mumble to himself pt ?
"What was that you said about Annie?" Finnick says.
Peeta replies "don't you know? Snow tried to hijack her and failed. After I was sent back to my cell she came after to the doctors room, she screamed your name but she didn't die her skin was Tracker Jacker blue though. I sometimes think that the failure was due to her moral fortitude and her love but I think it might be a different reason. Hijacking Is expensive and unreliable the only tyrant that would perform hijacking is snow. That's becuase snow loves to make things personal, he loves to see families or lovers turn on eachother and I watched him personally torture 2 avoxes. He loves to use reunions as assassination attempts like he ttried with the mayor of 6. it took weeks to mutate me and only after the mind scattering pill did I fully mutate. One needs to make them immune to jacker poison first then fill them with Venom. Even with all the venom I think hijacking depends on the individual being hijacked. But if the Hijacking fails it just makes her a defective mutt in the eyes of the capital. No one can have this much Venom put into them and not have their bodies transformed. I have hallucinations that feel as real as holograms, and when they attack me the spots they attack turn red, I even got hives after 5 Katniss mutt hallucinations began eating me. I can't feel new pain as my pain receptors were broken, the type of rages I have made famous while wrestling is not seen in humans, It takes huge efforts to concentrate my memories. Annie is still mutated she is still a mutt. I don't know if her body turns jacker juice into anti venom though.
" I know what your talking about, Annie told me. She is not a mutt! She also told me you tried to tell her what’s real and wasn’t to the best of your ability also and took a beating for it”
"How do you define a mutt? A mutt is just a creature(or human) who's very body is changed to fulfill someone else's purpose, a cow that fails to give milk, a dog that is stray and wild is still a mutt even if they fail In the purpose of design" " I wasn't so upset before about Katniss calling me a Mutt if I seemed it was bc of the guard."
"She's more then what she was designed for"
"Yeah absolutely speaking for myself I crushed hives of jackers and gave training to soldiers to prepare them for combat with hostile mutts. If the stigma of the word mutt bothers you I guess you could say she is not a mutt. I didn't mean to insult her. I'm glad that the rescue came in time for her to avoid the mind breaking pill. Why they don't start with this pill probably has to do with its side effects I could easily imagine it zombifying their mutts rendering them useless. "
"She's not a mutt!”
" I get it mutts are scary they are used by the capital to cuase painful death besides you not wanting your wife to be associated with the capital muttations why isn't she a mutt?
"Are the capital citizens mutts? They have their bodies modified, genetically modify their children's appearances, Annie still in body is human no matter the body changes of the hijacking, her identity is that of Annie Cresta, not my assassin. She wasn’t born in the capital. Even if her body was modified like you said, and it was, she has the hallucinations and false memories, most of both your body functions are identical to any other human. Neither of you are going to be as modified as a mutation born in a lab or farm”
"No they had their body modified willingly and a mutt Is always a tool of some kind though some capitolites have their avoxes genetically modified for specific tasks. So many avoxes are mutts I saw an Avox capable of seeing in the dark when I was in the capital. He told me his name was pontus he had fingers that could roll like a lizards tongue and were a foot long. They fed him to lion mutts at the end of my first week of the capital. How does a normal human generate antibodies that can fight something as lethal as Jacker venom? Did you know that the capital makes incendiary weapons out of Jacker Venom, they showed us their arsenal. the venom also can rust clothing making them look like spoilt food. That’s why I was given new clothing in the hospital where I attacked Katniss”
"How could a baby consent to being modified? Isn't a baby designed to be appreciated as an artwork for their families a tool?"
"Is the baby a tool? I mean I can see your point in the capital they compete over who has the best physical mutations. Though it is just cosmetic. They aren't servants. It also isn't permanent once they grow up they can genetically modify themselves. Hijacked humans must look like their namesake in order to kill their targets when they are off guard. If hijacked humans looked too different Snow wouldn’t get to cackle at his work. I don’t know anything about how Annie is faring with the hijacking but in my experience, Peeta Mellark sometimes feels like a different person, like I am watching someone’s else’s life in my mind. It was like this before I was even aware of it when I still thought I was him. Was Annie Cresta born in the capital like me? In a lab?
Katniss interjects “You don’t have any other memories other then Peeta’s even the made up memories are based on your memories, you even wrote that the capital got to the ‘ruins’ before you did’
“I choked you just like my creators designed me for, the capital didn’t care about who the mutt was just what it could do, any resemblance to Peeta Mellark is based on plundering his corpse , watching his memories is like watching a scrambled movie, where you sometimes feel the same things as the main characters, but the movie is broken, fragmentary and when you try to unscramble it you get attacked by demons. I confess that when people call me Peeta I sometimes feel like a fraud, it took me a while to be comfortable around Haymitch or Prim, until it was certain they really were interested in me but I try to make my own impact to prove that I am more then Peeta Mellark.” “By baking, creating propo posters, painting Morphling bottles? Like Peeta?” By wrestling, like Peeta? If the memories are in your brain they belong to you. If proving you are more then Peeta is what you have tried to do, you have failed” Katniss says.
When I was mutated, the capital after murdering Peeta didn’t put much to replace him, just the bare minimum needed to kill Katniss and die following the deed, so of course even after hope left.. that Peeta could return, I still looked in the rubble . So much fuzzy memories, so much nonsense, sometimes I had to guess which memories were correct based on what made sense. I don’t even know my eldest brothers name! All the none sense about prostitute Katniss and lover gale only reminds me that even the greatest efforts cannot bring the real memories of Peeta Mellark back to me, only fragments.… ” Peeta
“Then ask, that’s what Annie does”
Peeta says "I've asked Delly and spoke for hours about district 12, she stopped talking to me for no stated reason. I appreciate it but don't get your hopes up. I once spent an entire week chasing a single memory of the quarter quell, Jabberjay Hour , destroyed 40 branches in the process of retrieving. One time the hallucinations made my tongue burn as I kept pushing. Many things that cause pain, don’t do much and I sometimes enjoy it, it hurt even by my standards. I despise Delly but , though she didn’t exactly say this she was correct in that she was friends with a Peeta who the capital murdered.”
“Were your squad” Jackson says
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