#aspie in college
lesbiankakyoin · 2 years
i feel that online neurodivergent circles dont talk nearly enough about the experience of being people's charity project. i call it that for lack of a better term - it happens a lot including with other disabled people, and it's that thing where NT/able-bodied people around you hang out with you out of pity, or a sense of self-importance ("look how kind-hearted i am, hanging out with someone who has a disability/is seen as a weirdo by most people!")
as an autistic person who wasn't even *called* autistic for a good few years (my parents insisted on the term aspie and not autistic, and i had a bit of a late diagnosis), i had this happen to me all the time in middle school. and these pity-fueled relationships never lasted. they're not born from friendship, they're born from a need to be charitable. "that weird kid will be happy and i'll be looked favourably at for being so brave to hang out with them! win-win!"
since nothing ever lasted for me i started, naturally, to think i was the problem. i was 12, people told me i was weird and annoying before walking out on me, i thought i was fated to be alone. (for an example, once i missed a social cue pretty badly, and it weirded one of those charitable NT girls out so much she sent me a twitter message telling me to stop hanging out, apologised, and blocked me, planning to give me no closure before i went and asked what the hell happened)
it brought me a great deal of other problems but i'm already being too oversharey. the point is: because i was stuck in this cycle of NT kid pities me cuz i'm alone -> starts to hang out with me -> realises i'm a handful -> leaves, i was thinking woah. i kinda suck, right?
but of course i didn't suck! i found that out in high school - i found an actual friend group that took me in and invited me to parties. i remember once in 11th grade, at one of these parties, i asked the "leader" of that group, of sorts, why the hell i was still kept around. like, everyone had walked out on me before, what's the deal? haven't you gotten all your brownie points from hanging out with the autist? ain't you tired of how weird i am yet?
i got a simple answer.
"i keep you around because i like you, that's it."
that was a first for me!
looking back i realise i never was invited to any parties by the people who pitied me. i wasn't *that* kind of friend. maybe i wasn't even a friend. but these guys that took me in, they actually hung out with me! we went to parties, we bought trinkets at the mall, they sent me best wishes in my graduation, the mom of one of them gave me a recipe for her gingerbread cake because i'd loved it so much! i still talk to a good amount of them even though most of us are in college now, and the closest two attended my 20th birthday party :-)
i dunno what the bottom line is here, honestly, and this whole thing has been sitting in my drafts for a while. maybe i thought it was too personal. it is, but maybe i thought i'd give some insight to whatever NT people that access this blog (i do not expect there to be many, but hi) into what building a strong relationship with ND or otherwise disabled people entails. we don't want your pity. we've gotten enough of that for a lifetime, and it's dehumanising to a point we become little toys for people who know they can just stop hanging out if we're too off-putting.
when you treat someone like a person, they're happy... who knew?
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chlmera · 10 months
Hey y’all! One of my friends has set up a Gofundme so he can continue to attend The Evergreen State College. Jake is a lovely guy who’s also insanely talented, and this whole financial situation has hit him really hard. Please reblog or donate if you can! Thank you!!
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june 16th, sunday ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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Managing My Farm Challenge [day 001/188]
🎧🎶: mugen - my first story x hyde
to-do of the day:
read 3 chapters of o segredo das larvas ✔️
study japanese on duolingo ✔️
finish watching normose's video about japan's soft power and kawaii paradox ✔️
finish reading the introduction of the secret life of a black aspie ✔️
declutter my desk ✔️
organize some tabs in groups on browser because it is making me anxious ✔️
in the morning i went out for a walk around the igapó lake near my ap with my mother and my sister, it was good, i stopped by a little bit to read the ebook of o segredo das larvas there. at night i finished watching normose's video on kawaii paradox and japan's soft power and it was a really interesting video. i really recommend watching it, or you can search about kawaii paradox, the nation brand strategy of postwar japan and about the banning of marui-ji and the origns of the movement of kawaii girls. i'll definetely search more about it. (other video i'm going to watch by this youtuber is the one about korea's soft-power.) my classes start tomorrow, i'm excited!! but i think it will be just rececption, not classes properly. i hope i don't get too nervous presenting myself to the other students and everything. today i was able to achieve my weekly reading goal of o segredo das larvas, yay!
habit tracker:
💧water: 1L (4 cups)
🏃‍♂️ exercise: walked around the lake
🌟 play a game/socialize: i talked to my friends
🌽 read: read 30 pages of o segredo das larvas + 4 pages of the secret life of a black aspie (more than 30 minutes)
🏥🧠 register cogni: check
🐟 enjoy boredom ("go fishing"): i stayed away from the screens when i went to the market and when my mother drove me to college to learn the way
⛩️: studied japanese for 15min
🤞: listenned to kpop
have a good night y'all!! 💜
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
Until a decade ago, the pilgrims would travel by bus, car, donkey and foot to gather by the thousands at the Imam Asim Shrine in the desert on China’s western frontier.
They trudged through the sand dunes to kneel at the sacred site dedicated to Imam Asim, a Muslim holy man who helped defeat the Buddhist kingdom that had ruled here over a thousand years ago. The devotees were Uighurs, a mostly Muslim ethnic minority, and often joined annual festivals to pray for abundant harvests, good health and strong babies.
They tied strips of cloth carrying prayerful messages to wooden posts around and near the shrine. They delighted in fairground amusements on the site’s edge, where magicians, wrestlers and musicians entertained the crowds. They clustered around storytellers reciting ancient tales.
“It was not just a pilgrimage. There were performers, games, food, seesaws for the children, poetry reading, and a whole area for story-telling,” said Tamar Mayer, a professor at Middlebury College who visited the Imam Asim Shrine for research in 2008 and 2009. “It was still so full of people, and full of life.”
Even then the authorities were trying to limit the crowds at the shrine with checkpoints. By 2014, pilgrims had been almost entirely banned. And by last year, much of the shrine had been demolished. Wooden fences and poles that once encircled the tomb and held fluttering prayer flags had been torn down. Satellite images show that a mosque at the site was leveled. All that remained was the mud-brick building marking the tomb of Imam Asim, which appeared to be intact amid the ruins.
The Chinese authorities have in recent years closed and demolished many of the major shrines, mosques and other holy sites across Xinjiang that have long preserved the culture and Islamic beliefs of the region’s Muslims.
The effort to close off and erase these sites is part of China’s broader campaign to turn the region’s Uighurs, Kazakhs and members of other Central Asian ethnic groups into loyal followers of the Communist Party. The assimilation drive has led to the detention of hundreds of thousands in indoctrination centers.
The new report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, a research group based in Canberra, systematically gauges the degree of destruction and alteration to religious sites in recent years. It estimated that around 8,500 mosques across Xinjiang have been completely demolished since 2017 — more than a third of the number of mosques the government says are in the region.
“What it does show is a campaign of demolition and erasure that is unprecedented since the Cultural Revolution,” said Nathan Ruser, the researcher at the institute who led the analysis. During the decade-long turmoil that unfolded from 1966 under Mao Zedong, many mosques and other religious sites were destroyed.
The institute, also known as ASPI, compiled a randomized sample of 533 known mosque sites across Xinjiang, and analyzed satellite images of each site taken at different times to assess changes. It studied the state of the region’s shrines, cemeteries and other sacred sites through a sample of 382 locations taken from a state-sponsored survey and online records.
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soulsxng · 1 year
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ngl, Aspis saw the video games and matching thing and was like ‘lemme do it!’ Unfortunately, he’ll fall short sexually since he’s demi but he’s also more than willing to give it the good old college try.
Video games were mentioned, and so Kujata is just nudging Bahamut forward so she can take the lead on this one. He does very much think that Aspis is cute though, and is would be happy to get to know him better.
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Amu, on the other hand, lifts the portable console in her hands, eyes bright. “I just started this game the other day, it’s soooo good! It’s a little hard, but the fights are really satisfying once you figure them out, and the music is so pretty!”
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chasecthompson · 2 years
Autistic Accommodations In College
For my autistic friends! I struggle a lot with everyday tasks, and recently started college, and some really good things to look into for colleges is what accommodations they offer before you accept admission. Some really important accommodations are single rooming, housing close to food, and study buddy programs. These obviously aren’t all accommodations you will need and every person is different, but these are the accommodations I've found most help me. 
-Single rooming can help you let yourself stop masking and be yourself, as well as have meltdowns in peace when you have to. Kerry Magro, an autistic talk show host, talks about accommodations within resident halls at https://www.autism-society.org/ask-expert-living-college-dorm-autism-spectrum/. She touches upon her own experiences both as a resident and resident assistant where she realized that single rooming deeply impacted her and allowed her to unwind and not worry about problematic social experiences with a roommate.
-Living close to food (specifically premade food) can be really helpful in reducing the amount of steps and transitions it takes to eat, which has personally allowed me to eat more regularly than I ever have before. Cynthia Kim, in her blog Musings of an Aspie says: “In practice, executive function is a slippery concept. Sometimes it looks like responsibility. Sometimes it looks like self-discipline. Sometimes it looks like being a competent adult. If you have poor EF, people might mistake you for being disorganized, lazy, incompetent, sloppy, or just plain not very bright.”. This helps to explain a bit how executive functioning may change a person entirely from how their efforts should place them. A student who wishes to be very healthy and proactive might only be able to plan far enough to eat junk food and do things at the last minute. Brian Willoughby adds onto this thought at https://www.aane.org/executive-functioning-explained/  by listing how there are several common executive functioning issues often observed in autistic individuals. “For instance, many have trouble shifting sets, namely becoming stuck on a particular line of thinking or showing difficulties tolerating changes in routine”, like changing where we eat our food or what we eat. Adult Autism Center backs up this line of thinking by saying that since executive dysfunction can lead to issues with organizing and sequencing thoughts, lots of people may find it a struggle to complete everyday tasks, such as cooking or even organizing a meal.
-Study buddy programs let you feel a little less alone and isolated when you need help with something academic, especially when it’s hard to make connections or organize studying on your own.  Studying with another student or multiple people allows autistic people to participate in body doubling, a method of productivity where a person's brain finds completing a task easier if there is another person in the room. Marci Wheeler, who has a Master of Social Work, highlights seemingly invisible challenges that autistic people face that are unknown to lots of people around us. She touches on https://www.iidc.indiana.edu/irca/articles/academic-supports-for-college-students-with-an-autism-spectrum-disorder.html on how as a result of these challenges, the observable behaviors of Autistic students may make us “appear inattentive, bored, rude, defiant or possibly even on drugs.”, leaving us to be freely judged by our teachers and peers, and be excluded from regular studying events by being deemed as not trying hard enough anyways.
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awetistic-things · 2 years
okay sooooo i went to see a psychologist two years ago and she said that i fulfilled the criteria for autism. but then i went to see another psychologist and she said that i wasn’t neurodivergent. it’s kinda confusing but maybe it’s because in the second assessment i was masking my symptoms a lot more because i was a lot more aware of them???because college has been incredibly difficult for me with the disruption in my routine and also i’ve always had an issue with food and sensory issues. my mum thought that i was autistic when i was 15 because of my problems with food. i also have some hyper mobility and when i was younger i saw a speech therapist and i had additional classes for maths because i found it difficult. i also have bad hand eye coordination and find sports difficult.. also idk if this classifies as a special interest or not but when i was 17 i loved gilmore girls.
i watched it once and then during the summertime i watched it four times back to back, also bought all seven seasons on dvd. another thing about me is that this summer i loved stranger things so much that i would spend hours on end analysing it.
do you think that’s similar to anyone else’s experiences on here ??? i’m a little thrown off because of what the second psychologist said😭 but also maybe this is just me but does anyone on here find that people who are loud and bubbly are overwhelming to be around… because they’re always talking and it can be quite overwhelming… and they can just be so bubbly that it’s hard to keep up… they’re so loud that it’s hard to be around them…
i also find the sound of people eating so annoying like the texture and sound is just too much for me also the smells , i find really hard to deal with unless it’s something nice like chocolate or pizza. i just feel like i can get so attached to people really easily and they just aren’t like that and tend to take advantage of me😭😭 but idk if i’m autistic🫠🫠 does anyone find that this relates to them too?obvi you can’t diagnose me, just wondering if anyone relates.
also, i did a couple of tests on here and here are my results.
autism spectrum quotient: 27 out of 50
RAADS-R: 140 out of 227
empathy quotient: 26 out of 80
clinical partners test: 20 out of 30
aspie quiz: 127 of 200
AQ 10: 5 out of 10
AQ: 23
toronto empathy quotient: 60 out of 64
masking test: 131
hey :)
i definitely think your masking in your second appointment contributed to your psychologist saying they don’t believe you’re neurodivergent
as for relatability to what you’re saying, i pretty much relate to all of it:
- i love being friends with bubbly people, but sometimes being around them when i’m already overstimulated makes things excessively difficult
- i hate, hate, HATE the sound of chewing. like once i full-on screamed at my brother just because he was eating, just eating
- smell is a really, really big thing for me personally. it really wasn’t until recently, but it has resulted in me walking around my own home with a mask on (lathered in Aveeno baby lavender lotion)
- i open up to people stupid quickly, ending in hella over-sharing because i just don’t know the correct amount of information to tell someone at a time. people may have used this against me at certain points in time, but i genuinely could have not noticed 😭
- i definitely get your stranger things special interest, because that was me with “avatar: the last airbender” i mean i could not go 40 minutes without talking about that damn show much less thinking about it
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I have loved 3 people in my life.
The first was a dramatic hormonal rollercoaster in high school. He disappointed me and broke my heart so many times but I always thought we'd end up together in the end. Him and me and our mutual best friend. Poly before I knew the word for it. Eventually it hurt too much and I finally had to take all my feelings for him and put them in a box and shove it deep down in my mind. Amazingly we're all still friends.
The 2nd person was my college boyfriend. I think we were together for a year and a half, maybe 2, with a short break in the middle. He was and is one of the best people I know. College is when I got out of my abusive childhood home and finally had the mental space to break down. I was an absolute wreck and he stood by me. Through psychosis episodes and uncontrollable crying sessions and my issues with physical touch. In all the time we were together, I can count on one hand how many times we had sex. His best friend teased me about it years later and I flipped on him. I told him that my ex had accepted me and all my issues at the time and what we went through together was ours. He was a saint and I will always hold a dear place in my heart for him.
My 3rd love is still my best friend, 10 years later. He's an amazing wonderful irritating frustrating person whom I still love very much. After I was with him, I started to here the terms asexual and aromantic and demi. I started to understand myself better and understand why we hadn't worked out romantically. We got through more tough times as friends over the years than we ever did when we were a couple. His drug addiction and jail time; my worsening health and near death experience(s). We've lived together for 6 years purely platonically and I don't know what I would do without him by my side.
The last person I love is me. I love who I am. What I've ever struggled through to get here made me that person and I love her. I love my asexuality, my comical aversion to romantic gestures, my aspie self (who I'm trying to get to know better), my self righteousness, my idealism, and my realism. I don't love my disability, but I've stopped dreaming of who I could've become if my life didn't change at 15. Because I don't know that person, but I know who I am now and I wouldn't change that for the world.
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councilof-frogs · 1 year
This is an intro post to be pinned to our account
🐸Hey! We’re the council of frogs system.
🐸We’re professionally diagnosed with ASD, PTSD, and anxiety.
🐸We were diagnosed at level 1 autism but our psych said it might have been closer to level 2 and we have recently skill regressed
🐸starting to use AAC because of skill regression, and finally working through shame that has made us choose not being functional over using disability supports
🍄We also experience chronic pain and a handful of other physical symptoms
🍄part time cane/forearm crutch user
🍄have talked to doctors about (but aren’t dx’d with) DID.
🌻college student but currently on a (possibly permanent) break
🌻majoring in drawing and illustration
🫐This blog is mostly for autism/disability/system things but occasional info dumps/special interest or hyperfixations reblogs will be tagged #infodump or #specialinterest
🫐I appreciate tone tags
🫐I don’t mind mass liking/reblogging (once I have more posts up)
🍓Alt accounts:
🍓Art: @devinp-art
🍓Sys littles/agere: @tadpole-space
🍓Reading+positivity blog: @system-reads
Icon: xynono on picrew “sitting avatar maker”
DNI: fakeclaiming, endo/tulpa, Autism speaks supporters, use “aspie”, basic DNI things
May add to DNI later, will make a post if so
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
okay sooooo i went to see a psychologist two years ago and she said that i fulfilled the criteria for autism. but then i went to see another psychologist and she said that i wasn’t neurodivergent. it’s kinda confusing but maybe it’s because in the second assessment i was masking my symptoms a lot more because i was a lot more aware of them???because college has been incredibly difficult for me with the disruption in my routine and also i’ve always had an issue with food and sensory issues. my mum thought that i was autistic when i was 15 because of my problems with food. i also have some hyper mobility and when i was younger i saw a speech therapist and i had additional classes for maths because i found it difficult. i also have bad hand eye coordination and find sports difficult.. also idk if this classifies as a special interest or not but when i was 17 i loved gilmore girls.
i watched it once and then during the summertime i watched it four times back to back, also bought all seven seasons on dvd. another thing about me is that this summer i loved stranger things so much that i would spend hours on end analysing it.
do you think that’s similar to anyone else’s experiences on here ??? i’m a little thrown off because of what the second psychologist said😭 but also maybe this is just me but does anyone on here find that people who are loud and bubbly are overwhelming to be around… because they’re always talking and it can be quite overwhelming… and they can just be so bubbly that it’s hard to keep up… they’re so loud that it’s hard to be around them…
i also find the sound of people eating so annoying like the texture and sound is just too much for me also the smells , i find really hard to deal with unless it’s something nice like chocolate or pizza. i just feel like i can get so attached to people really easily and they just aren’t like that and tend to take advantage of me😭😭 but idk if i’m autistic🫠🫠 does anyone find that this relates to them too?obvi you can’t diagnose me, just wondering if anyone relates.
also, i did a couple of tests on here and here are my results.
autism spectrum quotient: 27 out of 50
RAADS-R: 140 out of 227
empathy quotient: 26 out of 80
clinical partners test: 20 out of 30
aspie quiz: 127 of 200
AQ 10: 5 out of 10
AQ: 23
toronto empathy quotient: 60 out of 64
masking test: 131
hi! i've never gotten an ask like this before so i'm going to respond to this the best i can but i want to make it very clear that i am not a professional of any kind so everything i say is based off my own experiences
to me it sounds like there's a high likelihood that you probably are autistic if you, your mom and the first psychologist thinks so. sometimes psychologists are wrong or not educated enough about autism. there are some psychologists and therapists that specialize in autism so they are better at recognizing and offering help to those who are autistic.
i'd also definitely call the thing about the shows at least a hyperfixation if not a special interest. the difference between the two usually has to do with how long you are focused on that things. a hyperfixation may last a few months while a special interests can last for years in comparison.
i have come across people on here who have had similar experiences. everyone's experiences are different. personally for me...i guess like i have a lot of sensitivities or preferences to things like certain types of people are overwhelming (some of this is also due to trauma for me) or certain foods i won't eat, but these can also change depending on my mood. like if my mood is good i might be okay with talking to different people or trying a different food, like i don't want to but i can bare with it. but if my mood isn't good i'm more sensitive to things and if i can't handle it i'm more quick to get frustrate because something isn't the way i need it. and back to the trauma things, i'm also a little less trusting of people because of that, but i also have higher standards for people and so if they don't immediately meet my standards i'm not really gonna bother with them.
i hope this makes sense. this was kinda a lot of word jumble but i'm trying to respond to this at home and i'm surrounded by my family right now which has me really stressed so i can't concentrate but i hope what i did say was at least a little helpful
also i'm sorry but i don't really know a whole lot about those scores. i've 100% probably taken all the quizzes you're referencing but without them infront of me i can't really make heads or tails 😭
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classic-heavy · 2 years
okay sooooo i went to see a psychologist two years ago and she said that i fulfilled the criteria for autism. but then i went to see another psychologist and she said that i wasn’t neurodivergent. it’s kinda confusing but maybe it’s because in the second assessment i was masking my symptoms a lot more because i was a lot more aware of them???because college has been incredibly difficult for me with the disruption in my routine and also i’ve always had an issue with food and sensory issues. my mum thought that i was autistic when i was 15 because of my problems with food. i also have some hyper mobility and when i was younger i saw a speech therapist and i had additional classes for maths because i found it difficult. i also have bad hand eye coordination and find sports difficult.. also idk if this classifies as a special interest or not but when i was 17 i loved gilmore girls.
i watched it once and then during the summertime i watched it four times back to back, also bought all seven seasons on dvd. another thing about me is that this summer i loved stranger things so much that i would spend hours on end analysing it.
do you think that’s similar to anyone else’s experiences on here ??? i’m a little thrown off because of what the second psychologist said😭 but also maybe this is just me but does anyone on here find that people who are loud and bubbly are overwhelming to be around… because they’re always talking and it can be quite overwhelming… and they can just be so bubbly that it’s hard to keep up… they’re so loud that it’s hard to be around them…
i also find the sound of people eating so annoying like the texture and sound is just too much for me also the smells , i find really hard to deal with unless it’s something nice like chocolate or pizza. i just feel like i can get so attached to people really easily and they just aren’t like that and tend to take advantage of me😭😭 but idk if i’m autistic🫠🫠 does anyone find that this relates to them too?obvi you can’t diagnose me, just wondering if anyone relates.
also, i did a couple of tests on here and here are my results.
autism spectrum quotient: 27 out of 50
RAADS-R: 140 out of 227
empathy quotient: 26 out of 80
clinical partners test: 20 out of 30
aspie quiz: 127 of 200
AQ 10: 5 out of 10
AQ: 23
toronto empathy quotient: 60 out of 64
masking test: 131
did you mean to post this here? we can’t diagnose you with autism and honestly i’m in a severely bad mood so don’t
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Studying was hard for me. Having poor health, demotivation, feeling isolated due to making no new friends at College, and 'just' passing one of my units from Semester 1 (S1) are some of the reasons that made S1 really hard.
It was the worse Semester I have ever had out of my Higher Education BA Degree study, and I have been studying at a BA level since I was twenty-five.
I just hope Semester 2 (S2) will be better. I will be posting an 'Honest Thoughts' video this Friday that will go into more detail about my adventures and misadventures into College life.
But, I will need to end on a positive (as I desperately need, or just need to feel a sense of hope, or dare I say, a sense of the future).
My sentiment: The future is unknown. But, the future is what I make of it. The future has not happened yet. So, I have time to mould the present into the kind of future I would like to have.
Nevertheless, I quote the short film, Looking for Wonder by AugustusL: Wonder is everywhere, if you don't mind...
But, I truly believe that my own stubborn kind of curiosity and hope will lead me to a future that I am not just wondering and wandering about. Yet, I am leading my own future too...
Susannah from Always Angelic Aspie Alice 🦋
Photo courtesy of Always Angelic Aspie Alice; royalty-free butterfly clip art by phone editor, quote by Always Angelic Aspie Alice; additional quote by the short film, Looking for Wonder
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* june 14th, friday [day 003/100] ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
100 days of productivity challenge
🎧 🎶: monstros - supercombo
to-do of the day
go to bus station to recharge my card
go to therapy
study japanese on duolingo
read special
read o segredo das larvas
watch normose's video about japan's soft power
read introduction of the secret life of a black aspie
today i played stardew valley boardgame with my sister. i also went to therapy, it was a really insightful session, i learned a lot, i forgot to tell my therapist about the social abilities i'm learning, but that's fine. i couldn't do everything i planned for today, because i had a headache, i think it's because i'm sick, but that's fine, i'll do it tomorrow. today i went to the ice-cream parlor near my house, i chose lemon flavor (which i always choose) and a wrong flavour, but i liked it (i picked choco with morello cherry instead of ferrero lol, because my sister got it wrong and i chose what she picked because i knew she always picked ferrero flavour). On Monday it starts my classes on college, i'm excited and a little bit nervous. in the afternoon i drew some plants, i am posting it in the second photo in this post. tomorrow and the day after it i'll have to read 2 chapters of o segredo das larvas to be able to participate of the first discussion of the enevoada's clubinho (book club). i also have to finish watching dirty computer to read the memory librarian and other stories of dirty computer.
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avantikauniversity1 · 4 months
B Des in Communication Design Colleges in Madhya Pradesh | Avantika University
Avantika University offers premier B Des in Communication Design courses in India. Embrace innovation and apply now to fuel your design aspirations. Apply now to fuel your design aspirations..
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kumbhstudyabroad · 5 months
MBBS Admission Consultants in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh: Your Path to Success
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Unlocking Success: MBBS Admission Consultants in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh
Embarking on the journey towards a career in medicine is both exhilarating and daunting. Aspiring medical students often find themselves navigating through a maze of requirements, examinations, and procedures to secure admission into reputable MBBS programs. In Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, where opportunities abound, the guidance of MBBS admission consultants can be invaluable.
Understanding the Role of MBBS Admission Consultants
MBBS admission consultants serve as the compass for aspiring medical students, directing them towards the path of success. These consultants possess intricate knowledge of the admission process, including entrance examinations, eligibility criteria, and documentation requirements. With their expertise, they streamline the application process, ensuring that students submit well-prepared applications that stand out amidst the competition.
Tailored Guidance for Individual Aspirations
One of the distinguishing factors of MBBS admission consultants in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, is their commitment to providing personalized guidance. Recognizing that each student is unique, these consultants offer tailored solutions to address individual aspirations and challenges. Whether it's selecting the right medical colleges, preparing for entrance examinations, or crafting compelling personal statements, consultants offer comprehensive support every step of the way.
Navigating the Complexities of Entrance Examinations
Entrance examinations serve as the gateway to prestigious medical institutions. However, navigating through the intricacies of these exams can be overwhelming for many students. MBBS admission consultants in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, alleviate this burden by offering strategic guidance and resources for exam preparation. From recommending the most effective study materials to providing mock tests and practice sessions, consultants equip students with the tools they need to excel.
Maximizing Opportunities for Admission
In a competitive landscape, securing admission into top-tier medical colleges requires more than just academic excellence. MBBS admission consultants in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, understand the importance of holistic development and extracurricular achievements in enhancing a student's profile. As such, they offer valuable insights and strategies for showcasing a well-rounded portfolio that captures the attention of admissions committees.
Streamlining the Application Process
The application process for MBBS programs can be labyrinthine, with numerous forms, deadlines, and requirements to navigate. MBBS admission consultants in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, simplify this process by providing step-by-step guidance and meticulous attention to detail. From ensuring all documents are in order to assisting with essay writing and interview preparation, consultants ensure that students present polished applications that leave a lasting impression.
Building Confidence and Resilience
Beyond academic prowess, success in the pursuit of an MBBS degree demands resilience and self-assurance. MBBS admission consultants in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, play a pivotal role in nurturing these qualities within aspiring medical students. Through mentorship, encouragement, and constructive feedback, consultants empower students to overcome challenges, embrace setbacks as learning opportunities, and cultivate the confidence needed to thrive in a competitive academic environment.
Conclusion: Empowering Aspirations with Expert Guidance
In the pursuit of a career in medicine, the guidance of MBBS admission consultants in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, can make all the difference. From navigating complex entrance examinations to streamlining the application process and fostering personal growth, these consultants serve as catalysts for success. With their unwavering support and expertise, aspiring medical students can confidently embark on their journey towards fulfilling their dreams of becoming healthcare professionals.
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