#aspec military
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hyp3rst4rs · 10 months ago
huh how did i reach 6 followers
you know what heres some more garlic bread, enjoy
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mint-flavoredd · 10 months ago
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wilsons-corner · 9 months ago
for the love of god I couldn’t reblog this faster
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official-arbys · 1 year ago
World domination. :)
World domination!
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 11 months ago
Warning: some asshole is going around spamming people with “don’t call it mafia” again, like there isn’t 6000+ other tags exactly like it… slightly aphobic there buddy you targeting us…
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genderfluid-marine-corp · 10 months ago
“If someone asked you out, you’d just about face and march away.”
Very accurate statement regarding me.
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dahfloofysmol · 1 year ago
HELLO. This is the official post for YouTube kids’ surprise party on the 27th of March. Any and all gimmick blogs welcomed!
Some roles we need are:
-DJ [real-pollo-campero]
-great DJ (as per requested 🤨) [spotify-kids-real]
-video jockey [buildabearfr]
-Someone to make the cake [forever21-official]
-Puncher server [big-mayo-official]
-Decorator [barns-and-noble-official]
-Party crasher(s) [officialtinder and youtubefr and actually-kroger]
-Corner Person [Pinterest, yahooo-official, reallytimhortons]
-Person who’s dealing with a crazy sugar high [firewaysubs and zotap]
-Emotional support [walmart and def-bjs-guys]
-Mom [Krista the art program and Canadian tire] AND dad friend
-Birthday person IS taken (obviously lol)
-Someone to bring snacks [incognito-mode-official]
-Ring Leader (person in charge of the games) [totally-official-yahoo]
-person who performs a special but confusing (and overly translated) version of happy birthday [google translate ]
-piñata [firehouse-subs-fr]
-setting off fireworks [google-news-official]
-here for the food and bringing tWO DOGS!!! OMG DOGS!!!!! [swearification-and-cursing]
-person currently trying tO EAT THE CAKE!! STOP THAT!!! [shakespeare-official-account]
- stopping the Cake Eater [wow-google-maps]
- putting spiders (?????) under the cake [true-blue-straya]
- the person that is every bisexuals awakening [it’s-target-official]
-pops in for the last 5 minutes with a card + a store bought cake [the-real-google]
- gay wine uncle [the-McDonald’s]
- creepy uncle (???) [rick-e-chedder-official]
-single rich aunt who disappears every night at specifically 8:00 pm [totally-not-kraft-mac-and-cheese]
-shapeshifts between wine aunt and vodka uncle, and the comic relief [the-one-and-only-duckduckgo]
- bringing lights so we aren’t all dancing in the dark [real-vivaldi-browser]
- summoning Satan under the table with a bottle of whiskey and pancakes (??????????) [definitely-canada]
-person asking weirdly specific and absurd questions [actual-aspec-military]
-the COOLEST cousin [support-speaks]
-cousin who hangs out in the corner and looks like they know something you dont [the-official-publix]
-person who hits on everyone at the party even though they’re already dating 2 ppl [fr-winn-dixie]
-contributes Ziploc® bags [totally-scjohnson]
-bringing burritos [the-real-chipotle]
-YouTube's kids southern aunt who blesses everyone's hearts bc they think theyre dumb most of the time [i-bless-your-heart]
-middle school cousin who argues with anyone and everyone to look cool [wallyworld-the-unofficial]
-gives oil (?????????????) and branded pens as party favors [truly-jcjenson]
-the strange neighbor kid who talks to no one but sings the loudest and brings a weird yet tasteful gift [the-real-aperture-science]
-bringing Walmart sugar cookies [not-really-discord]
-guy bringing the Knives [wheatley-labs-official]
-joining in on the games [totally-official-yahoo]
-the disco ball [jollibee-real]
-that one uncle with lore of untold numbers of deaths involved, and that includes guns [partycityistotallyofficailguy]
And any other role I haven’t stated!! I’ll accept pretty much anything
In case what you pick is already chosen, tag your second option ;p
—>The biggest part of the surprise party is wishing YouTube kids a happy birthday, but in the most creative way possible. In the “ask me” works, but literally anywhere; on your blog or on a post from anywhere (that you know they’d be okay with a little shenanigans) works wonderfully.
->Also, saying happy birthday is awesome, but spicing it up would be more fun!!! Day Of Birth, One of Awakening, Oh Child of the 27th, and any other batshit way to say “happy birthday” would both be awesome and absolutely hilarious.
Again, invite any and all gimmick blogs, and feel free to let me know what you’d want to do! We attack on the 27th >:DD
ADDITIONAL NOTE: sometimes there will be more than one person in each role! I do actively encourage for people to come up with silly and niche roles if you think of one ;D
ON THE 24th I WILL NO LONGER TAKE ROLLS!!!! Spread the word please!
@barnes-and-noble-official @basically-bumble @totallyofficialtacobell @totally-official-yahoo @totally-bing @officialtinder @officially-google-translate @officially-ikea @official-fedex @incognito-mode-official @forever21-offical @officialkfc @kfc-official @k-f-c-official @life360-i-swear @xgames-blog @cars-official @big-mayo-official @bingle-official @the-real-google @the-real-firefox @nasa @wow-google-maps @wallyworld-the-unofficial @walmart-the-official @realgoogleslides @realgoogledocs @yahooo-official @unfortunate-wattpad @firewaysubs @firefox-official @pinterest-real @spotify-kids-real @duothelingo @definitely-wikipedia @firehouse-subs-fr @google-2point0 @gimmick-thief
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official-arbys · 1 year ago
Damn does that mean im kicked out from the aspec community if i join ikea 😢
(sorry for tagging you all this is a disaster)
Start date - 19/02/2024, at 4:18 pm - By Party City (@partycityistotallyofficailguy) on Official Opera Gx’s post.
Party City side:
@Officialburgerkingaccount (idk why I can't tag you)
Totally Ikea’s side:
@Definitely-peacock (idk why I can't tag you)
Referee: @the-dozer-from-payday
Journalist: @the-real-aperture-science
Food and coffee stand: @definitely-tor-browser-official and @the-dunkin-of-dunkins
Legal authority/advice for both sides: @the-one-and-only-duckduckgo
And then @totally-bing is by themselves murdering people alone
there's still some undecided out there I think-
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bisexual-airforce · 11 months ago
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welcome to the bisexual Air Force pilot I'm your chief
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Be sure to check out our Playlist and suggest songs to add
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The queer military community
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Huh your not bi? Well then try the other queer militarys
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Aspects: @actual-aspec-military @demi-demolitions @aro-sp-ace-force @the-aplatonic-cavalry @aroace-evils
@electio-aroace-navy @aromantic-detective @the-aroace-attackers @the-real-aromantic-fbi
@cupiomantic-air-force @aromantic-navy @the-aroace-defense @the-official-aro-archers @aroace-army-garlicbread-producer
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Bi umbrella: @bisexual-navy @pansexual-spaceforce @pan-warriors @real-omnisexual-military @omni-spaceforce
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Trans/non binary: @nonbinary-coastguard @transcoastguard @obviously-enby-airforce @genderfluid-marine-corp @actual-transgender-navy
@demiboy-army @the-demigirl-airforce
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No identity: @queer-military-treasury @queer-military-authorities @queer-enby-police-force @official-queer-airforce
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Queer County's @indianaspecforces @italian-aspec-forces @britishaspecforces @the-aspec-country @american-aspec-forces
@canadian-aspec-forces @the-agender-archipelago
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disabilitys: @disability-submarine-fleet
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the-aplatonic-cavalry · 5 months ago
whhhhaht the fuck
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the-tumblur-searchbar · 11 months ago
Hello Gimmicks! (And anyone else who wants to join!) I’ve got a tag game! Basically, you’ve got to highlight the things on this list that apply to you.
Also, feel free to add to the list!
(I saw this somewhere but I can’t remember where so thanks for the inspiration, mystery blog!)
I’ll start! [Does Apply To Me][Does Not Apply To Me]
I'm over 5'5
I wear glasses or contacts
I have blonde hair
I often wear sweatshirts
I prefer loose clothing over tight clothes
I have one or two piercings
i have at least one tattoo
i have blue eyes
i have dyed or highlighted my hair
i have or have had braces
i have freckles
i paint my nails
I typically wear makeup
i often smile
i play sports
I can play an instrument
I know more than one language
I can cook or bake
I like writing
I like drawing
i like to read
i can multitask
I have never dated anyone
I have a best friend that I have known for over five years
I am an only child
Tags (no pressure to respond obviously): @walmart-the-official @real-winn-dixie @reallytimhortons @realgoogledocs @yes-im-youtube-kids @yahooo-official @unofficial-copilot @undeniably-chevron @its-target-official @im-pandora-i-promise @official-arbys @officialtinder @offical-firefox-nightly @officially-ikea @actual-aspec-military @support-speaks @definitely-spirit-halloween @definitely-wikipedia @duothelingo @firefox-official @jack-in-the-box-official @kroger-fr @kfcfingerlickingood @life360-i-swear @basically-bumble @nasa-real @mc-baby
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genderfluid-marine-corp · 10 months ago
My Aspec take is I genuinely don’t understand how dates work. like. You just hang out with someone?? Ok.
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amethyst-aster · 11 months ago
Sorry, I just saw your post about gimmick blogs. I have one and there are many other ones which are a part of the countryverse, including the majority of the people whom I follow, if you are interested. If you create a tagging game of some sorts, I would really be interested in joining. Sorry, this was a really long message or ask. Enjoy the rest of your day!
that's who I have in the countryverse
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bisexual-airforce · 9 months ago
if you want to be in the queer military tag list please REBLOG! this post so you get tagged in the reblog bate shit
@pansexual-spaceforce @actual-aspec-military @bi-poly-space-station @bisexual-navy
@nonbinary-coastguard @queer-military-treasury @pan-warriors @transcoastguard
@aro-sp-ace-force @demi-demolitions @real-omnisexual-military @genderfluid-marine-corp
@the-aplatonic-cavalry @obviously-enby-airforce @actual-transgender-navy
@queer-military-authorities @demiboy-army @omni-spaceforce @aroace-evils
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omni-spaceforce · 10 months ago
hi I exist now @bisexual-airforce @pansexual-spaceforce @omnisexual-military @queer-military-treasury @actual-aspec-military @actual-transgender-navy @agender-war-crimes @bisexual-airforce @demi-demolitions @obviously-enby-airforce @the-asexual-assassins @the-lesbian-marine-corp
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gyroscopefour · 9 months ago
Soap's Guide to Streaming is Complete
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I finished the fic. Find 40k words of pining, aspec Ghost, retired military boys, and video game streamer AU here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50160970/chapters/126679960
Thank you Shan for making such a cute graphic so I didn't have to lol. Go see their writing here > https://archiveofourown.org/users/Lmc_thph/pseuds/Lmc_thph
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