#asoue animation
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ven10 · 6 months ago
Snicketober day 8: Prufrock
(Snicketober prompts by @free-my-boy-grumbot )
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jasminumtea · 2 years ago
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A series of unfortunate events: reimagined 🥀
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zeddpool · 2 months ago
Video version of this post
I continue to make bad decisions with my video editing software
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Best character with a color name
Round 2 Poll 5
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kusukeslab · 11 months ago
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asou knew what he was doing.
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blendereels · 9 months ago
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Morning snake doodles
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wowitsaeromah · 5 months ago
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYSSSSS!!!! Am I a little late? Maybe you can see a difference in the two drawings, but I did one without rushing, and I did the other TODAY. So please reveal, I say both drawings with much love.
First, we have Olaf as Terrifier!! I know that question will most likely come: "b-b-but why didn't you m-make him l-like Dracula? 🤓☝️" yes i know it would make more sense BUT I DON'T CARE. and yes, drawing him as Dracula was my first option, but then I saw that it would be too generic, and I thought Terrifier was a great option.
And now, the second one. well... How can I start? I hated this drawing. I literally made it TODAY, I started today and finished today, AND THIS NEVER HAPPENS. If I had had more time, the Baudelaires' drawing would have been much more detailed and I wouldn't have hated it. and about their costume, well, I was out of time and this was the most basic and silly thing I could think of, that wouldn't take hours to make. That's it, a happy Halloween to you! :) 🕸️👻🎃🧡
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toph-bi-fong · 1 year ago
This dislike and aversion from the Netflix series is less coming from me being worried that they’ll change the endgame couple (I honestly don’t care if they do) but more from the fact that I am annoyed that they are trying to retell this already amazing series through a live-action medium. (For a second time)
And that stems from just being sick of Live-Action adaptions from popular animated shows/movies in general.
Obviously, I have the choice not to watch it. And maybe I’ll watch it when it’s all been finished with and I have nothing else to do.
As I keep saying, I feel like this potential would’ve been better spent on making a series based on the Kyoshi novels (and by extension, Yangchen). I have nothing against live action adaptions based on books. I’m just tired of them rehashing from an animated property.
If you’re excited for it, then by all means, I hope you enjoy it.
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nerdyoatmealart · 1 year ago
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Misaki ended up being my favorite of the playable girls in Fatal Frame IV, so I wanted to draw her. I started to draw her closer to Halloween earlier this year, but I realized I wasn’t going to be able to finish her in time, so I wound up inadvertently putting off finishing this sketch until last night.
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doesntseeyourbeauty · 2 years ago
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happy bingo night, swifties! 🌙💫
ty to @youweremycrown for hosting bingo night and for rescheduling this one, you’re the best 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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polosat0chka · 2 years ago
Hewwo, welcome to my blog, I'm Mikro/Polosat0chka. I post my art here and also other stuff too (writing, my thoughts etc.) Feel free to explore ^ ^
- racism, discrimination based on nationality, homophobia, qweerphobia, sexism, etc.
- any other thing that are toxic and/or problematic
Everybody that are none of this category are welcome to this page
I do requests and asks so feel free to ask me to draw something for you
Requests: Closed
Ask: Closed
Commissions: closed
What I can do:
- fandom art (the list of my fandoms is written below)
- OCs (mine or yours)
- Ship art (if there is no stuff from my DNI)
- Little comics (in the future)
- Light NSFW (within reasonable limits; in the future)
- Brutal stuff (within reasonable limits; in the future)
What I won't do:
- any too sick stuff
- pedophilia and other stuff that is problematic
List of my fandoms:
- Hunter x Hunter
- Bleach
- Soul Eater
- Hazbin Hotel
- Death Parade
- Night in the Woods
- Spiderverse
- DreamWorks (their movies)
- Kamisama no iutoori
- Pokemon
- Coraline (but pretty much Laika Studios Movies)
- A Series Of Unfortunate Events (Movies, Series and the Books)
- Harry Potter
- Arcana
- [C] the money of soul and possibility control
I'm a pretty multifandom person so I have a lot more fandoms to draw for so if you haven't found your fandom here feel free to ask me if I can draw something for your fandom
P.S: english is not my native language so I'm sorry for making mistakes
Wanna check out my shitpost sideblog 👀? It's mostly shitpost, reblogs or things not about my drawing/writing.
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justapotato89 · 6 months ago
and i think this reflects the human condition so beautifully. You take something you know is doomed, going to be destroyed in all certainty and yet you inspect it, read it, try to find out some semblance of hope that no, everything will turn out fine. Your heart lit up when Strauss was waiting for the children outside. Your heart lit up when Montgomery said he knew what the assistant was up to. Your heart lit up when you realised Hector could hope. Your heart lit up at the trial, when Olaf is accused of his crimes and Strauss finally incriminates him. All through the story, your heart lit up in hopes that the title was wrong, the narrator was wrong, the narrator would review the notes to find out that the house did not indeed burn, and the Baudelaires were happy.
We look at a tragedy like a puzzle, something which could be solved with a little more inspection, with a little more hope. Maybe there was some part that they missed, that you could give back. You know how it ends, but you just hope maybe that's not really the end, because you are here now. You'll find the sugarbowl, the watch glass, hector's balloon, and the great unknown. There has to be a happy ending hidden somewhere there.
a series of unfortunate events is really the blueprint for characters doomed by the narrative like i think that series changed my brain chemistry forever… the title tells you how the story will end and the author repeatedly tries to warn you away but still you pick up the book. the first sentence is that it’s a tragedy and you keep reading anyway.. you read through the whole story and it’s terrible and tragic and unfortunate and then after you’ve stayed up late reading it under your covers with a flashlight, you go to your school library as soon as class is over and check out the next book in the series because you need to know what happens even though really, you already know. the end is right there in the title, it’s there in every page .. before the story even begins you know it’s a tragedy and you read it anyway and—
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Best character with a color name
Round 1 Poll 9
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From the submitters : *Gin in his name means silver, shiro in his nickname means white.
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Yoshiyuki Asou - H-Game: Jingi Naki Otome
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wakkass · 2 months ago
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No matter how much time passes, I'll still periodically return to the universe of ASoUE and draw something.
And recently I had an epiphany. I remembered the final credits of the movie (2004), and I somehow wildly wanted to see such a cartoon. I think that ASoUE are ideal for adaptation in animation, especially in the style of these very credits.
This inspired me to draw their world literally out of paper. I imagine cutout animation where everything is intentionally made out of paper, cardboard, wallpaper and other materials that burn easily 😏
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Thanks to Alice for the animation style examples
The Baudelaires are children's drawings on scraps of book pages. Olaf is a doll from a paper puppet theater. Aunt Josephine consists of calligraphic elements, and Esme is made of clippings from fashion magazines. And so on.
I also imagine how the logic of the world adapts to the material from which it is made. For example, paper gets wet and swells when in contact with real water, and cut things can be glued together with glue or tape, if you find them between the pages.
In general, I would like to develop and think about everything that is shown in the credits further. Imho, this is a very creative visual and a fresh basis for interpreting events
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no-psi-nan · 5 months ago
Does Saiki talk to his friends?
Short answer: Basically no.
Long answer:
According to author commentary, Saiki wasn't initially intended on being a silent protagonist, he was supposed to speak up occasionally. But as the series went on, Asou never really found a good opportunity for Saiki to say anything and so he just ended up making him essentially silent.
As a result, Saiki generally only "speaks" to the audience and a small subset of characters using his telepathy.
Here is a pretty complete list of characters Saiki actually "talks" to:
His immediate family
His grandparents after the power reveal
The Psychickers (Toritsuka, Aiura, Akechi)
Neighborhood kids (Yuuta, the little girl with the dog)
Various animals
You, the audience (he's narrating)
With everyone else, Saiki exclusively communicates using only body language, pointing, and facial expressions. We can see how dedicated he is to his silence when he's trying to convince his friends to not go on a deadly volcano vacation but only throws brochures at them and crosses his arms in an X shape instead of actually saying a word or two to them.
Interestingly enough though, we can tell by Toritsuka's performance that Saiki's friends are used to him saying "yare yare" / "good grief" all the time. Saiki is actually shocked that his friends genuinely think this is normal behavior for him. How does that happen?
Well, it's quite likely that Saiki unintentionally says "yare yare" / "good grief" "out loud" with his telepathy even when he's not "talking" to anyone.
We have two precedents for Saiki's telepathy not being 100% watertight: the manga-exclusive suicidal musician chapter where a song getting stuck in Saiki's head makes it play in everyone else's, and the second light novel where the evil Saiki comments that our Saiki's thoughts leak out everywhere.
This would explain why Saiki's friends are so shocked by him speaking directly them, even if they're sure they've "heard" him speak before – because he exclusively "says" "yare yare" / "good grief" all the time but never joins conversations or talks to them directly.
So after using up a month's allotment of quotation marks, my best answer to this question is really....
Medium answer: Saiki only uses his telepathy to talk to people who know about his powers, neighborhood children who wouldn't be believed, and various animals. Aside from that, Saiki only uses facial expressions, pointing, and body language to communicate with others, though it seems he unintentionally says "yare yare" / "good grief" quite often in a way other people can hear. His "troublesome" line near the end of the series is the only time he's ever spoken directly to his non-Psychicker friends.
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