#asmo poll
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asmodeus-682 · 12 days ago
For reference: the characters will be revealed when poll ends to make it for fun
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obey-me-polls · 3 months ago
who is the most likely to do that thing where you pretend to yawn and put your arms around someone
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gifti3 · 2 years ago
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congrats to lucifer's overwhelming "win"!
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dumb-fandom-polls · 2 months ago
Poll requests are open!!!!
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palmastrings · 4 months ago
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barbatosgossipsection · 11 months ago
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A lot of people headcanoning Asmo as trans-woman, demi-girl, genderqueer or something like that and i think THAT IT'S SUPER STUPID AND RUINS THE ENTIRE IDEA BEHIND HIM! Yall literally see a character whos main idea is "clothes is just clothes, hobbies is just hobbies, being a man doesn't stop you from wearing skirts or enjoying makeup. MAN DOESN'T HAVE TO BE MASCULINE TO BE A MAN" and be like "oh yes, he is trans girl!"
And no, im not transphobic, IM LITERALLY TRANS, but i think it's super annoying how people see a man being feminine and immediately headcanon him as a transfem even tho HIS CONCEPT IS LITERALLY THAT MAN DOESN'T HAVE TO BE MASCULINE TO BE A MAN 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I saw a headcanon that demons are genderless beings and they just look as they like, and i actually like it. But it's only in some parallel universe, OG/NB obey me demons are faaaar from that😭
As Asmodeus hardcore fan and a giant lover of feminine guys, i really think that transfem or demigirl Asmo is really stupid. In my eyes he is fully Cis man, in fact, even more cis than cis men. OMG, if you like makeup it doesn't make you a girl. OMG, if you are a guy who calls himself princess, it doesn't immediately turn you into a transfem. And OMG, if a cis guy will stop feeling like a guy if he will wear a pink dress, then he is not a cis guy!!!
Clothes are just clothes, hobbies are just hobbies, Asmo is never been shown as transfem and for me, he will always be the cissiest guy in the world, whos masculinity cannot be broken by society and stereotypes. If he doesn't look like a typical guy, he is still a guy. The max non-cis-guy headcanon that i think is okay is something like Demi-boy, but nothing else.
I love my dear boy Assmuah♡
— Anon
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i-write-things · 11 months ago
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solomiracle · 5 months ago
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please rb after voting! ^w^
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asm0b4by · 6 months ago
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Who’s the most dazzling, beautiful, sexy, charming, irresistible, cutiepie in all the Devildom?!
Thank you for the stunning pics of me @savemebeel, you’re the best! Here, aaaand here! xoxo
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the-sheep-from-obeyme-real · 7 months ago
Obey Me! polls
So I have no idea if anyone who follows me actually remembers awhile ago when i used to post polls a lot? well the reason I stopped was because I noticed a pretty big flaw with me using tumblr polls for this. which is that I can't ensure that its the same people answering all the questions. so the results got a little fucky. (not sure if my exact logic there makes sense but its the conclusion i came to.) regardless ive wanted to make a google form for this for awhile, but i never did because i wasnt sure if anyone would actually respond to it. (+it seemed like a lot of effort and im lazy) anyway i made a google form. theres like ten-billion obey me related questions in there (it is not that many). I'll post the results as i see interesting things,,,. you get the idea pretty pretty please answer it? i love data,,, so much... anyway heres the form link vv https://forms.gle/yM5KihdJQYxUK37U7 (if anyone has any other questions they think i should add, ask me and i might just add them)
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obey-me-headquarters · 2 years ago
Pet au: How would the brothers react to an owner who wants to help them bath?
Lucifer: No. Absolutely not. Lucifer is usually pretty obedient, but seeing him naked is something he won't allow. He hates being without his clothing, hates showing any skin. He knows that he's not in his prime and wouldn't want you to see him naked. He'll even lock the door when he's taking a bath because he doesn't want you walking in.
If you insist, then Lucifer is extremely uncomfortable. His knees are up, and he's crouching to try and hide as much skin as possible. Looking at you with an expression that tells you that he just wants to get this over with. He might even snap at you to hurry up if he thinks you're dragging this out.
You can try to coo and compliment him, but he'll only give you a scowl in return. Do not do this if you want to build trust with him. If you respect his wishes and let him bathe alone, he might ask you for help preening his wings after his bath.
Mammom: flushes a deep red when you suggest that you're going to help him bath. "Wh-why do ya want to do that?! I can bathe myself, ya know!" He insists, but he doesn't put up too much of a fight if you insist.
He's very embarrassed when he realizes that you're going to see him naked and will try to argue that he should bathe in his clothing. "It's a two for one deal! Now ya don't gotta do laundry!" When that doesn't work, he gets into the tub. At first, he'll try and act all cool and like he's unbothered that you're seeing him at his most vulnerable. He'll try and be self-sufficient, scrubbing his own body and trying to insist that he can wash his own hair.
But the warm water relaxes his muscles, and soon, he's only half protesting as you run your fingers through his hair. Mammon can't help but relax into your touch. No matter how closed off your relationship is, Mammon becomes absolutely boneless in your care. Will whine and pout if you try to move away to grab the conditioner. He does not want to leave the tub, even when he's a raisin and the water has gone cold.
When he finally comes back to his senses after the bath, he's extremely embarrassed and will avoid you for a day or two, but after that, he's asking when his next bath is.
Levi: is immediately blushing the second the word "bath" leaves your mouth. He very obviously doesn't want you to see him naked, but is too skittish to actually say anything. Levi already needs help with cleaning his tail, and you two do that when he's fully clothed. He's already absolutely mortified during that, so he doubts that he'll survive you seeing him naked!
When you two get into the bathroom, he will try to stall for as long as possible. Sometimes, he's standing completely still, not even breathing, in the hopes that you'll get bored and leave. When he's finally naked and in the tub, he's curling up into the tightest ball. When you tell him to close his eyes when you rinse, he doesn't open them until the bath is over.
The only way to get him to relax, after many, many stressful baths, is to bring anime into bathtime. You get anime themed bath toys and even play anime on your laptop that's sitting on the bathroom countertop. The anime helps. He can't keep his eyes closed when there's anime to watch. The bath toys make him more active during bathtime, as he quickly starts to explain the plot of the anime the toys are from. Soon, he's playing out scenes and rambling about characters and their arcs. After a few baths, Levi whines when you try to get him out of the bathtub, pleading for just one more episode.
Satan: You kinda have to help him bathe when you first get him because he's never been in a bathroom before. Whenever he got too dirty at the ring, his handlers would hose him down from outside his cage. So, working a shower nozzle? Using soap? All new concepts to him. He finds that he feels embarrassed when you bathe him. He doesn't understand why - he's been naked in front of handlers countless times before.
Getting his clothes off is easy. What Satan struggles with is the concept of sitting down in water. He doesn't understand how this is an effective way to get clean. Aren't you sitting in your own filth? You have to explain to him that most people aren't actually that dirty when they bathe and that the soap cleans all of the dirt. The first time you bathe him, he's actually dirty enough that you gotta refill the bath a few times.
When he gets settled and the bath water stays clear, Satan finds himself relaxing into the warm water. He expected that water to be freezing cold, as the water was only ever freezing when his handlers used the hose, so he wasn't looking forward to having to sit in freezing cold water. So the warm water is definitely a surprise, but an incredibly pleasant one.
He can't help but relax in the tub, even when he's still unsure about his place in his home, and the relationship you two are fostering, the warm water washes alway all concerns. As the water seeps into his bones and softens him, he can't help but lean into your gentle touch as you scrub through his hair and whine a soft trill whenever you smile at him.
Asmo: he's immediately all for it when you bring it up. He's always looking for a way to show you his best assets, and this will be a perfect opportunity! He doesn't understand that you're not looking for that kind of bath, even when you insist, multiple times, that you're not going to sleep with him.
He still doesn't believe you and is extremely confused when you don't get into the bath with him. Well, no matter, he can still show you what he was made to do as you scrub his hair. Maybe he can convince you to join! Maybe this whole thing is a test! Yet when you pay his flirting no mind, when you look away to grab a bar of soap when he flutters his eyes lash at you, Asmo starts to get a little worried.
The bath can either go two ways: Asmo slowly gets more and more stressed as you don't pay attention to him the way he's expecting. Until he's breaking down and begging you to just get it over with and fuck him. Or he settles down and lets himself get pampered, and relishes in all the products he gets to chose from. The trick to get the former instead of the latter is complimenting Asmo. If you make it seem like you still like him, and that you're just trying to get him to look his prettiest (for you, his mind fills in for him) then he has a must better time letting himself relax and enjoy himself. Even if you refuse to get into the bath Asmo will still try to convince you to wear a face mask.
Beel: He actually prefers that you're there. When he was with his previous owners the only way for him to get clean was when one of them washed him down with the hose. He also never had a reason to go inside his own owner's house, so he's never been inside of a bathroom before. So he's quite nervous about accidently breaking something.
When you get him into the bathroom Beel is quite nervous. He feels too large, no matter the size of your bathroom. Your presence calms him down a bit, at least if you're here he can simply stand off to the side and let you turn the shower nozzle. If he touched that on his own he'll probably break it. When he realizes that he's going to have to get naked to get into the bathtub he gets a little bashful. He never had a reason to get naked in front of his previous owners, so he'll ask if you can turn around when he takes off his clothes. It doesn't matter if you're going to see him naked anyway, for some reason him stripping off his clothes while you stand there watching him is just too embarrassing for the gentle giant.
Beel tries to make himself as small as possible in your bathtub. No matter how big it is. It has less to do with you seeing him naked, and move about him accidentally taking up too much space, or getting in your way. When you get him bathing him he actually gets a little exicted, as everything is so new to him. I hope you're using baby shampoo because Beel doesn't understand the concept of closing his eyes when you rinse. When you get into the rhythm of scrubbing his hair, rinsing, and repeat, Beel actually feels himself relaxing. The warm water is relaxing muscles he didn't even know was sore, and your touch is so gentle. He actually forgets about his rumbling stomach for a while as he leans into your touch. 
Belphie: if you two built up a good relationship than he's fine with you bathing you. He'll probably fall asleep the moment he lays down in the warm water. You have to remind him to stay awake, or else he might accidentally drown a bit. It's not his fault! The water is just so warm and soothing, and aren't you his owner? Isn't it your job to make sure he's safe and doesn't drown? Belphie immediately falls back asleep after making this argument. You have to get one of those baby float things for Belphie's neck when he's in the bath. It paints kind of a ridiculous picture, but Belphie doesn't care. The bath is relaxing, but you can't take your eye off of Belphie for too long.
If you two haven't built up a good relationship! Nope. No gonna happen. He's not going to be vulnerable around a human. Hissing at you when you mention the idea, and says that he's not going to go in the bath with you. Unlike Lucifer, who will only verbally deny you, Belphie will actively fight you if you try to force him into the bath. You have to practically drag him kicking and screaming into the bathroom. It's the most energized he's been in a while, but he's not getting into the bathtub without a fight.
Getting his clothes off is basically impossible when he's fighting you, so you have to bath him when he's still wearing most of his clothing. When he's actually in the bath he's scratching you and throwing bottles of soap at you. It's less about him being naked, and more not give you what you want.
Even if you back off after mentioning the bath, Belphie becomes extremely suspicious of you and will start locking the door whenever he's in the bathroom.
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asmodeus-682 · 1 month ago
Hey ya'll can some ppl vote on my YouTube poll for Epic covers?
There's only 2 votes so far and I want to have more there lol
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obey-me-polls · 7 months ago
who would you want to see in a Virgin Killer Sweater the most? (HoL, PH and DC pls)
Pic attached for those who don't know what a Virgin Killer Sweater looks like:
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mammon-s · 10 months ago
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koolades-world · 11 months ago
in the tags of the original poll, everyone keeps talking about the remixed versions so, decided to make a poll for that too (if you saw the first one I took it down and remade it here because I made it a day length by accident haha)
god they took crazy for you and made it hot garbage in the remix 😭😭 heartbroken about what they did to my boy. not sure about my fav though
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barbatosgossipsection · 8 months ago
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i NEED more of the demons acting demonic PLEASE PLEASEEEE PLEASE IM DESPERATE asmo in the most recent event saying he’d like to stab and pin the heroes to a wall like a butterfly display and saying it’ll look “charming” is so hot i need more of that i need more demonic stuff please solmare please it doesn’t feel like i’m romancing demons in the demon romancing game i need more absolutely unhinged dialogue
— Anon
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