davecumstaine · 3 months
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Rammstein Onion Headlines
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Jeanne: *sneezes*
Mozart, from the balcony: Ah, bless you
Jeanne: God?
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camp-counselor-life · 2 years
15 - What do you think is the most important skill for a counselor?
It is so hard to narrow it down, because there are really so many important skills for camp staff. I wrote a post (long ago) about this, and I stand by it. My number one skills for a camp staff is to look at a situation and know that you do not know everything and to act accordingly.
Really it boils down to compassion: you will never fully know what has brought a camper to where they are, whether it's their parents, their mental health, their schooling, it all just bubbles and brews until they do something and you go.... wow.
So think about that skill: the skill to not know but still act with compassion.
Ask list
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buoyantsaturn · 2 years
if you’re still doing them, camp counselors for the bingo?
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i love the camp counselors au with my whole heart i wish there was more of it <3
thanks for asking!! (full card under the cut ft. TWO bingos!!)
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artapprcnticed · 1 month
tag dump!
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gisele0127 · 1 year
some of their embarrassing moments ft. bllk boys!
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notes: i saw someone else post something like this but i cant find the @ :(. ALSO THANKS FOR 1000 FOLLOWERS
isagi - while he was confessing to you he tripped and fell straight on his face.
rin - his phone was on full volume and he secretly took it out in class one day and opened tik tok. you know the rest.
kunigami - one time when he was running at the beach a seagull attacked him in front of some cute girls.
sae - the paparazzi caught him gagging when he ate a french fry and it became a meme.
bachira - he got sent to the guidance counselor because his teacher thought he was schizophrenic.
chigiri - a guy once asked him out because he thought that chigiri was just a tom boy.
nagi - he wasn’t paying attention and someone with a bike ran him over.
kurona - he confused nair with deep conditioner so he had a bald spot for a while.
barou - someone accidentally spilled orange juice on him and he had a nervous breakdown bc his day was already bad.
oliver - him being a cheater is already embarrassing.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
also guess who’s back can i ask for a athena!daugter reader where it’s kinda like Annabeth trying to tell the reader that “hey clarisse is bad she tried to fucking kill percy she’s evil” and the reader us kinda tries to convince her that Clarisse really isn’t that bad😔
(i love your work girl and your end memes please do more 🔥‼️)
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She’s the only one I got
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x daughter of Athena reader
An- fun-fact clarisse loves Dr Pepper It’s cannon Go read the sea of monsters. She’s literally perfect I can’t
An pt 2 - I Hope this is ok i wasn’t really sure what to write but it’s ok bc I’m just a girl
Pt 1 — Pt 2
Palestine aid link
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“Are you serious?!” Annabeth yelled, a few of your other siblings backing her up.
You however were standing infront of the full length mirror inside your cabin fixing your outfit which was a pair of bellebottoms and a camp sweater. “Look Annie i get your our counselor and your the smartest out of us all but your not the smartest when it comes to relationships”
“And now she’s starting to sound like an Aphrodite kid” Malcom your brother rolled his eyes before returning to his book. You shot him a hateful look. “All right fine Your right I don’t get relationships like you but I do know clarisse”
“Really?” You sarcastically spoke just wanting the argument to be over. Grabbing some hoops you were deciding between the two different pairs. “Yeah, Clarisse is a hateful arrogant and rude person. She makes fun of our cabin with her siblings and didn’t she use to make fun of you to”
Deciding on the star shape hoop you put the earring in. “Fine! Fine ok I get it but I promise you clarisse is not like that ok she’s sweet, she loves me Annie why don’t you get that” you sighed facing your sister.
The shorter girl crossed her arms, leaning against a desk inside the studious cabin. “Because she’s a bitch”
“I’m 12 why are you giving me shit for cussing you cuss”
“Because I’m 16 you’ve still got two years before you morally can curse now stop.. damn about to make me get Luke” you sighed shaking your head. Facing back to the mirror you analyzed your look.
Annabeth rolled her eyes looking away for some time before facing you once again. “I still don’t trust you being alone with her..”
After finally having enough you turned towards the wiser girl. “Know what fine you can spy on us during our date today, then you’ll see she’s not such a terrible person and you’ll finally get off my ass… deal” you crossed your arms looking down at annabeth.
Your younger sister looked around for a moment feeling somewhat threatened by you before nodding in defeat. “Great” you sighed stepping back, grabbing a small drawstring bag and a book on the stars, you threw on your shoes before leaving.
You were sitting in a clearing in the woods, a blanket set out with some strawberries and a pack of Dr Pepper you bought from the Hermes cabin. Annabeth was positioned behind a tree with her cap of invisibility on.
Eventually clarisse showed up. “Five minutes late” you jokingly chastised her.
“Shut up I’m on time” she scoffed sitting down beside you on the blanket. Pulling you into her some she kissed you softly. Her hands finding themselves on your waist
Bringing yourself back you leaned over grabbing a soda, handing it over to the curly haired girl. “Mmhm so how was running around like a fool for the entire morning?”
Clarisse rolled her eyes taking the drink In a harsh joking manner. “First of all its called training and secondly it was actually alot of fun, how was staying up all night to just watch some stupid dots in the sky”
Scrunching your nose at the girl you gave her a sarcastic look. “Yeah you think your so funny huh”
“Yeah I do”
“Mmhm” you knew clarisse was looking at your lips— she wasn’t subtle about it. Tired of her just imagining it you leaned in kissing her again. The playful banter between you two faded away while clarisse deepened the kiss
As much as you wanted to makeout with your girlfriend you weren’t doing it infront of your sister. Pulling back you placed a hand on clarisses arm while darting your eyes to some trees around you with a smile.
The girl furrowed her eyebrows but made a signal to her head almost mimicking a hat. Nodding you knew clarisse understood annabeth was spying on you two.
“Whatever this is stupid” clarisse gave you a teasing look. “What being on a date with your girlfriend? Yeah it’s so stupid” you responded in the same tone.
Clarisse rolled her eyes. “You know that’s not. What I meant” shaking her head you watched as clarisse reached over to her spear grabbing a plastic bag.
Handing it over to you you looked inside. “No way clarisse did you”
“Yeah I did. Your not gonna embarrass me about it if I own up to it” she continued to mess with you. Opening the bag you smiled as your girlfriend made you chocolate chip cookies with the nymphs in the kitchen. “Your the sweetest you know” you becoming flustered while you looked at the treats.
She just rolled her eyes with a smile, laying down clarisse moved around to lay her head in your lap. “Woah careful clarisse you might admit you actually like me a boring Athena kid remember”
“Mmhm Same can be said about you what was that about me being a bitchy ares kid?” She bit back. Flicking her forehead lightly just to get back at her.
You smiled while playing with one of the girls curls. You loved clarisse, wanting to proudly say it but worried you’d scare the girl off so for now you’d settle on just this.. cute dates with her, sneaking into her cabin to spend the night with her and just enjoying the silence with her.
After some time you knew annabeth had left after all she had gotten all the proof she needed. Clarisse knew it to.
“I love you” it finally left your lips. You noticed clarisses body tense making you regret the decision immediately. Clarisse however grabbed your hand kissing your knuckles. “I guess I love you to”
“Shut up”
“Why You Said you loved me”
Annabeth - Fine she’s not a bitch
Clarisse - *having a Stare off with annabeth*
Clarisse - do we have a Problem
Y/n - dude..
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AITA for telling a school counselor about what my friend does online?
I (F minor) am in middle school. I have a group of friends, about 8 people, but this is about one girl in specific we can call Annie. All of us are mutuals on tumblr, twitter, etc. and we have a discord server too.
All of us are into a lot of the same things, like art, anime, video games, and have a lot of the same hobbies. Most of us also struggle with mental health stuff like anxiety and/or depression so we regularly talk to our school counselor (F, Idk how old she is).
Anyways, we're all really close and we get along really well for the most part, but lately Annie has been doing stuff that really bothers and worries us.
She's VERY into internet discourse. Has 10 paragraph long DNI page, is constantly starting fights with other people, etc. She usually argues about stuff like LGBT+ rights, womens rights, etc. but also a LOT of fandom discourse which is my biggest concern.
A lot of my other friends reblog/retweet stuff like anime gifs, fanart, memes, etc. but pretty much every post I see from Annie is her fighting with someone over shipping or something like that.
A lot of the posts are basically:
Her talking about how disgusting a certain ship or character is
How everyone who likes that specific thing is a degenerate, or freak, or pedo or groomer.
How if you like problematic ships you need to get a therapist, or you deserve to be hurt. Once I saw her arguing with someone who said they write certain stuff due to trauma and she said "You don't have trauma, you're either lying or you actually liked it and that's why you write such disgusting nasty shit"
Fighting with random people and accusing them of being a predator or a pedo
Breaking her own DNI (which says adults, proshitters, etc. DNI) and then getting mad at the other person for responding
It's really upsetting to see because she does this CONSTANTLY. She never seems to use tumblr/twitter to do things she actually likes. I never see her reblog gifs or memes or just silly lighthearted posts about stuff she enjoys.
It's especially upsetting because we're minors and she TELLS PEOPLE THAT. Like she's arguging with people that she thinks are pedos or child predators, while openly telling people her actual age. To me that's like covering yourself in bloody steaks and then jumping into water full of sharks.
I was really starting to get concerned because even in our private discord server she's always talking about how much she hates these people or whatever and how they should die, a lot of the time she says things like "they should get the wall" or "I hope their nasty fanfics happen to them irl that would teach them lol" and it really freaks me out.
She also talks about seeing the "child porn" that these people make which as far as I'm aware is drawings of characters but it still freaks me out how open and calm she is about looking at what she THINKS is child porn. I asked her if it's child porn why is it being linked in callout posts for other people (including minors!) to see and not being reported to the FBI but she just gets mad and changes the subject.
Me and our other friends have mentioned before that we don't like hearing about this kind of stuff but then she just gets mad and goes offline or gives us the silent treatment at school.
A month or so ago I got so fed up and upset, that I took a bunch of screenshots of her tumblr account and discord messages. One thing to note is that her username is VERY specific.
It's a combination of her first and last name and her birth year. Most people will not know that, but if you know her name and birthday, it's easy to tell it's her. She also goes by her real name online which I also screenshotted as proof it's her.
I brought all this to the school counselor, and I told her how worried I was about Annie, and how I think she's doing something really unsafe. Not only is she confronting people she thinks are child predators/groomers, she's telling people they deserve to get hurt in really awful ways, and looking at porn and I don't think this is good for her mental health.
The counselor at first was like "Idk are you SURE it's her? It could be anyone online!" But I insisted that it was and explained the username thing and that this was our private discord server so obviously I know it's her.
She thanked me for letting her know and told me I was being a good friend and then we talked about how I was doing, and then I left. I kind of forgot about it until a week later.
Annie wasn't online at all and I was kind of worried, but then I saw her on Monday at school. I was with our other friends and we called out her name so she would see us and come over and she LOST IT. She started screaming at us and telling us how awful we were, and how we ruined her life.
Idk what exactly happened, but apparently the counselor talked to her and her parents got involved? Her parents now monitor her internet usage, they have child safety stuff on the browsers, and she's only allowed on certain websites for doing research for school, or watching videos on youtube on their account so they can see what videos she's watching, or playing games on steam.
She said that her parents are also putting her in therapy once a week now (with an actual therapist, not the counselor) and she's only allowed to go out with an adult chaperone (either her older sister or one of her parents).
But... None of our friends know it was me who told the counselor. Annie has other friends besides us, so they're also "suspects" for being the snitch. It seems like half of our friends are relieved that Annie is kept away from that kind of stuff and the other half are mad at whoever the snitch is for ratting Annie out and resulting in her having less privacy/freedom.
At first I was happy that Annie was getting help and being kept away from this but now I feel really conflicted. I feel so disgusting talking to her and our other friends and pretending nothing happened, knowing that I was the one who told the counselor.
Annie still talks to us but she's a lot less open. We still have our discord server but apparently her parents will read through the messages to make sure she's not talking about anything bad and that she's only talking to us and not strangers.
What are these acronyms?
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sincerelywhistler · 7 months
New month, new continuation
✨PART 4✨ of things my husband does that are so violently Asher Coded, I had to compile a written list and turn them into headcanons:
part 1 • part 2 • part 3
• his phone consistently below 20%. Babe has to plug it in every night cause he sure ain’t gonna
• saw the meme image thing on how to break your thumb ligament by flicking your wrist. Sat in quiet contemplation for a few minutes, visibly weighing the pros and cons of conducting this experiment. Moved on with his day without a word (the smart choice)
• “oh, you know you love meeeeeee” when he senses that he’s getting on my nerves, which is all the time /j of course.. mostly
• yoinks our nintendo switch to romance Sebastian in Stardew Valley every single play-through because it’s against his moral code to leave Tsundere characters un-kissed (what does this say about me)
• sends posts of two animals interacting, no matter what they’re doing, and captions it “this is literally us”
• also sends posts of the most scrungliest and disheveled creatures, captioning it “this is you”
• alternating turns of getting one another ‘just because’ flowers. I originally initiated it, so if Babe did the same, Asher would die I think
• does have a thorough skin/hair/hygiene routine, but will wash his face with Dawn dish soap if he’s tired and it’s more convenient
• conks out the second his head hits the pillow like HOW?? Babe lays there awake, wondering what sorts of dark magic he’s really capable of
• makes a questionable decision, and when anyone begins to address it 0.5 seconds after it happens, he’ll jokingly say “it’s in the past now, that was the old me”
• uses the 😳 emoji in the most confusing and unfitting places, so much so it really makes you rethink the original meaning of his texts?? “Can I take your car today? 😳” “Work let us have some of the leftover chicken for dinner😳”
• can and will turn goof mode off at the drop of a hat when needed. It’s actually kinda scary if you get the chance to experience it bc the whole atmosphere of the room changes
• received a uh *noise complaint* and proceeded to bake AND decorate a whole cake to “celebrate the achievement” (photographic evidence exists)
• but that’s not before fully removing the still beeping smoke detector from the ceiling and handing it to me in a panic, asking me to turn it off because he didn’t know how to (photographic evidence also exists)
• can’t cuddle like a normal person, he has to either suffocate you with the weight of his body or you gotta coddle him like he is oh so fragile and the most delicate of waifs— no in between. Great Dane who thinks he’s a lap dog vibes
• gives the BEST advice and pep talks to people. He‘s studying forensic psychology to be a counselor and I think Ash would make a great counselor or advisor of sorts, just in a more lighthearted environment
• knows he has the pretty privilege card, but only uses it for the most unnecessary reasons? Like of course you can have a some of my pasta you freak I literally made you your own bowl, why are you batting your eyelashes and trying to persuade me via brainwave manipulation
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archer-kacey · 5 months
Secrets of the Machine (Bendysplaining)
(Full disclosure: both of the computers I have access to WILL NOT TRIGGER THE LIGHTNING CUTSCENE therefore making B:SOTM unplayable for me! Watched a couple walkthroughs to get the gist of things. I found ONE easter egg on my own lol.)
Secrets of the Machine is so out of place to me, seeming almost unpolished. I'll give it a fair shake and go over the pros and cons, but if you want a short Bendy game to play, PLEASE play Boris and the Dark Survival, not this.
This very important bird that makes me well up inside with a positive emotion.
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Ragtime Guffie. Cute character that I feel has a charm similar to the original Bendy cast. I wouldn't have been surprised to see this guy walking around in BATIM back in the day.
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This screenshot I can use for memes:
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This ONE scene/"jumpscare" was executed well:
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The Goofy ahh can dispenser laugh
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My personal favorite, this random ass arrow outside that you can follow into the darkness for about a minute until you're spat back out by the entrance arch (useless):
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And last but not least, the inclusion of Gaskette and an insanely niche nod to Nightmare Run?
FIrst off, Gaskette looks killer (pun intended):
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And secondly, there are at least a couple hands around the map that open and close when you click them in a very similar fashion to a hand that could be found on the menu of Nightmare Run. I was actually excited about this! (Why they didn't they just go full ham with the Nightmare Run characters for this game?)
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The first glaring issue I have is *checks watch* the FOUR Bendy advertisements thrown into the game??? What???
I'm not mad about hyping people up, but it is............LAZY?? What was the point of this? These ALL could've been Tweets!!
In fact, Lone Wolf's Announcement nearly WAS a Tweet!!
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I would feel differently if the presentation was better, but you literally throw a can at some flippable....plates(?) around a screen at random and get still images. I understand that this game is meant to be small like BATDS, but BATDS was more polished, more fun, and didn't throw four adverts in as gameplay/easter eggs.
This is also gives me a Bad Feeling because if you're willing to make your smaller content into a glorified advertisement, what are you going to do with your mainline games? How are you going to treat your content? Are you going to let things cook or serve it to us raw?
Riley's story itself is fine. Not amazing, not awful. Riley's parents die in a car accident when she's six. She starts drawing disturbing content, and the school counselor catches wind of this and brings it up to her guardian. Riley goes to work for JDS at the same age as Buddy (17), and is subsequently fired for drawing more disturbing material pertaining to the accident.
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While it sounds cliché, the way it was presented in-game was fine. There are obviously things that could be improved, but the point here isn't the story itself.
Let me ask the audience of this post a question.
Where the hell is Lacie Benton?
Or, more broadly, why aren't M+M fleshing out characters that have been with us since *checks watch* 2017?
I'm struggling not to start doing the Macarena, because adding new characters and slowly abandoning the old ones works in direct contrast with "caring about the lore", AKA what this franchise was built on, and it's something M+M like to bring up. When you remove that backbone, everything else falls apart. When you neglect the old characters, you're neglecting the heart of the franchise.
Riley having her story isolated to one game seems to be a blessing in disguise, I'll admit. However, this is ALL just BATIM: Red Flags. Disappointed, but not surprised. Scared for the future of this franchise, but trying to stay optimistic.
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pr0cyon-lotor · 3 months
Part 2: First Day
⁽ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵗᵉˣᵗ ᶜʳᵘⁿᶜʰʸ ˢᵒ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ˢᵘʳᵉ ᵗᵒ ᶜˡⁱᶜᵏ ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ⁱᵐᵃᵍᵉˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵇᵉᵗᵗᵉʳ ۹ᵘᵃˡⁱᵗʸ⁾
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(Talk about bad timing 😔)
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("You can't dropout bestie who am I going to annoy without you there 🥺")
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(MF's priv and main accounts make me think of the "i can be your angle...or yuor devil" meme)
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(That isn't very #feminism of you Ming Fan 👀)
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(Don't be fooled by the little "yay" LBH is absolutely freaking out at the news)
NYY's Priv DMs Era:
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(Told you he was freaking out)
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(Ning Yingying #1 best love counselor)
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(Great time to ask: "Does NYY realize the scholarship MF lost is the same one LBH got?" You won't get the answer any time soon, but it is a good question to ask 😁)
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(Ahh, I smell a misunderstanding brewing 🙂‍↕️)
(I forgot this part)
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augdawg888 · 4 months
the office characters as teachers!
in honor of teacher appreciation week!
(and also my math teacher was flirting with some other teacher and my brain immediately went to jim and pam)
the staff:
michael scott: the principal
dwight schrute: gym teacher & vice principal
jim halpert: also a gym teacher
pam beesley: art teacher
holly flax: counselor
oscar martinez: personal finance teacher
angela martin: math teacher
phyllis lapin-vance: language teacher
kelly kapoor: fashion / interior design teacher
andy bernard: music teacher
& creed bratton: janitor
(other characters are mentioned, but i didn't have enough to say about them)
general headcanons:
michael scott: mr. scott
super laid back and chill
he never gets people in trouble
'yk, when i was your age, i did that all the time'
stops in classes just to distract people
assemblies all the time !!!
theyre always super fun though, lots of games !!
he's always recognizing the teachers for their hard work
he has a lil bulletin board (that pam designed) for spotlight moments
hangs out in the art room with pam a lot
'pamcasso' 'pamanardo dibeesley'
his office is littered with toys, pictures of holly, and pictures with his kids
he also brings his kids to work every so often
when he visits the gymnasium he always tries to impress the students
dwight schrute: mr. schrute
takes being vice principal way too seriously
also takes being a gym teacher way too seriously
he and jim participate in all the games and activities
but dwight is always trying to one up some high schooler
loves dodgeball.
he tries to 1v1 jim in basketball (and he fails miserably)
he instructs a health course once a year and jim always has to cut it short
he's the best hype man though
feeling insecure in gym class ? dwight is def hyping you up
not like a quiet, off to the side pep talk, like whooping and yelling
'let's go !! you guys are doing fantastic'
he also gets to do a karate course during the school year
has an agriculture club after school
jim halpert: coach jim
chillest gym teacher ever
unlike dwight, he does the quiet off to the side pep talks
its all very appreciated and sweet
he's looking out for all of the students
and they all have a crush on him too (who wouldnt????)
he's always goofing around and trying to have fun
he's the basketball coach too !!!
always going to the art room for any reason
he needs pam to design some flyers for friday's game, or his pen ran out of ink (he uses a laptop)
he's always pranking dwight
the pictures of the pranks always get put in the yearbook too (it's like a special section)
pam beesley: ms. beesley / ms. pam
shes so sweet.
all of her lessons are really well thought out and passionate
she loves teaching about claude monet and impressionism
shes doing art with the kids too
michael is always taking her finished pieces to hang up somewhere
shes also a volleyball coach !!! so shes constantly going to the gymnasium to make sure theres enough equipment or to check on the players in gym class
shes really there to see jim (but thats besides the point)
she's apart of phyllis' book club (yes phyllis has a book club)
all of her students ask if she and jim are going to date/are dating
'you guys are aware i'm engaged right?'
anytime roy visits shes always stressed afterwards
jim brings her lunch !!!
holly flax: holly / mrs. flax
shes so sweet and understanding omg
when a student needs something to fidget with she just steals a toy from michaels office
has a yoga club after school (michael is always there)
her office is so cozy and lighthearted
shes one of those teachers with memes printed out on her wall
has lots of knicknacks
knows every students name
loves loves loves helping kids pick out their schedules for the next year
shes super close with all the teachers too
very inclusive !!! she has an assembly every month for different cultures and information about different heritages
has a lot of stuffed animals in her office
and every single one of them have been named
shes also apart of phyllis' book club !
oscar martinez: mr. martinez
he takes his job super seriously and is a little strict
but everyone still loves him and respects him a lot
no matter how strict he is, he cannot stop gossiping with all the students
'okay, but did you hear about jim and pam?'
his classroom is so boring though, super bland
gets a lot of kids coming to him
super comforting teacher !
always plays music in the background
its like fucking classical music though
also in the book club !
he and pam always have a lot of gay kids in their classes
they're both just prepared for people coming out to them
angela martin: ms. martin
super strict and serious
but has her fun moments
everyone knows her cats names
she has the lil baby poster hanging up in her classroom
theres literally nothing else in there
she noticed how some teachers left out bowls of candy, so she did the same thing, but with mints
advocated for class pets, but kept getting shut down
when asked her opinion about other teachers it's usually negative, but when it comes to dwight it's always slightly positive
phyllis lapin-vance: mrs. vance
gets called mrs. vance refrigeration a lot
doesnt talk too much
always asking for help with her computer
her lessons are short and sweet
has a candle burning during class
but it's like a grandma smell
everyone loves watching her and bob
they're so sweet together !!!
she runs a small book club with teachers and students after school
loves when they all choose mystery books to read
she tries to teach different books every year
her classroom is right next to angela's and that can lead to some unpleasantness
funky sweaters !!!
kelly kapoor: kelly
hates hates hates being called ms. kapoor
it's just kelly
most of her lessons are just rants, but theyre educational !!!
loves working with everyone in her class
asks if ryan ever mentions her
wears the clothes that students make
designs merch for the school
desperately wants the schools colors to change
'theyre just so old looking !'
always so energetic in the mornings
besties with the students ofc
wants to hear ALL THE TEA
also keeps everyone updated on jim and pam
her classroom is sooooo cool too
like pink everywhere, comfy seats, and hello kitty
she loves hello kitty and i will die on this hill
andy bernard: mr. bernard
he's like the perfect music teacher
he brings instruments into class that no one has even heard of
and plays them perfectly
all the music they sing are show tunes
they watch musicals in the class when it gets slow
talks about cornell a lot
the rants about here comes treble get so old after a while
'it's funny you guys mention that song, did you know when i was in college i performed that with my acapella group?'
yes he's really trying to get an acapella group started
when students are frustrated with something he uses the same techniques he learned in anger management to calm them down
when asked if he wanted to be the golf coach he turned it down immediately
he was too busy trying to make sailing club a thing
but, he is the theater club leader (idk what theyre called)
loves directing everyone
has to kick michael out a lot
he wears funny ties !!!
creed bratton: creed
omg hes so mysterious and cool and no one knows anything about him
but also we know everything ?
he knows all the kids names
celebrates their birthdays
know one knows how he knows their birthdays though
shows up simultaneously in every class
plays guitar in andys class
tries to crash a fashion show in kellys
he was just wearing sunglasses and a blazer
plays basketball in gym class
and then he tries to convince dwight he is in fact a student
and why does it almost work ?
everyone's pretty sure he lives in the school
the lunch ladies are always complaining about food going missing and then creed will talk about how much he likes that food
he sells fake weed to the students
and fake ids
pam is still looking for her laminating machine
has an mp3 player still (its 2024 creed, get a phone)
his music is BLARING
air guitar in the hallways
everyone loves how he dresses up during spirit week
i was thinking of doing more in depth ones about spirit weeks and assemblys, but that's a lot of work lol
lmk if you want those !!
also the timeline is really random. i wanted holly to be in here and her and michael to be married, but i didn't want jim and pam to be married yet, sorry about that !
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pearwaldorf · 1 year
Have you heard about what's happening on dreamwidth/FFA and volunteers talking about the dysfunction happening in the OTW and the CSEM incident?
I have! It's real fucked up!
(Blanket warning for discussion of CSAM/CSEM, as well as exposure to such in a volunteer context, in text and links below.)
For those who are unaware, failfandomanon (FFA) is an anonymous meme community on Dreamwidth for people to discuss all things fandom, serious or not. I think it tends towards kneejerk anti-purity wank, but it is one of the few places where people can talk openly about fandom things without it being traced back to a publicly identifiable handle. This context will become important later on.
You may remember last year AO3 got hit with emails containing CSAM and they had to lock everything down while they dealt with it.
A few days ago somebody on FFA asked about what happened re: the AO3 volunteers working through that period. Here is the tweet chain where I found out about it, with screencaps from FFA. Basically, said volunteers got a list of links to mental health hotlines and the names of people who volunteered themselves as resources for dealing with this stuff. Yeah. (As a tangent, the OTW has an estimated ~$2mm cash reserve. At no point did they decide to hire a counselor or any other sort of professional help to assist their volunteers in dealing with this.)
Impertinence has a good rundown of the timeline of events.
azarias, the person who became the defacto CSAM resource person (a truly horrifying statement), was traumatized dealing with this. The OTW used this opportunity to force her out because people on the Board didn't like her, realized they wouldn't have a defacto CSAM person, and reinstated her, expecting that she would go back to doing what she did previously. This goes beyond benign neglect into real actual harm inflicted upon volunteers.
Then! Then! THEN!! This message (FFA original) was sent out to everybody in the OTW volunteer Slack. Which basically says to volunteers "If we don't like you we'll come down on you like a ton of bricks if you talk about how we abused you."
I don't know who's keeping up on this on Twitter, but somebody started a Dreamwidth aggregating most of what you see above.
I know this is a lot of information to throw at people. I encourage you to read it and process at your own pace because this is important to understand. And while I believe this is trustworthy information (as far as I can tell), I'm not a substitute for your own personal judgment and brain.
It is clear to me the Organization of Transformative Works has abrogated its responsibility to its volunteers as people and as laborers on behalf of the organization. There is no formal mechanism for us as AO3 users or as people the organization claims to represent (members of fandom) to demand remediation on behalf of azarias or other volunteers who have been traumatized by this.
I expect there will be a lot more people than usual at the next board meeting (I do not see one scheduled currently), but they still don't really answer to us. If you donated at least $10 during the last pledge drive you're eligible to vote in the board elections, but that does not fix the current situation or the culture that lead to it.
As somebody who has been in fandom longer than some of you have been alive, and as somebody who's had an AO3 account since 2009, it grieves me to come to terms with the rot in the OTW culture, which is deeper than I could have imagined. It's one thing to see an organization drag its feet on things it promised to do years ago or misread the room regarding new technology. It is a whole other thing to have evidence it harmed people through active malice because they didn't like them and refused to make amends when confronted. That is not something I can support, regardless of what it may have done for fandom in the past.
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the-trinket-witch · 22 days
Send a 👁️ for a glimpse of their future
Hopefully something happy for your toll boi's
(ask meme here)
Tol Bois? I got a few!
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(6'5) (His isn't happy, sowwy)
All that hard work, all that information: stolen, destroyed, gone. Dr Sona had been found out by The Prefect alongside his coworker's child. The game was up: his residency as the school's counselor had finally been found to be a smokescreen, and everybody could see it.
"I-I-" He seethed. His throat felt tight, filled with a sour, earthy taste. Was it sick? No. "I won't let some insssepid cubs ruin EVERYTHING I worked for!"
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“I will be willing to reward you with a position in the kitchen in exchange for year two herbology lessons," Offered Azul. "Until the end of this school year when your compulsory service at the lounge is fulfilled, and I have passed my exams. What do you say?”
Well, they were short one cook, after the union scuffle, and Tidus had been aching for that job for a while…He perused through the newly rearranged contract with a similar scrutiny to the one keeping Azul or Jade from talking to Vane, but found no fault in the current terms. He took the pen and rescrawled his name along the emptied line. No sooner did the contract roll in on itself and the pen disappeared. Azul rose from his seat and replaced his hat.
"I look forward to what we'll learn together," he declared with a hand out to shake.
Tidus utterly brimmed with excitement. His heart leapt at his new prospects. Completely ignoring the attempt at a handshake, he instead elected to scoop the much smaller man into his arms and into an all-encompassing hug.
"You got it, Boss!"
Both twins hissed with laughter at the octopus’s predicament. Floyd erupted into full-on cackling at the muffled sound of the gesture being 'highly unprofessional' and to 'Put me down and get back to work'. Tidus quickly relented, understanding long, crushing embraces being more of a Rhin Family Thing than a universal exchange.
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Galen still couldn't help feeling apprehensive. His hand lay outstretched: bare. The hair under his sleeve stood on end as Deuce reached out take said gloveless hand into his own.
"You've taught me a lot, Donnelley," the soon-to-be second year smiled. "I wanted to shake cause, I think you deserve to have that kinda contact. I ain't scared of luck; rolling with the punches is something else you taught me. It's...gonna be kinda weird to not see you next year. Mind if we swap contacts just so we don't forget each other?"
Warmth. Unobstructed warmth, from another person...Of their own volition. It threatened to light his nerves like a stick of firecrackers. Yet, ever so cautiously, Galen's hand hesitantly curled around Deuce's and began to shake it.
"Sure. If you don't hear from me, I'm busy. Just gimme a bit to reply, m'kay? It ain't me forgetting you. And...thanks." The typically dour-looking third year suddenly let something akin to a smirk creep up his cheek. "Trey wanted me to keep it a surprise cause he overheard, but Secret between us? I heard your name a bit when Riddle got to talking about picking a new vice housewarden since Trey's takin' off."
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia @writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie @hoboyherewego
@achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks @tunabesimpin
@hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki @valse-a-mille-temps @hallowed-delights
@kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory @comingyourlugubriousness
@ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin @scint1llat3 @tixdixl
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anderswasrightt · 11 months
here's a condensed version of my unfortunate situation post, minus the memes that were taking up space:
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in addition to these bills, i have about $500 of pending copayments that are waiting to go through insurance and could hit at any time. my flex spending card is empty until january, and if i don't pay these copays, i will not be allowed to schedule appointments with my therapist, drug counselor, or psychiatrist.
if you wanna help me out, my info is below:
vmo: wilcamel
ppal: wpcftm
c-app: DM me
thanks to anyone who can donate or reblog. i feel bad asking so soon after my last post, but life seems to enjoy kicking me in the sack lately.
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hyperfixations-ahoy · 4 months
The people (one person) have asked, so I shall provide: more Ivorren headcanons
You probably missed the mini Soren headcanon I posted right when my blog, so I’ll say it again: he doesn’t just name Endermen, he gives nicknames to everything
ex: “Ivor where’s Elizabeth?” “deep sigh Your notebook is on the kitchen table”
Building styles — Soren prefers style to practicality; Ivor focuses on function first and design after (he tries to add some style but it’s just lava or something equally bad)
Ivor LOVES gossip sessions. Like he’s not sure how it started but him, Petra, and Lukas spill all the tea
Similarly, he is also Ellegaard and Magnus’ relationship counselor, a job that never ends
”We’re breaking up!” And Ivor adds another tally to his list (they’ve said that hundreds of times)
They both missed a lot of ‘updates’ while in their respective seclusions, so they’ll constantly be like: what do you mean there’s a material stronger than diamond. what do you mean the warden is real. what is with these pink trees. what the fuck is a glow squid and why does it exist
Ivor is a Moobloom supporter, Soren knows he should hate the Glow Squid but just loves it too much to be angry
On a more serious note, they love each other’s voices. They’ll read out loud to each other, or Ivor will listen to the stupid little songs Soren comes up with (Gary may seem scary but he’s a swell guy 🔥🎶)
Living embodiments of the “we’re two halves of the same idiot” meme
Soren doesn’t think of himself as gay, or really anything in terms of sexuality (he’s been in the figurative and literal closet for years, “what is a pronoun and why are there so many”)
“Oh no, I’m not gay, I’m not interested in men except for this one here”
Meanwhile everyone except for Ivor himself knew which way the alchemist swung
Someone has definitely asked Ivor if he could make them testosterone/estrogen (insert whichever character you headcanon as trans here!)
They’re not married, because they don’t need to be. They don’t need a ceremony and a piece of paper to prove that they’re never leaving the other’s side again
I’m actually having so much fun with this, I would be happy doing more 👀👀
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