ilguna · 5 months
supply run, aisle 1 with the prompts #1 & #17 with octavia blake, please?
☼ headspace (Octavia Blake) ☼
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warnings; swearing, gun mention, ehh gore, blood mention, knife usage, death, bugs beneath the skin.
wc; 4k
prompt; 1. Always looking out for each other's safety. AND 17. Denying their relationship strongly.
notes; spoilers for s5ep5.
“They don’t know we’re coming, so all three northern passes will be wide open.” Octavia starts. She’s standing over a map, three fingers placed over the drawn houses. “But the village will be fortified.” She looks up at Obika. “Where’s the water source?”
He briefly points to a spot on the map. “Here.”
“Why? What are you thinking?” Indra asks.
The front door opens suddenly without an announcement, causing you and Cooper to look over at the intruders. Miller enters first, pulling his hood down, lips pressed together. He was supposed to have left to begin scouting ten minutes ago.
Behind him is Clarke, who moves around the other side of the table. “My question exactly.”
“Miller, your orders were to go—” Cooper begins, cutting off the end of Clarke’s sentence. 
“I know my orders.” Miller shuts her down. “I think we should listen to what Clarke has to say.” 
Octavia’s eyebrows raise as she turns to face Clarke. “You can’t take the sea route.” She says, shaking her head.
“Why? You said the sea is gone.” Indra says. “Is it passable or not?”
“Yes, maybe. But you have to understand—”
“Maybe’s good enough for me.” Octavia tells them, starting to head for the open door. “Let’s move out.”
Bellamy jumps in front of her, causing several of the warriors in the room to immediately pull out their weapons, aiming it at him. You reach out to grab Octavia’s elbow, wanting to move her away from him, but let it drop. They’re family, he’s not going to hurt her.
“O.” Bellamy warns. 
“Stand down.” Octavia says. 
“Please, O, just hear us out.” He says in a lighter tone.
“OCtavia, we’re all on the same team.” Clarke says, Octavia turns, you catch the glimpse of her smirk before the shadow of her hood covers her face. “No one wants to get to that valley more than me. It’s my home. But this way is too risky.”
“Risky how?” You ask.
There’s a brief silence, before Octavia says, “Show me.”
Clarke passes in front of her to get to the second map they have laid out. “You chose the shortest route, which makes sense, but the dry seabed is hit by almost constant sandstorms.”
“We have the tents from the second dawn. Sand won’t be a problem.” Octavia tells her.
“It’s not just sand. Some of it crystallized in Praimfaya. I’m talking shards of glass like razor blades. Your tents will be torn to shreds and so will you.”
“Blodreina is right.” Cooper interjects. “Besides, we can only carry rations for seven days. The sea route will take six. The next shortest path adds fifty miles. That’s two days if we’re lucky.”
“How do we know there won’t be sandstorms on the longer routes?” Indra asks.
“Enough.” Octavia says. “We’re doing this. The hydrofarm is barely feeding us now, so if this is the last living valley on Earth, then it should be ours.”
“Diyoza thinks the same thing.” Bellamy says.
“And so we fight.” Octavia tells him. 
This is the final word, and therefore the signal to clean up. Obika and Cooper reach for the maps, folding them to keep them safe when you bring them on the trip. You share a long look with Octavia, that ends with you nodding, telling her that you’re with her. You’ll follow her as long as she’ll let you. 
She heads for the door, brushing past Bellamy. You’re quick to follow her onto the street, because this means that it’s time to get moving. This was just the final meeting before marching to ensure that everyone in higher power were on the same page about the travel. 
“Are you ready?” Octavia asks.
“Yes, I’ve got everything.” 
“First battalion! Mount up!” Indra’s ordercuts through the air.
“We honor those who died so we might live.” Octavia says with her eyes closed, head tilted downward.
You sit on her right, carefully balanced on a box so that you’re able to cross your legs. You lay out your part of the rations in front of you, carefully breaking it into pieces to make it seem like you have more. Or that it’s actually a proper meal.
“Omon gon oson.” Octavia says, tilting her head back.
“Omon gon oson.” You repeat, joining the choir of the circle. 
It means ‘All of me for all of us’. If you put all your efforts into Wonkru, and everyone else does the same, that means everyone benefits. The sacrifices that Octavia makes—the difficult ones especially—are done for the greater good of the clan. If you work together, you survive together.
“Omon gon oson.” 
Octavia sits, taking a piece of the ration from your lap. You don’t object, this is normal. Usually, you pass around the rations until there’s none left, that way everyone shares. It keeps from resource guarding, a problem that you faced only once in the bunker, and it was catastrophic. However, Octavia prefers if you have your own pile that she can pick out of.
If the others were to reach for it, you wouldn’t stop them. You don’t think Octavia would, either, but it wouldn’t end well. The only people that you’ve properly shared with are Cooper and Indra, and that’s because you all work on the same playing field. You’re equals. They’re entitled to your food, just as much as you’re entitled to theirs.
You eat in silence, slowly dwindling your supply. Out of curiosity, you glance over your shoulder to check on Bellamy and Clarke, who’d decided to sit a few feet away on their own boxes. They’d decided back at the bunker that they were going to join you on the way to the valley, regardless of the fact that Clarke doesn’t think this is the best way to go.
Your eyes only find Bellamy, sitting alone, walkie in his hand. Clarke must’ve turned herself in for the night already. 
“Your brother loves you, Octavia.” Indra suddenly says.
“Love is weakness.” Octavia says back. 
An ache begins in your chest when you hear her say that. You turn away from Bellamy, looking back at the fire in the center of the circle. When you look at Indra, her lips are pressed together, face washed with sympathy.
“Gaia’s teachings, no doubt.” Indra says. “I hoped she was beyond such nonsense.”
“It isn’t nonsense.” Octavia mutters. Her eyes are open now, staring right at her friend. “Love no one… and no one can hurt you.”
You swallow thickly, looking down at the rations, finding only a few pieces left. You pick one of them up, passing it to your right, away from Octavia. This earns you a brief glimpse in your direction. 
You’re no longer hungry. In fact, you’d like to escape this conversation as fast as possible. 
“I love you.” Indra tells her, and they share a long look. “Does that make me weak?”
Octavia is uncomfortable, you can tell in the way she quickly shakes her head and faces the fire. “I would never say that to you, Seda.”
She would say it to me, you think bitterly.
A sigh escapes you, hands moving to ball up the cloth you’d laid out for the food. You don’t care where it goes or who it feeds, all you know is that you’re done. You hold it out for Indra to take, watching as her face twists, but not a single word comes to her mouth. You jerk it out in her direction to take. And when she finally does, you get to your feet.
“Where are you going?” Octavia asks, looking up at you.
“To patrol.” 
“They don’t need you out there.” She shoots back.
You open your mouth to counter, when a scream cuts you off. You turn in the direction, eyes searching the darkness of the desert for who it’s coming from.
“We need help!” A man overlaps the first.
“It’s the scouts.” Indra says.
At once, everyone raises to their feet to be on defense. Octavia takes a step forward. “Miller, what is it?”
“Medic! We need help! It’s Obika!” Miller shouts back.
“I’ll get the med kit.” Clarke tells them, taking off.
“Please help us!” MIller’s got Obika thrown over his shoulder, running in your direction. “He needs help!”
“Are we under attack?” Octavia asks.
“I don’t know what’s wrong!” He carefully pulls Obika down, laying him in the sand. He’s only on the ground for a second before he starts convulsing, thrashing around, twisting in uncomfortable angles. “Please! Hurry! Someone help him!”
No one moves forward.
“Out of my way. I can help.” Clarke says, pushing through the ring that’s gathered.
“Not you.” Cooper tells her, stopping her.
Obika continues to scream, growing exhausted, until he stops altogether, panting. 
“Octavia.” Clarke says.
“Let her in.”
Cooper lets Clarke free, allowing her to get down and assess Obika. She checks his pulse, and her face relaxes some, but not enough. “He’s alive, but his heart’s racing.”
“What the hell happened out there?” Octavia asks Miller.
“We separated to cover more ground. Then I hear him screaming out that they’re everywhere. Then I get to him and there’s nothing. It’s just more screaming and—”
Obika’s stomach moves from the inside. There’s several gasps of surprise, as everyone takes a step back. You grab Octavia, pulling her toward you, shielding her from Obika.
“There’s something inside him.” Clarke breathes. “I need a better spot to examine him.”
“The tent.” You suggest, looking at Octavia. She presses her lips together, head tilted to the side, not exactly a fan of it. “Where else?”
“Fine.” She agrees. 
Miller, Bellamy and a few of the others come together to lift Obika from the ground and carry them to Octavia’s main tent. There’s an arms-length distance between Obika and those who are carrying him, afraid that they might get whatever’s inside of him.
“Hurry!” Miller ushers. “Get him in the tent. Get him in the tent.”
You hold open one of the flaps, watching as the group comes in one by one, with Clarke taking up the rear. “Nobody else comes inside.”
“Move!” Miller demands. 
“Right here.” Bellamy directs. “Put him on the table.”
The table they’re talking about holds the maps and lanterns that were laid out earlier, and no one bothered to clean up. You work to clear the wood, allowing them to lay Obika on top. And then immediately hold him down to keep him from thrashing the same way he did in the sand.
“Help me get his jacket off.” Clarke says.
“Clarke, what is this?” Indra asks. 
“I don’t know.” She shifts her attention. “MIller, tell us exactly what happened.”
“Nothing happened. We stopped to eat. Then we separated again. Next thing I knew, he was screaming.”
“Your rations. Show me.”
“Nothing’s wrong with our rations.” Cooper says.
“He was eating when it happened.”
“Cooper’s right. If it was the rations, Miller would have it, too.” Octavia says. “They share everything.”
“Well, it got in him somehow.” Clarke reasons.
Bellamy grabs the lantern, bringing it to a spot on Obika’s leg. “Wait.” When he touches the area, his hand turns red, stained with blood. Cooper works quickly to pull up the pant leg, revealing a puncture wound on Obika’s shin. “Look.”
“It came from the sand.” Clarke says, eyes widening. “We have to go back.”
“What? No.” Octavia’s face twists.
“Octavia, he told MIller that they were everywhere.”
“Yes, but Miller just said he saw nothing.” Octavia tells her.
“Everywhere could mean everywhere inside him.” Cooper says.
“Yeah, but what if they went back inside the sand when Obika started screaming?” You ask.
“I agree with Blodreina.” Cooper tells you with direct eye contact.
“What a surprise.” Indra snarks.
There’s a moment of tense silence that fills the room, where no one moves or says anything, as if they don’t want a fight to break out. You narrow your eyes at Cooper, because you’ve been finding it difficult to get along with her lately. Or like her at all.
“We march on at first light.” Octavia says, moving away from Obika. 
“And Obika?” Miller asks, standing up from his leaned position.
Octavia tilts her head slightly, coming back over to the table. “If he’s not better by then…” She stands over him with closed eyes, which is a telling sign of what she’s about to say next. She doesn’t even have to, if she doesn’t want to. “I’ll end his pain myself.”
She turns, leaving the tent, the flaps whooshing behind her. Cooper is quick to follow.
Clarke and Bellamy share a look, and then they turn their attention to you. You shake your head slightly. “There’s nothing I can do, don’t look at me for help.”
“You can’t talk to her? It’s dangerous to be out here, especially if there’s parasites in the sand.” Clarke says, motioning to the ground.
“She doesn’t value my opinion in the same way she does with Indra or Cooper. I could try to talk to her, but she’ll shut me down and cast me out for the rest of the night. I’m not looking for a fight.” You tell them.
“There’s going to be a fight either way.” Bellamy says. “It’s not decided on what yet.”
“I’m going to stay with Obika.” Clarke says with a sigh, practically ending the discussion.
“I’ll stay with you.” Bellamy offers.
You start toward the flaps, pressing your lips together. You go back to the fire, finding that your original spot has been untouched. You take a seat on the box, crossing your legs, staring at the flickering flames.
You’re left alone for a while, allowing you to think. Nothing helpful comes to mind.
The scouts begin shouting nearby, a warning that something is coming, they can hear it through the sand. You don’t pay attention, not until Octavia comes out from the tents, being shadowed by Indra and Cooper. That’s when you turn, curious on what they could be worried about. 
Well, in fairness, you should be worried, too. 
In the distance, you can see dark clouds barely passing over mountains, moving quickly through the desert. Lightning flashes brightly, aggressively, a sign that this is no ordinary storm. This is an evolution of what Praimfaya had caused.
Clarke passes you, coming to a stop. Her lips are parted, staring at the nightmare that’s approaching. “Sandstorm.”
“It’s blocking the way back.” Bellamy says.
“Can we outrun it?” Indra asks.
“As long as it keeps moving laterally from east to west, we shouldn’t have to, but if the wind shifts—”
“The wind hasn’t met Wonkru.” Octavia says, turning around to face the group that’s gathered behind her. Her eyes land on you briefly, where you’re still sitting next to the dying fire. “Now there’s no choice. We keep moving.”
“Keep moving?” Bellamy asks, jumping in her way. “Thanks to you, we’re stuck between razor-blade winds and burrowing, parasitic bugs.” 
“Thanks to you, we’re at war, Bellamy.” Her voice is grave. 
“Only if you insist on fighting it.”
“Fight or die. That’s all there is. You don’t understand. I get it. Because you’re not one of us.”
“Is Obika one of you?” Bellamy shoots back, glancing at the tent over his shoulder. “Hmm? Because you’re about to end his life like he means nothing.”
Cooper moves forward, planning to end Bellamy’s disrespect. You get to your feet now, hand swiping at her elbow to keep her from touching him, yanking her away.
“I understand that.” Bellamy says to Octavia.
“Let go of me.” Cooper tries to pull her arm from your grasp.
“Do not touch him.” Your eyes bore into hers.
“Or what?” She challenges. “He’s being disrespectful. I can’t tolerate that.”
“She can handle it.” You snap.
Cooper stands taller, rolling her shoulders, despite the fact that you still have her arm in your hand. “Do you have something you want to say?”
“Cooper, no.” Octavia tells her.
“Show some respect.” One of the scouts says.
“Bellamy.” Clarke warns.
“Easy.” Octavia has her eyes on Bellamy. “I’d stop if I were you.”
You let go of Cooper, but your expression doesn’t change.
Obika’s screaming interrupts the conversation, drawing Clarke to him. “He’s awake.”
Bellamy follows after her, but you don’t move right away, shaking your head at Octavia. 
“I don’t want to hear it from you.” She says. “Don’t lay hands on Cooper.”
“You don’t want to hear anything from me.” Your face twists. “I mean nothing to you. You said so yourself.”
You walk away, heading for the tent. By the time you enter with Octavia, they’re holding Obika down. When you look in the middle, you find that the parasite inside is pushing at his stomach, growing bigger by the second, trying to escape.
And then they do.
They burst out, blood flying through the air. You shield your face with your arm, listening to the screeching of the bugs and the squelching of the blood from Obika’s stomach. Someone must knock over a lantern, because the room begins to flash with white.
“Everybody out! Now! Go!” Bellamy shouts.
As you begin to run, a piercing pain hits your forearm. You clutch the area, thinking that you’ve been hit with one of the broken poles, and duck out of the tent. From the corner of your eye, you see Indra reach for one of the torches.
Your vision suddenly goes white, the strength in your knees being pulled from you, as a scream leaves your lips. You hit the sand, teeth grit as you hold onto your arm tighter, throwing your head back.
“Indra!” Octavia shouts. “Burn it down! Kill them all!”
“(Y/n)!” Clarke is right above you, grabbing at your arm, pulling it to your side. “Stop, stop!”
When you open your eyes, you’re already facing your arm, and you’re immediately met with the sight of one of the parasites crawling beneath your skin. A heavy wave of nausea hits you, forcing you to look away before you’re sick.
“What happened?” Octavia demands.
“I don’t know.” Clarke says. “Is there another tent we can go in?”
“Why?” Cooper asks, taking her eyes off the burning tent.
Octavia pales when she sees you on the ground. “Get her up, now!” 
Indra and Bellamy work together to pull you to your feet, which work for the first few seconds, until the tops of your thighs begin to tingle, working its way down. By the time you’re halfway to the tent, all feeling is gone, they’re just deadweight attached to your body.
“I can’t feel my legs.” You tell them, Octavia holds open the flaps.
“It must be its venom.” Clarke says. They drop you in a seat, with Indra standing behind you to hold you upright. “Put her arm on the table.” They flatten your arm against the table, putting the parasite on display. “We can’t let it get into her torso.”
You share a panicked look with Octavia. She steps forward, grabbing your free hand, and squeezing it tightly.
“I need you to make a tourniquet out of whatever you can find.” Clarke tells Bellamy. “And get me a med kit.”
“There were dozens of those worms.” Cooper says, standing off to the side. “They must lay their eggs—”
“Enough.” Octavia snaps.
“Thank you! Go!” Clarke yells at her.
“I’m right here.” Octavia squeezes your hand. “Look at me. We got this.”
You shake your head slightly. Clarke begins to wrap a cloth around your upper arm, tying it tightly.
“Will that stop it?” Bellamy asks.
“It’s not for the worm. It’s for the blood.” Clarke pants. The worm must hit the barrier, because it begins to press against it, trying to get past. You squeeze Octavia’s hand tighter, tears appearing in your eyes. “I need a knife now!”
“What are you waiting for?” Octavia asks.
“(Y/n), you gotta stop moving.”
“It fucking hurts.” You say shakily.
“Whatever you’re going to do, do it.” Indra tells Clarke.
“Okay, this is gonna hurt.” Clarke warns, and then she stabs her knife into your arm.
You try to hold your breath, not wanting to scream. White stars on a black background begin to appear within seconds, pressure building in your head. You can feel Octavia squeezing your hand, encouraging you to do it back. 
“Clarke? Clarke, you’re gonna lose it.” Bellamy says. 
“Like hell I am.” She says, digging around. “I got it! Stay still.” 
“Clarke, just pull it out.” Octavia tells her. “She’s going to pass out.”
“Please, if you can hear me, this is an emergency.” A voice comes over Bellamy’s radio.
“I got this. Take it.” Clarke tells him.
Bellamy pulls it out. “Monty, it’s me. Something tells me we got your emergency beat.”
“I doubt that. The prisoners have an eye in the sky on the mothership, and a missile system on their transport ship.” Monty tells him. Bellamy looks up, Octavia grits her teeth. 
“Missiles?” Clarke asks. 
“They're on their way to you right now. You have to move. Hide somewhere. Take cover.”
“Clarke, get this over with.” You tell her.
“One second.”
“Hide from an eye in the sky? How are we supposed to do that?” Bellamy asks.
“Murphy says we have a friend inside. If he’s right, the eye won’t be watching. You have a window, but you have to move now.” Monty tells him.
Clarke begins to pull, and you watch as this long and fat bug gets pulled out of your arm. The second it’s out, there’s instant relief, but also a painful ache in your muscle from where it had been playing around. The bug begins to screech, Clarke drops the parasite into a thermos, covering the lid.
“Where do we find cover from missiles in the middle of a wasteland?” Indra asks.
Your hand loosens on Octavia’s, her knuckles begin to turn back to their original color. She reaches to push the hair that’s stuck to your forehead, out of your face. 
“If they see us retreat, they’ll stand down.” Clarke says.
“You still don’t understand. Wonkru does not retreat.”
“You do if you want to live.” Bellamy says.
“Now is not the time for a debate. Even if we did retreat, the path home puts us in the middle of a sandstorm.” Indra’s got her eyes on Octavia.
She doesn’t care, teeth baring, “Those ruins are not our home.” She grabs onto your shoulder, leaning forward. “That valley is, and we’re taking it back.” She looks at Bellamy. “Get ready to understand.”
Octavia leaves, this time no one follows after her. You’ve managed to get a handle on your breathing, but your hands are shaking so badly that you can’t grab onto anything properly.
“How are you two together but you’re not able to talk sense into her?” Bellamy breaks the silence, looking at you.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” You tell him. “We’re not together.” You raise your eyebrows, motioning in the direction she went. “That’s why I can’t talk to her. She’s afraid of loving me, which is why she can’t value my opinion, Bellamy. And I’ve tried everything to get out of this position, for better and worse, and I get nowhere.”
“How is that possible? In the past—”
“She’s not in the right headspace.” You interrupt Clarke. “That’s what she told me and I’m tired of trying to convince her otherwise. If you want help, you’ll go to Indra. She’ll get Octavia to come to her senses.” You look at Clarke. “Can we please stitch up my arm, now?”
"So you can't get Octavia to listen to you, so you blindly support her?" Bellamy asks.
"Give me a better alternative without having her call me a traitor to Wonkru." You shoot back at him. "Because I am all out tries there, too. You should talk to Indra before it's too late."
Bellamy lets out a sigh, but takes your advice, pushing the flaps out of the way.
this was part of my 3k celebration!!
47 notes · View notes
countrymusiclover · 4 days
1 - The Day Everything Changed
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Part 2
Star Crossed Enemies
@severa-kane @100foreverfiles @ocappreciation @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @lover-of-books-and-tea
2 years ago
“Get your hands off me. I haven't done anything wrong!” I screamed and kicking my legs about while having guards drag me down multiple hallways until we got to one of the pod launch bays. “What the hell do you think you’re doing to me!”
Footsteps came up behind me and the guards where I sharply turned my head around seeing my mother Dr Abigail and father Jake Griffin coming up to us. “Remove your hands from our daughter now please.”
“Counselors. We are just following your orders that you sent us Dr. Griffin.” One of them spoke, removing their hands from my forearm.
I elbowed the other guard in the stomach and he stumbled backwards into the nearest wall. “Orders. What orders have you told them?”
“Cassiopeia, honey there isn’t another way to ensure they won’t kill all three of us. I’m sorry, but we are sending you to the ground.” My mother explained beginning to take steps towards me till I harshly slapped her hand that reached out to touch me.
“You kicked me out of the house at sixteen to lower suspicion of you possibly having two kids but now you’re saying that isn’t enough!”
My father went around the corner escorting someone by the arm where it took me a minute before I recognized who he had alongside him. “Jake! We can’t let anyone else know what we are doing.” My mother gasped seeing my best friend.
“Cass! Why are they sending you down there? It isn’t safe yet. It hasn’t been a hundred years yet.” Glass Sorenson came running to me with her blonde hair and blue eyes, flinging her arms around my neck and began to cry.
Wrapping my arms around her I sobbed into her shoulder not wanting to be forced to leave her. “I don’t know why they’re doing this. I don’t want to go, Glass.”
“Dr. Griffin, please don’t do this. She’s my best friend.”
Mom sniffed through tears that were welling up in her eyes. “Glass, it’s family business-“
“Oh for god sake. I have a sister. Her name is Clarke and we are twins and nobody knows about us. That’s why they are sending me to the ground without knowing if it's survivable or not!” Throwing my hands up in the air I shouted getting frustrated that she was avoiding the truth.
Glass grasped my hand closest to hers. “Can I at least say goodbye before you send her down?”
“Yes. You can say goodbye, Glass.” My father nodded with a very weak expression.
Glass spun around on her feet, throwing her arms around me a second time. “I’m going to be praying that you make it. Because you are so much stronger and tougher than anybody thinks you are…may we meet again.” She sniffed back some tears once she had broken the embrace.
Squeezing her shoulders underneath my fingers I wiped away falling tears. “I will see you again, bestie. May we meet again.” From that day forward anyone else that came from the Ark couldn’t be trusted in my eyes.
I was born in space, but I became a Grounder.
Two guards drew the tent curtain opened on either side of me as I strolled inside with my shoulders back and head held high knowing who I was standing in front of at this very moment. The woman I now considered to be my Commander was seated on her throne of trees spinning a dagger in one hand until I paused in my step directly in front of her presence. “You summoned me, Heda.”
“I have an assignment for you. You are my best tracker and fighter in the ones up to take my place when my fight is over.” The Commander began speaking.
Brushing some of my loose hair from my eyes I had twisted one side of my hair into a braid and left the rest of it completely loose. “How have you chosen me to serve you today, Heda?”
“Anya has informed me that one of her scouts has stopped reporting the number of the sky invaders on our lands. I want you to set up camp near their camp and find out all you can about these sky people.”
Nodding my head in understanding I bowed my head down to her. “It will be done, Commander.”
“When you landed in our territory years ago I had many of my advisers tell me I should have just killed you right then and there.” I spun on my boots about to leave till she called for my attention again making me peek over my shoulder back at her. “I’m very proud that I made my own decision and kept you alive. You may have come from the sky but you’ve proven to be a true Earthborn, Warrior Cass.”
“I appreciate that I have your respect, Commander.” I smirked back at her spinning on my feet leaving her tent and heading off onto the assignment I had been given.
Days later I had moved into one of the nearby caves not too far from the sky camp. I sat on one of the middle ground branches hearing a small group of them coming in my direction. Wearing a pack of knives that were attached to a leather strap I scanned the area seeing a group of four guys running from one of the traps Lincoln had set up to catch reapers.
One of the guys that was wearing goggles on his head was screaming in the direction of some clan members that I knew about. “They can kill us whenever they want. Then they should get it over with! Come on! We know you're out there!”
“You want to kill us…” The second guy with long black hair grabbed the goggle wearing guy and slapped his hand over his mouth trying to shut him up.
“Bellamy!-“ The other sky person hollered to the one I was guessing was the leader of the group. I leaped down from the tree drawing out a flute with multiple darts inside of it, blowing into it I shot the other three in the neck and they collapsed out cold.
Raising myself up from my knees I bolted towards the last standing guy with curly raven hair. He tried to run at me but I twisted one of his arms around his back shoving him against the nearest tree. “I wouldn’t bother trying to call for help if I were you.” I whispered a warning in his ear, pressing a dagger to the back of his neck.
“You don’t scare me, grounder girl.” He growled back, doing his best to not show me any hint of fear.
Spinning him around pushing his back against the tree I soon realized that he was slightly taller than I was so I had to angle the blade up more than I originally thought I would have to. “I’m guessing you're their leader. I’ll give you a bit of advice, don’t put yourself out in the open unless you have a death wish.”
“Like I’ll ever take advice from the enemy.” The guy I heard them call Bellamy spat in my face. His dark brown eyes locked onto my green gaze.
Stepping away from him I tossed the dagger in my hand downwards towards his boots hearing a foghorn from somewhere else off in the distance. “Keep the blade you’re gonna need all the help you can get, Bellamy.”
“How the heck do you know my name? What the hell is yours, grounder?” He raised his tone, shifting his gaze from mine then down to the dagger at his feet.
I smirked hearing the horn noise getting louder telling me it was time to go. “I can’t give you the answer right away. Otherwise that gives away the game. See you around, Sky Boy.” Twirling on my feet I bolted into a run through the terrain leaving him too stunned in shock to chase after me.
It had been a few hours since the acid fog had cleared, meaning I could leave the entrance of Lincoln’s cave when I wanted to. Quietly entering the rest of the way inside Lincoln’s cave I saw a girl with dark black hair beginning to wake up. Hearing other footsteps running in I slipped behind the available space in the wall, making sure she or Lincoln didn’t see me watching them. The sky girl had managed to grab the keys and the group of boys that were with Bellamy helped her off the cave floor. She jumped into the goggles guy's arms. “How did you find me?”
“Followed him.” He chuckled in relief, hugging her back.
The girl broke the embrace and ran into Bellamy’s arms until he saw a spear laying beside a passed out Lincoln on the stone floor. “We should go. Now. Before he wakes up.”
“He's not gonna wake up.” Bellamy picked it, gripping the spear tightly in his hands.
The girl attempted to grab his wrist. “Bellamy, stop. He didn't hurt me. Let's just go.”
“They started this. Finn. Move.” He ignored her.
The guy that was bent down by an unconscious Lincoln noticed the horn he was wearing on his hip before Lincoln woke up and stabbed him in the belly where he collapsed onto the ground. “Foghorn.”
Bellamy raised the spear about to hurt Lincoln until I leaped out from hiding and up onto the older boy's back. “Argh! Get her off me-“ He struggled to grab a hold of me where I made him drop the weapon before he gripped my thighs throwing me off and onto my back harshly.
“Stop! That's my brother!” The young girl cried out moments after Bellamy and Lincoln went fighting over the spear till my friend grabbed it. He knocked the sky boy down pushing the weapon against his throat until she screamed.
I gasped sharply but wasn’t fast enough before the other guy hit him over the head and he fell unconscious. “Lincoln! - uhh you son of a bitch..” Scrambling to my feet I attempted to rush over to him but I felt a dart go into my neck making my vision blur, seeing Bellamy holding the dart flute up to his mouth seconds before everything went black.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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okmcintyre · 7 months
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: her rebellious, fighting spirit is absolutely what drew me in (I feel like that was the case with so many of us!) I loved that she was very clearly the delinquents' WILD CHILD!
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least favorite thing about them: I hated how she treated her brother sometimes. Obviously after Lincoln's death is the most glaring example, but it's not the only one. It's a shame we weren't given more opportunities to see the two addressing & healing from that toxic pattern they had going (because the Blake Siblings really were super important to each other!)
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favorite line: THE LETTER!! ⬇️
"Bell, I hope against hope that this letter reaches you. I need you to know that you were right. There was a darkness in me, but Diyoza helped me past that darkness. That’s behind me now. I need you to know that I finally understand all you did to protect me, watch over me, love me. I wish I could see your face and hug you and tell you that I get it now. I wish I could thank you. By the time you get this — if you get this — I’ll probably be an old lady or dead. I want you to know I was happy. I have Hope. Diyoza’s a pain in the ass, but I love her, like I love you. Please don’t worry about me. You deserve to be happy, Big Brother. Always yours, Octavia"
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brOTP: I love she & Clarke, and she & Echo? And the dynamic between O and Indra is really special too (*obviously Bellamy is my fave brotp for her, but since they're related it seemed too obvious to choose him 😅)
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OTP: Lincoln all day! And Gabriel I thought had outstanding chemistry/story potential for her. AND I wouldn't have been mad at Octavia/Niylah either 🔥🔥🔥
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nOTP: Ugh, Illian. He drove me nuts!
I also have mixed feelings about Levitt, I LOVE him... but I feel like her story was short-changed to allow for that particular (wonderful!) bit of fan service lol
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random headcanon: she and Bellamy had time to heal and grow living on Sanctum, and eventually became closer than ever again. They have coffee together every morning, now ☕☺️
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unpopular opinion: SHE WAS SO MUCH FUN AS BLODRENIA (despite being completely bonkers & outta control)
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song i associate with them: POKERFACE BY LADY GAGA and I'm not sure why?
favorite picture of them: here's a gif!
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blodreina-noumou · 6 months
for stacked100 day even though we still have to wait some time to see them together... thoughts on Octavia and Diyoza?
Octavia and Diyoza are a huge highlight of the latter half of the series, imo.
One of my favorite tropes that The 100 pulled off rather well is the whole "enemies to friends" things. Octavia and Indra had a similar vibe, but Indra was so obviously a mentor and role model for Octavia.
What's really fun about Octavia and Diyoza is that they meet more or less as equals. Two cunning, cutthroat women leading dangerous, violent groups in a fight over limited resources.
The details of their leadership make it really compelling, too.
Octavia has almost ironclad control over Wonkru, and their loyalty to her is unmatched to just about any other leader in The 100's entire storyline. Obviously we watch that deteriorate as s5 goes on, but it can't be denied that that loyalty is what keeps Octavia in charge for as long as she is.
Diyoza, meanwhile, has a grip over the Eligius prisoners that is far more tenuous and is based on the fact that she led the rebellion on the prison ship. McCreary is battling nonstop to try to take that control away from her, whereas Octavia's enemies are all pretty much external.
And then they both lose it all. They end up on the floor of the Eligius ship together, one of my favorite moments. Even if "One garden, two serpents. Eden never stood a chance," is a little cheesy, it's kind of incredible to have one serpent say that to the other. A moment of camaraderie in all the destruction they just wrought.
Their dynamic in s6 is one of my favorites. Octavia has no hope for the future, feels betrayed and used, and doesn't see the point in being alive anymore. And Diyoza has been there too, and she helps her come back to herself. The way she talks Octavia down by pushing her to the edge - putting a gun to the younger woman's head when she couldn't fight back - only to be surprised and saddened by Octavia's willingness to be killed. Their entire storyline is so rewarding, and I'll admit I became a lot less interested in Octavia's s6 storyline after Diyoza disappears into the Anomaly.
And then in s7, they have their beautiful domestic bliss, raising Hope together. And we got to see how they related to each other in peace. I generally didn't ship them, but I did during this period. Honestly, they all might've been better off if they'd managed to stay on Skyring forever.
What they share with Hope there is really beautiful and sweet, and that makes Diyoza's death even harder, because they only got to live peacefully for a short time. But that's The 100 for you. S7 was disappointing in so many ways, but I think they handled Diyoza's sacrifice really well, and the story is more impactful if she dies.
I wouldn't have complained too much if she made it to the endless beach party though. She was a badass and I think she and Octavia would've made a good couple. And Hope could've been one of the few characters to make it through the series without being an orphan.
Overall - their dynamic is one of the few things I really enjoy about s6 and s7.
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laufire · 3 months
ñasldkfjasdf I had forgotten that levitt was semi-demoted to janitor too, just like bellamy in the ark in season 1. the blake centric show from an alternate timeline sometimes sneaks in...
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reluctant-woodwind · 2 years
Apologies in advance, this is going to be a long one.
I have many feelings about the 100, Clarke and Lexa specifically, so let’s look at the Mount Weather kerfuffle. Lexa, seemingly, pulls a 360 and after making many plans and contingencies up and abandons Clarke at Mount Weather. This is all common knowledge, but I went down a little rabbit hole about what pushed Lexa to make this decision.
Let’s start pre-kiss. Throughout “Bodyguard of Lies” Lexa is consistently opening herself up and being vulnerable around Clarke. At the start of the episode Lexa is literally lying down with her eyes closed while Clarke is in the tent. We also get the iconic line “Not everyone. Not you.”. At this time it is also established that Clarke is a formidable fighter and leader, and Lexa notices this. When Clarke storms into the tent with the guard sent to kill Octavia (do we know this mans name?), she displays physical strength and also significant logic skills. The choice she gives to Lexa of “If you hurt Octavia, I’ll tell everyone we knew about the missile.” shows Clarke’s logical decision making and ability to take risks. All of this, along with the fact that Clarke and her people were able to breach the Mountain, shows Lexa that Clarke is comparable in power to the Mountain Men.
Then the kiss happens. This is peak Lexa makes herself vulnerable to Clarke. She displays all her emotions, which as a reminder, Lexa believes to be the pinnacle of weakness. When Clarke pulls back and admits that she’s not ready for a relationship, Lexa recoils into herself. She becomes scared. She is worried that Clarke will use her vulnerability against her, or her people. She is also scared of getting her heart broken again, so she reverts to what she’d been taught for her entire life. Cruelty.
This cruelty comes in the form of betrayal. She makes the deal with Mount Weather for two reasons. One, it was a sure way to keep HER people safe. Two, it was a way for Lexa to convince Clarke that Lexa doesn’t care as much as she led Clarke to believe. (This is a lie, Lexa is whipped as fuck).
So my takeaway from all this is “I made this decision with my head and not my heart.” is fucking bullshit. That decision was AT LEAST 50% emotional, because Lexa was scared and trying to protect herself. There was just an added benefit of protecting her people too.
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starogeorgina · 2 years
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little-honeypie · 7 months
How do your Destiny ocs eat their ramen and/or soup? Like what toppings and such do they add?
Ophelia likes super thick and hearty soups and she loves fish but is deathly allergic. She adds those little fish cakes to her ramen all the time while Beau, (her ghost) desperately and exasperatedly tries to get her to stop.
Blake likes more light soups/broths. He's also extremely picky with taste and texture.
Octavia-7 adds awful things to everything. She will add mayonnaise and ketchup to everything she eats no matter what it is. She is also always hungry. She is a garbage disposal of an exo and loves weird food combos.
Hoppla is similar but she's eliksni so she has different tastes. She will consistently get drunk and try to eat ramen and then sob because it's hard with her mandibles.
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madmanwonder · 1 year
type ask
Hey M!Blake... are you still jealous that Fem!Sun is pregnant with M!Octavia's child and are married with each other?
"I am dating Yang and Jeanne," He shrugged his shoulders. "So the impregnation of my ex doesn't concern me." Blake replied with a calm and aloof tone of voice
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eviefyres · 4 months
overall, the 100 was an incredibly mid and ended badly show but holy shit, it had some fucking potential in moments
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mspirations · 2 years
Any chance Octavia Blake will appear in a future poll?!
Hi A,
I'd say there are some, but I don't know when.
- M
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itsonlybaby · 5 months
𐙚ᣟ݂﹒𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 - 𝐛. 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞﹒
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putting out so many bellamy fics, here's the playlist I listen to while writing fics
Bellamy Blake - Arkadia
꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ ⸝⸝ You had a dream about your best friend Bellamy, and you try to suppress the feelings by avoiding him. Bellamy doesn't let this slide. ﹒   ⊹  ⤷ cw: smut, piv, praise, nsfw, gentle Bellamy
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His hand glided along my thigh, sending shivers down my spine. My breathing became erratic the closer and closer he got to my cunt, the place I craved his touch the most. Bellamy leaned down, giving sweet kisses to my stomach area before I finally felt his fingers on my pussy, sliding up and down coating his fingers with my slick.
I just about came when he pushed two fingers inside me, thrusting them up and hitting my sweet spot.
"Hey!" Octavia, my roommate, yelled.
I shot up instantly looking around taking in my surroundings, a wave of disappointment washing over me, suddenly missing the dream I had just awoken from. Why had I been dreaming of Bellamy of all people? He was my best friend!
My disappointment was replaced by my guilt.
"You've been asleep an hour past breakfast, wake up." She spoke, putting on her black boots and lacing them.
An hour? What happened to my alarm clock?
Octavia noticed my confused look towards my clock, "You didn't set it last night,"
I climbed out of bed and almost tripped on my blanket. I walked to my dresser and pulled out a fairly cute outfit. Shorts, a tank top, and Bellamy's guard jacket I still needed to return. But I knew he'd have to steal it back to get it.
"Where are you off to today?" I asked Octavia, putting on my socks and then my brown boots. I saw her stand and grab her sword, placing it in the holster on her back.
"Gonna spend the day with Lincoln, makes things less boring around here." She opened the door to our room and left.
Leaving me to only my thoughts memories of the dream came flooding back to me. It was like I could actually feel his touch on my thigh. His big, calloused hands, his soft kisses to my stomach, touching me as if I were a porcelain doll.
Shaking my head I snapped out of my thoughts, I had things to do today.
Walking to my little clay shop beside the Armory I sat down on my stool. Reaching under the desk I brought out a lump of clay I left to dry.
I had a clay shop, though it wasn't really a shop. Bring me the dirt and I'll make you whatever you want. It made the days less boring and brought smiles to everyone's faces, people would commission things for their partners, moms, siblings, and friends. Knowing my little sculptures could bring such joy to the people of Arkadia was a nice feeling.
Slapping the lump down on the desk I rolled up the sleeves of Bellamy's jacket and began kneading it, this is where most of my strength came from. Once I was sure it was soft enough to work with I sat back down, dunked my hands in the water, and began sculpting. Taking mini lumps from the big piece of clay.
I had finished two before my thoughts caught up with me.
Kneading the clay again, I thought about Bellamy's hands, mouth, hair, and body. How good he'd feel against me.
"Clays not gonna knead itself," Bellamy spoke in an amusing tone.
I hadn't even noticed I stopped kneading.
The sight of Bellamy made my heart drop, without his usual jacket you could see his muscular arms, a sight I needed engraved in my brain.
Looking at his face my eyes were wide, I had hoped he didn't notice my unusual staring. I needed to get my head out of the gutter.
"Yeah, just got distracted," I replied, an awkward laugh coming after.
Bellamy raised an eyebrow, bringing his hands to his hips. He definitely noticed.
"You okay, princess?"
That name again. I practically melted every time he called me it, though I'm sure he meant it in a friendly manner it just sounded so good coming from him.
I let out a series of stutters before taking a breath, "Yes," It came out as more of a question than an answer, and I knew he didn't believe me.
Then finally, my saving grace came.
"Oh, look, customer," I say, the look on Bellamy's face still evident.
A customer from two weeks ago approached my shop, Bellamy looked between us and took his leave.
A part of me felt bad knowing I had pushed him away slightly. But id never get any work done if he was standing there looking so damn good-
"Hi, I'm here for the fox statue. For my boyfriend." She greeted me with a bright smile, clearly full of excitement to see the final result.
I returned her smile and nodded, "I remember! Let me get it,"
A few hours had passed since then and the sun was setting, many happy customers, and I somehow seemed to get a lot of work done.
Closing down shop I washed my hands in the bucket of water and walked towards the mess hall, feeling my stomach rumble.
Entering the room I looked to see what was on the menu for tonight's dinner.
Fish and tomatoes were an odd pairing but given our resources it was fairly good.
Grabbing a plate from Sinclair I searched for some familiar faces, to which I only found Bellamy.
Thinking the previous feelings for him faded I walked up and sat in front of him, a smile greeted me at my presence.
"Where is everyone?" I asked, getting comfortable and taking a bite of the fish. Not very flavorful.
"They headed to bed early,"
"Why didn't you?"
"Wanted to ask what was up with you earlier,"
Thank god I had finished my food, the intensity of his stare would've made my appetite vanish.
"I've just been distracted," I stated, hoping he would just take that for an answer. But I knew he'd keep budging.
"I'm getting pretty tired, I'm gonna head to bed," I stood abruptly, not wishing to continue the conversation further. How else am I supposed to tell me best friend I had a wet dream about him and everytime I see him it comes back to me?
"Bye, bell," I flashed a nervous smile and quickly walked off before he could say anything else.
I knew I'd have to confront him sometime, but I'd hold off as long as I could until then.
Making it to my shared room I quickly opened the door and entered, Octavia probably spending the night in Lincoln's room. I was grateful for that, tonight I just needed to be alone.
Getting undressed I put on a pair of pajama shorts and just used Bellamy's jacket as a top.
Climbing into bed I slid under the covers, making sure to set my alarm this time.
Staring up at the ceiling for a good hour my mind clouded over with thoughts of Bellamy, it was expected at that point. I hadn't even noticed my hand going towards my cunt, rubbing myself through the fabric. Letting out soft, quiet moans at the feeling. As good as it felt I needed more.
My hand slid underneath the shorts and I teased my entrance, just as Bellamy did in my dream. Pushing into myself with two fingers the feeling was amazing, but imagining It was Bellamy again wasn't enough. I craved him, and in my lusty haze, I shot up and headed for the door.
I couldn't believe I was going to do this, I couldn't believe how badly I needed him.
I made a B-line for Bellamy's room, knocking on it. I was practically banging on it. A few seconds passed until I was met with the sight of Bellamy towering over me, his messy hair going in all directions, his shirt that hugged his arms so well, and his sweatpants that barely hid anything.
"Is your roommate in there?" I ask breathily.
With a shake of his head, I connect our lips in a messy needy kiss. The feeling of our lips touching for the first time makes me shiver, Bellamy makes no motion to push me off, instead, he pulls me inside, shutting the door with his hand. He picks me up and carries me to the bed, needing this just as much as I do.
He only pulls away when he sets me down on the bed, unzipping the jacket to find nothing under making him slyly smirk, my face flushed with an unimaginable redness. My mind now catching up with my heart.
This was really happening.
His hands gently fondle my breasts, soon snaking their way down my sides, to my hips, and then to my shorts, with every touch of his fingers, my body shivered, bathing in the attention from his hands and eyes.
He easily took off my shorts, the cool air hitting my now vulnerable warm cunt.
Bellamy was at a loss for words, never seeing something so beautiful before. The bulge in his pants now makes the material stick out in a more than noticeable way.
The feeling of embarrassment caught up with me, I moved my arms to cover myself but was stopped by Bellamy's tight grip.
"Don't," He demanded, letting go of my arms once I nodded shyly.
With a flushed face, Bellamy lowered his pants, revealing his cock. He took ahold of my legs and placed them on his shoulders, "Okay?" He asked, making sure this was really happening.
"Yeah, that's... that's good," I replied, reassuring him.
He guided his tip along my slit, coating it with my wetness as a type of lube. The feeling of him being so close to me made the hairs on my neck stand up.
I had wondered for a moment what people would think of us, but too in the moment to care.
Readying himself, Bellamy looked down at me again, taking in the sight of me with his jacket on.
"Please, I needed this," I muttered, "Needed you,"
"Feelings mutual, princess,"
And before I could reply he pushed in slowly, giving me time to adjust to his size. I let out a moan as he bottomed out in me. My hands reaching out for his, he met me halfway and grabbed ahold of them. His big hands intertwined with mine. He placed our hands above my head and gave them a squeeze.
I squeezed back, hard.
"Can I move?" He asked, he so badly wanted to move. But he wanted our first time together to be gentle, sweet, and full of genuine love.
I nodded hesitantly, preparing myself for the pain and pleasure.
Bellamy pulled out and pushed back in at a slow pace, agonizing to him, it took everything in him not to just slam back into you at a rough pace.
The moans I let out sounded like heaven to him, he couldn't help but join in with his own grunts of pleasure, the way I would tighten around him started to become too much, and he couldn't keep his own sounds in.
"You're doing so good," Bellamy assured between groans, his voice had become gruff.
I bit my lip to try and stay quiet, fearful the room next to him might hear.
Bellamy didn't like that at all, "Let them out, princess,"
And when I shook my head 'no', he slammed into me hard, forcing my moans out as I squeezed his hand more.
"Bellamy!" I moaned out.
This only egged him on, loving the way his name sounded on my tongue.
As much as it hurt, it felt amazing how well he filled me, and how easily he could hit my sweet spot.
"Faster, please," I begged, staring into his eyes.
"Alright, princess,"
Bellamy leaned in closer making my legs bend more, letting him go deeper inside me. His pace began to speed up, making my moans grow louder in volume.
Every thrust was a new place deeper inside me, I felt my legs begin to shake, the familiar feeling of ecstasy creeping up my stomach.
He must've caught on, "It's okay, cum on my dick, princess, go ahead,"
His reassuring words put me over the edge, "Bellamy, Bellamy!"
My back arched as I reached my high with Bellamy fucking me through it.
My climax brought him even closer, the way my pussy clenched around his cock was overwhelming for him. His thrusts became sloppy and unhinged. He tried to keep it in, to make this moment last longer.
His brows furrowed while he stared into my eyes, saving this memory forever, "You're so beautiful," he breathed out, "So pretty with my jacket on,"
With a few more erratic thrusts he quickly pulled out, finishing on my stomach, bringing a newfound warmth all over.
Full of hesitance he let go of my hands, taking off his shirt and cleaning his cock and my stomach off while catching his breath. He threw the shirt into a bin in the corner of his room. Now taking a place next to me, wrapping his arms around my exhausted body.
"Been dreaming of that since we met," He whispered in my ear, placing kisses all over my neck.
I smiled.
If only he knew.
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countrymusiclover · 4 days
Star Crossed Enemies
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Cassiopeia was born before Clarke Griffin and this posted a challenge for the family until their mother Abby made a very hard choice. Send the oldest daughter down to the ground before they send the 100 prisoners. After being tossed onto the ground like dirt Cassiopeia must quickly learn how to survive, learn how to fight a new language but the one thing she could never prepare for was being the enemy of Bellamy Blake.
1 - The Day Everything Changed
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list ( send ask to be added ) @severa-kane @100foreverfiles @ocappreciation @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @lover-of-books-and-tea @kmc1989
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okmcintyre · 7 months
Octavia for your pinned post :)
Yaaas! Another character I was really hoping someone would ask about.... Thanks for sending this to me! ☺️
Here's the answer! xx
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anjellaufeyson · 7 months
Hate with attraction - Bellamy Blake
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I hated Bellamy and despised him since the beginning. He always had to counter my arguments and disagree with me on every move I made. Every step I took–he criticized. The feeling of hatred was mutual, I never failed to return the remarks he made.
           Bellamy brushed past as if I weren't there, yet he still managed to whisper, “You're falling behind.” 
           I picked up my pace as we walked through the forest. The whole hunting group was filled with all my friends–besides Bellamy. I shoved him almost into a tree, “Catch up soldier boy.” 
My best friend, Octavia turned around while walking, and Bellamy glared at me. “I get Bellamy is an ass but why can't you guys just get along?”
I could feel his stare on me, “Your brother started it on day 1 of coming back to earth. The power must’ve gone to his hollow head, can’t say more than that–” My words were cut off at the sound of arrows flying past us. 
“Grounders,” Bellamy yelled. 
Clarke and Monty spread out of their spot because that’s where most of the fire was, “Guys we have to split up! We all have intercoms so once it’s safe we’ll come back together.” 
Octavia reached for my hand but missed me by a couple of inches, an arrow grazed my palm and cut me, “Just go,” I yelled. She ran away but was hesitant. I was about to reach for my gun before a hand stopped me–Bellamy. 
“We have time to run, don’t waste your bullets.”
I crouched down with him so no one gets hurt again, “If you keep ordering me around, I’m about to waste one.” 
He groaned as he grabbed me and we both made a run for it, “Keep this shit up and maybe I’ll throw you to the grounders.” 
I pushed him off me as we walked into a tiny cave for cover, “I’d rather be with them than you,” I mumbled. 
“What was that princess,” he asked knowing he heard every word I said. His anger was pissing me off. He ripped a part of his shirt off and began wrapping it around my cut.
“I hate when you call me that.” He only called me that because my father is Kane and he won’t let go that I’m “privileged” just like Clarke. “I didn’t make the rules on the ship, It’s not my fault that–”
He pulled hard on the tie he was making causing me to wince in pain, “Don’t finish that sentence.” Bellamy glanced up at me then annoyingly back at my cut as he wrapped it to perfection–I hated how good he was at helping when I needed it. “I know it’s not your fault but your father and every privileged person on that ship let her die for what reason? Because she had one more kid?” 
“You know the rules,” I spoke lowly. It was a sensitive topic and even though I hated his guts and wouldn’t mind if he got floated, I did sympathize. I never liked what happened and the fact no one could have siblings. “The more space taken by more kids would’ve left us overpopulated Bell–” I paused when talking, his nickname Octavia slipped out so easily. 
He looked up at me whilst still holding my hand even though the t-shirt bandage was as good as it was going to get. “I’m sorry she was floated, but it was the rules. And you know the Ark was already overpopulated enough. That’s why they sent us down here in the first place, the stupid 100 who had to risk their criminalistic lives for the others.” This topic always got me upset, not sad but mad. My father, Jaha, and Clarke's mom, Abby, were all willing to risk our lives as if we were all test subjects. 
“We mean nothing to them, that’s why I was so hell-bent on making sure all of the 100 could survive.”
I rolled my eyes remembering this wasn’t a friend I was talking to, “No, Bellamy you wanted all of us to remove our locators so that you could make sure they didn’t come down here because your reckless ass shot Jaha. I understand it was for Octavia but don’t act as if you’re some hero.” 
He pressed down on my wound before dropping his hand, “I never said I was. You always think you’re better than me.” 
I went to punch Bellamy but he moved out of the way, I was always good at hand-to-hand, my father got me a trainer, one of the guards. I knew how to fight, shoot, plant, etc. I was built to survive as if he’s been planning this forever. I smiled as I ducked the attack he threw at me, “You can only stand your ground because of the training you and Lincoln did together.” I went to kick him but he caught my leg, kicks were the one thing I couldn’t get the hang of. 
“Learn to be faster, princess,” he had a tiny grin on his face as he twisted my leg so I was hopping. 
I’d never give him the satisfaction of beating me, I kicked my leg again and got out of his grip. I elbowed him and punched him. His lip began to bleed, he had a smile on his face as his finger touched his lip. “Better,” he whispered. 
I went to hit him again but he blocked it and turned me around and kicked behind my leg causing me to fall onto one knee. He grabbed my hair, not too rough to hurt me but enough to move my head so I’d look up at him. “Train more and maybe you’ll beat me.” 
Slowly I rose and hit him at his throat causing him to back up. Not hard enough to hurt him but enough so he’d fuck off. I regained enough strength to cause him to lose his balance, then I got him to hit his back onto the ground. I kept my knee on his chest as I looked down at him, “You’ll never beat me, Bellamy. And I don’t think I’m better than you–” Our breaths filled the cave, “I know I am.” 
I stayed with my knee on his chest until he gave me a look that I couldn’t comprehend. His lips parted and he moved in to kiss me. I don’t know why but I didn’t back away, I took my knee off of his chest slowly. His fingers slipped into my hair and he pulled me deeper in. He kissed me roughly and I could taste the hate he held for me. Then he pushed me with a betrayal of a smile, “Never let your guard down, princess.” 
I made myself look hurt, he stepped closer and I pulled him in for a kiss. He seemed hesitant but easily fell into it. I bit down on his lip causing him to wince in pain. He dragged his tongue along his bottom lip, blood was dripping more than before. 
I pushed him away from me, I hated him now more than before. But God, I’d kiss him again with hate once more if given the chance. “Never let your guard down, Bell.” 
Suddenly Octavia ran into the cave looking frantic, “Jesus, did the grounders attack you guys?” 
Bellamy and I shared a glance, I turned back to Octavia and smiled as if I wasn’t in pain. “No, no we made it out. Well not without one price to pay,” I said as I held my hand up. 
Octavia looked shocked, she now realized our words were no longer threats, they were promises. “Bellamy,” she said in confusion but also her annoyance was beginning to focus on both of us for being stupid enough to fight each other. “O,” he said while walking past her. I stopped walking so I could talk with Octavia. He turned to me and whispered, “Next time you won’t get off that easily.” I paused, next time?
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petertingle-yipyip · 3 months
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Pairing: Bellamy x reader
Word Count: 2,247
Summary: A quick hunting run goes bad so you’re forced to make a choice, but as expected, Bellamy is on your side. Finding some quiet afterwards allows a kinder moment amongst the chaos of the Ground.
Benefit of being older than The 100, they for the most part saw you as an authority figure. There were some that saw you as an equal and it all made no difference to you.
You were on the Ground. You were with people you cared about. Ultimately, you still won.
Everything seemed okay until one day, you were out with a small group that Bellamy assigned for you to hunt with. You had just thrown the small, handmade knife at the creature that you hadn’t even fully identified. Before you could get closer and regather your weapon, you were shoved from behind.
You hit face first against a tree and your skin burned with the new scrape. A hand landed on each arm and two hit at the base of your shoulders to pull your arms back while keeping you pressed against the rough bark.
“What the hell is this?” You asked angrily, jerking against the grip. It did nothing to free you, only anger the new marks on your cheek.
“Now that we’re far enough from camp, Bellamy can’t come to your rescue.” Murphy said from behind you. “We’ve come to a decision.”
“Great way to start.” You muttered, to which a new hand landed on the back of your head and pushed down to drag your face along the surface. You bit down the sound as you felt the new tears across your skin. “What do you want?” You asked loudly instead.
“We want you off the hunting team.” He answered flatly.
“What? Why? I’m the best hu-”
“You’re not the best.” He laughed. “You slow us down, actually. Just because you’re with Bellamy doesn’t mean you can get in my way.”
“You’re a goddamn idiot. Are you that self-centered that you can’t see this has nothing to do with Bellamy? I can track. I aced Earth botany. I can handle a blade better than any of you.”
They pulled you back and slammed you against the tree again.
“Everyone else is gonna starve because of your arrogance.” You warned.
“I think they’ll be fine.” He said and you just barely see the smirk. “You should worry about yourself.”
“Alright, fine.” You conceded.
It just wasn’t worth the fight.
“What was that?”
“Fine.” You said louder and your arms were released. “I’ll talk to Bellamy when we get back.”
“And this is your idea, right?”
You ground your teeth. “Right.”
Murphy smiled in triumph and gestured for you to guide the way. The other two went to gather the dead animal that you had nearly forgotten about. As they were dragging the carcass by, you stopped to free your knife and shove it back under your belt. You pressed gentle fingers against your cheek and felt the thin bunches of peeled skin accompanied with the slick feeling of fresh blood.
You kept your head down as you reentered camp. The boys were met with proud cheers and you were more worried about keeping your face hidden that you ran into Octavia.
“Hey.” She greeted before reaching for your shoulder. “What the hell happened out there?”
“Nothing.” You shook your head. “Where’s Bell?”
“Either in his tent or the Dropship. Y/N, what-“
“And Clarke?”
She sighed slightly, as if realizing you weren’t going to talk about it.
“Her tent.”
“Great, thanks.” You smiled quickly but her frown froze you for a second longer. “Don’t tell your brother?”
“He’s gonna see your face.” She complained.
“I know but by then, I’ll have an excuse. Please, Octavia.”
“Fine.” She sighed and you heard Bellamy’s voice in the distance.
“Thank you.” You nodded and ducked again before pushing through the crowd gathering to see what the team brought back.
You pushed into Clarke’s tent and there she was with Finn.
“I need your help.” You confessed and gestured to your face.
“Y/N, oh my god!” She exclaimed and ushered you to sit beside her.
You dropped cross-legged on the floor and shrugged your jacket off. Your hands landed in your lap as you allowed Clarke to move your face by your chin.
“This has gone too far.” She scolded.
“This was Murphy again?” Finn asked from Clarke’s side, shooting you wide and worried eyes.
“Yeah.” You admitted. “They want me off hunting, said I slow them down.” You mocked before blowing a sigh. “It’s not worth the fight anymore.”
“If you come off hunting, they’re gonna have to go more often. They don’t bring in enough when it’s just them.”
“They don’t care.” You shrugged. “But between them slamming into me, tripping me, pushing me, and now scratching the hell outta my face, I’m done with their little power plays. They wanna hunt so bad, be my guest.”
“What are you gonna tell Bellamy?” Clarke asked as she gently pressed a torn cloth to the sticky wounds and you winced. “Not much we can do to hide these.”
“That I’m too clumsy? Or I’m bored? I don’t know but I can’t tell him it was their idea. I get enough shit for the whole ‘king and queen’ thing.”
“He’s gonna lose his shit if he finds out. I mean, you heard what he did to Atom for kissing Octavia.” Finn continued. “Can’t imagine what he’d do to them for this.”
“I know.” You agreed and began to untie the braid you had done to keep your hair out of the way while you were hunting. “Hence why I have to convince him it’s my idea.”
“What’s your idea?” Bellamy spoke as he entered the tent and you jumped, shoving the cloth away and dropping your gaze down so your hair would hide your face.
“Finn, help me find the extra seaweed from the river that we used on Jasper.” Clarke said and you looked up at her in a panic. “I think it’ll help.” She offered genuinely.
“Help with what?” Bellamy asked. “Something happen out there?”
“That’s not what I’m worried about, Clarke.” You said through tight teeth and you subtly jerked your head towards Bellamy. “Don’t leave now.”
“What happened to your face, Y/N?” Bellamy asked, now kneeling in front of you.
You heard the two sets of feet leave and you sighed to yourself. With no other options, you tucked your hair out of the way and looked up to face him. You watched his eyes scan your face and linger on the still burning wounds on the side of your face. His jaw clenched and he took a deep breath before he took one of your hands in his.
“Who was it?” He asked lowly, staring at your joined hands.
“I tripped.” You lied and his shoulders shook slightly with a quiet laugh of disbelief. “Really, Bell. It’s fine.”
“Who did this to you, Y/N?” He urged, meeting your eyes. The anger in his stare could’ve burned a hole through the Ark.
“It…” You sighed and understood that there was no way that lie would work. “I don’t know who it was. They came up behind me and hit me against the roughest tree in the damn forest, apparently… But it does bring up something we need to talk about.”
He nodded for you to continue.
“I think, for a little while at least, I need to be off the hunting team.” You spoke carefully, treading lightly to avoid incriminating Murphy - despite deeply wanting to - and pissing off Bellamy more than he already was. “Something’s happened on almost every trip and it’s not productive.”
“What else has happened?” His brows furrowed.
Carefully, you lifted your shirt to show the bruise on your ribs from where Murphy had shoulder-checked you into a thick fallen tree trunk. Then you shifted the waistband in your pants to show the small collections of pricks from where Murphy pushed you into a small thorned bush. You flipped your lower lip to show the deep purple patch from the low hanging branch Murphy smacked you with. You pulled down the collar of your shirt to show your chest, littered with bruises and small knicks from the various falls you’d suffered by Murphy’s design.
“Just let Murphy lead them for a while.” You shrugged.
“They can’t feed this camp without you.” Bellamy shook his head. “What you brought in today will last us three or four days. They can barely get us through two.”
“Then send others with them to make up for it. I don’t know what you want from me, Bell.”
“I want you to tell me the truth.” He urged gently, though the demand didn’t go unnoticed. “One of those guys out there do this to you?”
“It doesn’t matter.” You sighed. “Tell me you agree.”
“I will when you tell me the truth.”
“Bellamy.” You groaned, drawing out his name.
He raised his eyebrows with a tilt of his head and you pursed your lips to form a small pout. The stare down only lasted for a few seconds before you broke and stared at your hands, safely tucked away within his grasp.
You knew you were safe with Bellamy. You could tell him anything, that much he always promised you. But Murphy was crafty, sneaky. He’d find a way to get to you when Bellamy wasn’t looking.
Yet if you told Bellamy, maybe he would be looking more often.
“Murphy and I got into an argument.” You began, carefully choosing your words. “We went back and forth and then I got shoved. I don’t know if he orchestrated it or if someone was just being opportunistic but I can’t keep this up. I’m tired and my body hurts and I just need a break.”
He nodded slightly, clearly still processing your words. You watched his eyes for some sort of hint to his reaction, but he was guarded in his thought process. His put a hand on your unmarked cheek and his thumb stroked your cheekbone gently.
“Okay.” He said quietly.
“That’s it?” You quirked a brow. “No trying to convince me otherwise?”
“No.” He laughed slightly. “Y/N, you’ve been out there fighting for us and taking all sorts of beatings. If that’s what you want, let Murphy get kicked around for a while.” He shrugged.
At that, you laughed.
Bellamy made the announcement later that day that you were taking a small break from hunting. You’d agreed to help build the wall while your latest injuries healed and offered to go wherever you were needed. No one said anything otherwise and you were glad it was an easy change.
Murphy and his friends walked by with mock salutes or bows, muttering about the king and queen. You wanted to put your knife in them right there but Bellamy was smooth in draping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his side, even angling his body slightly in front of yours.
Once night came, you found yourself sitting on a log a few feet outside the wall. You had one leg up and your arms wrapped around it, head leaning against the side of your knee. Your eyes were upwards, counting the stars and trying to see the craters on the moon.
“Didn’t see enough space on the Ark?” Bellamy asked as he sat beside you.
“It’s different from here.” You reasoned. “It all seems so far away.”
“Yeah… You sure you’re alright?”
“Long live the king and queen.” You mocked. “They’re so stupid.”
He hummed in agreement.
“Us being together isn’t the only factor in us taking charge around here. We’re older. We’re smarter. We-“ You looked over and saw he was staring, soft eyes and a small smile on his lips. “Alright, lover boy. Are you even listening?” You laughed slightly.
“No.” He confessed with a laugh of his own. “I got distracted.”
“By what?” You were still smiling.
“Your eyes. The way they reflect the moonlight.”
“Oh.” Your cheeks flushed and your teasing smile became one of slight embarrassment.
“Every look, especially right now, makes me wanna give you… Everything.”
“Everything?” Your brows raised and you shifted to face him.
He reached for your hand and you gave it to him immediately.
“You are the queen after all.” He joked and you scoffed with a smile, pushing lightly at his chest.
“Aren’t you hilarious?” You said sarcastically before turning your face back to the sky. “I’ve always loved the moon, y’know. But down here, it’s like you can hold the moonlight.”
You reached your other hand out and cupped it, letting the moonlight illuminate your palm and fingers. You leaned back against Bellamy’s chest and he draped an arm over your shoulder, still keeping hold of your hand. You felt his chin on the other side and you let your head fall back a bit.
You understood exactly what he meant just a few moments ago. You wanted to give him everything too.
“Bell?” You asked simply.
“Mmm?” He hummed against the skin of your neck.
“You kinda remind me of moonlight.” You said simply.
You shrugged slightly. “Different on the Ground. Beautiful and illuminating. Everyone looks at the moon and some love it, but the moon shines based on the sun. And when it does…”
“If I’m your moonlight, does that mean you’re my sunshine?” He asked and you wondered if he was serious or just teasing.
“Do you only light up ‘cause of me?”
“That’s why Octavia says.” He smiled at you. “I wouldn’t doubt it either.”
You smiled softly. “Then I guess so.”
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