green446004 · 22 days
For your color palette challenge <3
Leo Valdez and or Harley if you want in either old town road (#18) or run boy run (#63) I can't decide between the two lol
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color palettes
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kekaki-cupcakes · 1 month
not my counsellor pulling out pictures of percy jackson characters at my autism diagnosis appointment...
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demigod-shenanigans · 2 months
Also I want to briefly stop and say how funny it is to me that we’re choosing to call Jason Piper and Leo the lost trio
Like obviously it’s named after the book and people have gone into why it’s actually kind of tragic because they are in fact all lost in different ways
However. Out of context it just sounds like none of them can read a fucking map and they’re refusing to ask for directions 😂
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neo-kid-funk · 4 months
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Okay but why am I thinking about sad Valgrace
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ellilyre · 5 months
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aroaceleovaldez · 7 months
Do u still have that height chart u made of all the characters? Im trying to find references, no prblem if u dont!!!
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You might be referring to my old one, but this is my updated one! Forgive the hastily doodled on clothes - this is also my body type/scar/tattoo/etc/general ref sheet, and while I've posted it without the colors before, it feels weird posting it with colors cause for some reason then it looks like theyre all naked, lol. Ref sheets are funny that way. So doodled on clothes it is.
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lavenderblue939 · 21 days
Piper is the #1 Valgrace shipper and no i will not be taking criticism
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intergalactic-garbage · 3 months
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same software, different case
klance from voltron: legendary defender // zukka from avatar: the last airbender // valdangelo from the heroes of olympus (art by viria)
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fbfh · 5 months
Hello, a request please, how does Leo react if he discovers that his girlfriend (reader) is a minor goddess, daughter of Poseidon and host (Percy goes into brother mode)
disclaimer that I haven't read the kane chronicles yet and don't feel like I really know enough to write about that so this will be more focused on the whole minor goddess thing bc I LOVE this ask.
You're a minor - and very new - goddess, so most people haven't even heard of you. Your dad is poseidon, and your mom is a sweetbay magnolia dryad, so your dad ended up entrusting you to watch over the coast, and everyone who lives there. Anywhere the water meets the land is your domain. It's a pretty niche job, but you have fun quietly tending to the plants and animals, all the little otters and beavers and water birds. you especially loved the long island sound near camp half blood. eventually you asked your dad if you could stay there, pretend to be a normal teenager for a while. he thought of your brothers, Percy and Tyson, and decided that was a good idea. So he talked to Chiron and sent you over, informing Percy he has another half sibling. Even though it was a little rough at first, you bonded with him so fast, turning into the dynamic brother sister duo you'd both always hoped for.
then you met Leo.
He fell first, and he definitely fell harder. Leo has been enamored with you, practically drooling over you since day 1. Of course this really didn't do much to fix the occasionally tense relationship between him and Leo - if anything it exaserbated it more. You never really outright told Percy what you are, he just sort of... pieced it together over time. You were a little scared to tell him. You were scared of how he'd react, that he'd be mad at you for lying or hate you for what the other gods have put him through. You can still remember sitting at the bottom of the lake with him, watching the sun set from underwater.
"Percy, I need to tell you something. I just- I don't want you to be mad at me."
that got his attention.
"It's about- um- it's about me... who I am. What I am." You'd continued, the horrible knot in your stomach eating away at you, getting bigger and bigger. your pulse raced and your hands shook. He looked over at you, but you kept your eyes firmly on the surface of the water, glowing coral and green in the fading light.
"I know what you are."
he had said it so surely, your heart sunk.
"You're my sister."
you looked over at him, and he knew that if you were on the surface there would be tears prickling in your eyes. You sputtered something and he cut you off, his new york accent getting stronger as he felt a surge of older brother protectiveness through him.
"you're my fuckin' sister." You looked at him and saw everything else he wasn't saying. you're my sister, and that's it. I don't care what else you are, because I'm your brother and you're my sister and that's all I care about.
Ever since then you'd started feeling a little more comfortable about your status as a god. you didn't hide the way certain birds and animals would flock to you, or how just being near the water made all surrounding plants flourish. and eventually, with percy's unspoken support, you decided to tell Leo. You've been going out with him for long enough where you already know most of each other's secrets, and you just feel like it's time. You're walking along the coast, your hand entwined with Leo's warm one as he plays with your fingers.
"Did I- uh, did I ever tell you about my mom?"
You hadn't, and Leo's intrigued. He knows about your dad - hell, he's even met him once. But you never mentioned your mom. You start telling him about her and he listens with rapt attention.
"She's great with plants, too. She's, uh... a dryad, actually. Lives in a sweetbay magnolia tree."
You're quiet for a moment, hoping he'll put two and two together. You see a million thoughts and realizations and emotions flash through him so fast you'd miss it if you blinked. Then finally, he nods.
"So you're..."
"Yup." You say softly. "In charge of the coast. Where land meets sea."
A frog hops over to you and you smile, bending down and scooping him up. He puffs up his throat proudly, and you pet him a little. Leo watches you as you two continue to walk leisurely. The sun hits the water and the trees, basking you in a glittering light and soft shade at the same time. And it makes sense, he thinks. this little strip of land full of plants and animals, where you get your ankles splashed by the tide and get sand between your toes... you look at home here. And you are. Leo realizes that every time you've taken him on one of your little walks like this, you've been inviting him into your world without him even realizing it. it fills him with a sense of warmth and awe and gratitude like nothing he's experienced before. and in that comfortable silence, you know he has your back. Besides, he's sure Percy would kick his ass if he didn't.
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1800-lemon-boy · 2 months
Friendly reminder that a lot of the characters that blatantly show autism traits are overlooked (Will, Jason) or seen as strange/scary (Nico, Leo, Annabeth)
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ryuusei-niu · 3 months
I think I found the phrase that perfectly sums up one of my favorite ships:
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happyk44 · 5 months
jason who has no emotional connection to his traumas and will talk about his experiences so easily and casually like he's talking about making a sandwich for lunch vs leo who has so much emotional connection to his traumas trying to get him to talk about it is like trying to pry open a locked steel door with a plastic fork
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reddamselette · 12 days
valgrace except it’s a modern setting, they separated because leo needed to leave and return home. they hadn’t seen each other since then for a long time, they barely spoke too because life sometimes got in the way, they were too busy. there were phone calls here and there, maybe even an email but nothing exceeded past a day to mark as a routine.
then leo came back. his first thought was wondering where jason was but he was only met with saddened stares.
it was then, that night, leo realized there was a voicemail left in his inbox. he listened to it, pressed the phone to his ear and he cried because all he heard was jason’s voice, the soft and breathy quality like the very clouds gifted him the ability to speak, the rasp that felt like the very lightning that struck in a storm.
leo would listen to that voicemail for days. weeks. he’d call the number and leave voicemails until the number was disconnected and he could no longer remember how jason sounded like.
and it’s ironic at the same time. because leo didn’t remember how he looked either. isn’t the last sense that goes while you’re dying your sense of hearing? a part of leo’s soul died along with jason.
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neo-kid-funk · 4 days
valgrace where Leo is cooking and Jason is being clingy?? Perhaps??? Perchance???
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Yayyayayayayyyayayaya valgrace!!
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rosesradio · 2 months
ok, so we all know Leo is very affectionate when he finally settles down and realizes you're not leaving. so could you pretty please with a cherry on top, do Leo with a very affectionate partner? like always holding his hand and slipping in kisses and 'i love you's at every possible chance and like- how he'd react? you don't have to if you don't want
Leo is touch starved. Like, really touch starved.
He wants to be affectionate with his friends, and they probably want the same thing, though they’re all really repressed. So, they bottle things up, and beyond the occasional pat on the back, Leo has nothing.
He’s so touch starved that, by the time he starts going out with you, he has no idea how to react to your affection.
You always move close to him, wrapping your arms around him from behind while he works on plans for projects. You kiss his cheek, nuzzling into the crook of his neck as if it were crafted just for you.
And Leo loves it. He loves you.
But he also can’t deny the feelings that come with the good. How his head spins, leaving him dazed. How overwhelming it is to go from nothing to everything so quickly. It’s a feeling like he hasn’t eaten in so long, now the thought of a whole meal makes him nauseous.
So, he talks to you. He’s hesitant, worried you’ll laugh or dismiss him, though you don’t. You listen, and as much as you love showing him affection, you agree to slow things down.
You do little things, asking beforehand, reassuring him that there’s nothing wrong with his shyness. You still talk and joke around like friends—because that’s what the building blocks in this relationship were, and that’s what they always will be.
Slowly, you find he breaks out of his shell easier when he takes the reins. You watch a movie in the Bunker, sitting on the worn couch. You compliment the quality from his homemade projector (it really is better than the movie theater). You glance over at him, more interested in seeing his cute smile than you are the movie.
15 minutes in, his hand rests on top of yours.
25 minutes in, he links his arm in yours, resting his head on your shoulder. Every touch from him ignites sparks across your skin, making you smile like an idiot. You just squeeze his thigh affectionately, letting him know that everything is okay.
45 minutes into the movie, he’s laying between your legs with his arms around your waist, using your chest as a pillow. He’s still watching the movie, of course; the pair of you use the movie as a crutch for all of this. You run your fingers through his messy curls, and he sighs with such a fulfilled peace.
Soon enough, you’re in a swift competition for who can be more affectionate. You sit with your leg against his at breakfast, holding on to one of his arms as you talk about your plans for the day. Leo ends up tapping I love you in morse code on his desk so many times, he loses focus on his projects; somehow, pulling you into his lap and resting his head on your shoulder makes him regain focus like magic.
Chiron considers a few new rules against Camper PDA, though seeing what the two of you have been through as heroes, he decides against it. For now.
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lavndvrr · 7 months
i was just telling my bestie about how much I hate calypso and now she’s trying to guess who I ship Leo with by listing off every female character in the books
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