boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
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we went on splash mountain today
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
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They were supposed to be smiley faces
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
i never realize how much i swear until i’m in a situation where i can’t
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
how weird is it to have pets though like a random animal just lives in your house and you can’t communicate with it but you both just accept it
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
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This Week in Science - May 6 - 12, 2013:
ESO & Oxford theories here.
Medical device inspiration here.
Pear-shaped nucleus here.
Meat-eating plant in Japan here.
Trophy molecule here.
Ancient DNA here.
Injectable eye robots here.
Antarctica deep-sea fish here.
Methane-based ecosystem here.
Troubling carbon dioxide levels here.
Metamaterial here.
Winged hybrid vehicle here.
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
What if oxygen is poisonous and it just takes 75-100 years to kill us?
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
I spent 5000 years laughing at this guy's celebration
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help me I can’t stop laughing
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
even if you don’t like fall out boy, you like fall out boy
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
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tutti in fila [val d’orcia] (via Giuseppe Moscato)
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
Your Character Is A “Sue”, Just Not A Mary Or Gary.
I’m sure you know that there are Mary Sue & Gary Stu characters. But, there are more than just these genres of Sue/Stu. This is where I go and talk about the various other subdivisions under both of these. If you’re interested to see if your character(s) falls under one or more of these, check this out.
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
if you ever think mythology is boring or serious business or whatever shit
just remember that cerberus, the hell-hound and guard dog of the underworld, comes from the root indo-european word ḱerberos, which evolved into the greek word kerberos, which got changed to cerberus when it went from greek to latin
ḱerberos means “spotted”
that’s right
hades, lord of the dead, literally fucking named his pet dog spot
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boxjaranon-blog · 11 years
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8-years ago, CHP Officer Kevin Briggs talked this young man out of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge.  That young man’s name is Kevin Berthia.  Today he is 30 years old and married with 2 children.  This week he presented Officer Briggs with an award on behalf of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.  The story of how Officer Briggs talked Kevin down is remarkable.  As you can see in the picture, Kevin is literally one step away from jumping to his death. But for more than hour, the officer listened to Kevin pour his heart out about his troubles and told him, “I know you think things are bad, but they can get better.” Kevin says, “Officer Briggs never made me feel guilty for the situation I was in. He made feel like, I understand why you are here, but there are alternatives” Kevin is just one of countless lives Briggs has saved over his 23 year career. Briggs, who was promoted to Sergeant five years ago, is humble about what he does. He says, ”they make the decision, when they step back over that rail it takes a tremendous amount of courage” I salute Sergeant Briggs! Photo: The San Francisco Chronicle, John Storey
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