#and hurricanes
reddamselette · 12 days
valgrace except it’s a modern setting, they separated because leo needed to leave and return home. they hadn’t seen each other since then for a long time, they barely spoke too because life sometimes got in the way, they were too busy. there were phone calls here and there, maybe even an email but nothing exceeded past a day to mark as a routine.
then leo came back. his first thought was wondering where jason was but he was only met with saddened stares.
it was then, that night, leo realized there was a voicemail left in his inbox. he listened to it, pressed the phone to his ear and he cried because all he heard was jason’s voice, the soft and breathy quality like the very clouds gifted him the ability to speak, the rasp that felt like the very lightning that struck in a storm.
leo would listen to that voicemail for days. weeks. he’d call the number and leave voicemails until the number was disconnected and he could no longer remember how jason sounded like.
and it’s ironic at the same time. because leo didn’t remember how he looked either. isn’t the last sense that goes while you’re dying your sense of hearing? a part of leo’s soul died along with jason.
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blurred-honey · 5 days
favourite season???? idk sorry i’m bored
Definitely a toss up, I can give you my top four though (probably fall rn, but it’s always the next one coming, so during the fall I really like winter and peppermint and snow, and during the winter I really like flowers and planting things and warmth, and during the spring I really like sports and… not really much for summer, and rn during end of summer I really like fall and Halloween and changing leaves and pumpkins and cinnamon and it’s all great)
What about you? Favorite season? Favorite scents from it?
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sca-nerd · 22 days
My friends who have never experienced flooding, and who are about to deal with it from this storm, please remember:
4. If you're at risk of flooding, raise up any of your belongings now. Put the legs of tall things in buckets. Know where your important documents are.
5. Stay safe.
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rhythmic-idealist · 9 days
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Thought I would share this here. Image is a clickable link that will take you to the account that posted it! ID has now been corrected, and is in alt text. It is also below, please excuse the redundancy:
Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC) tweeted: “No one can make you stay in an unsafe worksite. Close up and walk out with your coworkers until management or nature fixes the problem. Contact us for help.”
EWOC quoted their own tweet and added, “If your boss won’t let you evacuate: Convince as many coworkers as you can to all leave together & contact us right away. You have the right to organize & leave an unsafe worksite. If they’re not bluffing & still try to fire you after the storm, we’ll help you fight it.”
Attached to the OP is a meme of a skeleton marching away, titled “Just walk out - you can leave!” It lists, “wildfire smoke, hurricane, flooding, no heat, powers out, no water, tornado warning, AC broke, weird fumes.” Bottom text reads, “Climate sucks… hit da bricks!” Overlaid is the meme’s author, “@/organizeworkers.”
End ID.
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feeling very frustrated about the ways people are talking about hurricane Milton. lots of needless, borderline fear mongering language with very little actual helpful information.
information about Milton that might ACTUALLY be helpful:
Hurricane Milton is shaping up to be the third strongest hurricane ever recorded.
Make sure you have an evacuation plan if the order is given or if you've already been told to leave.
there is also a code for free Ubers to evacuate effected counties, as well as shuttles from evacuating counties to nearby storm shelters
Prepare/secure your home
Find your nearest shelter and be prepared to leave
If you want to stay in the loop about the hurricane, WESH 2 News has ongoing coverage ad-free on YouTube.
General resources/information:
Please for the love of God stop preying on people's fears and causing panic. Know what resources are available to you and how to access them. If you approach this hurricane carefully YOU WILL BE OKAY!!!!! YOUR LIFE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE RUINED!!!
Please link other resources you find or think other people might find useful!
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rootin-n-bootin · 16 days
So I haven’t really been seeing folks talk much here at all about what’s been going on with Hurricane Helene recovery- but I thought I might share something I thought was cool and important.
Because of how roads have been washed out making homes and towns inaccessible to vehicles, the Cajun Navy (organizations that performs search, rescue, and assistance during disasters) has partnered with Mountain Mule Packer Ranch to use the mules to get medications, food, and water to people in need.
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I just think it’s incredible. Despite all the technology you’d think is accessible to help people out, mules are still the most reliable form of transport to save people’s lives
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crippled-peeper · 22 days
Florida is in my thoughts today
Keep axes in your attics
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victusinveritas · 19 days
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adhdisgay · 21 days
Friendly reminder to listen VERY VERY CRITICALLY if someone tries to convince you not to register for federal disaster assistance following a declared disaster. Helene is still moving north and I see the usual rants picking up steam already.
That person trying to win social commentary points online is not your friend. That person can’t give you funds for house repair or to restock on food and meds. And if they say they can - that is a scammer and not someone you can trust.
Scammers and developers trying to take advantage after a disaster intentionally spread rumors/misinformation to convince survivors not to apply for federal disaster assistance. Many well meaning people pick this misinformation up and spread it further without understanding how the assistance process works. It’s happened more and more over the years and it will happen with Helene.
If you do not apply for assistance, you lose the chance to receive federal funds. APPLY APPLY APPLY. This doesn’t guarantee you will meet eligibility requirements, but you definitely can’t meet them if you don’t apply. The application process isn’t perfect but it continues to be updated - and was updated in 2024!! - to try and make it easier for survivors. If you have damages or lost power for an extended time, APPLY.
You can check on FEMA.gov or with local news to see when disaster recovery centers will open, how long the application period will last, and what information you’ll need when applying.
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littleoblivions · 16 days
vetted organizations / funds to donate to in appalachia for hurricane relief
beloved asheville
wnc rural organizing & resilience (ROAR)
pansy collective
appalachian medical solidarity/asheville survival program
first aid collective knoxville
marshall, nc refugees mutual aid fund
rural barnardsville, nc supply fund
please boost if you cannot contribute—the destruction in appalachia is devastating and our infrastructure was not equipped to handle this kind of disaster.
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agentem · 11 days
I think the human concept of "owning" land was a mistake. At best, you are renting it from the Earth/Mother Nature (God, if you prefer) for an undetermined period of time. Until the earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and global warming evict you. But it is not yours and it is not owed to you.
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great-and-small · 1 year
Hands down my fave thing about hurricane season is when zoos put their birds in the bathroom to protect them from the wind and we get images like this
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Photo from St Augustine Alligator Farm
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oh-snapperss · 19 days
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they'll fund a genocide and let their poor regions be destroyed. don't fucking forgive them for that.
my hometown is completely gone from what pictures i can find of it, i have not heard from my family (including aunts, uncles, parents, one sibling, and a grandparent), and the infrastructure in the mountain communities is wiped out. i cannot stress how catastrophic this is, or how difficult it will be for these communities to build back. i am angry, and scared, and heartbroken by everything that's happened.
and our government is spending it's money to fund a genocide.
free palestine, and don't be complicit. realize that this is not something happening that doesn't affect you--although it shouldn't take this to care about the deaths of thousands of people anyway.
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renthony · 21 days
I know people love "Waffle House Index" jokes, but please remember that Waffle House workers have talked about the company's blatant disregard for their safety. Waffle House SHOULD be closed when a storm is coming, just like everything else non-essential. Waffle House refusing to close until the last minute is a genuine labor rights issue.
This article from last year talks a little about the ways Waffle House workers have tried to organize to protect themselves from the company. Waffle House being open in a dangerous storm means that the workers can't evacuate or prioritize their own safety. And that's really, really fucked.
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cleolinda · 11 days
It was a cat 3 when I woke up this morning. It’s escalating that fast. Please stay safe out there, y’all. I know some people can’t evacuate for various reasons, but if you can, please do. This page lists Florida shelters (including pet friendly and/or special needs) by county:
Plus Pinellas and Sarasota, which didn’t have any listed up there.
I don’t know who actually needs this info this late in the game, but if you’re affected, consider writing down some shelter locations (i.e. saved offline) in case you end up needing to go to a different location than the one you planned on.
All I know is, I didn’t take tornadoes in my town seriously until I saw one, and I know I would insist that everything will be just fine. If you can evacuate and you just aren’t convinced that it’s necessary—please consider it. I hope you’re all safe out there, whatever you end up doing.
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