regulatedchaos · 11 months
Fucking nevending hormones
When does this end?! My mood is at its peak right now like down there demonic peak. I wanna fight everyone and cry :(
Why do I feel like whats the point of everything
I don't even get to have fun and enjoy life anymore.
It's all obligations and responsibilities.
I feel like I'm working to pay debt and support everyone else but myself
Like Malaki sahod ko but I can't even buy what I want.
I don't have the luxury to go away, unwind, relax.
Everything is just so stressful and I feel like shit
Whenever everyone around me wants something i buy or give it to them.
But when I do? I provide it myself.
I wanna be with someone like myself. Parnag ang sarap sa feeling. I wonder how mad what would it feel like. Thoughtful and Pag may sinabi, ggaawin or bibigay nalang out of nowhere kasi alamong kelangan nya or gusto nya. Being given flowers out of nowhere cos giving love and reminding someone you remember them doesn't always have to have an occasion.
Acts of service, appreciating and receiving gifts.
Ok lang na gumising ng late kasi may mag aasikaso nman ng everything else.
Ano kaya feeling ng Isang buong araw di mo iwoworry yung gagawin mo for the day.
Ano Kaya feeling ng Isang araw, ikaw naman ang priority. Ikaw naman tatanggap, Hindi yung ikaw lang lagi nagbibigay. ano kayang feeling nung kusa nlanag gagawin ng di mo ina ask or nirerequest kasi nahiya ka mag ask ng favor, chores and cake and food. Tangina sarap siguro sa pakiramdam. Parnag ang sarap ko naman pala magmahal 😂
Pero ako lahat eh. Kelan kaya yung ako naman iisipin nila no? Nakakalungkot na kelangan ko pa tanungin sa sarili ko to. Parnag ang kawawa ko naman masyado. Ganito nalang hanggang mamatay ako? Pano naman ako?
I'm tired of being resilient. I'm tired of being strong.
Fuck ganito nalang ba ko habnag buhay?
Tapos manganganak pako tangina does it really get better?
Will it really get better?
I'm exhausted
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unhingedsea · 7 years
How many shades of red are there?
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     “EvErY sInGle ShaDe OF pUrE rEd HapPIneSs One Can ImaGiNe...”              “ShaDe OF pUrE rEd HapPIneSs One Can ImaGiNe...”
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starlightxbard · 7 years
Happy birthday. Also I won't write another fanfic for your birthday sorry, haha. But really happy birthday.
Darnnn, haha. But thank you!
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ask-kusa-and-co · 8 years
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Abyss: Well small insect I want power to prove that I am the ultimate creature in our pathetic universe.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: blood son [oneshot; filthy rich sequel]  Pairing: millionare!sakusa kiyoomi x y/n [filthy capitalist au ft. kageyama tobio as your son] Genre: major angst ahead, thriller, yandere!au-ish
Synopsis: A full circle of madness finally comes to an end.
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Warnings: sexual themes, rape, yandere behaviorisms (just some obsessive and disturbing stuff), very dark themes, anxiety, trauma, depression, eating disorder, unwanted pregnancy/children (y/n hates her kid here), suicide,  gaslighting, and Y/N’s decent to madness
Notes: happy 800 due to a lot of uh people asking for a short sequel, here it is...for better understanding, please read filthy rich skskksks anyways onto the story…i cant write smut for shit sIKE also fuck men and women like this, if you see them chok’em and chunk’em in the basin.  yes tobio is ur bby boy here idk kageyama and sakusa have the same energy i just couldnt resist i swear sksks
Filthy rich // series masterlist
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A moan escapes your lips when you feel the hot liquid fill your hole, your expression is tantalizing and completely erotic. Something that he can’t seem to stop looking at, your body that was now a canvas of his marks, was a reminder that no one could have you. 
You're oblivious to it all, the things he did. The things he wanted to do to you, the dark thoughts, you were like a small rabbit in the den of a large wolf. Completely trusting, completely dumb and he’s taking advantage of it.
He stuffs and fills you up with his seed so that you’ll never leave him. 
He wants to breed you.
Your belly swelling with his children.
It was definitely a dream come true.
Your eyes snap back to reality as the bus stops in front of the new town, you had moved towns earlier since the town started to become a tourist destination. The idea of staying there would be too risky despite having the alias of Kageyama Miwa. You were still in hiding and you feared to even open the news despite it being eight years since you ran away.
“Okaasan, are we going to go down now?” a small voice asks.
You turn to find his son staring right at you, it had been a cruel reminder for him to look a lot like his father. You knew that he didn’t have any part in this, he was a victim just like you but you couldn’t help but be distant and not-so affectionate.
This was his kid.
His blood.
You couldn’t help but shrivel away.
“...Okaasan will just take her duffel bag on the overhead, just wait right behind me.” You say quietly. Tobio was a good boy, he was quiet and obedient. If the circumstances had been different, you’d adore him but every time you looked at him, all you saw was his wretched father and the unnamed things he did in the name of ‘love’.
To be honest, you didn’t know what else Sakusa did aside from trying to get you pregnant and holding you back from leaving. 
You didn’t even want to try to find out. If he was willing to go through such lengths to have you stay, it was more than enough reason to run away. You held onto your child’s hands as you made your way to your new home, it was smaller than the last one but this was alright.
It was clean and livable.
Tobio stays at the side, out of your way as you begin to fix up the house. The young boy isn’t social for his age towards his peers and you should be worried yet you can’t bring yourself to be, “Okaasan’s going to go to the grocery store, would you like anything?” you ask.
“Alright, just stay here okay?”
He meekly nods as you awkwardly pat his head and  tie your roughly chopped hair in a tight ponytail, over the course of eight years, time has not been kind to you. You had grown unhealthily thin, probably lost some hair due to stress, and the bags underneath your eyes due to the lack of good sleep was evident.
You tell yourself that he isn’t looking for you now.
That he probably found a new plaything but you couldn’t help but look behind your shoulder every time. You didn’t even expect to get this far away, last you heard whilst you were at the station towards the last town eight years ago, you were being searched up and down by the police all over Tokyo.
You really thought you’d be found out and you feared for the worse but the farther you went, the less news reports you saw.
They probably thought you had died.
Which was good on your part that time because you’d rather be dead in a ditch than be caught up with a man like him again.
“...-Kusa Kiyoomi is expected to marry the daughter of Akiko Corp soon…”
You tense up at the mention of the very familiar name as you pass by the appliance store, shakily you turn to the tv screen to find a video of Sakusa Kiyoomi with a woman who had the same hair color as yours. Everything around you is muted now as his cold gaze fills the tv screen, your heart is thumping quick. 
He isn’t here.
He isn’t here.
“...It’s quite the love story of the century, don’t you think? After the disappearance of Kiyoomi’s beloved eight years ago, he met her a few years back and he seems to be doing well.” The tv anchor smiles on the screen as she talks to her co-host but inside you were shaking, what did happen to your missing person report? Curiosity starts to gnaw your insides as you head to the internet café before going to the grocery store.
You didn’t have the guts to look then but after seeing that report, you pull up on the secluded part of the internet café and search up your case. Your mouth dries up, the search was still on-going much to your surprise. There was even a website dedicated to it, “...Y/N L/N might be suffering from hysteria and psychological problems, please contact us immediately when you see her.”
Your eyes narrowed at the report as you shakily cup your mouth and choke back a laugh, that bastard really had the audacity to diagnose you with that when he was the one sick to the head.
Once again, the bile on your throat starts to pile up.
It still wasn’t safe.
You’d probably live your whole life on the run.
On the run with his son that scarily resembled him, how fucking cruel.
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Sakusa Kiyoomi’s eyes glaze over the small town in discontent, apparently his bride-to-be wanted to get married here and who was he to refuse? All he wanted to do was get this over with so her father can shut up.
“Kiyoomi-san.” a small dainty voice calls out, he turns to his side to find (h/c) staring right at him. Akiko Hideyo is the daughter of one of the most powerful businessmen in Tokyo, he met her at a function a few years ago.
The very first time he saw her was from behind, it was a rather scary resemblance that he had to stop himself from approaching her by calling your name yet when he started to talk to her and hear her dainty voice, he realizes that she’s not even like you at all.
She was gentle and dainty like a deer.
Albeit his little bunny was gentle when they got together sometimes, he always recalled how you were filled with spunk. How you weren’t even afraid to put him in his place and how you were all over the place but seem to look beautiful whilst doing so.
He always recalled wanting to control you yet you never seem to succumb to it.
It had been eleven years since you first met, eight years since you had disappeared without a single trace and Sakusa is stuck with some third-rate look alike for relief. Every time they fucked, it was always from behind. Hideyo thinks it’s just his preference but in reality, it was because her back had such strong resemblance to you and he’d imagine every time that it was you.
He misses the roughness, the high, the erotica. 
The only things you could provide.
It was never enough, it was only you, you, and you.
“...Have you decided what flavor you wanted? Komori-san mentioned that you liked vanilla.” his fiancé meekly says.
Hideyo was boring.
Sometimes he wonders if he’s just doing this because he has never seen someone closely resembling you, “Anything would be fine.” He replied in a clipped tone. As the car comes to a halt for a moment because of a large truck backing from a driveway, his attention shifted towards a young boy bouncing a volleyball against the pavement outside his window. There are scratches on his knee cap yet the boy had a blank look on his face, he was sort of reminded of himself when he was younger.
As he was about to look away, he sees a woman approach the young boy and bends down to his level to check the scratches.
The woman’s small figure isn’t even the least bit familiar yet his attention can’t seem to go away. He watches her tuck the strand of stray hair and he finally gets a good look and it feels like the world stops turning at how the woman scarily resembles you. Albeit the figure was smaller and the hair was another color and unevenly chopped short.
It was no mistake.
“Y/N.” He mumbles yet as he’s about to open the door, the car starts to move. Kiyoomi’s fist tightens as he uncharacteristically yells at the driver to stop the car, Hideyo jumps on the seat and before she could say anything else, the business mongrel is out of the car, running to where you stood.
Yet just like a ghost, you were gone and so was the little boy who had oddly resembled him.
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These days you had even a harder time sleeping. Maybe it was because there was a little leak on the ceiling, or better yet, maybe it was because the heater wasn’t working, or maybe it was because you were at a new place which made it harder to adjust.
You sat at the side with your expense book on hand, your gaze on his son who was peacefully asleep. Tobio was growing older soon and he needed to settle down at one place for high school and college. A part of yourself ventured deep and dark in your mind, the thought of leaving him at an orphanage seemed better now.
He had a fake last name anyways, the bastard wouldn’t be able to find him. 
You’d be doing this boy a favor since you never saw him as your kid and he’d be away from his very messy world.
Your thoughts are immediately disrupted when you hear a brief knock on the door. This made you tense up, it was late, Why would there be a need for visitors? Your son is quick to be awoken by the second knock and you immediately press your hand on his mouth and while your other finger is on your lips to signal him to keep quiet.
Another knock.
Tobio looks worried, it wasn’t his first time to see an episode from you but this time, something feels different. You're shaking more and you look like you’re about to pass out any moment. “Stay quiet.” you mouth as you crawl towards the door and press your ear on it to confirm who was on the other side, too afraid to even take a peak on the window.
The only sound that could be heard was your thumping heart, Tobio had voluntarily placed a hand on his mouth to keep himself quiet.
Another knock.
You shut your eyes tight, praying to whatever god out there for this person to leave.
“...I don’t think anyone lives here.” You hear someone say on the other side, the voice sounded so familiar but you just couldn’t pinpoint who it was, this wasn’t Sakusa for sure,  “Are you sure that the information was right?”
Silence again.
“Hm.” The person hummed, knocking again, “Well, this place seems like a dead end. The landlady said that she’s not familiar with the tenants here so we could be wrong…”
The voice started to decrease and you feel yourself slowly starting to breathe easier. Tobio slowly put down his hand and there you saw it, the fear on his eyes. You breathe in and out, calming yourself, this place isn't safe anymore, “Tobio, take your bags. We’re leaving.” you only say.
You don’t even hesitate to leave despite it being the middle of the night.
Tobio is right in front of you as you go down your small apartment and you think everything is well, you really do yet luck didn’t seem to be on your side that night.
A dreadfully familiar voice calls out, didn’t they leave? Why? why was he here?
“O-Okaasan.” Tobio mumbles, grabbing your hand and hiding behind you.
Your head hurts, you wanted to just be selfish and leave Tobio here with this man, his father, the wretched, vile creature who had betrayed you. You wanted to run.
You didn’t feel safe.
Sakusa Kiyoomi didn’t make you feel safe.
“Y/N…” He repeats, slowly approaching you, “It’s me, bunny.”
Oh, how you hated that pet name. It sounded like you were his plaything, like you could never escape from his set-up. Before you could say anything else, he invades your personal space once again and envelopes you in a very,very tight hug.
“I’ve missed you so, so much.” He whispers on your ear and your shivering, not from pleasure but from fear, “Shh, it’s alright. I found you. It must’ve been hard to be alone out here.”
Get away.
Get away.
“Get the fuck away from me.” You yell, pushing him off of you as you stagger away from him. Tobio remains behind you, completely shaking.
“Now, Y/N-” he tries to shush you, “We should go home now, you’ve spent so much time away from me but I understand, you were probably just scared to tell me you were pregnant, right?” 
He cups the right side of your face and places a chaste kiss on your temple, tears are threatening to spill as you realize that this was all over. You couldn’t escape now, this lunatic wouldn’t let you have at it.
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The soft and plush bed is completely foreign to your back, Kiyoomi had you separated from Tobio because apparently you were still too ‘unstable’. It made you mentally scoff, between the both of you, he was the unstable one.
You wondered if they started to feed the small boy lies about you, Kiyoomi definitely milked it out to the press for sure. When he had found you, not only were your friends and family in a frenzy, the media was having a field day too. He had broken off the engagement and he used your ‘mental illness’ card on them and it worked.
Another story was weaved on papers, a love that transcended through time.
You let out a low sardonic laugh.
Mental Illness, you wondered if this could be a ploy for a suicide. After all, you’d rather be face first on the pavement than stay here with a son about to be fed on lies and a crazy bastard who sleeps next to you at night.
You stare out your window, the curtains were drawn as you looked at the free birds.
How envious.
“Y/N?” Kiyoomi comes in, a food tray in hand, “It’s time for dinner.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Y/N it’s been two days, all you ate was an apple-”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Y/N, our son-”
“He was never my son.” You harshly snapback, your voice sharp, “He’s yours through and through, a fucking incarnate of you and a curse. He’s not mine. He never will be.”
You suddenly feel the presence of the small boy behind the door and there stands his boy, staring right at your eyes yet you feel nothing for him. You never felt anything for him. The moment they placed him on your arms to nurse, there was no joy nor light.
All he brought was a painful reminder.
Kiyoomi places the tray to the side and closes the door behind him, Tobio’s blank gaze still on you, “...Those aren’t words a child is supposed to hear, Y/N. Especially ours…” he inches closer and you clench your fist tightly and he places his hand on your neck and lightly holds it. 
You aren’t scared of him anymore, the nicest thing this guy could do was kill you, really.
“Maybe we should have a girl this time, hm?” his hand trails upwards to softly caress the side of your face.
You’re immediately frozen by his sudden choice of words, no, no-
“Maybe you’ll learn to love Tobio even more when you’re pregnant with another of mine-” before he could finish what he was about to say, you raise a hand and slap him right at his face, it must’ve been hard since it left a mark, “Ah, Y/N. I didn’t know you still liked it rough-”
“D-Don’t, I-I can’t get pregnant.” You're shaking this time as you try to come up with a lie, “I-I can’t…”
“Oh?” He tilts his head, “Why not?”
“I’ll die.” You lied, “When I had Tobio I almost died, my body couldn’t handle it. T-The doctor had said that if I were to have another, I’d die…”
The lie didn’t save you that moment, really. He has become an expert at detecting your lies so instead of a reply, he harshly places his lips on yours and despite protests, he just pins you down.
He’s harsh on you that night, spilling and stuffing you with his cum, whispering that you’ll have it all and that you’d be his everything but all you could do was let a small hiccup escape your lips as you tried to hold back your cries.
‘Someone, anyone, please.’ you pleaded internally.
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You don’t see Tobio until a week later, the boy has grown a tad bit chubbier and is adorned with expensive clothes. Sakusa, on the other hand, has been force-feeding you to the point where you threw up right after meals (secretly, of course) 
You sit down at the couch as your son blinks at you, “...I’m sorry.” He breaks the silence and you shut your eyes tight as you recalled the harsh words he heard last week.
“I’m sorry too, Tobio.” you could only reply because genuinely, you did feel like you went too far this time. He didn’t choose to be born, a part of you should’ve saved him the misery and left him at the orphanage that time, “Do you hate me?” you ask.
“You should.” You say quietly, “You should hate your otosan too.”
Tobio remains quiet at your words.
“When you grow older, don’t end up like him. don’t end up like us. forget us when you have the chance.”
“Promise me.”
“I promise.”
“Good and If you ever get the chance to leave, promise me that you get out and don’t look back.”
Tobio may have been eight years old that time but he knows fear when he sees it and he knows promises aren’t meant to be broken. He remembers those words well because it was the last long conversation he has with you. 
The month of December rolls by and it’s cold, you’ve given up fighting back at this point. Your glassy eyes are directed to the window, not even wanting to look down at your bulging stomach. Kiyoomi doesn’t even need to tell you twice to not leave the house, you decide upon yourself to just stay at your room on bed the whole time.
You wonder, just how high is it from up here? Would it hurt?
“Y/N?” a dreadful voice calls out.
“You haven’t gone out of our room in two months. You haven’t even seen Tobio.” Sakusa points out, you were like a obedient doll now. So lifeless, so still, you wished he’d discard you already.
“I might say something again, I don’t want to bother.” You replied truthfully, gaze still avoiding his.
The raven-haired man starts to caress your plump face, you had grown chubbier since the beginning of your pregnancy, he couldn’t be anymore happier to finally be there for you.
This was perfect.
You were finally his.
You weren’t letting go.
“...Don’t you ever regret it?” You finally ask, turning to him, your blank eyes staring at his rather deranged ones, the eyes that you once loved was now just a reminder of your resentful life.
“Which one?” He asks, inching in closer to kiss your neck, your collarbone. You let out a meek sigh as you shut your eyes and internally prayed for this to be over quickly as he removes your ribbon that held your flimsy nightgown together.
“You killed people.” You uttered, “Took my life away, don’t you regret it?”
“Why would I?”
Right, how could a monster like him have such empathy? You feel his cold fingers brush against your folds, trying to stimulate it.
Everything except your body screamed no but you were just too powerless now. You wondered, how could you even end this all? Was jumping out the window the only solution now?
“...Right...” You let out a soft painful moan as he dips his finger inside. You’re under the idea that despite this happening countless of times, you’re body would be numb to it all yet each time it happens, it pains you even more,  “You even had to kill your ex-fiancé’s father for us to get married.”
You had come to realize just how deep his obsession was, the man was willing to kill to anyone who got in the way of your ‘love’. You remembered finding out about your ex-chief one night, about how he had chopped off his fingers and left him to bleed dry in the alleyway for the rats to feast on.
You remembered when a news came up that his supposedly future-father-in-law had died in a violent explosion during breakfast time and how he was nonchalant about it.
“...It’s all for you, Y/N.” He implores as he kissed your thighs and continue to stimulate your now wet folds, “All for you, Tobio, and my new little girl.”
“You’re sick.”
“Mhm. You smell good, I should continue using the soap from awhile ago when I clean you, right?” he hummed, ignoring what you had just said as he dipped his head in and take a kitten lick on your sex. You let out a small cry as your body betrayed you.
Your prayers for today are unheard yet again.
“...Y/N, you barely come out of your room these days.” Komori exclaimed, it turns out the visitor from last time who knocked on your door was him and as much as you wanted to knock his teeth out, you decide not to because you don’t see the point in doing violence these days.
“I’m tired.”
“Yeah, pregnancy does take a toll on your body.” He nods in agreement, it seemed like this was a casual thing for him, like you just weren’t repeatedly rape or mentally abused by his cousin, “Tobio certainly takes after his father, don’t you think?”
Your blood runs cold at the mention of the little boy, you had small hope for him either ways so you didn’t exactly cared for him anymore.
“I suppose so.” 
“You’ve gotten boring these days, Y/N.” Komori plainly pointed out, “It’s a wonder how my cousin gets to stick around ya. No offense.”
“None taken.”
Komori’s eyes narrowed at your hollowed response, you were so ungrateful. Here his cousin was, treating you with such delicateness and with all the attention that the other women wanted but you looked anything but happy about it.
If this was Hideko, she’d be elated.
But no, he had to be stuck with an ungrateful pompous bitch like you.
“How high up are we, Komori-san?” you suddenly ask.
He blinks at the rather weird question, “Fifty floors.”
“Hm.” You hummed, “That certainly is high.”
Komori would regret answering that question very soon though.
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When the winter dawned upon a new year and you finally snap, you decide to answer your own prayers and opt to salvage yourself from this madness and cruelty once and for all.
Sakusa Tobio is nine years old when you, his mother, six months pregnant, jumped out the bedroom window from a fifty-foot story building two months into the new year. Your face is flat on the pavement and completely unrecognizable, the last conversation you both had replays on his head like a broken record through the years and only when he’s old enough that he realizes that he was no one’s son. 
His okaasan didn’t loved him nor did he want to be associated with his father for all he did was bring pain and disgust.
The boy is eighteen, fresh out of the academy, right in front of his baby sister’s and your mausoleum. He makes it a habit to visit you both a day before your death anniversary,  not wanting to be in the same room as his father yet this year he makes an exception.
Recently, he had turned over some evidence and his own testimony about what his father had been doing. Everything, from illegal works to the people he killed to your tragic end. It’s enough to file a case and have him set to jail for life, even his fancy lawyers couldn’t defend him. 
His lips sting because his Uncle Komori had punched him in the face and called him an ungrateful bastard like you but it was alright.
It was all over.
He plans to change his name back to Kageyama Tobio (the haux name you had given him when you were on the run) right after all the fiasco, it’s a kind name and the first name you had given him, he likes to think that this was also a gift from you that time, a new beginning straying away from you and his father's cruel ties. He had also felt that it was too unkind for him to use your last name despite his grandparents' persistence (he was after all, conceived through forceful means).
And although he wanted to hate you for those words you said that time when he was eight. He couldn’t really bring himself to after hearing what you had to go through, you were a victim. He couldn’t dare imagine what his father did to you during the last few months leading to your death.
Yet, right now. It was finished.
You could rest now.
“I did it, Y/N-san.” He mumbles as he bows down. As he got older, he has also foregone the idea of calling you by the name you loathed and shriveled away from, “I got out and I didn’t look back. Thank you for everything.”
Kageyama Tobio never visits you right after again, as promised.
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dreamerandcrazy · 4 years
how high is the probability that soo-won is canonically gay? tbh it it would just make so much sense. soo-won loved yona but really he had eyes for hak since young... i just wish that in the eventual soohak reunion (kusa WHERE IS IT) that they'll acknowledge this fact somehow. that hak is still and forever will be soo-won's goal
Oh, anon, you have no idea how much feelings and ideas I have regarding SooHak, but when it comes to Soo Won’s sexuality, I am in the dark just as every other reader, because sadly we don’t have much insight/p.o.v. from Soo Won himself, and I think that’s on purpose and something Kusanagi is saving for later. However, he mentioned once that he didn’t feel love romantically, but he did like people, and Kusanagi also implied he wasn’t interested in romance during the high school omake, so there’s a chance he could maybe be asexual/aromantic? But he has blushed before whenever someone put him in the spot, like Yona in ch. 1, and when Lili threatened to say he was in a brothel, I think during Sei or Xing arc. So I think there’s a little bit of chance he could be, but the chances of him being asexual are definitely higher. But like you said, if Kusanagi decided to write in canon that Soo Won is gay period, it would also make sense, align with past moments that have made us raise our eyebrows, and it wouldn’t affect the story or his personality, except for other than giving us much needed insight on what goes inside Soo Won’s mind.
(I talk a lot about SooHak underneath, so I put it under a keep reading, lol).
It’s important to note that it’s very much canon that he still cares for/loves Hak and Yona, despite everything that’s happened. However, I do get the feeling that the love he has for Hak is slightly different from the love he has for Yona. It’s very interesting how since the start, Soo Won has kept his emotions in check around Yona and co., but like Zeno said, his face just looks more human around Hak. I guess maybe because Hak has always been the most normal part of it all for Soo Won, since they were kids, which is why I get the feeling that they were closer. They raised Gulfan together, they trusted each other more than anyone, and can read each other so well they were able to know what the other was thinking through a single look. The only time in the manga both of them were seen crying, truly crying over adult emotions, was because of each other. Soo Won wasn’t able to raise a sword to defend himself against Hak when they reunited in Nadai arc, but his hands automatically flew to his sword the moment he saw Hak in danger during the battle in Sei. It’s like a quote from a gifset I reblogged recently, “People change, but habits don’t”. Or even as Ik-Soo himself said, “some love cannot be discarded,” and I think that was as true for Yona then as it is for Soo Won and Hak. They both can try themselves their best to convince they no longer care for one another, and will be ok if the other dies, but we have seen that that’s not true.
Also it’s interesting, like you said, anon, sometimes I get the feeling that Hak is still Soo Won’s goal, but like in a dormant way. Soo Won seeks for the power of the humans, and nobody embodies that as much as Hak, in the story. We have seen since the start that Soo Won admired Hak, and wanted to be like him, so I feel like that feeling is still there. They both literally wanted to be on an equal footing just so they could walk side by side, and that is a powerful want, to have someone mean so much to you that you are motivated by them, which is why their dynamic is probably one of the most interesting for me, whether it’s platonic or romantic. But we shall see how it goes. Many fans have been theorizing that in the next chapter or 204, Soo Won might go to see Hak, and I think that’s something the story really needs right now. They have been avoiding each other for over 200 chapters now, and they’re getting to a point where they can no longer do that. I think Hak has come very far in the manga and is also in a point where he’s willing to listen to what Soo Won has to say; prior to this castle arc, people liked to say he was narrow-minded and refused to see meaning in Soo Won’s actions, but Hak only had the grasp of what he’d seen that night: that Soo Won killed Il and was willing to kill Yona as well, after presenting her with that hairpin. He had no idea about what happened to Yu-Hon, or any of what happened in the past, so from that point of view, Soo Won had usurped the throne and wanted to destroy the evidence of him (Yona seeing what happened). The fact that Soo Won also said “the Soo Won you knew never existed” definitely didn’t help Hak see his side, giving him the impression that their friendship had been a lie since the beginning. And thus, his heart shattered into a million pieces. And he had to live with that hurt and betrayal every day to himself, to the point where it was suffocating him and he broke down completely when he and Soo Won came face to face in Nadai. But like I said, he has come a long way since then, and now he has some idea of what happened and Soo Won’s real reasoning for killing Il, so their next conversation, which I pray happens soon, might come more easily, but that will also depend on what Soo Won will be willing to say. Let’s remind ourselves that Soo Won has expressed he is ready to live an unhappy life, and is not exactly desperate to explain himself to Yona and Hak nor ask for their forgiveness, even if his heart longs so much for his old friends. He’s that kind of character that doesn’t mind being seen as the bad guy so long as he can get the job done, which is one of the many layers of his character that we’ve seen over and over in the manga.
I am sorry this answer was so long, but like I said, I have a lot of feelings regarding SooHak and I really need them to talk it out soon. I’m sorry if something I expressed about Soo Won is not to your liking or to anyone else’s, but this is my point of view from what I could get from the manga. SooHak is the kind of relationship that works just as well for whatever it’s meant to be, but I have a feeling Kusanagi will leave us in the dark about that one and let us believe it is what we wanna believe it is. At first I was 50/50 about Soo Won dying, I still think it’s a possibility, but now it’s no longer one I necessarily would like to see happen. I want him to make things right with Yona and Hak before the manga ends, and beat this crimson illness. I think a fresh start is something he definitely needs for himself, he was robbed of his childhood when he was only 9 and was pushed into a role he didn’t exactly want, so I would like to see him come to terms with that and close that page, and begin living the life he wanted to live before all this.
Tl;dr; I think Soo Won might be asexual, but his feelings for Hak are definitely still an important part of his character arc that I believe we will see more of. But how Kusanagi will go about them, we can only wonder. Thank you so much for the ask, I really needed to let this all out lmao, and for anyone who disagrees with what I said, please just do me a favor and ignore this post because I really don’t wish to be part of discourse. Soo Won is a character that’s hard to read, and maybe my view of who he is can be different from someone else’s, so let’s be grown ups about it and just respect each other’s opinions and agree to disagree.
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ge · 4 years
hi so i started playing onmyoji because of you and i wanted to ask if you can give me any tips?? im at level 16 i think im doing well so far but since idk anyone who plays anything would help! sorry for bothering
HEHE YESS ok.. this got rlly long WHOOPS 
so first thing u shld do while ur at a low level is get a mentor.. when i started playing i just fucked around and didnt get a mentor until i was well into lvl 40.. a mentorship is where low lvl (15 to 45 i tihnk..) players can apply for an apprenticeship and level up fast while also getting rewards such as grade darumas and a random ssr once u finish ur apprenticeship.. u can find the mentor application icon in the right side of ur courtyard.. it shld look like this!
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while under a mentor u are also lvling up ur friendship which, once it reaches a certain level, it unlocks the co-op feature that u can find by clicking the scroll at the bottom right hand side of ur screen > friends > co-op tab at the bottom right side of the pop up screen... there u can access ur friends powerful shikigami that u can use a limited amount of times daily to beat hard chapters/evo/soul zones, etc etc... if ur looking for a mentor i recently finished an apprenticeship w someone so im free to help out if ur interested ^__^ (my user is @.sneer [all lowercase] if u didnt already know hehe)
join a guild if you havent already! i tihnk it prompts you to join a guild when u first start playing i dont rmbr but a couple things to rmbr.. one. if ur guild has ‘15gq’ ‘100gq’ in its notice, gq means guild quest and u like.. HAVE to do those or else theyll kick u from the guild.. u can find the guild quests by going to ur guild, clikcing the shrine tab on the bottom right, and where it says GROUP QUESTS thats it! usually theyre basic things like submit grade four souls or evo materials but u shld definitely stack up on evo materials and souls so u dont run out.. so if ur guild says 100+gqs.... i wld suggest leaving that guild for a lighter gq guild.. 100+gq guilds are like.. big bad guilds who wanna rank in the top ten soo save urself the trouble.... TWO. ur realm! ur realm comes w ur guild so if ur kicked u cant access ur realm :( i think u already know what ur realm is and what it does so i will just say .. fuse ur low level realm cards.. SAVE UR DRUMS REALM CARDS.. if its a 1*, fuse it but if its 3*+... save that bad boy..
speaking of jade... SAVE IT.. jade and mystery talismans r like GOLD.. theyre rlly easy to get in the beginning of the game but they start getting super scarce when ur lvling up and r completing achievements.. usually when u get ten mystery amulets or 1k jade ur gonna think “oh what if i get an ssr out of this summon ooh” YOU WILL NOT.. this game HATES ur ass it hates u so much it hates ME it hates EVERYONE except lvl 60s who get new ssrs and shit on their first summon... ennieway.. random chance up events r stupid scams but chance up events featuring new shikigami are not... like the one thats going on right now for sp aoandon.. these r good events... random chance up events coming up out of no where is just netease being like ‘buy more jade we want ur money ugly idiot... stupid lmao’.. so yeah hoard ur amulets and jade AH ALSO IN THE MALL go to the mall and go to GENERAL.. youll see a package that says smth like 5 daily jade or smth that costs 666 jade.. BUY THAT itll give u 5 jade daily everyday.. it also stacks up so if ur not online for a couple days u wil be swimming in it baby...
oh god what else... click ur scroll on the bottom right and at the end next to collection youll see a tab that says TEAM.. thats a very useful helpful tab bc if u ever need help or want to join in on someone elses team for loot this is where u go.. when i started playing and i was farming for hiyoribo shards i always went to the system chat and clicked rlly fast on the hiyoribo shard zone hoping i cld get in ... i did that up until i was in my lvl 40s .. ur prbly smarter than me and alreayd know abt this tab but just felt like i needed to mention it just in case.........
SHARDS... if u get enough shards u can form a summoning pact w that shikigami.. demon seals are little side quests that pop up after youve completed a chapter/exploration and they come up randomly with a handful of different shikigami... but you can also access all of the demon seals from the TEAM tab i mentioned above.... demon seals only have a handful of shikigami though not all of them so dont expect to see like ssr demon seals lol also  some of the shikis u can farm from demon seals are VERY good.. ill touch on this later.. DEMON PARADE is another good way to collect shards.. in ur courtyard, click the town sign and the demon parade sign shld be the first thing u see! demon parade, unlike the demon seals, are chance thing, u might get the shards u want or u might not.. its kinda stupid... throwing beans around and shit.. itll give u a lineup of three shiki that u can choose from, if u hit the shiki u picked u get extra shards.. u might see some shiki in the parade w little lanterns over their heads, that just means they give more shards too nothing special
SHIKIGAMI... when ur looking at all of ur rare and sr shikigami ur probably thinking “this sucks these r all USELESS i want ssrs and sps >:(” well akchually... some of the best shiki in the game (for beginners especially) are rares and srs... shouzu (r), kamaitachi (sr), and hiyoribo (sr), are all farmable shikigami u can get from demon seals, if u havent summoned them already! yamausagi, a shiki u will see a LOT, is also a very easily summonable shiki so dont throw her away.. if u have duplicates of the same shiki u can PROMOTE THEM and it will level up one of their skills, just like a skill daruma! (DONT waste ur skill darumas they are soo valuable.. only use them on the shiki u use the most and want to lvl up skills on).. lvling up the skills on ur shiki increases their power and adds perks and makes them over all.. very sexy..
EDIT: added in this list of easy farmable beginners shikigami that u want to keep and build (refer to list BENEATH this one for list of roles)
kujira (sr) support
yamausagi (r) puller
shouzu (r) unique/shield **DEMON SEAL**
hiyoribo (sr) healer/revive **DEMON SEAL**
kusa (r) healer/dps
samurai x (r) cc
momo (sr) healer/revive
ushi no toki (r) unique
kamikui (r) pusher
oitsuki (sr) orbs
komatsu (sr) cc
kamaitachi (sr) puller **DEMON SEAL**
all shikigami have a certain role and its very important u know which shiki is which bc sometimes if u use them wrong u can mess up ur entire team.. here are all of the roles and some shiki examples:
dps: dps stands for ‘damage per second’ but it can also be used as a noun to describe a shikigami that is damage focused (ex. kuro mujou, momiji, hangan, mio)
cc: stands for ‘crowd control’. ccs have the ability to limit the number of enemies actively fighting during an encounter giving u the advantage (ex. enma, yuki onna, yumekui, samurai x)
pusher: pushes the enemies move bar back, giving u the advantage of going first (ex. kamikui)
puller: basically the same thing as pusher. pulls the ally move bar forward (ex. kamaitachi, yamausagi)
shield: shiki that provides a shield of some sort to protect allies without the use of souls (ex. ichimokuren, shiro)
heal: self explanatory (ex. sakura, hana)
revive: healer types with the ability to revive players w a cooldown. not all healers are revives (ex. hiyoribo, momo)
support: self explanatory.. supports allies (ex. miketsu, kujira, bake-kujira)
unique: shiki w unique abilities that cant be placed under labels (ex. hakuzosu, ushi no toki)
orbs: shiki that supply orbs to ur team (ex. aoandon, zashiki, oitsuki)
counter: shiki that counters after an enemy attack (ex. mannendake, vampire)
AND FINALLYYYYYY how to build ur shiki... while doing explorations u get free little souls.. in the beginning this will be ok since ur just starting off but actually each shiki has a perfect soul that makes them work the best.. now there are too many souls for me to actually list so as a parting gift to this entirely too long onmyoji cheat sheet, i will leave u this SHIKIGAMI BUILD GUIDE made by the nura clan.. it lists EVERY shikigami w the perfect soul for them, what role they play, and how to build them.. i touched on their roles a little bit above but i cldnt list everything so heres this.. i use it like everyday when building new shiki its sooo helpful
ANYWAY.. I TIHNK IM DONE.. I HOPE THIS WASNT A COMPLETE UNINTELLIGIBLE MESS... if u need clarification for anything pls ask i feel like i mashed up a bunch of words together and called it a day.. ummmm so yeah :) theres probably..... stuff... i might be missing but if theres smth specific u want to know about JUST ASK!!!!!!!!! im always looking for new omj friends...
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nothingman · 4 years
Lauren Boebert tweeted out Nancy Pelosi’s location as the Capitol was being breached
68 elected officials from Colorado have sent a letter to lawmakers requesting a probe into Rep. Lauren Boebert’s actions before and during the day of the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol, according to multiple reports.
The letter was addressed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and Kevin McCarthy.
Rep @laurenboebert warrants close watching. I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw Trump. With one broken arm. https://t.co/CCSIJK5sAE
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) January 16, 2021
In the letter published by KUSA, Colorado officials of the 3rd Congressional District, expressed “deep concern about Boebert’s actions leading up to and during the protests that turned into a violent deadly mob.”
Read More: Pelosi imposes fines for GOP House members refusing metal detectors
The calls for the newly-elected Republican Congresswoman to resign intensified after she tweeted out Nancy Pelosi’s location as the Capitol was being breached.
“Representative Boebert’s actions, including her statements on the floor immediately preceding the insurrection and her social media posts leading up to the riots were irresponsible and reprehensible,” the officials wrote. The letter says the congresswoman’s speech and tweets encouraged the “mob mentality” of her followers, as well as those who directly participated in the mob.
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In this screenshot taken from a congress.gov webcast, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) speaks during a House debate session to ratify the 2020 presidential election at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC. Congress held a joint session today to ratify President-elect Joe Biden’s 306-232 Electoral College win over President Donald Trump. A group of Republican senators said they would reject the Electoral College votes of several states unless Congress appointed a commission to audit the election results. (Photo by congress.gov via Getty Images)
According to The Washington Post, Boebert, a gun rights advocate with links to the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory, has denied the allegations which she said have led to “death threats and hundreds of vile phone calls and emails.”
The Colorado officials asked not only for an investigation but for any appropriate disciplinary action against Boebert, who has been in office for less than two weeks.
Read More: Rep. Sherrill says colleagues gave ‘reconnaissance’ tours day before Capitol riot
“Our bigger concern is that hate groups are proliferating in America and they are heavily armed. We request that you create a Congressional panel to thoroughly investigate these groups. They pose a real threat to American democracy, to our communities and to our residents,” the lawmakers wrote.
Aide to Lauren Boebert resigns following Capitol riots https://t.co/SVCJ8PyuqT
— The Independent (@Independent) January 16, 2021
Amid the calls for Boebert to resign, her communications director, Ben Goldey has resigned. In a statement to Axios, Goldey said: “Following the events of January 6th, I’ve decided to part ways with the office. I wish her and the people of Colorado’s Third District the best.”
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The post 68 officials push for probe of congresswoman who tweeted lawmaker locations during riot appeared first on TheGrio.
via: https://ift.tt/3p4mDnv
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itslulu42 · 7 years
Stay Sober, Yamato
Ninja Dorks Flailing at Interpersonal Relations Part Five *oof*
Warning: second hand embarrassment
First | Previous
Sakura groaned as exited the operation room, her shoulder aching after three back-to-back surgeries, the last thing in her ten day stretch.  Finally, she was going to have two glorious days off. Her previous weekend had been interrupted by an unexpected strain of colds that knocked out some of the hospital staff as well.  She was looking forward to a sleeping in, stopping at that cafe Ino had mentioned last month, a long bath, and a pedicure.
Sakura had spent the past two days in the hospital, sleeping between patients and surgeries on the corner chair in her office.  She kept a pair of spare uniforms in her office, and had changed into them when she was a little too ripe.
Tucking her dirty laundry in her overnight bag, Sakura flicked the light switch off, then exited the office.  She pulled the strap of the bag over her shoulder, and waved goodbye to a medic standing at the front desk.  Once outside, Sakura took a deep breath of the outside air, the first in over seventy-two hours.  
The night was cool, with just a touch of humidity in the air.  They were due for a storm soon, and Sakura prayed that it would come in the night when she would be home, dead to the world underneath her blankets. Deciding to take the scenic route, Sakura skipped her usual walk home from the rooftops, deciding to navigate through a string of restaurants and past the river.
The pedestrian traffic was light, most villagers were already home, or having a late dinner.  Peering through open doors, Sakura noted the restaurants were half-empty of customers; it would still be another couple of hours before they would close.  Sakura was tempted to stop more than once, the smell of food causing to make her mouth to water.  But if she went inside, it was possible she would be recognized, and she would be asked to join a table, or trapped in small talk.  No, eating her sad leftovers in her refrigerator was a better choice; she could always get something tomorrow after she had her pedicure, when she was looking cute.
Sakura rounded the corner, and stopped dead in her tracks as Yamato-sensei and Kakashi emerged from the bar. Desperate to hide, she looked for an escape route, maybe a trash can she could stand behind, or a pedestrian, or a spare piece of trash!  There had to be somewhere—
"Saaaaakura!" Yamato-sensei was leaning heavily on Kakashi, beckoning for her with his free arm.  "Come ‘ere!"
It was just her luck that Yamato-sensei was drunk.  Resigned to her fate, Sakura made her way over to the pair.  She gave a polite smile in Kakashi's direction, but she noticed he was avoiding her gaze, instead staring intently at a poster for a business which has shut down six months ago.
Yamato jabbed Kakashi in the stomach with an elbow.  "Hey, hey, Kakshi-Hokage-sempai-sama, ish your girlfriend."  Yamato puckered his lips like a fish, miming a kissing motion.
Sakura felt her face heat up; the urge to flee practically choking her.  The only thing that kept her rooted to the spot was Kakashi's reaction, she marveled as his face turned bright red.  At least she wasn't the only one embarrassed.
Sakura hadn't spoken to Kakashi since their failed date.  She had awoken from her nap in his bed three hours later, the apartment empty. There was note pinned to the bedroom explaining he had returned back to his office to work, but he hadn't wanted to wake her.  He had signed it with a doodle, and a request to lock the door behind her.  She had done as he requested, resisting the urge to snoop in his apartment after his courtesy.
Had something happened? Had she mumbled something in her sleep?  Sakura gripped the strap on her bag as she remembered some of the vivid dreams she had about Sasuke.
"I know the two of you would hit it offff," Yamato said, his head bobbing emphatically. "Kakushi only likes women if he can die with hish head between her thighs."
The strap of Sakura's overnight snapped in her hands.  
Kakashi made a miserable noise as her belongings fell to the ground.
"And you!" Yamato pointed dramatically at Sakura, with the conviction that only a drunk could have.  "You should be lucky.  Sempai hokage is really attracting."  He began to tug at Kakashi's vest to raise it up.  “Show her your abs!” Yamato insisted when Kakashi tried to pull away
Sakura forgot all about her embarrassment as her eyes dropped down to stare at Kakashi’s torso, curiosity taking hold of her.  She really could use a pick me up after the week she had.  Sadly, Kakashi was far more sober than her sensei, and easily defended any attempts to unclothe him.  
Sighing, Yamato sensei turned back to Sakura.  “I’m going to go.”  He pointed both hand to in the direction where Sakura had rounded the corner.  “I’m sure you want some alooooone time,” Yamato said, loud enough that group of people emerging from the bar stopped to stare in their direction.  
Sakura watched her sensei stumble off, then turned back to Kakashi.  He was civilian clothes again, sticking with dark colors that only serve to emphasize his striking hair color.  “Hello.”
“Yo,” Kakashi responded, scratching at his chin before tucking his hands into his pockets.  “Ah, do you need help with that?”  He pointed to her dirty laundry that was scattered at her feet.  Sakura had torn the strap on the side of the bag, creating a large enough hole that her dirty laundry was now scattered on the street.  Thanks to the streetlight a few meters away from her, he had the prefect view of underwear.  
Mortified, Sakura scrambled to gather her things; stuffing what she could in her bag, juggling the overnight bag in both of her arms to keep her belongings inside.  
"Shove your tongue down her throat!" catcalled a member of their audience.  
Kakashi turned to the side to see who spoke.  The group flinched in unison when they recognized their Hokage, the scattered post-haste, one of them dropping his take-out box in the street.
Kakashi turned back to her.  They stared at each other.
"Do you…uh… I'll walk you home."  Kakashi coughed in his hand.
"Thank you," Sakura replied politely, using the good manners she had learned from a dozen romance novels. "I would like that."
They walked to her apartment in silence.  Sakura chewed her lip the entire journey, desperately trying to think of a topic to bring up, but also too tired to think of anything engaging.  Giving up, she settled at looking up at her companion, her eyes trailing up his shoulder to his left profile.  Sakura’s hands curled slightly at the thought of brushing his hair away to trace the scar on his face  She felt the bag give slightly under her grip, and relaxed her hand before she ruined it completely.
A few years ago, Kakashi’s medical file had caught Sakura’s eyes because of the size, and her interest grew when she found out it only contained the previous five years.  Tsunade had removed it from her hands, claiming Sakura lacked the clearance level.  Now there was nothing stopping her, and she could probably find out more about him from his medical file than a discussion.  
They were crossing the river now, and her apartment was in sight.  A person was waving at them, and Sakura’s heart sank as when she recognized the voice.
"Sakura, thank goodness I found you!"
The medic who had waved goodbye to Sakura from the hospital had beaten her home, undoubtedly taking the rooftops in an effort to get to Sakura quickly.  Sakura could feel her day off slipping through her face as she took in the nurse’s tense face.
"What's wrong?”
"A team went on a mission to Kusa and they all came back poisoned.  I have three ninja vomiting and dry heaving all over my lobby and—Oh! Good evening, Hokage-sama." The medic’s eyes darted between the two of them, furrowing her brow in confusion  
"I'll be right there," Sakura replied.  The plants in Kusagakure made for tricky poisons; and with Shizue out of the country there weren't many people who had the skill to make an antidote.  
The medic nodded, gave a quick bow to Kakashi, and then jumped to the rooftop to return to the hospital.
Thunder sounded in the distance.
"I didn't even make it to the front door," Sakura whispered, looking at the steps to her apartment as she clutched her ruined overnight bag.  She blinked rapidly, tears of exhaustion forming in the corner of her eyes at the thought of another night sleeping on her uncomfortable chair.
Sakura stiffened when as a hand was placed on her back.  
“There, there.” Kakashi gave a pat on between her shoulder blades.  He was tempted to rub her back to comfort her, but he had been accused of treating people like his ninken more than once.  “Do you want me to take your bag home so you can go back to the hospital?”
“Would you?”  A look of astonishment crossed Sakura’s face.  She tugged at her uniform, rubbing her hand at some unidentifiable stain.  “I could use a change of clothes too. That is, if you don’t mind?”  
Kakashi was already reaching for the bundle in her arms.  “Which one is it?”
“Fourth floor, apartment F.” Sakura wrung her hands anxiously before giving a small bow.  “Thank you.”
Kakashi watched her leave before leaping up to the four story landing.  Sakura forgot give him her key, but he found it in her overnight bag, tucked in the pages of a hentai magna with two men on the cover.  He thumbed through the pages in curiosity, raising an eyebrow when he came to a particular page.
Sakura was interested in that?
Filling that knowledge away, he returned the book in the bag, he returned to his mission.
Sakura’s apartment was small, with a single chair next to a kitchen counter for seating.  Kakashi found a change of clothes in chest of drawers, then placed everything in a spare sealing scroll he had in his pocket.  He left the dirty clothes by the laundry basket, and then left the apartment.  
On his way to the hospital, he thought of Sakura’s commit to the village, the hospital, and her co-workers. She had returned to work quickly, ignoring her need for a day off.  
And Sakura liked him. But as what?  As a ninja?  A Hokage?
A man?
A blush rose to Kakashi’s face as he remembered Sakura’s sleepy murmur and her happy sigh of contentment delivered in his bed.
She liked him.
Part Six
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negsily-blog · 7 years
To the epitome of my love, hey this is for you.
Hi sun, happy monthsary. So Im here, sitting, talking to you- (begging you to sleep because its 2:51 am). Yes baby, eto yung ginagawa ko. Just like what i’ve said, walang laman yung utak ko, blangko and i dont really know what to write so magsosorry ako ngayon palang kasi lahat ngmababasa mo is walang second thought, galing lahat sa puso ko. Here we go. 
Hi Nancy Jewel, Its so nice to meet you. Im Minhyuk from Monsta X. 
Nagsimula sa “Binay? joke haha” na reply ko ang lahat hanggang sa tuloy tuloy na. Bago lang yung SS non and wala akong kilala talaga dun, kahit yung mga dating nakasama ko na di ko kilala. Nung time na dumating ka, may linalandi ako non and yes madami akong kausap but isa o dalawa yung nilalandi ko, nasabi ko naman na sayo to. Na start sa binay kong reply and nagulat ako sa reaksyon mo, you actually laughed. Gustong gusto ko talaga yung tumatawa ka kasi i dont know? gusto ko lang. hanggang sa Im sending pictures of nancy binay, making puns and jokes to you. I dont know but nung unang tinawanan mo ko, nagka ron ng something sa loob ko, gusto kong mapasaya kita and with the pictures and jokes, tinatry ko talaga mabuti para lang matawa ka. I dont know why, I usually dont care kung sumaya kausap ko or not pero sayo, meron yung nasa loob ko na gustong gusto na napapatawa ka, even before i knew it, im sending puns and jokes to you na. 
Tzuyu Came.
Sasabihin ko na sayo yung real reason kung bat nalungkot ako nung nag tzuyu ka. Halos lahat ng usapan natin non is related kay nancy binay. Sabi ko sayo diba, isa ka sa iilan na tumagal sakin na natiling kumakausap sakin. I really want to keep talking to you but wala na akong topic. ayokong mag end yung conversation natin kaya minsan nag iinsert ako ng random binay topics para humaba o ano and then tzuyu came. Naubusan ako ng excuse para makausap ka ng matagal. nawala si binay na laging nagpapatawa sayo, nawala yung pagkukunan ko ng jokes, hindi ka na si nancy, si tzuyu ka na and dun na nagsimula yung hindi na kita laging nakakausap. i really want to talk to you but im a boring person. alam kong eventually matatapos din convo natin and ayoko nun so nalungkot talaga ako nung nag tzuyu ka.
Crush na kita nung nancy ka palang. i dont know, natutuwa ako sa tawa mo, pag tumatawa ka sa jokes ko. Hindi ko alam pero sayo, hindi ko pinakita yung side kong malandi, hindi ko alam but pinakita ko sayo yung totoong ako, wala yung pacool (or baka andun minsan haha) malandi na minhyuk. Na discourage ako non kasi akala ko wala akong pag asa sayo, and alam mo naman diba, syempre iniisip ko kung kaya ko bang talikuran yung dating ako, baka magaya ka lang sa mga two weeks ko so naghanap ako ng lilibangan, someone to distract me from you, so lumandi ako here and there and then there’s rose. hindi ko siya nilandi but sa tingin ko parehas kami ng humor, ambilis namin magkasundo so naisip ko, maybe I should try. I asked her to be my girlfriend for a day and pumayag siya. Ngayon ko lang sasabihin to pero, yung mga ginawa naming dalawa nun, iniisip kong gagawin natin. aayain sana kita dating pumunta ng amusement park kaso baka ma weirdohan ka sakin kaya nag back out ako. so ayan na yung secret ko. Una palang baby, ikaw na talaga.
Happy Monthsary Love
Baby everyday pagkagising ko lagi kong binubuksan yung account ko with a hope na may message mo pero lagi akong nauunang magising sayo hahaha. everytime na magpo-pop yung name mo sa screen para akong nakukuryente, kinikilig ako bigla and kusa na akong napapangiti. baby sobrang importante ka sakin and ayokong napapano ka. im overprotective sayo baby kasi gusto ko yung best sayo and please, please lang, watch out for your health. hindi ako ganto dati pero sayo i dont know, ni ako mismo hindi kumakain on time but nag aalala ako sayo, ayokong nagugutom ka o ano. Babe im really scared na may umagaw sayo sakin kasi baby i freaking love you, so much babe. minsan gusto na kita ibulsa. na enjoy kong maiwan mag isa sa bahay kasi alam kong buong araw kita makakausap unlike pag umaalis, ni hindi ako makapag online. Babe sobrang nag alala ako nung hinika yung op mo. seryoso baby as in nataranta ako for real. kausap kita and nag online ako sa too beautiful to asked my co admins kung ano ang dapat gawin pag hinihika. wala akong idea ang nag aalala ako kasi wala manlang akong magawa dun. sobrang nag worry ako kahit na sinabi mong okay ka na. Pero baby mas nag alala ako nung nagka sakit ka, ang tigas tigas pa ng ulo mo, hays ang kulit. taas ng lagnat pero nagpupuyat at nag fe-facebook padin. sa susunod di na kita kukunsintihin. Baby I know this is your first, first ko din to and im so damn happy babe. hindi ako nagkamali sayo, hindi ko akalaing aabot tayo dito and im happy na umabot tayo, road to forever na diba?. Gusto kitang makasama sa pag tanda, gusto kong i spend tong buhay ko with you, I want you to witness lahat ng araw ko sa mundo, gusto ko lagi tayo magkasama. baby nagaalala ako kasi baka nasasakal na kita o ano gusto ko mag sabi ka. I really like you possessive side baby, i want you to own me babe. sayo lang ako and gusto kong aware ka dun, own it baby. im yours. babe sa loob ng one month together, hindi pa ako nau-upset sayo. puro saya nararanasan ko and sobra sobra yung saya na yun. i want that baby, i want you, i love you. alam kong may dadating na obstacles and mag aaway tayo but baby, we’re stronger than that. gusto kong malaman mo na ipag lalaban kita kahit anong mangyare. Lagi akong nasa tabi mo and baby I’ll be selfish kahit ayaw mo. pag dumating yung time na umayaw ka, No baby I won let you. Hindi kita pakakawalan babe. Hindi ako papayag, Ipapaalala ko sayo kung gano kita kamahal and kung gano mo ko minahal and kung pano naging sobrang memorable and precious ng love natin for each other ( im tearing up, the hell ). ayokong mapunta ka sa iba, hindi ako papayag, bubuo pa tayo ng family, madami pa akong pangarap saten, with you baby. alam kong unang buwan natin to at marami pang dadating. galingan natin ha?. may una na tayong obstacle, pasukan. i hope we find time for each other and maging sandalan sana natin ang isa’t isa pag stressed or whatever na tayo sa school. im here to cheer on you baby. i love you so much, feeling ko kulang pa tong letter. Baby ikaw yung pinakamahalagang tao sakin right now, ang you will always be. i love you so much and kampante akong di yon mababago. happy monthsary baby. isang hakbang na tayo to forever. lets do this together. I love you.
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unhingedsea · 7 years
For every ✘ I get, my muse will reveal one thing that frightens, disturbs, or disgusts them.    
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  “What frightens me most is everyone I hurt ending up hating me completely.”      “I might deserve it. It might be my fault. But it’ll still haunt and hurt me.”
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ask-kusa-and-co · 6 years
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Kusa: I’ve always wondered if there was anything out there...
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survivorjohto · 8 years
Ep. 2: “Why Would I Want To Keep In One Place At Once?” - Kendall
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I am so glad we won first immunity whew hope they win another for us, i sat out because i felt like i wouldn't do good so hopefully it's helpful i sit out I love this tribe so much, and about the villian pokegear wtf i literally asked what the judge asked did they throw that? like i thought the judge was just dragging but omg. I loved every part of that pokegear and it was so brilliant but not winning brilliant humourous though. 
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This was literally the first tribal I ever lived thru in PI history, and I did it without getting a single vote. Character Development (tm)
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So I hatch my egg right, and there's a note saying that a flying type is what I need. I'm guessing, that because my Tyrogue hatched with a note, that I'm either going to have to catch a flying type, or hatch one to get a hidden immunity idol. I'm only guessing because gyms don't seem to be a thing this go around, and Kurt's challenge just gives me pokeballs.
Now, it's been a few days. I haven't completed Kurt's challenge. I'm 99% sure someone else definitely has had to, which means a legendary could be on the loose right now. That's scary... you never know what they might do this game. 
I'm in a tough spot with my crew, I'm not good at this immunity challenge, but I just have to be good enough to beat Isaac. I know I wasn't the worst on my tribe, but I definitely was not the best.
As for allies, I know I have Sara and Brian for sure. Brian has Drew and I have Drew (I think) and I'm banking on making it seem like I'm distant with him and someone will spill to him if my name ever comes up. Right now, I could definitely see Brandon, Duncan or Mitch voting me out. It'll just depend on if they can get anyone to flip. This game is just making me nervous, I don't want to go home before merge. 
But my biggest dilemma is who my actual final two is. I have three people I can't hurt: Ash, Brian and Sara. But I can't take them all to the end. Brian is my best buddy. I love him so much and in a perfect world I'd be sitting next to him. But Sara is my girl. She's had my back as long as I can remember and I emotionally can not handle losing her, and then Ash has thrown her game away from me multiple times. I don't want Ash to flop again, she deserves redemption. 
My goal is to stick with those 4 as long as I can. I love Drew and Jacob, but I feel like like they might become liable to me in the future... I guess we'll see.
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I'm rly happy to have won and all that but nothing has really been done about the alliance between me Billy and Jacob like no chat has been made or anything? It's probably just because we haven't had tribal but I'm like the kinda neurotic that I would rather have it set in stone. Idk if I mentioned it here but Jacob came to Billy and said he has no idea how to play survivor and wants a final 3 with us which is like...the ideal™ I'm just waitin on it to become official @ this point
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I may or may not be in a #secretmajority. Well everyone agreed on Jay. Then me and Kendall discovered proof of the alliance I called between Jordan/Ben/Lily when Karen confirmed it. Then the vote flipped to Stevie. With the exception of me, Jordan m, and Kendall who are in an alliance. And Kendall, Karen, and I are in another alliance. And because of the campaigning against them Stevie and Jay seem to be on board according to Kendall. And we'd like to vote Ben to take away one of Jordan's numbers. Because One No one likes an alpha male and Two it's basically killing Jordan Pines without killing his strength in challenges because if anything he'll work extra hard to make sure we don't go back to tribal because he'll know it could be him hopefully
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So  like Isaac wants me kendall and him together to take out Jordan pines but like i dont know if i want to do that. I mean like jordan pines is definitely a threat but he can also be a good ally for a little bit. Tonight it seems to be either stevie jay or ben and i truthfully dont know what im doing yet *eyes emoji*
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So I'm at work, telling one of my co-workers about Johto. He knows I play these games, but he doesn't know that this one is Pokémon related. I told him how I only had a few poke balls left or whatever, but that I was doing a challenge where I could win a "master ball". So he told me to try to catch another one, and I explained to him my theory that the flying types have advantages because of the notes that my Tyrogue and Sara's Tyrogue got. So he's like "I like Xtau. Go for that one" so I did... and low and behold 
THE XTAU WAS HOLDING A HIDDEN IMMUNITY IDOL. I'm so shook right now... because I didn't even waste my Kurt ball on that. So I took advantage of the situation. I thought the legendaries had idols, not normal Pokémon. So I used Kurt's ball on Raicou and I caught him too. WHICH GAVE ME THE ZAPDOS POWER. That's the only power I didn't get to use in Kanto. So I was SHOOK when I went from thinking I'd have nothing to actually holding a little power in the game now. 
Word on the street is that Jordan P. is gunning for me which actually really pisses me off because I told him forever ago I wouldn't gun for him in Johto. But, I feel better knowing that I have an idol and an advantage, and I haven't even attended tribal yet. I'm going to go for another Kurt ball, hopefully I'll catch Entei next, because I didn't have Moltres last game, and the Articuno power wasn't what I thought it was. A vote negator can be the difference between going home or staying, and that'll be useful to me moving forward. 
Kanto Billy is back, and I'm here to be the best, like NO ONE ever was. These are my Pokémon games, and I'm here to prove it.
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So we won again!  Yay!  I just got voted out of Malibu, so now all my focus is on this game.  Billy and I are going to try and fake not being close because we both know that it can definitely effect our games, and I personally do not need to be an early boot because of that.  I came here to fix the wrongs that I've done in my last 4 games, and I'm not going to stop until I fix each and every one of them and potentially win the game.  My social game is lackluster at this point because I was so focused on Malibu, but I plan on working on that REAL quick so that I don't ever have to worry about being on a tribe with numbers against me.
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My fucking aesthetic is winning.
No but really though. I've got such a busy week at the moment that not having to balance it with tribal is amazing. Especially considering I like almost all of these people. Like Billy is my dude. I love Billy so much like I would murder a man for Billy. And Sarah's been amazing since my OG PI game Izu. Those are the two I know the best but honestly for the most part everyone is amazing and wonderful and I can't wait to actually murder the villains (sorry Jordan and Karen)
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I'm walking on fucking egg shells and it's exhilarating.
Okay so here's the thing, Jordan Pines is in charge of an alliance and I think I'm the right hand person of it. But that is so bloody boring. Why would I want to keep in one place at once? I don't have the attention span for that. 
So Isaac comes up to me and says "Hey I think Jordan Pines is an evil mastermind," And the thing is, he's right... at first I was just going to indulge him and slit his throat later. Because currently I'm in a main season with Jordan Pines, I don't need that target on my back. 
But then I realize that Jordan is closer to Ben then he is to me, and we can't have that... no we can not. It's better to get rid of all competition now before we get too far into the game, so I teamed up with Isaac, Jordan, Karen, and Stevie for the time being. And now we are sending Benjamin to the stake. 
What makes this better is I think I can keep my allegiance on the DL because they all get I'm with Jordan. I've started saying things like "what if something goes wrong" or "I'm with you 120%". I feel like if I can get it into their heads that I am in cahoots with them, they'll think I wasn't the one who flipped. The next tribal, we get rid of the Jordan who is not Pines because he is too close to Isaac. I can probably make it seem like it was Karen or Stevie or somebody else. I want to see if there is a way to successfully play the middle, if not then I'll get voted out. If there is, well then this game is going to be a lot of fun.
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Me? Feeling confident in a PI tribal when it comes to voting out Stevie? Unlikely But True
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So, I'm pretty sure everyone but Stevie is voting Stevie. Sorry Stevie I like you and wouldn't wanna vote you out but pretty much everyone kinda just joined together on the sound of your name... so y'know
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Jacob totally saved all of us by figuring out that trick with the immunity challenge. Yet another week of not having to make alliances and kick people out! I love this tribe.
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hiiiieee! I know my edgic is probably invisible right now and thats my bad. I don't feel like I've really started playing the game yet, but at least  I don't have any enemies and i did okay in our challenge? I have no idea what im doing and I can't wait to be invisible until my boot like Monica in Cambodia :~)
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So um hello it's me. I seem to be having a reverse kusa right now cause I'm undefeated baby. Also can someone tell me why lily and Ben are villains?
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Right now I am acting so dumb toward Jordan and I really hope that the people that are trying to save me come thru. Because it would be so great to see Jordan's reaction. I tried to work with him but he decided I'd be easiest to get rid of now and I'm not okay with that
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Honestly this total domination of the game from the Heroes tribe? Here for it. Me forgetting to do confessionals or be social or catch Pokemon or do literally anything I'm supposed to be doing in this game? Also here for it. Getting dragged into an alliance with Billy, Brian, Jacob, and Sara? Here for it. Honestly I need this tribe to go to tribal soon just because I always end up losing it with tribes that never go to tribal premerge, the bonds aren't as strong, we have to start building trust, like actual trust, like based on more than a collaborative creative comp that most used the term "collaboration" loosely for. But collectively, we're all pulling enough of our own weight for it to be alright in the end. Hopefully I can at least make it to merge/jury and not make a total fool of myself. But every time I say that in a PI game, I make it far with a good shot to win, so who the fuck knows anymore. The PI gods love me, here's hoping the Johto gods will do the same.
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Whew I sent my tribe to a revote and everyone floods my pms I love being the swing vote. Also I love you jay so when these come out don't kill me ;c
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dribolopdapipol · 8 years
James Yap not yet thinking of 10K points club despite nearing milestone
PBA Media Bureau It has been 16 years ago since a PBA player last joined the prestigious 10,000 points club. That was when Jerry Codinera achieved the feat in 2001. Only 12 players have so far made it to the list. But the league may soon add a new name in the elite group as former two-time MVP James Yap of Rain or Shine is just 231 points away from reaching the impressive milestone. Should Yap make it to the elite club, he would become the first millennial player to be part of the 10,000 points fraternity whose members include the likes of Codinera, Atoy Co, Ramon Fernandez and Alvin Patrimonio, Bogs Adornado, Robert Jaworski and Jojo Lastimosa–players who entered the league in the 1970s and 1980s. Yap admitted he is thrilled on the prospect of joining the group but said it’s not yet on his mind. “Katulad nung 1,000 three point shots. Hindi ko inisip yun, kusa na lang dumating, ” said Yap, who earlier in the season made his 1,000th career three-pointer, in an exclusive interview with InterAksyon.com. “Ganun din yung 10,000 points na darating.” Yap is averaging 11.2 points in the Oppo PBA Philippine Cup and according to PBA head of statistics Fidel Mangonon III, he is on pace to breach the 10,000 points mark in 21 games. “Binibigyan mo ako ng pressure ah,” Yap said when asked about his thoughts. “Pero talagang pwedeng pumasok sa isip ko yun ah. Pwede mangyari basta huwag ko lang isipin. Baka hindi na ako maka-shoot. “Kapag nakasama ka doon hindi na mabubura sa iyo yun. Sino ba naman ayaw mapabilang sa elite group na yan?” http://j.mp/2irkFuZ
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dr-oshawott · 9 years
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Hey bud this for you
--Ah hahahaha... I appreciate it, but I don’t really play pokemon at the moment though--
+I be drinking a bit less with this fine offer!+
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unhingedsea · 7 years
Hey baby did you come from hell because you are one hell of a girl. (Why did I do this not as an anon. Oh boy)
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   “HAhaHAHha....aHAhahHAHAHAH....hHAHAhAHahahha...AHAHahaha....”         “HAHha....aHAhahHAHAHAH....hHAHAhAHahahha...AHAHahaha....”
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