organvaults · 1 month
fave persona would have to be... me.... but like actually me this is just how i draw myself
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k0juki · 4 months
You and Mafia Max having a night out in the Netherlands.
Mafia!Max Verstappen
Carneval night
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English is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
More Mafia!Max posts here!
A/n: The time-line is before they broke up.
Wc: 624
You were only a few months in the Netherlands, so Max thought that it would be fun to show you around Amsterdam.
At first you were here just because of your father, but after some time and meeting some new people, including Max, you decided to stay here, with him.
Amsterdam has become more than just a temporary stop—now it's your home, filled with love and adventure. You fell in love with him, and he did the same.
"I heard there's a street festival here." Max suggested and wrapped his arm around your waist. "Live music, delicious food stalls, and carnival games. I thought you would like it."
"That doesn't sound so bad." You teased him, but he can't say he doesn't like it, because he does like it.
As you stroll through the vibrant streets of Amsterdam, the festive atmosphere fills you with excitement. You really liked this place, because it wasn't anything like back home in London.
"Oh, look Max, they have these big stuffed animals here!" You pointed out and made your way to that booth with Max right beside you.
"Who do I have to shoot to get that donkey?" You asked and took that heavy gun. Max and the stall holder laughed. "I mean it."
"Yeah, she's not joking." Max grined and gave warning look to that guy. It was sign that nor Max or you were joking. You really wanted that stupit stuffed animal.
"I'm sure you do young lady, the rules are simple, you have to shoot down the cans. That's all." He explained, as he moved aside, you pointed the gun at cans and shot. Completely missed. It was harder than you expected.
At first, Max was just wheezing, so you didn't mind him much, but after some time... "That was amazing love, you have to teach me." He laughted and clapped his hands.
"Oh, ha ha...I'm just warming up." You adjusted the gun and shot. Missed again.
That couldn't be right, the gun was just too heavy. And what was worse, Max's laugh starts to piss you off. Did he want to die? You were sure he did. You said nothing and just gave him a long side eye. If look could kill, Max would be instantly dead.
"Someone is asking for trouble." You whispered and shot the last shoot. Nothing.
You put the gun down and turned to Max with both hands on your hips. "You wanna try it, Emilian?"
That shut him up, because everyone that was close to Max and you knew that you normally didn't call Max Emilian. More like Max, Maxi or love. You were really pissed off.
But he didn't waste any second and took the gun the moment it was reloaded and perfectly shot three times, all cans fell down.
Max looked at you with a smug face and put down the gun. You just crossed your arms as that stallholder cherished and congratulated Max, he just laughed a little and said, "I will take that donkey."
As Max handed you that stuffed animal, he leaned his head down and kissed your cheek. "For a pretty lady, one big donkey."
You thanked Max and took his hand in yours, everything was forgiven. And then you started dragging him to another interesting place you saw.
But you didn't notice how Max turned back to the stallholder and how they exchanged a long glances of knowing, he knew who Max was, so even if Max didn't shoot right after you, he would give you that stuffed donkey himself.
His life was worth more than some plush.
"What do you say we look for next?" Max asked and put his arm back around you. Even though you were completely clueless, but still happy.
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lovelywritinglady · 1 year
hi can i recwest a uzui x reader where uzui have a argment and gat a divors and yn is pregnet years later when the child and he rillast that it is his child and has a tak whif yn and trase to fics everifing
if you canpleas do thak you and have a grat day
I’d love to!💜
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Tengen Uzui x fem!Reader
You and Tengen got into a heated argument after a demon hunt gone wrong. He says some extremely hurtful words. You decide to leave him because you know you don’t deserve that. What you didn’t know was that you were pregnant with his child. Angst, slight fluff, Tengen being a dick, mentions of pregnancy, cursing, and other mature themes.
Your pov
"You nearly got us killed, what are you and idiot?" My husband Tengen yelled at me.
"It was an accident, I'm sorry!" I yelled back
"You cannot afford accidents like this Y/N!" He roared stepping closer to me causing me to flinch slightly.
"I'm sorry." I whispered
"Sorry won't even begin to cover the fucking stupitity of your actions! You have no right being a demon slayer with how dumb you are. I can't believe I married someone like you!" he yelled looking me dead in the eye with fury.
"Fuck you!" I snapped as my anger began rising as tears filled my eyes.
"Real mature Y/N, get the hell out of my house until you can learn some respect and basic combat moves." he said as he began walking away as I began to sob.
"Where the hell am I going to stay! Tengen, I'm your wife!' I cried walking towards him.
"Hell if I care, just get your things and don't come back until you aren't so incopitent." he snapped walking away into another room.
I stood there unable to think, feel, or understand the situation. My body moved on its own and next thing I knew I was out of mt home with a bag packed walking only god knows where. It was getting dark, but I didn't care all I knew is that I was no longer wanted, needed, or loved by the man that swore he would protect me and love me no matter what. So much for promises. I kept walking until the sun began to rise, my thoughts much clearer now and my tears no longer flowing down my face. I decided to go live with my older sister, Misa, who lives on the other side of the country. Her and I have always been close, and I just hoped I would never see that asshole again.
One Month Later
I feel unbelievebly sick, as every morning and evening I spill my guts out. I have an uncontroable hunger and yet anytime I try to eat something I feel once again that I want to throw up. I feel miserable not just physically, but mentally too. Despite his words, I still love my husband. He use to be my everything, but I suppose I was never his. He claimed that he couldn't believe that he married me and just thinking about those poisonus words make my body ache once more. Tears I try not to spill came fourth with so much eagerness that I had no time to stop them. I hated myself for crying over him, but I suppose I was really crying for the man he use to be. I knew in my heart that I would always love him, but now I can never be with someone who so easily made me feel like my very existence meant nothing. I heard a faint knocking that pulled me out of my thoughts as the sweet voice of my sister filled the room.
"How are you feeling this morning, Y/N?" Misa asked as she sat next to me putting her hand on my forhead.
"Not great." I sighed smiling at her wiping away my tears.
"Y/N, I really think we should get you a doctor. This has been going on too long." She suggested taking her hand off my head.
"I think your right Misa." I sighed
"I didn't want to say anything to you, but I really think you're pregnant." she said in a whisper
"What!" I whisper yelled
"You're showing signs and don't worry if you are. I will always take care of you." Misa reassured
"Lets hope I'm not then." I said nervously.
Two days later the doctor came, she was a sweet older lady that had a warm smile and a small figure. She came into my room and inspected me in all they ways she could. My nerves at this point were all consuming as I really did not want to be pregnant, especially since I knew who the father was.
"My dear you have no fever and no true illness. What you are expierencing, is early signs of pregnancy." she said with a smile
"I see, I guess my sister was right then." I stated sadly
"Are you not happy, I'm sure your husband will be." she stated with a concerned look on her face.
"My husband no longer wants me." I answered doing my best not to cry once more.
"Oh, I am so sorry, my dear." She said grabbing my hand.
"Thank you, I just have no idea what to do now." I said honestly
"That's just something you're going to have to figure out for yourself. At the end of the day you need to do what's best for your child." She spoke seriously
"Yes, I suppose you're right." I sighed
"Of course I'm right dear, I am a doctor." she joked
"Hey, is everything alright in here?" my sister asked as she knocked on the door.
"It will be." I whispered touching my belly.
Three Years And Six Months Later
My son, Kei, is now nearly three years old. He's a rowdy child that seems to always be obsessed with what is going on outside. Whether is rainy, snowy, or sunny, he's always begging to go outside. I can't complain though as I love nature and seeing his little cheeks puffed up when he askes is always so cute. Kei looks a little bit like his father as he got most of his features from me. His eyes are the same color as my ex husband and his personality matches. His hair is a lighter shade of h/c, which gave me relief. I still haven't told Tengen about our son, nor do I want to. Part of me feels selfish, but part of me doesn't want to subject him to a man like Tengen. Although, when they do meet, I hope he is kind to his son. Kei is too sweet and kind to have to be around a father that verbally abuses him. I just couldn't live with myself if I let my baby be hurt by him.
In these three years, I haven't had a full time job. Mostly they have been part time jobs and my sister has been providing for me and my son. She claimes that since she doesn't have a family that this is no trouble, but Kei is old enough where I can start working full time. It took a long time to find job, but one day my sister came into the house screaming that she found a job that was perfect for me.
"Y/N, this is a landscaping job." she nearly yelled in my ear
"Huh, that's a little different than the jobs that I'm looking for, but hey if they are hiring then I'll take it." I said confifently
"Mama what's going on?" Kei asked as he walked into the room with a sleepy expression.
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you up." I cooed opening my arms for my son. He then picked up the pace and ran into my arms crushing me with all of his nearly three year old strength.
"Its okay." he sighed playing with his fingers with a small tired pout
"Your mama just found a job, Kei." my sister said with a smile at her nephew
"Okay." he said disinterested. I smiled at this, he's so small and perfect and despite the fact that my pregnancy was not the easiest, it was worth it.
Two weeks later I found myself walking towards my new job. It was a sunny day and part of myself wished Kei was here to enjoy it with me. I can almost hear his voice calling my name begging me to play with him. I was lucky to have been blessed with him. My thoughts of my perfect child came to a halt as the gates of the house I would be working at came into view. Taking a deep breath I began walking to what I thought was the front door. This property was absolutely beautiful. Everything seemed like it was perfect, not even a pebble out of place. It was a calming place that seemed to inspire peace. For some reason this place looked oddly familiar and it only now hit me that this was the place where the master lived. Tengen had taken me here years ago when he became hashira while I was just starting to become a demon slayer. Before I left, I was one rank away from being hashira. I thought about training again, but now that I have my son I felt it was irresponsible. Plus I could never leave him.
"You must be Y/N." The master suddenly said and it made me wonder how long he was there for.
"Yes sir, its very nice to meet you. Thank you for having me." I said bowing to show respect to him.
"Of course. I am aware of your situation and am happy to give you work here." He said with a smile." Come with me and I'll show you the grounds.
Two weeks later
Working at this mansion feels peaceful and the work is harder than I expected, but the pay is well worth it. Today I raked, cut grass, and tended to the luscious gardens. The sun beamed down on me giving me a slight headache. Thankfully the day was almost over for me so that I could go home to my son and my sister. Kei has been begging me to take him here ever since my sister told him that the hashira train here. I have been reluctant of it since seeing Tengen might be a possiblilty and seeing a child in my arms was a conversation that I simply did not want to have yet, even though I knew one day it would happen. I heard light footsteps approach me. turning my head I saw one of the other workers and smiled at him. He was a kind man that was around my age and he and I had talked a few times.
"Hey there, how's the work today?" He questioned with a sweet smile.
"Same as always although its a little hotter than usual." I responded
"Yeah, but I like it when its hot because I know that cooler weather is around the corner." he said with a content smile
"That would be nice." I chuckled
"Oh, you should know that the hashira will be here tomorrow." he said seriously
"Well, I'll make sure to make myself scarce." I said trying to mask my nervousness.
"Don't, all you need to do is smile and show them respect." He smiled
"Will do." I laughed standing up.
"Well I will see you tomorrow and tell your son I said hi." he smirked
"I'll make sure to tell him, see you tomorrow." I bowed
I watched him leave with a fake smile on my face. As soon as he was out of sight I sighed as my stomach throbbed with uncomfortable uneasiness as I began waking to the shed to put my tools away with my head hung low. I was no where okay with the fact that Tengen was going to be here tomorrow. I thought that maybe I should call in sick, but no one would believe that. Even if they did, I’d feel too guilty about it. The best thing to do was to avoid seeing him and focus on my work. If I keep my head down and not do any quick movements, then he won’t see me, hopefully. My thoughts were completely consumed with my nerves that I didn’t even register that I had bumped into someone until I heard someone speaking.
“Hey watch where you walk, alright.” The voice snapped
“Forgive me, I wasn’t looking.” I said frantically bowing as to show respect and forgiveness.
“Y/N?” The voice questioned lowing its tone. I then stood up and as my eyes met with the stranger I immediately tended up. My breath hitched and my stomach dropped into the ground. The one and one Tengen Uzui stood before me in all of his flashy glory.
“Uhh, you gonna say anything?” He joked as his eyes raked over my body.
“Um hi.” I stuttered slightly unsure of what the hell to even do. And I tended even more so when his body came crashing into mine in a bone crushing hug. I could feel his urgency and I almost allowed myself to met into his arms. But I couldn’t because I knew it wasn’t right.
“I missed you.” He mumbled into my hair. “I’m so sorry Y/N, you didn’t deserve that.” He cried.
“I know.” I said monotone still unsure what to do. Do I tell him about our son or do I keep my mouth shut and pretend like any of this is okay?
“Where have you been?” He questioned breaking the hug but still standing close. I looked up at him and sighed.
“Here and there, but mostly I’ve been living with my sister.” I said honestly. I really couldn’t lie to this man he’s really good at sporting liars. As much as I hated him, I really didn’t feel like lying to him.
“Ahh so that’s where you’ve been. I though your sister moved away from here.” He said curiously.
“She was going to, but she decided to stay.” I responded trying not to show too much emotion.
“Guess I should’ve looked there.” He joked
“You looked for me?” I questioned as I raised an eyebrow.
“Of course I did you’re my wife and I love you.” He scoffed as though he was offended.
“I just thought you wouldn’t care.” I mumbled
“Of course I care.” Tengen sighed
“Well you sure as hell didn’t act like it then.” I snapped
“You’re right, I didn’t I was too hard on you. You made a simple mistake. Hell I’ve made mistakes too. Making mistakes in this line of work is never good, but no one died. I should’ve been easier on you and I’m sorry.” He spoke. His eyes were pleading with mine saying silent apologies.
“Thank you for apologizing, but I can’t forgive you right now. You make me feel like I was nothing and I’m not just going to forgive that easily. I know one day I will, but I just can’t now.” I whispered as tears threatened my eyes.
“That’s understandable, I just hope one day that we can be together again. I miss you and honestly you’re the best aspect of life.” He said with a longing gaze.
“I’m not sure about that. That might take a long time. I don’t exactly trust you.” I spoke honestly.
“Fair enough.” He sighed. I reluctantly decided that I should just rip the bandaid off. Kei was his son and as much as I hated to admit it, Tengen was honest about his apologies. That man doesn’t half ass anything. So I thought this might be the time.
“Look Tengen I-“Just as I was about to tell him the screeching voice of my child filled my ears and I knew I was fucked.
“Mama!” Kei screeched as he ran straight towards me crushing me into a hug. He nuzzled his head into my thigh and despite how nervous I was I smiled at how cute my baby was.
“We have a child.” I finished with an awkward smile. Tengen stood there stiff and unmoving which was strange for him. I had never seen him tense up like this ever and I began to regret not going home sooner.
“Mama who’s this and why is he so tall.” Kei questioned waking up to Tengen. “Hey, you okay?” He said as he poked Tengens hand.
“Ummm.” Tengen said still shocked at the fact that Kei, his son, was standing right there. Matching pink eyes and all.
“Ummm?” Kei questioned craning his head to the side. “That’s a weird name.” Kei said in disgust.
“Baby this is Tengen Uzui and he’s a hashira. And he’s also your father.” I said trying to stay as calm and collected as possible.
“You’re my dad.?” Kei asked Tengen with cute excited smile on his cubby face.
“Yeah, I guess I am kid.” Tengen whispered crouching down and pulling Kei towards him in a loving him. “I’m your dad.” Tengen cried.
I began to shed a few tears at how cute this meeting was. I felt slightly bad that I didn��t tell Tengen about our son, but I had good reasons not to. I’m just so glad that he seems to be a better and nicer man. My thoughts then came to a haunt as I noticed my sister wasn’t here nor was was neighbor that Kei likes to hang out with. Meaning he came here alone.
“Kei honey, did you walk here alone.” I questioned with my hands on my hips.
“Umm no.” He quickly said.
“Kei answer your mother honestly.” Tengen said sternly but not too much as to scare the child.
“Yeah okay I came here by myself. But I really missed you!” Kei cried quickly to defend himself
“I missed you too, but you need to wait until I get home.” I sighed looking at how adorable my son looked with a pout.
“Okay.” He said reluctantly. Smiling at my son hugging his father brought peace to me. And I then decided to do something that would bring us all together.
“Tengen, would you like to join us for dinner?” I questioned still looking at the cute scene before me.
“Absolutely I would!” He exclaimed standing up and picking up our son, swinging him in the air.
“Yay!” Kei screeched
Making eye contact with Tengen I have him a small smile. His eyes looked relaxed and happy and I’m glad that he found out about or son. He then came up to me smiling as well.
“Y/N thank you for allowing me to be with him. I will do by best to be the father he deserves and hopefully one day the man you deserve if that’s what you’d like.” He spoke
“Thank you, I’m sure you will. And for that second bit only time can tell.” I joked
“Sounds good to me. Alright shall we go?” Tengen suggested
“Yeah, I wanna show you my room!” Kei said
“I bet it’s the flashiest room ever.” Tengen said matching Kei’s energy.
“It sure is!” I exclaimed content about the situation that I was in. But I wondered something.
“Hey why are you here early?” I asked Tengen
“The master told me to come early.” He spoke
“Why?” I asked
“No idea, but something tells me this was the reason.” He spoke softly
“Maybe.” I responded shaking my head at the thought that the master was trying to play match maker again.
We walked to the house as Kei held Tengens hand as well as he could. While the adults caught up on the years and for the first time in a long time I felt happy to be near Tengen.
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Thank you so much for reading💜 Thank you to whoever requested this! Sorry it took longer than expected.
Please fell free to comment, repost, and request.
Click here to see what I’ll write for and HERE for my master list.
•I do NOT own any characters except y/n and any original characters•
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queenofsliferred · 3 months
001 - the askewniverse
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: DANTE
Least Favorite character: TS Quint! Fuck you! even worse in the fucking director's cut, i swear lmfao
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): - Dante/Becky - Dante/Randal - Gil/Julie Dwyer - Dante/My OCs :) - Randal/Liv :)
Character I find most attractive: d-dante...
Character I would marry: DANTE
Character I would be best friends with: i like to imagine randal as my big brother figure but i think he'd roast me too hard and i'd cry lmfao. probably elias in all honesty.
A random thought: we need more non-randal fuckers in the fanfic community i wanna read oc/canon that isn't randal focused ;o;. it doesnt even have to be dante man i will take shannon hamilton x oc just SOMETHING A LIL DIFFERENT YKNOW WHAT I MEAN...
An unpopular opinion: why does so much of the clerks yaoi suck. you guys are writing my ships all cringe smh.
My canon OTP: Dante/Becky despite what clerks 3 said
Non-canon OTP: Dante/MEEEEEEEEEE
Most badass character:
Pairing I am not a fan of: Dante/Veronica?? she's too good for him idk gshdfghfgshfd
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): hi randal who was written more and more stupit each movie post-clerks animated!!!
Favourite friendship: Dante + Randal feels so... organic and shit man the stuff in clerks 2 makes me emotional. but not saying jay and silent bob feels wrong.
The Ask Meme In Question
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nor2on · 2 months
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quickly posting a monster design from a challenge me and my friends did !! i love him a lot and i need to name him ♡
general info: creature that lives in northern, snowy mountains that it claimed as territory. all of the villages residing there are constantly terrorized by it.
so far, the people there have managed to chop its arm off and additionally attach bells and a lantern onto the beast (dont ask how). with them, they can hear its approach and see it in the night more clearly.
(why doesnt it destory the lantern and bells?? idk its a bit stupit i think ♡♡♡ (it looks cool))
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st1ngr4yking · 1 year
hiiiiiieee ヾ(^∇^) im dj or ray !!! they/it/he + xenoz... thiz is my intro post <3 4 now........
🐳 im 17, blk, autiztic, (ztingray + unknown other) otherkin, nd zuper awezome 1!!!!!!!
i LOVE mlp + kind of pokemon ? (team rocket ztay gender...) + fnaf (markiplier ml....) + good omenz..god i love good omenz. + kandi (im a punk zcene kid in th workz...:5) animalz, MUZIC , n fazhion !! my fav color iz BLUE ! 🐬
🌀 my lazt account got DLEETED .·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·. so im ztarting over ! i love my mootie patootiez <3
(thiz'll prolly get more refined nd cute when im not LAZY !!! LOL 🌐
alzo honorary mention 2 my bezfran ink u STUPIT FART !!! n obvz june n ginger mylovz... ( ੭ ˘ ³˘)੭‎°。⋆♡‧₊˚ + dizco my roomie fart (unfortunately....... + crypt nd lao my zilliez !!!!! >_<
alzo! my perzonal tag 4 everything Not reblogz will be #record zcratchin ! azks r #azk ray :3
tranzlation undr the cut !
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hiiiiiieee ヾ(^∇^) im dj or ray !!! they/it/he + xenos... this is my intro post <3 for now........
🐳 im 17, blk, autistic, (stingray + unknown other) otherkin, nd super awesome !!!!!!!!!
i LOVE mlp + kind of pokemon ? (team rocket stay gender...) + fnaf (markiplier ml....) + good omens..god i love good omens. + kandi (im a punk scene kid in the works...:3) animals, MUSIC , n fashion !! my fav color is BLUE ! 🐬
🌀 my last account got DELETED .·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·. so im starting over ! i love my mootie patooties <3
(this'll prolly get more refined nd cute when im not LAZY !!! LOL 🌐
alzo honorary mention 2 my besfran ink u STUPID FART !!! n obvs june n ginger mylovs... ( ੭ ˘ ³˘)੭‎°。⋆♡‧₊˚ + disco my roomie fart (unfortunately....... + crypt nd lao my sillies !!!!! >_<
also! my personal tag 4 everything Not reblogs will be #record scratchin ! asks r #azk ray :3
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skopostheorie · 6 months
hey out of curiosity, can i ask what you meant by saying Istanbul under the "the old city" meme ? I just couldn't figure out so asking genuinely
Istanbul is actually not even really applicable because I meant like Sultanahmet but that is famously not what translates as "old city". But when you read tour guides it is often called "the old city". I am a little stupit and should have just picked a more obvious choice like Prague or Salzburg or whatever but it's stuck now
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ozark-shaker · 7 months
human!bears sims style yeeyee
these are my second lot of them bc i LOST my og save file ages ago because ts4 was being stupit 😔😔😔 also I've not done all of them yet since I've only just started remaking them
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(i've got a stand still in CAS mod so that's why they're all 🧍 lmao)
and then these are some screenshots of my old versions hehe
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this is clearly the height of entertainment in ts4:
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Wendell it's 2am go away from my front door:
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"bear" night at the bar. (it was actually knight night at the bar. Bear night does exist though prommy)
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aliens. don't need to say more.
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sillychaotic · 2 years
Your elaboration on Wanyan Mowang is fascinating- I love ambiguous ambitious characters like that. Is Zhun Liaojun your main character? He was in the tags for “the witness”. Also how did you come up with names for characters in your universe?
Yeah Zhun Liaojun is the main character... despite him LMAO Well for this universe I am kinda free for the names since they mostly are demons who rename themselves for the most part so, I have basic knowledge in chinese and I use a chinese dictionary to help with that, and I always double check everything with one of my besties who happens to be chinese just to be sure not to make stupit mistakes HAHA, but yeah most of my ocs from this universe have more "basic" names, Wanyan Mowang is different tho since it isn't an actual name but just the title he took when he lost his actual name :D
...also I just choose what sounds the coolest and a meaning that kinda work🚶 AND THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT IT I love talking about my stupit stuff hehe
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tf2heritageposts · 1 year
I was so caught up on "cheavy is a taurus???? cheavy is a taurus. cheavy. taurus. why is this man a taurus. I mean I can't ask WHY someone is a taurus (oh my god you can't just ask why they're a taurus or whatever) but. cheavy taurus."
The longer I exist the more I see I loved to poke fun at Scout for being stupit and yet I am the same as him
i am a taurus because i was born on April 27th
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003soy · 1 month
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im sorry if i made you uncomfortable UHUU
i feel ive been so weird and off putting to others lately please excuse me eugh
No it’s my bad for misinterpreting ur first message I’m sorry 💔
Anyway you said general 2 right? i do not rememebr...
G2."Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?"
Non I don't think they went on an official first date because they were kinda dating already before they started “dating” if that makes sense… the only thing that would change is that they’d start attempting to be more overtly romantic?? Idk i hate them. I hate them they’re Stupit
-> ask game <-
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ask-be-more-stupit · 6 years
hey guys! its mod michael here. its been a LONG time since i last touched this blog. ive recently gotten into a bmc kick and i want to attempt to pick this blog up again.
if i do pick it up again of course there needs to be SERIOUS changes, especially to the color palettes (christines skintone in particular). and i would redesign most of the kiddos.
but first off i want to know what y'all think? please let me know in the asks if you'd like this blog back!
💞💞 - mod michael
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yappacadaver · 2 years
hi! i know you're probably stacked up with requests, but if you have doodling time+energy+desire, would you maybe consider sharing some interesting suspensions or situations tobi puts kakashi into? Maybe a side by side of the first time kks gets tied up, and he's like wtf, vs the 2nd time where he's like "oh no not this again' (but secretly "oh hell yes, this again!!"). your ties are always SO GOOD, esp the overstim one. Tobi puts some thought and care into it and i really appreciate that. <333
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eyyyy this one's been sitting in my askbox for a whiiiile O_O sorry anon my love
Here's some different ties we have from tobi, in no particular order! Kakashi realizes after their second encounter that he finds himself in situations eerily similar to icha icha plotlines... Tobi has been doing research :D
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sodrippy · 3 years
overhearing my coworker explain stuff to the new guys makes me feel so. i will never be him ):
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rhydium · 3 years
im barely conscious but damn what else were we expecting mans was NOT looking well
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gohnnyjuitar · 4 years
9, 11, 12 Tex or Rosemary
i’ll go for tex with swank!!
9. How do you think your OC would react if the canon character of your choice was injured? How do you think the canon character would react if the situation was reversed?
while Tex is pretty jaded and seemingly aloof, he gets very protective of the people he actually comes to care for. doesn’t matter if it’s one of his sisters, his friends or his partner, he’d raise hell to keep them safe. Tex very much believes in an eye for an eye; just like how he got back at Benny for what happened to him, he’d get back at anyone who tried to/actually hurt Swank.
and Swank, well. once Tex boots Benny, he ends up leader of the Tops. i think it’d become common knowledge pretty quickly that no one ought to mess with the man the boss is sweet for.
11. Does your OC and canon character have any traditions? If so, what?
the only ones i could think of them having are probably the anniversary of hoover dam and maybe new years. any family tradition Tex might have had was lost when he lost his memory. i could see Swank being the one to go for anniversary stuff too..
12. What is the worst thing your OCs ever done to a canon character and vice-versa?
haha man, Tex lies more often than he ought to, and sometimes for no reason whatsoever. the worst thing he’s done to Swank is leave, on several occasions, and not say where he’s going or when he’s coming back.
same brain, the worst thing i can think of that Swank has done to Tex is tell him to “grow up or don’t come back” after leaving and lying about it for the fourth time. which happens right before Tex leaves for the longest time- several months to almost a year- for Lonesome Road.
oc/canon interactions asks
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