#ask the magic conch shell
the-sassy-shell · 2 years
Oh Magic Conch Shell! Can Squidward eat this yummy terrific, super delicious sandwich?
Absolutely not. He deserves nothing
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snobgoblin · 2 years
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plugnuts · 1 year
Is it bad that I still get so nervous interacting with you when we LITERALLY have an inside joke now and I'm still over here like "sofbrodnflsncodwlfisns Skyy reblogged my post 🥺🥺🥺"
AWWHH NO ITS NOT BAD- 🥺 that’s really sweet actually fngnnd- like we got that inside joke and we living it up in the interactions department y’all are good 💙💙
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
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book--brackets · 2 months
Star Wars: Jedi Quest by Jude Watson (2001-2004)
Fourteen-year-old Anakin Skywalker is strong in the ways of the Force. His lightsaber skills are exceptional, and his piloting is legendary. He should be an ideal Jedi apprentice, and yet there is so much he still has to learn. It is up to Obi-Wan Kenobi to teach him these things. But on a mission to a planet threatened by a toxic disaster, Obi-Wan and Anakin are separated. Anakin and three other apprentices must work together in order to survive.
Wiz by Rick Cook (1989-1996)
What Wiz Zumalt could do with computers was magic on Earth. Then, one day the master computer hacker is called to a different world to help fight an evil known as the Black League. Suddenly, the Wiz finds himself in a place governed by magic--and in league with a red-headed witch who despises him.
Brotherhood of the Conch by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni (2004-2009)
In a dingy shack in the less-than-desirable Indian neighborhood he calls home, twelve-year-old Anand is entrusted with a conch shell that possesses mystical powers. His task is to return the shell to its rightful home many hundreds of miles away. Accompanying him are Nisha, a headstrong but resourceful child of the streets, and a mysterious man of indeterminate age and surprising resources named Abadhyatta. His quest will take him farther from home than he's ever been and will teach him more than he ever imagined -- and it will force him to make a poignant decision that will change him forever.
The Rules by F. T. Lukens (2017-2019)
Desperate to pay for college, Bridger Whitt is willing to overlook the peculiarities of his new job--entering via the roof, the weird stacks of old books and even older scrolls, the seemingly incorporeal voices he hears from time to time--but it's pretty hard to ignore being pulled under Lake Michigan by... mermaids? Worse yet, this happens in front of his new crush, Leo, the dreamy football star who just moved to town.
When he discovers his eccentric employer Pavel Chudinov is an intermediary between the human world and its myths, Bridger is plunged into a world of pixies, werewolves, and Sasquatch. The realm of myths and magic is growing increasingly unstable, and it is up to Bridger to ascertain the cause of the chaos, eliminate the problem, and help his boss keep the real world from finding the world of myths.
Wishtress by Nadine Brandes (2022)
She didn't ask to be the Wishtress.
Myrthe was born with the ability to turn her tears into wishes. It's a big secret to keep. When a granted wish goes wrong, a curse is placed on her: the next tear she sheds will kill her. She needs to journey to the Well and break the curse before it claims her life--and before the king's militairen track her down. But in order to survive the journey, she must harden her heart to keep herself from crying even a single tear.
He can stop time with a snap of his fingers.
Bastiaan's powerful--and rare--Talent came in handy when he kidnapped the old king. Now the new king has a job for him: find and capture the Wishtress and deliver her to the schloss. But Bastiaan needs a wish of his own. When he locates Myrthe, he agrees to take her to the Well in exchange for a wish. Once she's fulfilled her end of the deal, he'll turn her in. As long as his growing feelings for the girl with a stone heart don't compromise his job.
They are on a journey that can only end one way: with her death.
Everyone seems to need a wish--the king, Myrthe's cousin, the boy she thinks she loves. And they're ready to bully, beg, and even betray her for it. No one knows that to grant even one of them, Myrthe would have to die. And if she tells them about her curse . . . they'll just kill her anyway.
In a Garden Burning Gold by Rory Power (2022)
Rhea and Lexos were born into a family unlike any other. Together with their siblings, they control the seasons, the tides, and the stars, and help their father rule their kingdom. Thanks to their magic, the family has ruled for an eternity, and plan to rule for an eternity more.
But Rhea and Lexos are special: They are twins, bonded down to the bone, and for the past hundred years, that bond has protected them as their father becomes an unpredictable tyrant—and his worsening temper threatens the family’s grip on power. 
Now, with rival nations ready to attack, and a rebel movement within their own borders, Rhea and Lexos must fight to keep the kingdom—and the family—together, even as treachery, deceit, and drama threaten to strand the twins on opposite sides of the battlefield.
The Berinfell Prophecies by Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper (2009-2012)
The Seven succeeding Elven Lords of Allyra were dead, lost in the Siege of Berinfell as babes. At least that's what everyone thought until tremors from a distant world known as Earth, revealed strange signs that Elven blood lived among its peoples. With a glimmer of hope in their hearts, sentinels are sent to see if the signs are true. But theirs is not a lone errand. The ruling warlord of Allyra, the Spider King, has sent his own scouts to hunt down the Seven and finish the job they failed to complete many ages ago.
Now 13-year-olds on the brink of the Age of Reckoning when their Elven gifts will be manifest, discover the unthinkable truth that their adoptive families are not their only kin. With mysterious Sentinels revealing breathtaking secrets of the past, and dark strangers haunting their every move, will the young Elf Lords find the way back to the home of their birth? Worlds and races collide as the forces of good and evil battle. Will anyone escape the Curse of the Spider King?
I'm in Love with the Villainess by Inori (2019-2021)
Ordinary office worker Oohashi Rei wakes up in the body of the protagonist of her favorite otome game, Revolution. To her delight, the first person to greet her is also her favorite character, Claire Francois—the main antagonist of the story! Now, Rei is determined to romance Claire instead of the game’s male leads. But how will her villainous ladylove react to this new courtship?!
The Buried and the Bound by Rochelle Hassan (2023-present)
As the only hedgewitch in Blackthorn, Massachusetts—an uncommonly magical place—Aziza El-Amin has bargained with wood nymphs, rescued palm-sized fairies from house cats, banished flesh-eating shadows from the local park. But when a dark entity awakens in the forest outside of town, eroding the invisible boundary between the human world and fairyland, run-of-the-mill fae mischief turns into outright aggression, and the danger—to herself and others—becomes too great for her to handle alone.
Leo Merritt is no stranger to magical catastrophes. On his sixteenth birthday, a dormant curse kicked in and ripped away all his memories of his true love. A miserable year has passed since then. He's road-tripped up and down the East Coast looking for a way to get his memories back and hit one dead end after another. He doesn't even know his true love's name, but he feels the absence in his life, and it's haunting.
Desperate for answers, he makes a pact with Aziza: he’ll provide much-needed backup on her nightly patrols, and in exchange, she’ll help him break the curse.
When the creature in the woods sets its sights on them, their survival depends on the aid of a mysterious young necromancer they’re not certain they can trust. But they’ll have to work together to eradicate the new threat and take back their hometown... even if it forces them to uncover deeply buried secrets and make devastating sacrifices.
Wildworld by L. J. Smith (1987-1990)
When Claudia Hodges-Bradley meets a fox, she knows it will be an extraordinary day. Not just any fox, this vixen is the magical familiar of the sorceress Morgana Shee. For years Morgana has guarded the solitary gate between Earth and the Wildworld, a shimmering parallel universe where legends still live. She alone holds the secret of the mirrors that serve as the last passage to enchantment. But Morgana has been betrayed and imprisoned in Wildworld, and the fox is determined to recruit the Hodges-Bradley kids for the rescue mission.
Armed only with courage and determination, Alys, Charles, Janie, and Claudia must save Morgana before the Winter Solstice when the evil sorcerer Cadal Forge plans to escape Wildworld and conquer Earth. And with December 21 only two weeks away, there is no time to lose....
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merwynsartblog · 2 months
dumb quotes i made dhdhd im copy and pasting them instead of taking pics lol
Marco: Don’t be sad!
Roy: Why not?
Marco: I don’t have a good answer.
Marco: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows.
Streber: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Radford: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell!
Marco: *Struggling to hold a seagull* Fucking say that next time!
*In a group chat*
Marco: A pegan just flew into my window.
Rick: Pegan?
Streber: A what?
Roy: Ah yes, my favourite bird, Pegan.
Radford: I thought you said penguin for a second, LMAO!
Roy: Just a normal day with flying penguins crashing into my window.
Radford: You have pigeons flying into your window? Can't relate, I have penguins flying into my window.
Marco: I literally just made a typo-
Marco: Consider the fundraising over! Your hero has arrived!
Veronika: Uhh… where did you get so much money from, Marco?
Marco: Well, you know, I’m pretty good at numbers. I just crunched them, I stretched them, I analyzed my accounts, I timed the market-
*police sirens start to wail in the background*
Veronika: DID YOU ROB A BANK?!
Marco: Oh, come on, Veronika, do you really think so little of me? *opens the bag as purple dye explodes on their face*
Marco: …it was a credit union.
Kevin: No, I don't want to talk about physics! I don't know anything about the laws of physics because they are hard and boring. I simply would like them to behave in a way that is most convenient to ME and MY LIFE! Is that really asking too much?
Veronika: Yes, as a matter of fact, it is!
Kevin: Well, guess what? Science is stupid bullshit!!
Veronika: You take that back!!!
Kevin: No. Magic is awesome. Science blows. The end.
Roy: When life gives you lemons, what do you do?
Robert: Make lemonade!
Roy: No, throw them back up in the sky and make life deal with it’s own shit.
Streber: I’ve only ever said ‘I love you’ to two people in my entire life: Marco and a guy in a dark club who I mistook for Marco.
Kevin: Wow, I feel happy and I’m having so much fun!
Kevin: *narrows eyes* Something’s wrong here.
Radford: It’s Pride Month, you know what that means!
Streber: I get to eat as many Skittles as I want?
Radford: What? No! What has Rick been telling you?
Rick, walking in, pouring Skittles into their mouth: Taste the rainbow, bitch.
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callmearcturus · 2 years
hiii just wanted to say that through the many many fic related spotify playlists you have made, you have had by far the most profound impact on my music tastes than anything else I can think of. Portugal the Man, Watsky, Spoon, The National, Cold War Kids, all of the KTOWL character playlists. You also streamlined my listening of Woodkid from "light interest" to "full blown obsession". And frankly I cannot thank you enough for it, so I'll instead just ask, do you have any more recommendations?
i have been wanting forever for an ask like this
i'm gonna put these in some vague categories so you can decide what you're in the mood for
Weird haunting folksy vibes
Fleet Foxes' Crack-Up (melancholic, deep water, forgotten legends)
Andrew Bird's Are You Serious (tho Armchair Apocrypha is my all time fave)
Bruce Peninsula's A Mountain Is A Mouth (their only good album sadly but fuck me its SO GODDAMN GOOD)
The Builders and the Butchers' Salvation is a Deep Dark Well (cannot believe how tight and cohesive this is)
Laura Marling's I Speak Because I Can (she's done other good stuff but this has "Devil's Spoke" so)
A little less alternative with more danceability
Franz Ferdinand's first three albums (the anthem to my own queer awakening when i was younger, my fave is probably still "The Fallen" which had a hand in inspiring the revenant AU)
James Blake's Assume Form but specifically "Where's the Catch?" which has the most incredible verse for Andre 3000 I've ever heard
if you want Karkat-vibes, check out Stars, no specific album bc a lot of their stuff is good, but try our "Fluorescent Light," "Romantic Comedy," "Hold On When You Get Love," "We Don't Want Your Body," and my favorite "Personal"
Gin Wigmore's Gravel & Wine
MGMT's Oracular Spectacular (my god that block of the last three songs is amazing)
Los Campesinos' No Blues (they have a LOT of good albums, this is the easiest to start with imo)
Arc's Weird Faves That Add Up To 90% Of Their Personality
Janelle Monae's Metropolis Suite, especially The Chase and The ArchAndroid. (PLEASE look up the video for "Many Moons" because its my favorite piece of science fiction. I CANNOT overstate how exemplary and unmatched Janelle is. I am just thinking about it and feeling goosebumps.)
Miracle Musical's Hawaii: Part II (there is not a part one really, it's a very strange, magical concept album)
The Mechanisms' The Bifrost Incident (i'm not gonna say anything except this is the only music album i know with a Plot Twist and if you can go into it not knowing the twist, do it)
and finally the most About Me Album that I feel weird even reccing because it's so specific, so interwoven into EVERYTHING I do:
The Klaxon's Myths of the Near Future. I cannot sell you on this album, only that I think if you somehow got a hold of my skull and held it to your ear like a conch shell, you'd hear this.
and i'm gonna stop there bc yeah that's. that's enough for now.
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Daughter of the Sea
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Beginning of the End (Read on AO3 here)
August 1st came. Seventeen days until our sixteenth birthday. 
And then the 8th. Ten days. 
The whole camp seemed to vibrate at ever-higher frequencies, everyone’s fingers on a hairpin trigger. Campers wore their armor from the time they woke up to the time they fell asleep, their weapons always by their side. People made confessions of love, asked for forgiveness for past offenses (except for the Apollo/Ares feud going on), and gave longer hugs. We all knew our days were numbered, and sooner than we would like, the final battle would come, and nothing would ever be the same. 
The end of the world started when my brother walked out of the Long Island sound onto the deserted beach. 
Deserted, except for me. 
“Percy!” I squealed as I rushed forward and flung my arms around him. I had a strange feeling about an hour before that I needed to go to the beach, that my brother would return that afternoon. I had learned to listen to my twin intuition, it usually never let me down. 
I could tell something was very, very wrong as soon as I saw him. He stood still as I hugged him, his arms limp at his side. When I pulled away to look at him, his face was sullen and his eyes were puffy. A sinking feeling filled my chest. 
“Oh gods, Percy. Did…” 
He shook his head. I stepped away. 
“I’m so sorry.” 
“The mission was a success. We blew up the ship. But Beckendorf—” his voice broke, but he gathered himself, "Beckendorf didn’t make it off in time. I couldn’t save him.” 
“He knew the risks.” I didn’t know what else I could say. “He’s a hero.” 
Percy’s face was as hard as stone. 
“I saw dad.” He said flatly. “I saw his Kingdom. His palace.” I fought back a pang of jealousy. “The war down there is pretty bad, they’re not doing well. Oceanus is getting closer and closer, and I’m not sure how much longer—” 
The sound of a conch shell rang out across the sand. 
“Shit.” Percy breathed out. Our reunion was about to be crashed. “Who’s on lookout?” 
“Connor.” I said, glancing back at the tree I knew the Stool brother was hiding in. Sure enough, he was climbing down it and quickly clambering over the sand dunes. He would be at our side in no time. 
“I’ll fill you in later.” He looked back at the water and rubbed his eyes. “Ange?” 
“I’m glad you’re the first person I saw.” 
I gave him a weak smile and placed my hand on his arm. Thankfully, he didn’t pull away. 
The dark-haired son of Hermes was by our side quickly, wearing his usual crooked grin and bounding excitedly. 
“Percy!” he yelled. “What happened? Where’s Beckendorf?” And then he saw Percy's dark expression, and his smile melted. "Oh, no. Poor Silena. Holy Zeus, when she finds out . . ."
“Let’s get Percy to the Big House.” I interrupted, and Connor nodded, seeming to get the message. We climbed the sand dunes together, and soon enough we could see campers about a hundred yards away, running up to us excitedly. By the time we made it to the dining pavilion, Percy stopped walking and faced the throng streaming toward us. 
“No use trying to hide anything.” He said, his voice burdened. 
As I waited for the crowd to reach us, I looked out across the valley and thought about what Camp looked like when I first saw it, what felt like a thousand years ago. 
From the dining pavilion, you could see pretty much everything. Hills ringed the valley. On the tallest, Half-Blood Hill, what once was Thalia's pine tree stood with the Golden Fleece hanging from its branches, magically protecting the camp from its enemies. I thought of the stories Percy told me about how they retrieved it. The guard dragon Peleus was so big now I could see him from here—curled around the tree trunk, lending up smoke signals as he snored.
To my right spread the woods. To my left, the canoe lake, one of my favorite places at camp, glittered and the climbing wall glowed from the lava pouring down its side. Twelve cabins—one for each Olympian god—made a horseshoe pattern around the commons area. Farther south were the strawberry fields, the armory, and the four-story Big House with its sky blue paint job and its bronze eagle weathervane.
I had only been here for a year, and sometimes that fact caught me by surprise. It had all become so normal, this crazy world of monsters and gods that I once thought were just stories but now knew were very, very real. Sometimes it was hard to remember what my life was like before I found out who I really am. 
In some ways, the camp hadn't changed. But you couldn't see the war by looking at the buildings or the fields. You could see it in the faces of the demigods and satyrs and naiads coming up the hill.
There weren't as many at camp as even a year ago, and Percy told me that it was even less than it had been four summers ago, when he arrived. Some had left and never come back. Some had died fighting. Others—though we tried not to talk about them—had gone over to the enemy.
The ones who were still here were battle-hardened and weary. There was little laughter at camp these days. Even the Hermes cabin didn't play so many pranks. It's hard to enjoy practical jokes when your whole life feels like one.
Chiron galloped into the pavilion first as the campers opened a path for him. He had been letting his beard grow out over the summer, and only then did I realize how wild it had gotten. 
"Percy!" he said. "Thank the gods. But where . . ." 
Annabeth ran up right past him and grabbed Percy’s arm, not caring that she interrupted Chiron.
She looked a mess. They were all doing so many combat missions recently, she hardly had any time to think about her appearance, much less trying to look good. Her curly blonde hair was a tangled mess and there were perpetual dark circles under her stormy gray eyes. But even so, I watched as my brother’s eyes lit up as he saw her. I saw the way he stood up a little straighter as she ran towards him. I wondered if the two of them would ever get through a conversation without trying to strangle each other, and if they did, maybe something beautiful could come of it. 
"What happened?" Annabeth grabbed Percy’s arm. "Is Luke—"
"The ship blew up," he said. "He wasn't destroyed. I don't know where—"
Silena Beauregard pushed through the crowd. Her hair wasn't combed and she wasn't even wearing makeup, which hadn’t been weird for Annabeth, but definitely wasn't like the daughter of Aphrodite.
"Where's Charlie?" she demanded, looking around like he might be hiding.
My heart sank, and I saw Percy glance helplessly at Chiron. Annabeth seemed to notice, too, because she started shaking her head, looking at me as she put her hand over her open mouth. 
The old centaur cleared his throat. "Silena, my dear, let's talk about this at the Big House—"
"No," she muttered. "No. No."
She started to cry, and then broke into sobs, and the rest of us stood around, too stunned to speak. The energy in the pavilion dropped from frantic to sullen in a matter of moments, like the air was sucked out of the entire world. We'd already lost so many people over the summer, but this was the worst. With Beckendorf gone, it felt like someone had stolen the anchor for the entire camp.
Finally Clarisse from the Ares cabin came forward. She was dressed in her blood red combat armor, her brown hair tucked into a bandana. She was as big and beefy as a rugby player, with a permanent scowl on her face, but in that moment there was no one else that could’ve comforted Silena. They had one of the strangest, but coolest, friendships at Camp and she put her arm around her, speaking gently. 
"Come on, girl," she said. "Let's get to the Big House. I'll make you some hot chocolate."
Everyone turned and wandered off in twos and threes after that, heading back to the cabins. Nobody was excited to see Percy now. Nobody wanted to hear about the blown-up ship.
Only Annabeth, Chiron, and I stayed behind.
Annabeth wiped a tear from her cheek. "I'm glad you're not dead, Seaweed Brain."
"Thanks," he replied numbly. "Me too."
Chiron put a hand on Percy’s  shoulder. "I'm sure you did everything you could, Percy. Will you tell us what happened?"
Percy sighed heavily, like just thinking about reliving everything caused him pain. But even so, he started to speak. 
He told us about what had happened on the boat, and his confrontation with Kronos. I shivered remembering my own conversation with the Titan just a month before. He told us about the dream he had while he was passed out—seeing the Titans on Mount Othrys talking about explosions and storms and the gods answering their challenge. He said he saw Krios, Atlas, and another golden Titan Percy didn’t recognize. And then he explained how he had been woken up underwater by our half-brother, Tyson, and brought to our father's palace. When he stopped talking, I got the sense that there was something he wasn’t telling us, but I didn’t think it would be a good idea to bring it up in front of Chiron. 
There was a long silence before the centaur spoke, his voice sounding ancient. "We must call a war council immediately, to discuss this spy, and other matters."
"Poseidon mentioned another threat," Percy said. "Something even bigger than the Princess Andromeda. I thought it might be that challenge the Titan had mentioned in my dream."
Chiron and Annabeth exchanged looks, like they knew something I didn't. I hated when they did that.
"We will discuss that also," Chiron promised.
"One more thing." My brother took a deep breath. "When I talked to my father, he said to tell you it's time. I need to know the full prophecy."
Chiron's shoulders sagged, but he didn't look surprised. "I've dreaded this day. Very well. Annabeth, we will show Percy the truth—all of it. Let's go to the attic."
When we got to the big house, Chiron told Annabeth and Percy to go into the attic and retrieve the prophecy. Then he turned to me. 
“Go and tell Carsen to call a war meeting, and if you pass any senior counselors on the way, inform them and send them to the War Room, immediately.” 
I nodded and ran out of the big house as fast as I could, not wanting to argue. As I flew by the infirmary I risked a glance inside, but wasn’t surprised to see it empty. I knew Cady wouldn’t be in there, she usually took the night shift and spent her days training the rest of her cabin, but it still would've been nice to see a friendly face. I shook my head, reminding myself I had a task to do, and ran towards the center of camp. 
I didn't stop until I reached the lookout tower, a giant structure resembling a treehouse in the heart of camp that overlooked the whole valley. From the top of it, you could see just about anywhere in the Camp, including its borders. Since I arrived, it was always manned, day and night, with a camper stationed to look for possible threats. It was also the place that they sounded the conch from, signaling meals and other events.
I looked up at the massive structure that stretched into the sky, took a deep breath, and began climbing the wooden ladder. I hated doing it, and I hated heights, since every foot into the air brought me closer and closer to Zeus' domain. But the Lord of the Sky hadn’t blasted me with a lightning bolt for climbing the tower yet, and I figured he had bigger problems to worry about than watching his pesky niece encroach on his territory. 
I reached the top, panting and sweaty, and found Carsen sitting with binoculars up to her eyes. The daughter of Hermes had light hair which she usually wore in a ponytail with freckles on her cheeks. She had been at camp longer than me, and although she was quieter than her siblings and liked to keep to herself, I knew her to be kind and wicked with a sword. She whipped around when she heard me, her weapon in her hand and ready to strike. 
“Angie?” I got the sense she wasn’t used to people in the tower with her. 
“Hey, Carsen. Chiron sent me. We need to call a War Council.” 
She nodded solemnly and picked up the large conch that sat on a low shelf. I felt a thrum of power radiate from the shell, like I always did when I was around anything from the sea. She raised it to her lips and let out three short and very loud calls—a signal that all senior counselors would recognize. A signal that would send them straight to the war room. 
“Thanks.” I said with a weak smile as I turned to start my trek back down the tower. Once the conch sounded, we only had minutes to get to the Big House before the meeting started. 
“No problem…Angie?” 
I turned back to her. 
“Is it true? About…about Beckendorf?” 
My heart sank into my stomach hearing his name. I had no idea how word had reached Carsen already way up in her tower, but I didn’t ask. I just nodded. 
She looked down and let out a heavy sigh, muttering a phrase under her breath. “May his soul find rest in Elysium.” 
I didn’t realize she had spoken in Ancient Greek until she switched back to english. “I’m glad Percy made it back, though.” 
I nodded, turning once again and climbing out the hole that functioned as a door. “Me too.”
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monsturvival · 5 months
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In this post about romance, we take a look at the side of Vice and some of the folks you'll see!
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On the left we have Ensidian (he/him)! A relatively sensible and stoic man who's slowly learning how to let loose. It's often joked that he'd be better off at Vigil's Return with how structured and focused he is. He always brushes aside those jokes, and remarks sincerely that he has a desire to change and become more flexible. So Ensidian hangs out at Seraph's Clutch, hoping to learn how to be 'chill & cool'
On the right we have Nero (he/they)! Nero is flamboyant, loud and boisterous. The type to keep an eye out for everyone within Seraph's Clutch, they are always able to get on most folk's good side and behind every grin and tease is a desire to get folks to feel comfortable with the new cards they've been dealt. However, it can be hard to get comfortable when he's so equal opportunity flirty with everyone.
As Ensidian and Nero traverse the social comings and goings of Seraph's Clutch, their Sprite and Homunculus assist in the more dangerous parts of the world.
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Ensidian's Sprite Bhutalero (he/him) is a ghostly gunslinger that can meld with Ensidian to become a dual wielding pistolero. While Ensidian might look a little silly utilizing finger guns as his modus operandi, his sharp-shooting and deadliness can not be understated as the duo can snipe, buckshot, and ping with a variety of attack styles.
On the other hand, Nero's Homunculus Gastrament (she/he/they) is a playful monster who always seems to have the right item on hand for any situation. The large conch shell on their back acts as a magical backpack and depending on the circumstances, she's able to pull out any object that will assist in whatever current predicament they might come across.
With the powers and introductions out of the way, the question remains, what's their relationship to our protagonist Sarix?
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Ensidian's a bit stoic and stalwart, and while unintentional, he often comes to Sarix's aid in a pinch. As one of the few combatants within Seraph's Clutch, the two often have to work together as the frontline offensive force. So there are many stakeouts and business-based missions where they cross paths.
Nero seems to have a more vested interest in Sarix. Going out of his way to bother her or flirt with her, and while she gets flustered and pushes back, she never asks him to stop, despite how often he gives her an out. As if their little game is too fun to quit until someone's crowned the loser.
And while we take a glimpse into the potential suitors Sarix will come across, that isn't to say they're the only ones. Who knows who else Sarix could come across. In Seraph's Clutch, the motto is to live life without regret and to do what you want. so we will see how Sarix navigates each relationship in Monsturvival: Vice!
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jordiemakesartorsmth · 5 months
realized a post i wanted to make here didn't upload, so here you go:
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first, here's some art for my tav, Alyraema Daevion'Lyr. I love how they both turned out even though the right one is obviously still a WIP (she will have clothes soon i swear)
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a short a little comic. the picture i took didn't turn out as clear as i wanted it to, sorry about that. anyway, the little character is saying "Demisexuality/romanticism, I love you so much!" This is me. I'm the one in love with demisexuality/romanticism
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I drew Kuromi in a cute little dress. also I drew Jaiden Animations' vtuber model because i thought it looked neat. used this to practice shading with colored pencils :3
also there's a bat doodle cuz i was bored
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egg sheeran. that is all
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little sketches i did for practice before making my friends' birthday presents.
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little doodles i did because i was bored. two of the sketches are of my cat, Boba, because i love her so much <3
i also drew the magic conch shell from SpongeBob to practice still life (the room me and my friends hang out in at college has a magic conch shell and we ask it questions. it's fun :D)
i also drew little guys. one is high on weed because why not. the other is loosely based off of one of my good friends (who i may have a deep feelings for. no, i will not elaborate)
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this was based off of an image i found on tumblr. it was a pretty neat image of vines on a lamp post that resembled some sort of creature. i unfortunately was not able to find it, but if someone is able to find it, please send me a dm and i will include it in a reblog of smth.
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some practice with braids in two different styles. also a sketch of a bird statue i have in my room
i have some more sketches i may be willing to share if anyone wants to see more, but that is all for now. hope you enjoyed a look in my sketchbook!
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the-sassy-shell · 1 year
Magic Conch Shell, may I go to bed early tonight?
Absolutely. Permission from the shell granted. Sleep well my human friend
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lenny-zesty · 2 months
lenny youre like the magic conch shell to me i pull you out of my pocket to ask you if i should make a bad decision and you answer accordingly
- you know who <3
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fizzyorange-v2 · 2 years
fuck I’ve gotta go to sleep now I have CLASSES but FUCK man lord forgive me for my gillion tidestrider fixation but that moment after the electrodon is dead (mostly at the expense of all gil’s smite and energy) and he’s helped pull chip out of its maw as it explodes and he’s swam to save jay and ollie and alphonse from drowning and he’s teleported or carried them all back to the sinking ship and he manages to use healing on them all despite the fact he’d used basically all his magic up killing the goddamn thing and he himself has only 2 hp remaining and alphonse doesn’t wake up. and alphonse doesn’t wake up.
that moment after the healing works on jay and ollie but alphonse doesn’t fucking wake up and gillion has used all his spell slots to kill the fucking beast and gillion only has 2 hp remaining and the ship gillion carried all of them back to is sinking sinking sinking and the healing isn’t fucking working on alphonse
and so gillion says tell me what’s wrong and i’ll fix it jay (jay what do you really want? and just tell me, so i can fight for it) and gillion will fix this (he will fight for this) he will find a way to heal his crew member tell me what’s wrong and i’ll fix it because surely gillion has broken enough things lately surely this can’t be something else that is beyond repair that gillion can’t fucking fix just like jay’s inventions just like the conch shell just like edyn’s distance-trust-faith in him just like the elder’s blessing and training and his whole damned prophecy it can’t and
so there he is about to start desperately ripping into alphonse’s wiring and then chip stops him.
chip interrupts, chip calls out gil! this ships going down is there something you can do about keeping us afloat—? and it’s this fucking moment. It’s this moment where gillion stands surrounded by his crew, his friends, his family; one of who still needs to be fixed, the others all no more than 5 hp from the brink, 2 of which only still breathing because he found more healing to give after using all of his magic to kill the beast that destroyed half of the ship that they stand on the ship that is home the ship that is still fucking sinking and chip with his single hp asks gillion to help keep them afloat and gillion stammers.
he stammers. this moment. you can see the panic and the stress and how overwhelmed he is how torn into billion directions he is because he’s the one they need to stop the ship from sinking but he’s also the only who can fix this (see: risk himself to “recharge” alphonse (no matter the fact he also only has 2 fucking hp)) and he can’t let alphonse sink either.
and god. this moment where chip asks gil to keep them afloat and gillion stammers and stutters and scrambles and hesitates even just for a few seconds, this moment, you can see played so clearly: it is and shows the true extent of the burden gillion bears. the true weight of the burden crashing down on him as he tries to be strong enough to carry it, to hold it all up, to hold them all up, to make sure no one sinks, to make sure they all stay afloat.
and in this moment as he stammers and doubts and fears i knew already he would fall back into old habits, the only way he was raised and trained, the only way he knows how to save everyone, how to bear it — by immediately sacrificing himself and hoping he’ll finally give give give enough to fix everything.
and who would’ve guessed. he doesn’t hesitate for a second more. off to be the literal conduit to save someone’s life he goes, as the ship keeps sinking sinking sinking behind him.
i hope for everyone’s sake it is enough, of course, because i adore alphonse (and so does every single person in that crew) and the idea of losing him is unbearable. of course i hope this fixes it, of course i hope this is somehow enough to shock the helmsman back to life. but i deeply fear what will happen to gil when one day, inevitably, he just doesn’t have enough to give and he can’t kill the beast in time and he can’t fix everything and he can’t save everyone and no amount of sacrifice is enough.
sometimes you can’t keep everyone afloat at once. sometimes you can’t hold an entire ship together with nothing but strength and will. sometimes you can’t just drown yourself to stop someone else from sinking.
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felixcloud6288 · 1 year
Oh Magic Conch Shell, share with us your wisdom!!
For all positive integers n, let the function Ct(n) = n/2 if n is even and let Ct(n) = 3n+1 otherwise.
For all positive integers L, let Ct(n)^L = Ct(n) when L = 1 and let Ct(n)^L = Ct(Ct(n)^(L-1)) otherwise.
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speedy-johnson · 11 months
Trying to use DOS in the year of our lord 2023 feels like that episode of spunch bops where squit wad keeps asking the magic conch shell for food and it keeps telling him no
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akkrosu · 10 months
Get to know me (ask game)
So, ummm, I’m finally getting back to this after @recentadultburnout tagged me all the way back in August, which I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t answered to in all this time. I never forgot though, so here I finally am, six months later, doing it after all. Hope it still counts!
Rules: bold the ones that are true and tag 10 people to do it.
blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
For a brief period around 7th grade, I liked to wear makeup and nail polish before I realized they’re really not for me. In general I’d say I don’t really give much of an effort to my appearance, which is why almost nothing is bold in this section.
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I play the piano and the guitar, and many years ago I used to play the violin, but I was never good at it.
I speak English, German and Spanish fluently, and I’ve been learning Chinese for just over two years. I’m also currently trying to learn Portuguese, Russian, and Thai, but I haven’t gotten very far with those yet.
The number of new book series I’ve read this year depends on your definition. I’ve read the new volumes of 2ha and Heaven Official’s Blessing that have come out, if that counts. Other than that, I read Judy I. Lin’s A Magic Steeped in Poison and A Venom Dark and Sweet (if a duology counts as a series), two amazing fantasy books set in China and based on Chinese traditions like tea-brewing. And then there was a German fantasy trilogy by Marah Woolf called Wicca Creed.
I travel sometimes, but it really depends on the circumstances. I still travel with my parents sometimes, but I very rarely enjoy vacation with friends for some reason.
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together// I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I loved @recentadultburnout’s comment on this, and because I relate so much, I will put their quote here: I have been single all my life, actually. Not even a single crush. Probably an aro.
I’m still friends with my neighbor, who I’ve known all my life. Also some friends from school I’ve known for that long.
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I’ve probably watched the sun rise more than once in my life and just can’t remember because I was a child or something, but the only time I consciously remember was this August when I went to China for a summer program and our group went to climb Lao Shan, a mountain near Qingdao.
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I love rainy days and thunderstorms, but mostly when I don’t have to leave the house and can watch from a warm, dry place.
I often have trouble falling asleep, so I usually listen to my Sleepy Songs playlist or watch Bob Ross.
In real life, I don’t really pay attention to colors, but @respectthepetty has taught me to at least do it in BLs.
I think the ocean is hiding more things than we can imagine, considering we’ve only explored about 5% of it.
I don’t enjoy sports, but I like hiking (even though I don’t do it a lot) because it’s very calming and you can just let your mind drift.
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
I think it’s different in the US (and this particular point feels very American to me), but I live in Germany and here you usually have to be able to use a stick shift to get your license.
I sing in the shower, but only when no one else is home.
This was fun! I don’t know enough people to tag 10 of them, so I’ll just throw some tags into the wild and see who feels like doing it (no pressure, of course): @ellaspore (who I haven't talked to in way too long), @biochemjess, @majestictortoise, @respectthepetty, @firstkanaphans
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