#ask teddy and renfield
jessefandomunited · 1 year
Teddy I dare you to complement renfield
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“ oh you dare me ?? What are we in first grade , I don’t have to do any fucking thing I don’t want to do! But here is a compliment, he’s better at being a BIIIITCH!!!”
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“ how charming “
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froggywritesstuff · 6 months
lego flowers | teddy lobo
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ship/pairing: Teddy Lobo x g/n!reader
fandom: Renfield
request: anon: pleasseeee teddy x gn reader fluff??? Post movie, renfield revives him and he's learning how to be a good person?? Xx
content warnings: ooc (probably), mentions of death/murder, idk how to write endings, swearing, teddy's insecure and an idiot, fluff, confessions of love, barely proofread
word count: 1357
A/N: i started and rewrote this three times cause i got so embarrassed thinking someone actually wants to read this and they specifically asked me to write it like ahh
When you’re dating Teddy Lobo, you say goodbye to most of the normal things in life. One thing being you never have to wait in line at the shops anymore. You don’t love the fact that it’s because half the people in the room are terrified of the Lobo’s and the other half are basically owned by the Lobo’s but what can you do? You could end the relationship, cut off all contact and start a relationship with someone not so dangerous and unpredictable. But your heart tends to speak louder than your brain some days.
Unfortunately, you had found yourself rather infatuated with Teddy. While he was rough around the edges, you really did love his company, and he had shown you that he loved yours. While engaging in romantic relationships with any member of the Lobo family - or any crime family for that matter - definitely isn’t the smartest thing to do, you can’t deny how happy you are with him. 
You weren't expecting him to die... then be revived by the same person who killed him. Any-who, you postponed going to therapy and helped Teddy move into your apartment (since he was legally dead and that's kind of an issue when it comes to renting a place to live in). There really wasn't much difference to your relationship since you basically lived with him before. However your apartment had much space less than the Lobo mansion had. Teddy however? He was acting differently. You supposed that dying and being brought back to life would do that to someone. Though physically, he was the same - he still had the black slicked back hair he thought made him look badass, and the big brown puppy dog eyes that severely contrasted his supposed badass look. But when he spoke, he seemed more reserved and careful, like he was overthinking every word he said to you. It was almost unnerving hearing him talk to you for the first time since he had been brought back. His cocky, arrogant demeanour was there but so faint you could barely recognise it. He reminded you of how he acted when you first started dating
When he texted you for help, you assumed he was still an idiot - something not even death could change - and hurt himself or got into more trouble with the police. You weren't expecting this.
You rushed home to your now shared apartment, welcomed by Teddy's loud swearing from your bedroom. You make your way to him, and knock on the door, your ears picking up the sound of his voice muttering a string of curses in frustration.
”Teddy? It's me.”
“Fuck- one sec.” you hear him sigh. The door is pulled open and you’re met with Teddy. His hair is dishevelled and his face has a frustrated expression, but his face soon softens when he sees you.
"What'd you need help with?" you ask, and you can just make out the red hue on his cheeks. 
“Uh…” he presses his lips together, before stepping out of the door frame. On the floor you see a pile of lego bricks, spread out in no particular order. The instructions are discarded off to the side, so you’re sure Teddy didn’t spare a glance at them. You walk further inside his room and inspect the lego further, seeing majority of the pieces resembling red flower petals.
"You're making lego flowers?" you see him nod his head, "Ok sure, why not…" you mutter, sitting cross legged in front of the pile of lego.
"So can you help me?"
You grab the instruction manual, “Yeah I’ve nothing better to do.” 
Teddy follows you, sitting beside you on the floor. He leans toward you to see the instructions, but you know he’s not registering anything he’s reading. You don't think he's even reading.
"I'm guessing you didn't read these?" you ask, despite knowing the answer.
An exasperated and embarrassed sigh leaves his pink lips, "They were too confusing, they didn't help."
You can't help but laugh softly at his words. He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed slightly, "Teddy it's lego. You just add one piece to another piece."
He rolls his eyes, the corner of his lips turning upwards, "Don't act like I should be ashamed for being bad at lego."
"Oh, you should definitely be ashamed."
"Well if you're so good at lego then help me already."
"I am and I will." you smile at him before grabbing some bricks from the pile and putting them together as the instructions say. You see him looking at the lego in your hands so you make sure to make the flower slower than usual, hoping he'll pay attention and be able to make one on his own. In a matter of minutes, you're holding a completed lego flower. "One down, eleven more to go."
"Eleven?!" he almost whines as he holds his head in his hands.
You roll your eyes, "Don't be a baby, it won't take that long." you shuffle closer to him to give him a better view of the instructions, "Come on, let's both make these and we'll get it done quicker." You're certain he'll slow you down but you know it'll be more fun doing it with him.
He lifts his head away from his hands and hesitantly grabs some pieces that match the ones printed on the instructions. After quite a bit of struggling and rebuilding (somehow he managed to completely break the lego into pieces just when he was almost finished), he successfully put together some lego.
He rolls his eyes when you start applauding and pretending to tear up, "I feel like you're patronising me."
"I can't imagine why."
You almost don't want to finish this bouquet. You haven't been able to spend genuine quality time with him in a long time. And you're not complaining about how pretty he looks in the evening sunlight, his face screwed together in concentration. But surprisingly it doesn't take as much time as you thought it would. Teddy places the last piece onto the rose which he adds to the bouquet and lifts it up hesitantly.
"Do you feel accomplished?" 
He thinks before answering (something you're still not used to), "No, not really."
"Great. So now what?" he just shrugs, staring intently at the bouquet. You stand up from the floor, "We should probably start making dinner."
“Wait,” he stands up, awkwardly looking down at the lego in his hands. He looks bashful as ever holding out the lego bouquet to you. “Fuck this is stupid. I wanted to make these for you, cause real flowers just die. And I wanted to thank you for still being with me and helping me through everything. You’re a beautiful fucking person who deserves flowers that don’t just die... I wanna be better than I used to be, and you're a big part of why. It took me literally dying to come to this, but I don't wanna die and not come back and leave you with a bunch of shitty memories of me being an asshole."
"You did this for me?" you can barely process his words as he places the lego in your hands, and his hands wrap around yours in the process.
"I-I know they're dumb, I just thought it would be cute and dumb." he sighs.
Your hands grip the lego tighter, your heart swelling, "It is cute Teddy. And I think you're really sweet for doing it. Even if I did most of the work."
"Can I make dinner for you? You won't need to help me at all, I promise."
You smile at him, "I'd love for you to make dinner for me." your hand reaches out to cup his cheek, "If you want to and not because you feel like you have to prove you're not an asshole." his eyes meet yours and his eyebrows knit together slightly, "I love you and whatever shitty memories you think I have of you being an asshole do not affect how much I love you."
He smiles at you, and you know it's a genuine smile, "I love you too."
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robinsnest2111 · 1 year
You should draw Renfield
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anon, you are in luck!!! there were already some tedfield thoughts whirling around my brain and this was the perfect opportunity to make them reality ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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a sweet and unexpected kiss; and something more rough and raw, super inspired by my dracula-endorsed tedfield idea post hehe
hope you enjoy <3
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popironrye · 4 months
What is your main couple that you ship in Renfield 2023? Mine as I’ve practically stated to those on here is Dracfield all the way!
I'm absolutely team tedfield! I think they're very interesting, not too different of characters when you think about it. And even in a platonic sense, I think they'd be interesting pals to be sure. Makes me wish that Bellafrancesca and Dracula team up had worked out before Renfield's team confidence and we got more interactions with the two.
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I'm also a a dracfield fan, teddy or renfield with Rebecca (although I also really like sapphic Rebecca). :3
Thank you so much for the ask!
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nightmarewritings · 1 year
Renfield Details
So I went through the movie and got screenshots of some little details I liked regarding the Lobo family/their place!
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Teddy's car and car keys!
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They're not a subtle family, their logo is even front and center on their building.
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The coolest taxidermy wolf ever.
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Very blurry arcade games I can't decipher but the closest one has a lion, a gorilla, and an elephant on it. They also have a pinball machine, but it's even blurrier.
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A very nice fireplace in use during the fight!
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Pretty ceiling.
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I like the doors a lot too and the shiny gold fabric they've got near it.
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Castle couches?
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The torture room looks to have been a church? It has stained glass, and what looks like a shrine at one point that I couldn't get a good shot of, it had a lot of bottles surrounding it.
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An absolutely massive guillotine with some Latin on it? I think it says "Ultima Ratio --P-" as best I can tell from zooming in. Also a pulpit and a long rack of gloves.
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nwodwols · 9 months
Took a picture of the screen because Teddy’s cuteness was attacking me personally and then proceeded to zoom in and screenshot it and then screenshot the screenshot screen because his pixels are a work of art
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coiled-dragon · 1 year
Renfield is the one that kisses your forehead and tucks you in, Teddy is the one with the knuckle tats that say SEEP TITE. They're putting Dracula to bed
Putting Master to bed for the morning dfgshggf
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radio-hour · 1 year
Having come across a text post you wrote: I challenge you to describe Renfield, Teddy, and/or Dracula without using the word silly.
truly evil. no joke if you ask my friends my most two used words to describe a character it would be silly and babygirl. i fucking love calling characters babygirl it is top tier entertainment to me
okay let’s go so renfield: he’s just a fun lil guy. if i’m being serious he’s a very complex character that i do absolutely adore and could easily talk about for hours because aaaa he’s so well written
hes an easily relatable character especially with how awkward and dorky he can be (like that’s me fr) and i seriously appreciate that <3
overall he is just my lil guy. my beloved. my lil meow meow. lil dude who likes bugs.
teddy - !!!! i love teddy a lot!!! maybe it’s because i do have a big sonic hyperfixation so finding out ben schwartz plays him along with sonic was so aaaa for me
but character wise he’s AMAZING. he’s just super adorable and soft and a bit of an idiot and that makes him absolutely perfect.
he definitely has an intense dynamic with his family which i fucking love to analyse and wish we saw more of but aaaa he’s so aaaaaa i love him guys
he’s just a lil criminal who doesn’t exactly know what he’s doing but it’s okay since he’s cute <3
alright time for dracula - i’ll be honest, i don’t have loads to say for him but he is a very very fun character
if we are specifically talking about him in renfield i fucking adore his personality (though i still love him in the 1931 version - you can tell he’s still similar but with more humour now)
like the ending scene where he goes hail satan? 10/10 comedy moment he’s so funny
he’s a very complex character too - it’s interesting to see how he is with renfield honestly, like he’s a mix of nice but can also be mean? like where he’s showing renfield his master plan you can see he does care by adding renfield onto it even just with a sticky note (but then not even letting my boy have a vacation? what a mean boss /j)
i do adore the count honestly - he’s ah interesting character!! funky lil guy
ANYWAYS there it is!! i will admit i did write silly in this a lot,,,before i reread and remembered and was like dammit :(
very confident in myself that i wouldn’t do it but well,,,i did lol!! very fun to do tho - it’s nice havinf moments of actually talking and looking a bit more into a character rather than me constantly just going ‘ha silly’
so tysm for the ask!!! very fun task anon
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Could you do a 🐺 (Teddy) and🩸(Dracula) headcannon?
🐺🩸for a headcanon about Teddy Lobo and Dracula
Dracula absolutely hates the fact that he finds Teddy Lobo strangely endearing.
The human is maddening. He's loud, he's obnoxious, and worst is that he's a complete coward. This young man has obviously been spoiled and babied his entire life and it shows. It irritates Dracula to no end!
And yet...
For as much as the human annoys him to hell and back, Dracula can't hate him. Teddy has this almost gleeful lust for evil that Renfield never had. Dracula admires it. It helps Dracula put up with a great deal of Teddy's flaws.
Like the incessant whining and gagging sounds when Dracula offered Teddy one of the many captured bugs that Renfield kept hidden around the lair. Teddy had shuddered and stuck his tongue out in disgust. It was childish and irritating. It made Dracula actually want to roll his eyes.
Still, the new familiar did as he was told and ate the insect, reveling in the power it gave him.
As for Teddy's view on the whole situation, he was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. Despite the fear pounding in his chest, he couldn't keep the excitement off his face at the opportunity to work with Dracula.
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daculadaculadacula · 1 year
damn we really got shafted by funnay long ass fight scenes and dead dad cop b (c?) plot............... i havent looked at the producers and what theyre all about etc but seeing the queer angles get shafted (like its all at once not heavy-handed enough but the next step would have been on-screen making out sloppy style like. tenderness? or something) due to whatever the fuck else that all was...... man
i appreciate that this is a new and fun interpretation and i do love receiving little lgbtq+ pellets but idk. some ingredients in this soup arent doin it for me
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zoophagist · 1 year
My main take on "Renfield" is that for a movie that was supposed to focus on trauma/abuse, they sure defanged their characters a whole lot. So your Renfield doesn't have any explicit psychiatric trauma and goes to serve Dracula just because his wife and kid have gotten annoying. Willingly. You have a Dracula whose attacks are never sexual and who actually kinda-sorta gives a damn about someone. And the familiar magic doesn't even have any side-effects worth writing home about. Also Teddy Lobo is a bae and he deserves more than this antisemitic narrative all the goys have eaten up because "he's so pathetic uwu"
^^^ real. i said it the second i came back from the premiere but teddy lobo was the only bitch in this movie with true renfield energy. tedward deserves respect and also many fanfics.
yeah, on the whole though.... i think they were much too worried about appealing to a mainstream action audience and didn't let the project do the fun, weird, dark things it could have been capable of. i get what they wanted to say with the "you chose this willingly and you need to take back your agency willingly" (i do. i REALLY, really get it) but that is a silly thing to say about familiars - that you gave dracula your power and you need to take it back for yourself. like. materially, no. and RE: the wife and child - yes, that's something i found phoned in. i kept waiting for another shoe to drop about that family relationship that explains what drove renfield to dracula or made it more interesting (at least when barbara hambly did the wife and child shtick in 'renfield: slave of dracula' it had a fun, fucked up twist in the end!) but it really just never came. they just existed and he just left them to go be dracula's twink-on-demand. for fun. messed up that that's not even played for laughs OR homoeroticism. dw it's still inherently gay tho. falsettos vc: so the situation's this (i do not wish to offend) - i divorced my wife, i left my child, and i ran off with a friend :)
i definitely understand your take. i think i never expected it to go that hard in the darkness so i wasn't as let down, but the glimpses of something more serious or dark were the moments i enjoyed most. the ren/drac confrontation in renfield's apartment, for instance, that lets dracula really command the space and show us what's kept renfield stuck for 90 years. but alas, only glimpses of the movie this could have been in a better timeline.
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jessefandomunited · 1 year
To teddy and and renfield, you both are sillys. I mean that in an endearing way.
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“ SILLY!? I’m not silly okay I’m TEDDY FUCKING LOBO! I strike FEAR into the hearts of people!”
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“ uh… Thankyou, never really thought I was really humorous but it’s nice to know, Thankyou”
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serendipiaplace · 1 year
I like Nicholas Hoult and I like Ben Schwartz. Is it too much to ask for a Renfield fic where Teddy and Robert are in love with the same person to create the typical love triangle?
I mean-
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If nobody does it, I'm going to have to do it myself.
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froggywritesstuff · 2 months
marriage | teddy lobo
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ship/pairing: Teddy Lobo x g/n!reader
fandom: Renfield (2023
request: @ghnaim24 female/gender neutral reader who is also part of a mafia family but is sweet and innocent and is arranged to marry Teddy in the future. When they first meet each other the reader is scared due to Teddys appearance and is shy that Teddy can’t help but find adorable. In time they start to open up with each other and eventually fall in love. Something sweet and fluffy please
warnings: swearing, drugs, mentions of murder, mentions of sex, maybe ooc(?), petnames (reader gets called babe), idk how to write endings
word count: 1754
A/N: part one (possibly?) if i get the motivation to write another part but i thought this was a good start ignore the title i'll change it when i think of something else
You'd been avoiding meeting Teddy ever since you were told about him and your arrangement. The idea of an arranged marriage freaked you out by itself, but one with Teddy Lobo? The only son of Bellafrancesca Lobo? Anyone part of any mafia family terrified you. You tried to distance yourself from the mafia as much as you could, not exactly proud of being associated with it. The very thought of what your family had done to the city, the crimes committed in your family name made you shiver. You wanted to leave, escape the city, adopt a new identity and leave your life behind before something like this happened. Before you became permanently tied to not just your family, but the Lobo family.
You were arranged to meet each other only weeks before the wedding date, and something told you that faking sick wasn’t going to get you out of it.
You could feel your hands threatening to shake as you held the menu tightly, eyes glancing over each item for the millionth time as you waited for Teddy to arrive. It felt unnervingly casual and public, meeting the Teddy Lobo for dinner, at a restaurant where anyone could go. Every second spent sitting you felt eyes on you, but whenever you looked up you were met with nothing. Your anxiety was only growing at the thought of meeting with Teddy.
A loud rev of an engine made you jolt, and you looked out the window. Your stomach churned at the sight of a bright orange car parking outside. You looked back down at the menu before you could see him exit the car, but you didn’t need to look to know when he entered the restaurant. All conversations quickly came to a halt, some people even rushing out the doors. You envied the people leaving the restaurant, their collective fear of Teddy was far from irrational.
The sound of his footsteps had your heart racing, each one sounding louder than the last. But it was nothing compared to the fear you felt when the sound stopped.
"Y/N?" was all he said.
You looked up at him, trying to hide behind the menu. You managed to nod at him, staying quiet as you didn't trust yourself to speak without your voice cracking. To your surprise, he said nothing and sat down across from you, picking up his own menu and reading it. A few minutes passed in agonising silence, before Teddy snapped his fingers at a passing waiter to get their attention. With a sense of condescension and entitlement in his voice, he listed off what he wanted, trailing off as he gestured to you and stared at you expectantly.
Your eyes went wide as you realised he was waiting for your order, assuming you had already decided considering how long you had spent staring at your menu for. You tried not to panic as you glanced back at the menu, speed reading and trying to find something appealing, before you stammered that you would get the same as what Teddy ordered. You weren't paying attention to his order so you hoped it was something half decent.
The waiter nodded and went to leave, before Teddy stopped them, "And can we get those to go?"
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering why he would ask that when he had only just got here. The waiter nodded, a little flustered before they scurried off to the kitchen.
You looked at Teddy, prepared to question him, but the words died on your tongue the moment you met his eyes, his stare so confusingly intimidating. Your gaze moved down to your hands in your lap, fidgeting in an attempt to calm your nerves. It felt like an eternity waiting for your containers of food to come out. Teddy was surprisingly silent, apart from the sound of his foot tapping, but you could feel his eyes staring at you.
A sigh of relief escaped your lips as the waiter returned, placing two plastic containers in front of you both, "Enjoy your evening." they said before hurrying off. You stared at Teddy, unsure of what to do as he sat up from his seat and grabbed the containers.
"C'mon." was all he said as he began walking. Part of you wanted to sit still or run off to the bathrooms to avoid him, but your body reacted to his words too quickly and you were following him out of the restaurant before you could even decide if you wanted to. He opened the door to his car and sat in while you hesitantly took your seat in the passenger seat. Your leg bounced up and down the entire drive there, the quiet sound from the radio not doing much to ease your anxiety. Teddy was unnervingly quiet the whole time. Despite only meeting him 10 minutes ago, it seemed unlike him.
Due to driving way too fast for any non corrupt police officer to be ok with, you arrived at the Lobo estate shortly. You'd seen the outside of it before, but actually going inside had you nervous. You stared at the doors as if doing that would calm your nerves (it didn't). You must've been staring too long for Teddy's liking, as his fingers snapped in your face to get your attention.
"C'mon, get out the car."
You stopped yourself before getting out, "Can you explain why we're here?"
He looked at you as if you were the first person to question his decision. You didn't know his family or the people he worked with, but from what you had heard about Teddy, you might've been the first. After registering your question, he shrugged, "I just wanna get to know you better."
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "We couldn't do that at the restaurant?"
He scoffed, as if you had suggested the most outlandish idea he'd ever heard of, "Where's the fun in that?"
You sighed watching him step out the car, before doing the same, holding the takeaway containers close to your body like a shield. Despite your overall anxiety about being in a 5 foot radius of him, you stayed close to him. He flung open the doors and you nervously followed him inside. There were a few people you could see inside, but they and Teddy ignored each other much to your relief. You didn't think you could handle meeting anyone else. You almost jolted when Teddy grabbed your hand to lead you upstairs, but you calmed at the surprising gentleness of his grip. He opened the door to what you assumed was his bedroom and led you inside. To put it simply, it looked how you would expect Teddy Lobo's bedroom to look; big and unnecessary.
"Just take a seat anywhere." he muttered before sitting down on the edge of his bed.
"Just to be clear," You stayed still in the doorway, "I'm not gonna have sex with you tonight."
He shrugged, the corners of his lips lifting up slightly, "So tomorrow night?"
"Not what I meant." you sighed and took your seat on the bed beside him, placing the containers on his bedside table.
He looked at you with a shit eating grin, "Ok, well just let me know."
An awkward silence settled between the two of you, and you felt your hands begin to fidget with the bed sheets underneath you. They were black, silky, and most likely expensive. Your eyes settled on the tattoos trailing up and down his arm as you avoided making eye contact.
”You’re really not like the rest of your family.”
You blinked at the randomness of his question, ”Uh I don’t like killing people. I didn’t think that was a controversial idea.”
He stared at you for a moment, “Well compared to the people I’m around every day, it’s refreshing. It’s cute.” You met his eyes and stared blankly at him. He pulled a plastic bag from his jacket pocket, and your eyes widened at the sight of the white powder inside.
”What are you doing?”
”Cocaine. You want some?” he spoke so casually.
You stared for a little longer, "No."
"You don't do drugs either?" he laughed slightly, finding your innocence amusing as he poured some of the powder onto his hand.
"Is this how you get to know people?" you asked, looking away as he snorted the cocaine.
He rolled his eyes and wiped around his nose, "Ok fine, you ask me a question."
You thought for a moment, before meeting his eyes, his pupils dilated from the cocaine, "Are you happy with your life?"
"Jesus," his eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed, "What the fuck kind of question is that?"
Your head tilted in confusion, "A pretty reasonable one?"
"What? No, these are meant to be 'getting to know each other' questions." he sealed and shoved the plastic bag back into his pocket, "Fucking ask me what my favourite colour is."
You sighed, "What's your-"
He cut you off with an offended scoff, "Do you not wanna know what my favourite colour is?"
"Unfortunately" you muttered the word under your breath, hoping he wouldn't pick up on it, "we have to get married in less than a month, so your favourite colour isn't my most pressing concern."
"Unfortunately?" you expected him to get offended, but his smile returned and he shuffled closer to you and his arm snaked around your waist, "Fuck babe, don't even worry about that, you're gonna fall in love with me in no time."
You didn't know how to respond, instead deciding to continue fidgeting with the bed sheets, hoping Teddy would change the subject.
His arm retracted and you heard him sigh, like he was carefully deciding what words to say, "I- ...when we're married, I... I wouldn't hurt you."
"Thanks..." you didn't know what to say.
"No, I just-" he sighed, "Fuck, I know you're scared." you looked up to meet his eyes, "I don't know how to make you not scared, but I promise that I'll do whatever I need to to prove you don't need to be scared of me."
Whether he succeeded in easing your nerves was debatable, but it was a start, and you could hear the sincerity in his voice. You grabbed the containers, holding one and placing the other in Teddy’s lap. You shuffled so you were sitting cross legged and facing him. He looked at you in slight confusion but eventually sat the same way.
"What's your favourite colour?"
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popironrye · 4 months
Do you think Bella and Dracula could have been lovers if he had won the fight against Renfield or do you think Renfield would still be his sexual slave forever in an alternate universe?
would Teddy be all over Renfield while Dracula watched it play out?
I’m getting fanfic ideas!
I think it would definitely be both. I feel like Bella and Dracula would work very well together for a little while, before she attempts to put a stake through his heart. After all she's not one to share global power all that much, and her only love is her kids and the fear she puts in people. Also, I imagine for Dracula is the kind of creature who would and does use sex as a power play. As romanticized as it is, the story of Dracula is best known for his control over others, especially women with how often he is shown to be able to trance them before taking what he wants. He's also a master manipulator but he'd have to work really hard with Bella as she is nothing like anyone he's faced before.
Teddy has so many headcanons it's nuts. XD from being neurodivergent, trans, and of course closeted, I think he and Renfield would be one crazy couple. And I could totally see Dracula just watching, either eager to see how things go and how he can exploit this new found revelations with his human servants, or get jealous and want to seclude Renfield to better control him. :3
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Love Triangle (Renfield x Reader)
Yandere!Renfield x Fem!Reader x Yandere!Teddy Lobo
warning(s): yandere themes, violence, kidnapping, threats with a weapon, mentions of eating bugs (if you watched Renfield, you know).
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Renfield loved his darling more than anything, which is why it pained him to be away from her. But he couldn’t risk Dracula finding out about her, not before he escaped out of his master’s grasp. He couldn’t allow him to hurt another person he cared about. He let out a sigh as he dragged the body through the hospital, another victim for his master to feast on. He was doing his best to be on his master’s good side, wanting to take his darling out to dinner. He set the body down in front of his master, bowing his head as his master fed on the blood of the man he had killed.
Once dismissed, Renfield headed out, a smile on his face as he made his way to (Y/n)’s home. His smile, however, faltered once he spotted Teddy’s car. He watched as Teddy exited (Y/n)’s apartment, a glare on his darling’s face while Teddy seemed to be pleading with her. 
“Come on baby, it’s just one dinner!” Teddy begged, being met with rejection from his darling. He frowned, getting into his car before he slammed his hands against the wheel, frustrated that he couldn’t get his darling to go out with him. She disapproved of his lifestyle, but he couldn’t help it. He was practically born into it, after all. He rammed his foot down on the gas, speeding out of the parking lot as he planned on how he would woo (Y/n).
Renfield waited until Teddy was out of sight before heading to (Y/n)’s apartment, making sure the flowers in his hands looked their best before he gently knocked. His darling opened the door, ready to hurl insults until she noticed it was him, her face instantly softening.
“Renfield, it’s just you. I’m sorry, I was just..dealing with someone. Come on in.” (Y/n) stated, moving aside as Renfield made his way into her apartment.
“Well, I just wanted to bring you some flowers, and I was hoping you’d come to dinner with me.” Renfield stated, a gentle smile on his face as he handed his darling the flowers, watching as she let out a hum.
“Aww. Renfield, you're so sweet. These are beautiful!” (Y/n) exclaimed, smiling as she smelled the flowers he had given her.
“Of course, only the best for you.” Renfield stated, muttering the last part under his breath.
“I’d love to go to dinner with you, are you free tonight?” (Y/n) asked, having nothing better to do, and she’d never turn a man like Renfield down.
“Oh! Um, yes, I’m free tonight! I’ll see you at Café du Monde at seven?” Renfield asked, earning a nod from his darling.
“That sounds perfect, Renfield.” (Y/n) stated, smiling as she carefully set the flowers down into a vase, making sure to leave some water for them as she set them in some sunlight. 
Later, Renfield had made his way to the café, patiently waiting for his darling to show up. But as the time passed, his excitement died with it. His darling would never stand him up, so he wondered what was keeping her from their date.
He stood, deciding to stalk over to her apartment, noticing she wasn’t there either. In fact, it looked like it had been broken into, noticing the broken pieces of glass, the flowers he had gotten her having been knocked onto the floor. He picked up on multiple scents,but two stood out. One being his darling’s, and the other..
“Teddy Lobo.” Renfield stated, a growl escaping him as he followed the scents, now on a mission to rescue his poor darling from that monster.
“Now darling, there’s no need to be upset. Just tell me you’ll be mine, and everything will be alright!” Teddy exclaimed, a huge grin on his face as he held his darling’s face carefully with one hand, the other holding a gun to her head. 
Renfield burst through the door, making Teddy jump off of (Y/n) out of surprise, aiming his gun at Renfield. 
“And who the fuck are you!?” Teddy asked, a glare on his face as he looked up at the man.
“My name is Robert Montague Renfield. And you have my darling.” Renfield growled, quickly eating a bug before he tackled Teddy, practically breaking the gun with his hand, turning and beating Teddy with the gun. Teddy let out a yell, kicking Renfield off of him before he rolled out from under him. He picked up a chair, slamming it down onto Renfield, making him fall to the floor as he let out a grunt. The two men fought, Renfield landing more hits than Teddy, but neither were willing to let the other claim their darling for themselves.
Soon, the fight ended, Renfield having finally torn Teddy apart as (Y/n) let out a sob, traumatized by what she had just witnessed. She had no idea who the man in front of her was anymore, having known Renfield only as the sweet, caring guy she met at Mulate’s. She broke down into tears as Renfield walked over to her, a loving smile on his face.
“Don’t worry my darling, you won’t need to worry about him anymore. Now then, let’s go home.” Renfield stated, her hands and legs still tied as he picked her up, carrying her to a home he had bought, deciding not to worry about Dracula. 
After all, he’d do anything to protect his darling (Y/n).
author’s note: i finished watching Renfield, and when i looked to see if there were any Renfield x reader fics on Tumblr, i noticed there wasn’t a lot. so, i figured i’d answer everyone’s prayers for a Renfield x Reader x Teddy love triangle <33
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